U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

Accelerator Vacuum Physics and Technology course

Sponsoring University:

University of Chicago


Accelerator Vacuum Physics and Technology


Gerald Jackson, Fermilab and William Turner, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

The basic physics and engineering principles of accelerator vacuum system design and operation are introduced in both a classroom and laboratory format. By the end of the class students will have familiarity with the derivation of beam tube gas density requirements, the estimation of the beam tube conductances and pumping speeds necessary to achieve a desired gas density and the hands on operation of vacuum equipment. Where at all possible, emphasis will be placed deriving results from first principles so the student gains the confidence and ability to analyze the new situations that frequently occur in the accelerator environment. The requirements on beam gas density due to beam gas scattering particle loss, emittance increase, vacuum stability and beam stability will be derived for lepton and hadron storage rings. Sources of gas due to thermal desorption, synchrotron radiation photon desorption and particle desorption will be described. Ion trapping, ion desorption instability, fast ionization instability and the electron cloud effect will be discussed. The gas diffusion equation will be derived for warm bore and cold bore machines and applied to a large number of accelerator situations. The basic physical principles of ion pumping, getter pumping and cryopumping will be explained. Homework problems and laboratory experiments will be assigned to give the students experience in applying the theoretical material. The laboratory part of the class will include assembly, leak checking, bake out and pump down of practical vacuum systems. Prerequisites: courses in College physics, calculus, and differential equations.