U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

Fundamentals of Ion Sources course

Sponsoring University:

Arizona State University


Fundamentals of Ion Sources


Ian Brown, (Ret.) and Xavier Godechot, Areva T&D

Purpose and Audience
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the physics and technology of ion sources. The course is suitable for senior undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers. The course also can provide a broader background to engineers and technicians working in the field of accelerator technology.

A basic knowledge of plasma physics, atomic physics, and electromagnetic theory will help greatly, as well as some familiarity with electronics and electrical systems.

The goal of the course is to provide a comprehensive introduction and survey of the field. On completion of the course, students are expected to understand the basic workings of ion sources and their associated systems, and to have gained a familiarity with the terminology and concepts of the field such that they can read and fully understand the ion source literature.

Instructional Method
A series of morning and afternoon lectures will be given, accompanied by handouts and discussion. Discussion of topics of particular interest to students will be encouraged. Problem sets will be assigned as homework, due the next morning. A final exam will be given. Two instructors will be available at all times. Ion source research is a very empirical field, and for the most part the emphasis presented here is experimental.

Course Content
Topics covered will include: classification of ion sources; ion source fields and communities; an overview of ion source physics. Review of plasma physics as relevant to ion source physics; basic plasma physics parameters; plasma formation techniques; ionization and confinement; examples. Formation of a directed ion beam from the plasma; beam formation extraction systems. Beam transport; space charge blowup concerns; focusing and steering. Ion beam parameters. Beam diagnostics. Electrical systems. Survey of source types (EBIS, ECR, microwave, vacuum arc, broad beam, "giant" sources, etc). Applications.

Reading Requirements
(to be provided by the USPAS) "The Physics and Technology of Ion Sources" (2nd Edition), by I.G. Brown, Wiley and Sons Publishers, 2004. Prior to the course, students should spend some time browsing the Proceedings of the biannual International Conference on Ion Sources, published as special issues of Review of Scientific Instruments. See: Rev. Sci. Instrum. Jan '90, Part 2; Apr '92, Pt 2; Apr '94, Pt 2; Mar '96, Pt 2; Feb '98, Pt 2; Feb '00, Pt 2; Feb '02, Pt 2; May '04, Pt 2.

Credit Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on performance as follows: final exam (30% of final grade), homework assignments (50% of final grade), class participation (20% of final grade).