Updated 2025-03-28 11:56:53
SDC-39 | Bensinger, J. | Electron Identification and Implications in SSC Detector Design |
SDC-488 | Crosetto, Dario | Programmable Level 1 Trigger with Digital Filtering |
SDC-89-001 | Gilchriese, G. | SDC Solenoidal Detector Notes : First Day Presentations Dallas Solenoidal Detector Meeting June 26-2 |
SDC-89-002 | Hanson, G. | SDC Solenoidal Detector Notes : Working Group Reports Dallas Solenoidal Detector Meeting June 26-29, |
SDC-89-003 | Hinchliffe, I. | Trigger Rates at SSC |
SDC-89-004 | Bintinger, D. | Depth of Calorimetry for SSC Experiments |
SDC-89-005 | Bintinger, D. | Summary of the Meeting on the Radiation Survivability of Scintillation Calorimetry |
SDC-89-006 | Hauptman, J. | Beyond Eta = 3 |
SDC-89-008 | Iwasaki, Hiroyuki | A Study on Time Resolution for a Straw Chamber |
SDC-89-009 | Yamamoto, Hiro | Electron ID Related Topics in Higgs ---> ZZ, Z ---> e+ e- |
SDC-89-010 | Barnett, R.Michael | The Impact of Resolution, Cracks and Beam Holes on Detection of Processes with Missing Energy Septem |
SDC-89-011 | Pan, M.Y. | Hermeticity Study Using the CCFR Data |
SDC-89-012 | Greiman, W. | Meeting on SSC Detector Simulation |
SDC-89-013 | Cahn, R. | Note on Muon Momentum Resolution |
SDC-89-014 | Strovink, M. | Hermeticity in Three Cryogenic Calorimeter Geometries |
SDC-89-015 | Wiss, Jim | Muon Detector Momentum Resolution |
SDC-89-016 | Errede, Steve | SSC Muon Acceptance Studies |
SDC-89-017 | Sakai, Yoshihide | Muon (Trigger) Rates Calculations for the SSC Detector |
SDC-89-018 | Sakai, Yoshihide | Calorimeter First Level Trigger Rates at the SSC |
SDC-89-019 | Hauptman, John | Lateral Segmentation |
SDC-89-020 | Hauptman, John | Hadronic Shower Shapes in Depth from CCFR Data |
SDC-89-021 | Huth, John | Jet Energy Measurement CDF Experience |
SDC-89-022 | Kadel, R.W. | Positive Ion Distortions in Warm Liquid Calorimeters |
SDC-89-023 | Ogawa, Kazuo | Effect of e/h Ratio on Jet Energy Resolution |
SDC-89-024 | Mori, Shigeki | Conceptual Design Studies of Large Solenoids |
SDC-89-025 | Kondo, T. | An Air Core Solenoidal Detector (ACS) for High $P_t$ Physics at the SSC |
SDC-89-026 | Ohsugi, Takashi | Central Tracking Devices for the SSC |
SDC-90-00135 | Rust, David R. | Some Facts Concerning the Electrical Resistance of Straw Tube Chambers |
SDC-90-027 | Ohsugi, Takashi | On-Chip Filtering of Low $P_{t}$ Track with Straw Tube Chamber |
SDC-90-028 | Asai, Makoto | Hit Rates of the Straw Chamber Tracker |
SDC-90-029 | Barnett, R.Michael | The Impact of Resolution, Cracks and Beam Holes on detection of Processes with Missing Energy: Higgs |
SDC-90-030 | Hollebeek, R.J. | Reconstruction of Top Quarks in an SSC Solenoidal Detector |
SDC-90-031 | Hubbard, B. | Efficiency for b Jet Tagging in t Anti-t Events |
SDC-90-032 | Mangano, Michelangelo L. | Production of Techniomega $\to \gamma Z \to \gamma \ell^+ \ell^-$ |
SDC-90-033 | Thun, R. | Impact of Various Magnet Options on Higgs Physics |
SDC-90-034 | Bensinger, J. | Computation of Coil Parameters for RTK Baseline Muon Toroid |
SDC-90-035 | Hinchliffe, I. | Resolution Parameterizations for the EOI |
SDC-90-036 | Hinchliffe, I. | $Z\eta$ Production with SDC |
SDC-90-038 | Barbaro-Galtieri, Angela | Study of Top Pair Production in Electron - Muon Events with SDC |
SDC-90-039 | Bensinger, J. | Electron Identification and Implications in SSC Detector Design |
SDC-90-040 | Hylen, J. | Silicon Tracker Conceptual Design Report |
SDC-90-041 | Green, Dan | SDC at High Luminosity |
SDC-90-042 | Bintinger, D. | A Detector Design |
SDC-90-043 | Oh, S.H. | Study of Sense Wire Stability and Support in Straw Tube Detector Elements |
SDC-90-044 | Oh, S.H. | Progress Report on the Design of the Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber |
SDC-90-045 | Pang, M. | Fake Missing E(T) Trigger Rates Due to Nonhermeticity, Finite Energy Resolution, and Finite Depth (u |
SDC-90-046 | Groom, Donald E. | Radiation Levels in Detectors at the SSC |
SDC-90-047 | Groom, Donald E. | Ionizing Radiation Environment in SSC Detectors |
SDC-90-048 | Pitzl, Daniel D. | Mass Resolution Requirements for the Higgs Boson |
SDC-90-049 | Kadel, Richard W. | Muon Channel Count for EOI Type S Detector |
SDC-90-050 | Kadel, Richard W. | Tile Calorimeter Module Cost Estimate |
SDC-90-051 | Gilchriese, M. | Accumulated Luminosity Design Goal for the SDC Detector |
SDC-90-053 | Rust, David R. | Some Facts Concerning the Electrical Resistance of Straw Tube Chambers |
SDC-90-054 | Neyman, C. | Gas Studies of 4 mm Diameter Straw Drift Chambers |
SDC-90-055 | Ogren, H. | Wire Stability Tests on 4 mm Straw Chambers |
SDC-90-056 | Foster, R. | A Wire Support Design for Straw Drift Chambers |
SDC-90-057 | Ogren, Harold | Progress Report on 4 mm Straw Chambers |
SDC-90-058 | Ogren, Harold | Notes on Straw Heating and Gas Flow Requirements |
SDC-90-059 | Hanson, Gail G. | Integrated Tracking Configuration I: Silicon and Wire Chambers |
SDC-90-060 | Neyman, C. | Attenuation Studies of 3.5 m Straw Tubes |
SDC-90-061 | Fields, T. | Conceptual Design for a Superconducting Toroid |
SDC-90-062 | A Superconducting Toroidal Magnet for the Argonne National Laboratory Superconducting Super Collider | |
SDC-90-063 | Pope, W.L. | A Gas Cooled Signal Feedthru for SDC's LAC Conceptual Design |
SDC-90-064 | Shuman, D. | CAD / CAE System Evaluation |
SDC-90-065 | Gilchriese, M. | Two Scenarios for Reduction in Scope and Cost for the SDC Detector |
SDC-90-066 | Matthews, John A.J. | Effects on Nonuniform Magnetic Fields on SDC Central Tracking |
SDC-90-067 | Matthews, John A.J. | High $P_t$ Forward Rapidity Tracking Trigger using Silicon Planes |
SDC-90-068 | Hoffmann, Ron | SSC Memo Regarding Route Reconnaissance |
SDC-90-069 | Horvath, I. | Magnetic Transformers for the SDC |
SDC-90-070 | Green, Dan | Dijet Spectroscopy at High Luminosity |
SDC-90-071 | Wenzel, W. | Electronic Signal-to-Noise Ratio for LA, TMP, and TMS |
SDC-90-072 | Miller, David Harry | Survey of Computing Resources of the SDC Collaboration |
SDC-90-073 | Proudfoot, James | A First Simulation Study of the Barrel Endcap Transition Region in A Calorimeter of the Scintillator |
SDC-90-074 | Odaka, Shigeru | Momentum Resolution for Muons Using the Full Tracking System of SDC |
SDC-90-075 | Green, Dan | Muon Rate for Triggers |
SDC-90-076 | Weinstein, A. | A Collection of Formulas Useful in Particle Tracking |
SDC-90-077 | Thun, R. | Iron Scintillator Configurations for SDC Muon Triggers |
SDC-90-078 | Groom, Donald E. | Jet Response on an Ideal Calorimeter |
SDC-90-078 | Groom, Donald E. | Jet Response of A Homogeneous Calorimeter |
SDC-90-079 | Hearty, Christopher | Liquid Argon Calorimeter Position Resolution |
SDC-90-080 | Etherton, D. | SDC Hall Excavation: Fax from Dave Etherton to Bill Edwards |
SDC-90-081 | Eartly, David P. | SDC Muon Chamber Support System Proposal: Fax from Dave Eartly to Bill Edwards |
SDC-90-082 | Shuman, D. | CAD / CAE Neutral File Definition, Preliminary |
SDC-90-083 | Groom, Donald E. | Contributions of Albedo and Noncompensation to Calorimeter Resolution |
SDC-90-084 | Reply by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Questions from the Program Advisory Committee | |
SDC-90-085 | Trilling, George H. | Expression of Interest by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Construct and Operate A Detector |
SDC-90-086 | Abe, F. | Proceedings, International Workshop on Solenoidal Detectors for the SSC, Tsukuba, Japan, April 23-25 |
SDC-90-087 | Grimson, John | CDF Cryogenic Magnet Schedule |
SDC-90-088 | SDC Collaboration Meeting, Superconducting Supercollider Laboratory, September 18-21, 1990 | |
SDC-90-089 | Kirk, Tom | Scintillator Plate Calorimeter Cost Spreadsheet |
SDC-90-090 | Foster, Bill | A Calculation of the Trigger Pipeline Length |
SDC-90-091 | Nauenberg, Uriel | A Study of the Kinematical Properties of the Muons from Higgs Decay |
SDC-90-092 | Nauenberg, Uriel | The Use of Gas Cherenkov Counters as A Part of A Trigger System for Muons in SSC Detectors |
SDC-90-093 | Kral, J.Frederic | SLC Lepton Identification Software |
SDC-90-094 | Kral, J.Frederic | Inclusive Lepton Analysis at the Z |
SDC-90-095 | Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration Magnet Task Force | |
SDC-90-096 | Kadel, R.W. | Proposal for LOI Detectors |
SDC-90-097 | Iwasaki, Hiroyuki | Momentum Resolution in A Nonuniform Magnetic Field |
SDC-90-098 | Doi, T. | A Conceptual Design Study of A General Purpose Solenoidal Detector for the SSC |
SDC-90-099 | Barnett, R.Michael | Higgs Detection via Decays to Leptons with the SDC Detector |
SDC-90-101 | Bensinger, Jim | Flux Jumping in the RTK Octagonal Muon Toroid |
SDC-90-102 | Yamamoto, A. | Design Study of An Air Core Thin Solenoid for the SDC Detector |
SDC-90-103 | Takaiwa, Y. | Short Solenoid Versus Long Solenoid: Effects on Tracking |
SDC-90-104 | Iwasaki, Hiroyuki | Detection of Isolated Electrons in Heavy Higgs Search |
SDC-90-105 | Sakai, Yoshihide | Pileup Issues on the Electron Identification |
SDC-90-106 | Asai, Makoto | Hit Rate Studies of the Straw Chambers in the Hybrid Tracker |
SDC-90-107 | Unno, Y. | Design of A Liquid Argon Calorimeter for SDC |
SDC-90-108 | Hirayama, Hideo | Effects of Dead Material to the Electromagnetic Calorimeter and Energy / Resolution Recovery with "M |
SDC-90-109 | Sakai, Yoshihide | Muon Trigger Rates and Momentum Resolution Calculations |
SDC-90-110 | Kondo, T. | Ray Tracing Study for Magnet Style Selection |
SDC-90-111 | Asano, Yuzo | Particle Rates and Punch Through Rates for the SDC Detector |
SDC-90-112 | Arai, Y. | VHDL Simulation for the Straw Tube Readout |
SDC-90-113 | Mangano, Michelangelo L. | Production of $WH \to W \gamma \gamma \to e/\mu \gamma \gamma$ |
SDC-90-114 | Barasch, E.F. | The Microstrip Chamber: Ultraprecise Tracking for SSC Detectors |
SDC-90-115 | Hinchliffe, Ian | $Z^\prime$ Production with SDC |
SDC-90-116 | Bensinger, J. | Proposal for the Testing of Prototype Detectors for the SDC at Fermilab |
SDC-90-117 | Hollebeek, R.J. | Reconstructing 250-GeV Top Quarks Using the Multi - Jet Final States |
SDC-90-118 | Hollebeek, R.J. | Uncertainties in Estimating the Top Quark Mass Using the Multi - Jet Final States |
SDC-90-119 | Oh, S.H. | Construction and Test of A Prototype Straw Chamber Detector of Length 2.7 Meters |
SDC-90-120 | Dunn, W.L. | Radiation Damage Studies of Straw Tube and Scintillating Fiber Elements |
SDC-90-121 | Cherwinka, Jeff | Feasibility of Large Block Design for the SDC Muon Barrel |
SDC-90-122 | Majewski, Stan | Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber Collaboration, Summary Report - Part I: Progress Report for FY90 |
SDC-90-123 | Majewski, Stan | Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber Collaboration, Summary Report - Part II: Proposal for FY91 |
SDC-90-124 | Goshaw, A.T. | A Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber for SSC Detectors |
SDC-90-125 | Eppley, G. | Asymmetry Versus Mass for A 4-TeV $Z^\prime$ |
SDC-90-126 | Ciocio, A. | A Warm Liquid Calorimeter Concept for the Superconducting Super Collider |
SDC-90-127 | Ford, William T. | Track Reconstruction in Straw Superlayers |
SDC-90-128 | Erdos, Eric | Design of Electronic Readout Board for Straw Tube Arrays |
SDC-90-129 | Fields, T.H. | Matching Forward Toroids to A Central Solenoid |
SDC-90-130 | A Superconducting Toroidal Magnet for the Argonne National Laboratory Superconducting Super Collider | |
SDC-90-131 | Parker, S. | Development of An Integrated Pixel Detector |
SDC-90-132 | Sivertz, M. | Conceptual Engineering Design for A Spacal Calorimeter for the SDC |
SDC-90-133 | Barbaro-Galtieri, A. | Measurement of the Top Mass in the $e\mu$ Channel |
SDC-90-134 | Hanson, Gail G. | Design of A Tracking System for A Solenoidal Detector |
SDC-90-135 | Rust, David R. | Some Facts Concerning the Electrical Resistance of Straw Tube Chambers |
SDC-90-136 | Rust, D.R. | Note on The Surface Resistivity of Aluminized Plastic Film |
SDC-90-137 | Green, Dan | Z Mass Resolution in the Process $H \to ZZ \to eeee$ |
SDC-90-138 | Ogren, H. | Recent Developments in Wire Chamber Tracking at SSC |
SDC-90-139 | Proudfoot, J. | Radiation Damage to Scintillator and Wavelength Shifter and the Resulting Effects on Calorimeter Per |
SDC-90-140 | Barnett, R.M. | Determining the Mass of the Top Quark with the SDC Detector |
SDC-90-141 | Barnett, R.Michael | Searching for Top Decays to Charged Higgs Bosons with the SDC Detector |
SDC-90-142 | Sill, A.F. | Advanced Field Shaping Drift Chambers for SSC Muon Tracking |
SDC-90-143 | Sill, A.F. | Advanced Field Shaping Drift Chambers for SSC Forward Tracking |
SDC-90-144 | Kadyk, J.A. | Recent Work on Radiation Hard Gases and Straw Tubes |
SDC-90-145 | Hearty, Christopher | Resolution and Hermeticity of the Liquid Argon Electromagnetic Calorimeter as A Function of Pseudora |
SDC-90-146 | Hanson, G. | SSC Detector Subsytem Summary Report and Proposal for FY 1991: Central and Forward Tracking Collabor |
SDC-90-147 | Bailey, J.M. | Measurements of Electron Drift in Fast Gases with Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields |
SDC-90-148 | Bailey, J.M. | Forward Tracking with Enhanced Electron Identification |
SDC-90-149 | Para, A. | Jet Energy Resolution of the SDC Detector |
SDC-90-150 | Blair, R.E. | SDC Hadronic Resolutions in $Z$ and $Z^\prime$ Decays |
SDC-90-151 | Trilling, George H. | Letter of Intent by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Construct and Operate A Detector at the |
SDC-90-152 | Kim, B.J. | Comparison of Hadronic Shower Punchthrough and TeV dE/dx with Calculation |
SDC-90-153 | Bonmay, P. | Preshower and Shower Maximum Detectors for SDC |
SDC-90-155 | Nodulman, L. | SDC Calorimeter Review |
SDC-91-00059 | Wicklund, A.B. | Conversion electrons in the SDC |
SDC-91-00085 | Hara, K. | Beam Test on Radiation Hardness of a Scintillating Tile/Fiber Calorimeter |
SDC-91-00091 | Smith, W.H. | SDC Trigger Cost |
SDC-91-00093 | Kadyk, J. | Effects of Cathode and Wall Materials and Water Vapor on Straw Tube Aging |
SDC-91-00094 | Wise, J. | Chemical Modeling of Aging Processes in CF(4) / Isobutane Gases |
SDC-91-00095 | Einsweiler, Kevin | Associated Higgs Production in the Intermediate Mass Region |
SDC-91-00096 | Krefta, M.P. | Two-Dimensional Magnetic Analysis of the SDC Muon Toroid |
SDC-91-00097 | Bratzler, U. | Properties of a 9.2 Meter Long Drift Tube |
SDC-91-00098 | Lankford, A. | Conceptual Design of the SDC Trigger from the SDC Trigger Group |
SDC-91-00099 | Sullivan, Greg | Calorimetry Trigger Rates at the SDC |
SDC-91-001 | Groom, Donald E. | Why Not Raise the SSC Energy Instead? |
SDC-91-002 | Groom, Donald E. | Why Waste All Those MIPS on Compensation Studies? |
SDC-91-003 | Zhao, Tian-chi | Tracking Muons at SSC |
SDC-91-004 | Hong, Seong J. | Cosmic Muon Trigger Rates in the SDC Central Muon Scintillator |
SDC-91-005 | Hong, Seong J. | Effects on the Magnetic Induction Due to the Gaps Within the SDC Muon Toroid |
SDC-91-006 | Srovink, Mark | Simplified Central Si Tracker for SDC |
SDC-91-008 | Amako, Katsuya | A Conservative Approach to Offline Computing: Computing Software for SDC |
SDC-91-009 | Eppley, G. | Leptonic Asymmetries Associated with A $Z^\prime$ |
SDC-91-010 | Trost, Hans-Jochen | Fast Shower Simulation Based on Gauss's Law |
SDC-91-011 | Bonamy, P. | Radiation Damage in Scintillating Plates and Fibers |
SDC-91-012 | Pope, W. | Conceptual Design of Signal Cable Feedthroughs for an SSC Proposed Liquid Argon Calorimeter |
SDC-91-013 | Job, P.K. | Estimation of Hadronic and EM Resolution for Scintillator Plate Calorimeter Configurations |
SDC-91-014 | Nodulman, L. | On Implications of e/h Does Not Equal 1 |
SDC-91-015 | Edwards, W.R. | SDC Muon Barrel Toroid Conceptual Design Review: Final Report of the Review Committee |
SDC-91-016 | Green, D. | Depth Requirements in SSC Calorimeters |
SDC-91-018 | Kirk, Thomas B.W. | Central Calorimeter Configuration: A Study Report to the SDC Technical Board |
SDC-91-019 | Hoff, M. | A Warm Liquid Forward Calorimeter for the SSC: A New Technology with New Challenges |
SDC-91-020 | Simon, Alexander | SDC Muon Trigger |
SDC-91-021 | Seiden, A. | Systematic Errors and Alignment for Barrel Detectors |
SDC-91-022 | Zhao, Tian-chi | Muon Chamber Gas and Related Issues |
SDC-91-023 | Davission, R.J. | Drift Tube Systematics |
SDC-91-024 | Zhao, Tian-chi | An Approach of Triggering Using Drift Chambers |
SDC-91-025 | Green, Dan | Effect of Inert Material on $ZZ$ Mass Resolution for $H \to ZZ \to eeee$ |
SDC-91-026 | Ryan, T.L. | Central Tracker RRR and Interface Control Document |
SDC-91-027 | Strovink, M. | Suggested Modifications to Si Layout Proposed 4/15/91 by H. Ziock |
SDC-91-028 | Strovink, M. | Elementary View of B Physics in SDC |
SDC-91-029 | Bacchetta, N. | Development of AC Coupled Semiconductor Detectors for High Luminosity Operations: Strategy and Descr |
SDC-91-030 | Kulik, A. | Rates in the SDC Muon Chambers and Optimal Design |
SDC-91-031 | Response to Questions from the SDC Cost Review Panel | |
SDC-91-032 | Contreras, M. | Radiation Damage to SCSN23, SCSN81 and SCSN81+Y7 |
SDC-91-034 | Downing, R. | SSC Detector Muon Subsystem Beam Tests |
SDC-91-035 | Rasson, Joseph E. | Mechanical Utilities Integration for the SDC |
SDC-91-036 | 1992 Budget Request for the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-91-037 | Groom, Donald E. | Four Component Approximation to Calorimeter Resolution |
SDC-91-038 | Trost, Hans-Jochen | Light Yield from A Scintillator Tile with Embedded Readout Fibers |
SDC-91-041 | Lobkowicz, F. | Boiling Near Preamplifiers in LAr Calorimeters |
SDC-91-042 | Lobkowicz, F. | Transformers in the SDC Coil |
SDC-91-043 | Field, R.D. | Jets in the Forward Region |
SDC-91-044 | Ogren, Harold | Straw and Module Placement |
SDC-91-046 | Report of the SDC ACT Task Force | |
SDC-91-047 | Odaka, S. | A Jet Cell Design for the SDC Muon Chamber |
SDC-91-048 | Handler, Thomas | Design Considerations for A Scintillating Plate Calorimeter for SDC |
SDC-91-049 | Front-End Electronics Meeting at LBL June 6-8, 1990 | |
SDC-91-050 | Kirk, Thomas B.W. | The Effect of Passive Material on the Detection of Hadrons in Calorimeter Configurations for the SDC |
SDC-91-051 | Wicklund, A.B. | b-Jet Tagging Using Electrons at SDC |
SDC-91-052 | Underwood, David G. | Fiber Tile Optical Studies at Argonne |
SDC-91-053 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-91-054 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-91-055 | Amendolia, R. | Report of the Task Force on R&D Directions for Tracking |
SDC-91-056 | Foster, R. | Self Centering Measurement for 8 Layer Trapezoid |
SDC-91-057 | Gunion, J.F. | Comments on Higgs Detection in the $WH \to \nu \gamma \gamma$ Final State |
SDC-91-058 | Wenzel, W.A. | Signal Distortion by Ionization |
SDC-91-059 | Wicklund, A.B. | Conversion Electrons in the SDC |
SDC-91-060 | Fry, C.A. | A New Approach to Physics Code |
SDC-91-062 | Straw Tube Superlayer Design Concepts | |
SDC-91-063 | Arai, Y. | Conceptual Design of Straw Tube Readout with TMC |
SDC-91-064 | Proceedings, Solenoidal Detector Collaboration Meeting at LBL, August 5-10, 1991 | |
SDC-91-065 | Abbot, B. | Scintillating Fiber Detectors: Fiber Tracking Group (FTG) |
SDC-91-066 | Atac, M. | Scintillating Fiber Tracking Using Visible Light Photon Counters |
SDC-91-067 | Mountain, Raymond J. | Monte Carlo Simulations of Scintillating Fiber Optic Waveguides |
SDC-91-068 | Piekarz, J. | Measurements of Fluorescence Efficiency of Scintillators Before and After Irradiation |
SDC-91-069 | Chaney, Roy C. | Cryogenic Preamplifiers for SSPM/VLPC Devices for Scintillating Fiber Tracking |
SDC-91-070 | Goldberg, H. | Cryogenic Issues for Solid State Photomultiplier Operation |
SDC-91-071 | Koltick, D.S. | Engineering Challenges for Scintillating Fiber Tracking at the SSC |
SDC-91-072 | Abbott, B. | Simulation Studies for A Scintillating Fiber Tracker |
SDC-91-073 | Anway, Carol E. | GEANT Simulations with Shell and Module Geometry Code and Scintillating Fiber Central Tracking |
SDC-91-074 | Adams, D. | Simulation of A Scintillating Fiber Tracker for the SSC |
SDC-91-075 | Goldberg, H. | Transmission of Infrared Radiation Through Polystyrene and Consequences for VLPC Cryogenics |
SDC-91-076 | Margulies, S. | Neutron Interactions in Scintillating Fiber Central Trackers for SDC and D0 |
SDC-91-077 | Margulies, S. | Interactions of Albedo Neutrons with Scintillating Fibers |
SDC-91-078 | Margulies, S. | Pulse Height Distributions from Scintillators of Various Cross-Sectional Shapes |
SDC-91-079 | Margulies, S. | The Shape of the VLPC Photoelectron Spectrum from A Scintillating Fiber of Circular Cross-Section |
SDC-91-080 | Hinchliffe, Ian | On The Observability of Heavy Particles Decaying to Jet - Jet and $e^+ e^-$ with SDC |
SDC-91-081 | Wicklund, A.B. | $Z^0 \to$ Hadrons in SDC |
SDC-91-082 | Kanematsu, N. | Effect of Magnetic Shields in A Calorimeter on Hadron Energy Resolution |
SDC-91-083 | Wicklund, A.B. | Effects of Shower Spreading on $Z^0 \to JJ$ Mass Resolution |
SDC-91-084 | Hearty, Christopher | Effect of Electromagnetic Calorimeter Thickness on Resolution |
SDC-91-085 | Funaki, S. | Beam Test on Radiation Hardness of A Scintillating Tile / Fiber Calorimeter |
SDC-91-086 | Panescu, D. | An SSC Photomultiplier Tube Preamplifier Circuit |
SDC-91-087 | Smith, W.H. | Isolated Electron Pattern Logic Design and Performance at the SSC |
SDC-91-088 | Smith, W.H. | Level 1 Trigger Decision Design for the SDC |
SDC-91-089 | Smith, W.H. | SDC Trigger Preliminary Conceptual Design |
SDC-91-090 | Smith, W.H. | SDC Global Level 1 Processor: Clock and Control |
SDC-91-091 | Smith, W.H. | SDC Trigger Cost |
SDC-91-093 | Kadyk, J. | Effects of Cathode and Wall Materials and Water Vapor on Straw Tube Aging |
SDC-91-094 | Wise, J. | Chemical Modeling of Aging Processes in CF(4) / Isobutane Gases |
SDC-91-095 | Einsweiler, Kevin | Associated Higgs Production in the Intermediate Mass Region |
SDC-91-096 | Krefta, M.P. | Two-Dimensional Magnetic Analysis of the SDC Muon Toroid |
SDC-91-097 | Bratzler, U. | Properties of a 9.2 Meter Long Drift Tube |
SDC-91-098 | Lankford, A. | Conceptual Design of the SDC Trigger from the SDC Trigger Group |
SDC-91-099 | Sullivan, Greg | Calorimetry Trigger Rates at the SDC |
SDC-91-100 | Contreras, M. | Proposal for the SDC Level 1 Trigger Design or is a Simple L1 Adequate for the SDC? |
SDC-91-101 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-91-104 | Central and Forward Tracking Collaboration: Progress Report for FY 1991 | |
SDC-91-105 | Cherwinka, Jeff | SDC Muon Barrel Toroid Conceptual Design Report Using Long and Short Bolted Blocks |
SDC-91-106 | Lankford, Andy | SDC Front End Electronics Review Report |
SDC-91-107 | Kirk, Thomas B.W. | Luminosity Evolution at the SSC |
SDC-91-107 | Kirk, Thomas B.W. | Luminosity Evolution at the SSC |
SDC-91-108 | Kirk, Thomas B.W. | Shower Counter Resolution Scaling |
SDC-91-109 | Hubbard, B. | Effect of Material on Electron Tracking |
SDC-91-110 | Hubbard, B. | Physics Goals for the SDC Tracking System |
SDC-91-111 | SDC Presentation to the PAC | |
SDC-91-112 | Daly, C.H. | Finite Element Modeling of Muon Detector Module: University of Washington / SSC design |
SDC-91-113 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-91-114 | Proudfoot, Jimmy | Calorimeter Review and Technical Board Meeting, September 12-14, 1991 |
SDC-91-115 | Board, Technical | Tracking Volume Report |
SDC-91-116 | Zhao, Tianchi | Experience with Short Drift Tubes |
SDC-91-117 | Dittert, Les | SDC Scintillator Calorimeter Detector (Preliminary Construction Planning) |
SDC-91-119 | Hu, L. | Radiation Damage of Tile / Fiber Scintillator Modules for the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-91-120 | Adams, D. | Report of the Task Force on Impact of Material in Tracking Volume |
SDC-91-121 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-91-122 | Groom, Donald E. | Extension of SSC-SR-1033 Approach to Radioactivation in LHC and SSC Detectors |
SDC-91-123 | Visser, A. | 60 Hz Line Side Feeder Options for the 2 MW Solenoid DC Power Supply |
SDC-91-124 | Proceedings, SDC Meeting Held at Oak Ridge Associated Universities September 26-28, 1991, OakRidge, | |
SDC-91-125 | SDC Modular Straw Outer Tracking System Conceptual Design Report (DRAFT) | |
SDC-91-125 | Conceptual Design Report for the Modular Straw Outer Tracking System (Rev.1) | |
SDC-91-126 | Bonamy, P. | Radiation Damage in Tile Fiber Calorimeter Modules |
SDC-91-127 | Western, Jeffrey L. | SDC Toroid Support Preliminary Calculations |
SDC-91-128 | Goshaw, A.T. | Conceptual Design Report for the Straw Fiber Tracking System for SDC |
SDC-91-129 | Requirements for the SDC Tracking System | |
SDC-91-130 | Adams, D.L. | Momentum Smearing and False Trigger Rates in A Scintillating Fiber Tracking Trigger |
SDC-91-131 | Adams, D.L. | Pattern Recognition in A Silicon and Scintillating Fiber SDC Tracking System |
SDC-91-132 | Wu, Zhongxin | Electron Tracking and the Track to Shower Match in SDC |
SDC-91-133 | Weinstein, A.J. | Silicon Tracking Conceptual Design Report |
SDC-91-134 | Unno, Y. | Geometries, Number of Hit Layers and Material Thicknesses of the New SI Designs |
SDC-91-135 | Bramble, K. | SDC Muon Detector Design Barrel and Intermediate Chambers Round Tube Option |
SDC-91-136 | Unno, Y. | The Effect of Material in the Tracking Volume: $E / \rho$ and Position Matching |
SDC-91-136-REV | Unno, Y. | The Effect of Material in the Tracking Volume: $E / \rho$ and Position Matching |
SDC-91-137 | Ford, W.T. | Requirements for the SDC Tracking System |
SDC-91-138 | Trost, Hans-Jochen | Some Physics Requirements for Triggering in the Intermediate Tracking System of SDC |
SDC-91-141 | Gorski, T. | Correlated Level 1 Muon Trigger Design for the SDC |
SDC-91-142 | Bisello, D. | Measurement of Radiation Damage during Irradiation |
SDC-91-143 | Thur, William | A Simplified SDC Endcap EM Calorimeter Design Concept |
SDC-91-144 | Wiss, Jim | Barrel Muon Detector Design Considerations |
SDC-91-145 | Wiss, Jim | Angle Dependence of Forward Muon Momentum Resolution |
SDC-91-146 | Errede, Steve | Comparison of Muon Momentum Resolution for the Solenoidal Detector Versus Muon Momentum Resolution f |
SDC-91-147 | Errede, Steve | Acceptance and Mass Resolution Studies for SDC Muon EOI Subsystem Design |
SDC-91-148 | Errede, Steve | Acceptance and Online Mass Resolution Studies for SDC LOI Muon Subsystem Design |
SDC-91-149 | Errede, Steve | Acceptance and Offline Mass Resolution Studies for SDC Muon LOI subsystem Design |
SDC-91-150 | Errede, Steve | SDC Muon Physics Acceptance Impact if Delete the Forward Muon System |
SDC-91-151 | Wiss, Jim | Effects of Descoping Options for the Muon System |
SDC-91-152 | Wiss, Jim | Octagonal Geometry Effects |
SDC-91-153 | Wiss, Jim | Alignment Resolution Studies of the Muon System |
SDC-91-154 | Wiss, Jim | Muon System Alignment Studies |
SDC-91-155 | Wiss, Jim | BW3 - BW2 Radial Separation Studies |
SDC-91-156 | Errede, Steve | Muon Matching Studies |
SDC-91-157 | Wiss, Jim | Chamber Resolution Studies |
SDC-91-158 | Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber Collaboration Progress Report for FY1991 | |
SDC-91-161 | Carlsmith, D. | SDC Muon Detector: Octagonal Tube Option |
SDC-91-164 | Adams, T. | Two-Dimensional Magnetic Analysis of the Solenoidal Detector for the Superconducting Super Collider |
SDC-91-165 | Proceedings, Solenoidal Detector Collaboratioin Meeting at the SSC Lab | |
SDC-91-166 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-91-167 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-91-168 | Barbaro, P.de | R&D Results on Scintillating Tile / Fiber Calorimetry for the CDF and SDC Detectors |
SDC-91-170 | Conceptual Design Report: Wine Rack Design of the SDC Barrel and Intermediate Muon Chambers | |
SDC-91-48 | Handler, Thomas | Design Considerations for A Scintillating Plate Calorimeter for SDC |
SDC-92-00299 | Hill, N.F. | Response to concerns of the EM review committee |
SDC-92-169 | Arai, Y. | Conceptual Design Report for the SDC Barrel and Intermediate Muon Detectors Based on a Jet Type Drif |
SDC-92-171 | Foster, B. | Intermediate Angle Track Detector: Conceptual Design Report |
SDC-92-172 | Fazeley, A.R. | Radiation Damage Studies for the SDC Electromagnetic Calorimeter |
SDC-92-173 | Ohsugi, T. | Radiation Hardness of Double Sided Microstrip Silicon Detector |
SDC-92-175 | Broomer, B.R. | Cherenkov System Cost |
SDC-92-176 | Kadel, Richard W. | Radiation Dose Profiles and Activation of the SDC Endcap Calorimeter |
SDC-92-177 | Zhao, Tianchi | Level 1 Muon Trigger Simulations |
SDC-92-178 | Zhao, T. | L1 Muon Trigger Electronics |
SDC-92-179 | Davisson, Richard | The Position of An Anode Wire Relative to the Beam |
SDC-92-180 | Roe, Byron P. | Status of the SDC Beam Vacuum Pipe Design |
SDC-92-181 | Amendolia, S.R. | Proceedings, SDC Collaboration Meeting at Pisa |
SDC-92-182 | Demortier, L. | Radiation Damage Studies on High Pressure Gasses |
SDC-92-183 | Demortier, L. | Test Beam Results of A Prototype Parallel Plate Electromagnetic High Pressure Gas Calorimeter |
SDC-92-184 | Demortier, L. | A High Pressure Gas Ionization Tube Calorimeter for the Forward Region |
SDC-92-185 | Hearty, Christopher | Electromagnetic Resolution as A Function of Lead and Scintillator Thickness |
SDC-92-186 | Hara, K. | Radiation Hardness Study of Scintillating Tile/Fibers |
SDC-92-187 | Trost, Hans-Jochen | On the Massless Gap Adjustment of Detected Energy for Passive Material in Front of A Calorimeter |
SDC-92-189 | Abbot, B. | Conceptual Design Scintillating Fiber Outer Tracking, Fiber Tracking Group (FTG) |
SDC-92-190 | Adams, D. | Silicon & Scintillating Fiber Tracking at High Luminosity |
SDC-92-191 | Ruchti, R. | Review of Recent R&D in Fiber Tracking |
SDC-92-192 | Koltick, D.S. | Notes for Revision of CDR |
SDC-92-193 | Adams, David L. | Pattern Recognition in A Silicon and Scintillating fiber SDC Tracking System II |
SDC-92-194 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-92-195 | Eartly, David P. | Prototype SDC Muon Alignment Position Monitoring Concepts |
SDC-92-196 | Marraffino, J. | 'Massless Gaps' for Solenoid + Calorimeter |
SDC-92-197 | Smith, W.H. | Revised SDC Trigger Cost |
SDC-92-199 | Turcotte, Marc | Electromagnetic Resolution of a Tile Fiber Calorimeter for the SDC |
SDC-92-200 | Hearty, Christopher | Source Calorimeter Accuracy |
SDC-92-201 | Trilling, George H. | Technical Design of a Detector (Solenoidal Detector) April 1, 1992 to be Operated at the Superconduc |
SDC-92-202 | Cook, B.J. | Superconducting Super Collider Data Compression and Driver/Modulator Architecture |
SDC-92-203 | Cooke, Bradly J. | Efficient Data Transmission from Silicon Wafer Strip Detectors |
SDC-92-204 | SDC Solenoidal Detector Notes: Joint Executive/Technical Board Meeting | |
SDC-92-205 | Brogan, J. | SDC Muon Chamber Assembly Facility Analysis |
SDC-92-206 | Wilderman, S. | Zeroth Order Object Analysis for the SDC Test Beam Online Control |
SDC-92-207 | Timmermans, Charles | Zeroth Order SDC Test Beam Online Software |
SDC-92-208 | Hubbard, Bradley | Description of the Silicon Tracking Simulation |
SDC-92-210 | O'Shaughnessy, K. | Tracking Simulation Studies of Higgs Boson Decay to Four Leptons |
SDC-92-212 | Hubbard, B. | Event Simulation and Track Reconstruction in the SDC Experiment |
SDC-92-213 | Barnett, R.Michael | Charged Higgs Bosons at the SSC |
SDC-92-214 | Wiss, Jim | General Muon Resolution Calculations |
SDC-92-215 | Wiss, Jim | More Muon Momentum Resolution Calculations |
SDC-92-216 | Hearty, Christopher | Impact of Tracking Material on Electromagnetic Calorimeter Calibration |
SDC-92-217 | Eppley, G. | Simulating Minimum Bias Events at SSC Energy |
SDC-92-218 | Panescu, Dorin | A Pipelined Domino Logic 4 x 12 Bit Adder |
SDC-92-219 | Trost, Hans-Jochen | Erratum/Addendum to: On The 'Massless Gap' Adjustment of Detected Energy for Passive Material in Fro |
SDC-92-220 | Errede, Steve | SDC Muon Acceptance and Mass Resolution Studies |
SDC-92-221 | Errede, Steve | Studies of Heavy $W^\prime \mu \nu_\mu$ and $Z^\prime \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ Production and Radiative Deca |
SDC-92-222 | Guarino, V. | Finite element analysis of the SDC barrel and endcap calorimeters |
SDC-92-222 | Guarino, V. | Finite Element Analysis of the SDC Barrel and Endcap Calorimeters |
SDC-92-223 | Job, P.K. | Simulation of Hanging File Experiments with CALOR89 |
SDC-92-224 | Swensrud, Roger L. | Conceptual Design Report Tracking Support System and Assembly |
SDC-92-225 | Albee, Matt | The Design of the Cherenkov Counter for the SDC Detector |
SDC-92-227 | Ford, William T. | Track Crossing Angle in Straw Superlayers |
SDC-92-228 | Crosetto, Dario | A New Approach in Device Testing |
SDC-92-229 | Ennis, Robert J. | Offline Computer System Use Scenarios: SDC Computing Section, Computing Model and Operational Concep |
SDC-92-230 | Day, C.T. | RESQme Studies for SDC Regional Computing Centers |
SDC-92-232 | Temple, W. | SDC Jet Trigger Performance Studies |
SDC-92-233 | Blocker, Craig | Capture Efficiency of A Fiber |
SDC-92-234 | Blocker, Craig | Sensitivity of Source Calibration to Source Tube Location |
SDC-92-235 | Budagov, Julian | An Exact Formula for Light Trapping Fraction in Optical Fibers Florin Cotorobay |
SDC-92-237 | A Monolithic 'No Crack' Endcap EM Calorimeter for the SDC | |
SDC-92-238 | Errede, Steve | Physics Impact of Phi Cracks in the SDC Barrel Muon System |
SDC-92-239 | Stairs, G. | Design Options for ANS SSC Wire Chamber Data Collection System |
SDC-92-240 | Holscher, A. | Overlap Probabilities |
SDC-92-241 | Holscher, A. | Front End Collector Bus (FECbus) Design Description |
SDC-92-242 | Holscher, A. | Division of DCC Functionality between FE Interface and DAQ Interface |
SDC-92-243 | Holscher, A. | Preliminary Specification of the Error Detection and Monitoring Functions of the SDC Wire Chamber Da |
SDC-92-244 | Holscher, A. | Front End Buffers for A Straw Tube DCC System |
SDC-92-245 | Sirotenko, Vladimir | Electromagnetic Background in the Muon Barrel Chambers |
SDC-92-246 | Moore, Brent R. | User's Guide to CALOR89-U3G on PDSF |
SDC-92-247 | Holscher, A. | Front End and DCC Simulations for the SDC Straw Tube System |
SDC-92-248 | Fukui, T. | Pulse Shape Study for SDC Muon Chamber |
SDC-92-249 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-92-251 | Bylsma, B. | A Second Level Calorimeter Cluster Processor for SDC |
SDC-92-252 | Slonim, Victor | A General Algorithm for Track Fitting |
SDC-92-253 | Orgeron, Joseph A. | Conceptual Design of A Neural Network Pipeline Processor for the Fiber Tracker's L1 Trigger |
SDC-92-254 | Roe, Byron P. | Overflow Rate for Events Input into A Finite Buffer |
SDC-92-256 | Vandergriff, David H. | Scintillating Fiber Ribbon Measurement |
SDC-92-257 | Handler, T. | Unix Version of CALOR89 for Calorimeter Applications |
SDC-92-258 | Tseng, C.W.(Jeff) | SDC Muon Barrel Toroid Model: Scoping Document for MBT 1/9.197 Scale Test Model |
SDC-92-259 | Roe, Byron P. | A Summary of Some of the Accelerator Interface Issues of the Past Year |
SDC-92-260 | Daly, Colin H. | Mechanical Consequences of Tube Layer Ordering in SDC Muon Modules |
SDC-92-261 | Daly, Colin H. | Evaluation of Epoxy Adhesives for Muon Module Assembly |
SDC-92-262 | Ruchti, R. | Scintillating Fiber Outer Tracking Detector |
SDC-92-263 | Van Haaren, Michael | Straw Tube Position Measurement |
SDC-92-264 | PAC Meeting Presentations: SDC Review May 4-9, 1992 | |
SDC-92-265 | Solenoidal Detector Collaboration Monthly Report | |
SDC-92-266 | Timofeev, S. | The Magnetic Analysis of the SDC Muon Barrel Toroid (MBT) (The Simplified Configuration) |
SDC-92-267 | Davis, D.M. | SDC Project Scintillating Fiber Tracker Assembly Hall Requirements |
SDC-92-268 | Report of the SDC Review Panel, SSC Laboratory, May 4-9, 1992 | |
SDC-92-269 | Cotorobai, Florin | An Exact Formula for Light Trapping Fraction in Optical Fibres (Final Version) |
SDC-92-270 | Wiss, Jim | More on Layer Placement |
SDC-92-271 | Errede, Steve | More on Muon Matching (Layer Placement) |
SDC-92-272 | Chirikov-Zorin, I.E. | The Influence of Cherenkov Light on the Electromagnetic Calorimeter Output Signal |
SDC-92-273 | Koltick, David S. | Scintillating Fiber Tracker Future R&D |
SDC-92-274 | Byon-Wagner, A. | Test of Compressed Stacks |
SDC-92-275 | Byon-Wagner, Aesook | Better Red than Dead |
SDC-92-276 | Iwasaki, H. | Proceedings, SDC Collaboration Meeting at KEK Tsukuba, Japan May 26-29, 1992 |
SDC-92-277 | Leitch, Robert | Straw Tracker Thermal Analysis |
SDC-92-278 | Kondo, Takahiko | SDC Presentation at the First East Asian / Pacific USA Symposium on SSC Physics, Experiments and Tec |
SDC-92-279 | Adams, David L. | Efficiency and Resolution of a Double Layer of Scintillating Fibers |
SDC-92-280 | Timofeev, S. | The Magnetic Analysis of the SDC Muon Barrel Toroid (MBT) (the Influence of the Air Gaps on the Magn |
SDC-92-281 | Daoudi, Mourad | Study of Loss Due to Missed Coverage in the Barrel Muon Detector |
SDC-92-282 | Solenoidal Detector Collaboration Monthly Report | |
SDC-92-283 | Brogan, J. | SDC Muon System Assembly and Installation Study |
SDC-92-284 | Cherwinka, Jeff | SDC Muon Barrel Toroid Specification |
SDC-92-285 | Timofeev, S. | The Magnetic analysis of the SDC Muon Barrel Toroid (MBT) (The Influence of the Coils Positions on t |
SDC-92-286 | Trilling, George H. | SDC Response to the May 1992 PAC Review |
SDC-92-287 | Chirikov-Zorin, I. | Tile to Tile Nonuniformity: How it Affects the Calorimeter Response |
SDC-92-288 | Hoff, Matthew D. | Scintillating Tile Fabrication for the 4 x 4 Calorimeter Test Station Module |
SDC-92-289 | Bertoldi, M. | Machining of Scintillator Tiles for the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-92-290 | Hagopian, V. | Single Tile - Fiber Unit of SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-92-291 | Hernandez, E. | Fiber Sputtering and Painting |
SDC-92-292 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-92-293 | Strovink, M. | SI Disk Configurations for SDC Pattern Recognition Studies |
SDC-92-294 | Hulbert, M. | SDC Test Beam Results of Massless Gap: Electromagnetic Energy Resolution and Additional Charged Pion |
SDC-92-295 | Gui, Mei | Radiation Damage Effects on Liquid Scintillating Fibers |
SDC-92-296 | Govignon, J. | A Solution to the Global Alignment of the SDC Muon Detector |
SDC-92-297 | Dittert, Les | SDC Forward Toroids Conceptual Design |
SDC-92-299 | Hill, Norman F. | Response to Concerns of the EM Review Committee |
SDC-92-300 | Barasch, Eugene F. | A Case Study on the Effect of Computational Precision on GEANT Simulations |
SDC-92-301 | Margulies, S. | Effects of a Hadron Irradiation on Scintillating Fibers |
SDC-92-302 | Wellenstein, Allan G. | Report: Heating of Muon Tube |
SDC-92-303 | Strovink, Mark | SI Barrel Layer Radii |
SDC-92-304 | Durkin, S. | A Design for the SDC Global Level 2 Trigger |
SDC-92-305 | Gusakov, Yuri | SDC Muon Barrel Toroid: Possible Improvements for the MBT Design for Easier and Faster Assembly |
SDC-92-306 | Baumbaugh, Al | Baseline Implementation of the Digital Phototube Readout System for the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-92-307 | Foster, G.William | Calibration of the Digital Readout System for the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-92-308 | Foster, G.William | Digital Readout of the Shower Maximum Detector of the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-92-311 | Yarba, Julia | Effect of Tile to Tile Variations and Calibration Imperfections on the EM Calorimeter Resolution |
SDC-92-312 | Ziock, Hans | Layout of the Barrel Section of the SDC Silicon Detector System |
SDC-92-314 | Barasch, E.F. | Substrate Resistivity Measurements |
SDC-92-315 | Strovink, M. | Si Disk Arrangement for 8 Hits |
SDC-92-316 | Chung, M. | Radiation Hardness of Scintillating Fibers: Determination of Properties for Fibers Subject to Nonuni |
SDC-92-317 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-92-318 | Barasch, E.F. | Gas Microstrip Detectors on Polymer, Silicon and Glass Substrates |
SDC-92-319 | Green, Dan | The Effects of Cracks on Calorimeter Response in the SDC Dogleg Design |
SDC-92-320 | Milburn, Richard H. | Electromechanics of Drift Tube Wires |
SDC-92-321 | Yasuda, G. | SDC 9 cm Muon Drift Tube: Electromechanical Studies. 1. |
SDC-92-322 | Green, Dan | Source Calibrations and SDC Calorimeter Requirements |
SDC-92-322-REV.-A | Green, Dan | Source Calibrations and SDC Calorimeter Requirements |
SDC-92-323 | Pope, W.L. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter WBS 2.2.10. SSCL Surface Assembly Operations |
SDC-92-324 | Pope, W.L. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter WBS 2.2.10. Fiber Routing and PMT Mounting |
SDC-92-325 | Pope, W.L. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter WBS 2.2.10. Absorber Plate Flattening forces |
SDC-92-326 | Pope, W.L. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter WBS 2.2.10. Pizza Pans and Source Tubes |
SDC-92-327 | Pope, W.L. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter WBS 2.2.10. FEA Model Requirements |
SDC-92-328 | Pope, W.L. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter WBS 2.2.10. General Configuration |
SDC-92-329 | Pope, W.L. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter WBS 2.2.10. FEA Basis for Calculating Tie Rod Weld Stresses |
SDC-92-330 | Rodamaker, Marc C. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter WBS 2.2.10 MCR FEA Report no. 2: Finite Element Analysis of a Removable Hadr |
SDC-92-331 | Pope, W.L. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter WBS 2.2.10. R.F.Q. for Steel Endplug Fabrication |
SDC-92-332 | Tuli, Manny | Low Carbon (AISI 1010) Steel for SDC Detector Toroids |
SDC-92-333 | Chapman, J. | SDC Trigger R&D Report |
SDC-92-334 | Chirikov-Zorin, I. | Influence of Tile Nonuniformity of the Constant Term of EM Calorimeter Resolution |
SDC-92-335 | Hearty, C. | Missing Et in Jets due to Calorimeter Cracks |
SDC-92-339 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-92-340 | Timofeev, S. | The Magnetic Analysis of the SDC Muon Barrel Toroid (MBT): The Influence of the Construction Element |
SDC-92-341 | Feyzi, Farshid | Conceptual Design for the Muon Intermediate Tower Installation Fixture |
SDC-92-342 | Bensinger, J. | Preliminary Design Report: Muon Barrel Toroid |
SDC-92-343 | Hulbert, M. | Performance of a Prototype SDC Shower Maximum Detector |
SDC-92-344 | Hulbert, M. | Particle Identification in SDC: Shower Maximum and Preshower Detectors |
SDC-92-345 | Temple, W. | SDC Level 1 Electron Trigger Simulation Results |
SDC-92-346 | Bonamy, P. | Shower Maximum Detector Design and Installation |
SDC-92-347 | Baron, P. | The ShowerMax Detector Front End and Readout Electronics |
SDC-92-348 | Smith, W.H. | SDC Prototype Trigger Emulation Module (TEM): Performance Specification |
SDC-92-349 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration | |
SDC-92-350 | Jankowski, D. | Effect of Pb and Air Absorber Thickness on Cs-137 Signal |
SDC-92-351 | Hara, K. | Development of Fiber to Fiber Connectors for Tile - Fiber Calorimeters |
SDC-92-352 | Handler, Thomas | Feasibility of Using Neural Networks as a Level 2 Calorimeter Trigger for Jet Tagging |
SDC-92-353 | Maghakian, A. | $\gamma / \pi^0$ Separation using the SDC Shower Maximum Detector |
SDC-92-354 | Job, P.K. | Estimates of Neutron Fluence for the SDC Detector |
SDC-92-355 | Field, R.D. | SDC Solenoidal Detector Notes : Forward Jets and Missing $E_T$ |
SDC-92-356 | Han, S. | Radiation Hardness Tests of Tile - Fiber Calorimeter Structures for SDC |
SDC-92-357 | Timofeev, S. | Two-Dimensional Magnetic Analysis of the SDC Muon Barrel Toroid (MBT) |
SDC-92-358 | Oliver, John | A Tail Cancellation Circuit for Pulses from Wire Proportional Chambers |
SDC-92-359 | Green, Dan | Neutron Radiation Damage in Comparison to EM Damage at the SSC |
SDC-92-360 | Ford, William T. | Determination of the Radiation Length of HV Capacitors for the SDC Straw Tracker |
SDC-92-361 | Waters, L.S. | Neutron Currents in the SDC |
SDC-92-363 | Grunhaus, J. | Simulation Studies of the Shower Maximum Detector for the SDC: Efficiency for the $\pi^0$ Rejection |
SDC-92-365 | Imlay, R.L. | Radiation Damage Studies |
SDC-92-367 | Iwasaki, Hiro | Memo for the Minitower Beam Test at KEK |
SDC-92-368 | Crosetto, D. | Fully Pipelined and Programmable Level 1 Trigger |
SDC-92-369 | Crosetto, D. | 3-D Flow Processor Preliminary Technical Specifications |
SDC-92-371 | Karuturi, Srinivas | Floating Point Adder Tests |
SDC-92-372 | Pope, W.L. | SDC Endplug Calorimeter: Plasma Arc Cutting of Source Tube Grooves |
SDC-92-373 | Jankowski, D.J. | Measurements of Radiation Dose using Radiochromic Film |
SDC-92-376 | Behrends, S. | Performance Based Tolerances for Muon Supermodule Alignment |
SDC-92-378 | Wang, A.T.M. | Triplet Coincidence in Drift Tubes for a Level 1 Muon Trigger |
SDC-92-379 | Batyunia, B.V. | Some Merits of a Z Coordinate Measurement in Silicon Vertex Detectors |
SDC-92-380 | Arena, V. | Resistive Plate Counters for the SDC Muon System |
SDC-92-381 | Govignon, J. | SDC Muon Measurement System Conceptual Design of the Alignment System |
SDC-92-382 | Holden, Gary | SDC Muon Measurement System Engineering Model |
SDC-92-383 | Anderson, D. | Tension Measurement for SDC Muon Drift Tubes |
SDC-92-384 | Fields, T. | Final Report on Cost Estimate of Forward Superconducting Air Core Toroid |
SDC-92-385 | SDC Collaboration Meeting, SSCL, October 22-24, 1992 (Meeting Transparencies) | |
SDC-92-386 | Monthly report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration, October 1992 | |
SDC-92-387 | Hearty, Christopher | Recommended Isotopes for Calorimeter Source Calibration |
SDC-92-390 | Bakken, J. | SDC Muon System Assembly and Installation Study. Phase II |
SDC-92-390-A | Bakken, J. | SDC Muon System Assembly and Installation Study Phase II, Appendix A: Detailed RAM Input Data |
SDC-92-393 | Govignon, J. | Implementation of an Optical Fencepost for the Alignment of the SDC Muon System |
SDC-92-394 | Hara, K. | Radiation Induced Energy Resolution Degradation and Response Nonlinearity of the Tile - Fiber EM Cal |
SDC-92-395 | Lubatti, H. | Prototype Tower Workshop |
SDC-92-396 | Abrams, G. | A Monolithic Endcap Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the SDC |
SDC-92-397 | Takeuchi, Y. | Development of Data Acquisition System using RISC / UNIX Workstation |
SDC-92-398 | Glover, Charles | Charged Particle Track Reconstruction using Artificial Neural Networks |
SDC-92-399 | Yamamoto, A. | Design Study of a Thin Superconducting Solenoid Magnet for the SDC Detector |
SDC-92-400 | SDC Offline Software Concepts Version 1.0 | |
SDC-92-401 | DOE Review 1992: Executive Summary and Conclusions / Recommendations | |
SDC-92-402 | SDC Collaboration Meeting, SSCL, December 10-12, 1992 (Transparencies) | |
SDC-93-403 | Dodd, E. | Proposed SDC Muon Counter Configuration |
SDC-93-404 | Green, Dan | Magnetic Fields and SDC Endcap Scintillator Performance |
SDC-93-406 | Ford, William T. | Track Segment Reconstruction in Straw Superlayers |
SDC-93-407 | de Barbaro, P. | Recent R&D Results on Tile / Fiber Calorimetry |
SDC-93-408 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration, November 1992 | |
SDC-93-409 | Hearty, C. | Report of the SDC Calorimeter Calibration Review Committee |
SDC-93-410 | Lubatti, H. | Tube Construction Workshop (Transparencies) |
SDC-93-411 | Borisov, E. | SDC Forward Muon System Conceptual Design |
SDC-93-412 | Gorski, T. | SDC Pattern Generation Module (PGM) Performance Specification |
SDC-93-413 | Gorski, T. | SDC Trigger Emulation Module (TEM): Operations Manual |
SDC-93-414 | SDC Forward Muon Workshop, January 18-29, 1993, SSCL (transparencies) | |
SDC-93-415 | Coupal, David P. | Review of the SDC Outer Tracking Options |
SDC-93-418 | Hara, K. | Heat Splicing of Plastic Fibers using a PEEK Tube |
SDC-93-420 | Bartosz, E. | Green Extended Phototubes |
SDC-93-421 | Bartosz, E. | Decay Times of Wavelength Shifting Fibers and Scintillator Plates |
SDC-93-422 | Bartosz, E. | White Paint for Scintillator Edges |
SDC-93-423 | Abbott, B. | Effects of a Hadron Irradiation on Scintillating Fibers |
SDC-93-424 | Margulies, S. | Spatial Resolution of a Single Scintillating Fiber of Circular Cross-Section |
SDC-93-425 | Abbott, B. | Survivability of the SDC Scintillating Fiber Tracker |
SDC-93-426 | Chung, M. | Light Output from a Scintillating Fiber having a Reflective Surface at Its Far End |
SDC-93-427 | Foster, B. | Latency at Trigger Level 2 |
SDC-93-428 | Craig, D. | Deadtime of SDC Straw Detectors |
SDC-93-431 | Levi, Michael Edward | An EGS calculation of the shower max detector dynamic range |
SDC-93-432 | Ruchti, R. | Photoelectron Yield for the Scintillating Fiber Outer Tracker |
SDC-93-433 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration, December 1992 | |
SDC-93-434 | Gratton, Patrick S.M. | Occupancy of a Fiber Wedge Intermediate Angle Tracker |
SDC-93-435 | Dow, Scott F. | A CMOS Current Splitter and Integrator for the Shower Max Detector |
SDC-93-436 | Green, Dan | Magnetic Field Effects on Endcap EM Calorimetry in SDC |
SDC-93-438 | Zhao, T. | First Level Muon Trigger Circuits using Xilinx FPGA |
SDC-93-439 | Feng, Z.Y. | Proposal for SDC Database (preliminary) |
SDC-93-440 | Feng, Z.Y. | Mapping Function for SDC Muon System (MUONMAP) |
SDC-93-441 | Feng, Z.Y. | Trigger Simulation for SDC Muon System |
SDC-93-442 | Hara, K. | Number of Photoelectrons of Scintillating Tile / Fiber Assemblies |
SDC-93-443 | Baumbaugh, Alan | Straw Tube Efficiencies as a Function of Occupancy |
SDC-93-444 | Chung, M. | An Estimate of Light Intensity in the SDC Scintillating Fiber Tracker after 30 Years of Operation |
SDC-93-446 | Green, Dan | Longitudinal Information and Radiation Damage in EM Calorimetry |
SDC-93-447 | Green, Dan | SDC Preshower Depth and Weighting Factor using Hanging File Data |
SDC-93-448 | Groom, Donald E. | Radiation at Hadron Colliders: Scaling to the Highest Energies |
SDC-93-449 | Gabriel, T.A. | Incident Energy Dependence of Dadronic Activity |
SDC-93-450 | Hearty, Christopher | Impact of Lateral Leakage and Crosstalk on the EM Calorimeter |
SDC-93-451 | Margulies, S. | Use of $^{207}Bi$ in Testing Scintillators and Scintillating Fibers |
SDC-93-452 | Kadel, R.W. | Quench Currents in the ECEM Sheet Metal Curtains |
SDC-93-453 | Jankowski, D. | Precision of Source Response Inside Dimpled HAD Brass Tubes |
SDC-93-457 | Bintinger, David | Measurement of Angular Distribution of Light Exiting Optical Fibers |
SDC-93-458 | Davisson, R. | Assembly Procedure for Barrel Module |
SDC-93-459 | Field, R.D. | Enhancing the Heavy Higgs Signal |
SDC-93-460 | Loomis, C. | Resolution of Fencepost Measurement of Outer Tracker Deformations |
SDC-93-461 | Blocker, Craig A. | Impact of Timing Jitter and Pulse Height Variation on the SDC Calorimeter Energy Resolution |
SDC-93-462 | Blocker, Craig | Mathematic Model of Calibrating the Calorimeter using the Z0 Mass Constraint |
SDC-93-463 | Blocker, Craig | Effect of Tile to Tile Variations on the EM Calorimeter Resolution |
SDC-93-464 | SDC Toroid Installation Concept Plan Technical Report | |
SDC-93-465 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration, January 1993 | |
SDC-93-466 | Silva, Rafael | SDC Endcap Specimens: Compression Test Report |
SDC-93-467 | Palounek, A.P.T. | Calculation of Neutron Backgrounds and the Production and Decay of Radionuclides in the SDC Detector |
SDC-93-468 | Czellar, S. | A Novel, Highly Sensitive, Capacitive Wire Tension Meter |
SDC-93-469 | Blair, R.E. | Code Management Systems for SDC Code Maintenance. An Overview and Comparison of Various Systems |
SDC-93-470 | Palounek, A.P.T. | Downstream Neutron Sources in the SDC Detector and Associated Beamline Components |
SDC-93-471 | Fukui, T. | Pulse Height Dependence on High Voltage and Gas Density in SDC Prototype Muon Drift Tube |
SDC-93-472 | Beretvas, A. | Beam Tests of Composite Calorimeter Configurations from Reconfigurable Stack Calorimeter |
SDC-93-473 | Byon-Wagner, Aesook | Public Data Files for the SDC Calorimeter Configuration from Hanging File Calorimeter |
SDC-93-475 | Burns, Stuart | Evaluation of a Commercial Optical Fiber Connector for use in the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-93-477 | Song, Wenwei | Conceptual Design of the Manufacturing Data Base for Barrel Modules |
SDC-93-479 | Ford, William T. | Straw Occupancy, Segment and Trigger Efficiency Versus Luminosity |
SDC-93-480 | Byon-Wagner, Aesook | Radiation Hardness Test Programs for the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-93-481 | Byon-Wagner, Aesook | Recent Developments in Scintillating Tile and WLS Fiber for the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-93-482 | Green, Dan | Sampling Nonuniformity in the SDC Calorimeter EM / HAD Boundary |
SDC-93-483 | Dow, Scott F. | A CMOS Current to Voltage Converter for the Shower Max Detector |
SDC-93-484 | Vorozhtsov, B. | Magnetic Field Calculation for the SDC Muon Barrel Toroid (MBT) |
SDC-93-485 | Vorozhtsov, B. | Calculation of Stand Magnets for Measurement of Magnetic Permeability of Samples and Analysis of Mag |
SDC-93-486 | Vorozhtsov, B. | Magnetic Permeability Measurements with the Systematic Error Correction by Calculation of Stand Magn |
SDC-93-487 | Vorozhtsov, B. | Three-Dimensional Computer Model of the Magnetic Field of SDC Muon Barrel Toroid (MBT) |
SDC-93-488 | Crosetto, Dario | Programmable Level 1 Trigger with Digital Filtering |
SDC-93-489 | Koltick, D.S. | Fiber Ribbon Construction and Testing |
SDC-93-490 | Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration, March 1993 | |
SDC-93-491 | Sirotenko, V. | Neutron Background Calculations for Muon Chambers in BL-3 Shielding Geometry |
SDC-93-493 | Sirotenko, V. | Comparison of the Results of Neutron Fluence Calculations with GCALOR and MARS93 Programs in BL-3 Sh |
SDC-93-495 | Chapman, J. | A SDC Tracking Trigger Based on Straw Tubes |
SDC-93-496 | Nomachi, Masa | Straw System at High Luminosity |
SDC-93-497 | Thun, R.P. | Recommendation of the Task Force on SDC Muon Counter Placement |
SDC-93-498 | Levi, Michael | A Synchronization Method for Clock Driven Systems, Trigger and Calorimetry |
SDC-93-499 | Jankowski, D. | Measurement of Source Tube radial Position in Cast EMC Test Beam Module |
SDC-93-500 | Griffin, Greg | Efficiency and Background of the SDC Second Level Electron Trigger |
SDC-93-501 | Rust, David R. | Recent Gain Measurements in CF(4) Isobutane |
SDC-93-502 | Rust, David R. | Baseline Shift in the Penn Amplifier - Shaper when Connected to a Straw Tube Chamber Operating at Hi |
SDC-93-503 | Song, Wenwei | Bar Code Readers and Labels for Drift Cell Tubes of Barrel Modules |
SDC-93-504 | Green, Dan | Physics Impact of the SDC Endcap Hadronic Cracks |
SDC-93-505 | Feng, Z.Y. | Cosmic Muon Trigger Rate |
SDC-93-506 | Feng, Z.Y. | Level 1 Muon Trigger Rate of SDC Central Muon Detector |
SDC-93-508 | Davisson, Richard | A Short Study of Long Term Creep |
SDC-93-509 | Hearty, Christopher | Tests of Wavelength Shifting Silica Fiber |
SDC-93-510 | Riles, Keith | Proposed Requirements for a Relative Luminosity Monitor using Calorimeter Level 1 Trigger Signals |
SDC-93-511 | Fry, A. | Integrating PAW, a Graphical Analysis Interface to Sybase |
SDC-93-512 | Nikolaev, Yu. | The Efficiency of Plastic Scintillators to Neutrons and Gammas |
SDC-93-513 | Azhgirei, I. | The Shield of SDC Elements from Low-Energy Neutron / Gamma Background (Experimental Results) |
SDC-93-514 | Abbott, B. | Beam Test of a 12 Layer Scintillating Fiber Charged Particle Tracking System |
SDC-93-515 | Broomer, Bruce | A Study of the Sense Wire Properties and of a Wire Tensioning Device for the SDC Muon Tubes |
SDC-93-516 | Dougherty, William M. | Effects of Noryl Insulation Outgassing on SDC Muon Drift Tube Gas Properties |
SDC-93-517 | Kurochkin, I. | The Results on New Cement Composite Materials Test for SDC Detectors Low-Energy Neutrons Shielding |
SDC-93-518 | Slonim, Victor | Pattern Recognition Efficiency in the Presence of Various Backgrounds in the Forward Muon System of |
SDC-93-519 | Milburn, Richard H. | Ovality Tolerances and Muon Tube Precision |
SDC-93-521 | Bellamy, E.H. | Absolute Calibration and Monitoring of a Spectrometric Channel using a Photomultiplier |
SDC-93-522 | Bellettini, G. | Test of Long Scintillation Counters for Supercollider Detectors |
SDC-93-524 | Odaka, Shigeru | Test of the Conduction Cooling of Microcrate |
SDC-93-527 | Glagolev, Vladimir | Hadron Shower Energy Sharing between Barrel Calorimeter Modules |
SDC-93-529 | Fazely, A.R. | Light Yield due to Prompt Neutrons in the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-93-530 | Smith, W.H. | Proposed Clock and Control Performance Requirements |
SDC-93-531 | Smith, W.H. | Proposed Global Level 1 Trigger Performance Requirements |
SDC-93-532 | Dasu, Sridhara | Proposed SDC Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger Performance Requirements |
SDC-93-534 | Bintinger, David | Using Top as a Trigger for B Studies |
SDC-93-535 | Remirez, O. | Muon Tube: Gas Leak Rate and Crimp Studies |
SDC-93-537 | Kibuule, P.M. | Tests of a 5 Bit Flash ADC with NPN Diff. Amp. |
SDC-93-538 | Hinchliffe, Ian | How Well does SDC Need to Measure Cross-Sections? |
SDC-93-539 | Fry, A. | UNIDAQ: A Portable Data Acquisition System for SSC Detector R&D |
SDC-93-540 | Kadel, R.W. | Longitudinal Masks for SDC Tile / Fiber Calorimeters |
SDC-93-541 | Takashima, Makoto | E/p Studies Using Fast Shower Parametrizations |
SDC-93-542 | Margulies, S. | Effects of a High-Energy X-Ray Irradiation of Selected Scintillating Fibers |
SDC-93-543 | Chung, Man-ho | Effects of Light on Scintillating Fibers |
SDC-93-544 | Zhang, Ge | Measurements of Decay Time and Absolute Light Yield for Calorimeter Tile / Fiber Samples |
SDC-93-545 | Byon-Wagner, A. | Emission Spectra of Various Tile and Fiber Samples |
SDC-93-546 | Coupal, David P. | Prospects for Measuring CP Violation in SDC Using $B_d^0 \to \psi K_s^0$ |
SDC-93-550 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Short Report Summarizing Irradiation of SCSN38 |
SDC-93-551 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Fermiscint #1: Multifiber Tiles Irradiated in Oxygen |
SDC-93-552 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Results from the Irradiation of 3HF+02 in Looped and Multifiber Configurations |
SDC-93-553 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Results from the Irradiation of 3HF+02 Looped Tiles with Varying Concentrations |
SDC-93-554 | Gustafson, H.Richard | A Long Term, Low Dose Rate Test of SCSN81 Tiles |
SDC-93-555 | Kaplan, D. | A Simple Technique for Measurement of Wire Tension |
SDC-93-556 | Yarba, Julia | Offline Corrections of the Effect of Radiation Damage on the EM Calorimeter Energy Resolution |
SDC-93-557 | Arena, V. | A Status Report on RPCs for SDC |
SDC-93-559 | Groom, Donald E. | The $\pi/p$ Ratio in Hadron Calorimetry |
SDC-93-560 | Behrends, S. | Effects of Mispositioning of the Level 1 Muon Trigger |
SDC-93-561 | Bird, Fred | Performance Simulations of a Level 1 Track Trigger for the SDC Scintillating Fiber Outer Tracking Sy |
SDC-93-562 | Glagolev, Vladimir | SDC Electromagnetic Calorimeter Calibration using Electrons from Decays of W and Z Bosons |
SDC-93-563 | Abe, K. | Report on the Minitower Beam Test at KEK: Results Relating to Japanese Contributions |
SDC-93-564 | Eartly, David P. | The Prototyping and Evaluation of a Liquid Level Alignment Monitoring Scheme for the SDC Detector |
SDC-93-565 | Glagolev, Vladimir | The CP Package in the SHELL Version 8 Environment: A Highly Detailed GEANT Description of the SDC Ce |
SDC-93-566 | Nomachi, Masaharu | Event Builder Queue Occupancy |
SDC-93-567 | Arai, Yasuo | Developments of Time Memory Cell VLSI's |
SDC-93-568 | Gui, M. | Liquid Scintillating Fiber Calorimetry |
SDC-93-569 | Hoff, Matthew D. | Fabrication of Scintillator Multitiles for the LBL SDC ECEM 4x4 Test Module |
SDC-93-570 | Burns, S. | Radiation Hardness of Clear Optical Fibers for the SDC Calorimeter |
SDC-93-571 | Temple, W. | Update on SDC Level 1 Photon / Electron Trigger Studies |
SDC-93-572 | Green, Dan | The Effect of Inoperative Readout Layers on SDC Calorimetry |
SDC-93-573 | Ball, R. | UNIDAQ Documentation Set Version 2.2: Software for UNIX Based Data Acquisition. Installation Guide, |
SDC-93-574 | Tseng, C.W. | Test on 72 mm Hex Head Bolts and Superbolts with Hydraulic and Mechanical Torque Wrenches |
SDC-93-575 | Ganel, Opher | A New Approach to Forward Calorimetry in Supercollider Experiments |
SDC-93-576 | Green, Dan | Neutron Dose in the SDC Hadron Calorimeter |
SDC-93-577 | Arena, V. | RPC Muon System: Trigger Performances, Cost Estimate & Proposed Configuration |
SDC-93-578 | Kalinichenko, V.V. | Magnetic Permeability Measurements of Steel for MBT Prototype Blocks |
SDC-93-579 | Vorozhtsov, B. | Magnetic Field Calculations for Test Model Ring of the SDC Muon Barrel Toroid |
SDC-93-581 | Krishnan, Ramkumar | Tcl - Tk Evaluation for the UNIDAQ Project at SDC, SSCL |
SDC-93-582 | Savard, P. | An a-Si:H Gas Microstrip Detector |
SDC-93-583 | Thur, William | SDC Endcap EM Calorimeter Radiation Damaged Scintillator Replacement Scenario for the Tile Tray Desi |
SDC-93-584 | Tung, Elise Y. | Top-Down Design of a Prototype VME Slave Interface |
SDC-93-586 | Yamaoka, Hiroshi | Development of a Brazed Aluminum Honeycomb Vacuum Vessel for a Thin Superconducting Solenoid Magnet |
SDC-93-587 | Sirotenko, V. | Neutron and Gamma Fluences on Muon Chambers in BL-4 Shielding Geometry |
SDC-93-598 | Sasaki, Osamu | Testing of Relock Time of HP g Link Chip Set |
SDC-NOTE-51 | Gilchriese, M. | Accumulated Luminosity Design Goal for the SDC Detector |
SDC-NOTE-92-208 | Hubbard, Bradley | Description of the Silicon Tracking Simulation |
SDC-NOTE-92-209 | Hubbard, Bradley | Description of the TS Track Reconstruction Package |