Fermilab Technical Publications: UPC Fermilab Technical Publications

Updated 2025-03-28 11:38:05
FERMILAB-UPC-180 Kircher, F. Test of LQT-1
FERMILAB-UPC-179 Refrigeration System for the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-178 Gormley, M.F. XIV. Control System Facilities
FERMILAB-UPC-177 Walker, R.J. The Central Helium Liquefier
FERMILAB-UPC-176 Koepke, K. IV. Fermilab Doubler Magnet Design and Fabrication Techniques
FERMILAB-UPC-175 Tollestrup, Alvin V. Progress Report - Fermilab Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-173 Gannon, J.C. Refrigerator Process Control System for the SSC
FERMILAB-UPC-172 Ohnuma, S. Sextupole Component $b_2$ of Doubler Dipoles at Low Fields
FERMILAB-UPC-171 Brown, B.C. Saver Dipole Persistent Current Hysteresis Effects
FERMILAB-UPC-170 Rotolo, C. Load Analysis of Higher Order Correction Elements
FERMILAB-UPC-169 Cooper, W.E. MTF Test of Proposed Low Beta Cooling Procedure
FERMILAB-UPC-168 Russell, A.D. Effects of Integral of $\int Gd \ell$ Fluctuations
FERMILAB-UPC-167 Ohnuma, S. NMR Measurements of Saver Dipoles and the Horizontal Closed Orbit
FERMILAB-UPC-166 Ohnuma, S. Quadrupole Components in Dipoles: A Review of Problems and Their Dispositions
FERMILAB-UPC-165 Wehmann, A. Data Base Organization for Physical and Electrical Measurements on Energy Saver Dipole Magnets
FERMILAB-UPC-164 Turkot, F. Effect of Probe Geometry Errors on Field Harmonic Measurements with a Rotating Coil Probe
FERMILAB-UPC-163-R Ohnuma, S. Corrections to FERMILAB-UPC-163 and FERMILAB-UPC-163-A
FERMILAB-UPC-163-A Ohnuma, S. Addenda to FERMILAB-UPC-163, "Geometry of the Superconducting Ring"
FERMILAB-UPC-163 Ohnuma, S. Geometry of the Superconducting Ring
FERMILAB-UPC-162 Brown, B.C. Hysteresis Effects on Sextupole Moments of Tevatron Dipoles at Injection Current
FERMILAB-UPC-161 Ohnuma, S. Data on Saturation Effects in the Saver Dipoles
FERMILAB-UPC-160 Ohnuma, S. An Interim Report on the Tevatron Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-UPC-159 Ng, King-Yuen The Effects of Landau Cavities in the Energy Doubler: Bunch Length, Microwave Instability and Single
FERMILAB-UPC-158 Michelotti, Leo P. Doubler Dipole Data: A Perspective from the Cross Gallery
FERMILAB-UPC-157 Harrison, M. The Tevatron Injection System
FERMILAB-UPC-156 Murphy, C.T. A-Sector Kautzy Valve Tests in SITU
FERMILAB-UPC-155 Koepke, K. Doubler System Quench Detection Threshold
FERMILAB-UPC-154 Koepke, K. Single Phase Pressure Pulse Summary
FERMILAB-UPC-153 Harrison, M. The Tevatron Abort system
FERMILAB-UPC-152 Miller, B. Transverse Active Dampers for the Tevatron
FERMILAB-UPC-151 Jostlein, H. Twist Properties of Current Energy Saver Dipoles and of a Modified Yoke
FERMILAB-UPC-150 Ng, King-Yuen An Estimate of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-149 Ng, King-Yuen Longitudinal and Transverse Coupling Impedances of the Extraction Lambertsons
FERMILAB-UPC-148 Ng, King-Yuen Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of Pickup Plates with Terminations at Both Ends
FERMILAB-UPC-147 Jostlein, H. Behavior of a High Vacuum Lambertson Magnet Under Exposure to $H_2$ Gas
FERMILAB-UPC-146 Gray, E. Model Measurements of Lambertson Magnet End Field Corrections
FERMILAB-UPC-145 Ohnuma, S. Geometry of Long Straights
FERMILAB-UPC-144 Mizuno, H. Cold Bore Vacuum Measurements Through the Energy Doubler Sniffer Tubes
FERMILAB-UPC-143 Tollestrup, A.V. Progress in Superconducting Magnet Technology for Accelerators / Storge Rings
FERMILAB-UPC-142 Russell, A.D. Computer Studies of some Effects of Skew Multipole Components in ES/D Dipoles
FERMILAB-UPC-141 Russell, A.D. Effects of Normal Multipole Components in ES/D Dipoles
FERMILAB-UPC-140 Michelotti, Leo P. Survey of the Ring, a Trilogy Part 1: Magnet Positions, Matrix Partitions, and Moore-Penrose
FERMILAB-UPC-139 Tollestrup, A.V. Care and Training of Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-UPC-138 Pfeffer, H. Hipotting the A2 Doubler String
FERMILAB-UPC-137 Malko, J.A. Change in Field Intensity of Tevatron Dipoles
FERMILAB-UPC-136 Tollestrup, A.V. Forces and Distortions in the Collared Coil
FERMILAB-UPC-135 Tollestrup, A.V. Summary of RT Measurements TA200 - 350: June 1980
FERMILAB-UPC-134 Tollestrup, A.V. Properties of Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-UPC-133 Shafer, R.E. On the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of the Energy Doubler Beam Position Detectors
FERMILAB-UPC-132 Ohnuma, S. A Reply to the Question from HEPAP: "Are the Collider Magnets Good Enough for the Collider?
FERMILAB-UPC-131 Edwards, D. Comments on Correction Package Test Procedure
FERMILAB-UPC-130 Jostlein, H. Vacuum Proposal for the Injection Straight Section E0
FERMILAB-UPC-129 Cole, F.T. Notes on a Study Week on Beam Storage in the Tevatron, April 7-11, 1980
FERMILAB-UPC-128 Ohnuma, S. Longitudinal Instabilities Revisited
FERMILAB-UPC-127 Shafer, R. Nonlinear Characteristics of the Doubler Magnet Yoke Inductance
FERMILAB-UPC-126 Shafer, R. On the Inductance of the Doubler Magnet System
FERMILAB-UPC-125 Ohnuma, S. Correction of Skew Quadrupole Field in the Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-124 Russell, A.D. TEVLAT: A New Program for Computing Lattice Functions for the Energy Saver/Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-123 Ohnuma, S. The Quadrupole Component in Dipoles and the Injection Mismatch
FERMILAB-UPC-122 Jostlein, H. Vacuum Test on a Sample Lambertson Magnet
FERMILAB-UPC-121 Tollestrup, A.V. Random Field Errors in the Tevatron Dipoles
FERMILAB-UPC-120 Shafer, R. ED Dipole String Electrical Impedance Measurements at B12
FERMILAB-UPC-119 Mizuno, H. Vacuum and Beam Lifetime in the Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-118 Ohnuma, S. Field Flatness of Doubler Dipoles
FERMILAB-UPC-117 Ohnuma, S. Comments on Beam - Beam Interaction in Storage Rings
FERMILAB-UPC-116 Ohnuma, S. Guidelines for the Field Quality of Doubler Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-UPC-115 Harrison, M. Monte Carlo Studies on Tevatron Extraction
FERMILAB-UPC-114 Bartelson, L. The ED/S Cryostat Vacuum Control System
FERMILAB-UPC-113 Edwards, H. Studies on Radiation Shielding of Energy Doubler Magnets (II)
FERMILAB-UPC-112 Edwards, H. Proposal for Satellite Refrigeration Control Interface
FERMILAB-UPC-111 Shafer, R. On Reducing the Coupling Impedance of Step Discontinuities in Vacuum Chambers
FERMILAB-UPC-110 Harrison, M. Dipole Skew Harmonics
FERMILAB-UPC-109 Harrison, M. Bend Magnet Quadrupole Component
FERMILAB-UPC-108 Harrison, M. Lower Order Dipole Harmonics
FERMILAB-UPC-107 Teng, L. Effect of $10^{11}$ Proton Bunch on Cavity
FERMILAB-UPC-106 Harrison, M. Large Amplitude Orbits
FERMILAB-UPC-105 Gross, D. Summary of the First Twelve "200" Series Magnets in Regards to Ramp Rate Dependence of Quench Curren
FERMILAB-UPC-104 Kircher, F. Some Calculations about the Heaters Used in the EDS Dipoles
FERMILAB-UPC-103 Ohnuma, S. An Estimate of the Vertical Dispersion Function
FERMILAB-UPC-102 Shafer, R. The Effects of Power Supply Ripple on the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-101 Shafer, R. Sensitivity of Beam Position Detectors for the Tevatron
FERMILAB-UPC-100 Harrison, M. The D0 Electrostatic Septum
FERMILAB-UPC-099 Shafer, R. AC Dependence of ED Dipole Transfer Ratio with and without Damping Resistor
FERMILAB-UPC-098 Koepke, K. B12 Quench Test Update
FERMILAB-UPC-097 Johnson, D.E. Normal Doubler Lattice
FERMILAB-UPC-096 Collins, T.L. The Great Doubler Shift
FERMILAB-UPC-095 Wake, M. Recent Measurement Results of Energy Doubler Magnets
FERMILAB-UPC-094 Brindza, P.D. Energy Doubler Refrigeration System.
FERMILAB-UPC-093 Brindza, P. The Multiple Magnet Test Program.
FERMILAB-UPC-092 Ruggiero, A.G. The Longitudinal Coupling Impedance Associated to the Pickup Devices for the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-091 Shafer, R. Recommendation to Replace Existing Inductance Bridges for ED Dipole L and Q Measurements
FERMILAB-UPC-090 Shafer, R. Beam Heating by Wall Resistivity
FERMILAB-UPC-089 Shafer, R. Coil Size Scaling Laws for AC Losses in ED Dipoles
FERMILAB-UPC-088 Kerns, Q.A. Multikilogauss Fast Kickers
FERMILAB-UPC-087 Harrison, M. Extraction III: Fast Resonant Extraction
FERMILAB-UPC-086 Tollestrup, A.V. The Amateur Magnet Builder's Handbook
FERMILAB-UPC-085 Shafer, R. Interpretation of Inductance Bridge Measurements of ED Dipoles
FERMILAB-UPC-084 Yarema, R. Notes for Energy Doubler Correction Element Power Supplies
FERMILAB-UPC-083 Ohnuma, S. Effects of Full Quenches on the Field Quality of Dipoles. Hysteresis: Dependence of the Dipole Field
FERMILAB-UPC-082 Kuchnir, M. Energy Doubler Refrigeration Load
FERMILAB-UPC-081 Ruggiero, A.G. Bunch to Bunch Longitudinal Instabilities
FERMILAB-UPC-080 Johnson, D.E. High luminosity p p colliding beam straight section
FERMILAB-UPC-079 Collins, T. Diagram of $p\bar{p}$ Routes in Main Ring and Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-078 Bunch Lengthening
FERMILAB-UPC-077 Collins, T.L. Easy Low Beta for the Main Ring
FERMILAB-UPC-076 Ayres, D. Kissing Magnet Design for the pp Collider
FERMILAB-UPC-075 Mills, Frederick E. Doubler Requirements for Proton Anti-Proton Collisions
FERMILAB-UPC-074 Mills, Frederick E. Mills Transparencies on $\bar{p}p$
FERMILAB-UPC-073 Mills, Frederick E. A Scenario to Achieve a Luminosity of Approximately 5 x $10^{29} / cm^{2}$ sec for $p\bar{p}$ Collis
FERMILAB-UPC-072 Ruggiero, A.G. Individual Bunch Longitudinal Instabilities
FERMILAB-UPC-071 Ruggiero, A.G. Considerations about the Bellow
FERMILAB-UPC-070 Ruggiero, A.G. Progress Report on the Study of the Effects which are Intensity Dependent in the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-069 Griffin, J.E. Addendum to the Beam Pipe Heating Calculation
FERMILAB-UPC-068 Cox, B. Sensitivity of an Energy Doubler Dipole to Beam Induced Quenches
FERMILAB-UPC-067 Teng, L.C. E/D Multipole Field Random Errors and Slow Extraction
FERMILAB-UPC-066 Edwards, H.T. Good Field Region of the Design Bend Magnet and Expected Behavior of Extraction
FERMILAB-UPC-065 Griffin, J. RF Requirements for Tevatron Use with $\bar{p}p$ Colliding Beams
FERMILAB-UPC-064 Kerns, Q. Tevatron RF Report
FERMILAB-UPC-063 Higgins, E. Beam Position Monitoring
FERMILAB-UPC-062 Nicol, T. QB Quadrupole / Spool Package: Status Report and Service Description
FERMILAB-UPC-061 Kircher, F. Test of LCP2 Inside QB6
FERMILAB-UPC-060 Edwards, D. Notes on Excitation of Correction and Adjustment Elements
FERMILAB-UPC-059 Collins, T. Lattices for the Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-058 Collins, T.L. Doubler Lattice and Phase - Amplitude Functions
FERMILAB-UPC-057 Orr, J.R. Energy Doubler Magnet Installation
FERMILAB-UPC-056 Rode, C.H. A1 Cryogenic Magnet Runs
FERMILAB-UPC-055 Koepke, K. B12 Doubler Magnet Operating Experience
FERMILAB-UPC-054 Ecklund, S. Vacuum Requirements for $\bar{p}p$ Colliding Beams
FERMILAB-UPC-053 Limon, P. Energy Doubler Vacuum System
FERMILAB-UPC-052 Rode, C. Energy Doubler Tunnel Cryogenic Components
FERMILAB-UPC-051 Rode, C. Energy Doubler Refrigerator System
FERMILAB-UPC-050 Tool, G.S. Energy Doubler Ripple Reduction and Regulation
FERMILAB-UPC-049 Flora, R. Return Bus Quench Protection
FERMILAB-UPC-048 Tool, G.S. Energy Doubler Power Supply Location
FERMILAB-UPC-047 Flora, R. Energy Doubler Magnet Power Supply and Quench Protection
FERMILAB-UPC-046 Snowdon, S.C. Uniform Use of 4 Inch Bore Magnets in Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-045 Snowdon, S. Doubler Dipole and Quadrupole Design Field Specifications
FERMILAB-UPC-044 Snowdon, S. Doubler Dipole and Quadrupole Design Field Specifications
FERMILAB-UPC-043 Gross, D. Studies of Some Energy Doubler Magnet Properties
FERMILAB-UPC-042 Kalbfleisch, G.R. Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-UPC-041 Edwards, H.T. Design of the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-040 Mori, S. Supplement to UPC 40
FERMILAB-UPC-039 McCarthy, J. Pulsed Magnet for the Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-038 Mccarthy, J.D. Main Ring Extraction and Doubler Injection Kicker
FERMILAB-UPC-037 Shafer, R. Transmission Line Characteristics of Energy Doubler Dipole Strings
FERMILAB-UPC-036 Miller, B. Transverse Active Dampers for the Tevatron
FERMILAB-UPC-035 Kerns, Q. Energy Doubler Abort Kicker
FERMILAB-UPC-034 Edwards, D.A. Comparison of Half Integer and Third Integer Extraction for the Energy Doubler: 1. Basic Processes
FERMILAB-UPC-033 Ohnuma, S. Heat Loss by Wall Resistivity
FERMILAB-UPC-032 Cole, F.T. Status of Magnetic Measurements of Energy Doubler Magnets
FERMILAB-UPC-031 Shafer, R. Study of Eddy Current Effects in Energy Doubler Dipole Magnets
FERMILAB-UPC-030 Edwards, H. Studies on Radiation Shielding of Energy Doubler Magnets (1)
FERMILAB-UPC-029 Ohnuma, S. Effects of Full Quenches and Warm-Cool Cycle on Multipole Contents
FERMILAB-UPC-028 Ohnuma, S. Multipole Fields in Doubler Dipoles: Review
FERMILAB-UPC-027 Harrison, M. Extraction II: Local Orbit Bumps, Extracted Beam Phase Space and an Initial Look at Fast Resonant Ex
FERMILAB-UPC-026 Limon, P. Electron - Proton Instabilities in the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-025 Edwards, D. Correction and Adjustment Magnet System Progress Report for Meeting of 1 December 1978
FERMILAB-UPC-024 Johnson, D.E. Preliminary Doubler Low Beta Insertion
FERMILAB-UPC-023 Collins, T. High Eta for Stacking
FERMILAB-UPC-022 Edwards, D.A. Effect of a High Beta Insertion on Resonant Extraction from the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-020 Turkot, F. Energy Doubler Beam Abort System
FERMILAB-UPC-019 Ohnuma, S. Beam Transfer: Normal and Reverse Directions
FERMILAB-UPC-018 Teng, L.C. Layout of MR and ED Functions in Long Straight Sections
FERMILAB-UPC-017 Teng, L.C. Energy Doubler Circumference: pp Colliding Beams Considerations
FERMILAB-UPC-016 Harrison, M. Magnet Aperture and Extraction
FERMILAB-UPC-014 Collins, T.L. High-Beta Straight Sections for the Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-013 Ohnuma, S. Center Coordinates from DC and AC Data
FERMILAB-UPC-012 Ohnuma, S. Averaging for RDA101
FERMILAB-UPC-011 Ohnuma, S. Doubler Dipole File
FERMILAB-UPC-010 Ohnuma, S. Harmonic Components of the Doubler Dipole Field in DC and AC Modes
FERMILAB-UPC-009 Ohnuma, S. Field Quality of Dipoles for the Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-008 Ohnuma, S. Field Quality of Dipoles in the Tunnel
FERMILAB-UPC-007 Ohnuma, S. Multipole Components of the Dipole Field
FERMILAB-UPC-005 Edwards, D.A. Comments on Pressure Bump Instability in the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-004 Edwards, H. Dipole Acceptance Criteria
FERMILAB-UPC-003 Limon, P. The Pressure Bump Instability in the Fermilab Doubler
FERMILAB-UPC-002 Collins, T.L. Radiation on Magnet Coils from the Wire Septum
FERMILAB-UPC-001 Collins, T.L. The Abortable Beam