The USPAS Director’s Advisory Council reports to the USPAS director to provide advice concerning strategic directions, evolving needs in workforce development in accelerator science and technology, the format and delivery of USPAS sessions and courses, and needs in administering the school. Each institution of the collaboration supporting USPAS provides one member from their institute for the Advisory Council. In addition, the USPAS director may appoint at-large members to broaden the perspective of the Council. The USPAS director selects the Advisory Council Chair. Regular Council members are appointed by the director of their collaboration institutes, are approved by the USPAS director, and serve an indefinite term. At-large members are appointed for two years. Active input from Advisory Council members is essential to ensure the long-term health of the USPAS. The Advisory Council will attempt to meet yearly, when possible, at an USPAS session. Meeting times and format will be based on needs and schedule. Meetings may be held via Zoom videoconference software, in-person, or hybrid. Advisory Council members can submit their input to the Chair should their schedule preclude direct participation.
The Council’s advice includes, but is not limited to, course curricula and syllabi; instructor selection; session locations and host institutions; evaluation of the financial plans and operations of the sessions; evaluation of the impact of the sessions; USPAS-affiliated degree programs; joint sessions with international counterparts; and scholarships and prizes. Typically, the Advisory Council reviews the director's presentation on biannual sessions and the state of the school and provides strategic advice. Individual council members represent their home institutions interest in the USPAS collaboration which should be run, in balance, to meet the broad needs of workforce training in the accelerator science and engineering community. Additionally, members serve as a point of contact to address any issues related to instructors and students associated with their institutes. Special meetings of the Advisory Council may be convened to help formulate strategies for mitigating unexpected issues.
The Advisory Council is assisted by a Curriculum Sub-Committee. The Curriculum Committee assists the director in planning the USPAS curriculum. The Chair of the Curriculum Committee will attend the yearly Advisory Council meeting to give a brief report on USPAS curriculum developments.
Present members of the Director’s Advisory Council are:
Mei Bai, SLAC National Accelerator Lab
John Byrd, Argonne National Lab (Chair)
Sarah Cousineau, Oak Ridge National Lab
Jean Delayen, Jefferson Lab
Wolfram Fischer, Brookhaven National Lab
Cameron Geddes, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Yue Hao, Michigan State University
Georg Hoffstaetter, Cornell University
Sergei Nagaitsev, Fermilab
Steven Russell, Los Alamos National Lab