John Kuharik, thesis "Qualifying AL-800 Garnet for the Fermilab Booster Perpendicular Biased 2nd Harmonic RF Cavity"
Tegan Johnson, thesis "Thermionic Emission vs Field Emission for Non-Relativistic Electron Guns"
Yung-Chuan Chen, thesis "Conceptual Design of Rotating Wire System with Bucking Using Multichannel Lock-In Amplifier"
Tyler Fronk, thesis "Aspects of Beam Stability at the LANSCE Accelerator Facility"
Rudy Potter, thesis "Marx Generator Charged via Biperiodic Resonant Cascaded Transformers"
Patrick Karns, thesis "Commissioning and Operation of the FNAL Front End Injection Line and Ion Sources"
Aakash Sahai, thesis
"Phase-Mixing Self-Injection Into Plasma-Wakefield Acceleration Structures Driven in a Rising Density Gradient"
Alex Scheinker, thesis "Model Independent Particle Accelerator Control and Nonlinear Space Charge Compensation"
Michael Backfish, thesis "Electron Cloud in Steel Beam Pipe vs Titanium Nitride Coated and Amorphous Carbon Coated Beam Pipes in Fermilab's Main Injector"
John Lawvere, thesis "Geometric Optimization of the Plane Wave Transformer"
Steve Vanderet, thesis "Modeling a Standing Wave Linear Accelerator's Dispersion Relationship and Field Profile via an Equivalent Circuit and Numerical Analysis"
David Brown, thesis "High Efficiency Laser-Assisted H- Beam Conversion to Protons"
Dean Edstrom, thesis "Measurement of Beam Tunes in the Tevatron Using the BBQ System"
Steven Daley, thesis "On Third Order Resonant Extraction of Protons from a Compact Medical Synchrotron"
Eric Lindert, thesis "Transverse Profiling and Archiving of Ion Beams at ATLAS"
Dennis Nicklaus, thesis "Simulation of the Fermilab Main Injector Digital Dampers and Comparison with Beam Test Results"
Allan Sondgeroth, thesis "Development of Two Tools to Measure and Correct Betatron Tunes and Measure Transverse Emittances in the Fermilab Antiproton Accummulator"
Nader Al-Harbi, published paper based on thesis, "Design of a Compact Synchrotron for Medical Applications"