Fermilab Technical Publications: Fermilab Technical Publications

Updated 2025-02-21 17:59:10
SSCL-053A Tigner, M. Research and development for the Supercollider: Testimony before the Subcommittee on Energy Developm
SSCL-065 Ritson, D. Designing SSC quadrupole supports to minimize the effects from vibrational noise
SSCL-131-REV-A McAshan, M. Tables of thermodynamic properties of helium magnet coolant
SSCL-212 Ng, King-Yuen Ground Motion Effects on the SSC
SSCL-255 Devred, Arnaud QUENCH ORIGINS
SSCL-259 Cormell, L. Physics and Detector Simulation Requirements
SSCL-260 Garavaglia, T. The Effect of Magnetic Peaking on the Dynamic Aperture
SSCL-261 Dickey, C.E. Irradiation of fiber optics in the SSC tunnel
SSCL-262 Bossert, R.C. SSC 40-mm Short Model Construction Experience
SSCL-263 Cook, J.M. An Application of Differential Geometry to SSC Magnet End Winding
SSCL-265 Garavaglia, T. Application of the SSCTRK numerical simulation program to the evaluation of the SSC magnet aperture
SSCL-266 Lopez, G. Divergent quench velocity expression
SSCL-267 Jach, Cezary Low-Energy Booster Resonant Power Supply System
SSCL-268 Garavaglia, T. Numerical studies of the SSC injection process: long term tracking
SSCL-269 Garavaglia, T. Collider ring particle loss tracking with SSCTRK
SSCL-270 Carcagno, R. Studies of cold protection diodes
SSCL-271 Schiesser, W.E. A Dynamic model for helium core heat exchangers
SSCL-272 Martin, D.J. Early instrumentation projects at the SSC
SSCL-273 Chao, Alex Approaching ultimate luminosity at the SSC
SSCL-274 Dickey, C.E. Bulk modulus capicator load cells
SSCL-275 Physics and Detectors Simulation Facility
SSCL-276 Stampke, S.R. The SSC collider ring correction magnet system
SSCL-277 Ng, King-Yuen Effects from measured ground motions at the SSC
SSCL-277-REV Ng, King-Yuen Effects from measured ground motions at the SSC
SSCL-278 Byrns, R. The Cryogenic system for the SSC magnet test laboratory
SSCL-279 Rasson, J. Simulation of the SSC refrigeration system using the ASPEN/SP process simulator
SSCL-280 Lopez, G. Bus bar conductor for the SSC magnets
SSCL-282 Khveshchenko, D.V. Vortices in the lattice model of planar nematic
SSCL-283 Lopez, G. Study of passive and active protection system for the SSC R&D dipole magnet
SSCL-284 Kogan, Y. The equal charges attraction in the (2+1) topologically massive gauge theories and possible vacuum i
SSCL-285 Groom, Donald E. Radiation levels in the SSC interaction regions: Erratum to SSC-SR-1033
SSCL-286 Briggs, R.J. Project organizations and schedules
SSCL-287 Bensinger, J. Electron Identification and Implications in SSC Detector Design
SSCL-288 Baden, Andrew R. A Model for computing at the SSC
SSCL-289 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report July 1990
SSCL-290 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report August 1990
SSCL-291 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report September 1990
SSCL-293 Marietta, Martin Schedule Analysis Data Package Final Report 05-30-90
SSCL-294 Kozman, Ted Scheduling the SSC construction as of March 1990
SSCL-295 Lopez, G. Temperature rise in the beam tube during a quench due to the Eddy currents and related effects
SSCL-296 Chao, A.W. Dynamic aperture and extraction studies for the SSC high-energy booster
SSCL-297 Edwards, D.A. Selection of basic parameters for the collider rings
SSCL-298 Manz, Cleon A Preliminary tracking study for the SSC medium-energy booster
SSCL-300 Yan, Yi-ton 'ZLIB': A Numerical library for differential algebra (A User's guide for version 1.0)
SSCL-301 Yan, Y. Comment on round off errors and on one turn Taylor maps
SSCL-302 Yan, Y. Normalization of the parametrized Courant-Snyder matrix
SSCL-303 Yan, Yi-ton A Typical 'Ztrack' long term tracking result for the SSC aperture study
SSCL-304 Yan, Yiton Semi-parameterization of Dragt-Finn factorization map and its application to Irwin kick factorizatio
SSCL-305 Ritson, D. SSCTRK: A Particle tracking code for the SSC
SSCL-307 Mestha, L.K. Application of system identification techniques to an RF cavity tuning loop
SSCL-308 Lopez, G. Constant of motion and dynamic equations for one-dimensional autonomous system, and radiation dampin
SSCL-308-REV Lopez, G. Constant of motion and dynamic equations for one-dimensional autonomous system, and radiation dampin
SSCL-309 Lopez, G. Analytical approximation to the turn-to-turn quench propagation
SSCL-310 Watson, Jerry M. The SSC linac
SSCL-310-REV Watson, J. Design of the SSC linac
SSCL-311 Chang, Chu-Rui Design studies of SSC low-energy beam transport system using Einzel lenses
SSCL-312 Raparia, Deepak HESQ: A Low-energy beam transport for the SSC linac
SSCL-313 Bhandari, R.K. Beam transfer between the coupled cavity linac and the low-energy booster synchrotron for the SSC
SSCL-314 Laughton, C. Site specific design of the Super Collider in Texas
SSCL-315 Jones, Mike Evolution of facility layout requirements and CAD system development
SSCL-316 Scapuzzi, Don Contractor style tunnel cost estimating
SSCL-317 Nelson, P.P. Geotechnical characterization and construction methods for SSC tunnel excavation
SSCL-318 Laughton, C. Rock support of the L3 experimental hall complex
SSCL-319 Lundin, T.K. The first tunnel section of the Superconducting Super Collider project
SSCL-320 Dahl, P.F. The SSC dipole: Its conceptual origin and early design history
SSCL-320 Dahl, P.F. The SSC Dipole : Its Conceptual Origin and Early Design History
SSCL-320-REV-1 Dahl, P.F. The SSC dipole: Its conceptual origin and early design history
SSCL-320-REV.1 Dahl, P.F. The SSC dipole: Its conceptual origin and early design history
SSCL-320-REV1 Dahl, P.F. The SSC dipole: Its conceptual origin and early design history
SSCL-321 Kauffmann, S. Implementation of one turn maps in SSCTRK using ZLIB
SSCL-322 Dresner, L. Report on the analysis of the large propagation velocities observed in the full length SSC dipoles
SSCL-323 Chen, Tong Tune modulation and E778 experiment
SSCL-325 Talman, R. Long term prediction and the SSC
SSCL-326 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report October 1990
SSCL-327 Cormell, D. SSC Project Monthly Progress Report
SSCL-328 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report December 1990
SSCL-329 Collaboratin, SSC ADP Resources Strategic Plan and FY91/92 Short-Range Plan
SSCL-330 Devred, A. Investigation of wire motion in superconducting magnets
SSCL-331 Devred, A. Design, fabrication, and test of a 5-cm aperture, 1-m long superconducting dipole prototype for high
SSCL-332 Stefanski, Raymond J. Status of detectors at the SSC
SSCL-333 Chou, Wei-ren Impedance scaling and synchrotron radiation intercept
SSCL-334 Chao, A. Recent non‐linear dynamics studies for the SSC
SSCL-335 Chartrand, G. Physics and detector simulation facility type O workstation specifications: Attachment A
SSCL-336 Moya, Andy A Young Person's View of the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-337 Low, Keng The Prototype Message Broadcast System for the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-338 Wells, Norman E. Prototype document tracking and storage system for the superconducting super collider laboratory (SS
SSCL-339 Bhandari, R. Ion Optics of the Linac: LEB Transfer Line
SSCL-340 Mestha, L.K. Phase control scheme for synchronous beam transfer from the low-energy booster to the medium-energy
SSCL-341 Laughton, C. The Adoption of mechanized excavation techniques for the superconducting super collider
SSCL-342 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report January 1991
SSCL-343 Mestha, L.K. A Controlled Master Frequency Oscillator for the SSC Low-Energy Booster
SSCL-344 Newberger, Barry S. Low Intensity Beam Extraction at the SSC
SSCL-346 Chao, Alexander W. Coherent Beam-Beam Effects
SSCL-347 Sanda, A.I. The B Factory, the Superconducting Super Collider and an e+ e- Linear Collider: How They Stand Again
SSCL-348 Dorenbosch, J. Readout of Overlapping Events
SSCL-349 Lopez, G. Quench Simulation Studies of TAC Jelly Roll Superferric Dipole Corrector Elements for the SSC
SSCL-351 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report February 1991
SSCL-352 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report March 1991
SSCL-353 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report April 1991
SSCL-354 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report May 1991
SSCL-355 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report June 1991
SSCL-356 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report July 1991
SSCL-357 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report August 1991
SSCL-358 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report September 1991
SSCL-359 Stiening, R. A Possible Mechanism for Enhanced Persistent Current Sextupole Decay in SSC Dipoles
SSCL-360 Leung, K.K. An Engineering design study of the dipole magnet cold mass end shell for the superconducting super c
SSCL-361 Pollock, D. The Quality assurance of superconducting wire and cable for SSC magnets
SSCL-362 Sondericker, J.H. Alternative concepts for structurally supporting the cold mass of a superconducting accelerator magn
SSCL-363 Goodzeit, C. Technology transfer considerations for the collider dipole magnet
SSCL-364 Devred, A. Status of 4-cm aperture, 17-m long SSC dipole magnet R&D program at BNL. Part 1: Magnet assembly
SSCL-365 Seuntjens, J.M. Issues and results in the development of 2.5-micron filament strand for the HEB
SSCL-366 Christopherson, D Summary of the performance of strand produced for the 1990 SSC dipole program
SSCL-367 Erdmann, M.J. Quantification of systematic error in I(c) testing
SSCL-368 Seuntjens, J.M. Filament and critical current degradations in extracted strands of SSC cable
SSCL-369 Arden, C. Designing superconducting magnets for reliability and availability
SSCL-370 Baggett, P. The Magnet database system
SSCL-371 Jalloh, A.R. The Mechanical response of the SSC dipole magnet to ground motion
SSCL-372 Baritschi, D. Conceptual design for the thermal shield bridges and multilayer insulation in the interconnect regio
SSCL-373 Morozumi, T. From QCD to chiral dynamics: A Smooth transition
SSCL-374 Snitchler, G. Design and AC loss considerations for the 60-mm dipole magnet in the high-energy booster
SSCL-375 McFarlane, K. Benchmarks for the SSCL physics detector simulation computing facility
SSCL-376 Dixon, Kirby T. SSC accelerator availability allocation
SSCL-377 Pennington, A. A System approach to the design of superconducting magnets
SSCL-378 Rogers, J.D. An Overview of the SSC synchrotron RF systems
SSCL-379 Ferrell, J.H. Linac RF systems for the SSC
SSCL-380 Nonte, J. Systems engineering at the superconducting super collider (one year later)
SSCL-381 Carcagno, R.H. A Helium venting model for a SSC half cell
SSCL-382 Clay, W. Design of a thermal expansion joint for the SSC magnet leads
SSCL-383 Simmons, Jonathon Y. A Practical systems engineering process for integrating SSC collider ring components
SSCL-384 Leung, K.K. A Frequency response study of dipole magnet cold mass for the superconducting super collider
SSCL-385 Anderson, D. Kicker magnet systems for injector synchrotrons
SSCL-386 Clark, D. SSC spool piece design
SSCL-387 Mestha, L.K. Early stages in the development of the global RF feedback for the SSC low-energy booster
SSCL-388 Garavaglia, T. A Model for local current decay in a superconducting LR circuit chain
SSCL-389 Shih, H.J. Bent Crystal Extraction of the SSC Beam with RF Noise Induced Diffusion
SSCL-390 Wells, Norman E. Document format considerations for a document tracking and storage system
SSCL-391 Haenni, D.R. The SSC field bus: A High performance control system front end concentrator for 'slow' accelerator c
SSCL-392 Leung, K.K. Nonlinear Stress Analysis of Superconducting Dipole Magnet Shell
SSCL-393 Chartrand, G. Video Teleconferencing Review for Support of High-Energy Physics Activities
SSCL-394 Allen, M. A High performance architecture for accelerator controls
SSCL-395 Robinson, S. The Superconducting super collider project
SSCL-396 Hendrix, B.L. Application of system safety engineering techniques for hazard prevention at the superconducting sup
SSCL-397 Low, K. Overview of real time kernels at the superconducting super collider laboratory
SSCL-398 Martinsen, G. Initial control of the H- ion source at the superconducting super collider laboratory
SSCL-399 Thiagarajan, V. Coil Shapes towards Pure Multipoles in Circular Regions (A Numerical Approach)
SSCL-399-REV1 Thiagarajan, V. Coil Shapes towards Pure Multipoles in Circular Regions (A Numerical Approach)
SSCL-400 Cormell, L.R. High-energy physics computing at the SSCL
SSCL-402 Webber, Rober c. Low Level RF System with Beam Feedback for the Loma Linda Medical Accelerator
SSCL-403 Hannaford, R. Resolutions to difficulties experienced in SSC cable fabrication during the initial scale up period
SSCL-404 Christopherson, D. SSC 40-mm cable results and 50-mm design discussions
SSCL-405 Jayakumar, J. Mechanical and electromagnetic analysis of 50-mm designs for the SSC dipole
SSCL-406 Lopez, G. Quench Propagation in the SSC Dipole Magnets
SSCL-407 Jach, C. Switchable 10-Hz / 1-Hz LEB Magnet Power Supply System
SSCL-409-REV Mahale, N.K. Debunching and capture in the LEB for the SSC
SSCL-410-REV Mahale, N.K. Longitudinal matching between the LEB and the MEB for the SSC
SSCL-410REV Mahale, N.K. Longitudinal matching between the LEB and the MEB for the SSC
SSCL-411 Kallas, N. A Software package linking PE2D and ANSYS for SSC magnet design
SSCL-412 Roberts, Lee A. CZ / CPS: A Communications ZEBRA implementation using CPS
SSCL-413 Roberts, Lee A. BCD/CPS: An Event level GEANT3 parallelization via CPS
SSCL-414 Bruck, H. Observation of a periodic pattern in the persistent current fields of the superconducting HERA magne
SSCL-415 Barr, Eric Lattice parameters database and operational simulation at FNAL and SSCL
SSCL-416 Garavaglia, T. Quantum Variances for Transverse SSC Injection Dynamics
SSCL-416 (REV) Garavaglia, T. Quantum Variances for Transverse Betatron Dynamics
SSCL-417 Mestha, L. Synchronization of a variable frequency source with a fixed frequency source using a sliding mode co
SSCL-418 Manz, C. The Medium-energy booster at the SSC laboratory
SSCL-419 Chou, Wei-ren Physics issues of the synchrotron radiation intercept at the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-420 Chou, Wei-ren Impact of cross-sectional changes in the beam tube on beam dynamics
SSCL-421 Courant, E.D. Low momentum compactification lattice study for the SSC low-energy booster
SSCL-422 Lopez, G. Quench simulation studies of the TAC jelly roll superferric dipole corrector elements for the SSC
SSCL-423 Lopez, G. Nonsimilarity Solution Approximation to the Thermal Hydraulic Quenchback in Superconductors
SSCL-424 Lopez, G. Divergent Quench Velocity Expression and 4-cm SSC R&D Dipole Magnets
SSCL-425 Lopez, G. One-Dimensional Time Independent Conduction States and Temperature Distribution along a Normal Zone
SSCL-426 Lopez, G. Quench Analysis of the Energy Deposition in the SSC Magnets and Radiation Shielding of the Low Beta
SSCL-428 Murphy, C.T. Modification to Footprint to Accommodate an External Fixed Target Hall
SSCL-430 Parker, B. On the Design of Beam Absorbers for the SSC
SSCL-431 Rogers, J.D. Overview of the Superconducting Super Collider RF System
SSCL-432 Ellison, J.A. Effect of RF Phase Noise on the SSC Beam
SSCL-433 Smith, S.A. Mechanical Analysis of Beam Tube Assemblies for SSC Dipoles during a Quench
SSCL-434 Soundranayagam, R. The SSC Collider Beam Halo Scraper System
SSCL-435 York, R. The Superconducting Super Collider Low-Energy Booster: A Status Report
SSCL-436 Sen, T. Effect of Tune Modulation on the Dynamic Aperture of the SSC Lattice
SSCL-437 Snitchler, G. Hydraulic Quench Simulations in SSC Dipole Magnets
SSCL-438 Strait, J. Mechanical Design and Analysis of the 2-D Cross-Section of the SSC Collider Dipole Magnet
SSCL-439 Aksel, B. Cooldown Stresses on the Coldmass of SSC Dipole Magnets
SSCL-440 Wilson, M. Fast Kicker Requirements for the SSC's Low-Energy and Medium-Energy Boosters
SSCL-441 Ng, King-Yuen Emittance Growth Due to Beam Motion
SSCL-442 Lopez, G. Headon and Long Range Beam-Beam Tune Shifts Spread in the SSC
SSCL-443 Sen, T. Liemap: A Program for Extracting a One Turn Single Exponent Lie Generator Map
SSCL-444 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report October 1991
SSCL-445 Machida, S. Space Charge Effects in the SSC Low-Energy Booster
SSCL-446 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report November 1991
SSCL-447 Pilat, F. Dynamic Aperture and Performance of the SSC Low-Energy Booster Lattice
SSCL-448 Cole, B. Particle Orbit Tracking on a Parallel Computer: Hypertrack
SSCL-449 Bhandari, R. Design Characteristics of the Linac: LEB Transfer Line for the SSC
SSCL-450 Johnson, D.E. Design Description of the SSC High-Energy Booster
SSCL-451 Bourianoff, G. Closed Orbit Correction in the SSC
SSCL-452 Mestha, L.K. Sliding Mode Controller of RF Cavity Tuning Loop
SSCL-453 McAshan, Mike Refrigeration Plants for the SSC
SSCL-454 Stampke, S. The SSC Collider Correction System
SSCL-455 Stocker, Frank Test and Calibration Beams at the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-456 Fenker, Howard C. Instrumentation for SSC Test Beams
SSCL-457 Schaffer, G. New Design Concepts for Ferrite Tuned Low-Energy Booster Cavities
SSCL-458 Lundin, T.K. Planning and development of underground facilities for the SSC
SSCL-459 Chao, A.W. Applications of ZMAP to the SSC
SSCL-460 Yan, Yi-ton Normalization of the Parametrized Courant-Snyder Matrix for Symplectic Factorization of a Parametriz
SSCL-461 Goodzeit, C. Effect of Prestress on Performance of a 1.8-mm SSC R&D Dipole
SSCL-462 Devred, A. Time Decay Measurements of the Sextupole Component of the Magnetic Field in a four-cm Aperture, 17-m
SSCL-463 Fridman, A. Total cross-sections of beauty and charmed mesons on protons
SSCL-464 Yan, Yi-ton T. ZLIB: A Numerical Library for Differential Algebra and Lie Algebraic Treatment of Beam Dynamics
SSCL-466 Chang, C. Design Studies of SSC Coupled Cavity Linac
SSCL-467 Syphers, M.J. Evolution of SSC Collider Design
SSCL-468 Martin, Donald J. Beam Detector Impedance Calculation using Circuit Models
SSCL-469 Sen, T. Geometric Phases in Selfinduced Transparency
SSCL-470 Pollock, Douglas A. Quality Analysis of Superconducting Wire and Cable for SSC Dipole Magnets: A Comparison of Recent Pe
SSCL-471 Furman, Miguel A. RAMPRF: A Program for Synchronous Acceleration
SSCL-472 Lopez, G. Hamiltonians and Lagrangians for One-Dimensional Autonomous Systems and Dissipative Systems
SSCL-473 Hatfield, D.R. Feed and End Cans to Support Cryogenic Testing of Superconducting Magnets for the Superconducting Su
SSCL-474 Carcagno, R.H. Cooldown and Warmup Computer Simulations of the SSC Ring
SSCL-479 Yan, Y. Supercomputing Activities at the SSC Laboratory
SSCL-480 SSC Revised Baseline Schedule Based on Funding Profile (OMB Review) : FY91 Schedule Performance Meas
SSCL-481 Sanda, A.I. Model Independent Test of the Standard Model
SSCL-482 Anderson, D. Modulator Considerations for Beam Chopping in Low-Energy Beam Transport at the SSC Laboratory
SSCL-484 Maslov, M.A. The SSC Beam Scraper System
SSCL-485 Yost, G.P. Averaging in the Presence of 'Sliding' Errors
SSCL-486 Kane, Gordon L. Using the Top Quark for Testing Standard Model Polarization and CP Predictions
SSCL-487 Devred, A. Status of 4-cm Aperture, 17-m Long SSC Dipole Magnet R&D Program at BNL. Part 2: Mechanical Behavior
SSCL-488 SSC Project Monthly Progress Report December 1991
SSCL-489 Orrel, D. Mechanical and Electromagnetic Design of the SSC QSE101 Quadrupole Ends
SSCL-490 Jayakumar, R. AC Losses in the SSC High-Energy Booster Dipole Magnets
SSCL-492 Kuzminski, J. Test results of BNL built 40-mm aperture, 17-m-long SSC collider dipole magnets
SSCL-493 Lawler, J. 2,2,4,4-Tetramethyl Pentane (TMP) Physical Properties and Safety Considerations for Use as a Calorim
SSCL-494 Lawler, J. Tetramethyl Silane (TMS): Physical Properties and Safety Considerations for Use as a Calorimeter Flu
SSCL-495 Kreitz, P.A. Meeting the Information Needs of High-Energy Physicists
SSCL-496 Baishev, I. The SSC Access Shafts Calculational Study
SSCL-498 Gupta, V. The Degeneracy of the Free Dirac Equation
SSCL-499 Wu, Dan-di Uncertainties in the Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation
SSCL-500 Yan, Y. Applications of differential algebra to single‐particle dynamics in storage rings
SSCL-501 Warren, J. Background Information on the SSC Project
SSCL-502 McKellar, Bruce H.J. Quantum Electrodynamics with Complex Fermion Mass
SSCL-503 Boroski, W.N. An Overview of the multilayer insulation system for the superconducting super collider
SSCL-504 Herrmannsfeldt, W.B. Computation applied to particle accelerator simulations
SSCL-505 Goren, Y. LEB Tuner Made out of Titanium Alloy
SSCL-506 Mestha, L.K. Particle Tracking Code for Simulating Global RF Feedback
SSCL-507 Garavaglia, T. First Order Tune Shift Calculations for Transverse Betatron Dynamics
SSCL-508 Briggs, D. Growth rates in terms of Z(perpendicular)
SSCL-512 Briggs, D. Low Frequency Transverse Resistive Instability in the Collider
SSCL-512-REV-1 Briggs, R. Low Frequency Transverse Resistive Instability in the Collider
SSCL-516 Stupakov, G.V. Emittance Growth Caused by Magnet Vibrations in the SSC
SSCL-520 Shih, H.J. RF Noise Tolerances at the SSC
SSCL-521 Baishev, I. Firming Up the SSC Access Shafts Calculations
SSCL-526 Daly, E. Analysis of ER String Test Thermally Instrumented Interconnect 80-k MLI Blanket
SSCL-529 Miller, S. Conceptual Design for the SSC Timing / Trigger System
SSCL-530 Endres, D. The Physical Solution to the Lorentz-Dirac Equations in a Constant Magnetic Field
SSCL-535 Lopez, G. Heat Equation and Time Dependence of the Temperature Rise Due to Energy Deposition
SSCL-538-A Botlo, M. Further Comments about B Physics in p p Interactions
SSCL-539 Chu, Thanh Duy High Frequency Breakdown Voltage
SSCL-540 Atkinson, D. Is There a P Wave Bound State W(L) W(L)? On the Dynamical Generation of a rho Meson in the Sigma Mod
SSCL-541 Lamm, M. Magnetic Field Measurements of 1.5-Meter Model SSC Collider Dipole Magnets at Fermilab
SSCL-542 Strait, J. Mechanical Behavior of Fermilab Built 1.5-m model SSC Collider Dipoles
SSCL-543 Koska, W. Tests of Fermilab Built 40-mm Aperture Full Length SSC Dipole Magnets
SSCL-544 Wake, M. Quench Behavior of 1.5-m Model SSC Collider Dipole Magnets at Fermilab
SSCL-545 Taratin, A. Ultrathin Crystal Scatterer for the SSC Beam Extraction System
SSCL-548 Wu, Dan-di A Brief Introduction to the Strong CP Problem
SSCL-550 Lopez, G. Tune Shift Effect Due to the Multipole Longitudinal Periodic Structure in the Superconducting Dipole
SSCL-552 Fenker, Howard C. Progress in the Use of Avalanche Photodiodes for Readout of Calorimeters
SSCL-555 Newberger, B.S. Super Slow Extraction at the SSC Using Channeling in a Curved Crystal
SSCL-556 Machida, S. Proposal of A Beam Study in the AGS Booster
SSCL-559 Mestha, L.K. Beam Control Feedback Loops for the Low-Energy Booster
SSCL-560 Stupakov, G. Luminosity Dilution Due to Random Offset Beam-Beam Interaction
SSCL-561 Mendoza, R. Accelerator System String Test (A.S.S.T.) Interconnect Region Cold Mass Connection Analysis
SSCL-562-A Information Resources Management FY 1994 / 1998 Long - Range Site Plan
SSCL-562A Information Resources Management FY 1994 / 1998 Long - Range Site Plan
SSCL-563 Gao, W.X. High Quality Muon Detection for the SSC
SSCL-564 Kleiss, Ronald On the Feasibility of Tracking with Differential Algebra Maps in Long Term Stability Studies for Lar
SSCL-565 Ketcham, L. Collider Lattice Position Changes from the 'Blue Book' to the 10F Lattice
SSCL-566 Cannalire, M. Dilution Effects for CP Violation Measurement in B Decays
SSCL-567 Smedley, K. SSC Collider Dipole Ripple and Particle Motion
SSCL-568 Thiagarajan, V. Design of the Main Dipoles and Quadrupoles for the SSC Low-Energy Booster
SSCL-569 Schlueter, R. Harmonics Suppression of Vacuum Chamber Eddy Current Induced Fields with Application to the Supercon
SSCL-570 Machida, S. 6-D Phase Space Tracking with Acceleration: Modeling Low-Energy Proton Synchrotrons. 1.
SSCL-572 Hunter, Sharon Computer Protection Plan for the Superconducing Super Collider Laboratory
SSCL-573 Smedley, K. Measurement of AC Electrical Characteristics of SSC Dipole Magnets at Brookhaven
SSCL-574 Chou, W. Intrabeam Scattering in the SSC Collider and in the Boosters
SSCL-575 Stupakov, G.V. Emittance Growth Caused by Sextupole Vibrations in the SSC
SSCL-576 Crosetto, D. Fully Pipelined and Programmable Level 1 Trigger
SSCL-576-REV-A Crosetto, D. Fully Pipelined and Programmable Level 1 Trigger
SSCL-577 Frederiksen, S.G. Detecting Invisible Higgs Bosons at the SSC and LHC
SSCL-578 Shih, H.J. Longitudinal Beam Dynamics with RF Noise
SSCL-578-REV-1 Shih, H.J. Longitudinal Beam Dynamics with RF Noise
SSCL-579 Stupakov, G.V. Echo Effect in Hadron Colliders
SSCL-580 Lebedev, V.A. Magnetic Field Perturbation Caused by Bending Vibrations of a Quadrupole
SSCL-581 Chang, L.C. A Parallel Implementation of Particle Tracking with Space Charge Effects on an Intel iPSC / 860
SSCL-582 Weaver, Colin D. Kinematic Analysis of Six Strut Support System for Super Collider Components
SSCL-583 Mendoza, R. ASST Interconnect Region Single Phase Pressure Tests
SSCL-584 Moore, B. Punchthrough Calculations for Neutrons Using CALOR89
SSCL-585 Smedley, K. Hybrid Power Supplies for the SSC Collider
SSCL-586 Smedley, K. Ripple Distribution in Magnet Strings of the SSC Collider
SSCL-587 Stupakov, G.V. Echo Effect in Accelerators
SSCL-589 Cherny, S. Possibilities of SSC Device Testing at the Serpukhov 70-GeV Accelerator
SSCL-590 Koga, J. Beam-Beam Interaction Effects on Particle Dynamics
SSCL-592 McAshan, M. Nitrogen System for the SSC
SSCL-593 Lopez, G. Quench Simulation for the 40-mm Aperture Collider Quadrupole Magnet for the SSC
SSCL-594 Crosetto, D. 3-D Flow Processor Preliminary Technical Specifications
SSCL-595 Data Management and Processing Plan: Department of Applied Geodesy
SSCL-596 Scanlan, R. DCA211 Failure Analysis Report
SSCL-597 Gilman, F.J. The Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa Mixing Matrix
SSCL-597-REV-1 Gilman, F.J. The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix
SSCL-597-REV2 Gilman, F.J. The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix
SSCL-598 Yang, W. Test Results on Current Splitter Version 2 Chip
SSCL-599 Mestha, L.K. Parasitic Experiments on Fermilab Booster LLRF Systems
SSCL-601 Crosetto, D. 3-D Flow Processor for a Programmable Level 1 Trigger (Feasibility Study)
SSCL-602 Meinke, R. Limitations of a Residual Gas Ionization Beam Profile Monitor for the SSC Collider
SSCL-603 Botlo, M. MXIbus Data Throughput Tests
SSCL-604 Syphers, M.J. Notes on Amplitude Function Mismatch
SSCL-606 Chen, B. Longitudinal Head - Tail Instability in a Nonharmonic Potential Well
SSCL-607 Crosetto, D. General Programmable Level 1 Trigger with 3-D Flow Assembly System for Calorimeters of Different Siz
SSCL-608 Vanstraelen, G. Low Voltage Swing CMOS Transceivers
SSCL-609 Tsyganov, E. Resonance Excitation of the SSC Beam Halo by RF Voltage Pulses
SSCL-610 Dugan, G. Interpretation of Photodesorption Data in a Diffusion Model and Application to Candidate SSC Beam Tu
SSCL-611 Fenker, Howard C. Studies of Avalanche Photodiodes for Scintillating Fiber Tracking Readout
SSCL-612 Thiagarajan, V. The Nature of Dipole Field and Shimming
SSCL-613 Wang, X. A Comparison of Conceptual RF System Designs for the SSC Collider
SSCL-614 Chen, S. Simulation Studies of the Transverse Dipole Mode Multibunch Instability for the SSC Collider
SSCL-615 Thiagarajan, V. The Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Slot on the SSC Collider Liner
SSCL-616 Reiser, M. Use of Large Dispersion to Increase the Space Charge Limit in the LEB
SSCL-618 Tsyganov, E. ZBEAM, Charge Tracing Code for the SSC Environment
SSCL-619 Tsyganov, E. Submicron Beam Position Sensor for the SSC
SSCL-620 Popp, M. Accelerator Design Using Databases and Graphical User Interfaces
SSCL-621 Stupakov, G.V. Collective Effects and Beam Decoherence
SSCL-622 Parkhomchuk, V.V. Is Transverse Feedback Necessary for the SSC Emittance Preservation? (Vibration Noise Analysis and F
SSCL-623 Chou, W. The SSC Transverse Feedback Systems
SSCL-624 Parkhomchuk, V.V. Measurements of Ground Motion and SSC Dipole Vibrations
SSCL-625 Lopez, G. Analytical Studies of the Emittance Growth Due to the Feedback System
SSCL-626 Wang, F. Lattice Design Study for the HEB to Collider Transfer Lines
SSCL-627 Botlo, M. VxWorks v5.1 Benchmark Tests
SSCL-628 Botlo, M. Data Machine Independence (DMI)
SSCL-631 Nexsen, W. Minimal interference beam size/profile measurement techniques applicable to the collider
SSCL-634 Bourianoff, G. Studies of Local Horizontal - Vertical Betatron Coupling in the Fermilab Main Ring
SSCL-635 Spindel, A. Report on the Program of 4-K Irradiation of Insulating Materials for the Superconducting Super Colli
SSCL-636 Kurennoy, S. Pumping Slots: Coupling Impedance Calculations and Estimates
SSCL-637 Kovachev, V. Interstrand Resistance of DSA328 Inner Coil
SSCL-638 Kwan, C.M. Determination of Optimal Gains for Constrained Controllers
SSCL-639 Shiltsev, V.D. Real Time Modeling of Transverse Emittance Growth Due to Ground Motion
SSCL-640 Budzko, A. Passage Through A Half Integer Resonance Due to Space Charge for Different Initial Distributions
SSCL-641 Senichev, Yu. Transient Effect in High Intensity Proton Linear Accelerators
SSCL-642 Diwan, M.V. Radiation Dose in SSC Calorimeters
SSCL-643 Dukes, E.C. Design of A Crystal Extraction Facility in the East Utility Straight
SSCL-644 Botlo, M. EPICS Performance Evaluation
SSCL-646 Lopez, G. Two Feedback System Schemes for the Collider and Resistive Wall Instability
SSCL-647 Lopez, G. New 2BPM-1K Scheme and Resistive Wall Instability
SSCL-648 Malitsky, N. Some Remarks About PseudoHamiltonian
SSCL-649 Chou, W. Feasibility Study of Aluminum Beam Tube for the Collider: An Option for No Coating and No Liner
SSCL-650 Thiagarajan, V. Calculation of the Coupling Impedances of Holes and Slots on the Liner Using MAFIA and Scaling
SSCL-651 Kovachev, V. Interstrand resistance of selected sections of DCA312
SSCL-654 Wang, Fuhua Beam line error analysis, position correction, and graphic processing
SSCL-655 Larson, D.J. A Study of the HEB Longitudinal Dynamics
SSCL-656 Hutton, R.D. Design of a Synchrotron Radiation Detector for the Test Beam Lines at the Superconducting Super Coll
SSCL-657 Datte, P. A Bipolar Integrator for Secondary Emission Profile Monitors at the SSCL
SSCL-658 Lopez, G. Activation of the Liquid Helium Contamination during Its Passage in the Collider Ring
SSCL-659 Malitsky, N. ZLIB++: Object Oriented Numerical Library for Differential Algebra
SSCL-660 Clark, D. HEB Spool Pieces Design Description
SSCL-661 Larson, D.J. Intrabeam Scattering in the HEB
SSCL-662 Drozhdin, A. HEB Beam Collimation System
SSCL-663 Meinke, R. Radiation Shielding for the Super Collider West Utility Region
SSCL-664 Walling, L. ANT Tuner Retrofit for LEB Cavity
SSCL-665 Larson, D.J. The HEB at Flat Top: Arranging for the HEB to Collider Beam Transfer
SSCL-666 Neal, M. Models for Interpreting Interstrand Resistance Measurements in Rutherford Cables
SSCL-667 Larson, D.J. Hardware Capabilities Required for Bunch Rotation and the HEB to Collider Transfer
SSCL-668 Walling, L. Summary of Beam Coupling Impedance Measurements and Simulations of Collider Liner with Pumping Holes
SSCL-669 Mao, N. Injection System of the SSC Medium-Energy Booster
SSCL-670 Walling, L. Above Cutoff Impedance Measurements of Pumping Holes for the Collider Liner
SSCL-671 Walling, L. Impedance Measurements of RF Joint (Bellows Shield) for Collider
SSCL-673 Mao, N. Beam Position Mismatching and Correction of LEB - MEB Transfer Line
SSCL-674 Abramovich, S. Cryogenic Systems for the HEB Accelerator of the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-675 Malitsky, N. PAC++: Object Oriented Platform for Accelerator Codes
SSCL-676 Johnson, R.G. Implementation of Beam Loss Monitor Systems for the SSC
SSCL-677 Bourianoff, G. Object Oriented Approach for the Design of the Simulation Facility of the SSC
SSCL-678 Mao, N. The 12-GeV/c Beam Transfer and Absorber Lines for the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-679 Baker, S. Activation Concentrations Outside the SSC Accelerator Enclosures
SSCL-680 Chou, W. Beam Instability Studies for the SSC
SSCL-681 Mehta, N. Tune Shifts and Spread due to the Incoherent Beam-Beam Effect in the SSC Interaction Regions*
SSCL-682 Mehta, N. Application of the Simplex Algorithm in Lattice Design for the SSC Straight Sections
SSCL-683 Mehta, N. Remote Alignment of Quadrupole Magnets in the SSC Interaction Regions
SSCL-684 Mehta, N. Emittance Growth and Luminosity Degradation due to Mechanical Vibrations in the SSC Interaction Regi
SSCL-685 Mehta, N. Combined Effects of Magnet Errors, Power Supply Ripples, Misalignment, Vibrations and the Beam-Beam
SSCL-686 Mehta, N. Computer Simulations of the Coherent Beam-Beam Effect in the SSC Interaction Regions
SSCL-687 Mehta, N. Use of Global Optimization in Magnet Sorting Schemes
SSCL-688 Maschke, A. Final Report of the SSC Electrodesorption Studies
SSCL-689 Walling, L. Impedance Measurements of the LEB Extraction Kicker Magnet
SSCL-900 Proton Therapy at the SSC: Conceptual Design Summary Prepared for and Work Supported by Southwestern
SSCL-BROCHURE Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory
SSCL-LSR-1992 Superconducting super collider: Laboratory status report, 1992
SSCL-MAG-315 Laslett, L.J. Three-dimensional magnetic field produced by an axisymmetric iron yoke (SSC quadrupole)
SSCL-MAN-0012 Justice, A.D.III SHOWTIME.C: A C language program for data acquisition and display user's guide
SSCL-MAN-0030-REV Garren, A.A. SYNCH: A Program for design and analysis of synchrotrons and beamlines: User's guide 1993
SSCL-N-079 Robinson, W. Electrical performance characteristics of the 40-mm dipole string test
SSCL-N-166 Jackson, John David Modifications in Dipole and Quadrupole Field Strengths During Ramping Because of Beam Pipe Eddy Curr
SSCL-N-167 Toohig, T.E. Tunneling Cost Example
SSCL-N-168 Forest, Etienne Tolerances for Residual Systematic Octupole Components in SSC-Dipole Magnets
SSCL-N-177 Meller, R. Odd Multipole Errors Due to Magnet Flexure
SSCL-N-693 Meuser, Robert B. A Figure of Merit for Cable Compaction Versus Degradation and Its Application to the SSC Dipoles
SSCL-N-695 Meuser, Robert B. Ansys Boundary Condition for Two-Dimensional Magnetic Field Analysis
SSCL-N-699 Gupta, Ramesh C. DSX201/W6733 Coil and Iron Design for SSC 50 mm Dipole Magnet with Wider Cables
SSCL-N-709 Neuffer, David Quasilocal Lumped Correction of IR Quad Nonlinearities
SSCL-N-715 Chen, T. A FODO transport line between HEB and Collider
SSCL-N-718 Furman, M. Reduction of the Dynamical Aperture Due to Tune Modulation
SSCL-N-719 Syphers, Mike Collider Tunnel and Building Designations
SSCL-N-721 Syphers, Mike Collider Magnet Count: WBS Distribution
SSCL-N-726 Strait, J. Experimental Evaluation of Vertically Versus Horizontally Split Yokes for SSC Dipole Magnets
SSCL-N-727 Chao, A.W. Cancellation of quadrupole effect on spin using combined-function magnets
SSCL-N-731 Lipski, A. SSC Dipole Magnet Measurement and Alignment using Laser Technology
SSCL-N-737 Nicol, Thomas H. Cryostat Design for the Superconducting Super Collider 50mm Aperture Dipole Magnet
SSCL-N-738 Nicol, Thomas H. Cryostat Design for the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-N-752 Ritson, D. Luminosity Scaling at the SSC
SSCL-N-760 Ritson, D. Modeling Long Term Collider Performance
SSCL-N-765 Nicol, Thomas H. SSC 50 mm Collider Dipole Cryostat Single Tube Support Post Conceptual Design and Analysis
SSCL-N-792 Toohig, T. SSC Electrical service requirements and option studies
SSCL-N-803 Garavaglia, T. The effect of global alignment survey errors on the performance of the Super Collider
SSCL-N-805 Shu, Quan-Sheng Report on the ASST II Liner Status
SSCL-N-806 Harr, R. Effect of polar angle acceptance on efficiency for detecting B0 ---> J / psi K0(S) at the SSC
SSCL-N-807 Dugan, Gerald F. Collider Tunnel/Niche Temperature Requirements
SSCL-N-808 Ghosh, Arup Interstrand Resistance Studies of Oxidized Superconducting Wires
SSCL-N-809 Tsyganov, É.V. Working Session on Beam Profile Technique for SSC
SSCL-N-811 Bourianoff, G. Accelerator simulation activities at the SSCL
SSCL-N-812 Nosochkov, Yu. Chromaticity correction for the collider at the SSC
SSCL-N-813 Zhou, J. Object-Oriented Simulation for the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-N-815 Lopez, G. Optimization of the Two Kickers Transverse Damping System for the SSC
SSCL-N-816 Maschke, A. Conceptual Outline of a Nondestructive Swept Electron Beam Diagnostic for the Linac Microbunch Struc
SSCL-N-817 Mahale, N. Displaced Bunch Synchrotron Oscillation Echoes in Accelerators
SSCL-N-819 Cole, B. Tunescan
SSCL-N-820 Aksel, Gulperi Recooler Test Data Analysis - ASST
SSCL-N-821 Mahale, N. Displaced Bunch Synchrotron Oscillation Echo - 45 MeV IUCF Scenario
SSCL-N-823 Keller, J.E. Minimum recommended SSC Laboratory seismic design requirements
SSCL-N-824 Zhao, Y. The Analysis of the Symmetry Tolerance in the Case of n Cavities Fed by a Single Klystron
SSCL-N-825 Anashin, V. Summary of recent photodesorption experiments at VEPP-2M
SSCL-N-826 Garavaglia, Theodore Effects of the GEM solenoidal magnetic field on SSC beam dynamics
SSCL-N-827 Ohnuma, Shoroku Simple Model for Normal Sextupole Components b2 in HEB Dipoles from 200 GeV to 2 TeV
SSCL-N-828 Cole, B. The Interactive Beam Dynamics Laboratory
SSCL-N-829 Wang, E. The Tau of Higgs
SSCL-N-830 Lundquist, J. KINREL: A Nuclear Data Code for the SSCL LINAC
SSCL-N-831 Luxhoj, E. Personnel Access Safety System Self Test Audio Sensor
SSCL-N-832 Luxhoj, E. Performance Evaluation of Oxygen Sensors for Use in the Superconducting Super Collider Personnel Acc
SSCL-N-833 Zhao, Y. Outline of Collider RF System
SSCL-N-835 Weaver, H.J. The Description of magnetic quadrupoles using optical terminology and techniques
SSCL-N-836 Ruckman, M. Nuclear Reaction Analysis of Hydrogen in SSC Beam Pipe Materials
SSCL-N-837 Lu, Guo-Quan SEM Microstructure of Cooper Films in the SSC Beam Tube
SSCL-N-838 Neumann, M. Procedure for Determining the Radiation Compatability of SSC Construction Materials
SSCL-N-839 Jiang, Q. Soft X-Ray Reflectivity Measurements for Technical Surfaces
SSCL-N-842 Vanstraelen, G. Fast Receiver for Low-Voltage-Swing Signals
SSCL-N-843 Vanstraelen, G. Integrated APD Quenching Circuit
SSCL-N-844 Vanstraelen, G. VLSI Read-Out System for Knife-Edge Detectors
SSCL-N-845 Kibuule, P.M. CMOS Effective Channel Size Measurements
SSCL-N-846 Jacobsen, F.M. The Development of a positron ionization gauge
SSCL-N-850 Carcagno, R. Prototype Helium Flow and Heat Transfer Model and Code
SSCL-N-851 Snitchler, G. Summary of HEB Magnet Ramp Rate Studies
SSCL-N-852 Yucel, A. Analysis of Crossflow Cooling in 50-mm CDM with Orificed Channels
SSCL-N-853 Mao, N. Phase-Space Dilution Effect of Quadrupole Component in C-type Dipoles of LEB-MEB Transfer Line
SSCL-N-854 Mao, N. Stability Requirements for Magnets in the LEB-MEB Transfer Line
SSCL-N-855 Johnson, R. Beam Loss Monitor System Specifications for the SSC Linear Accelerator
SSCL-N-856 Johnson, R. Beam Loss Monitor System Specifications for the SSC Low Energy Booster
SSCL-N-857 Nguyen, H. VME T1 Interface
SSCL-N-858 Nguyen, H. VME Message Broadcast Systems
SSCL-N-859 Nguyen, H. Simple Network Management Protocol
SSCL-N-860 Cuevas, C. EPICS Database Development Using ECAD Software
SSCL-N-861 Gurd, D. Communications Level IV Development Specification
SSCL-N-862 Yucel, A. Transient Response of the 20 K Shield of the Collider Dipole Magnet Cryostats
SSCL-N-863 Dugan, G. Hydrogen Density Distribution Analysis in SSC Beam Pipe Materials and Connection to Photodesorption
SSCL-N-864 Mao, N. Amplitude Function Mismatching and Correction of LEB-MEB Transfer Line
SSCL-N-865 Gurd, D. Software Development Plan
SSCL-N-866 Gurd, D. Global Accelerator Control System Requiremens Specification Level 3B
SSCL-N-867 Levin, M. Low Temperature Test Results for the ASST Run 3
SSCL-N-868 Than, R. The SSC Cryogenic System Design and Operating Modes
SSCL-N-869 Demko, J. Procedure for SRS Performance Calculations
SSCL-N-870 Demko, J. Operation and Control of the Helium Cooled Power Leads for the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-N-871 Stifle, K. Evaluation of the Accelerator System String Test (ASST) Heat Leak Measurements and Their Uncertainti
SSCL-N-872 Abramovich, S. Nitrogen System for the SSC: Continuous Recooling by Injecting Liquid into the Vapor Line
SSCL-N-873 Maslennikov, I. Summary of Warm Tube Photodesorption Experiments
SSCL-N-874 Carcagno, R. Process Control Description Example for a Compressor Skid
SSCL-N-875 Datskov, V. Measurements of a 100 Ampere High Temperature Superconductor Lead
SSCL-N-876 Department, Cryogenics N15 Cryogenic System and Technical Drawings
SSCL-P-188 Lebedev, V. Emittance growth due to noise and its suppression with the feedback system in large hadron colliders
SSCL-PP-139 Long, O.R. Monte Carlo simulations of B(d)0 ---> pi+ pi- from p p interactions at s**1/2 = 40-TeV
SSCL-PP-158 Grinstein, Benjamin The SSC: Program and searches for new particles
SSCL-PP-167 Grinstein, Benjamin On constraints for heavy meson form-factors
SSCL-PP-243 Bardeen, William A. Chiral dynamics and heavy quark symmetry in a solvable toy field theoretic model
SSCL-PREPRINT-001 Trahern, C.G. SSC lattice database and graphical interface
SSCL-PREPRINT-002 Dutt, S.K. Direct simulation of beam density evolution in phase space: Preliminary modeling in one degree of fr
SSCL-PREPRINT-003 Tacconi, E. 10-HZ resonant LEB magnet power supply system current regulation design
SSCL-PREPRINT-004 Jayakumar, R. Methods for field computations for the development of SSC superconducting magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-005 Bourianoff, G. Operational decoupling in the SSC collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-006 Devred, A. About the mechanics of SSC dipole magnet prototypes
SSCL-PREPRINT-007 Smedley, K. Reliability analysis for LEB ring magnet power system in SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-008-REV-A Damrau, J. Discovering graphics in LATEX documents
SSCL-PREPRINT-009 Mestha, L.K. Instabilities in beam control feedback loops in proton synchrotrons
SSCL-PREPRINT-009-REV-A Mestha, L.K. Instabilities in beam control feedback loops in proton synchrotrons
SSCL-PREPRINT-010 Robinson, Sandra L. Object oriented analysis and database design for the SSC magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-011 Peterson, J. Two‐family compensation of linear horizontal/vertical coupling
SSCL-PREPRINT-012 Dugan, Michael J. On the Hilbert space of the heavy quark effective theory
SSCL-PREPRINT-013 Grinstein, Benjamin An Effective field theory calculation of the QCD corrections to weak parameters
SSCL-PREPRINT-014 Lopez, G. Perturbation approach and the constant of motion for one-dimensional dynamical systems
SSCL-PREPRINT-015 Mestha, L.K. Stabilization of Global Beam Control Feedback Loops for SSC Low Energy Booster using Sliding - Mode
SSCL-PREPRINT-016 Yan, Y.T. Brief comment on one‐turn maps for long‐term tracking
SSCL-PREPRINT-017 Grinstein, Benjamin Lectures on heavy quark effective theory
SSCL-PREPRINT-018 Bourianoff, G. Decoupling the SSC collider using local correction techniques
SSCL-PREPRINT-019 Bourianoff, G. Parallel processing at the SSC: The Fact and the fiction
SSCL-PREPRINT-020 McAshan, M. Superconducting Super Collider: A Step in the 21st century
SSCL-PREPRINT-021 Huang, Z. Vacuum orientations in strong CP violation
SSCL-PREPRINT-022 Pilat, Fulvia Compensation of coupling in the SSC complex
SSCL-PREPRINT-023 Paige, Frank E. SSC Physics signatures
SSCL-PREPRINT-024 Demko, J.A. Thermal optimization of the helium cooled power leads for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-025 Grinstein, Benjamin Chiral perturbation theory for f D(s) / f D and B B(s) / B B
SSCL-PREPRINT-026 Zhang, B. Conceptual design of the SSC cryogenic transfer lines
SSCL-PREPRINT-027 Gilman, Frederick J. The SSC project and experimental program
SSCL-PREPRINT-028 Machida, S. Tracking Study in Boosters of Hadron Colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-030 Pappas, Chris Low Energy Booster Extraction Kicker Modulator
SSCL-PREPRINT-031 Bensinger, J. Muon systems
SSCL-PREPRINT-032 Wu, Dan-di Nonlinear sigma model with CP violation
SSCL-PREPRINT-033 Carcagno, R.H. A Dynamic model for beam tube vacuum effects on the SSC cryogenic system
SSCL-PREPRINT-034 Grinstein, Benjamin Light quark, heavy quark systems
SSCL-PREPRINT-035 Warner, D.G. SSCL magnet systems quality program implementation for laboratory and industry
SSCL-PREPRINT-036 Leung, K.K. An Engineering design study of detector deformation limits in the SSC SDC detector
SSCL-PREPRINT-038 Edwards, D.A. Parameter selection for the SSC tradeoffs and optimization
SSCL-PREPRINT-039 Sanford, J.R. Highlights of the SSC site development plan
SSCL-PREPRINT-040 Rust, K.R. Wide-range voltage modulation
SSCL-PREPRINT-041 Radusewicz, P. Results from a partial lifetime test of a 40-mm aperture, 17-m long SSC model dipole
SSCL-PREPRINT-042 Capone, D.W. Cable keystone angle optimization for 40-mm SSC quadrupole magnet development
SSCL-PREPRINT-043 Daly, E. Transportation studies: 40-mm collider dipole magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-044 Coles, M. A Facility description of the SSCL magnet test laboratory
SSCL-PREPRINT-045 Jalloh, A.R. Structural dynamic analysis of the SSC 40-mm collider dipole magnet under transportation loads
SSCL-PREPRINT-046 Franks, D.E. The Effect of vacuum gas pressures and species on internal heat leak in the SSCL Magnet design
SSCL-PREPRINT-047 Lambert, J.David Software design philosophy for the SSCL magnet test laboratory
SSCL-PREPRINT-048 Dwyer, Stephen J. Summary of production development, details, and results for model dipoles at SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-049 Christopherson, D. Summary of the performance of superconducting cable produced for the accelerator system string test
SSCL-PREPRINT-050 Wolman, D. Design and use of a mechanical gauge for measuring alignment of critical features of string test mag
SSCL-PREPRINT-051 Wolf, Z.R. Magnetic measurement instrumentation developments at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-052 Pollock, D.A. A Statistical rationale for establishing process quality control limits using fixed sample size, for
SSCL-PREPRINT-053 Ball, M.J. The Magnet database system
SSCL-PREPRINT-054 Seuntjens, J.M. Raw materials and early monofilament analysis from the vendor qualification program
SSCL-PREPRINT-055 Arden, Craig S. Implementing corrective actions from the failure reporting, analysis and corrective action system (F
SSCL-PREPRINT-056 Leung, K.K. Transient cooldown stresses in superconducting collider dipole magnet
SSCL-PREPRINT-057 Bein, D. Utilization of gamma-ray inspection system for tomographic imaging and dimensional analysis of compl
SSCL-PREPRINT-058 Bein, D.A. Eddy current inspection of superconducting cable during manufacturing
SSCL-PREPRINT-059 Jalloh, A.R. Analytical study of the thermal insulation system in the interconnect region of the SSC collider mag
SSCL-PREPRINT-060 Kallas, Nick Connectivity among computer aided engineering methods, procedures, and tools used in developing the
SSCL-PREPRINT-061 Damrau, J. DECwrite v2.0: A novice`s perspective
SSCL-PREPRINT-063 Ball, M. Databases for Support of Testing and Analysis of Superconducting Magnets at the SSC Laboratory
SSCL-PREPRINT-064 Grinstein, Benjamin Heavy Mesons in Two-Dimensions
SSCL-PREPRINT-0652 Gattu, R. Analysis of coil wedge dimensional variation in SSC prototype dipole magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-066 Ivey, James System design overview for the magnet test database system
SSCL-PREPRINT-067 Rogers, Jimmy D. An Updated overview of the LEB RF system
SSCL-PREPRINT-068 Shu, Q.S. The Cryogenic system for the MTL magnet test stands
SSCL-PREPRINT-069 Seuntjens, J.M. Cold weld analysis in SSC strand and cable
SSCL-PREPRINT-070 Grippe, J. Linac RF Systems
SSCL-PREPRINT-071 Western, Jeffrey L. SDC detector foundation requirements
SSCL-PREPRINT-072 Mestha, L.K. A General control model for designing beam control feedback loops
SSCL-PREPRINT-073 McInturff, A.D. Measured control characteristics of the half cell 40-mm aperture magnet string
SSCL-PREPRINT-074 Aiello, G.R. Beam Position Monitor Electronics using DC Coupled Demodulating Logarithmic Amplifiers
SSCL-PREPRINT-075 Viola, R. A Technique for Performing the Assembly Alignment of the SSC Dipole Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-076 Mestha, L.K. A Time Domain Control Algorithm for Global RF Feedback Loops
SSCL-PREPRINT-077 Nobrega, F. Designing, Fabricating and Testing Cost Effective Structural Composite for the SSCL Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-078 Jach, C. Low-energy Booster Main Magnet Power Xupply Xystem
SSCL-PREPRINT-079 Schaffer, G. Improved Ferrite Biasing Scheme for Booster RF Cavities
SSCL-PREPRINT-080 Schaffer, G. Application of Superconducting Cavities to the Collider Rings of the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-081 Bossert, R. Construction Experience with Fermilab Built Full Length 50-mm SSC Dipoles
SSCL-PREPRINT-082 Devred, A. Review of SSC Dipole Magnet Mechanics and Quench Performance
SSCL-PREPRINT-083 Oslin, Aubie GIS / FIS Development for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-084 Dugan, G. Overview of SSC Accelerator Requirements
SSCL-PREPRINT-085 Ritson, D. SSC Beam Dynamics Scaled to the Eloisatron
SSCL-PREPRINT-086 Maschke, A.W. Hydrogen Desorption and the Search for the Higgs
SSCL-PREPRINT-087 McAshan, M. 84-K Nitrogen System for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-088 Nonte, John Systems Engineering at the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-089 Thomas, J. Experimental Issues in Measuring W(L)+ W(L)+ Scattering
SSCL-PREPRINT-090 Hurd, J.W. Commissioning Plans for SSC LINAC (DRAFT)
SSCL-PREPRINT-091 Chester, Thomas J. Medical Surveillance of Employee Health at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory
SSCL-PREPRINT-092 Radusewicz, P. A Summary of SSC dipole magnet field quality measurements
SSCL-PREPRINT-093 Anerella, M. Summaries of Performance of 40-mm and 50-mm Aperture SSC/BNL Collider Dipole Magnet Prototypes
SSCL-PREPRINT-094 Muratore, J.F. Construction and Test Results from 1.8-m long, 50-mm Aperture SSC Model Collider Dipoles
SSCL-PREPRINT-095 Hedderick, Robert V. SSCL Quality Program Overview
SSCL-PREPRINT-097 Lipski, Arie Alternate Manufacturing Processes and Materials for the SSC dipole magnet coil end parts
SSCL-PREPRINT-098 Norman, Leonard S. Concept design of the high voltage transmission system for the collider tunnel
SSCL-PREPRINT-099 Funk, L.W. The SSC linac: Status of design and procurement activities
SSCL-PREPRINT-100 Lamm, M. Results from the Fermilab 1.5-m model magnet program
SSCL-PREPRINT-101 Corning, Bruce C. Successful NEPA compliance at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory: A Case study
SSCL-PREPRINT-102 Delchamps, S. Magnetic field measurements of Fermilab / General Dynamics built full scale SSC collider dipole magn
SSCL-PREPRINT-103 Koska, Wayne A Design for a high voltage magnet coil ringer test set
SSCL-PREPRINT-105 Schiesser, W. MOL calculation of the solitons of the cubic Schrodinger equation
SSCL-PREPRINT-106 Parry, Richard R. Personnel access safety system
SSCL-PREPRINT-108 Wake, M. Mechanical behavior of Fermilab / General Dynamics built 15-M SSC collider dipoles
SSCL-PREPRINT-109 Strait, J. Quench performance of Fermilab / General Dynamics built full length SSC collider dipole magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-110 Gadsden, Tom SSC education: Science to capture the imagination
SSCL-PREPRINT-111 Cho, Peter L. Heavy hadron form-factor relations for m(c) not = infinity and alpha-s (m(c)) not = 0
SSCL-PREPRINT-114 Lynn, Bryan W. Chiral SU(2)-L x SU(2)-R liquids: A Theory of heavy nuclei and neutron stars
SSCL-PREPRINT-115 Lopez, G. Direct Solution Approximation to the Thermal Hydraulic Quenchback in Superconducting Cables
SSCL-PREPRINT-116 Bahcall, Safi Potential motion for Thomas-Fermi nontopological solitons
SSCL-PREPRINT-117 Hochron, David A. An Upper bound on Q star masses
SSCL-PREPRINT-118 Fridman, A. B physics with p p interactions
SSCL-PREPRINT-119 Chou, W. Synchrobetatron resonances excited by the beam-beam interaction at a crossing angle in the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-120 Fenker, Howard C. Optical transducers for scintillating fiber readout
SSCL-PREPRINT-121 Regan, Thomas O. A method to quench and recharge avalanche photodiodes for use in high rate situations
SSCL-PREPRINT-122 Zhou, Jia-sheng Object oriented simulation for the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-123 Faraggi, A. Superstring derived standard - like models and the top quark mass hierarchy
SSCL-PREPRINT-124 Faraggi, Alon E. Aspects of nonrenormalizable terms in a superstring derived standard - like Model
SSCL-PREPRINT-125 Pappas, Chris Low-energy booster extraction kicker prototype modulator
SSCL-PREPRINT-126 Faraggi, Alon E. Comment on Grand Unification and Supersymmetric Threshold
SSCL-PREPRINT-126-REV Faraggi, Alon E. Comment on `Grand unification and supersymmetric threshold'
SSCL-PREPRINT-127 Atac, M. Tracking with scintillating fibers and visible light photon counters
SSCL-PREPRINT-129 Cherny, Sergei Problems in the use of plastic scintillators in intense radiation fields
SSCL-PREPRINT-130 Thiagarajan, V. Design of main dipoles and quadrupoles for the SSC low-energy booster
SSCL-PREPRINT-131 Machida, S. Tracking study of hadron collider boosters
SSCL-PREPRINT-132 Chao, A. Recent efforts on nonlinear dynamics
SSCL-PREPRINT-132-REV-1 Chao, A. Recent efforts on nonlinear dynamics
SSCL-PREPRINT-133 Kuzminski, J. Quench performance of 50-mm aperture, 15-m long SSCL dipole magnets built at Fermilab
SSCL-PREPRINT-134 Ogitsu, T. Influence of Cable Eddy currents on Magnetic Field Harmonics
SSCL-PREPRINT-134-REV-A Ogitsu, T. Influence of Cable Eddy currents on Magnetic Field Harmonics
SSCL-PREPRINT-135 Dugan, G. Status of the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-136 Shu, Q.S. Thermal optimum analyses and mechanical design of 10-kA, vapor cooled power leads for SSC supercondu
SSCL-PREPRINT-136-REV-A Shu, Q.S. Thermal optimum analyses and mechanical design of 10-kA, vapor cooled power leads for SSC supercondu
SSCL-PREPRINT-137 Garavaglia, T. An Approximate invariant using Lie algebra
SSCL-PREPRINT-138 Shih, H.-J. Reliability of Numerical Solutions of a Diffusion Equation Modeling RF Noise - Induced Dilution in P
SSCL-PREPRINT-138-REV-1 Shih, H.J. Reliability of numerical solutions of a diffusion equation modeling RF noise induced dilution in par
SSCL-PREPRINT-140 Goodzeit, C. Cold mass mechanical design, quench and mechanical test results for full length 50-mm aperture SSC m
SSCL-PREPRINT-141 Hurd, J.W. Commissioning plans for SSC linac
SSCL-PREPRINT-142 Seuntjens, J.M. Analysis of Monofilament and Multifilament Samples Obtained from Phase I of the SSCL Vendor Qualific
SSCL-PREPRINT-143 Ball, M. Databases for Support of Testing and Analysis of Superconducting Magnets at the SSC Laboratory
SSCL-PREPRINT-144 Erdmann, M.J. Continuing Results of Systematic Error in Ic Testing
SSCL-PREPRINT-145 Seuntjens, J.M. Image Analysis of Superconducting Composites
SSCL-PREPRINT-146 Christopherson, D. Preliminary Results of Strand and Cable Produced in Phase 1 B of the SSC Vendor Qualification Progra
SSCL-PREPRINT-147 Papers contributed to the 1992 Applied Superconductivity Conference
SSCL-PREPRINT-147A Ogitsu, T. Mechanical performance of 5-cm aperture, 15-m long SSC dipole magnet prototypes
SSCL-PREPRINT-147B Nah, W. Quench characteristics of 5-cm aperture, 15-m long SSC dipole magnet prototypes
SSCL-PREPRINT-147C Cortella, J.M. Mechanical performance of full scale prototype quadrupole magnets for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-147D Zhao, Y. Current dependence of harmonic field coefficients of 5-cm aperture, 15-m long SSC dipole magnet prot
SSCL-PREPRINT-147E Mints, R.G. Enhanced quench propagation velocity
SSCL-PREPRINT-148 Zhou, J. Object oriented simulation for the superconducting super collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-149 Chang, Long Chyr A Parallel Implementation of Particle Tracking with Space Charge Effects on an Intel iPSC/860
SSCL-PREPRINT-149-REV-1 Chang, Long Chyr A Parallel Implementation of Particle Tracking with Space Charge Effects on an Intel iPSC/860
SSCL-PREPRINT-149-REV-2 Chang, Long Chyr A Parallel Implementation of Particle Tracking with Space Charge Effects on an Intel iPSC/860
SSCL-PREPRINT-150 Lopez, G. Constant of motion, Hamiltonian, and Lagrangian, for autonomous systems defined in a hyperbolic flat
SSCL-PREPRINT-151 Lopez, G. Defining parameters of the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-152 Newberger, B.S. Super Slow Extraction at the SSC using Channeling in a Curved Crystal
SSCL-PREPRINT-153 Jones, Alan A. VXIbus beam position monitor module
SSCL-PREPRINT-154 Bush, T. Status of the SSC superconducting magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-155 Fukui, T. Cosmic ray test of SDC prototype muon drift tubes
SSCL-PREPRINT-155-REV Fukui, T. Cosmic ray test of SDC prototype muon drift tubes
SSCL-PREPRINT-156 Botlo, M. Data acquisition for super colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-157 Yan, Y. An Algorithm for symplectic implicit Taylor map tracking
SSCL-PREPRINT-158 Grinstein, Benjamin The SSC: Program and searches for new particles
SSCL-PREPRINT-159 Siegrist, James Experimental challenges at future hadron colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-160 Wang, E. Trigger and DAQ issues in low mass Higgs searches
SSCL-PREPRINT-161 Talman, Richard Long term stability in proton storage rings
SSCL-PREPRINT-162 Burgett, William S. Full power test of a string of magnets comprising a half cell of the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-163 Paige, F.E. Physics simulations for SSC and LHC
SSCL-PREPRINT-164 Crosetto, Dario 3-D flow processor for a calorimeter programmable level 1 trigger
SSCL-PREPRINT-165 Crosetto, Dario 3-D flow processor for a calorimeter programmable level 1 trigger
SSCL-PREPRINT-167 Grinstein, Benjamin On constraints for heavy meson form-factors
SSCL-PREPRINT-168 Syphers, M.J. SSC design update
SSCL-PREPRINT-169 Scipioni, B. Physics detector simulation facility (PDSF) architecture / utilization
SSCL-PREPRINT-170 Scipioni, B. Physics detector simulation facility phase II: System software description
SSCL-PREPRINT-171 Scipioni, B. SISSY: A Multithreaded, networked, object oriented databased example
SSCL-PREPRINT-172 Jaffe, M. FDDI experience at the SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-173 Cormell, L. Coping with distributed computing
SSCL-PREPRINT-174 Allen, J. SSCL-PDSF data management system
SSCL-PREPRINT-175 Mestad, S. SSCL DD2 mass storage
SSCL-PREPRINT-176 Roberts, Lee A. Detector simulation support at the SSC Laboratory
SSCL-PREPRINT-177 Lynch, Harvey L. SSC overview
SSCL-PREPRINT-178 Grinstein, Benjamin Heavy quark effective theory: Applications to weak decays
SSCL-PREPRINT-178-REV A Grinstein, Benjamin Heavy quark effective theory: Applications to weak decays
SSCL-PREPRINT-179 Tsyganov, E. Electron beam emittance monitor for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-180 Crosetto, D. Programmable level 1 trigger for calorimeter
SSCL-PREPRINT-181 Bourianoff, G. Determination of coupled‐lattice properties using turn‐by‐turn data
SSCL-PREPRINT-182 Dutt, Samir K. Synchrotron radiation from protons
SSCL-PREPRINT-183 Lynn, B.W. Electroweak radiative corrections to atomic parity nonconservation
SSCL-PREPRINT-186 Schwitters, Roy F. Future hadron collider: The SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-187 Talman, Richard Zeta transform description of feedback acting on a coupled beam
SSCL-PREPRINT-188 Lebedev, V. Emittance growth due to noise and its suppression with the feedback system in large hadron colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-188 Lebedev, V.A. Emittance growth due to noise and its suppression with the feedback system in large hadron colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-189 Garavaglia, T. Higgs particle detection using jets
SSCL-PREPRINT-190 Yan, Yi-ton T. Success in one turn maps for dynamic aperture studies: A Brief review
SSCL-PREPRINT-191 Lebedev, V. Computer simulation of the emittance growth due to noise in large hadron colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-192 Diwan, Milind Vaman Design of a compact beam dump for the BNL - AGS neutral beam
SSCL-PREPRINT-193 Faraggi, Alon E. Neutrino masses in superstring derived standard - like models
SSCL-PREPRINT-194 Goren, Y. Eddy current simulations for the SSCL low-energy booster cavity
SSCL-PREPRINT-195 Mestha, L.K. Interaction between beam control and RF feedback loops for high Q cavities and heavy beam loading
SSCL-PREPRINT-196 Walling, L. Higher‐order mode (HOM) damper design using HFSS
SSCL-PREPRINT-197 Machida, S. The Simpsons program 6‐D phase space tracking with acceleration
SSCL-PREPRINT-198 Koga, J. Three-dimensional $\Delta$f simulations of beams in the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-199 Li, M. Simulation of the injection damping and resonance correction systems for the HEB of the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-200 Garren, A. SYNCH‐status and recent use at SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-201 Chen, B. Longitudinal head - tail instability in a nonharmonic potential well
SSCL-PREPRINT-202 Tsyganov, E. The SSC damper system
SSCL-PREPRINT-203 Datskov, V. An Experimental evaluation of joint electrical resistance on power lead thermal performance
SSCL-PREPRINT-204 Chou, W. Wakefield and impedance studies of a liner using MAFIA
SSCL-PREPRINT-205 Newberger, B. Effect of Betatron Motion on Particle Loss Due to Longitudinal Diffusion in High-energy Colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-205-REV-1 Newberger, Barry S. Effect of betatron motion on particle loss due to longitudinal diffusion in high-energy colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-207 Schwitters, Roy F. The Superconducting Super Collider: A status report
SSCL-PREPRINT-208 Arden, Craig S. Systems analysis determining critical items, critical assembly processes, primary failure modes and
SSCL-PREPRINT-209 Barton, H.R., Jr. An ASD physics education program
SSCL-PREPRINT-210 Zhang, B. Stress analysis on SSC cryogenic shaft transfer line suspension system
SSCL-PREPRINT-211 Krebs, H.J. An Engineering design study of the support platform assembly for the SSC SDC detector
SSCL-PREPRINT-212 Abramovich, S. Thermal and flow considerations for the 80 K shield of the SSC magnet cryostats
SSCL-PREPRINT-213 Spigo, G. Design and performance of a new 50-mm quadrupole magnet for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-214 Dombeck, Tom The Accelerator systems string test: Objectives, problems, results, anecdotes, and reflections
SSCL-PREPRINT-215 Zhang, Burt A Study on sector nitrogen inventory emergency venting
SSCL-PREPRINT-216 Zhang, B. Preliminary design of sector cryogenic shaft transfer line system
SSCL-PREPRINT-217 Heefner, J.W. Business opportunities in the SSCL global control system
SSCL-PREPRINT-218 Fry, A. Integrating PAW, a Graphical Analysis Interface to Sybase
SSCL-PREPRINT-219 Payne, J. Leak checker data acquisition system
SSCL-PREPRINT-220 Shih, H.J. DILUTE: A Code for studying beam evolution under RF noise
SSCL-PREPRINT-221 Mestha, L.K. Low power RF beam control electronics for the LEB
SSCL-PREPRINT-222 Stifle, Kirk Experimental Strength Verification of SSC Cryogenic Transfer Line Internal Suspension System
SSCL-PREPRINT-223 Palkovic, J. Emittance growth and halo formation in a low-energy proton beam
SSCL-PREPRINT-224 Maddocks, J. Heat leak measurements and thermal modeling of a mechanical support for a SSC beam tube liner
SSCL-PREPRINT-225 Nath, Pran Predictions in SU(5) supergravity grand unification with proton stability and relic density constrai
SSCL-PREPRINT-226 Baritchi, Liana Low conductivity water plants: Issues of process control
SSCL-PREPRINT-228 Mestad, Steven L. SSCL DD2 driver port and project update
SSCL-PREPRINT-229 Arnowitt, Richard L. Supergravity grand unification, proton decay and cosmological constraints
SSCL-PREPRINT-231 Pletzer, Randy K. Collider quadrupole magnet (CQM) optical alignment window heat leak prediction
SSCL-PREPRINT-232 Pletzer, Randy K. The Thermal behavior of an SSC magnet in an unconditioned outdoor environment
SSCL-PREPRINT-233 Chang, C.J. A Study of structural integrity of the SSC magnet six strut support system
SSCL-PREPRINT-234 Archer, B. A Quasi3-D model to predict temperature distribution in SSC magnets due to 3-D heat loads
SSCL-PREPRINT-235 Oged, M. Supplier performance evaluation and rating system (SPEARS)
SSCL-PREPRINT-236 Bork, R. Data Acquisition and Controls for the SSCL ASST Phase 1
SSCL-PREPRINT-237 Mulholland, G.T. The Accelerator Systems String Test Cryogenics
SSCL-PREPRINT-238 Stupakov, G.V. Echo Effect in Accelerators
SSCL-PREPRINT-239 Stupakov, G.V. Emittance growth due to power ripple in a hadron collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-240 Yan, Yi-ton T. Zlib and related programs for beam dynamics studies
SSCL-PREPRINT-241 Meshkov, Sydney Quark and lepton masses
SSCL-PREPRINT-242 Grippe, J. Design and results of the radiofrequency quadrupole RF system at the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-243 Bardeen, William A. Chiral dynamics and heavy quark symmetry in a solvable toy field theoretic model
SSCL-PREPRINT-244 Lopez, G. Quench simulation of the 40-mm aperture SSC quadrupole magnet connected in series with 50-mm apertur
SSCL-PREPRINT-245 Thiagarajan, V. The Longitudinal coupling impedance of a slot on the SSC collider liner
SSCL-PREPRINT-246 Jaffe, Mike FDDI experience at the SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-247 Gattu, R. Preliminary results from a study of collar lamination variation in SSC prototype dipole magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-248 Nogiec, Jerzy M. MTL distributed magnet measuring system
SSCL-PREPRINT-249 Ball, M.J. Applications interfaces to the magnet database system
SSCL-PREPRINT-250 Brown, Graham M. Measurement of complex surfaces
SSCL-PREPRINT-251 Burgett, William S. Cryogenic characteristics of the SSC accelerator systems string test (ASST)
SSCL-PREPRINT-252 Cormell, L Distributed computing at the SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-253 Davis, Steve What the quality philosophy brings to a research and development environment like the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-255 Hovde, R. Measurement and alignment goals for the SDC detector
SSCL-PREPRINT-256 Milner, E.Cas Overview of the GEM muon system cosmic ray test program at the SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-257 Webber, Robert C. Beam instrumentation and precision timing equipment for the SSC accelerator complex
SSCL-PREPRINT-258 Wells, Norman E. System level description of the SDC detector
SSCL-PREPRINT-260 Ranganathan, R. Three-dimensional model of a liquid cooled, low-energy booster, radiofrequency cavity tuner at the S
SSCL-PREPRINT-262 Ranganathan, R. Structural and thermal analysis of a solid cooled, low-energy booster, radiofrequency cavity tuner a
SSCL-PREPRINT-263 Mookerjee, S. Method of fabricating a completely ordered wound coil
SSCL-PREPRINT-264 Jones, Kennedy Low-energy booster radiofrequency cavity structural analysis
SSCL-PREPRINT-265 Tuttle, G.W. The Low-energy booster project status
SSCL-PREPRINT-266 Cruse, Greg Design and analysis of the collider SPXA / SPRA spool piece vacuum barrier
SSCL-PREPRINT-267 Tran, V. Corrector magnets: Combined structural analysis of collider 50 mm aperture ordered wound dipoles int
SSCL-PREPRINT-268 Ferrell, J. Technical status of SSC RF amplifier and accelerating cavity systems
SSCL-PREPRINT-269 Tran, V. Corrector magnets: Combined structural analysis of collider 50 mm aperture ordered wound quadrupoles
SSCL-PREPRINT-270 Tran, V. Corrector magnets: Combined structural analysis of collider 50 mm aperture ordered wound sextupoles
SSCL-PREPRINT-271 Ahmad, Aziz The Design and development of a single piece, sandwich tube cold mass support post for the SSC colli
SSCL-PREPRINT-272 Mynk, J. Overview and status of RF systems for the SSC linac
SSCL-PREPRINT-273 Anderson, D.E. Design and preliminary testing of the LEB extraction kicker magnet at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-275 Hassan, N. Design of a model dipole magnet for the SSC high-energy booster
SSCL-PREPRINT-277-ERR Leung, K. Effective Stress of a 4.2-K Beam Tube in a Quenching Collider 50-mm Dipole Magnet for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-277-ERRATUM Leung, K.K. Effective stress of a 4.2 K beam tube in a quenching collider 50-mm dipole magnet for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-278 Leung, K.K. Dynamic analysis of six strut supporting system for accelerator magnet
SSCL-PREPRINT-279 Jalloh, A.R. Conceptual Design of the Cryostat System for the 2:1 Vertical Bending Dipole Magnet of the SSC Colli
SSCL-PREPRINT-280 Jalloh, A.R. Design and analysis of the cryostat system for a 15-m long prototype quadrupole magnet
SSCL-PREPRINT-281 Bardos, V.A. Databases for Analysis of Superconducting Cable Manufacturing
SSCL-PREPRINT-282 Archer, B. Test performance of the QSE series of 5-cm aperture quadrupole model magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-283 Baritchi, D. Multilayer insulation for the interconnect region in the accelerator system string test: A Practical
SSCL-PREPRINT-284 Corbett, C. Optical measurement of SSC ARC quadrupole cold mass location
SSCL-PREPRINT-285 Baritchi, D. Conceptual design studies for a He-2 cooled low Beta quad IR magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-286 Coleman, E.S. Results of Cabling from Phase 1B of the SSC Vendor Qualification Program
SSCL-PREPRINT-287 LaBarge, A. Cold Test Facility for 1.8-m Superconducting Model Magnets at the SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-288 Lerch, DeLynden Building the Repositories to Serve
SSCL-PREPRINT-289 Li, Wei-Chuan Systematic Error Analysis of Rotating Coil Using Computer Simulation
SSCL-PREPRINT-290 Pollock, D.A. The Application of Moving Average Control Charts for Evaluating Magnetic Field Quality on an Individ
SSCL-PREPRINT-291 Pollock, D. A Comparison of Least Squares Linear Regression and Measurement Error Modeling of Warm/Cold Multipol
SSCL-PREPRINT-292 Chapman, G. The Proposed Vacuum System for the Interaction Regions of the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-293 Deis, G. Overview of the Superconducting Magnet Subsystem for the GEM Detector at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-296 Chen, S. Simulation of the Transverse Dipole Mode Multibunch Instability for the SSC Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-297 Ganni, V. Operating Modes of the SSC Sector Station Cryogenic System
SSCL-PREPRINT-298 Winje, Russell A. Equipment Acquisition Plans for the SSCL Magnet Excitation Power Systems
SSCL-PREPRINT-299 Lopez, G. Tune Shift Effect Due to the Sextupole Longitudinal Periodic Structure in the Superconducting Dipole
SSCL-PREPRINT-300 Seuntjens, J.M. Comparisons of Processes and Performance of SSC VQP Material
SSCL-PREPRINT-301 Erdmann, M.J. Initial Results of Strand Produced in Phase 2 of the SSCL Vendor Qualification Program
SSCL-PREPRINT-302 Kovachev, V.T. Extracted Strand I(c) and Strand I(c) Degradation for SSC Cables
SSCL-PREPRINT-303 Spindel, Amanda A Study of the Effect of Cable Insulation on Coil Properties
SSCL-PREPRINT-304 Lopez, G. Headon and Long Range Beam-Beam Tune Shift Spread in the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-305 Goodzeit, C. Parameters and Conceptual Design of a Vertical Bending Magnet for the Super Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-306 Venkatraman, V. Magnetic Design Considerations for the SSC Vertical Bending (BV1C) Magnet
SSCL-PREPRINT-307 Carcagno, R. A Methodology to Describe Process Control Requirements
SSCL-PREPRINT-308 Tran, N. Thermal Analysis of the SSC Beam Scraper
SSCL-PREPRINT-309 Dao, Bui Structural Behavior of the Six Strut Support System
SSCL-PREPRINT-310 Spinos, Frank Industry Participation in the SSCL Installation Program
SSCL-PREPRINT-311 Kurennoy, Sergey S. Using a Ceramic Chamber in Kicker Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-312 Kurennoy, Sergey S. On Coupling Impedances of Pumping Holes
SSCL-PREPRINT-313 Bein, D. Advances in the Use of Tomographic Inspection Techniques for Non-Destructive Analysis of Geometric C
SSCL-PREPRINT-314 Kuzminski, J. Test of Fermilab Built, Post ASST, 50-mm Aperture, Full Length SSC Dipole Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-315 Chen, Y. Experimental Young's Modulus Calculations
SSCL-PREPRINT-316 DiMarco, J. Summary of Dipole Field Angle Measurements on 50-mm Aperture SSC Collider Dipole Magnet Prototypes
SSCL-PREPRINT-317 Chen, Yan-ping Mechanical Analysis of the DSB Cross-Section
SSCL-PREPRINT-318 Haddock, C. Reducing the Energy Requirements of Quench Protection Heaters for SSC Dipoles: Test Results
SSCL-PREPRINT-319 Sims, R. A Study of Variations in Dipole Cable Insulation Systems and Their Effect on Creep
SSCL-PREPRINT-320 Zeigler, Richard E. Strain Gauge Pack in Process Measurement System for the Collider Quadrupole: Design and Technology T
SSCL-PREPRINT-321 Scipioni, B. SISSY: An Example of a Multithreaded, Networked, Object Oriented Databased Application
SSCL-PREPRINT-322 Scipioni, B. Physics Detector Simulation Facility: Phase-II System Software Description
SSCL-PREPRINT-323 Parkhomshuk, V.V. Measurements of the Ground Motion Vibrations at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-324 Scipioni, B. Physics Detector Simulation Facility (PDSF) Architecture / Utilization
SSCL-PREPRINT-325 Shu, Q.S. Development of Cryogenic Instruments and Equipment for SSC Magnet Cryogenic Tests at the MTL
SSCL-PREPRINT-326 Parker, Brett Design Status Report on the Collider Utility Straight Insertions
SSCL-PREPRINT-327 Maddocks, J. The Heat Load of an 80-K Liner for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-328 Baishev, I.S. Beam Loss Handling at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-329 Drozhdin, A.I. Dealing with Abort Kicker Prefire in the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-330 Shu, Q.S. Design of an 80-K Liner Prototype in SSCL ASST for Synchrotron Light Interception
SSCL-PREPRINT-331 Kountanis, Bill Development of Hermetic Electrical Connectors for SSC Spool Pieces
SSCL-PREPRINT-332 Kurennoy, S.S. A New Method for Calculation of Low Frequency Coupling Impedance
SSCL-PREPRINT-333 Kraushaar, P. The Accelerator Systems String Test Program
SSCL-PREPRINT-334 Hassan, N. Fabrication and As - Built Design of the 50-mm Aperture SSC Model Quadrupole Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-335 Bear, James E. Engineered Design of SSC Cooling Ponds
SSCL-PREPRINT-336 Cheng, Alen Design of a Tunnel Cooling System
SSCL-PREPRINT-337 Western, J.L. An Engineering Design Study of the Transfer Bridge for the SSC SDC Detector
SSCL-PREPRINT-338 Norman, Leonard S. An Engineering Study and Concept Design of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for
SSCL-PREPRINT-339 Butalla, M. Facility Modeling of West Utility Straight Tunnel Section
SSCL-PREPRINT-340 Robinson, W. Electrical Performance Characteristics of the SSC Accelerator System String Test
SSCL-PREPRINT-341 Western, J. Minimum Recommended SSC Laboratory Seismic Design Requirements
SSCL-PREPRINT-342 He, An-Ming Quench and Quench Protection for the SSC Collider Correctors
SSCL-PREPRINT-343 Johnson, D.E. Status of the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-346 Pollock, D. Preliminary Analysis of Coil Wedge Dimensional Variation in SSC Prototype Dipole Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-347 Webber, Robert C. Overview and Status of Beam Instrumentation at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-348 Minervini, J.V. Conductor Design for the GEM Detector Magnet
SSCL-PREPRINT-349 Li, M. Modification of the Short Straight Sections of the High-Energy Booster of the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-350 Heefner, J. The SSCL Linac Control System
SSCL-PREPRINT-351 Ruiz, E. Beam Coupling Impedance Measurements and Simulations of a Beam Pipe Liner with Pumping Holes or Slot
SSCL-PREPRINT-352 Tsyganov, E. Electron Beam Emittance Monitor for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-353 Meinke, R. Limitations of a Residual Gas Ionization Beam Profile Monitor for the SSC Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-354 Coleman, P. Status of the SSC LEB RF Cavity
SSCL-PREPRINT-355 Goren, Y. Nonlinear Effects in Ferrite Tuned Cavities
SSCL-PREPRINT-356 Walling, L. Broadband Higher Order Mode (HOM) Damper for SSC LEB Ferrite Tuned Cavity
SSCL-PREPRINT-357 Rostamzadeh, Cyrous Collider Bypass Diode Thermal Simulations and Measurements for the SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-358 Soundranayagam, R. Consequences of Kicker Failure during HEB to Collider Injection and Possible Mitigation
SSCL-PREPRINT-359 Tooker, J.F. Accelerator Readiness Review Process for the SSC Linac
SSCL-PREPRINT-360 Pappas, G.C. Preliminary Testing of the LEB to MEB Transfer Kicker Modulator Prototype
SSCL-PREPRINT-361 Rogers, J.D. RF System Analyses for the SSC Collider Rings
SSCL-PREPRINT-362 Aiello, G.Roberto A Digital Approach for Phase Measurement Applied to Delta T Tuneup Procedure
SSCL-PREPRINT-363 Campbell, B. An Experimental and Analytical Study of a Buoyancy Driven Cooling System for a Particle Accelerator
SSCL-PREPRINT-364 Schaffer, G. RF Systems Engineering for the SSC Collider Rings
SSCL-PREPRINT-365 Huang, Y. Emittance Growth in MEB and Its Control
SSCL-PREPRINT-366 Newberger, B. Effect of Betatron Motion on the Septum Flux in Superslow Extraction at the sse
SSCL-PREPRINT-366-REV.1 Newberger, B. Effect of Betatron Motion on the Septum Flux in Superslow Extraction at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-367 Ritson, D. The Provision of IP Crossing Angles for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-368 Courant, E. Current Design of the SSC Interaction Regions
SSCL-PREPRINT-369 Cai, Y. Decoupling Schemes for the SSC Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-370 Garavaglia, T. The Effect of Global Survey Misalignment on the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-371 Hurd, J.W. Physics Requirements of Commissioning Diagnostics for SSCL Linac
SSCL-PREPRINT-372 Palkovic, John A. Longitudinal instabilities in the MEB
SSCL-PREPRINT-373 Hurd, J.W. Beam diagnostic layout requirements for SSCL linac
SSCL-PREPRINT-374 Hurd, J.W. Bunch shape monitor for SSCL linac
SSCL-PREPRINT-375 Leung, K.K. Dynamic response analysis of the LBL advanced light source synchrotron radiation storage ring
SSCL-PREPRINT-376 Leung, Kent K. Effective stress of the SSC 80-K synchrotron radiation liner in a quenching dipole magnet
SSCL-PREPRINT-377 Wang, Fuhua Lattice design and injection issues for the 2-TeV SSCL high-energy booster to collider injection lin
SSCL-PREPRINT-378 Maslennikov, I. Photodesorption experiments on SSC collider beam tube configurations
SSCL-PREPRINT-380 Kwiatkowski, S. RF cavity for the medium-energy booster (MEB) for SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-381 Enegren, T. The SSC RFQ DTL Matching Section Buncher Cavities
SSCL-PREPRINT-382 Mahale, N. Bunch coalescing studies for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-383 Valicenti, R.A. Mechanical integration of an RF volume source and Einzel lens LEBT to the SSC RFQ
SSCL-PREPRINT-384 Wu, X. Tracking studies and machine performance simulation of the SSC low-energy booster
SSCL-PREPRINT-385 Wu, X. Extraction system design for the SSC Low-energy booster
SSCL-PREPRINT-386 Pilat, F. Dynamic aperture of the chromatically corrected collider lattice
SSCL-PREPRINT-387 Li, Nan-Yang Lamination and end plate design studies of SSC low-energy booster magnet prototypes
SSCL-PREPRINT-388 Machida, S. Space charge calculations in synchrotrons
SSCL-PREPRINT-389 Briggs, Richard J. Status of the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-390 Datte, P. Beam Instrumentation for the SSC RFQ
SSCL-PREPRINT-391 Shih, H.J. Emittance Growth Due to Dipole Ripple and Sextupole
SSCL-PREPRINT-392 Raparia, D. Error and Tolerance Studies for the SSC Linac
SSCL-PREPRINT-393 Haworth, M. Finalized Design of the SSC RFQ DTL Matching Section
SSCL-PREPRINT-394 Raparia, D. Beam Dynamics Studies for Proposed Proton Therapy Facility
SSCL-PREPRINT-395 Bhandari, R. Detailed Studies on the Beam Transfer Line from Linac to Low-Energy Booster Synchrotron for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-396 Funk, L.W. The SSC Linear Accelerator
SSCL-PREPRINT-397 Saadatmand, K. Performance of SSC Linac Injector
SSCL-PREPRINT-398 Arbique, G. The SSCL RFQ System Integration
SSCL-PREPRINT-399 Zhang, Pei-lei SSC High-Energy Booster Resonance Corrector and Dynamic Tune Scanning Simulation
SSCL-PREPRINT-400 Chang, C.R. Computer Simulation and Cold Model Testing of CCL Cavities
SSCL-PREPRINT-401 Hebert, J.E. Emittance Measurement and Data Analysis for the SSC Linac Injector Lab
SSCL-PREPRINT-402 Mao, Nai-Feng Beam Optics of LEB - MEB Transfer Line for Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-403 Senichev, Yu. Beam Loading Effect in SSCL Coupled Cavity Linac
SSCL-PREPRINT-404 Turner, W.C. Dynamic Vacuum in the Beam Tube of the SSCL Collider: Cold beam Tube and Liner Options
SSCL-PREPRINT-405 Loegel, G.J. An Algebraic Approach to Modeling in Software Engineering
SSCL-PREPRINT-406 Tacconi, E. Regulation Loops for the Ring Magnet Power Supplies in the SSC Accelerator Complex
SSCL-PREPRINT-407 Tacconi, Eugenio J. A Wide Range and High Speed Automatic Gain Control
SSCL-PREPRINT-409 Garavaglia, T. Proton Proton Scattering Contribution to Emittance Growth
SSCL-PREPRINT-410 Schwitters, R. The Parameter Spreadsheets and Their Applications
SSCL-PREPRINT-411 Sen, T. Second Order Chromaticity of the Interaction Regions in the Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-412 Sen, T. Effect of Power Supply Ripple on Emittance Growth in the Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-413 Sen, T. Chromaticity Correction for the SSC Collider Rings
SSCL-PREPRINT-414 Chou, W. Issues of the Transverse Feedback Systems Design at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-415 Chou, W. Emittance and Luminosity Evolution during Collisions in the SSC Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-416 Tseng, C. SDC Muon Barrel Toroid 1/9.197 Scale Test Model at SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-417 Parry, R. Programmable Electronic Safety Systems
SSCL-PREPRINT-419 Schailey, R. 2-TeV HEB Beam Abort at the SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-420 Veal, David Industrial Metrology as Applied to Large Physics Experiments
SSCL-PREPRINT-421 Kim, K. Statistical Factors to Qualify the Superconducting Magnets for the SSC Based on Warm / Cold Correlat
SSCL-PREPRINT-422 Kim, K. A Quench Detection / Logging System for the SSCL Magnet Test Laboratory
SSCL-PREPRINT-424 Chou, W. Choice of the RF Cavity for the SSC Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-425 Chou, W. Impedance of a Perforated Liner and Its Impact on the SSC Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-427 Clayton, T. Spool Pieces at the SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-428 Dugan, G. Accelerator Physics Issues at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-430 Parry, R. A High Reliability Oxygen Deficiency Monitoring System
SSCL-PREPRINT-431 Kraushaar, P. SSC String Test Facility for Superconducting Magnets: Testing Capabilities and Program for Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-432 Mestha, L.K. A Digital Beam Phase Loop for the Low-Energy Booster
SSCL-PREPRINT-433 Mestha, L.K. General Time Varying State Space Control Model and Its Application for Transient Beam Loading Compen
SSCL-PREPRINT-434 McInturff, A.D. Collider Scenario Implications of ASST Operation
SSCL-PREPRINT-435 Robinson, W. Electrical Performance Characteristics of the SSC Accelerator System String Test
SSCL-PREPRINT-436 Syphers, M.J. SSC Collider Arc Lattice
SSCL-PREPRINT-437 Syphers, M.J. Experimental Simulation of Ground Motion Effects
SSCL-PREPRINT-438 Syphers, M. Amplitude Function Mismatch
SSCL-PREPRINT-439 Martin, Stephen P. Sparticle Spectrum Constraints
SSCL-PREPRINT-440 Arnowitt, Richard L. Testing Supergravity Grand Unification at Future Accelerator and Underground Experiments
SSCL-PREPRINT-441 Baer, Howard Simulating Supersymmetry with ISAJET 7.0 / ISASUSY 1.0
SSCL-PREPRINT-442 Dutt, S. Statistics of the Half Integer Stopband
SSCL-PREPRINT-443 Schiesser, W.E. Method of Lines Solution of the Korteweg-De Vries Equation
SSCL-PREPRINT-444 Shi, J. Integrable Polynomial Hamiltonians and Evaluation of Lie Transformations
SSCL-PREPRINT-445 Crossetto, D. Digital Programmable Level-1 Trigger with 3D-Flow Assembly;
SSCL-PREPRINT-446 Shu, Quan-Sheng Thermal Model and Associated Novel Approach for Synchrotron Radiation Liner with End Cooling
SSCL-PREPRINT-447 Shu, Q.S. Overview of an 80-K Liner Design for Synchrotron Light Interception in SSCL Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-448 Oslin, A. Construction Phase Applications of the SSC Geographic Information System
SSCL-PREPRINT-449 Deis, G. A Liquid Helium Cryogenic System Design for the GEM Magnet
SSCL-PREPRINT-450 Bowden, M. Conceptual Design of the GEM Data Acquisition System
SSCL-PREPRINT-451 Wang, C.C. Graphics in DAQSIM
SSCL-PREPRINT-452 Shi, Ji-cong Symmetric Integrable Polynomial Factorization for Symplectic One Turn Map Tracking
SSCL-PREPRINT-453 Yan, Y.T. Long Term Tracking with Symplectic Implicit One Turn Maps
SSCL-PREPRINT-454 Shi, Ji-cong An Optimized Formulation for Deprit Type Lie Transformations of Taylor Maps for Symplectic Systems
SSCL-PREPRINT-455 Lopez, G. Constant of Thermal Heat Conduction and Stabilization of the Bus Bar Conductor for Superconducting A
SSCL-PREPRINT-456 Seuntjens, J. WITHDRAWN: Interdiffusion between Barrier Clad NbTi Filaments and the Copper Matrix of SSC Composite
SSCL-PREPRINT-457 Ballard, Wayne Laboratory Technical Services Provides Business Opportunities for Supervisory Control and Data Acqui
SSCL-PREPRINT-458 Fenker, Howard C. Higher Efficiency Active Quenching Circuit for Avalanche Photodiodes
SSCL-PREPRINT-459 Stupakov, G.V. Trapped Electromagnetic Modes in a Waveguide with a Small Discontinuity
SSCL-PREPRINT-460 Augustynowicz, Stan D. ODH, Oxygen Deficiency Hazard Cryogenic Analysis
SSCL-PREPRINT-461 Augustynowicz, Stan D. Analysis of Multilayer Insulation Between 80-K and 300-K
SSCL-PREPRINT-462 Leung, K. Eddy Current and Quench Loads and Stress of SSC Collider 4-K Liner and the Bore Tube during Magnet Q
SSCL-PREPRINT-465 Tuli, M. Magnetoresistance of SSC Beam Tube Samples
SSCL-PREPRINT-466 Shu, Q.S. R&D of a Prototype SSC 80-K Synchrotron Radiation Liner System in a Half Cell of 4-K Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-467 Seuntjens, J. Development of 32 and 34 Strand Inner Cables for the SSCL Make Magnet Program
SSCL-PREPRINT-470 Parkhomchuk, V.V. Slow Ground Motion and Operation of Large Colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-471 Green, M.I. Industrial Harmonic Analysis System for Magnetic Measurements of SSC Collider Arc and High-Energy Bo
SSCL-PREPRINT-472 Ogitsu, T. Influence of Azimuthal Coil Size Variations on Magnetic Field Harmonics of Superconducting Particle
SSCL-PREPRINT-472-REV-1 Ogitsu, T. Influence of Azimuthal Coil Size Variations on Magnetic Field Harmonics of Superconducting Particle
SSCL-PREPRINT-473 Yao, C.Y. Wire Scanner Data Analysis for the SSC Linac Emittance Measurement
SSCL-PREPRINT-474 Sun, Ning The Linkage of Zlib to Teapot for Autodifferentiation Map Extraction and Nonlinear Analysis
SSCL-PREPRINT-475 LaBarge, A. Cold Test Facility for 1.8-m Superconducting Model Magnets at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-476 Seuntjens, J. WITHDRAWN: Quantification of Second Phase Morphology in SSCL VQP Samples
SSCL-PREPRINT-477 Baker, S.I. Effects on Channeling of Radiation Damage due to 28-GeV Protons
SSCL-PREPRINT-478 Botlo, M. Data Acquisition for Detector Prototypes at the SSCL
SSCL-PREPRINT-479 Yost, G.P. Off Line Analysis Software for the Texas Test Rig
SSCL-PREPRINT-480 Cobal-Grassmann, Marina Exploiting the Single Lepton Event Structure in the Search for the Top Quark
SSCL-PREPRINT-481 Tsyganov, E. Decoherence of the SSC Beam Oscillation due to Headon Beam-Beam Collisions
SSCL-PREPRINT-482 Grinstein, Benjamin Constraints on Extended Technicolor Models from B ---> mu+ mu- X
SSCL-PREPRINT-483 Diwan, Milind V. Radiation Environment and Shielding at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-484 Falk, Adam F. Anti-B ---> Anti-K e+ e- in Chiral Perturbation Theory
SSCL-PREPRINT-485 Akhmetov, A.A. Current Loop Decay in Rutherford Type Cables
SSCL-PREPRINT-486 Lavelle, Robert F. A Systems Approach to Hazard and Risk Management for the SDC Detector
SSCL-PREPRINT-487 Dittert, L. An Engineering Design Study of Alternative Design Options for the Forward Toroids of the SSC SDC Det
SSCL-PREPRINT-488 Ganni, V. Design Verification and Acceptance Tests of the ASST-A Helium Refrigeration System
SSCL-PREPRINT-489 Fietz, W.A. Cryogenic Systems for the SSC and the Status of Their Development
SSCL-PREPRINT-490 Bardeen, William A. Chiral Hierarchies, Compositeness and the Renormalization Group
SSCL-PREPRINT-491 Abbott, B. Beam Test of a 12 Layer Scintillating Fiber Charged Particle Tracking System
SSCL-PREPRINT-492 Grinstein, Benjamin On a Precise Calculation of (f(B(s)) / f(B)) / (f(D(s)) / f(D)) and Its Implications on the Interpre
SSCL-PREPRINT-493 Nobrega, Fred Designing, Fabricating, and Testing Cost Effective Structural Composite for the SSCL Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-494 Yucel, A. Thermal Conductivity of Commercially Available 21-6-9 Stainless Steel
SSCL-PREPRINT-495 Stupakov, G.V. Decoherence of a Gaussian Beam due to Beam-Beam Interaction
SSCL-PREPRINT-496 Faraggi, Alon E. Light Threshold Effects in Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories
SSCL-PREPRINT-497 Bardeen, William A. Infrared Fixed Point Solution for the Top Quark Mass and Unification of Couplings in the MSSM
SSCL-PREPRINT-498 Mestha, L.K. Fixed Structure Suboptimal Feedback Control for Particle Accelerators
SSCL-PREPRINT-498-REV-1 Mestha, L.K. Fixed Structure Suboptimal Feedback Control for Particle Accelerators
SSCL-PREPRINT-499 Saadatmand, K. Performance of the SSC H- RF Volume Ion Source and Linac Injector
SSCL-PREPRINT-500 Schermer, Robert I. Status of Superconducting Magnets for the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-501 Ganni, V. Operational Modes and Control Philosophy of the SSCL Magnet Test Lab (MTL) Cryogenic System
SSCL-PREPRINT-502 Johnson, D.E. Experimental Modification of SSC Interaction Region
SSCL-PREPRINT-503 Arnowitt, Richard L. Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Phenomenology and Grand Unification
SSCL-PREPRINT-504 Deis, G. The Superconducting Solenoid Magnet System for the GEM Detector at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-505 Shiltsev, V. SPS Data on Tunnel Displacements and the ATL Law
SSCL-PREPRINT-506-93 Lynn, Bryan W. Low-Energy Gauge Coupling in Grand Unified Theories and High Precision Physics
SSCL-PREPRINT-508 Weisend, J.G., II Heat Leak Performance of SSC Collider Dipole Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-509 Akhmetov, A.A. Periodicity of Crossover Currents in a Rutherford Type Cable Subjected to a Time Dependent Magnetic
SSCL-PREPRINT-509-REV.1 Akhmetov, A.A. Periodicity of Crossover Currents in a Rutherford Type Cable Subjected to a Time Dependent Magnetic
SSCL-PREPRINT-510 Ellison, J.A. Theoretical Study of Longitudinal Beam Splitting and Related Phenomena
SSCL-PREPRINT-511 Larson, D.J. Electron Cooling of Electron Beams
SSCL-PREPRINT-513 Lopez, Gustavo New Transverse Damper Correction Scheme
SSCL-PREPRINT-514 Grinstein, Benjamin Light Quark, Heavy Quark Systems: An Update
SSCL-PREPRINT-516 Crosetto, D. Real Time Tracking with a 3-D Flow Processor Array
SSCL-PREPRINT-517 Anashin, V.V. Investigation of Synchrotron Radiation Induced Photodesorption in Cryosorbing Quasiclosed Geometry
SSCL-PREPRINT-517-REV1 Anashin, V.V. Investigation of synchrotron radiation induced photodesorption in cryosorbing quasiclosed geometry
SSCL-PREPRINT-518 Ogitsu, T. Quench Antenna for Superconducting Particle Accelerator Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-518-REV-A Ogitsu, T. Quench Antenna for Superconducting Particle Accelerator Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-519 Tsyganov, E. Compensation of the Beam-Beam Effect in Proton Proton Colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-520 Pal, Trivan Secondary Particle Background Levels and Effects on Detectors at Future Hadron Colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-521 Jayakumar, R.Jay Superconducting Magnets, Cryostats, and Cryogenics for the Interaction Region of the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-522 Datte, P. SSCL RFQ‐DTL matching section instrumentation
SSCL-PREPRINT-523 Johnson, R.G. Beam Loss Monitor System for the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-524 Wang, C. A Simulation of the SDC Online Processing Farm
SSCL-PREPRINT-525 Schaffer, G. Evolution of the RF Systems Layout for the SSC Collider Rings
SSCL-PREPRINT-526 Bird, F. High p(t) Physics Processes
SSCL-PREPRINT-527 Luth, V. Measurements of the B0 Anti-B0 CP Asymmetry
SSCL-PREPRINT-528 Nosochkov, Yuri M. Design of the SSC Medium Beta Interaction Regions
SSCL-PREPRINT-530 Coupal, David P. Prospects for Measuring CP Violation in SDC Using B(d)0 ---> psi K(s)0
SSCL-PREPRINT-531 Baer, Howard Detecting Sleptons at Hadron Colliders and Supercolliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-532 Boyd, C.Glenn Chiral and heavy quark symmetry violation in B decays
SSCL-PREPRINT-533 Anashin, V. Cole Beam Tube Photodesorption and Related Experiments for the SSCL 20-TeV Proton Collider
SSCL-PREPRINT-534 Geshkenbein, B. The Magnitude of the Gluon Condensate and the Masses of c and b Quarks from the Families of J / Psi
SSCL-PREPRINT-535 Coupal, David P. SDC Tracking Capabilities for B Physics
SSCL-PREPRINT-536 Bird, Fred The Prospect for Determining the Angle Gamma in the Decay B(d)0 ---> psi rho0 at the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-538 Baker, S. Leaching of Accelerator Produced Radionuclides
SSCL-PREPRINT-539 Lopez, G. Emittance Growth Saturation Effect in Synchrotron Machines Due to Point - like Perturbations
SSCL-PREPRINT-540 Frederiksen, S. The SSCL framework software plans
SSCL-PREPRINT-541 Nixdorf, U. Experience with a Run File Archive using Database Technology
SSCL-PREPRINT-542 Burton, J. Physics Research Integrated Development Environment (PRIDE)
SSCL-PREPRINT-543 Lopez, G. Constant of motion for a one-dimensional and nth order autonomous system and its relation to the Lag
SSCL-PREPRINT-544 Grinstein, Benjamin Exact Heavy to Light Meson Form-Factors in the Combined Heavy Quark, Large N(c) and Chiral Limits
SSCL-PREPRINT-545 Nosochkov, Y. Orbit Correction System for the SSC Interaction Regions
SSCL-PREPRINT-546 Marstaller, J. Comparative Performance Measures of Relational and Object Oriented Databases Using High-Energy Physi
SSCL-PREPRINT-547 Huang, Jean Bridging Fortran to Object Oriented Paradigm for HEP Data Modeling Task
SSCL-PREPRINT-549 Grinstein, Benjamin Form-factors in the heavy quark and chiral limit: Pole dominance in anti-B ---> pi e anti-electron-n
SSCL-PREPRINT-550 Nosochkov, Y. Principles of Interaction Region Design in Hadron Colliders and Their Application to the SSC
SSCL-PREPRINT-551 Kovachev, V.T. Interstrand Resistance of SSC Magnets
SSCL-PREPRINT-552 Lüth, Vera Summary of experiments
SSCL-PREPRINT-553 Luth, V. Vertex detectors
SSCL-PREPRINT-554 Lopez, G. Dissipative Model for a Two Component Gas System with Friction
SSCL-PREPRINT-555 Drozhdin, A. Toward Design of the Collider Beam Collimation System
SSCL-PREPRINT-556 Drozhdin, A. Accidental Beam Loss in Superconducting Accelerators: Simulations, Consequences of Accidents and Pro
SSCL-PREPRINT-557 Fenker, Howard C. Resolution Measurement of an Interpolating Pad Chamber in the 9-GeV/c pi- Beam at BNL
SSCL-PREPRINT-558 Bull, J. Shielding consideration for the SSCL experimental halls
SSCL-PREPRINT-559 Baker, S. Overview of Radiation Protection at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory
SSCL-PREPRINT-560 Bowden, M. A 40-GByte/s Readout System for GEM
SSCL-PREPRINT-561 Sen, T. Collective Behavior of an Ensemble of Forced Duffing Oscillators near the 1:1 Resonance
SSCL-PREPRINT-561-REV-1 Sen, T. Collective Behavior of an Ensemble of Forced Duffing Oscillators near the 1:1 Resonance
SSCL-PREPRINT-562 Anashin, V.V. Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Pressure in a Cryosorbing Beam Tube Exposed to Synchrotron Rad
SSCL-PREPRINT-563 Alinovsky, N. A Hydrogen Ion Beam Method of Molecular Density Measurement inside a 4.2-K Beam Tube
SSCL-PREPRINT-564 Turner, W. Beam Tube Vacuum in Future Superconducting Proton Colliders
SSCL-PREPRINT-568 Devred, A. Ramp Rate Sensitivity of SSC Dipole Magnet Prototypes
SSCL-PREPRINT-569 Tsyganov, E. Beam Halo Crystal Extraction from the Tevatron during Collider Runs
SSCL-PREPRINT-570 Ellison, J. The Method of Averaging in Beam Dynamics
SSCL-PREPRINT-571 Kraushaar, P. The SSC Full Cell Prototype String Test
SSCL-SR-1008 Proceedings, Meetings on the SSC between Representatives of Industry and High Energy Physics held at
SSCL-SR-1029 Report of the Task Force on Radioactivation
SSCL-SR-1038 Bintinger, D. Compensation of SSC Lattice Optics in the Presence of Dipole Field Errors
SSCL-SR-1041 Coulson, L. Footprint Characterization Document
SSCL-SR-1041-REV.1 Coulson, L. Footprint Characterization Document
SSCL-SR-1045 Cost Estimates of SSC Experimental Systems
SSCL-SR-1049 Jones, Michael R. Computer Aided Design of the Digital Footprint
SSCL-SR-1049-REV-1 Jones, Michael R. Computer Aided Design of the Digital Footprint
SSCL-SR-1049-REV-2 Robbins, Jeffrey S. SSCL Real Property Requirements : Volumes IIb, and III
SSCL-SR-1050 Yost, George UNIX Distributed Computing Workshop
SSCL-SR-1051 Study of SSC Experimental Hall Concepts Using Model Detectors
SSCL-SR-1052 Brown, Jorge D. Superconducting Super Collider : Tunnel Clearnances and Transport Study
SSCL-SR-1053 Superconducting Super Collider Draft Facilities Program : FINAL
SSCL-SR-1054 Chinowsky, W. Radiation Damage Testing at the SSC: Task Force Report
SSCL-SR-1056 Sanford, J.R. Site Specific Conceptual Design of the Superconducting Supercollider
SSCL-SR-1060 UTAP Report of the Subcommittee on Management : Recommendations to the Superconducting Super Collide
SSCL-SR-1061 Data Report for Vibration Monitoring Hole VF1.7
SSCL-SR-1062 Data Report for Vibration Monitoring Holes VE3.5 and VE3.5A
SSCL-SR-1063 Data Report for Vibration Monitoring Hole VF5.4
SSCL-SR-1064 Data Report for Vibration Monitoring Holes VE9.3 and VE9.3A
SSCL-SR-1065 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SE 1.2 and Rotary Wash Borings SE 1.2A and SE 1.2B
SSCL-SR-1066 Data Report for Structure Study zone SE 1.5, Trench SE 1.5, and Rotary Wash Borings SE 1.5A and SE 1
SSCL-SR-1067 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SF 5.2 and Rotary Wash Borings SF 5.2A and SF 5.2B
SSCL-SR-1068 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SE 5.8 and Rotary Wash Borings SE 5,8A, SE 5.8B, and SE 5.8C
SSCL-SR-1069 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SF 10.6 and Rotary Wash Borings SF 10.6A and SF 10.6B
SSCL-SR-1070 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SE 10.9 and Coreholes BE 10.9, SE 10.9A and SE 10.8
SSCL-SR-1071 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SE 10.4 and Corehole SE 10.4
SSCL-SR-1072 Data Report for Corehole B20-89
SSCL-SR-1074 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SE 10.7 and Coreholes BE 10.5 and BE 10.7
SSCL-SR-1075 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SE 1 and Angled Corehole SE 1
SSCL-SR-1076 Data Report for Corehole BE 1.7
SSCL-SR-1077 Data Report for Corehole BF 1.6
SSCL-SR-1078 A Year-End Summary Report of SSC Drilling 1989
SSCL-SR-1079 Data Report for Corehold BK 1'
SSCL-SR-1080 Data Report for Corehole BE1 and Monitoring Well BE1A
SSCL-SR-1081 Data Report for Structure Study Zones SF 10 and SF 10.1 and Coreholes BF 10.1 and SF 10.1
SSCL-SR-1082 Superconducting Super Collider Site Reference Stratigraphic Column
SSCL-SR-1083 Data Report for Structure Study Zone DE 4.6 and Rotary Wash Borings SE 4.6 and SE 4.7
SSCL-SR-1084 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SF 8.6, Corehold SF 8.6 and Rotary Wash Boring SF 8.1
SSCL-SR-1085 Data Report for Interaction Region 8 and Coreholes BIR 81, BIR 82, BIR 83, and BIR 84
SSCL-SR-1086 Data Report for Corehole BF 9
SSCL-SR-1087 Data Report for Corehole BE 7A
SSCL-SR-1088 Data Report for Corehole BF 8
SSCL-SR-1089 Data Report for Corehole BE 8
SSCL-SR-1090 Data Report for Corehole BE 10
SSCL-SR-1091 Data Report for Corehole SE 1.8
SSCL-SR-1092 Data Report for Interaction Region 5 and Coreholes BIR 51, BIR 52, BIR 53, AND BIR 54
SSCL-SR-1093 Data Report for Interaction Region 4 and Coreholes BIR 41, BIR 42, BIR 43, BIR 44 AND BIR 45
SSCL-SR-1094 Data Report for Interaction Region 3 and Coreholes BIR 31, BIR 32, and BIR 33
SSCL-SR-1095 Data Report for Interaction Region 2 and Coreholes BIR 21, BIR 22, and BIR 23
SSCL-SR-1096 Data Report for Interaction Region 1 and Coreholes BIR 11, BIR 12, BIR 13 AND BIR 14 (2nd Revised Dr
SSCL-SR-1097 Data Report for Marker Bentonite Coreholes B 1296, B 1316, B 2052, and B 2062
SSCL-SR-1098 Data Report for Corehole BE 1-90
SSCL-SR-1099 Data Report for Corehole BE 5
SSCL-SR-1100 Data Report for Corehole BF 6
SSCL-SR-1101 Data Report for Corehole BE 9
SSCL-SR-1102 Data Report for Corehole BF 7
SSCL-SR-1103 Data Report for Corehole BF 2
SSCL-SR-1104 Data Report for Corehole BE 4
SSCL-SR-1105 Data Report for Corehole BF 1
SSCL-SR-1106 Data Report for Corehole BF 3
SSCL-SR-1107 Data Report for Corehole BE 6
SSCL-SR-1108 Data Report for Corehole BE 2
SSCL-SR-1109 Data Report for High Energy Booster and Coreholes BI 1, BI 2, BI 2A, BI 3, BI 4, BI 5, BI 6, B 1527,
SSCL-SR-1110 Data Report for Corehole BE 3
SSCL-SR-1111 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SF 8.3 and Boreholes SF 8.3A, SF 8.3B, SF 8.3C, SF 8.3E, and SF
SSCL-SR-1112 Data Report for Corehole BF 4
SSCL-SR-1113 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SF 10.1, Air Rotary Boreholes SF 10.1A, SF 10.1B, and Corehole
SSCL-SR-1114 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SIR 3, Air Rotary Borehole SIR 3A and Corehole SIR 3B
SSCL-SR-1115 Summary of Drilling Activities Startup Geotechnical Characterization May 1989 to May 1990
SSCL-SR-1116 Data Report for Top of Eagle Ford Shale Coreholes B 1737, B 22-90, and B 1807
SSCL-SR-1117 Data Report for Tunnel Intercept with Taylor Marl/Austin Chalk -- Coreholes B 802 and B 2758
SSCL-SR-1118 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SE 10.9, and Coreholes SE 10.9C and SE 10.9D
SSCL-SR-1119 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SI 2, Air Rotary Boreholes SI 2A, SI 2B, and Corehole SI 2C
SSCL-SR-1120 Data Report for Structure Study Zone SE 5.2, Air Rotary Boreholes SE 5.2A, SE 5.2B, SE 5.2C, SE 5.2D
SSCL-SR-1121 Thickness of Chambers Creek Terrace Near Lumkins, Texas
SSCL-SR-1122 Hydrogeologic Conditions at the Superconducting Super Collider Site
SSCL-SR-1123 Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Superconducting Super Collider Site May 1989 to May 1990
SSCL-SR-1123-REV Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Superconducting Super Collider Site November 1990 Addendum ( Inc
SSCL-SR-1124 Bedrock Geology of the Superconducting Super Collider Site
SSCL-SR-1124-DRAFT Bedrock Geology of the Superconducting Super Collider Site
SSCL-SR-1128 Preliminary Geotechnical Parameters for the Superconducting Super Collider Site
SSCL-SR-1129 Superconducting Super Collider Project Spedific gINT Database and Manual
SSCL-SR-1129-REV-1 Superconducting Super Collider Project Spedific gINT Database and Manual
SSCL-SR-1132 Technical Memorandum : Seismic Reflection Investigation Superconducting Super Collider Ring near Wax
SSCL-SR-1133 Pressuremeter Testing and Analysis for Superconducting Supercollider
SSCL-SR-1134 Sambeek, Leo L.Van Geotechnical Characterization of the Texas Superconducting Super Collider Site : Hydraulic Fracturin
SSCL-SR-1135 Discussion of Faulting in SSC Supplemental EIS
SSCL-SR-1136 MEMORANDUM : Potential Leachate Characteristics of the Superconducting Super Collider Tunnel Boring
SSCL-SR-1137 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM : Seismic Reflection Investigation C-1 to F-1 Sector Superconducting Super Coll
SSCL-SR-1138 Olson, Roy E. FINAL REPORT : Preliminary Laboratory Testing, Samples from Superconducting Super Collider Project
SSCL-SR-1139 Mesri, Gholamreza FINAL REPORT : Engineering Properties of Geologic Materials from Superconducting Super Collider Proj
SSCL-SR-1140 Olson, Roy E. FINAL REPORT : Laboratory Testing, Samples from Superconducting Super Collider Project
SSCL-SR-1141 Mesri, Gholamreza Engineering Properties of Geologic Materials from Superconducting Super Collider Project Waxahachie,
SSCL-SR-1142 MEMORANDUM : Results of Examination of Boring Logs and Core Photos for the Distribution of Fracture
SSCL-SR-1143 Superconducting Super Collider Prototype Installation Facility (PIF) gINT Data Base and Manual
SSCL-SR-1144 A Plan for Startup Geotechnical Characterization of the Texas Superconducting Super Collider Site
SSCL-SR-1145 Jones, J. Permanent Monumentation for Horizontal and Vertical Control at the SSC Site
SSCL-SR-1146 Kadel, R.W. Solenoidal Detector Collaboration Resource Requirements Report
SSCL-SR-1148 Booth, A.W. Simulation Studies of Data Acquisition Systems at the Superconducing Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1152 Riddle, M. A Design Study of Interaction Halls and Assembly Procedures for a Solenoidal Detector at the SSC
SSCL-SR-1152-REV-1 Riddle, M. A Design Study of Interaction Halls and Assembly Procedures for a Solenoidal Detector at the SSC
SSCL-SR-1153 Trilling, G. Presentation on Letter of Intent to the SSC Laboratory Program Advisory Committee (SDC) December 13,
SSCL-SR-1153-A Trilling, G. Presentation on Letter of Intent to the SSC Laboratory Program Advisory Committee (SDC) December 13,
SSCL-SR-1153A Trilling, George H. Letter of Intent by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Construct and Operate A Detector at the
SSCL-SR-1154 Ting, Samuel C.C. Letter of Intent to the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory by the L* Collaboration
SSCL-SR-1155 Steiner, R. Letter of Intent to Write a Proposal for an Experiment to be Performed at the SSC by EMPACT/TEXAS
SSCL-SR-1156 Krisch, A.D. Letter of Expression of Interest in an SSC Experiment Which Would Measure Inclusive Spine-Spin Effec
SSCL-SR-1157 Orear, Jay LOW P(t) Physics at the SSC: An Expression of Interest
SSCL-SR-1158 Trilling, George H. Expression of Interest by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Construct and Operate A Detector
SSCL-SR-1159 Adams, A. Expression of Interest in a Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
SSCL-SR-1161 Steiner, R. EMPACT: Electrons Muons Partons as Air Core Toroids: An Expression of Interest for an Experiment to
SSCL-SR-1162 Ko, Winston 10**34: An Expression of Interest for an Experiment to be Performed at the SSC
SSCL-SR-1163 Castro, H. Expression of Interest for a Bottom Collider Detector at the SSC
SSCL-SR-1164 Schnetzer, S. A Compact Diamond Based Detector for the SSC: An Expression of Interest for an Experiment to be Perf
SSCL-SR-1165 Ting, Samuel C.C. Expression of interest to the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory by the L* Collaboration
SSCL-SR-1166 Sulak, L. A Calorimeter Based High Rate Detector for the SSC: An Expression of Interest for an Experiment to b
SSCL-SR-1169 Cox, B. An Expression of Interest in A Super Fixed Target Beauty Facility (SFT) at the Superconducting Super
SSCL-SR-1170 Expression of Interest for the SSC
SSCL-SR-1173 Gilman, Frederick J. Status of the SSC Project and Experimental Program
SSCL-SR-1173 Gilman, F. Electroweak and flavor physics: Implications for the SSC. Second annual SSCL spring conference
SSCL-SR-1174 Atiya, Maged S. A High Resolution Detector for H0 ---> gamma gamma
SSCL-SR-1175 Bryant, H.C. Relativistic Atomic Physics at the SSC : A Proposal from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,
SSCL-SR-1175-A Harris, P.G. Observation of Doubly Excited Resonances in the H- Ion
SSCL-SR-1176 Fortner, M. An ELectromagnetic and MUon Detector for the SSC
SSCL-SR-1177 Bjorken, J.D. A Full Acceptance Detector for SSC Physics at Low and Intermediate Mass Scales: An Expression of Int
SSCL-SR-1178 Steiner, R.V. An Expression of Interest to Construct a Major SSC Detector
SSCL-SR-1179 Report of the SSC Laboratory Community Group
SSCL-SR-1180 Schlein, Peter E. Ideas for an SSC Open Geometry Forward Collider Detector to Measure CP-Violation in B-Decay
SSCL-SR-1181 Johnstad, H. HEPLIB-91: Support and Environments of High-Energy Physics Computing. Proceedings, International Use
SSCL-SR-1182 Allen, J. Physics Detector Simulation Facility: System Software Description
SSCL-SR-1183 Soundranayagam, R. Summary and Presentation of the International Workshop on Beam Induced Energy Deposition (Issues, Co
SSCL-SR-1184 Steiner, R. GEM Letter of Intent
SSCL-SR-1185 Weaver, H.J. Summary and Presentation of the Workshop on Vibrational Control and Dynamic Alignment Issues at the
SSCL-SR-1186 Dahl, Per F. Rolf Wideroe: Progenitor of Particle Accelerators
SSCL-SR-1187 Geotechnical Investigation Magnet Development Laboratory Facility Superconducting Super Collider Pro
SSCL-SR-1188 Supplemental Report Geotechnical Investigation Magnet Development Laboratory Facility Superconductin
SSCL-SR-1189 Geotechnical Investigation : Magnet Development Laboratory Sewage Treatment Plant Superconducting Su
SSCL-SR-1190 Geotechnical Investigation Magnet Development Laboratory Accelerator System String Test Facility Sup
SSCL-SR-1191 Log of Boring No. SS-1 E1 Site - SSC Project, Waxahachie, Texas
SSCL-SR-1192 Harrell, A.Scot Soil and Foundation Study for Accelerator System String Test (ASST) Facility Surface Structure - E1
SSCL-SR-1193 Harrell, A.Scot Geotechnical Report : Hoyt Road Pavements Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1194 Harrell, A.Scot Geotechnical Report : LINAC/LEB Facilities Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1195 Harrell, A.Scot Geotechnical Report : N15 (E1) Loop/Connector Roadways and MTL Parking Superconducting Super Collide
SSCL-SR-1196 Harrell, A.Scot Geotechnical Study : Tank Farm Facility - E1 Site Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1197 Harrell, A.Scot Geotechnical Report : Blow Down Pond Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1198 Darnell, David P. Base Material Evalution Study for On-Site Material Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1199 Harrell, A.Scot Geotechnical Report : Arrowhead Road Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1200 Harrell, A.Scot Geotechnical Report : For N15 (E1) Magnet Delivery Shaft Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1201 Harrell, A.Scot Soil and Foundation Study for Magnet Test Laboratory and Compressor Building Surface Structure - E1
SSCL-SR-1202 Harrell, A.Scot Design Memorandum : CBR Testing - Flexible Base Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1205 Johnston, John W. Geotechnical Investigation : Arrowhead Road Extension SSC Project
SSCL-SR-1206 Johnston, John W. Geotechnical Investigation : West Campus Stream Relocation SSC Project
SSCL-SR-1207 Kim, Kunsoo Characterization of the State of in Situ Stresses by Hydraulic Fracturing Method at the Exploratory
SSCL-SR-1208 Proposal from the SSC Laboratory Physics Research Division to the Department of Energy Division of H
SSCL-SR-1209 Bjorken, J.D. Full Acceptance Detector
SSCL-SR-1210 SSCL Commissioning and Operations
SSCL-SR-1211 Booth, A.W. Workshop on Data Acquisition and Trigger System Simulations for High-energy Physics
SSCL-SR-1212 Schlein, Peter E. Ideas for an SSC Open Geometry Forward Collider Detector to Measure CP-Violation in B-Decay
SSCL-SR-1213 Kelly, V. The Project, the Progress, the Physics
SSCL-SR-1213-ADD Brau, James E. Calorimetry subsystem R&D II: Addendum
SSCL-SR-1215 Trilling, George H. Technical Design of a Detector (Solenoidal Detector) April 1, 1992 to be Operated at the Superconduc
SSCL-SR-1216 SSC Laboratory Operations Program Plan: FY2000 to FY2005
SSCL-SR-1218 Okorokov, V.V. Coherent Production of Sigma+ Particles in Crystal Using Proton Beam from SSC
SSCL-SR-1219 Lefmann, W.C. GEM Technical Design Report
SSCL-SR-1220 Gannon, J. Report of the Tunnel Safety Working Group
SSCL-SR-1221 Paige, F. Simulation of Supersymmetry Signatures for GEM
SSCL-SR-1222 Cormell, L. ESNET Requirements for Physics Research at the SSCL
SSCL-SR-1223 Diwan, M.V. Radiation Environment and Shielding for the GEM Experiment at the SSC
SSCL-SR-1224 Shu, Quen-Sheng Design Report on the SSCL Prototype 80-K Synchrotron Radiation Liner System
SSCL-SR-1224-3 Turner, W.C. Model of a 80-K liner vacuum system for the 4.2-K cold bore of the SSCL 20-TeV proton collider
SSCL-SR-1225 Mishra, Chandra Shekhar B physics at hadron accelerators. Proceedings, Workshop, Snowmass, USA, 1993
SSCL-SR-1226 Johansen, David E. Report of the Error and Emittance Task Force on the superconducting super collider: Part 1. Resistiv
SSCL-SR-1227 Eighth International Magnetic Measurement Workshop (IMMW-8) Presentations
SSCL-SR-1228 Toohig, T. Development of Accelerator Radiation Protection at the SSC
SSCL-SR-1230 Dombeck, T. Review of Scientific and Technical Options for the Superconducting Super Collider Program
SSCL-SR-1230-DRAFT Dombeck, T. Review of Scientific and Technical Options for the Superconducting Super Collider Program
SSCL-SR-1231 Toohig, T.E. Development of the Conventional Facilities of the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1231-REV-1 Toohig, T.E. Development of the Conventional Facilities of the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1231-REV1 Toohig, T.E. Development of the Conventional Facilities of the Superconducting Super Collider
SSCL-SR-1232 Technical Site Information: Planning Group of the Directorate and Conventional Construction Division
SSCL-SR-1233 Romero, V. SSCL Groundwater Model
SSCL-SR-1235 Dugan, Gerald F. Superconducting Super Collider: A Retrospective Summary, 1989 - 1993
SSCL-SR-1238 Medvedko, E. Close-out Report: Schematics and Documentation
SSCL-SR-1239 Wienands, U. The LEB Book
SSCL-SR-1242 Elioff, T. A Chronicle of Costs
SSCL-SR-REV-1-SUP-1 Jones, Michael R. Computer Aided Design of the Digital Footprint
SSCL-SR-REV-1-SUP-2 Jones, Michael R. Computer Aided Design of the Digital Footprint