As a conceptual introduction to accelerator science and tutorials, this page provides links to high quality videos that illustrate the workings of accelerator systems and demonstrations / simulations of fundamental physics processes in accelerators. In the future we will also add filmed tutorial lectures.
This sequence of three videos explains the role of superconducting magnets in the Large Hadron Collider and also explains how they work and are constructed. Used with permission: CERN
Dr. Timothy Koeth (University of Maryland) teaches a course on cyclotron design at the USPAS. In this video he explains the building of a small cyclotron for student instruction. Used with permission: Dr. Timothy Koeth
This animation explains how researchers accelerate positrons with a plasma - a method that may help boost the energy and shrink the size of future linear particle colliders. Read more: here.
This demonstration uses electric fields to accelerate a ping pong ball in a manner similar to an actual particle accelerator. Explained by Todd Johnson of Fermilab
How Elettra works. This video shows the basic components and functioning of a synchrotron light source from the electron gun though the storage ring to the X-ray beamlines. Used with permission: Sincrotrone Trieste
This video from the Elekta Corporation shows how a linear accelerator (linac) works. In particular, the video explains the layout and functioning of an accelerator designed for cancer therapy but the general principles apply to linacs for many uses. Used with permission: Elekta Corporation
E. O. Lawrence demonstrates a mechanical analog of the classical cyclotron in this historic video. The model clearly shows the isochronous property of the cyclotron orbits. Used with permission: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
This "fly-through" of the Linear Coherent Light Source at SLAC shows the basic components and their functioning of the world's first hard X-ray free electron laser. Used with permission: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory