U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

RF Engineering and Signal Processing course

Sponsoring University:

College of William and Mary


RF Engineering and Signal Processing


John D. Fox, SLAC / Stanford University

This course will consist of two parts - a technical introduction to RF circuitry and signal processing techniques, followed by example implementations of RF processing and control functions as used in several particle accelerators. The course assumes some level of familiarity with circuit fundamentals, and will cover electromagnetic wave fundamentals, transmission lines, S-parameters, impedances, resonators and key RF processing components (such as hybrids, circulators, waveguides, mixers, diode detectors, etc.). Important signal processing concepts, including modulation, heterodyning and quadrature (I&Q) processing will be presented. The course will attempt to stress both frequency-domain descriptions as well as time-domain descriptions of these circuit elements and behavior. The second portion of the class will examine the system implementations of several linac and storage ring RF systems, as well as look at the detailed implementation of several important accelerator instrumentation problems (such a beam position monitor signal processing, broadband feedback systems) that rely on RF signal processing systems.