U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

Course Materials - College of William and Mary - January 2004

Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurements

course given by Louis Emery, Nick Sereno, and Hairong Shang, Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory

Installing the software on Windows 2000 or Windows XP:

1) Run the ActiveTcl8.4.5.0-win32-ix86-83642.exe file which will install tcl/tk.

2) Run the install.tcl file (tcl files are easily found because they appear as a feather icon).  This will bring up a tcl application with buttons to click.  Each button installs a particular sofware package.

3) Click each button of install.tcl to install each software package.  Each button turns green when the package is installed. You can choose which sofware packages to install however make sure you install OAG Tcl/tk and SDDS packages since these are required by some of the other software packages.  Installing the Java Runtime environment and Java SDDSis optional.

Use the default directories specified by the installer software when installing each software package.  Select "Yes" when asked the question "Automatically update path?".

Some packages will ask the question "Restart Computer" when they are installed.  You should select "No".  When all packages desired are installed then restart your computer.

Brief description of software packages and where to get help:

1) The student directory created has all the software example files, documentation and lab assignments used for the class.  So does the USPASExamples directory.  Each student lab team worked in a different student directory.  This CD only installs one student directory to save space. These directory contain example files for Poisson, Superfish, Urmel Magnet, BeamOptics and Synrad.  It is best to copy example files for these programs to user created subdirectories before running each software package.  That way, the original example files will not be accidentally overwritten.

2) Urmel is run from the tcl script runurmel.tcl (find the feather icon). This script creates temporary files then deletes them when the Urmel computation is complete.

3) xemacs is a useful text editor.

4) For Poisson and Superfish, see the LANL web site for help documentation. There is basic startup help avalable for these programs in the assignments.pdf file. See the assignments.pdf file for information on all measurement and computer labs for those just getting started.

5) For OAG Tcl/Tk and SDDS help see the oag web site at: https://www.aps.anl.gov/Accelerator-Operations-Physics/Software/installationGuide_WIN32

5.5) The programs BeamOptics, Magnet and SynRad have some help available when running each program.  (Consult H. Wiedeman for specific help questions.  Maybe Sue you can ask Helmut if there is more help available for each of these programs).

6) TMModeFreq.tcl is a convenient script to calculate cylindrical pillbox cavity TM mode frequencies.

7) calcDriftTubeLengths.tcl calculates parameters for drift tube linacs.

8) The fodo cell directory contains two .tcl files used to calculate fodocell twiss parameters, single particle trajectories and necktie diagrams.

9) The linac directory has a .tcl file used to calculate phase space diagrams for a beam moving through a traveling wave linac.