U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

High-Energy Physics Principles and Instrumentation course

Sponsoring University:

Colorado State University


High-Energy Physics Principles and Instrumentation


Bruce Berger; Norman Buchanan; John Harton; Miguel Mostafa; Walter Toki and Bob Wilson,
Colorado State University

Purpose and Audience
The purpose of this course is to introduce the basics of a selection of high-energy physics experiments and associated instrumentation along with an introduction to analysis fundamentals. The course is intended for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, who seek an introductory course relevant to understanding of experimental techniques and basic statistical treatment of data in high-energy physics experiments.

Basics of electromagnetism; ability to program in some computer language and produce plots – also very useful (but not mandatory) if each student has a laptop; basics of Standard Model of particle interactions; some familiarity with basic concepts of e+e-, neutrino, dark matter experiments, and gamma ray/cosmic ray observatories – at least at conceptual the level of an undergraduate course or Wikipedia.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they meet the course prerequisites or have equivalent experience.

To provide the students with an introduction to particle physics detectors and their uses. Students will familiarize themselves with the physics of particle interactions with matter, and different detector technologies. They will study the electronics and triggering used to acquire data signals. Elements of data reconstruction and statistical analysis will also be discussed.

Instructional Method
The course will consist of 6 sections, each about 4 hours. Each section will include about 2 hours lecture and 2 hours of peer instruction with one homework set to be completed later. The instructors will be often available after hours to consult on the homework. There will be 3-4 laboratory visits related to the sections, and a visit to an HEP production factory for one of the experiments.

Course Content
The course will cover basics of e+e- experimental techniques and detectors; liquid argon detectors; current and future neutrino experiments; high-energy gamma ray and ultrahigh energy cosmic ray observatories; directional dark matter experiments; absolute calibration of photon detectors; and an introduction to statistical methods and fitting.

Reading Requirements
(to be provided by the USPAS) "Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How-to Approach" (2nd revised ed.), by William R. Leo, Springer-Verlag, 1994.

Notes by the instructors

Credit Requirements:
Students will be evaluated based on performance as follows: Six homework sets, one for each of the six sections of the school; each will count 1/6 of the final grade.

IU/USPAS course: Physics 671