U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

Engineering for Particle Accelerators


University of California, San Diego Extension

Course Name:

Engineering for Particle Accelerators


Vyacheslav Yakovlev; Thomas Nicol; Timergali Khabiboulline; Vladimir Kashikhin, Fermilab

Purpose and Audience
The purpose of this course is to give an engineering foundation to the development of modern particle accelerators. This course is suitable for graduate students, senior undergraduate students, and engineers interested in particle accelerator design and development. The course will focus on large-scale superconducting linear particle accelerators. 

Undergraduate-level electromagnetism, classical mechanics, RF and mechanical engineering courses.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they meet the course prerequisites or have equivalent experience.

Students will learn basic principles of the engineering design of large-scale superconducting linear particle accelerators. Upon completing this course, students will be familiar with the principles, approach, and basic technique of the design of the main components in superconducting linear accelerators, and be able to perform basic analysis on their performance.

Instructional Method
The course will consist of lectures and daily homework assignments on the fundamentals of engineering of superconducting linear particle accelerators.

Course Content
The course will cover the fundamentals of superconducting linear accelerator engineering and provide examples and exercises in the practical design of the main accelerator components. Topics will include: general accelerator layout and parameter optimization; operational regime dependent technology selection; general cryomodule design issues, challenges, principles, and approaches; RF optimization and design of superconducting RF cavities and components; cavity processing recipes and procedures; engineering issues and challenges of SRF cavity mechanical design and fabrication; problems and techniques for design of focusing elements for superconducting accelerator applications (room-temperature and superconducting); diagnostics and alignment; cavity and cryomodule testing and commissioning.

Reading Requirements
Instructor-provided handouts.

Credit Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on performance as follows: Homework assignments (70% of final grade) and final exam (30% of final grade).

UC San Diego course number: PHYS 40004
Indiana University course number and title on transcript: Physics 671, Advanced Topics in Accelerator Physics
Michigan State University course number: PHY 963
MIT course number: 8.790 Accelerator Physics