U.S. Particle Accelerator School
IU/USPAS Master's Degree Course Categories
Master of Science Degree in Beam Physics and Technology
P570 Introduction to Accelerator Physics (3 cr)
- Accelerator Physics - graduate level
- Accelerator Physics Using Maple
- Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism for Accelerators
- Linear Accelerators
- Microwave Electron Accelerators
- Cyclotrons
P571 Special Topics in Physics of Beams (3 cr)
- Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Measurement Laboratory
- Accelerator Mathematics
- Accelerator Physics and Accelerator Simulations, Advanced
- Accelerator Physics and Beam Measurements, Intermediate
- Accelerator Physics, Advanced Topics in
- Accelerator Physics, Intermediate
- Accelerator Physics, Special Topics in
- Accelerator Power Engineering
- Accelerator Vacuum Laboratory
- Applied Electromagnetism: Magnet and RF Cavity Design
- Beam Control and Manipulation
- Beam Dynamics Experiments on the University of Maryland Electron Ring
- Beam Dynamics Experiments
- Beam Experiments -- Methods and Theory
- Beam Instrumentation Laboratory at the Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC)
- Beam Measurements, Manipulation and Instrumentation at an ERL FEL Driver
- Beam Optics
- Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge
- Charged Particle Beams, Measurement and Control of
- Collective Beam Instabilities
- Computational Accelerator Physics
- Computational Methods in Accelerator Physics
- Computational Methods in Beam Dynamics
- Computational Methods in Electromagnetism
- Control Theory with Applications to Accelerators (two-week class)
- Digital Processing in Accelerators, Advanced
- EPICS Control Systems
- Experimental Beam Physics
- Hamiltonian and Lie Algebra Methods to Analyze and Design Accelerator Beamlines, The Use of
- High Current Beam Transport
- High-Intensity RF Linear Accelerators
- Intense Beam Physics - Space-Charge, Halo and Related Topics
- Laser Principles and Devices
- Linear Collider Facilities, Physics and Techniques of
- Management of Scientific Laboratories
- Microwave Measurement and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory
- Microwave Sources
- Microwaves for Accelerator Engineers and Physicists
- Plasma Physics of Beams
- Proton and Ion Linear Accelerators
- Proton Linear Accelerators with Simulations Lab, Fundamentals of
- Pulsed Power High Current Beams
- RF Cavity and Component Design for Accelerators
- RF Superconductivity: Physics, Technology and Applications
- RF Superconductivity for Particle Accelerators
- Simulation of Beam and Plasma Systems
- SRF Technology: Practices and Hands-On Measurements
- Synchrotron Light Optics
- Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers for Bright X-Rays
P671 Advanced Topics in Accelerator Physics (3 cr or 1.5 cr)
- Accelerator and Beam Diagnostics
- Accelerator and Optics for Proton Therapy Applications
- Accelerator Magnet Engineering
- Accelerator Magnet Engineering - Conventional Magnets, Material, Alignment and Power Supply
- Accelerator Physics and Accelerator Simulations, Advanced
- Accelerator Physics for Radiography
- Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering
- Accelerator Vacuum Engineering
- Accelerator Vacuum System Design
- Beam by Design: Advanced Manipulation of Relativisitc Electrons with Lasers
- Beam Control and Manipulation
- Beam Cooling
- Beam Delivery System and Interaction Region of a Linear Collider
- Beam Diagnostics Using Synchrotron Radiation: Theory and Practice
- Beam Dynamics, Advanced
- Beam Instabilities
- Beam Loss and Machine Protection
- Beam Measurements, Manipulation and Instrumentation at an ERL FEL Driver
- Beam Sources
- Beam Stability at Light Sources
- Beam Targets (and Collimation), High Power
- Beam-Based Diagnostics
- Cathode Physics
- CESR Beam Measurements and Diagnostics
- Coherent Terahertz Radiation, Accelerator-Based Sources of
- Collective Beam Instabilities
- Collective Effects and Wakefields
- Collective Effects in Beam Dynamics
- Collider Interaction Regions for High Energy and Nuclear Physics Applications
- Colliders for High Energy and Nuclear Physics
- Computational Accelerator Physics, Modern
- Computational Accelerator Physics
- Computational Methods in Beam Dynamics
- Computational Methods in Electromagnetism
- Control Room Accelerator Physics
- Control Theory with Applications to Accelerators and RF Systems (one-week class)
- Cryogenic Engineering
- Cryogenic Engineering, Principles of
- CW & High Brightness Electron Sources
- Cyclotron Design and Construction, Practical Issues in
- Cyclotrons and FFAGs, Physics and Technology of
- Cyclotrons and Their Applications, Compact Superconducting
- Cyclotrons and Their Design
- Cyclotrons: Beam Dynamics and Design
- Damping Ring Design and Physics Issues
- Detector Physics and Measurements Lab, Fundamentals of
- Electromagnetic Radiation
- Electron and Ion Source Design, Numerical Methods for
- Electron Injectors for 4th Generation Light Sources
- Electron Injectors for Light Sources, High Brightness
- Electron Sources, High Brightness, Ultra-Fast
- Electron Storage and Damping Rings, Design of
- Engineering for Particle Accelerators
- EPICS Control Systems
- Experimental Accelerators, Topics in
- Femtosecond Electron Sources for Ultrafast Sciences
- Fourth Generation Light Sources I : X-Ray Laser
- Fourth Generation Light Sources II : ERLs and Thomson Scattering
- Free Electron Lasers, Physics of High-Gain
- Free-Electron Lasers, The Physics of
- Free-Electron Lasers: Theory and Practice
- Free Electron Lasers, VUV and X-Ray
- Hadron Accelerators for Cancer Treatment
- Hamiltonian and Lie Algebra Methods to Analyze and Design Accelerator Beamlines, The Use of
- Hard X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation Optics
- Heavy-Ion Driven Hohlraum Targets, Physics of
- High Brightness Accelerators
- High-Intensity Accelerators, Physics and Design of
- Hazard Analysis and Decision Making
- High-Energy Physics Principles and Instrumentation
- High Gradient RF Structures
- Impedance Calculations, Analytic Methods for
- Induction Accelerators, High Current Beam Physics in
- Induction Accelerators
- Industrial Applications of Accelerators
- Injection and Extraction of Beams
- Integrable Particle Dynamics in Accelerators
- Intense Beam Physics: Space-Charge, Halo and Related Topics
- Intense Pulsed Electron and Ion Beams
- Ion Injectors for Accelerators
- Ion Sources and Low-Energy Ion Beams
- Ion Sources, Fundamentals of
- Iron Bound Magnets
- Iron Dominated Electromagnet Design
- Large Scale Metrology of Accelerators
- Laser Applications to Accelerators
- Laser Physics and Technology
- Lasers and Plasma - Synergy and Bridges, Unifying Physics of Accelerators
- Laser-Driven Accelerators
- Laser-Plasma Accelerators
- Lattice Design, Practical
- Linear Accelerator Design for Free Electron Lasers
- Linear Accelerators
- Linear Collider Facilities, Physics and Techniques of
- Low-Beta Linear Accelerators with Simulations Lab, Fundamentals
- Low-Level Radio Frequency Systems, Technology and Applications to Particle Accelerators, Introduction to
- Machine Learning for Accelerators, Optimization and
- Magnetic Systems
- Magnetic Systems: Insertion Device Design
- Magnetic Systems: Theory and Design for Accelerators and Detectors with Emphasis on Insertion Devices
- Magnets, Design of Room Temperature
- Management of Research Labs, Strategic
- Management of Scientific Laboratories
- Material Research with Accelerator-Based Neutron Sources
- MATLAB for Physics
- Medical Accelerators
- Medical Accelerators and Radiological Physics
- Medical Applications of Accelerators and Beams
- Microwave Amplifiers, High Power
- Microwave Linear Accelerators
- Microwave Sources
- Microwaves for Accelerator Engineers and Physicists
- Modern Dynamics
- Neutron and X-Ray Beamlines for Accelerator-Driven Sources, Design and Engineering of
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Collective Processes in High-Intensity Beams
- High-Gradient Accelerating Structures, Novel
- Particle Beam Optics Using Lie Algebra Methods
- Particle Collider Interaction Regions
- Plasma Physics Concepts in Beams
- Plasma Physics of Beams
- Project Management for Scientists and Engineers
- Proton Linear Accelerators with Simulations Lab, Fundamentals of
- Pulsed Power Engineering
- Radiation Detection and Imaging for Medicine and Homeland Security
- Radiation from Relativistic Electrons and Free-Electron Lasers
- Radiation Physics of Accelerators
- Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management
- Recirculated and Energy Recovered Linear Accelerators
- Relativistic Electronics
- Response Matrix Analysis: Applications to Accelerator Orbit Control, Optics Diagnostics and Correction
- Response Matrix Measurements and Application to Storage Rings
- RF and Digital Signal Processing
- RF Engineering and Signal Processing
- RF Linac for High-Gain FEL
- RF Superconductivity
- RF Superconductivity, Principles of
- RF Superconductivity: Physics, Technology and Applications
- RF Systems
- Safety Systems, Controlling Risks
- Semiconductor Detector Systems
- Short Bunches in Accelerators, Measurement and Diagnostics of
- SNS - I, Front End and Linac
- SNS - II, Ring and Transport Systems
- Space-Charge Dominated Beam Transport and Acceleration
- Space-Charge Effects in Beam Transport
- Spin Dynamics in Particle Accelerators
- Storage Ring Design, Fundamentals of
- Storage Rings, Design of
- Storage Rings, Diffraction Limited
- Storage Rings, Electrostatic
- Storage Rings for Light Sources, Design of
- Strong Field Radiation, Introduction to
- Superconducting Accelerator Magnets
- Superconducting Linear Accelerators, Principles of
- Superconducting Magnets
- Superconducting Materials
- Superconducting Materials for High-Energy Physics
- Superconducting RF Applications
- Superconducting RF for High-β Accelerators
- Superconducting RF for Storage Rings, ERLs and Linac-Based FELs
- Superconducting RF Technology
- Superconductivity, Superconducting Accelerator Magnets and RF Cavities, Basics of
- Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers for Bright X-Rays
- Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science, Applications of
- Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation and Applications
- System Safety and Safety Systems for Accelerators
- Timing and Synchrotronization with Applications to Accelerators, Fundamentals of
- Tritium, Accelerator Production of
- Unified Accelerator Libraries (UAL), Accelerator Simulation Using the
- Vacuum Electron Devices
- Vacuum Science and Technology for Accelerator Vacuum Systems
- Vibrational Aspects of Accelerators
- Wakefield Accelerators, Particle Driven
- Wakefields and Impedance: From Physical-Mathematical Analysis to Practical Applications, Fundamentals of
- X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers
- X-Ray Sources, Accelerator
- Z-Pinches, Physics and Technology of