U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

High-Intensity RF Linear Accelerators course

Sponsoring University:

University of New Mexico


High-Intensity RF Linear Accelerators


Yuri Batygin, Los Alamos National Lab; Peter Ostroumov, Argonne National Lab; and Amichay Perry, Illinois Institute of Technology

Purpose and Audience
The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to high intensity RF linear accelerators. This course is suitable for graduate students and researchers who want to get a better understanding of high-current beam dynamics and modern accelerator technology.

Undergraduate-level Electricity and Magnetism and Classical Mechanics. Some familiarity with plasma physics, special relativity and basic accelerator physics is recommended but not required.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they meet the course prerequisites or have equivalent experience.

This course is intended to give the student a broad overview high-intensity Radio Frequency accelerators and beamlines. Special emphasis is on high-current beam dynamics and superconducting linac technology for acceleration of particle beams with large current. The topics include: self-consistent space-charge dominated dynamics of particles, halo formation in particle beams, nonlinear beam effects, beam loading effects, superconducting accelerating structures, RF cavities fabrication technology, normal and superconducting focusing elements, radio frequency quadrupole accelerators. After taking the course students will be able to design beam optics with space charge, find optimal conditions for particle dynamics to minimize particle losses and to provide optimal beam sizes in beamlines, determine beam emittance growth and beam current limits in RF accelerators and beamlines.

Instructional Method
The course will consist of lectures during the morning and afternoon, focusing on the theoretical understanding of the course content, as well as sessions on how to solve practical problems. Daily homework will be given that lets the student review basic concepts introduced in class.

Course Content
The course provides description of the beam dynamics with strong space charge forces in beamlines and RF accelerators. The topics include: Hamiltonian self-consistent dynamics of particles, equations of motion, emittance and brightness of the beam, beam transport in quadrupole focusing channel and in longitudinal magnetic field, averaging method in particle dynamics, Kapchinsky-Vladimirsky beam envelope equations, beam current limit in beamlines, nonlinear effects in beam transport, beam emittance growth due to space charge forces, halo formation in particle beams, beam equilibrium in focusing channels, space charge dominated beam in RF linacs, numerical methods in high brightness beam physics.

Reading Requirements
Instructor-provided handouts.

Credit Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on performance: final exam (20 % of course grade) and homework assignments (80 % of course grade).

IU/USPAS course number P571