Updated 2025-01-21 17:49:13
FERMILAB-UPC-180 | Kircher, F. | Test of LQT-1 |
FERMILAB-UPC-179 | Refrigeration system for the energy doubler | |
FERMILAB-UPC-178 | Gormley, M.F. | XIV. Control system facilities |
FERMILAB-UPC-177 | Walker, R.J. | The Central helium liquefier |
FERMILAB-UPC-176 | Koepke, K. | IV. Fermilab doubler magnet design and fabrication techniques |
FERMILAB-UPC-175 | Tollestrup, Alvin V. | Progress Report - Fermilab energy doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-173 | Gannon, J.C. | Refrigerator process control system for the SSC |
FERMILAB-UPC-172 | Ohnuma, S. | Sextupole component b(2) of doubler dipoles at low fields |
FERMILAB-UPC-171 | Brown, B.C. | Saver dipole persistent current hysteresis effects |
FERMILAB-UPC-170 | Rotolo, C. | Load analysis of higher order correction elements |
FERMILAB-UPC-169 | Cooper, W.E. | MTF test of proposed low beta cooling procedure |
FERMILAB-UPC-168 | Russell, A.D. | Effects of integral of G dl fluctuations |
FERMILAB-UPC-167 | Ohnuma, S. | NMR measurements of saver dipoles and the horizontal closed orbit |
FERMILAB-UPC-166 | Ohnuma, S. | Quadrupole Components in Dipoles: A Review of Problems and Their Dispositions |
FERMILAB-UPC-165 | Wehmann, A. | Data base organization for physical and electrical measurements on energy saver dipole magnets |
FERMILAB-UPC-164 | Turkot, F. | Effect of Probe Geometry Errors on Field Harmonic Measurements with a Rotating Coil Probe |
FERMILAB-UPC-163-R | Ohnuma, S. | Corrections to FERMILAB-UPC-163 and FERMILAB-UPC-163-A |
FERMILAB-UPC-163-A | Ohnuma, S. | Addenda to FERMILAB-UPC-163, "Geometry of the superconducting ring" |
FERMILAB-UPC-163 | Ohnuma, S. | Geometry of the Superconducting Ring |
FERMILAB-UPC-162 | Brown, B.C. | Hysteresis Effects on Sextupole Moments of Tevatron Dipoles at Injection Current |
FERMILAB-UPC-161 | Ohnuma, S. | Data on saturation effects in the saver dipoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-160 | Ohnuma, S. | An Interim report on the Tevatron quadrupoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-159 | Ng, King-Yuen | The Effects of Landau Cavities in the Energy Doubler: Bunch Length, Microwave Instability and Single |
FERMILAB-UPC-158 | Michelotti, Leo P. | Doubler dipole data: A Perspective from the cross gallery |
FERMILAB-UPC-157 | Harrison, M. | The Tevatron Injection System |
FERMILAB-UPC-156 | Murphy, C.T. | A-sector Kautzy valve tests in SITU |
FERMILAB-UPC-155 | Koepke, K. | Doubler system quench detection threshold |
FERMILAB-UPC-154 | Koepke, K. | Single phase pressure pulse summary |
FERMILAB-UPC-153 | Harrison, M. | The Tevatron abort system |
FERMILAB-UPC-152 | Miller, B. | Transverse Active Dampers for the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-UPC-151 | Jostlein, H. | Twist properties of current energy saver dipoles and of a modified yoke |
FERMILAB-UPC-150 | Ng, King-Yuen | An Estimate of the longitudinal coupling impedance of the energy doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-149 | Ng, King-Yuen | Longitudinal and transverse coupling impedances of the extraction Lambertsons |
FERMILAB-UPC-148 | Ng, King-Yuen | Longitudinal coupling impedance of pickup plates with terminations at both ends |
FERMILAB-UPC-147 | Jostlein, H. | Behavior of a High Vacuum Lambertson Magnet Under Exposure to $H_2$ Gas |
FERMILAB-UPC-146 | Gray, E. | Model Measurements of Lambertson Magnet End Field Corrections |
FERMILAB-UPC-145 | Ohnuma, S. | Geometry of Long Straights |
FERMILAB-UPC-144 | Mizuno, H. | Cold Bore Vacuum Measurements Through the Energy Doubler Sniffer Tubes |
FERMILAB-UPC-143 | Tollestrup, A.V. | Progress in superconducting magnet technology for accelerators / storge rings |
FERMILAB-UPC-142 | Russell, A.D. | Computer studies of some effects of skew multipole components in ES / D dipoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-141 | Russell, A.D. | Effects of Normal Multipole Components in ES / D Dipoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-140 | Michelotti, Leo P. | Survey of the ring, a trilogy: Part 1: Magnet positions, matrix partitions, and Moore-Penrose |
FERMILAB-UPC-139 | Tollestrup, A.V. | Care and training of superconducting magnets |
FERMILAB-UPC-138 | Pfeffer, H. | Hipotting the A2 doubler string |
FERMILAB-UPC-137 | Malko, J.A. | Change in field intensity of Tevatron dipoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-136 | Tollestrup, A.V. | Forces and distortions in the collared coil |
FERMILAB-UPC-135 | Tollestrup, A.V. | Summary of RT measurements TA200 - 350: June 1980 |
FERMILAB-UPC-134 | Tollestrup, A.V. | Properties of Superconducting Magnets |
FERMILAB-UPC-133 | Shafer, R.E. | On the longitudinal coupling impedance of the energy doubler beam position detectors |
FERMILAB-UPC-132 | Ohnuma, S. | A Reply to the Question from HEPAP: "Are the Collider Magnets Good Enough for the Collider? |
FERMILAB-UPC-131 | Edwards, D. | Comments on Correction Package Test Procedure |
FERMILAB-UPC-130 | Jostlein, H. | Vacuum Proposal for the Injection Straight Section E0 |
FERMILAB-UPC-129 | Cole, F.T. | Notes on a Study Week on Beam Storage in the Tevatron, April 7-11, 1980 |
FERMILAB-UPC-128 | Ohnuma, S. | Longitudinal instabilities revisited |
FERMILAB-UPC-127 | Shafer, R. | Nonlinear characteristics of the doubler magnet yoke inductance |
FERMILAB-UPC-126 | Shafer, R. | On the inductance of the doubler magnet system |
FERMILAB-UPC-125 | Ohnuma, S. | Correction of skew quadrupole field in the doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-124 | Russell, A.D. | TEVLAT: A New program for computing lattice functions for the energy saver / doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-123 | Ohnuma, S. | The Quadrupole component in dipoles and the injection mismatch |
FERMILAB-UPC-122 | Jostlein, H. | Vacuum test on a sample Lambertson magnet |
FERMILAB-UPC-121 | Tollestrup, A.V. | Random field errors in the Tevatron dipoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-120 | Shafer, R. | ED dipole string electrical impedance measurements at B12 |
FERMILAB-UPC-119 | Mizuno, H. | Vacuum and beam lifetime in the doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-118 | Ohnuma, S. | Field flatness of doubler dipoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-117 | Ohnuma, S. | Comments on Beam - Beam Interaction in Storage Rings |
FERMILAB-UPC-116 | Ohnuma, S. | Guidelines for the field quality of doubler quadrupoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-115 | Harrison, M. | Monte Carlo studies on Tevatron extraction |
FERMILAB-UPC-114 | Bartelson, L. | The ED / S cryostat vacuum control system |
FERMILAB-UPC-113 | Edwards, H. | Studies on radiation shielding of energy doubler magnets (II) |
FERMILAB-UPC-112 | Edwards, H. | Proposal for satellite refrigeration control interface |
FERMILAB-UPC-111 | Shafer, R. | On Reducing the coupling impedance of step discontinuities in vacuum chambers |
FERMILAB-UPC-110 | Harrison, M. | Dipole skew harmonics |
FERMILAB-UPC-109 | Harrison, M. | Bend magnet quadrupole component |
FERMILAB-UPC-108 | Harrison, M. | Lower order dipole harmonics |
FERMILAB-UPC-107 | Teng, L. | Effect of $10^{11}$ proton bunch on cavity |
FERMILAB-UPC-106 | Harrison, M. | Large Amplitude Orbits |
FERMILAB-UPC-105 | Gross, D. | Summary of the first twelve "200" series magnets in regards to ramp rate dependence of quench curren |
FERMILAB-UPC-104 | Kircher, F. | Some calculations about the heaters used in the EDS dipoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-103 | Ohnuma, S. | An Estimate of the Vertical Dispersion Function |
FERMILAB-UPC-102 | Shafer, R. | The Effects of power supply ripple on the energy doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-101 | Shafer, R. | Sensitivity of Beam Position Detectors for the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-UPC-100 | Harrison, M. | The D0 Electrostatic Septum |
FERMILAB-UPC-099 | Shafer, R. | AC dependence of ED dipole transfer ratio with and without damping resistor |
FERMILAB-UPC-098 | Koepke, K. | B12 quench test update |
FERMILAB-UPC-097 | Johnson, D.E. | Normal doubler lattice |
FERMILAB-UPC-096 | Collins, T.L. | The Great doubler shift |
FERMILAB-UPC-095 | Wake, M. | Recent measurement results of energy doubler magnets |
FERMILAB-UPC-094 | Brindza, P.D. | Energy Doubler Refrigeration System. |
FERMILAB-UPC-093 | Brindza, P. | The Multiple Magnet Test Program. |
FERMILAB-UPC-092 | Ruggiero, A.G. | The Longitudinal coupling impedance associated to the pickup devices for the energy doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-091 | Shafer, R. | Recommendation to replace existing inductance bridges for ED dipole L and Q measurements |
FERMILAB-UPC-090 | Shafer, R. | Beam heating by wall resistivity |
FERMILAB-UPC-089 | Shafer, R. | Coil size scaling laws for AC losses in ED dipoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-088 | Kerns, Q.A. | Multikilogauss fast kickers |
FERMILAB-UPC-087 | Harrison, M. | Extraction III: Fast Resonant Extraction |
FERMILAB-UPC-086 | Tollestrup, A.V. | The Amateur Magnet Builder's Handbook |
FERMILAB-UPC-085 | Shafer, R. | Interpretation of inductance bridge measurements of ED dipoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-084 | Yarema, R. | Notes for energy doubler correction element power supplies |
FERMILAB-UPC-083 | Ohnuma, S. | Effects of full quenches on the field quality of dipoles. Hysteresis: Dependence of the dipole field |
FERMILAB-UPC-082 | Kuchnir, M. | Energy doubler refrigeration load |
FERMILAB-UPC-081 | Ruggiero, A.G. | Bunch to bunch longitudinal instabilities |
FERMILAB-UPC-080 | Johnson, D.E. | High luminosity p p colliding beam straight section |
FERMILAB-UPC-079 | Collins, T. | Diagram of p anti-p routes in main ring and energy doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-078 | Bunch lengthening | |
FERMILAB-UPC-077 | Collins, T.L. | Easy low beta for the main ring |
FERMILAB-UPC-076 | Ayres, D. | Kissing magnet design for the p p collider |
FERMILAB-UPC-075 | Mills, Frederick E. | Doubler requirements for proton anti-proton collisions |
FERMILAB-UPC-074 | Mills, Frederick E. | Mills transparencies on anti-p p |
FERMILAB-UPC-073 | Mills, Frederick E. | A Scenario to achieve a luminosity of approximately 5 x $10^{29} / cm^{2}$ sec for $p\bar{p}$ collis |
FERMILAB-UPC-072 | Ruggiero, A.G. | Individual bunch longitudinal instabilities |
FERMILAB-UPC-071 | Ruggiero, A.G. | Considerations about the bellow |
FERMILAB-UPC-070 | Ruggiero, A.G. | Progress report on the study of the effects which are intensity dependent in the energy doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-069 | Griffin, J.E. | Addendum to the beam pipe heating calculation |
FERMILAB-UPC-068 | Cox, B. | Sensitivity of an energy doubler dipole to beam induced quenches |
FERMILAB-UPC-067 | Teng, L.C. | E / D multipole field random errors and slow extraction |
FERMILAB-UPC-066 | Edwards, H.T. | Good field region of the design bend magnet and expected behavior of extraction |
FERMILAB-UPC-065 | Griffin, J. | RF requirements for Tevatron use with anti-p p colliding beams |
FERMILAB-UPC-064 | Kerns, Q. | Tevatron RF report |
FERMILAB-UPC-063 | Higgins, E. | Beam position monitoring |
FERMILAB-UPC-062 | Nicol, T. | QB quadrupole / spool package: Status report and service description |
FERMILAB-UPC-061 | Kircher, F. | Test of LCP2 inside QB6 |
FERMILAB-UPC-060 | Edwards, D. | Notes on excitation of correction and adjustment elements |
FERMILAB-UPC-059 | Collins, T. | Lattices for the doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-058 | Collins, T.L. | Doubler lattice and phase - amplitude functions |
FERMILAB-UPC-057 | Orr, J.R. | Energy doubler magnet installation |
FERMILAB-UPC-056 | Rode, C.H. | A1 cryogenic magnet runs |
FERMILAB-UPC-055 | Koepke, K. | B12 doubler magnet operating experience |
FERMILAB-UPC-054 | Ecklund, S. | Vacuum requirements for anti-p p colliding beams |
FERMILAB-UPC-053 | Limon, P. | Energy doubler vacuum system |
FERMILAB-UPC-052 | Rode, C. | Energy doubler tunnel cryogenic components |
FERMILAB-UPC-051 | Rode, C. | Energy doubler refrigerator system |
FERMILAB-UPC-050 | Tool, G.S. | Energy doubler ripple reduction and regulation |
FERMILAB-UPC-049 | Flora, R. | Return bus quench protection |
FERMILAB-UPC-048 | Tool, G.S. | Energy doubler power supply location |
FERMILAB-UPC-047 | Flora, R. | Energy doubler magnet power supply and quench protection |
FERMILAB-UPC-046 | Snowdon, S.C. | Uniform use of 4-inch bore magnets in doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-045 | Snowdon, S. | Doubler dipole and quadrupole design field specifications |
FERMILAB-UPC-044 | Snowdon, S. | Doubler dipole and quadrupole design field specifications |
FERMILAB-UPC-043 | Gross, D. | Studies of some energy doubler magnet properties |
FERMILAB-UPC-042 | Kalbfleisch, G.R. | Quadrupoles |
FERMILAB-UPC-041 | Edwards, H.T. | Design of the energy doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-040 | Mori, S. | Supplement |
FERMILAB-UPC-039 | McCarthy, J. | Pulsed magnet for the doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-038 | Mccarthy, J.D. | Main ring extraction and doubler injection kicker |
FERMILAB-UPC-037 | Shafer, R. | Transmission line characteristics of energy doubler dipole strings |
FERMILAB-UPC-036 | Miller, B. | Transverse active dampers for the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-UPC-035 | Kerns, Q. | Energy doubler abort kicker |
FERMILAB-UPC-034 | Edwards, D.A. | Comparison of half integer and third integer extraction for the energy doubler. 1. Basic processes |
FERMILAB-UPC-033 | Ohnuma, S. | Heat loss by wall resistivity |
FERMILAB-UPC-032 | Cole, F.T. | Status of magnetic measurements of energy doubler magnets |
FERMILAB-UPC-031 | Shafer, R. | Study of eddy current effects in energy doubler dipole magnets |
FERMILAB-UPC-030 | Edwards, H. | Studies on radiation shielding of energy doubler magnets (1) |
FERMILAB-UPC-029 | Ohnuma, S. | Effects of full quenches and warm-cool cycle on multipole contents |
FERMILAB-UPC-028 | Ohnuma, S. | Multipole fields in doubler dipoles: Review |
FERMILAB-UPC-027 | Harrison, M. | Extraction II: Local orbit bumps, extracted beam phase space and an initial look at fast resonant ex |
FERMILAB-UPC-026 | Limon, P. | Electron - proton instabilities in the energy doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-025 | Edwards, D. | Correction and adjustment magnet system progress report for meeting of 1 December 1978 |
FERMILAB-UPC-024 | Johnson, D.E. | Preliminary doubler low beta insertion |
FERMILAB-UPC-023 | Collins, T. | High eta for stacking |
FERMILAB-UPC-022 | Edwards, D.A. | Effect of a High Beta Insertion on Resonant Extraction from the Energy Doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-020 | Turkot, F. | Energy doubler beam abort system |
FERMILAB-UPC-019 | Ohnuma, S. | Beam transfer: Normal and reverse directions |
FERMILAB-UPC-018 | Teng, L.C. | Layout of MR and ED functions in long straight sections |
FERMILAB-UPC-017 | Teng, L.C. | Energy doubler circumference: p p colliding beams considerations |
FERMILAB-UPC-016 | Harrison, M. | Magnet aperture and extraction |
FERMILAB-UPC-014 | Collins, T.L. | High-beta straight sections for the doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-013 | Ohnuma, S. | Center coordinates from DC and AC data |
FERMILAB-UPC-012 | Ohnuma, S. | Averaging for RDA101 |
FERMILAB-UPC-011 | Ohnuma, S. | Doubler dipole file |
FERMILAB-UPC-010 | Ohnuma, S. | Harmonic components of the doubler dipole field in DC and AC modes |
FERMILAB-UPC-009 | Ohnuma, S. | Field quality of dipoles for the doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-008 | Ohnuma, S. | Field quality of dipoles in the tunnel |
FERMILAB-UPC-007 | Ohnuma, S. | Multipole components of the dipole field |
FERMILAB-UPC-005 | Edwards, D.A. | Comments on pressure bump instability in the energy doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-004 | Edwards, H. | Dipole acceptance criteria |
FERMILAB-UPC-003 | Limon, P. | The Pressure bump instability in the Fermilab doubler |
FERMILAB-UPC-002 | Collins, T.L. | Radiation on magnet coils from the wire septum |
FERMILAB-UPC-001 | Collins, T.L. | The Abortable beam |