U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

Electrostatic Storage Rings

Sponsoring University:

University of California, Davis

Course Name:

Electrostatic Storage Rings


Richard Talman, Cornell University

Purpose and Audience
The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to storage rings with electric (rather than magnetic) bending. Such rings are necessary for measuring electric dipole moments of charged particles, especially fundamental particles: electron, proton, and deuteron. Any measureably large deviation from zero would represent a deviation from the standard model, possibly shedding light on the particle/anti-particle imbalance in the present day universe. The course is intended for students with some previous knowledge of accelerators and, especially, with relativistic mechanics. Any required elementary accelerator physics will, however, be reviewed.

Students should have completed intermediate level courses in mechanics and electromagnetism. The course assumes elementary aspects of accelerator physics such as transfer matrices and lattice functions. A student should either have encountered these things in an introductory accelerator course, or be sufficiently advanced to pick them up from their review in the first few lectures.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they meet the course prerequisites or have equivalent experience.

Superficially, storage rings with electric rather than magnetic bending are very much the same. But, in detail, they dffer. The main physical reason for the differences is that the mechanical energy gamma mc-squared is conserved in a magnetic field, but not in an electric field. For strong focusing rings this difference can pretty much be neglected. But for weak focusing rings (as needed for electric dipole measurement) the differences become significant.

Instructional Method
The course is a conventional lecture course, with problem sets but no laboratory component. Substantial blocks of time will be allocated for seminar-like discussion of topics of interest.

Course Content
1. Why Electrostatic Storage Rings?
--- RT seminars at Cornell, SLAC, MIT, MSU, TRIUMF, Fermilab, Snowmass, CERN, Juelich

2. Just Enough Accelerator Physics
--- Chap. 1, "Beams of Electrons or Photons", RT-"Acc. X-Ray Sources", Wiley, 2006
--- Chap. 4, "Simple Storage Rings", RT-"Acc. X-Ray Sources", Wiley, 2006

3. The 1954 Brookhaven Electrostatic A.G.S. Analog Ring
--- Original BNL to AEC proposal, BNL director Haworth to AEC (now DOE) director Johnson
--- RT Fermilab seminar: "Resurrecting the 1955 Brookhaven All-Electric AGS Electron Analogue Ring, 2013
--- arXiv:1503.08494-[physics.acc-ph], "EDM planning with a resurrected AGS Analogue Ring", RT and JDT

4. The All-Electric Relativistic Storage Ring Bottle
--- arXiv:1512.00884-[physics.acc-ph], "Octupole focusing relativistic self-magnetometer electric storage ring bottle" RT

5. The Proton Electric Dipole Moment Lattice
--- arXiv:1508.04366-[physics.acc-ph], "Frequency domain storage ring method for electric dipole moment measurement", RT

6. Synchrotron Oscillations
--- Chap. 6, "Elementary Theory of Linacs", RT-"Acc. X-Ray Sources", Wiley, 2006

7. Just Enough Spin Dynamics
--- RT, (updated) Series of 5 seminars at COSY, Juelich, Germany, 2011

8. Resonant Polarimetry
--- Current notes: RT "Notes for Resonant Polarimetry Tests"

Reading Requirements
The material just listed will be made available. This already includes more than can be plausibly digested in the available time.

Credit Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on class participation, problem sets and final exam. Time and practicalities permitting, the exam may take the form of a brief class presentation of a topic of interest.

UC Davis course number:
163EDN671 Advanced Topics
Indiana University course number: Physics 671, Advanced Topics in Accelerator Physics
Michigan State University course number: PHY 963, U.S. Particle Accelerator School
MIT course number: 8.790, Accelerator Physics