Fermilab Technical Publications: TM Fermilab Technical Publications

Updated 2025-02-07 11:33:24
FERMILAB-TM-2854 Swoboda, Carl SSD Test Stand - Preliminary
FERMILAB-TM-2853 Gonzalez, H. Module and Crate Subsystem Test Hardware Configuration: HN 102
FERMILAB-TM-2852 Haldeman, Merle SSD Backplane Tests: Prototype Module Version BP1
FERMILAB-TM-2851 Fachin, M. Master Timing Controller: Hardware Description
FERMILAB-TM-2850 Fachin, M. Master Timing Controller for use in the Silicon Strip Detector Readout System: Specification
FERMILAB-TM-2849 Fachin, M. Master Timing Controller: Hardware Description
FERMILAB-TM-2848 Bernett, Mark FASTBUS Smart Crate Controller: Version PC 3 Manual
FERMILAB-TM-2847 DeMaat, Robert J. Silicon Microstrip Detector Readout System Sequencer Module
FERMILAB-TM-2846 DeMaat, R. Silicon Strip Detector Readout System: Sequencer Module Hardware Description
FERMILAB-TM-2845 Gonzalez, Hector Delay/Encoder Specifications
FERMILAB-TM-2843 Christian, David Charles Draft Specification Postamp / Comparator (Discriminator) Version 2.3
FERMILAB-TM-2842 Christian, David Charles Postamp/Comparator Hardware Description HN100
FERMILAB-TM-2841 Christian, D. The Development of Two Asic's for a Fast Silicon Strip Detector Readout System
FERMILAB-TM-2840 Zimmerman, T. A High Speed, Low Noise ASIC Preamplifier for Silicon Strip Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-2839 Yarema, R.J. A High Speed, High Gain Preamplifier System for Silicon Strip Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-2838 Swoboda, C. A High Rate FASTBUS Silicon Strip Readout System
FERMILAB-TM-2837-AD-PPD-T Accettura, Carlotta Interim report for the International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC)
FERMILAB-TM-2836-AD Ganguly, Sudeshna Time Slicing of Neutrino Fluxes in Oscillation Experiments at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2835-PPD Dukes, Sophie Exploring the Great Pyramid: Detector Technical Design Report with Stand-Alone Monte Carlo Simulatio
FERMILAB-TM-2834-TD Bhatt, Ghanshyam Exploration of signal processing methods for superconducting magnet and quench data
FERMILAB-TM-2833-LBNF Abed Abud, Adam DUNE Phase II: scientific opportunities, detector concepts, technological solutions
FERMILAB-TM-2832-AD Sumner, R.L. Design of a High Rejection Self-Collimating Cerenkov Counter for the NAL Hyperon Beam
FERMILAB-TM-2831-PPD Barbaro-Galtieri, Angela Test of the External Muon Identifier Efficiency
FERMILAB-TM-2829-CMS Bayatian, G. L. CMS Physics
FERMILAB-TM-2827-AD Pilcher, J. CEA Test of Lead Glass Cerenkov Counter
FERMILAB-TM-2824-TD Carcagno, Ruben H. MQXFA Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-2823-TD Feher, Sandor Test stand functional requirements for testing MQXFA magnets and Q1/Q3 cryostat assemblies
FERMILAB-TM-2822-AD Tan, Cheng-Yang The Tevatron Transverse Dampers
FERMILAB-TM-2821-AD Bernevig, Bogdan Optimization of a Hybrid Emulsion Detector for MINOS
FERMILAB-TM-2820-CMS Flaugher, B. A Fermilab-Based CMS Silicon Tracker Group
FERMILAB-TM-2819-AD Crisler, M. Overview of KTeV Trigger and Front-End Electronics Requirements
FERMILAB-TM-2818-LBNF Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE)
FERMILAB-TM-2816-AD-STUDENT Rego, S. Scheme for quantitative description of longitudinal drifts in the Fermilab Linac and their correctio
FERMILAB-TM-2815-TD Carcagno, R. Acceptance Criteria Part B: LMQXFA cold mass and cryo-assembly
FERMILAB-TM-2814-AD Adelmann, A. Cost-effective Design Options for IsoDAR
FERMILAB-TM-2813-LBNF Abed Abud, Adam The DUNE Far Detector Vertical Drift Technology. Technical Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2812-AD Hill, Rachael Human-System Interface Style Guide for ACORN Digital Control System
FERMILAB-TM-2810-STUDENT Medoff, Jonah Detecting Dwarf Galaxies Around NGC 55
FERMILAB-TM-2809-CSAID-V Yeung, Joseph DUNE Data Management Network Monitoring Visualization Software
FERMILAB-TM-2808-LBNF Adamowski, Mark LBNF/DUNE Cryostats and Cryogenics Infrastructure for the DUNE Far Detector, Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2807-TD Zlobin, A.V. Conceptual Design of A 20 T Dipole Based on Hybrid REBCO/Nb3Sn Cos-theta Coil*
FERMILAB-TM-2806-ND Geynisman Michael Lessons from commissioning and operations of the ICARUS cryogenic system at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2805-ND Bross, A. Advanced radiation detector design for applications in food safety and national security
FERMILAB-TM-2804-AD Nagaitsev, Sergei Measurement of Coherence Length in UndulAtor RAdiation (CLARA): Run 4 Proposal
FERMILAB-TM-2803-TD Feher, S. Q1/Q3 Cryostat Assembly and Horizontal Test Final Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2802-TD Stoynev, Stoyan Exploring induced mechanical vibrations in superconducting magnets
FERMILAB-TM-2801-TD Ambrosio, G. Engineering Specification MQXFA Magnet Interface Specification
FERMILAB-TM-2800-TD Orozco, C. HL-LHC AUP MQXFA Shell Design Friction Test Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-2799-TD Orozco, Charles Shell Design Friction Test Procedure
FERMILAB-TM-2796-AD Accelerator Improvement Options for NuMI Proton Intensity
FERMILAB-TM-2795 de Blas, J. The CLIC Potential for New Physics
FERMILAB-TM-2794-PPD Adamson, Phil T-1034: LArIAT: Liquid Argon TPC in a Test Beam
FERMILAB-TM-2793-TD Ferracin, Paolo MQXFA Series Magnet Production Specification
FERMILAB-TM-2792-TD Pong, Ian 302.2.03 Report on P43OL1139
FERMILAB-TM-2791-TD Baldini, M. MQXFA11 shipping incident report
FERMILAB-TM-2790-TD Baldini, M. MQXFA Magnet Handling & Shipping Requirements
FERMILAB-TM-2789-TD Ambrosio, G. US HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project: Analysis of MQXFA07 Test Non-Conformity
FERMILAB-TM-2789-TD Ambrosio, G. Analysis of MQXFA07 Test Non-Conformity
FERMILAB-TM-2788-TD Carcagno, R. Acceptance criteria Part A: MQXFA magnet
FERMILAB-TM-2787-AD Hill, Rachael Design Philosophy for Accelerator Control Rooms
FERMILAB-TM-2785-V Mangano, Michelangelo L. Conceptual design of an experiment at the FCC-hh, a future 100 TeV hadron collider
FERMILAB-TM-2784-PPD-SCD Rykoff, E.S. The Dark Energy Survey Six-Year Calibration Star Catalog
FERMILAB-TM-2783-AD Harrison, Beau Strategy for Modernizing a 40-Year-Old Accelerator Control System*
FERMILAB-TM-2782-TD Dhuley, Ram C. Modeling the cooldown of cryocooler conduction-cooled devices
FERMILAB-TM-2781-TD Dhuley, Ram C. Comparison of copper and aluminum as the thermal link material for conduction-cooled accelerator cav
FERMILAB-TM-2780-TD Crawford, Anthony C. A Study of Magnetic Shielding Performance of a Fermilab International Linear Collider Superconductin
FERMILAB-TM-2779-V Towards a combination of LHC and TeVatron W-boson mass measurements
FERMILAB-TM-2778-AD-STUDENT Hoppesch, M. H- Injection Simulations for a Multi-MW Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-2774-SCD Naumann, Axel HL-LHC Analysis With ROOT
FERMILAB-TM-2773-TD Ambrosio, Giorgio MQXFA Final Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2772-TD Ambrosio, G Insertion Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-2771-DI-TD Dhuley, Ram C. Design and demonstration of an economical SRF structure for Continuous Wave (CW), high-energy, Megaw
FERMILAB-TM-2770-AD Feigelson, David Space Charge Driven Emittance Growth and the Effect of Octupoles in IOTA
FERMILAB-TM-2769-DI Desch, Klaus Recommendations on ILC Project Implementation
FERMILAB-TM-2768-PPD Amon, A. Recommended Target Fields for Commissioning the Vera C. Rubin Observatory
FERMILAB-TM-2767-AD-DI Nagaitsev, Sergei A Cost-Effective Upgrade Path for the Fermilab Accelerator Complex
FERMILAB-TM-2766-PPD Bindi, M. Impact of radiation on electronics and opto-electronics
FERMILAB-TM-2764-V Brailsford, D. Reconstruction performance studies for liquid argon time projection chambers with two and three read
FERMILAB-TM-2763-AD Shemyakin, Alexander Orbit response measurements with oscillating trajectories
FERMILAB-TM-2762-LBNF Gonçalves, Rosembergue G.L. Technical Note CRYOFRABR#002/2021: Activated-copper-coated alumina granules synthesis
FERMILAB-TM-2761-E Sweetmore, George Performance Analysis And Radiation Damage Estimation Of The Stopping Target Monitor Detectors In Mu2
FERMILAB-TM-2759-E Tope, Terry E. Preliminary Estimate of Cu-0226 S 14x20 Mesh Filter Capacity
FERMILAB-TM-2758-E Jaskierny, W. test of purging a small tank with argon
FERMILAB-TM-2757-TD Madrak, Robyn Leigh Permeability of AL-800 Garnet Material
FERMILAB-TM-2756-TD Lunin, Andrei A White Paper on Design and Fabrication of SRF Deflecting Cavities for ELLETRA-2
FERMILAB-TM-2755-AD Shemyakin, Alexander Energy gain in a two-gap RF cavity
FERMILAB-TM-2754-AD-APC-PIP2-TD Ainsworth, Robert An Upgrade Path for the Fermilab Accelerator Complex
FERMILAB-TM-2753-AD Li, Runze Modeling Transverse Space Charge effects in IOTA with pyORBIT
FERMILAB-TM-2752-TD Kulyavtsev, Paulina Simulations of Nb3Sn Layer RF Field Limits Due to Thermal Impedance
FERMILAB-TM-2751-TD Shemelin, Valery Optimization of a Traveling Wave SRF Cavity for Upgrading the International Linear Collider
FERMILAB-TM-2750.1113 Wands, R. Finite Element Stress and Deflection Analysis of CDF Yoke and End
FERMILAB-TM-2750-AD Lebedev, V.A. Report on Single and Multiple Intrabeam Scattering Measurements in IOTA Ring in Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2749-E Los, Sergey V. A Low Cost SIPM Evaluation and Control Prototyping System including accurate bias voltage generation
FERMILAB-TM-2748-SCD Kent, Stephen M. Ghost Images in DECam
FERMILAB-TM-2747-TD Romanov, Gennady V. Multipactor in Coaxial Line Induced by DC Bias
FERMILAB-TM-2746-CMS-E Edwards, Christopher ETROC1 Design Note
FERMILAB-TM-2745-AD Neuffer, David V. Scenarios for an 8 GeV Linac “Booster Replacement”
FERMILAB-TM-2744-AD Rakhno, Igor L. Front shielding of the 25-kW beam absorber in Linac-to-Booster transfer line
FERMILAB-TM-2743-V Das, Santanu SI Toolbox - Full documentation
FERMILAB-TM-2742-AD Neuffer, David V. Beam Losses for the PIP-III Linac to Recycler/Main Injector
FERMILAB-TM-2741-AD-APC Shiltsev, Vladimir D. Studies of Beam Intensity Effects in Fermilab Booster Synchrotron. Part II: Beam Emittance Evolution
FERMILAB-TM-2740-AD Shiltsev, Vladimir D. Studies of Beam Intensity Effects in Fermilab Booster Synchrotron. Part I: Introduction, Tune and Ch
FERMILAB-TM-2737-AD Rakhno, Igor L. Energy deposition and radiological studies with MARS15 code for NuMI-AIP project
FERMILAB-TM-2737-AD Rakhno, Igor L. Energy deposition and radiological studies with MARS15 code for NuMI-AIP project
FERMILAB-TM-2736-AD Shemyakin, Alexander V. Calculation of the longitudinal emittance dilution in a RF cavity
FERMILAB-TM-2735-SCD Mambelli, Marco GlideinMonitor
FERMILAB-TM-2734-DI Rominsky, M. Fermilab Test Beam Facility Annual Report: FY19
FERMILAB-TM-2731-SCD Wang, Michael H.L.S. Optimizing the LArSoft GaussHitFinder Module
FERMILAB-TM-2730-AD-TD Pischalnikov, Yuriy M. Fast Electrically-Controlled Ferroelectric Tuners for RF Cavities
FERMILAB-TM-2729-AD Drozhdin, A.I. Tevatron Run-II Beam Collimation System
FERMILAB-TM-2728-AD Jackson, Gerald P. Introduction to the Recycler Ring
FERMILAB-TM-2727-AD Jackson, G. Recycler Ring Vacuum System Cost / Schedule Overview
FERMILAB-TM-2726-AD Jackson, Gerald P. Vacuum Performance Requirements
FERMILAB-TM-2725-AD Marriner, J., (ed.) Report on Plans of the Beams Division for TeV33
FERMILAB-TM-2724-AD Options for the Tevatron Tunnel
FERMILAB-TM-2723-E-SCD Chang, Chihway A machine learning approach to the detection of ghosting and scattered light artifacts in dark energ
FERMILAB-TM-2721-TD Frolov, Daniil Vector Calibration for Vertical Tests of Superconducting RF Cavities
FERMILAB-TM-2720-AE Diehl, H.T. The Dark Energy Survey and Operations: Year 6 – The Finale
FERMILAB-TM-2719-AD Neuffer, David V. Target Studies for Mu2e-II
FERMILAB-TM-2718-T Battaglieri, M. Dark Matter Search in a Beam-Dump EXperiment (BDX) at Jefferson Lab -- 2018 Update to PR12-16-001
FERMILAB-TM-2717-AD Schmidt, F. PS Ripple Study during the 2019 Fermilab Booster Experiment
FERMILAB-TM-2716-E Artuso, Marina First beam test of UT sensors with the SALT 3.0 readout ASIC
FERMILAB-TM-2715-AD Alexahin, Y. Self-Consistent Optics with Strong Space Charge
FERMILAB-TM-2714-AE-CD-PPD Neilsen, Eric H., Jr. Dark Energy Survey’s Observation Strategy, Tactics, and Exposure Scheduler
FERMILAB-TM-2711-AD Gerig, Rod Main Ring Low Level RF Write-Up Part II: MRRF Timing
FERMILAB-TM-2710-AD Gerig, Rod Main Ring Low Level RF Part I: Introduction and Description of Block Diagram
FERMILAB-TM-2709-PPD Deptuch, Grzegorz W. Large Analysis of RStrobe and RStrobe-less Solution VIPIC 1 - first brief look.
FERMILAB-TM-2708-AD Shemyakin, Alexander Finding Beam Loss Locations in a Linac with Oscillating Dipole Correctors
FERMILAB-TM-2707-AD Neuffer, D.V. Calculation of Emittance Exchange by Wedge Absorbers with Associated Beam Effects for Intensity Fron
FERMILAB-TM-2706-DI-LDRD-TD Thompson, Jessica Simulation of Conduction Cooled SRF Cavity
FERMILAB-TM-2705-DI Illinois Accelerator Research Center Improving Industrial Chemical Processes via Novel Electron Beam Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-2702 Rominsky, M. Fermilab Test Beam Facility Annual Report: FY19
FERMILAB-TM-2701-AD Ader, Christine Magnet Structural Support Design Guidelines
FERMILAB-TM-2700-PPD Adamson, Phil PROPOSAL: P-1101 Matter-wave Atomic Gradiometer Interferometric Sensor (MAGIS-100)
FERMILAB-TM-2699-AD Rakhno, Igor Energy Deposition, Radiological and Thermal Studies for Linac-to-Booster Transfer Line Beam Absorber
FERMILAB-TM-2698-AD Watts, Adam Toward High-Intensity Ionization Chamber Beam Intensity Monitors in Switchyard
FERMILAB-TM-2696-DI Bock, G. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2018
FERMILAB-TM-2695-AD-APC Neuffer, David Stripper foil considerations for PIP-II to Mu2e-II
FERMILAB-TM-2693-AD Convery, Mary Fermilab Accelerator Complex: Status and Improvement Plans
FERMILAB-TM-2692-AD Augustine, David B. Vacuum Analysis of Texas Foil Model 6 Serial 7
FERMILAB-TM-2691-AD Augustine, David B. Proton Source Cesium Boiler Tube Heater Brazing
FERMILAB-TM-2690-AD Shemyakin, Alexander Effect of image charges on differential trajectories measurements
FERMILAB-TM-2689-AD Hertel, Nolan E. Experimental Verification of a Conceptual Boron Neutron Capture Enhanced Fast Neutron Radiotherapy F
FERMILAB-TM-2688-APC Alexahin, Y. New SC Algorithm for MAD-X
FERMILAB-TM-2687-DI-LDRD-TD Dhuley,Ram C. Towards Cryogen-Free SRF Particle Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-2686-AD Schmidt,F. Higher Order Dispersion and Momentum Compaction in MAD-X/PTC using NormalForm
FERMILAB-TM-2685-AD Augustine, David B. Main Injector ILA Lambertson Seal Installation
FERMILAB-TM-2684-AD Augustine, David B. Analysis of Booster Turbo Pump Manifolds
FERMILAB-TM-2683-AD Augustine, David B. Main Injector ILA Lambertson Vacuum Description
FERMILAB-TM-2682-AD Augustine, David B. Chokes For Leak Testing High Pressure Systems
FERMILAB-TM-2681-PPD Olsen, Jamieson An FPGA-based Pattern Recognition Associative Memory
FERMILAB-TM-2680-APC-CD Burov, Alexey TMCI with Resonator Wakes
FERMILAB-TM-2679-APC Rakhno, Igor Accident Scenarios for IOTA Ring and Dose Distributions Calculated with MARS15 Code
FERMILAB-TM-2678 Peoples, John, Jr. Physics at Fermilab in the 1990's
FERMILAB-TM-2677-AD-APC Neuffer, David Mu2e-II Injection from PIP-II
FERMILAB-TM-2676-AD Gross, Axel Beam Echoes in the Presence of Coupling
FERMILAB-TM-2675-DI-TD Feldman, Joshua Conduction Cooling of a Niobium SRF Cavity Using a Cryocooler
FERMILAB-TM-2674-AD-APC Johnstone, Carol Radiation Shielding Calculations for E1039 Seaquest Experiment
FERMILAB-TM-2673-TD Crawford, Anthony C. Superconducting RF Cryomodule Demagnetization
FERMILAB-TM-2672-APC Hyun, J. Optics and bremsstrahlung estimates for channeling radiation experiments at FAST
FERMILAB-TM-2671-AD Fitterer, M. MD 2167: Effect of a resonant excitation on the evolution of the beam emittance and halo population
FERMILAB-TM-2670-AD Lennox, Arlene J. The Role of the "Red Key" in the NTF Safety System
FERMILAB-TM-2668-DI Rominsky, M. Fermilab Test Beam Facility Annual Report FY17
FERMILAB-TM-2667-PPD Battaglieri, M. Dark matter search in a Beam-Dump eXperiment (BDX) at Jefferson Lab: an update on PR12-16-001
FERMILAB-TM-2664-DI Convery, M. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2017
FERMILAB-TM-2662-E Shi, David Baseline Response of Silicon Strip Detectors and Comparison of Cost-Effective Amplifiers
FERMILAB-TM-2661-AD D'Arcy, Richard Calculation of the effect of slit size on emittance measurements made by a two-slit scanner
FERMILAB-TM-2660-TD Ambrosio, G. MQXFS1 Quadrupole Fabrication Report
FERMILAB-TM-2659-AD-APC Valishev, Alexander The Effect of Electron Lens as Landau Damping Device on Single Particle Dynamics in HL-LHC
FERMILAB-TM-2658-AD-APC Appleby, R. B. Collimation System
FERMILAB-TM-2657-AD-APC Fitterer, M. Analysis of BSRT Profiles in the LHC at Injection
FERMILAB-TM-2656 Ader, C. Mechanical Safety Subcommittee Guideline for Design of Thin Windows Regarding Roark’s Edge Condition
FERMILAB-TM-2655-APC Alexahin, Yuri Landau Damping with Electron Lenses in Space-Charge Dominated Beams
FERMILAB-TM-2654-CD Tiradani,Anthony Fermilab HEPCloud Facility Decision Engine Design
FERMILAB-TM-2653-AE-E-PPD Mount, B.J. LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Technical Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2652-AD-APC Johnstone, John A. Prospects for a Muon Spin Resonance Facility in the MuCool Test Area
FERMILAB-TM-2650-E Ahuja, S. A Full Mesh ATCA-based General Purpose Data Processing Board (Pulsar II)
FERMILAB-TM-2649-AD-APC Lebedev, Valeri The PIP-II Conceptual Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2648-E Atanova, O. Measurement of the energy and time resolution of a undoped CsI + MPPC array for the Mu2e experiment
FERMILAB-TM-2647-CD Paterno, Marc Processing Contexts for Experimental HEP Data
FERMILAB-TM-2645-TD Satti, John Low Current Superconducting Coil test No. 2 (Pancake Coil)
FERMILAB-TM-2644-TD Satti, John Low Current Superconducting Coil Test No. 1 (Racetrack Coil)
FERMILAB-TM-2643-E Ronzhin, Anatoly Silicon timing response to different laser light
FERMILAB-TM-2641-AD Shemyakin, A. Estimation of dilution of a Fast Faraday Cup response due to the finite particles speed
FERMILAB-TM-2640-DI Albrow, M.G. Fermilab Testbeam Facility Annual Report – FY 2016
FERMILAB-TM-2639-APC Rakhno, Igor Radiation Shielding Calculations for the Booster Notcher Absorber
FERMILAB-TM-2638 Hassenzahl, W.V. Fermilab Cryogenic Workshop Report
FERMILAB-TM-2637-DI Blake, A. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2016
FERMILAB-TM-2636-AD Fitterer, M. Simulation Study of Hollow Electron Beam Collimation in HL-LHC.
FERMILAB-TM-2635-AD Fitterer, Miriam Effect of pulsed hollow electron-lens operation on the proton beam core in LHC
FERMILAB-TM-2634-APC Halavanau, A. Microlens Array Laser Transverse Shaping Technique for Photoemission Electron Source
FERMILAB-TM-2630-PPD Battaglieri, M. Dark Matter Search in a Beam-Dump eXperiment (BDX) at Jefferson Lab
FERMILAB-TM-2628-ND Gran, Rik Magnetic field map for T977 tertiary beam
FERMILAB-TM-2627-E Denisov, Dmitri Muon Beam at the Fermilab Test Beam Area
FERMILAB-TM-2625-CD Kowalkowski, Jim Study of a Docker Use-Case for HEP
FERMILAB-TM-2624-TD Todesco, E. Superconducting Magnet Technology for the Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-2623-AD Aymar, Galen Development and Production of a 201 MHz, 5.0 MW Peak Power Klystron
FERMILAB-TM-2622-AD Prost, L.R. Selected List of Low Energy Beam Transport Facilities for Light-Ion, High-Intensity Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-2621-AE-E-PPD Akerib, D.S. LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Conceptual Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2620-TD Peterson, T.J. TESLA & ILC Cryomodules
FERMILAB-TM-2619-TD Nicol, Thomas H. SSR1 Cryomodule Design for PXIE
FERMILAB-TM-2618-TD Nicol, Thomas H. SSC Collider Dipole Cryostat
FERMILAB-TM-2617-AD-CD-E Uzunyan, S.A. Calibration and GEANT4 Simulations of the Phase II Proton Compute Tomography (pCT) Range Stack Detec
FERMILAB-TM-2616-CD-CMS-PPD Habib, Salman High Energy Physics Forum for Computational Excellence: Working Group Reports (I. Applications Softw
FERMILAB-TM-2615-DI Albrow, M.G. Fermilab Testbeam Facility Annual Report – FY 2015
FERMILAB-TM-2614-PPD Denisov, Dmitri Tests of Scintillator+WLS Strips for Muon System at Future Colliders
FERMILAB-TM-2613-TD Ambrosio, Giorgio MQXFS1 Quadrupole Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2612-DI Czarapata, P. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2015
FERMILAB-TM-2611-E Atanov, N. Measurement of time resolution of the Mu2e LYSO calorimeter prototype
FERMILAB-TM-2610-AE-CD Neilsen, Jr., Eric H. Limiting Magnitude, $\tau$, $t_{eff}$, and Image Quality in DESY Year 1
FERMILAB-TM-2609 Evans, L. The International Linear Collider Progress Report 2015
FERMILAB-TM-2608-CD Elvira, V.D. Simulation Needs and Priorities of the Fermilab Intensity Frontier
FERMILAB-TM-2607-CD Paterno, Marc Some good C++ practices for using the art framework
FERMILAB-TM-2606-AD Burov, Alexey Damping Factors for Head-Tail Modes at Strong Space Charge
FERMILAB-TM-2605-TD Stoynev, Stoyan E. Extended use of superconducting magnets for bio-medical development
FERMILAB-TM-2603-AD-APC Summers, D.J. Muon Emittance Exchange with a Potato Slicer
FERMILAB-TM-2599-AD Shemyakin, A. Scheme for Low Energy Beam Transport with a Non-Neutralized Section
FERMILAB-TM-2598-AD-APC Noll, Daniel Field calculations, single-particle tracking, and beam dynamics with space charge in the electron le
FERMILAB-TM-2596-DI Brandt, A. Fermilab Testbeam Facility Annual Report – FY 2014
FERMILAB-TM-2595-CMS Avetisyan, Aram Snowmass Energy Frontier Simulations using the Open Science Grid (A Snowmass 2013 whitepaper)
FERMILAB-TM-2594 Bartoszek, L. Mu2e Technical Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2591-DI Czarapata, P. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2014
FERMILAB-TM-2590-AD Chase, Brian Precision Vector Control of a Superconducting RF Cavity driven by an Injection Locked Magnetron
FERMILAB-TM-2589-DI Cao, J. Initial report from the ICFA Neutrino Panel
FERMILAB-TM-2588 Sindt, C. F. Operating Experience - Helium Extraction and Liquefaction Expansion Devices
FERMILAB-TM-2587-APC Eldred, Jeffrey Implications of a 20-Hz Booster Cycle-Rate for Slip-Stacking
FERMILAB-TM-2586-APC Moens, Vince Guide for 3D WARP Simulations of Hollow Electron Beam Lenses: Practical Explanation on Basis of Teva
FERMILAB-TM-2584-APC Valishev, A. Simulation Study of Hollow Electron Beam Collimation for LHC
FERMILAB-TM-2582-E First combination of Tevatron and LHC measurements of the top-quark mass
FERMILAB-TM-2582-E First combination of Tevatron and LHC measurements of the top-quark mass
FERMILAB-TM-2581-FESS Lackowski, T. nuSTORM Project Definition Report
FERMILAB-TM-2580-AD Burov, Alexey Beam Instability Issues in IOTA
FERMILAB-TM-2579-AD Baffes, Curtis M. Design and Testing of a Prototype Beam Absorber for the PXIE MEBT
FERMILAB-TM-2578-CD Pabrai, Uday Understanding and Using Computer Networks
FERMILAB-TM-2577-DI Dixon, R. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2013
FERMILAB-TM-2576-AD Kemp, Mark A. Design of a Marx-Topology Shaped-Pulse Modulator for FNAL
FERMILAB-TM-2575-APC Piekarz, H. A Preliminary Consideration of Superconducting Rapid-Cycling Magnets for Muon Acceleration
FERMILAB-TM-2574 Fowler, William B. Superconducting Accelerator Magnet Cooling Systems
FERMILAB-TM-2573-APC Valishev, A. Practical Beam-Beam Tune Shift Formulae for Simulation Cross-Check
FERMILAB-TM-2572-APC Stancari, Giulio Conceptual design of hollow electron lenses for beam halo control in the Large Hadron Collider
FERMILAB-TM-2571-APC Valishev, A. Electron Lens as Beam-Beam Wire Compensator in HL-LHC
FERMILAB-TM-2570-APC Neuffer, David Comments on Ionization Cooling Channel Characteristics
FERMILAB-TM-2569-APC Bross, Alan D. nuSTORM Costing document
FERMILAB-TM-2568 Church, M. Proposal for an Accelerator R&D User Facility at Fermilab's Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerato
FERMILAB-TM-2567-APC Vorobev, Viktor Multipole approximation of special nonlinear magnets for the IOTA ring.
FERMILAB-TM-2566-CMS-E-PPD Anderson, Jacob Snowmass Energy Frontier Simulations
FERMILAB-TM-2565-E-PPD Anderson, Jacob Excited quark production at a 100 TeV VLHC
FERMILAB-TM-2564-AD-APC-PPD Blitz, Sam Fringe Field Effects on Bending Magnets, Derived for TRANSPORT/TURTLE
FERMILAB-TM-2563-APC Liu, Ao Determining the Pion Reference Momentum for nuSTORM Injection Design
FERMILAB-TM-2562 Riches, William M. A Report on Fermilab's Full-Scale Horizontal Cable-Tray Fire Tests
FERMILAB-TM-2561-APC Liu, Ao Design of the Beam Combination Section for Stochastic Injection
FERMILAB-TM-2560-APC Previtali, V. Numerical simulations of a proposed hollow electron beam collimator for the LHC upgrade at CERN.
FERMILAB-TM-2558-APC Chou, Weiren HFiTT - Higgs Factory in Tevatron Tunnel
FERMILAB-TM-2557 Asner, D.M. Project X Broader Impacts
FERMILAB-TM-2557 Holmes, S.D. Project X: Accelerator Reference Design, Physics Opportunities, Broader Impacts
FERMILAB-TM-2557 Kronfeld, Andreas S. Project X: Physics Opportunities
FERMILAB-TM-2556-AD Backfish, M. MiniBooNE Resistive Wall Current Monitor
FERMILAB-TM-2555-APC Ng, K.Y. Theory and simulations on g-2 proton beam preparation
FERMILAB-TM-2554 Behnke, Ties The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - Volume 4: Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-2554 Adolphsen, Chris The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - Volume 3.II: Accelerator Baseline Design
FERMILAB-TM-2554 Adolphsen, Chris The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - Volume 3.I: Accelerator \& in the Techni
FERMILAB-TM-2554 Baer, Howard The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - Volume 2: Physics
FERMILAB-TM-2554 Behnke, Ties The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - Volume 1: Executive Summary
FERMILAB-TM-2553-E-PPD Olsen, Jamieson Data Formatter System Design Specification
FERMILAB-TM-2552 Atac, M. Electric Field Calculations for Drift Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-2551-DI Dixon, R. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2012
FERMILAB-TM-2550-ESH Reitzner, S.D. Update to the Generic Shielding Criteria
FERMILAB-TM-2550-APC Piekarz, Henryk Project X with Rapid Cycling and Dual Storage Superconducting Synchrotrons
FERMILAB-TM-2548-AD Nagimov, R. Development of a Low-Pressure Helium Compression Control System Strategy
FERMILAB-TM-2547-AE Abdalla, F. The Dark Energy Spectrometer (DESpec): A Multi-Fiber Spectroscopic Upgrade of the Dark Energy Camera
FERMILAB-TM-2546-PPD Olsen, Jamieson Data Formatter Design Specification: DRAFT Version 0.1
FERMILAB-TM-2545 Abrams, R.J. Mu2e Conceptual Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2544-APC Blondel, A. LEP3: A High Luminosity $e^+e^-$ Collider to Study the Higgs Boson
FERMILAB-TM-2543-AE Joyce, Meridith Testing the Responses of Three PSF Fitting Methods
FERMILAB-TM-2542-APC Li, Siqi Characterization of an Electron Gun for Hollow Electron Beam Collimation
FERMILAB-TM-2541-PPD Brandt, Oleg The Muon Certification Procedure of the D0 Experiment in Run II
FERMILAB-TM-2540-PPD Brandt, O. The Muon Momentum Resolution fo the D0 Experiment in Run II
FERMILAB-TM-2539-APC Moretti, A. The Design of the Parallel Box Cavity with New Radial RF Coupler Design
FERMILAB-TM-2538-APC Moretti, A. Electric Gradient Breakdown Results for the Orthogonal Box Cavity in a 3 T Magnetic Field
FERMILAB-TM-2537-APC Ng, K.Y. Some issues on g-2 proton beam preparation
FERMILAB-TM-2536-PPD Ronzhin, A. Waveform digitization for high resolution timing detectors with silicon photomultipliers
FERMILAB-TM-2533-APC Prokop, C.R. Beam Dynamics Simulations for the Low-Energy Magnetic Bunch Compressor at ASTA
FERMILAB-TM-2532-E Group, Tevatron Electroweak Working 2012 Update of the Combination of CDF and D0 Results for the Mass of the W Boson
FERMILAB-TM-2530-APC Ng, K.Y. Mysterious dipole synchrotron oscillations during and after adiabatic capture
FERMILAB-TM-2529-E Casey, B.C.K. The D0 Run IIb Luminosity Measurement
FERMILAB-TM-2527-DI Adamson, P. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2011
FERMILAB-TM-2526-AD Leveling, A. Booster Long 13 irradiation studies
FERMILAB-TM-2525 Proposal Design B SSC Dipole Magnet Cryostat
FERMILAB-TM-2524-APC Lebrun, Paul L.G. A comparison and benchmark of two electron cloud packages
FERMILAB-TM-2523-APC Kim, Hung Jin Symplectic Map of Crab Cavity
FERMILAB-TM-2522-APC Kim, Hyung Jin Beam-Bem interactions
FERMILAB-TM-2521-AD Johnstone, C. Initial Emittance Measurements of the Fermilab Linac Beam Using the MTA Beamline
FERMILAB-TM-2520-APC Piekarz, Henryk Project X with Superconducting Rapid Cycling Synchrotron
FERMILAB-TM-2519-APC Batalov, I. Stability of non-linear integrable accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-2518-AD Rauchmiller, Michael Degreasing and cleaning superconducting RF Niobium cavities
FERMILAB-TM-2517-APC Johnstone, John A. LBNE lattice \& optics for proton extraction at MI-10 and transport to a target above grade
FERMILAB-TM-2516-APC Prokop, C. High-energy lattice for first-beam operation of the SRF test accelerator at NML
FERMILAB-TM-2515-E-PPD Freeman, J. An Artificial neural network based $b$ jet identification algorithm at the CDF Experiment
FERMILAB-TM-2514-AD Biallis, G. Pulsed Energy Storage System Design
FERMILAB-TM-2513-PPD Aaltonen, T. Improved $b$-jet Energy Correction for $H \to b\bar{b}$ Searches at CDF
FERMILAB-TM-2512-AD Cooley, Patrick Construction of AC Motor Controllers for NOvA Experiment Upgrades
FERMILAB-TM-2511-E Palmer, R.B. Progress on the design of a high luminosity mu+ mu- collider
FERMILAB-TM-2510-E Palmer, Robert B. Beam dynamics problems in a muon collider
FERMILAB-TM-2509-E Palmer, R.B. Muon colliders
FERMILAB-TM-2508-E Palmer, R.B. Muon Collider Design
FERMILAB-TM-2507-E Palmer, R.B. Status report of a high luminosity muon collider and future research and development plans
FERMILAB-TM-2506-E Trbojevic, D. Design of the muon collider isochronous storage ring lattice
FERMILAB-TM-2505-APC Tollestrup, Alvin Temperature Profile Measurements During Heat Treatment of BSCCO 2212 Coils
FERMILAB-TM-2504-E Combination of CDF and D0 results on the mass of the top quark using up to 5.8~fb-1 of data
FERMILAB-TM-2503-TD Antoine, C. Physical Properties of Niobium and Specifications for Fabrication of Superconducting Cavities
FERMILAB-TM-2502-TD Dhanaraj, Nandhini Infrastructure Development of Single Cell Testing Capability at A0 Facility
FERMILAB-TM-2501-E Bernabeu, J. EURONU WP6 2009 Yearly Report: Update of the Physics Potential of Nufact, Superbeams and Betabeams
FERMILAB-TM-2500-AD Bross, Alan FY2009 \& Plan: Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration
FERMILAB-TM-2499-AD Bross, Alan FY2010 R&D Plan: Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration
FERMILAB-TM-2498-AD Prost, L.R. Transverse Instabilities in the Fermilab Recycler
FERMILAB-TM-2497-AD Volk, James T. Experiences with permanent magnets at the Fermilab recycler ring
FERMILAB-TM-2496-E Trimpl, M. SPi User Manual V0.1
FERMILAB-TM-2495-A Abell, Paul A. LSST Science Book, Version 2.0
FERMILAB-TM-2493-CMS-E-PPD-TD Deputch, G. Development of 3D Vertically Integrated Pattern Recognition Associative Memory (VIPRAM)
FERMILAB-TM-2492-AD Burov, A. Impedances of Laminated Vacuum Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-2491-AD-APC-CD-DI-FESS-PPD-TD Elsen, Eckhard International Linear Collider (ILC): A Technical Progress Report
FERMILAB-TM-2490-APC Rakhno, Igor Diagnostic beam absorber in Mu2e beam line
FERMILAB-TM-2489-PPD Rapisarda, Stefano M. D-Zero detector electronics Run IIb upgrade project: VME LVDS SERDES buff (VLSB) module specificatio
FERMILAB-TM-2488-PPD Rubinov, Paul AFEII Analog Front End Board Design Specifications
FERMILAB-TM-2487-PPD Ronzhin, A. High-speed digitization readout of silicon photomultipliers for time of flight positron emission tom
FERMILAB-TM-2486-AD Tan, Cheng-Yang A boostrap algorithm for temporal signal reconstruction in the presence of noise from its fractional
FERMILAB-TM-2485-APC-TD Ginsburg, C. Modified radiation shielding of the vertical cavity test facility for VTS2-3 operations
FERMILAB-TM-2484-1998 Holmes, S.D. Tevatron Run II Handbook
FERMILAB-TM-2484 Holmes, S.D. Tevatron Run II Handbook
FERMILAB-TM-2483-E Baldin, Boris Scintillation counter and wire chamber front end modules for high energy physics experiments
FERMILAB-TM-2482-E-PPD Deptuch, Gregory Proposal for the development of 3D Vertically Integrated Pattern Recognition Associative Memory (VIP
FERMILAB-TM-2481-ESH Cossairt, J.Donald Assessment of neutron skyshine near unmodified Accumulator Debuncher storage rings under Mu2e operat
FERMILAB-TM-2480-PPD Precision Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model
FERMILAB-TM-2479-AD-E Christian, David E906/SeaQuest MARS15 Simulation
FERMILAB-TM-2478-APC Sen, Tanaji Estimates of HE-LHC beam parameters at different injection energies
FERMILAB-TM-2477-DI Adamson, M. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2010
FERMILAB-TM-2476-TD Pischalnikov, Yuriy Adaptive compensation of Lorentz force detuning in superconducting RF cavities
FERMILAB-TM-2475-APC Johnstone, John A. A modular optics design for the LBNE beamline
FERMILAB-TM-2474-APC Yonehara, K. Proposal for high pressure RF cavity test in the MTA
FERMILAB-TM-2473-APC Moretti, Alfred The Design of the Orthogonal Box Cavity
FERMILAB-TM-2472-APC Kim, Hyung Jin Beam-beam simulation
FERMILAB-TM-2471-AD Prost, Lionel Low-energy run of Fermilab Electron Cooler's beam generation system
FERMILAB-TM-2470-AD-ESH Reitzner, Diane MARS Star Density Results for Shielding Applications
FERMILAB-TM-2469-TD Barzi, Emanuela A 2008-2012 Program for HTS Magnet \& at FNAL
FERMILAB-TM-2468-CD Fishchler, Mark Optimizing the Performance and Structure of the D0 Collie Confidence Limit Evaluator
FERMILAB-TM-2467-TD Romanov, Gennady Simulation of RF Cavity Dark Current in Presence of Helical Magnetic Field
FERMILAB-TM-2466-E Group, The Tevatron Electroweak Working Combination of CDF and D0 Results on the Mass of the Top Quark Using Up to 5.6 $fb^{-1}$ of Data
FERMILAB-TM-2463-AD Burov, A. RF-driven modification of phase space distribution
FERMILAB-TM-2462-AD Geynisman, Michael Commissioning report of the MuCool 5 Tesla solenoid coupled with helium refrigerator
FERMILAB-TM-2461-TD Lombardo, Vito An Ic(B,theta) parameterization for YBCO CC tapes
FERMILAB-TM-2460-E Combination of CDF and D0 Results on the Width of the W boson
FERMILAB-TM-2459-APC Geer, Stephen R&D Proposal for the National Muon Acccelerator Program
FERMILAB-TM-2458-PPD Baldin, B. VME Data Acquisition Modules for MINERvA Experiment
FERMILAB-TM-2457-APC Rakhno, Igor Beam Loss Scenarios for MuCool Test Area
FERMILAB-TM-2456-E Ronzhin, A. Test of timing properties of the Photek 240 PMT
FERMILAB-TM-2455-E Ahsan, M. Measurements on irradiated L1 sensor prototypes for the D0 Run IIb silicon detector project
FERMILAB-TM-2454-TD Bhattacharyya, Sampriti Characterization and Comparison of Control Units for Piezo Actuators to be used for Lorentz Force Co
FERMILAB-TM-2453-DI Andrews, M. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2009
FERMILAB-TM-2452-AD Tan, Cheng-Yan A simple drift-diffusion model for calculating the neutralization time of H- in xe gas for choppers
FERMILAB-TM-2451-APC-TD Ginsburg, Camille Radiation shielding for the Fermilab Vertical Cavity Test Facility
FERMILAB-TM-2449-TD Barzi, E. Brittle superconducting magnets: an equivilent strain model
FERMILAB-TM-2448-TD Barzi, E. Analytical Study of Stress State in HTS Solenoids
FERMILAB-TM-2447-E-PPD Trimpl, M. Demonstration of fine pitch FCOB (Flip Chip on Board) assembly based on solder bumps at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2446-E Precision Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model
FERMILAB-TM-2444-PPD Daly, C.H. Design and Analysis for the Carbon Fiber Composite Support Structure for Layer 0 of the D0 Silicon M
FERMILAB-TM-2443-DI Andrews, Mike Executive summary of major NuMI lessons learned: a review of relevant meetings of Fermilab's DUSEL B
FERMILAB-TM-2442-CD Okonechnikov, Konstantin Transverse space charge effect calculation in the Synergia accelerator modeling toolkit
FERMILAB-TM-2441-AD Eddy, N. Wire Position Monitoring with FPGA based Electronics
FERMILAB-TM-2440-E Combination of CDF and D0 Measurements of the Single Top Production Cross Section
FERMILAB-TM-2439-E Updated Combination of CDF and D0 Results for the Mass of the W Boson
FERMILAB-TM-2438-PPD Nguyen, Hogan Measuring Im (Lambda(t))using Ks - Kl interference
FERMILAB-TM-2437-AD Crisp, Jim Recycler short kicker beam impedance
FERMILAB-TM-2436-APC Piekarz, Henryk Analysis of RFQ vacuum system for HINS tests at MDB
FERMILAB-TM-2435-APC Neuffer, David Parameters for a 'Project-X'-based Muon Collider
FERMILAB-TM-2433-APC Neuffer, David Recent Results on Muon Capture for a Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider
FERMILAB-TM-2431-APC (2009) Sen, T. Longitudinal Stability of Recycler Bunches: Part I: Thresholds for Loss of Landau Damping
FERMILAB-TM-2430-APC Tollestrup, A.V. Handbook for gas filled rf cavity aficionados'
FERMILAB-TM-2429-AD Jensen, Chris MI Gap Clearing Kicker Magnet Design Review
FERMILAB-TM-2428-AD Ng, K.Y. Collective Instability Issues of the Proton Beam for the Muon-to-Electron Conversion Experiment
FERMILAB-TM-2427-E Combination of CDF and D0 Results on the Mass of the Top Quark
FERMILAB-TM-2425-E Peters, Y. Precise tuning of the b fragmentation for the D0 Monte Carlo
FERMILAB-TM-2424-E Bernstein, Adam Report on the Depth Requirements for a Massive Detector at Homestake
FERMILAB-TM-2423-CMS Abdullin, S. GARCON: Genetic algorithm for rectangular cuts optimization: User's manual for version 2.0
FERMILAB-TM-2422-AD Tan, Cheng-Yang The Tevatron Chromaticity tracker
FERMILAB-TM-2421-DI Brice, Stephen J. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2008
FERMILAB-TM-2420-E Precision Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model
FERMILAB-TM-2419-APC-TD Dhanaraj, N. Radiation shielding for superconducting RF cavity test facility at A0
FERMILAB-TM-2416-ESH Vaziri, Kamran Addendum to NuMI shielding assessment
FERMILAB-TM-2415 Combination of CDF and D0 results on the $W$ boson mass and width
FERMILAB-TM-2414-E MINOS Experiment R&D  Plan: FY 1996-1998
FERMILAB-TM-2413-E Combination of CDF and D0 Results on the Mass of the Top Quark
FERMILAB-TM-2412-AD Xiao, Meiqin Measurements and corrections of the Recycler lattice at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2411-E Ospanov, Rustem Alignment of the Near Detector scintillator modules using cosmic ray muons
FERMILAB-TM-2410-E Becker, B. Alignment of the MINOS FD
FERMILAB-TM-2409-CD Ivanov, Valentin LFSC - Linac Feedback Simulation Code
FERMILAB-TM-2408-E Nelson, J.K. MINOS far-detector coil design
FERMILAB-TM-2407 Nelson, J.K. MINOS near-detector coil design
FERMILAB-TM-2406 Anderson, K. The NuMI Facility Technical Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2405-AD-APC Sen, Tanaji Optical diffraction radiation from a beam off a circular target
FERMILAB-TM-2404-AD-APC-TD Bellantoni, L. Calculation of asymptotic and RMS kicks due to higher order modes in the 3.9-GHz cavity
FERMILAB-TM-2403-E A Combination of CDF and D0 Results on the Mass of the Top Quark
FERMILAB-TM-2402-APC Piekarz, Henryk Fast-cycling superconducting synchrotrons and possible path to the future of US experimental high-en
FERMILAB-TM-2401-DI Brice, Stephen J. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2007
FERMILAB-TM-2400-APC Balbekov, V. Investigation of the Helical Cooling Channel (analysis, tracking, simulation)
FERMILAB-TM-2399-APC Ankenbrandt, C. Muon Collider Task Force Report
FERMILAB-TM-2398-AD-APC Yoon, Phil S. The Modeling of Time-Structured Multiturn Injection into Fermilab Main Injector: Microbunch Injectio
FERMILAB-TM-2397-AD Tan, Cheng-Yang Using the quadrupole moment frequency response of bunched beam to measure its transverse emittance
FERMILAB-TM-2396-AD-E-TD Carey, R.M. Letter of intent: a muon to electron conversion experiment at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2395-AD Pang, X. Emittance growth scaling laws for crossing systematic space-charge driven sixth-order resonances and
FERMILAB-TM-2394-E Burt, G. Effect of altering the cavity shape in infinitely periodic dipole cavities
FERMILAB-TM-2393-E Taylor, Lucas Functions and requirements of the CMS centre at CERN
FERMILAB-TM-2392-AD-DO-E Roadmap for ILC Detector R&D Test Beams
FERMILAB-TM-2391-AD Rakhno, Igor Radiation shielding for the Main Injector collimation system
FERMILAB-TM-2390-AD Saewert, G. TEL electron gun anode modulator
FERMILAB-TM-2389-AD-E Prebys, E.J. Expression of Interest: A Muon to Electron Conversion Experiment at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2388 Adolphsen, C. Design of the ILC crab cavity system
FERMILAB-TM-2387-AD Nakao, N. Radiation calculations for the ILC cryomodule
FERMILAB-TM-2386-E Fisher, Wade Systematics and limit calculations
FERMILAB-TM-2385-E Finley, D. Work at FNAL to achieve long electron drift lifetime in liquid argon
FERMILAB-TM-2384-E Jaskierny, W. test of purging a small tank with argon
FERMILAB-TM-2383-AD Yang, Xi Tune calculation at the Injection
FERMILAB-TM-2382 Brau, James International Linear Collider reference design report. 1: Executive summary. 2: Physics at the ILC.
FERMILAB-TM-2381-AD-TD Piekarz, Henryk Preliminary consideration of a double, 480 GeV, fast cycling proton accelerator for production of ne
FERMILAB-TM-2380-E A Combination of CDF and D0 results on the mass of the top quark
FERMILAB-TM-2379 Finsterle, Stefan Mobility of tritium in engineered and earth materials at the NuMI facility, Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2378 Pordes, Stephen H. A summary of present calculations on tritium production and mobility in the NuMi decay pipe
FERMILAB-TM-2377 Hylen, J. Tritium transport in the NuMI decay pipe region - modeling and comparison with experimental data
FERMILAB-TM-2376-AD Tan, Cheng-Yang Continuous transverse excitation for measuring chromaticity from the head-tail phase difference: an
FERMILAB-TM-2375-AD Martens, Mike Assessment of radiological releases from the NuMI facility during MINOS and NO$\nu$A operations
FERMILAB-TM-2374-AD Shemyakin, A. Formulas for comparing the results of drag force and cooling rates measurements with a non-magnetize
FERMILAB-TM-2373-CD Smith, Jeffrey C. Benchmarking / Crosschecking DFS in the ILC Main Linac
FERMILAB-TM-2372-AD Balbekov, V. Recycler transverse instability in context of proton plan II
FERMILAB-TM-2371-DI Brice, Stephen J. Accelerator/Experiment operations - FY 2006
FERMILAB-TM-2368-AD-E Ankenbrandt, C. Using the Fermilab proton source for a muon to electron conversion experiment
FERMILAB-TM-2367-AD Rakhno, I. Radiation shielding issues for superconducting RF cavity test facility at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2366-A Cease, H. Measurement of mechanical properties of three epoxy adhesives at cryogenic temperatures for CCD cons
FERMILAB-TM-2365 Andeen, T. The D0 experiment's integrated luminosity for Tevatron Run IIa
FERMILAB-TM-2364-E Wolski, A. Analysis of KEK-ATF optics and coupling using orbit response matrix analysis
FERMILAB-TM-2363-E Atac, M. Wire bond vibration of forward pixel tracking detector of CMS
FERMILAB-TM-2361-AD Yoon, Phil S. The modeling of RF stacking of protons in the Accumulator
FERMILAB-TM-2360-AD Zolkin, Timofey V. Negative hydrogen ion source research and beam parameters for accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-2359-AD Mokhov, Nikolai V. MARS15 Calculations for MI8 Collimator Design
FERMILAB-TM-2357-AD Rakhno, I. A radiation shielding study for the meson test beam facility at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2356-AD-E-TD Bellantoni, Leo Wakefield calculation for superconducting TM110 cavity without azimuthal symmetry
FERMILAB-TM-2355-E Brubaker, E. Combination of CDF and D0 Results on the Mass of the Top Quark
FERMILAB-TM-2354-AD Tan, Cheng-Yang Calculating emittance for Gaussian and Non-Gaussian distributions by the method of correlations for
FERMILAB-TM-2353-AD Kostin, Mikhail Proposal for continuously-variable neutrino beam energy for the NuMI facility
FERMILAB-TM-2351-E Combination of CDF and DO results on the mass of the top quark
FERMILAB-TM-2350-AD Rakhno, I. Radiation shielding study for superconducting RF cavity test facility at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2349-AD Hassanein, A. The effects of surface damage on RF cavity operation
FERMILAB-TM-2348-E Electrical production testing of the D0 Silicon microstrip tracker detector modules
FERMILAB-TM-2347-E Brubaker, E. Combination of CDF and D0 results on the mass of the top quark
FERMILAB-TM-2346-AD Tan, Cheng-Yang Preliminary studies of a chromaticity tracker
FERMILAB-TM-2345-E Gardner, J. Results from irradiation tests on D0 Run 2a silicon detectors at the Radiation Damage Facility at Fe
FERMILAB-TM-2344-ESH Griffing, Bill Injury reduction at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2343-ESH Griffing, William J. A proposal to change the Office of Science injury reduction contractual performance measures
FERMILAB-TM-2342-T Mohapatra, R.N. Theory of neutrinos: A White paper
FERMILAB-TM-2341-T Hill, Christopher T. Lecture notes for massless spinor and massive spinor triangle diagrams
FERMILAB-TM-2340-AD Rakhno, I. Radiation shielding of the beam absorber in the MI 8-GeV beam line
FERMILAB-TM-2339-E Lei, C.M. Adhesive Testing for the BTeV Pixel Detector
FERMILAB-TM-2338-DI Casey, B. Accelerator/Experiment Operations - FY 2005
FERMILAB-TM-2336-AD Burov, Alexey V. Analysis of Transverse Resistive Instability in the Recycler
FERMILAB-TM-2335-E Menichetti, Ezio A. Angular distribution of the J/psi pi0 events ON and OFF the 1P1 resonance
FERMILAB-TM-2334-E Lombardo, M. Central calorimeter gamma detection efficiency
FERMILAB-TM-2333-E Marchetto, F. Background neutral veto: Background reduction in eta(c) --> gamma-gamma
FERMILAB-TM-2332-A Kolb, Edward W. Comments on backreaction and cosmic acceleration
FERMILAB-TM-2331-AD Ng, K.Y. The transverse space-charge force in tri-gaussian distribution
FERMILAB-TM-2330-E Ashmanskas, B. Combination of CDF and D0 results on the $W^-$ boson width
FERMILAB-TM-2329-CD Beretvas, Andy Visualization drivers for Geant4
FERMILAB-TM-2328-AD Ng, K.Y. One-turn map investigation on space-charge modulation of betatron tune by synchrotron oscillation
FERMILAB-TM-2327-AD Huang, Xiaobiao Space charge stopband correction
FERMILAB-TM-2326-AD Huang, Xiaobiao Emittance measurements and modeling of the Fermilab booster
FERMILAB-TM-2325-AD Piot, P. Longitudinal phase space manipulation at medium and high energies: application to energy recovery li
FERMILAB-TM-2324-AD Kobilarcik, Thomas R. Optics upgrade for switchyard
FERMILAB-TM-2323-E Arguin, J.F. Combination of CDF and D0 results on the top-quark mass
FERMILAB-TM-2322-AD-E Jones, Matthew Influence of luminosity leveling on the CDF-II B-Physics program
FERMILAB-TM-2321-E Arguin, J.F. Combination of CDF and D0 results on the top-quark mass
FERMILAB-TM-2320-AD Neuffer, David A discussion of bunched beam stochastic cooling
FERMILAB-TM-2319-AD Kazakevich, Grigory M. Recycler Electron Cooling Project: Mechanical vibrations in the Pelletron and their effect on the be
FERMILAB-TM-2318-E Christofek, L. SVX4 User's manual
FERMILAB-TM-2317-E Christofek, L. Test results for the SVX4 version of A/B chip
FERMILAB-TM-2316-E Christofek, L. Preliminary test results for the SVX4
FERMILAB-TM-2315-E Christofek, L. The Stimulus test stand
FERMILAB-TM-2314-AD Popovic, Milorad Effects on the Linac beam from random noise in quads
FERMILAB-TM-2313-TD Boffo, C. FIONDA (Filtering Images of Niobium Disks Application): Filter application for Eddy Current Scanner
FERMILAB-TM-2312-AD Pavlovic, Zarko Studies of beam heating of proton beam profile monitor SEM's
FERMILAB-TM-2311-E Bogdan, Mircea A 96-channel FPGA-based time-to-digital converter
FERMILAB-TM-2308 Beznosko, D. Measuring response of extruded scintillator to UV LED in magnetic field
FERMILAB-TM-2307-AD Tomlin, Raymond E. An estimate of relativistic H- stripping from a hot diamond foil
FERMILAB-TM-2306-AD Rakhno, I. A Radiation shielding study for the Fermilab Linac
FERMILAB-TM-2305-AD Rakhno, I. Radiation shielding issues for MuCool test area at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2304-E Lanfranco, Giobatta Creep test results on D0 RunIIB stave
FERMILAB-TM-2303-AD Burov, Alexey V. Cylindric Electron Envelope for Relativistic Electron Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-2302-AD Ng, K.Y. Stability of barrier buckets with zero RF-barrier separations
FERMILAB-TM-2301-E Lanfranco, Giobatta Mechanical properties of D0 Run IIB silicon detector staves
FERMILAB-TM-2300-E Lanfranco, Giobatta Deflection test results on D0 Run IIB stave
FERMILAB-TM-2299-E Lanfranco, Giobatta A study on D0 Run2b stave structural performance
FERMILAB-TM-2298-E Lanfranco, Giobatta Heat transfer on D Zero Run2b stave
FERMILAB-TM-2297-E Lanfranco, Giobatta Pressure drop in D0 Run2B stave
FERMILAB-TM-2296-E Lanfranco, Giobatta Displacements and stress distribution in D0 Run IIb stave due to CTE mismatches
FERMILAB-TM-2295-E Lanfranco, Giobatta Thermal properties of D0 Run IIb silicon detector staves
FERMILAB-TM-2294-E Lanfranco, Giobatta Carbon Fiber Plates Production for the CMS Tracker Outer Barrel Detector
FERMILAB-TM-2293-TD DiMarco, J. LQXB05 test report
FERMILAB-TM-2292-E DeJongh, Fritz A method to search for mu --> e gamma decays with high intensity muon sources
FERMILAB-TM-2291 Brient, J.C. International linear collider calorimeter/muon detector test beam program. (A Planning document for
FERMILAB-TM-2289-AD Breitzmann, S.C. Impedance calculation for ferrite inserts
FERMILAB-TM-2288-DI Bromberg, C. Accelerator/Experiment operations - FY 2004
FERMILAB-TM-2287-AD Yang, Xi Study report of the booster transition jump system
FERMILAB-TM-2286-CD Paterno, Marc Calculating efficiencies and their uncertainties
FERMILAB-TM-2284 Beznosko, D. MRS photodiode in strong magnetic field
FERMILAB-TM-2283-AD Yang, Xi Booster 6-GeV study
FERMILAB-TM-2282-AD Neuffer, David Bunching for Shorter Damping Rings for the ILC
FERMILAB-TM-2281-AD Dyer, Albert 2004 Fermilab fall shutdown p-bar water issues
FERMILAB-TM-2280-AD Yang, Xi Estimate of the energy spread in a booster cycle via the bunch length measurement
FERMILAB-TM-2279-AD Errede, D. A Sensitivity study for a MICE liquid hydrogen absorber
FERMILAB-TM-2278-E Edwards, Tamsin L. Determination of the effective inelastic $p \bar{p}$ cross-section for the D0 Run II luminosity meas
FERMILAB-TM-2277-AD Yang, Xi Reshape of the bunch-by-bunch BPM signal to turn-by-turn matrix during the fast rf frequency sweepin
FERMILAB-TM-2276-CD Fischler, M. About the ZOOM minimization package
FERMILAB-TM-2275-AD Tan, Cheng-Yang The Tevatron tune tracker pll - theory, implementation and measurements
FERMILAB-TM-2274-E Milstene, C. Tests of the charged particle stepper with muons
FERMILAB-TM-2273-E Milstene, C. Study of fiber gluing and quality of fiber grooves in plastic scintillator with green wave-length-sh
FERMILAB-TM-2272-AD-TD Emery, Louis Studies pertaining to a small damping ring for the international linear collider
FERMILAB-TM-2271-AD Yang, Xi Improvement in rf curves for booster running at high intensities
FERMILAB-TM-2270-AD Yang, Xi Booster high-level rf frequency tracking improvement via the bias-curve optimization
FERMILAB-TM-2269-AD Yang, Xi Numerical reconstruction of the Linac beam de-bunching in the DC-operated Booster
FERMILAB-TM-2268-AD Erdelyi, B. Compensation of beam-beam effects in the Tevatron with wires
FERMILAB-TM-2267-AD Sen, Tanaji Beam dynamics in BTeV at top energy
FERMILAB-TM-2266-LSS Rawlinson, Andrew A. The Fermilab technical publications webpage
FERMILAB-TM-2265-AD Yang, Xi Analytical solution for BPM reading in multi-bunch average in booster
FERMILAB-TM-2264-AD Yang, Xi Difference between BPM reading one bunch and the average of multi-bunches in Booster
FERMILAB-TM-2263-AD Yang, Xi Beam diagnostics via model independent analysis of the turn-by-turn BPM data
FERMILAB-TM-2262-AD Yang, Xi Chromaticity measurement via the Fourier spectrum of transverse oscillations
FERMILAB-TM-2260 Ng, K.Y. Some stability issues of the Fermilab damping ring
FERMILAB-TM-2259 Albright, C. The neutrino factory and beta beam experiments and development
FERMILAB-TM-2258 Burov, Alexey V. Pepper - pot scraper parameters and data processing
FERMILAB-TM-2257 Ng, K.Y. Bunch area with slanting barrier voltages
FERMILAB-TM-2256 Neuffer, David Thoughts on ion trapping instability in the recycler
FERMILAB-TM-2255 Yang, Xi Measurement of gamma(T) with the gamma(T) quads on and off
FERMILAB-TM-2254 Yang, Xi Beam - based determination of the offset of Booster gamma (T) quads
FERMILAB-TM-2253 Montgomery, Hugh E. The Coming Revolution in Particle Physics: Report of the Fermilab Long Range Planning Committee
FERMILAB-TM-2252 Balatz, M.Y. The lead - glass electromagnetic calorimeter for the SELEX experiment
FERMILAB-TM-2251 Ankenbrandt, Charles M. Upgrading the Linac 400 MeV switchyard
FERMILAB-TM-2249 Ng, K.Y. Coherent parasitic energy loss of the recycler beam
FERMILAB-TM-2248 Rakhno, Igor Radiation shielding calculations for MuCool test area at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2247 Beznosko, D. Fiber positioning and MRS response
FERMILAB-TM-2246 Yang, Xi Stability analysis of the laser system for the TTF photoinjector at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2245 Popovic, Milorad Fermilab drift tube Linac revisited
FERMILAB-TM-2244 Yang, Xi Energy loss estimates at several beam intensities in the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-2243 Ankenbrandt, Charles M. A Simple beam line for the MuCool test area
FERMILAB-TM-2242 Striganov, Sergei MARS simulations of the NuMI primary beamline
FERMILAB-TM-2241 Ng, K.Y. Distribution of incoherent space - Charge tune shift of a bi-Gaussian beam
FERMILAB-TM-2240 Yang, Xi Indicators of the energy error in the Linac to Booster transfer
FERMILAB-TM-2239 Yang, Xi Booster Synchrotron frequency below transition
FERMILAB-TM-2238 Yang, Xi Implications of beam phase and RFSUM measured near transition
FERMILAB-TM-2237 Yang, Xi Experimental estimate of beam loading and minimum rf voltage for acceleration of high intensity beam
FERMILAB-TM-2236 Drozhdin, A. NLC Collimation Study Update: Performance with Tail Folding Octupoles
FERMILAB-TM-2235 Piot, P. A Modified post damping ring bunch compressor beamline for the TESLA linear collider
FERMILAB-TM-2234 Yang, Xi A Synchrotron phase detector for the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-2233 Boffo, C. pH and resistivity of the BCP mix diluted in UPW
FERMILAB-TM-2232 Yang, Xi RF bucket reduction as an experimental tool for beam diagnostics and manipulation
FERMILAB-TM-2231 Yang, Xi Applying synchrotron phase measurement to the estimation of maximum beam intensity in the Fermilab B
FERMILAB-TM-2230 Conrad, J. Accelerator / Experiment operations - FY 2001 through FY 2003
FERMILAB-TM-2229 Ng, K.Y. Ferrite insertion at Recycler Flying - Wire System
FERMILAB-TM-2228 Estrada, J. Time - of - flight measurement in the DZero central fiber tracker
FERMILAB-TM-2227 Estrada, J. Testing of the TriP chip running at 132 nsec using a modified AFE board
FERMILAB-TM-2226 Estrada, J. MCM II and the trip chip
FERMILAB-TM-2225 Huang, Xiaobiao Compensation of dogleg effect in Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-2224 Crawford, A.C. Field measurements in the Fermilab electron cooling solenoid prototype
FERMILAB-TM-2223 Ohnuma, Sho Survey data of Booster magnet misalignments
FERMILAB-TM-2221 Mokhov, N. V. Radiation load to the SNAP CCD
FERMILAB-TM-2220 Rakhno, I.L. Radiation shielding of extraction absorbers for a Fermilab photoinjector
FERMILAB-TM-2219 Ng, K.Y. Collective instabilities
FERMILAB-TM-2215 Tan, Cheng-Yang A Proposed interim improvement to the Tevatron beam position monitors with narrow band crystal filte
FERMILAB-TM-2214 Nicolas, L.Y. Impact of the A48 collimator on the Tevatron B0 dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-2213 Burov, Alexey V. Electron cooling against IBS for high energy colliders
FERMILAB-TM-2211 Gelfand, Norman Dispersion and orbit distortions in the Tevatron: A Comparison of measurements with a computer model
FERMILAB-TM-2210 Khabiboulline, T. Higher order modes of a 3rd harmonic cavity with an increased end-cup iris
FERMILAB-TM-2209 Albert, Merina The Fermilab Computing Farms in 2001 - 2002
FERMILAB-TM-2208 Crisp, J. Calibration of the Resistive Wall Monitor for the SBD and FBI Systems
FERMILAB-TM-2207 Stancu, I. The MiniBooNE detector technical design report
FERMILAB-TM-2206 Mokhov, N.V. MARS14 simulation of Fermilab 120-GeV beam dumps
FERMILAB-TM-2205 Crisp, James L. Comparison of Tevatron C0 and F0 Lambertson beam impedance
FERMILAB-TM-2204 Tan, C.Y. The Tevatron Transverse Dampers
FERMILAB-TM-2203 Guo, W. Dancing bunches at the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-2202 Crisp, James L. Tevatron separator beam impedance
FERMILAB-TM-2201 Kuchnir, Moyses Apparatus for measuring RRR
FERMILAB-TM-2200 Drozhdin, A. Comparison of the TESLA, NLC and CLIC Beam Collimation System Performance
FERMILAB-TM-2199 Ng, K. Y. Coupled - Bunch Instabilities of the Tevatron at Run II
FERMILAB-TM-2198 Lukens, Patrick T. The CDF IIb Detector Technical Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2197 Rzepecki, J.P. 3D Visualization for the MARS14 Code
FERMILAB-TM-2196 Keil, Eberhard Muon Cooling Channels
FERMILAB-TM-2195 Crisp, James L. Tevatron Stripline Turn by Turn Data Showing Differential Head - Tail Positions
FERMILAB-TM-2194 Crisp, James L. Measured Longitudinal Beam Impedance of a Tevatron Separator
FERMILAB-TM-2193 Ohnuma, Shoroku Synchro-Betatron Resonances in the 8-GeV Proton Driver
FERMILAB-TM-2192 Mandrichenko, I. Run II Data Analysis on the Grid
FERMILAB-TM-2191 Schultz, R. Lithium: Measurement of Young's Modulus and Yield Strength
FERMILAB-TM-2190 Elvira, V. Daniel Beam Simulation Tools for GEANT4 (BT-v1.0) User's Guide
FERMILAB-TM-2189 Zotter, Bruno Damping of Coupled Bunch Instabilities by rf Frequency Modulation
FERMILAB-TM-2188 Tang, Zhijing A New Kind of Vacuum Tube for Proton Driver
FERMILAB-TM-2187 Ankenbrandt, Charles A Linac Afterburner to Supercharge the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-2186 Ng, King-Yuen The Hopf's Limiting Cycle - A Method to Measure the Electron Cooling Force
FERMILAB-TM-2185 Kobilarcik, T. Momentum Errors in an RF Separated Beam
FERMILAB-TM-2184 Tan, Cheng-Yang The Tevatron Bunch by Bunch Longitudinal Dampers
FERMILAB-TM-2183 Ng, King-Yuen Double Intensity Injection for Antiproton Production
FERMILAB-TM-2182 Kuchnir, Moyses Photo-Cathode Preparation System of the A0 Photoinjector
FERMILAB-TM-2181 Johnstone, John A. A Doublet C0 IR Solution Using Existing Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-2180 Gelfand, Norman PDII - Additional Discussion of the Dynamic Aperture
FERMILAB-TM-2179 Boffo, C. Report on the TESLA Engineering Study / Review
FERMILAB-TM-2178 McCrory, Elliott S. Analysis of Lifetime Data for the Linac 201 MHz Power Amplifiers
FERMILAB-TM-2177 MacLachlan, J.A. Anti-Proton Acceleration in the Main Injector with RF at Harmonic Number h = 28 or h = 84
FERMILAB-TM-2176 Elwyn, A. Residual Radiation Studies at AP0
FERMILAB-TM-2175 Baranovski, A. SAM Managed Cache and Processing for Clusters in a Worldwide Grid-Enabled System
FERMILAB-TM-2174 Johnstone, J.A. A Modular Optics Design for the NuMI Beamline
FERMILAB-TM-2173 Tomlin, Ray Beam Effects from an Increase of LINAC Current from 40 ma to 49 Milliamperes
FERMILAB-TM-2172 Jones, Matthew Tevatron Bunch Length Studies at CDF
FERMILAB-TM-2171 Erdelyi, Bela Analytic Studies of the Long Range Beam-Beam Tune Shifts and Chromaticities
FERMILAB-TM-2170 Fischler, M. Distribution of Minimum Distance Among N Random Points in d Dimensions
FERMILAB-TM-2169 Foster, G.W. Proton Driver Study II: Part 1
FERMILAB-TM-2168 Juravic, Frank E., Jr. Method to control the amount of helium delivered during leak testing
FERMILAB-TM-2167 Barov, N. Remote Operation of the Fermilab / NICADD Photoinjector
FERMILAB-TM-2166 Schmidt, C.W. Status of the Low-Energy Linac 200-MHz RF Stations
FERMILAB-TM-2165 Edwards, D.A. Polarized RF Guns for Linear Colliders An ICFA vVorkshop Ferrnilab, April 18 -20, 2001
FERMILAB-TM-2164 Fischler, Mark ViewMaps and Calibration in the SIunits Package
FERMILAB-TM-2163 Tan, Cheng-Yang A Fast Way for Calculating Longitudinal Wakefields for High Q Resonances
FERMILAB-TM-2162 Baumbaugh, A. Results of Hybrid Photodiode Irradiation by 200-MeV Protons
FERMILAB-TM-2161 McCrory, Elliott S. Observation of the Spread of the Readings in the Linac Toroids and BPMs
FERMILAB-TM-2160 Kashikhin, Vadim V. Cost optimization of a hadron collider
FERMILAB-TM-2159 Martin, Phil MiniBooNE Liner Integrity Study
FERMILAB-TM-2158 Blaskiewicz, M. VLHC Accelerator Physics
FERMILAB-TM-2157 Johnstone, J.A. Tevatron optics with magnet moves for Roman pots at CDF
FERMILAB-TM-2156 Terekhov, Igor Distributed processing and analysis of physics data in the D0 SAM system at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2155 Tan, C.Y. A method for calculating longitudinal phase space distribution when given the time profile of the bu
FERMILAB-TM-2154 Ng, K.Y. Space charge and beam stability issues of the Fermilab proton driver in phase I
FERMILAB-TM-2153 Soyars, W. Derivation of Epsilon-NTU Method for Heat Exchangers with Heat Leak
FERMILAB-TM-2152 Ng, K.Y. Betatron Tune Shifts and Laslett Image Coefficients
FERMILAB-TM-2151 Dawson, Troy The Fermilab Computing Farms in 2000
FERMILAB-TM-2149 Ambrosio, Giorgio Design Study for a Staged Very Large Hadron Collider
FERMILAB-TM-2148 Alexahin, Y. Excitation of the Synchro-Betatron Resonances by the Beam-Beam Interaction in the Tevatron Run II La
FERMILAB-TM-2147 Ng, K.Y. Stability Issues of the VLHC Rings
FERMILAB-TM-2146 Haggerty, H. Flammability Tests on D0 Run II Muon PDT Gas and P-10 Gas
FERMILAB-TM-2145 Crisp, James L. Measured Longitudinal Beam Impedance of Booster Gradient Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-2144 McAshan, M. RF Design of a Transverse Mode Cavity for Kaon Separation
FERMILAB-TM-2143 Gelfand, N. The Effect of Dividing the Magnets on the Calculation of the Recycler Dynamic Aperture
FERMILAB-TM-2142 Atkinson, Robert Report of the Fermilab Committee for Site Studies
FERMILAB-TM-2141 Lach, J. Instrumentation of a reconditioned Robbins Tunnel boring machine - 106th street tunnel
FERMILAB-TM-2140 Tan, C.Y. New Multithreaded Code for Calculating Longitudinal Collective Instabilites using Computers with Mul
FERMILAB-TM-2139 Johnstone, J.A. C0 Low-Beta Optics
FERMILAB-TM-2138 Popovic, Milorad Double Alpha MEBT for H- beam
FERMILAB-TM-2137 Neuffer, D. High-frequency buncher and phi delta-E rotation for the mu+ - mu- source
FERMILAB-TM-2136 Chou, W. The Proton Driver Design Study
FERMILAB-TM-2136 Chou, W. The Proton Driver Design Study
FERMILAB-TM-2135 Freeman, W.S. Radioactivation of coolant in the E-823 D0 silicon tracker
FERMILAB-TM-2134 Xiao, Meiqin Dynamic aperture of the recycler ring
FERMILAB-TM-2133 Burov, Alexey V. Energy distribution in a relativistic DC electron beam
FERMILAB-TM-2132 MacLachlan, James A. User's guide to ESME 2001
FERMILAB-TM-2131 Mishra, Chandra Shekhar A Scheme to Extract a Low Intensity Slow Spill Main Injector Beam to the Meson Area without Compromi
FERMILAB-TM-2130 Rubinstein, Roy What, Why and Who, is ICFA?
FERMILAB-TM-2129 Lach, J. E781 hyperon beam and targeting system
FERMILAB-TM-2128 Lach, Joseph T. E781 hyperon spectrometer constants
FERMILAB-TM-2127 Freeman, J. Light source unit for hybrid photodiode calibration
FERMILAB-TM-2125 Burov, Alexey V. Space-charge compensation in high-intensity proton rings
FERMILAB-TM-2124 Shatilov, D. Simulations of the Tevatron beam dynamics with beam-beam compensation
FERMILAB-TM-2123 Fischler, Mark World views in the SIunits package
FERMILAB-TM-2122 Johnstone, J.A. Conceptual designs for IR optics at C0
FERMILAB-TM-2121 Tan, C.Y. The effect of noise on transverse emittance growth in the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-2120 Bieniosek, F.M. Beam sweeping system
FERMILAB-TM-2119 Kobilarcik, T. How to construct a second order achromat with a 90-degree phase advance
FERMILAB-TM-2118 Langen, Katja Feasibility of the utilization of BNCT in the fast neutron therapy beam at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2117 Burov, Alexey V. Anti-proton and electron optics for electron cooling
FERMILAB-TM-2116 Johnstone, John A. Search for a C0 IR design using existing magnets
FERMILAB-TM-2115 Mokhov, Dmitri MAD parsing and conversion code
FERMILAB-TM-2114 Burov, Alexey V. Courant-Snyder parameters of beam adapters
FERMILAB-TM-2113 Tan, C.Y. CASIM and ground water activation calculations at the A0 abort
FERMILAB-TM-2112 Cossairt, J.Donald Calculation of the radioactivity produced in the cooling loops of the CDF SVX II detector
FERMILAB-TM-2111 Cossairt, J.Donald Environment, safety, and health considerations for a neutrino source based on a muon storage ring
FERMILAB-TM-2110 Hoff, Jim FPIX core architecture and the preFPIX2 chip: Architecture and simulation
FERMILAB-TM-2109 Albert, Marina The Fermilab computing farms in 1999
FERMILAB-TM-2108 Brown, C.N. A new MTest beamline for the 1999 fixed target run
FERMILAB-TM-2107 Nagaitsev, S. Beam emittance calculation in the presence of an axially symmetric magnetic field
FERMILAB-TM-2106 Zorzano, M.P. Emittance growth for the LHC beams due to head-on beam-beam interaction and ground motion
FERMILAB-TM-2105 Kobilarcik, T. Main injector beam to the new muon and meson areas
FERMILAB-TM-2104 Bertram, I. A Recipe for the construction of confidence limits
FERMILAB-TM-2102 Kesich, P.M. Chemical and radiochemical background concentrations of geologic materials beneath Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2101 Crisan, C. How well do we need to know the beam properties at a neutrino factory?
FERMILAB-TM-2100 Tan, Cheng-Yang Peak finding using biorthogonal wavelets
FERMILAB-TM-2099 Klebaner, A.L. Single phase helium recooling in a Tevatron spool piece
FERMILAB-TM-2097 Cossairt, J.Donald The investigation of environmental radiological vulnerabilities at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2096 Fitch, M.J. Electro-Optic Measurement of the Wake Fields of 16 MeV Electron Bunches
FERMILAB-TM-2095 Tan, Cheng-Yang Modeling, Measurement and Construction of the Stripline Kickers for the Tevatron Transverse Dampers
FERMILAB-TM-2094 Stancari, Giulio Parameterization of Hysteresis Effects in Accumulator Quadrupole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-2093 Darve, C. LHC IRQ Cryostat Support Mechanical Performance
FERMILAB-TM-2092 Cossairt, J.Donald Effects of Inflow on NuMI Groundwater Concentrations
FERMILAB-TM-2091 Tompson, Sara Physics History Books in the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) Library, 1999
FERMILAB-TM-2090 Ng, King-Yuen Intensity Dependent Instability Issues for Electron Rings
FERMILAB-TM-2089 Grossman, Nancy L. Production and Release of Airborne Radionuclides Due to the Operation of NuMI
FERMILAB-TM-2088 Green, D. Jet Calorimetric Trigger
FERMILAB-TM-2087 Garbincius, Peter H. A Measurement of Non-EM Backgrounds in the Fermilab Wide Band e+ e- Beam
FERMILAB-TM-2086 Seino, K.C. CUB DI (Deionization) Column Control System
FERMILAB-TM-2085 Seino, K.C. Main Injector LCW (Low Conductivity Water) Control System
FERMILAB-TM-2084 Demortier, Luc Combining the Top Quark Mass Results for Run 1 from CDF and D0
FERMILAB-TM-2083 Wehmann, A. Tritium Production in the Dolomitic Rock Adjacent to NuMI Beam Tunnels
FERMILAB-TM-2082 Yamada, Ryuji Design Study of 45-mm Bore Dipole Magnet for 11 to 12 Tesla Field
FERMILAB-TM-2081 Yarema, R. SVX3 Six Inch Wafer Failure Report
FERMILAB-TM-2080 Mills, Frederick E. Iron Dominated Resistive Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-2079 Berkhout, Therese A. Retrospective Application of Online Catalog Author Authority Control : A Pilot Project
FERMILAB-TM-2078 Tan, C.Y. Theory of the Autozero Box and the Transverse Tune Measurement System of the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-2077 Zimmerman, Tom Capacitor Mismatch Caused by Oxide Thickness Variations in Submicron I.C. Processes
FERMILAB-TM-2076 Albert, M. The Fermilab Computing Farms in 1998
FERMILAB-TM-2075 Hoff, James SMQIE: The Shower Max QIE chip
FERMILAB-TM-2074 Webber, Robert C. Report on Booster High Pulse Repetition Rate Operation Tests Conducted on March 29, 1998
FERMILAB-TM-2073 Geer, S. Muon Storage Ring Neutrino Source: The Path to a Muon Collider?
FERMILAB-TM-2072 Finley, D. Muon Colliders : A Vision for the future of Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2071 Albrow, M.G. Comparison of the Total Cross Sections Measurements of CDF and E811
FERMILAB-TM-2070 Trendler, Robert C. MINOS Test Toroid Magnetic Measurements
FERMILAB-TM-2069 Trendler, Robert C. MINOS Detector Steel Magnetic Measurements
FERMILAB-TM-2068 Hanlet, Pierrick Comparison of Fiber Polishing Techniques
FERMILAB-TM-2066 Gallas, Elizabeth Optical Isolation of Scintillating Tiles Using TiO$_2$ Doped Epoxy for the D0 ICD in Run II
FERMILAB-TM-2065 Geer, S. A method to Calculate Limits in the Absence of a Reliable Background Subtraction
FERMILAB-TM-2064 Freeman, J. Measurement of the Hybrid Photodiode Response - Fiber Optic Window
FERMILAB-TM-2063 Zimmerman, Tom The MASDA-X Chip - A New Multichannel ASIC for Readout of Pixelated Amorphous Silicon Arrays
FERMILAB-TM-2062 Gallas, Elizabeth Polishing Optical Fibers for the D0 ICD in Run II
FERMILAB-TM-2061 MacLachlan, J.A. Prospectus for an Electron Cooling System for the Recycler
FERMILAB-TM-2060 Fuerst, J.D. An RF Separated Kaon Beam from the Main Injector: Superconducting Aspects
FERMILAB-TM-2059 Michelotti, Leo P. Passage through a Transverse Magnetic Slab
FERMILAB-TM-2058 Burov, Alexey V. Electron Cooling for RHIC
FERMILAB-TM-2057 Wu, Jinyuan Weighting Mean Timers for High Energy Physics Electronics
FERMILAB-TM-2056 Anderson, Elizabeth Digitizing Legacy Documents: A Knowledge-Base Preservation Project
FERMILAB-TM-2055 Ng, King-Yuen Impedances and Collective Instabilities of the Tevatron at Run II
FERMILAB-TM-2054 Fry, A.R. Observation of Stimulated Raman Scattering in an Optical Fiber at the Fermilab A0 Photoinjector
FERMILAB-TM-2053 Ng, King-Yuen Introduction to Collective Instabilities - Longitudinal and Transverse
FERMILAB-TM-2052 Ng, King-Yuen Beam Stability Issues of 3 TeV Low Field Collider
FERMILAB-TM-2051 Bardeen, Marjorie G. ARISE: American Renaissance in Science Education Three Year High School Science Core Curriculum, A F
FERMILAB-TM-2050 Burov, Alexey V. Suppression of Bunch Transverse Instabilities by the Chamber Asymmetry
FERMILAB-TM-2049 Garbincius, Peter H. A Simple Analog Clock Used for Reducing Pedestal Noise
FERMILAB-TM-2048 Lach, J. Cost Model for a 3 TeV VLHC Booster Tunnel
FERMILAB-TM-2047 Shiltsev, Vladimir Electron Beam Distortions in Beam-Beam Compensation Set-Up
FERMILAB-TM-2046 Bocean, V. Performance of the KTeV High Energy Neutral Kaon Beam at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-2045 Krivosheev, O.E. CDF Forward Shielding for Run II
FERMILAB-TM-2044 Wolbers, Stephen The Fermilab Computing Farms in 1997
FERMILAB-TM-2043 Burov, Alexey V. An Insertion to Eliminate Horizontal Temperature of High Energy Electron Beam
FERMILAB-TM-2042 Danilov, V.V. On Transverse Mode Coupling Instability in VLHC
FERMILAB-TM-2041 Sawyer, L. Technical Design Report for the Upgrade of the ICD for D0 Run II
FERMILAB-TM-2040 Yu, J. NuTeV SSQT Performance
FERMILAB-TM-2039 Freeman, J. Effect of Hybrid Photodiode Signal Increase in a Magnetic Field Parallel to the HPD Electric Field
FERMILAB-TM-2037 Kobilarcik, T. Preliminary Results of Stability Study for the KTeV Beam
FERMILAB-TM-2036 Johnstone, C. High Intensity Muon Storage Rings for Neutrino Production: Lattice Design
FERMILAB-TM-2035 Zimmerman, Tom The Use of Low Resistivity Substrates for Optimal Noise Reduction, Ground Referencing, and Current C
FERMILAB-TM-2034 Orr, Stanley Rack Protection Monitor - A Simple System
FERMILAB-TM-2033 Danilov, V.V. On Possibility to Increase the TMCI Threshold by RF Quadrupole
FERMILAB-TM-2032 Cooper, Peter A Kaon Physics Program at the Fermilab Main Injector
FERMILAB-TM-2031 Shiltsev, Vladimir Electron Lens to Compensate Bunch-to-Bunch Tune Spread in TeV 33
FERMILAB-TM-2029 Ritson, D. Minimizing the Pacman Effect
FERMILAB-TM-2028 Pordes, Stephen H. The Fermilab Program for the Next Decade: A Response to the Gilman HEPAP Subpanel
FERMILAB-TM-2027 Green, D. Test of the DEP Hybrid Photodiode in 5 Tesla Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-2026 Biryukov, V. Analytical Theory of Multipass Crystal Extraction
FERMILAB-TM-2023 Bocean, V. KTeV Beam Systems Design Report Version 1.2
FERMILAB-TM-2022 Hawtree, James Preparing Printed Circuit Boards for Rapid Turnaround Time on a Protomat Plotter
FERMILAB-TM-2021 Holmes, Stephen D. A Development Plan for the Fermilab Proton Source
FERMILAB-TM-2020 Meot, F. Correction of Vertical Crossing Induced Dispersion in LHC
FERMILAB-TM-2019 Yamada, R. D0 Rototrack: First Stage of D0 2 Tesla Solenoid Field Mapping Device
FERMILAB-TM-2018 Hylen, J. Conceptual Design for the Technical Components of the Neutrino Beam for the Main Injector (NuMI)
FERMILAB-TM-2017 Meot, F. Concerning Effects of Fringe Fields and Longitudinal Distribution of $B_{10}$ in LHC Low$\beta$ Regi
FERMILAB-TM-2016 Meot, F. On the Effects of Fringe Fields in the Recycler Ring
FERMILAB-TM-2015 Ng, K.Y. Power Loss to Tevatron Beam Pipe
FERMILAB-TM-2014 Brown, C. Switchyard in the Main Injector Era Conceptual Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-2013 Baumbaugh, A. Test of DEP Hybrid Photodiodes
FERMILAB-TM-2012 Shiltsev, Vladimir Fast PIN-Diode Beam Loss Monitors at Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-2011 Markley, Daniel J. Siemens Programmable Variable Speed DC Drives Applied to Wet and Dry Expansion Engines
FERMILAB-TM-2010 Meot, Francios Zgoubi Users' Guide Version 4
FERMILAB-TM-2009 Wehmann, A. Groundwater Protection for the NuMI Project
FERMILAB-TM-2008 Shiltsev, Vladimir D. Electron Compression of Beam-Beam Footprint in the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-2007 Malensek, Anthony J. Variations in the Wide Band and Narrow Band Beams for NuMI
FERMILAB-TM-2006 Wolbers, Stephen The Fermilab Farms in 1996
FERMILAB-TM-2004 Anderson, Elizabeth A Virtual Library of Technical Publications
FERMILAB-TM-2001 Meot, F. Crossing Angle Induced Dispersion in LHC
FERMILAB-TM-2000 Krane, J. The $D^0$ Luminosity Monitor Constant for $\sqrt{s}$ = 630-GeV
FERMILAB-TM-1999 Bhat, C.M. Recent Transition Crossing Results from the Fermilab Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1998-J Kroc, Thomas K. Workshop on Medium Energy Electron Cooling: Proceedings of the Working Group on Guns and Collectors
FERMILAB-TM-1998-I Bertsche, Kirk J. Limitations on the Applicability of FODO Lattices for Electron Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-1998-H Dikansky, N. Electron Beam Focusing System
FERMILAB-TM-1998-G Sharapa, A.N. Electron Guns and Collectors Developed at INP for Electron Cooling Devices
FERMILAB-TM-1998-F Parkhomchuk, V. High Energy Electron Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-1998-E Hurh, Patrick Physical Installation of Pelletron and Electron Cooling System
FERMILAB-TM-1998-D Nagaitsev, S. Electron Cooling for the Fermilab Recycler: Present Concept and Provisional Parameters
FERMILAB-TM-1998-C MacLachlan, J. Contributions to the Second Workshop on Medium Energy Electron Cooling - MEEC96: Status of R&D Activ
FERMILAB-TM-1998-B MacLachlan, James A. Preface: The Second Workshop on Medium Energy Electron Cooling MEEC96
FERMILAB-TM-1998-A MacLachlan, James A. Contributions to the Second Workshop on Medium Energy Electron Cooling - MEEC96: Organizer's Greetin
FERMILAB-TM-1998 MacLachlan, James Contributions to the Second Workshop on Medium Energy Electron Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-1997 Ng, King-Yuen An Imaginary $\gamma_t$ Lattice with Dispersion - Free Straights for the 50 GeV High Intensity Proto
FERMILAB-TM-1996 Green, Dan Charge Collection in a Hybrid Photodetector
FERMILAB-TM-1995 Bantly, J. D0 Luminosity Monitor Constant for the 1994-1996 Tevatron Run
FERMILAB-TM-1994 Hahn, Alan A. Feasibility Study on the Installation of a Flying Wire System in the Collision Region
FERMILAB-TM-1993 Neuffer, David Extensions of the Longitudinal Envelope Equation
FERMILAB-TM-1992 Green, D. Electron Optics in Hybrid Photodetectors in Magnetic Field
FERMILAB-TM-1991 Jackson, Gerry The Fermilab Recycler Ring Technical Design Report Rev. 1.2
FERMILAB-TM-1990 Grishanov, B.I. Very Fast Kicker for Accelerator Applications
FERMILAB-TM-1989 Schmitt, Richard Fixed Target Flammable Gas Upgrades
FERMILAB-TM-1988 Zhang, Min Emittance Formula for Slits and Pepper Pot Measurement
FERMILAB-TM-1987 Shiltsev, V.D. 'Pipetron' Beam Dynamics with Noise
FERMILAB-TM-1986 Green, Dan Simple Model of Calorimeter Sampling Response in a Magnetic Field
FERMILAB-TM-1985 Bhat, C.M. Ground-Water Activation from the Upcoming Operation of MI40 Beam Absorber
FERMILAB-TM-1984 Freeman, J. In Situ Calibration of the CMS HCAL Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1983 Mills, Frederick E. Problems in the Design of a Proton Driver for a $\mu - \mu$ Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1982 Siergiej, D. Beam-Beam Interaction Effects for Separated Beams in a Proton - Antiproton Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1981 Jackson, Gerry Fermilab Recycler Ring Technical Design Report Rev. 1.1
FERMILAB-TM-1979 Martin, Philip Report of the Transition Crossing Miniworkshop, May 20-23, 1996, Fermilab, Batavia, IL
FERMILAB-TM-1978 Carrigan, Richard A. Straw Man 900 - 1000 GeV Crystal Extraction Test Beam for Fermilab Collider Operation
FERMILAB-TM-1976 Foster, G.W. Low Cost Hadron Colliders at Fermilab: A Discussion Paper
FERMILAB-TM-1975 Preliminary Report on the Utilization of the Fermilab Site for a Future Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-1974 Derbenev, Ya.S. Transverse Effects of Microbunch Radiative Interaction
FERMILAB-TM-1973 Newberg, Heidi Quasar Target Selection Fiber Efficiency
FERMILAB-TM-1971 Ng, King-Yuen Impedances and Beam Stability Issues of the Fermilab Recycler Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1970 Bharadwaj, V. Fermilab Collider Run 1b Accelerator Performance
FERMILAB-TM-1969 Shiltsev, V.D. An Asymmetric $\mu - p$ Collider as a Quark Structure Microscope: Luminosity Consideration
FERMILAB-TM-1968 Griffin, J.E. Aspects of Operation of the Fermilab Booster RF System at Very High Intensity
FERMILAB-TM-1967 Gelfand, Norman M. Rotations of the Low $\beta$ Quadrupoles: Coupling in the Tevatron and the Effect on the Luminosity
FERMILAB-TM-1966 Capista, D. Use of Passive Repeaters for Tunnel Surface Communications
FERMILAB-TM-1965 Krivosheev, O.E. NLC Positron Production Target
FERMILAB-TM-1964 Neuffer, David Discussion of Parameters, Lattices and Beam Stability for the MegaCollider
FERMILAB-TM-1963 Brown, Bruce C. Field Shape of the Accumulator LDA Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-1962 Green, Dan Uniformity Requirements in CMS Hadron Calorimetry
FERMILAB-TM-1961 Annala, Jerry Collider Shot Setup for Run II Observation and Suggestions
FERMILAB-TM-1960 Moore, Craig D. Tickling C: AQ7
FERMILAB-TM-1959 Moore, Craig D. Vibrational Analysis of Tevatron Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-TM-1958 Green, Dan Hadron Calorimeter Performance with a PbWO4 EM Compartment
FERMILAB-TM-1957 Tomlin, R. Laser Stripping of Relativistic H- Ions with Practical Considerations
FERMILAB-TM-1954 Brandt, Jeffrey S. Coil End Design for the LHC Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1953 Coulson, Larry Report on the Fermilab pilot N$\&$S closure process
FERMILAB-TM-1952 Green, Dan Effect of Dead Material in a Calorimeter
FERMILAB-TM-1951 Malensek, Anthony J. Neutrino Beams Using the Main Injector
FERMILAB-TM-1950 Yamada, R. Recycler Model Magnet Test on Temperature Compensation for Strontium Ferrite
FERMILAB-TM-1949 Pruss, Stanley M. Present Status of $\bar{p}p$ Elastic and Total Cross-Section Data
FERMILAB-TM-1947 Sondgeroth, A. A Study into Lowering Beam Trajectories in P01
FERMILAB-TM-1946 Crane, D.A. Status Report: Technical Design of Neutrino Beams for the Main Injector (NuMI)
FERMILAB-TM-1945 Bossert, R. Mechanical Design of CDF End Plug Optical System
FERMILAB-TM-1944 Freeman, William S. Ground Water Activation Calculations for E872
FERMILAB-TM-1943 Foster, G.W. Some Test of Avalanche Photodiodes Produced by Advanced Photonix, Inc.
FERMILAB-TM-1940 Kroc, Thomas K. Low Intensity Configuration at NTF for Microdosimetry and Spectroscopy
FERMILAB-TM-1937 Green, Dan Magnetic fields and scintillator performance
FERMILAB-TM-1936 Jackson, G. Recycler Ring Conceptual Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-1935 Vashkevich, Vyacheslov Testing of the Scintillation Sandwich Prototype
FERMILAB-TM-1934 Isely, M. Design Notes for the Next Generation Persistent Object Manager for CAP
FERMILAB-TM-1933 Gelfand, N.M. A Prototype Lattice Design for a 2 TeV $\mu^+ - \mu^-$ Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1931 Pallaver, Carl Screw Compressor Bearing Failure at CO #4
FERMILAB-TM-1930 Bantley, J. Improvement to the D0 Luminosity Monitor Constant
FERMILAB-TM-1929 Brubaker, J. Reducing Process Noise in Superconducting Helium Liquid Level Probes
FERMILAB-TM-1928 Kuchnir, M. Coating Power RF Components with TiN
FERMILAB-TM-1927 Sondgeroth, Allan Calculated Dose Rates in Halls using CASIM
FERMILAB-TM-1926 Sondgeroth, Allan Calculated Secondary Yields for Proton Broadband Using DECAY TURTLE
FERMILAB-TM-1925 Cihangir, Selcuk Characteristics of the Lab-D Laser Test Setup
FERMILAB-TM-1924 Visser, A.T. Preliminary Design Note for a Direct Coupled 200,000 Amp Neutrino Horn Power Supply with Energy Reco
FERMILAB-TM-1923 Yang, Ming-Jen The 8-GeV Transfer Line Injection into Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1922 Yang, Ming-Jen Lattice Function Measurement with TBT BPM Data
FERMILAB-TM-1921 Hawtree, Jim Environment Monitoring Using LabVIEW
FERMILAB-TM-1920 Holmes, Stephen D. 132-nsec Bunch Spacing in the Tevatron Proton - Antiproton Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1919 Technology Transfer at DOE Dedicated Program Laboratories: A Workshop
FERMILAB-TM-1917 Kristalinski, A. Measurement of the D0 WAMUS Magnet Inductance
FERMILAB-TM-1916 Gelfand, Norman M. Coupling in the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1915 Boero, G. The E760 Jet Target: Measurements of Performance at 77K
FERMILAB-TM-1913 Nguyen, Hogan Operation and Tests of a DDC101 A/D
FERMILAB-TM-1911 Amos, Norman A. Change to the D0 Luminosity Monitor Constant
FERMILAB-TM-1910 Johnson, M. Procedure to Determine the Two Channel Timing Measurement Accuracy and Precision of a Digital Oscill
FERMILAB-TM-1909 Thompson, Joey Introduction to Colliding Beams at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1908 Barsotti, E.L., Jr. A Longitudinal Bunch Monitoring System Using LabVIEW and High‐Speed Oscilloscopes
FERMILAB-TM-1907 Proceedings of the Workshop on Future Hadron Facilities in the U.S.
FERMILAB-TM-1906 Bantly, J. Standardization of CDF and D0 Reported Luminosities
FERMILAB-TM-1905 Ma, Heng-jie The Effect of Beam Intensity on the Estimation Bias of Beam Position
FERMILAB-TM-1904 Ma, Heng-jie Report III on Switchyard Beam Position Monitor
FERMILAB-TM-1903 Ng, King-Yuen Derivation of Coupling Impedance from the Wake Potential of a Finite Bunch
FERMILAB-TM-1902 Foster, G. William Multi-Batch P-bar Production via Snap Coalescing: A Plan to Produce Approximately 5x more Antiproton
FERMILAB-TM-1901 McCrory, Elliott S. Modeling the Fermilab Collider to Determine Optimal Running
FERMILAB-TM-1900 Colby, Eric R. High Brightness Symmetric Emittance RF Photoinjector Preliminary Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-1899 Green, Dan The Effect of Azimuthal Inert Material on the CMS Hadron Calorimeter
FERMILAB-TM-1898 Malensek, A.J. CASIM Input Parameters for Various Materials
FERMILAB-TM-1897 Visnjic, Vladimir Asymmetric Antiproton Debuncher: No Bad Mixing, More Good Mixing
FERMILAB-TM-1896 Saewert, Greg Xwake 1.0 User's Manual
FERMILAB-TM-1895 Yarema, R.J. A High Speed, Wide Dynamic Range Digitizer Circuit for Photomultiplier Tubes
FERMILAB-TM-1894 Green, Dan Optimization of CMS HCAL Parameters using Hanging File Test Data
FERMILAB-TM-1893 Kristalinski, A.L. A Preliminary Power Consumption Estimate for a Toroid Spoiler Magnet Proposed for the PWest Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1892 Yarema, R. A Beginners Guide to the SVXII
FERMILAB-TM-1891 Sun, Ding Problem Analysis and New Design of TESLA Coupler
FERMILAB-TM-1890 Theilacker, Jay C. Tevatron Lower Temperature Operation
FERMILAB-TM-1889 Schoo, Daniel Description and Calibration: Beamline SEM/Ion Chamber Current Digitizer
FERMILAB-TM-1888 Visnjic, Vladimir Local Dispersion Insert: The $\gamma_T$ Knob for Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-1887 Green, Dan Particle Physics
FERMILAB-TM-1886 Brzezniak, J. Conceptual design of a 2-Tesla superconducting solenoid for the Fermilab D0 detector upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1885 Pallaver, Carl Detecting Thrust Bearing Failure within a Screw Compressor
FERMILAB-TM-1884 Bernstein, R. Sign Selected Quadrupole Train
FERMILAB-TM-1883 Green, Dan Missing Energy Induced by Thin Hadron Calorimetry
FERMILAB-TM-1882 Dinkel, John A. Magnet Coil Shorted Turn Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1881 Fischler, Mark Canopy version 7.0: Canopy manual
FERMILAB-TM-1880 Martens, M.A. Impedance and Instability Threshold Estimates in the Main Injector I
FERMILAB-TM-1879 Hahn, Alan Phenomenological Optimization of Weekly Integrated Collider Luminosity
FERMILAB-TM-1878 McCrory, Elliott S. Optimizing the Length of the Stores and Related Effects
FERMILAB-TM-1877 Peoples, John, Jr. The Future of High Energy Physics in the United States: Statement for the 1994 HEPAP Subpanel
FERMILAB-TM-1876 Peoples, John, Jr. The Future of High Energy Physics in the United States: Statement for the Science Subcommittee of th
FERMILAB-TM-1875 Pla-Dalmau, A. Summary of the Radiation Damage Studies of the SDC Dopants in Polystyrene
FERMILAB-TM-1874 Panek, J. Cryogenic Process Simulation
FERMILAB-TM-1873 Pla-Dalmau, A. Final Results from the SDC Dopant Search for New Green Wavelength Shifting (WLS) Fibers: Vol.1 and V
FERMILAB-TM-1872 Vaziri, Kamran Quality Factor Measurements at NTF
FERMILAB-TM-1871 Isakson, Kenneth An Assessment of Alternatives for Replacing Freon 113 in Bench Type Electrical Circuit Board Cleanin
FERMILAB-TM-1870 Jaskierny, W. A Magnetically Coupled Quench Detector for Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1869 Mishina, Masanori An Overview of Plastic Optical Fiber End Finishers at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1868 Barashkov, N. Design of new polymers to improve radiation stability of plastic scintillators
FERMILAB-TM-1867 Markley, F. Development of Radiation Hard Scintillators
FERMILAB-TM-1866 Senchishin, V. New Radiation Stable and Long-Lived Plastic Scintillator for the SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1865 Han, S.W. Radiation Hardness of 3HF-Tile / O2-WLS Fiber Calorimeter
FERMILAB-TM-1864 McCrory, Elliott S. PA1317(L13): A Linac BPM calibration program
FERMILAB-TM-1863 Lidinsky, William P. Proposal for Fermilab Remote Access via ISDN (Version 1.0)
FERMILAB-TM-1862 Sun, Ding Report on First TESLA Window Assembly Test
FERMILAB-TM-1861 Visser, A.T. Energy Losses in the D0 $\beta$ Solenoid Cryostat Caused by Current Changes
FERMILAB-TM-1860 Holmes, Stephen D. The Fermilab Upgrade: An Overview, January 9, 1989
FERMILAB-TM-1859 Dyer, A. BT14 Reference Guide
FERMILAB-TM-1858 Dyer, Albert Wire Bonding SVX Prime Silicon Ladders using the K$\&$S 1478 Wirebonder
FERMILAB-TM-1857 Bieniosek, F.M. A Beam Sweeping System for the Fermilab Antiproton Production Target
FERMILAB-TM-1856 MacLachlan, J. User's Guide to ESME v. 8.1
FERMILAB-TM-1855 Green, Dan The Effect of Inoperative Readout Layers on SDC Calorimetry
FERMILAB-TM-1854 Beverly, L. Comments About the use of a Zigzag Transformer to Reduce the Neutral Current Created by Unbalanced N
FERMILAB-TM-1853 Tassotto, Gianni R. Beam Profile Monitors Used in the Fermilab Fixed Target Beamlines
FERMILAB-TM-1852 Arthur, Jeffrey Linac BPM Cable Phase Matching
FERMILAB-TM-1851 Malensek, A.J. Ground Water Migration of Radionuclides at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1850 Wehmann, A.A. Data Collection for Ground Water Study
FERMILAB-TM-1849 Vaz, Mario Pulsed LASER for Testing Silicon Strip Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-1848 Green, Dan "Massless Gap" Corrections to the SDC EM Energy Resolution
FERMILAB-TM-1847 Ng, King-Yuen Impedance Issue of Corrugated Beam Pipe from CDF
FERMILAB-TM-1846 Bardeen, Marjorie Education Programs at Fermilab, Revised May 1993
FERMILAB-TM-1845 Visnjic, Vladimir Betatron Stochastic Cooling in the Debuncher: Present and Future
FERMILAB-TM-1844 MacLachlan, James A. An ESME Update: V. 8.05
FERMILAB-TM-1843 Dinkel, J. Development of a High Quality Kicker Magnet System
FERMILAB-TM-1842 Fuerst, Joel Design and Production of a Hermetic Bayonet Isolation Valve
FERMILAB-TM-1841 Gelfand, Norman M. Magnetic Measurements on the Magnets Used in the New Low $\beta$ Insertions at B0 and D0
FERMILAB-TM-1840 Green, Dan Physics Impact of the SDC Endcap Hadronic Cracks
FERMILAB-TM-1838 Peskov, V. High Counting Rate Resistive Plate Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-1837 Green, Dan Sampling Nonuniformity in the SDC Calorimeter EM/HAD Boundary
FERMILAB-TM-1836 Visser, A.T. Electrical Design Note for a 5000 ADC, 230 $\mu$H Power Supply Filter Choke
FERMILAB-TM-1835 MacLachlan, J. User's Guide to ESME v. 8.0
FERMILAB-TM-1834 Cossairt, J.Donald Radiation Physics for Personnel and Environmental Protection
FERMILAB-TM-1833 Semenchenko, Anton Research Division Flammable Gas System Calibration Procedure and Stability Studies
FERMILAB-TM-1832 Assell, D.L. Overview of a Robotic System for Azimuthal Dimensions of SSC Dipole Coils
FERMILAB-TM-1831 Kuchnir, M. Welding of Niobium to Stainless
FERMILAB-TM-1830 Visser, A.T. Magnet Power Supply Regulation Comments 240 kW and 500 kW Magnet Power Supplies
FERMILAB-TM-1829 Green, Dan SDC Preshower Depth and Weighting Factor using Hanging File Data
FERMILAB-TM-1828 Green, Dan Longitudinal Information and Radiation Damage in EM Calorimetry
FERMILAB-TM-1827 Tang, Zhi-jing Silicon Crystal Under Bending
FERMILAB-TM-1826 Green, Dan Magnetic Field Effects on Endcap EM Calorimetry in SDC
FERMILAB-TM-1825 Dye, Steven Spectrometer Beam Tube Dimensional Optimization
FERMILAB-TM-1824 Green, Dan Dead Material and Energy Measurements in Hadronic Calorimeters
FERMILAB-TM-1823 Green, Dan Magnetic Fields and SDC Endcap Scintillator Performance
FERMILAB-TM-1822 Archambeau, J. Conceptual Design of a Proton Therapy Synchrotron for Loma Linda University Medical Center
FERMILAB-TM-1821 Herrup, D.A. A Feedback Microprocessor for Hadron Colliders
FERMILAB-TM-1820 Glass, Henry D. Field Shape Measurements of Prototype Main Injector Dipole Endpacks
FERMILAB-TM-1819 Green, Dan Radiation Damage in the SDC Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter
FERMILAB-TM-1818 Jaskierny, Walter Energy Discharge Heater Power Supply: FNAL Drawing #1670-EC-307031/307032
FERMILAB-TM-1816 Kristalinski, A. Test Results of BM109 Magnet Field Stability during Ramping
FERMILAB-TM-1815 Glass, Henry D. Effective Length Measurements of Prototype Main Injector Diopole Endpacks
FERMILAB-TM-1814 Rucinski, R. ASTM Hardness and Yield Strength Testing on Stockroom Bolts
FERMILAB-TM-1813 Stanek, R. The Evolution of Cryogenic Safety at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1812 Visnjic, Vladimir Antiproton Accumulator in the Main Injector Era (2)
FERMILAB-TM-1811 Squires, Bruce PS1 Satellite Refrigerator Heat Exchanger: Failure of the LN2 Heat Exchanger to Low Pressure Helium
FERMILAB-TM-1810 Green, Dan The Effects of Cracks on Calorimeter Response in the SDC "Dogleg" Design
FERMILAB-TM-1806 Beauty and Charm at Fermilab: An Introduction to Particle Physics
FERMILAB-TM-1805 Topics in Modern Physics Teacher Resource Materials: Elementary Particles
FERMILAB-TM-1803 Particles and prairies: The Fermilab prairie savannah
FERMILAB-TM-1802 From Beneath the Ashes: The Prairie, Above, On and Beneath the Ground
FERMILAB-TM-1801 McConnell, D. Antiproton Noise Source for the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1799 Green, Dan Source Calibrations and SDC Calorimeter Requirements
FERMILAB-TM-1798 Lindsey, Clark S. A Study of the Intel ETANN VLSI Neural Network for an Electron Isolation Trigger
FERMILAB-TM-1797 Visnjic, Vladimir Antiproton Accumulator in the Main Injector Era
FERMILAB-TM-1796 Graupman, D. Multiple Time Constant Pulse Shaper
FERMILAB-TM-1795 Gelfand, Norman M. Reasons for the Removal of Tevatron Dipoles from the Tunnel: A Summary
FERMILAB-TM-1794 Nicol, Thomas H. TESLA Test Cell Cryostat Support Post: Thermal and Structural Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-1792 Saritepe, S. Tevatron Injection Timing
FERMILAB-TM-1791 Saritepe, S. Tevatron Reverse Injection
FERMILAB-TM-1790 Saritepe, S. Beam Transfer at E0: An Overview
FERMILAB-TM-1788 Johnstone, Carol Implementation of a Low Energy Proton Line from the Fermilab Linac
FERMILAB-TM-1787 Drennan, Erika A Computer Algorithm for Automatic Beam Steering
FERMILAB-TM-1786 Yamada, R. Field Calculation of D0 Toroids and Comparison with Measurement
FERMILAB-TM-1785 Malensek, Antohny J. Gradient and Harmonic Field Measurements of the 4Q120 Quadrupole
FERMILAB-TM-1784 Markley, F. Development of Radiation Hard Scintillators
FERMILAB-TM-1783 Gabella, W. RF Voltage Modulation at Discrete Frequencies with Applications to Crystal Channeling Extraction
FERMILAB-TM-1781 Colestock, P. A Generalized TRL Algorithm for S-Parameter De-Embedding
FERMILAB-TM-1780 Fischler, M. The ACPMAPS System: A Detailed Overview
FERMILAB-TM-1779 Hoff, J. AFull Custom, High Speed Floating Point Adder
FERMILAB-TM-1777 PFX: Procedures for Experimenters, Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1776 Review Procedures for Experiments: Environmental, Safety and Health
FERMILAB-TM-1775 Talks on Fermilab Experiments at the 1992 APS Meetings
FERMILAB-TM-1774 Ankenbrandt, C. Preconceptual Design of a Proton Therapy Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-1773 Abar, F. Network Load of X Terminals at CDF
FERMILAB-TM-1772 Laakso, Mikko Evaluation of FOXFET Based AC Coupled Si Strip Detector Prototypes for CDF SVX Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1771 Gelfand, Norman M. Measurements of the $\beta$ Function Near the B0 Interaction Point
FERMILAB-TM-1770 Eartly, David P. Prototype SDC Muon Alignment Position Monitoring Concepts
FERMILAB-TM-1769 Hu, L. Radiation Damage of Tile/Fiber Scintillator Modules Calorimeter
FERMILAB-TM-1768 Kuchnir, M. Pump Down Rate for SRF Cavities
FERMILAB-TM-1767 Geynisman, Michael General P-T Fit Construction for He, $N_2$, Ar, $H_2$ and Ne VPT used at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1766 Marraffino, J. "Massless Gaps" for Solenoid + Calorimeter
FERMILAB-TM-1765 Spiegel, L. A Combination Drift Chamber / Pad Chamber for Very High Readout Rates
FERMILAB-TM-1764 Drennan, Erika Ripple Filter for the 10,000A Superconducting Magnet Test Stand at the Magnet Test Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1763 Tang, Zhi-jing Shock Waves in P-bar Target
FERMILAB-TM-1761 Krider, J. T839 Fiber Tracking Transporter at New Muon Lab
FERMILAB-TM-1760 Church, M. Energy and Energy Width Measurement in the FNAL Antiproton Accumulator
FERMILAB-TM-1759 Sellberg, G. The Design, Fabrication, Operation and Maintenance of D0 Prototype 1/2-H.P. 170 S.C.F.H. Gas Recircu
FERMILAB-TM-1758 Gelfand, Norman M. A Compilation of the Data on the Low $\beta$ Spools
FERMILAB-TM-1757 Bossert, R.C. End Designs for Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1756 Banas, Mike Software for Computer Aided TILes DEsigning
FERMILAB-TM-1755 Dugan, G. Estimates of Fermilab Tevatron collider performance
FERMILAB-TM-1754 Zimmerman, Tom Performance of a New Monolithic Eight Channel Charge Sensitive Preamplifier Shaper
FERMILAB-TM-1753 Anderson, D.F. Technical Memo on New Results on CsI Photocathodes: Enhancement and Aging
FERMILAB-TM-1752 Wang, O.H. Mechanical Design and Analysis of the Horn, a Magnetic Lens, for the Main Injector Neutrino Program
FERMILAB-TM-1748 Zimmerman, Tom An Approximate HSPICE Model for Orbit Low Noise Analog Bipolar NPN Transistors
FERMILAB-TM-1747 Bowden, M. SSD Module Specifications and As-Built Hardware Descriptions
FERMILAB-TM-1746 Hansen, S. Fermilab Physics Department TVC Chip
FERMILAB-TM-1745 Nicol, Thomas H. SSC 50 mm Collider Dipole Cryostat Single Tube Support Post Conceptual Design and Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-1744 Markley, F. Building a Productive Year Round Teacher, Researcher, Student Interaction
FERMILAB-TM-1743 Bhat, C.M. Some Design Considerations for Pbar Target Sweeping Station
FERMILAB-TM-1742 Michelotti, Leo P. A Note on the Automated Differentiation of Implicit Functions
FERMILAB-TM-1741 Boroski, W. Controlled Temperature Heat Exchanger for Cryogenic Transfer Lines
FERMILAB-TM-1740 Green, Dan Dijet Mass Resolution and Compensating Calorimetry
FERMILAB-TM-1739 Strait, J. Mechanical Design and Analysis of the 2-D Cross-Section of the SSC Collider Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1738 Michelotti, Leo P. Beam-Beam Interaction Effects
FERMILAB-TM-1737 Lipski, A. Alternate Design Concept for the SSC Dipole Magnet Cryogenic Support Post
FERMILAB-TM-1736 Green, Dan Effect of Inert Material on $ZZ$ Mass Resolution for $H \to ZZ \to eeee$
FERMILAB-TM-1735 Brandt, J. Coil End Design for the SSC Collider Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1734 Griffin, James E. Synchrotron Phase Transition Crossing Using an RF Harmonic
FERMILAB-TM-1733 Coleman, R. Radiation Shielding Tests in the Meson Beamline in the Master Substation Area
FERMILAB-TM-1732 Pogorelko, Oleg The Behavior of the Tevatron at Energies Greater than 1000 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-1731 Bossert, R.C. Initial Results from 50 mm Short SSC Dipoles at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1730 Azhgirei, I.L. Antiproton Production for Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1729 Markley, F. Investigation of the Elastic Modulus of SSC Coils
FERMILAB-TM-1728 Markley, F. Stress Relaxation in SSC Collared Coils and Their Component Materials
FERMILAB-TM-1727 Heger, T. Design and Analysis of the 50 mm Collider Dipole Vacuum Vessel
FERMILAB-TM-1726 Nehrlich, E. The Effect of Particulate Debris on the Insulation Integrity of SSC Coils During Molding and Collari
FERMILAB-TM-1725 Boroski, W.N. Design of the Multilayer Insulation System for the Superconducting Super Collider 50 mm Dipole Cryos
FERMILAB-TM-1724 Davidson, M. Investigation of factors affecting the calibration of strain gauge based transducers ('Goodzeit gage
FERMILAB-TM-1723 Nicol, Thomas H. Design Development for the 50 mm Superconducting Super Collider Dipole Cryostat
FERMILAB-TM-1722 Bardeen, Marjorie G. Education Programs at the DOE National Laboratories: Benefits to Teachers and Students
FERMILAB-TM-1721 Pallaver, Carl Detecting Thrust Bearing Failures on Screw Compressors
FERMILAB-TM-1720 Para, A. Jet Energy Resolution of the SDC Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1719 Garbincius, Peter H. Procedures for Application of Don Cossairt's CASIM Calculations in TM-1140 to Bulk Shielding
FERMILAB-TM-1718 Jaskierny, W. Transrex 500 kW Power Supply Transductor Upgrades
FERMILAB-TM-1717 Oleksiuk, L. The Fermilab Upgrade Linac: Dynamics Design Process
FERMILAB-TM-1716 MacLachlan, James A. An ESME update (version 7.2)
FERMILAB-TM-1715 Holmes, Stephen D. Proceedings, Workshop on Physics at the Main Injector: Held at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-1714 Dugan, Gerald Shielding Scaling Calculations
FERMILAB-TM-1713 Owens, Thomas L. Phase and Amplitude Tuning Procedures for the Fermilab Linac
FERMILAB-TM-1712 Kuchnir, M. Longitudinal Periodicity in Superconducting Dipole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1711 Diehl, H.T. Beam Dump Designs and Muon Rates in Main Injector Kaon Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-1710 Popovic, M. Modeling a Ferrite Tuned RF Cavity
FERMILAB-TM-1709 Bharadwaj, V. A Longitudinal Emittance Measurement Program for the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1708 Sellberg, Greg Multiple Gas Analyzer Sample Test Points
FERMILAB-TM-1707 Brown, Bruce C. Table of Tables: A Database Design Tool for SYBASE
FERMILAB-TM-1706 Bodnarczuk, Mark The Social Structure of "Experimental" Strings at Fermilab: A Physics and Detector Driven Model
FERMILAB-TM-1705 Tomlin, R. The Winds of Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1704 Inagaki, Shigemi Deflecting Modes of the Side Coupled Cavity Structure
FERMILAB-TM-1703 Cook, J.M. Strain Energy Minimization in SSC Magnet Winding
FERMILAB-TM-1702 Krull, Rich 8mm Video Tape Test
FERMILAB-TM-1701 Bardeen, Marjorie G. Education Programs at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1700 Green, Dan Effects of Radiation Damage on Z Mass Resolution in the Process $H \to Z Z \to eeee$
FERMILAB-TM-1699 Zimmerman, Tom A Simplified, Improved Method for Making Amplifier Equivalent Noise Charge Measurements Using a New
FERMILAB-TM-1698 Crisp, James L. Temperature Control Feedback Loops for the Linac Upgrade Side Coupled Cavities at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1697 Stanfield, Kenneth C. Fermilab Physics Program for the 1990s
FERMILAB-TM-1696 Peggs, Stephen Proceedings, Fermilab III Instabilities Workshop, held at Fermilab June 25-29, 1990
FERMILAB-TM-1694 Kourbanis, Ioanis Main Ring Transition Crossing Simulations
FERMILAB-TM-1693 Kourbanis, Ioanis Experimental Study of the Main Ring Transition Crossing
FERMILAB-TM-1692 Visser, A.T. Design Note of a 10,000A, 1,000Vdc Solid State Dump Switch for the Magnet Test Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1691 Church, Mike Radiation Studies in the Antiproton Source
FERMILAB-TM-1690 Visser, A.T. Description of a Small Commutation Spike Filter for D.C. Magnet Power Supplies
FERMILAB-TM-1689 Lamm, M.J. Measurement of Time Dependent Fields in High Gradient Superconducting Quadrupoles for the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1688 Kuchnir, M. Superconducting Current Transducer
FERMILAB-TM-1687 Gourlay, S.A. Degradation Studies of Fermilab Low Beta Quadrupole Cable
FERMILAB-TM-1686 Brown, B.C. Accelerator Magnet Designs Using Superconducting Magnetic Shields
FERMILAB-TM-1684 Nicol, Thomas H. Cryostat Design for the Superconducting Super Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1683 Nicol, Thomas H. Cryostat Design for the Superconducting Super Collider 50mm Aperture Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1682 Lebrun, P. A Bottom Collider Vertex Detector Design, Monte Carlo Simulation and Analysis Package
FERMILAB-TM-1680 Lundin, Mark C. Study of Drift Tube Resolution Using Numerical Simulations
FERMILAB-TM-1679 Lichelotti, Leo CANVAS: C++ Objects for Easy Graphics on an Evans & Sutherland PS390 Terminal: User's Guide
FERMILAB-TM-1678 Fuerst, J.D. Operation of a Two-Phase Return Dewar in a Satellite Refrigerator
FERMILAB-TM-1677 Fuerst, J.D. Trial Operation of Cold Compressors in Fermilab Satellite Refrigerators
FERMILAB-TM-1676 Fuerst, J.D. An Investigation of Thermally Driven Acoustical Oscillations in Helium Systems
FERMILAB-TM-1675 Visnjic, Vladimir V. Calculation of Tune vs Amplitudes for the New Low Beta Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-TM-1674 Bossert, Rodger C. Mechanical Support of Superconducting Coils
FERMILAB-TM-1673 Cotta Ramusino, Angelo On the Electronics for Experiment E687's Trigger on Hadron Momenta
FERMILAB-TM-1672 McInturff, A.D. Ternary Superconductor "NbTiTa" for High Field Superfluid Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1671 Lipski, A. SSC Dipole Magnet Measurement and Alignment using Laser Technology
FERMILAB-TM-1670 Ng, King-Yuen Some Estimation Concerning Crossing Transition of the Main Injector
FERMILAB-TM-1669 Strait, J. Experimental Evaluation of Vertically Versus Horizontally Split Yokes for SSC Dipole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1668 Garret, P. Fermilab Library Directions
FERMILAB-TM-1667 Garrett, P. Fermilab Library Projects
FERMILAB-TM-1666 Napier, Austin A Fast Online Event Display for a High Intensity Fixed‐Target Spectrometer
FERMILAB-TM-1665 Austin, Sharon Vacuum Deposition System
FERMILAB-TM-1664 Western, Jeffrey L. Guidelines for Structural Bolting in Accordance with the AISC Ninth Edition "Manual of Steel Constru
FERMILAB-TM-1663 Cook, J.M. An Application of Differential Geometry to SSC Magnet End Winding
FERMILAB-TM-1662 Western, Jeffrey L. Guidelines for Structural Bolting in Accordance with the AISC Eighth Edition "Manual of Steel Constr
FERMILAB-TM-1661 Wang, X.Q. Motion Control of the Accumulator Flying Wires
FERMILAB-TM-1660 Markley, F.W. Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Superconducting Coils
FERMILAB-TM-1659 Carson, J.A. A Device for Precision Dimensional Measurement of Superconducting Cable
FERMILAB-TM-1658 Carson, J.A. A Technique for Epoxy Free Winding and Assembly of COS $\theta$ Coils for Accelerator Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1657 Drennan, Erika Ampacity Test of 28 AWG Ribbon Cables
FERMILAB-TM-1656 Mills, Frederick E. Technical Assessment of the Loma Linda University Proton Therapy Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-1655 Webber, Robert C. Longitudinal Emittance: An Introduction to the Concept and Survey of Measurement Techniques Includin
FERMILAB-TM-1654 Boroski, W.N. Self-Propelled In-Tube Shuttle and Control System for Automated Measurements of Magnetic Field Align
FERMILAB-TM-1653 Nicol, T.H. Conceptual Design for the SSC High Energy Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1651 Jostlein, Hans Mechanical Support for Straw Tubes
FERMILAB-TM-1650 Stahl, S. User's Guide to ESME v.7.1
FERMILAB-TM-1649 Seino, K. New Main Ring Control System
FERMILAB-TM-1648 Graupman, Dan 16 Channel ECL Repeater
FERMILAB-TM-1647 Hsueh, S.Y. Repetitive Stern-Gerlach Effect
FERMILAB-TM-1646 Finley, David Intrabeam Scattering in the Tevatron Collider Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1645 Tomlin, Ray A Nonlinear Oscillator
FERMILAB-TM-1644 Tomlin, Ray An Inexpensive Tunnel Antenna System for Remote Control of Robots
FERMILAB-TM-1641 Harfoush, Fady The Design of a Large Aperture High Field Dipole
FERMILAB-TM-1638 Johnson, R.P. A New Tevatron Collider Working Point near the Integer
FERMILAB-TM-1631 Jostlein, Hans Vacuum Technology Issues for the SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1630 Spiegel, Leonard Upgrade of the Proton West Secondary Beamline
FERMILAB-TM-1627 Lindenmeyer, Carl Proposed Method of Assembly for the BCD Silicon Strip Vertex Detector Modules
FERMILAB-TM-1626 Fast, R.W. SSC Supplementary Conceptual Design Report: Cryogenics for Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-1625 Bogacz, S.A. Loma Linda: Coherent Instability Survey
FERMILAB-TM-1624 Nicol, Thomas H. Superconducting Dipole Magnet Requirements for the Fermilab Phase III Upgrade, SSC High Energy Boost
FERMILAB-TM-1623 Nicol, T.H. Structural Performance of the First SSC Design B Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1622 Lennox, Arlene J. Proton LINAC for Hospital Based Fast Neutron Therapy and Radioisotope Production
FERMILAB-TM-1621 Lamm, M.J. Tests of High Gradient Superconducting Quadrupole Magnets for the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1620 Fast, R.W. Conceptual Design Report for a Superconducting Coil Suitable for Use in the Large Solenoid Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1619 Gonczy, J.D. A Blanket Design, Apparatus, and Fabrication Techniques for the Mass Production of Multilayer Insula
FERMILAB-TM-1618 Gonczy, J.D. Thermal Performance Measurements of a 100 Percent Polyester MLI System for the Superconducting Super
FERMILAB-TM-1617 Boroski, W.N. Thermal Performance Measurements of a 100-Percent Polyester MLI System for the Superconducting Super
FERMILAB-TM-1616 Mulderink, Hal Mechanical and Thermal Behavior of a Prototype Support Structure for a Large Silicon Vertex Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1615 Lee, G. Materials for Ultra High Vacuum
FERMILAB-TM-1613 Kuchnir, M. Thermal Conduction of SSC WIRE
FERMILAB-TM-1612 Wang, X.Q. An Algorithm to Calculate the Beam Momentum Distribution from Flying Wire Profiles
FERMILAB-TM-1611 Visser, A.T. Design Note of a 10,000 AMP 2 MJoules Dump Resistor for the Magnet Test Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1610 Yarema, R.J. Radiation Measurements Inside the CDF Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1608 Ieiri, Takao Improved Bunch Spreader Modules
FERMILAB-TM-1607 Finley, D.A. Calculation of Integrated Luminosity for Beams Stored in the Tevatron Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1606 Zimmerman, Tom A New Semicustom Integrated Bipolar Amplifier for Silicon Strip Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-1605 Visser, A.T. A Novel Flattop Current Regulated Energy Discharge Type Pulsed Power Supply and Magnet Yielding 4.4
FERMILAB-TM-1604 Yarema, R.J. Performance of the CAMEX 64 Silicon Strip Readout Chip
FERMILAB-TM-1603 Michelotti, Leo P. Exploratory Orbit Analysis of Tevatron Helical Upgrade: One: A First Look
FERMILAB-TM-1602 Anderson, D.F. Technical Memo on $PbF_2$ as a Cherenkov Radiator for EM Calorimetry
FERMILAB-TM-1601 Kerby, Jim Underestimation of Oxygen Deficiency Hazard Through Use of Linearized Temperature Profiles
FERMILAB-TM-1600 Ieiri, T. A Main Ring Bunch Length Monitor by Detecting Two Frequency Components of the Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1599 Childress, S. Fermilab Fixed Target Beams from the Main Injector
FERMILAB-TM-1598 Teng, Lee C. High Intensity Hadron Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-1597 Nicol, Thomas H. Piping Instability Resulting from Bellows Misalignment
FERMILAB-TM-1596 Nicholls, J. The Fermilab Central Computing Facility Architectural Model
FERMILAB-TM-1595 Engler, N.H. SSC Superconducting Dipole Magnet Cryostat Model Style B Construction Experience
FERMILAB-TM-1594 Yurista, P.M. Neutron Spectral Measurements in the D0 Collision Hall
FERMILAB-TM-1593 Pathiyil, Joseph Experimental Area Power Monitoring During Shutdown
FERMILAB-TM-1592 Crittenden, R. Modifications and Tests of MWPC Mu0
FERMILAB-TM-1591 Jenkins, Charles M. Results from the E-705 Electromagnetic Shower Position Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1590 Rosenzweig, J.B. Linear Analysis of the Momentum Cooling Fokker-Planck Equation
FERMILAB-TM-1589 Trbojevic, D. Raising the Acceptance of the AP2 Line
FERMILAB-TM-1588 Bross, A. Scintillating Fiber Ribbon Tungsten Calorimeter
FERMILAB-TM-1587 Bross, Alan D. Development of Intrinsic IPT Scintillator
FERMILAB-TM-1586 Crisp, James L. Numerically Controlled Oscillator for the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1585 Bhat, C.M. Calculation of Beam Sweeping Effect for the Fermilab anti-Proton Source
FERMILAB-TM-1584 Harfoush, F. Design Considerations for a Large Aperture High Field Superconducting Dipole
FERMILAB-TM-1583 Gonczy, J.D. Multilayer Insulation (MLI) in the Superconducting Super Collider: A Practical Engineering Approach
FERMILAB-TM-1582 Bossert, R.C. SSC Magnet Mechanical Interconnections
FERMILAB-TM-1581 Niemann, R.C. Model SSC Dipole Magnet Cryostat Assembly at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1580 Larson, E.T. Status for Suspension Connection for SSC Coil Assembly
FERMILAB-TM-1579 Nicol, T.H. Design and Analysis of the SSC Dipole Magnet Suspension System
FERMILAB-TM-1578 Moore, Craig D. The Vertical Alignment of the D0 Overpass in the Fermilab Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1577 Moore, Craig D. Single Bunch Intensity Monitoring System Using an Improved Wall Current Monitor
FERMILAB-TM-1576 Dugan, Gerald F. Tevatron Status
FERMILAB-TM-1575 Strait, J. Full Length SSC R&D Dipole Magnet Test Results
FERMILAB-TM-1574 Stefanski, R. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Test Beam Policy
FERMILAB-TM-1573 Spiegel, L. Performance of a Lead Radiator, Gas Tube Calorimeter
FERMILAB-TM-1572 Jackson, Gerald P. Main Ring Bunch Spreaders: Past, 1987/1988 Fixed Target Run, and Proposed Future
FERMILAB-TM-1571 Chao, Y. Understanding and Improving the Fermilab Booster High Field Orbit
FERMILAB-TM-1568 Baller, B.R. DRCELL: A Software Package for Drift Chamber Cell Design
FERMILAB-TM-1567 Schoo, Daniel The New Experimental Areas Oxygen Monitor
FERMILAB-TM-1566 Trbojevic, Dejan Argon and Argon - Oxygen Glow Discharge Cleaning of the Main Ring Beam Pipe
FERMILAB-TM-1565 Trbojevic, Dejan Measurements of the Gas Pressure and the Residual Gas Composition in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1564 Crawford, Curtis The A0 Abort System for the Tevatron Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1563 Strait, J. Fermilab R&D Test Facility for SSC Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1562 Peterson, T.J. A Cryogenic Test Stand for Full Length SSC Magnets with Superfluid Capability
FERMILAB-TM-1561 Pallaver, Carl The Design, Fabrication, Operation and Maintenance of (41) 400 HP - 600 SCFM Helium Screw Compressor
FERMILAB-TM-1560 Brown, Bruce C. Design Principles for Prototype and Production Magnetic Measurements of Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1559 Teng, L.C. Accelerating Polarized Beams in Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1558 Oshima, N. Response of the D0 Muon Chamber to Changes in Voltage, Incident Angle, Gas Composition and Oxygen Co
FERMILAB-TM-1556 Teng, Lee C. Coupled Transverse Motion
FERMILAB-TM-1555 Lach, Joseph A Measurement of Muon Fluences Associated with the Fermilab Proton Center Charged Hyperon Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1554 Johnson, David E. Linear Beam-Beam TUNE Shift Calculations for the Tevatron Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1553 LaVallie, E. T Type Collimator
FERMILAB-TM-1552 Kasper, P. Wide Band to "Double Band" Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1551 Russ, J.S. Studies of the LBL CMOS Integrated Amplifier/Discriminator for Randomly Timed Inputs from Fixed Targ
FERMILAB-TM-1550 Mane, S.R. Beam-Beam Tuneshift During the Tevatron Squeeze
FERMILAB-TM-1549 Riches, William M. Report on Full Scale Horizontal Cable Tray Fire Tests: FY 1988
FERMILAB-TM-1548 Van Ginneken, A. Energy Deposition in Tevatron Magnets from Beam Losses in Interaction Regions
FERMILAB-TM-1547 Koizumi, Gordon NK Muon Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1546 Carey, David C. Third Order TRANSPORT with MAD Input
FERMILAB-TM-1545 Strait, J. Tests of Full Scale SSC R&D  Dipole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1544 Kuchnir, M. Flux Creep in a Tevatron Cable
FERMILAB-TM-1543 Herrup, D.A. Time Variations of Fields in Superconducting Magnets and Their Effects on Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-1542 Hanft, R.W. Studies of Time Dependence of Fields in Tevatron Superconducting Dipole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1541 Machida, Shinji Design Study of a Medical Proton LINAC for Neutron Therapy
FERMILAB-TM-1540 Alleva, Dean FSMI - VME to Lecroy 1821 Interface Routines: Preliminary Version
FERMILAB-TM-1539 Alleva, Dean VII: VME/IORFI-II Interface Routines
FERMILAB-TM-1538 Stefanski, Raymond J. Fixed Target Issues for the Tevatron Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1537 Yamada, R. Proposed Design of Samus Toroid and Its Magnetic Field Calculation
FERMILAB-TM-1536 Lederman, Leon M. The Fermilab Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1535 Jackson, Gerald P. Explanation of Persistent High Frequency Density Structure in Coalesced Bunches
FERMILAB-TM-1534 Stutte, Linda G. Comparison of Muon Flux Measurements to Halo Monte Carlo Predictions
FERMILAB-TM-1533 Mantsch, Paul M. Prospects for 6 to 10 TESLA Magnets for a Tevatron Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1532 Merminga, Nikolitsa On the Calibration of Tevatron Beam Position and Intensity Monitors Used in E778
FERMILAB-TM-1531 Fast, R.W. Conceptual Design of a Superconducting Solenoid for a Magnetic SSC Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1530 Krstulovich, S.F. Technical Manual for Calculating Cooling Pond Performance
FERMILAB-TM-1529 Azhgirei, I.L. Antiproton Production and Energy Density Limitations in Targets for the Fermilab Pbar Source
FERMILAB-TM-1528 Crisp, James L. Study of Two-Dimensional Transient Cavity Fields Using the Finite Difference Time Domain Technique
FERMILAB-TM-1527 Bharadwaj, V. The Use of the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator in Medium Energy Physics Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-1526 Kobliska, Gregory R. An Eye for Accuracy: Coordinate Measuring in an R&D Environment
FERMILAB-TM-1525 Johnson, Rolland P. A New Collider Upgrade Proposal: Increasing the Pbar p Collider Energy
FERMILAB-TM-1523 Green, D. Fast Nonexplosive Gases for Drift Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-1522 MacLachlan, James A. Application of the Argonne Advanced Acceleration Test Facility to Development for Conventional Accel
FERMILAB-TM-1521 Ng, King-Yuen Toroidal Resonant Impedances in RHIC
FERMILAB-TM-1520 Teng, L.C. Studies of One Campus and Two Level Configurations for SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1519 Griffin, James E. RF Cavity Primer for Cyclic Proton Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-1518 Elwyn, A.J. Muon Fluence Measurements During the 1987 - 1988 Fixed Target Run
FERMILAB-TM-1517 Jacques, Al Thermophysical Properties of Argon
FERMILAB-TM-1516 Teng, L.C. A 3 TeV on 3 TeV Proton-Proton Dedicated Collider for Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1515 Mane, S.R. Exact Solution of the Derbenev-Kondratenko $\hat{n}$ Axis for a Model with One Resonance
FERMILAB-TM-1514 Kilmer, James Argon Spill Test for E706
FERMILAB-TM-1513 Larry, LeRoy D., Jr. Two-Dimensional Studies of the Disk and Washer and Side Coupled Resonant Cavity Structures
FERMILAB-TM-1512 Freeman, W.S. The Response of a Fermilab Designed Ion Chamber in Pulsed Photon Fields
FERMILAB-TM-1511 McAdams, J. Investigation of Leaks in Fiberglass Reinforced Pressure Vessels by Direct Observation of Hollow Fib
FERMILAB-TM-1510 Mane, S.R. Space Charge Effects in the Main Ring at 8 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-1509 Visser, A.T. Ramping of Solid Iron Analysis Magnets in Experimental Areas: BM109 Preliminary Results
FERMILAB-TM-1508 Leininger, Mark B. Finite State Tables for General Computer Programming Applications
FERMILAB-TM-1507 Visser, A. Design Note of an Air Cooled 2 ft. x 2 ft. x 10.5 ft. Long Muon Spoiler
FERMILAB-TM-1506 Brown, B.C. Gregor Mendel, Genetics and the SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1505 Krstulovich, S.F. Fermilab D0 Experimental Facility Energy Conservation Report and Mechanical Systems Design Optimizat
FERMILAB-TM-1504 MacLachlan, James A. Debunching Into a Bucket of Lower Harmonic Number
FERMILAB-TM-1503 MacLachlan, James A. Evolution of the 400 MeV LINAC Design
FERMILAB-TM-1502 Trbojevic, D. Design of the D0 Overpass Dispersion Correction
FERMILAB-TM-1501 Cossairt, J.Donald Estimates of the Radioactivity Produced in the Proposed SSC Beam Absorbers
FERMILAB-TM-1500 Cossairt, J.Donald Radioactivation in 'Quiet' Sections of the SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1499 Cossairt, J.Donald Analysis of Exposure Due to Work on Activated Components
FERMILAB-TM-1498 Cossairt, J.Donald Radioactivation Considerations for the Heb Test Beams and Beam Absorbers
FERMILAB-TM-1497 Cossairt, J.Donald Residual Radioactivity Measurements Along the PB Target Pile
FERMILAB-TM-1496 Satti, John A. Injection Septum Magnets for the Loma Linda Medical Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-1495 Garoby, R. Simulation of Bunches Coalescing in the Main Ring, in the Presence of a High Frequency, Wide Band Re
FERMILAB-TM-1494-REV McInturff, A.D. The Magnetic Properties of the SLC Intersection Region Superconducting Quadrupole Triplets
FERMILAB-TM-1493 Kuchnir, M. Measurements of Magnetic Field Alignment
FERMILAB-TM-1492 Alleva, Dean SVI: Super-VIOR Interface Routines
FERMILAB-TM-1491 Holmes, Stephen D. Report of the New Rings Study Group
FERMILAB-TM-1490 Gelfand, Norman M. Tracking Results Using a Standard Cell Lattice
FERMILAB-TM-1489 Lucas, P. Updated Overview of the Tevatron Control System
FERMILAB-TM-1488 Seino, K. Fermilab Accelerator Control System Analog Monitoring Facilities
FERMILAB-TM-1487 Beck, Eugen Reflectometer for Reflectance Measurement of Cherenkov Counter Mirrors
FERMILAB-TM-1486 Austin, Sharon Vacuum Deposition Evaporator
FERMILAB-TM-1485 Peterson, T.J. Tests of Cold Helium Compressors at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1484 Verluyten, Ludo Online Monitoring of Laser Pulses Using the GPIB Interface of a Tektronix 2430 Digital Storage Oscil
FERMILAB-TM-1483 Theilacker, Jay C. Cryogenic Testing at the SSC String Test Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1482 Theilacker, Jay C. An Investigation Into Flow Regimes for Two Phase Helium Flow
FERMILAB-TM-1481 Loebel, Lauri Software Support: Preempting the Quick Question
FERMILAB-TM-1480 Beechy, D. A Programmable Finite State Module for Use with the Fermilab Tevatron Clock
FERMILAB-TM-1479 Strait, J. Tests of Prototype SSC Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1478 Alleva, Dean VFI: VME/FASTBUS Interface Routines
FERMILAB-TM-1477 Alleva, Dean VTI: VME/CIPRICO Interface Routines
FERMILAB-TM-1476 McGuire, K. Cryogenic Instrumentation of an SSC Magnet Test Stand
FERMILAB-TM-1475 Teng, L. Primer on Beam Dynamics in Synchrotrons
FERMILAB-TM-1474 Wands, Robert Finite Element Stress Analysis of D0 Test Beam Transporter Mainframe Assembly
FERMILAB-TM-1473 Merz, W. Transition Jump System for the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1472 Stahl, S. Simulation of the Capture Process in the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1471 Ankenbrandt, C. Limits on the Transverse Phase Space Density in the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1470 Nicol, Thomas H. SSC Dipole Vacuum Vessel Support Placement Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-1469 Mtingwa, Sekazi K. Fast 4-8 GHz Debuncher Betatron Stochastic Cooling for the Tevatron Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1468 Crittenden, R. Resistor Cooling in a Vacuum
FERMILAB-TM-1467 Teng, L.C. Upgrading the Tevatron to a 1 TeV on 1 TeV pp Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1465 Kuchnir, M. Flux Jumps in a Pinch
FERMILAB-TM-1464 Kuchnir, M. Simple Instrumentation for Testing of Ceramic Superconductors
FERMILAB-TM-1463 Heinicke, P. A Multiple Node Software Development Environment
FERMILAB-TM-1462 Cossairt, J.Donald Unorthodox Method of Calculating the Activation of Groundwater by Routine SSC Operations
FERMILAB-TM-1461 Cossairt, J.Donald Checking the Numbers for the Labyrinths Shown in the SSC Conceptual Design
FERMILAB-TM-1460 Cossairt, J.Donald Review of the Abort Dump Shown in the SSC Conceptual Design Report
FERMILAB-TM-1459 Cossairt, J.Donald Skyshine from the SSC Interaction Regions
FERMILAB-TM-1458 Dorries, T. List Processing Software for the Lecroy 1821 Segment Manager Interface
FERMILAB-TM-1457 Dorries, T. VMS Software for the Jorway-411 Interface
FERMILAB-TM-1456 Syphers, Michael James An Improved 8 GeV Beam Transport System for the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-1455 Krider, J. Single Wire Drift Chamber Design
FERMILAB-TM-1454 Childress, S. 1987 DOE Review: First Collider Run Operation
FERMILAB-TM-1453 Seino, K.C. The MADC (Multiplexed ADC): How to Make Connections to It?
FERMILAB-TM-1452 Lederman, L.M. A One Campus SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1451 Strait, James Tests of Prototype SSC Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1450 Strait, James Full Length Prototype SSC Dipole Test Results
FERMILAB-TM-1449 Johnson, Rolland P. Initial Operation of the Tevatron Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1448 Noble, Robert J. Acceleration gradient for the 400-MeV linac upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1447 Kerns, C. New Low Level RF System for the Fermilab Booster Synchrotron
FERMILAB-TM-1446 Ducar, R.J. FNAL Booster Intensity, Extraction, and Synchronization Control for Collider Operation
FERMILAB-TM-1445 Lucas, P. Simulation of a Programmed Frequency Shift Near Extraction from the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1444 Lucas, P. Simulation of Space Charge Effects and Transition Crossing in the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1443 Syphers, M.J. The New FNAL Booster to Main Ring Beam Transport System
FERMILAB-TM-1442 Cornacchia, M. Observations and Computations of Higher Energy Collective Effects in the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1441 Wildman, D. Bunch Coalescing in the Fermilab Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1440 Martin, P. Antiproton Acceleration in the Fermilab Main Ring and Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1439 Martin, P.S. Operational Experience with Superconducting Synchrotron Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1438 Johnstad, H. Producing and Supporting Sharable Software
FERMILAB-TM-1437 Nicol, Thomas H. Deflection Analysis for an SSC Dipole with Two External Supports
FERMILAB-TM-1436 Krstulovich, S.F. Fermilab Central Computing Facility: Energy Conservation Report and Mechanical Systems Design Optimi
FERMILAB-TM-1435 Visser, A. Electrical and Mechanical Design Report of the Muon Toroids for the Beamline to the Muon Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-1434 Fukui, Y. Sources for Proportional Tube Gain Variation: What to Do About It
FERMILAB-TM-1433 Haggerty, Herman Image Digitizer System for Bubble Chamber Laser
FERMILAB-TM-1432 Visser, A.T. Meson West Beamline Spoiler Magnets: Electrical Design and Test Report
FERMILAB-TM-1431 Cossairt, J.Donald Muon Calculations for the Polarized Proton Beamline
FERMILAB-TM-1429 Barsotti, E.J. Report of the Census Task Force on Beamline Control System Requirements
FERMILAB-TM-1428 Todd, Thomas J. Surface Contouring with a Range Finder
FERMILAB-TM-1427 Pordes, Ruth Review of the Status of the FASTBUS Standard Routine Specification
FERMILAB-TM-1424 McInturff, A.D. The 5cm Aperture Dipole Studies
FERMILAB-TM-1423 Ojeda, Y. A Method to Rapidly Tune the Halo Spoilers of the Tevatron Muon Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1422 Malensek, Anthony Update on the Tevatron Muon Shield
FERMILAB-TM-1421 Ng, K.Y. Microwave Instability Limits When Driven by Narrow Resonances
FERMILAB-TM-1420 Kuchnir, M. NMR Measurements in SSC Dipole D00001
FERMILAB-TM-1419 Edwards, Helen The Fermilab Tevatron and Pbar Source Status Report
FERMILAB-TM-1418 Collins, T. Crossing Simple Resonances
FERMILAB-TM-1417 Ng, K.Y. Impedances of Corrugated Beam Pipe in the SSC Intersection Regions
FERMILAB-TM-1416 Ng, K.Y. Comments on the Impedances of the SSC Shielded Bellows at Low Frequencies Due to the Truncation of t
FERMILAB-TM-1415 Childress, S. An 'Econodump' Design$^1$ for the Fermilab Direct Neutral Lepton Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1414 Prabhakar, Ernest N. The Ziptrack Integrator
FERMILAB-TM-1413 Ohnuma, S. Main Ring Lattice, July 1986
FERMILAB-TM-1412 Trbojevic, D. Magnetic Measurements of the Correction and Adjustment Magnets of the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1411 Fisk, H.E. Passive Correction of Persistent Current Multipoles in Superconducting Accelerator Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-1410 Niemann, R.C. Superconducting Super Collider Magnet Cryostat
FERMILAB-TM-1409 Ohmori, T. Subcooled Liquid Helium Flow Supply for Design D Magnet Cooling at MDTF
FERMILAB-TM-1408 Shafer, R.E. Coupling Impedance of Laminated Magnets in the Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1407 Collins, T. Resonance Scraping
FERMILAB-TM-1406 Collins, T. Offset Coil Designs for Superconducting Magnets, A Logical Development
FERMILAB-TM-1405 Collins, T. Resonances and Resonance Widths
FERMILAB-TM-1404 Niemann, R.C. SSC Dipole Long Magnet Model Cryostat Design and Initial Production Experience
FERMILAB-TM-1403 Brown, B.C. Fundamentals of Magnetic Measurements with Illustrations from Fermilab Experience
FERMILAB-TM-1402 Gluckstern, R.L. Scalar Potential for Charge Distributions with Ellipsoidal Symmetry
FERMILAB-TM-1401 Treadwell, E.A. Tuning Algorithm for Tevatron Injection
FERMILAB-TM-1400 Johnstad, H. A View of Software for HEP Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-1399 Green, Dan A Silicon Detector Readout System Using Commercially Available Items
FERMILAB-TM-1398 Martin, P.S. Design and Operation of the Quench Protection System for the Fermilab Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1397 Calvo, O. Magnet Current Regulation in the SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1396 Leedom, Ian D. Hadroproduction of Heavy Flavors
FERMILAB-TM-1395 Turkot, Frank Studies of Beam Induced Radiation for Experiment 735 at the Co Intersection Region and Its Effect on
FERMILAB-TM-1394 Elwyn, A.J. Muon Fluence Measurements at the Site Boundary for 1985
FERMILAB-TM-1393 Gelfand, N.M. Amplitude Dependence of the Tune Shift
FERMILAB-TM-1392 Anderson, D. Technical Memo on the Purification of TMAE
FERMILAB-TM-1391 Stutte, L. The NCI Dichromatic Beam Tests
FERMILAB-TM-1390 Zimmerman, T. A New Preamplfier for Drift Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-1389 Ng, King-Yuen Measurement of the Main Ring Longitudinal Impedance by Debunching
FERMILAB-TM-1388 Ng, King-Yuen An Estimate of the Longitudinal and Transverse Impedances of the Main Ring in the TeV I Project
FERMILAB-TM-1387 Mazur, P.O. 5-CM, No Iron SSC 6-m Dipole Test Program
FERMILAB-TM-1386 Haggerty, H. Tests of a Single Wire Drift Chamber for Possible Use in Low Intensity Beams
FERMILAB-TM-1385 Ng, King-Yuen Single Bunch Instabilities of the RHIC Booster
FERMILAB-TM-1384 Graupman, Dan Amplifier Discriminator Multiplexer Card
FERMILAB-TM-1383 Ng, King-Yuen Microwave Stability Limits for the Main Ring and Growth Across Transition
FERMILAB-TM-1382 Borcherding, Fred O. A Cherenkov Counter Design for a High-Energy, High Intensity Secondary Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1381-A Ohnuma, S. The Beam and the Bucket: A Handbook for the Analysis of Longitudinal Motion / Elliptic Distribution
FERMILAB-TM-1381 Ohnuma, S. The Beam and the Bucket: A Handbook for the Analysis of Longitudinal Motion / Elliptic Distribution
FERMILAB-TM-1380 Western, Jeffrey L. Mechanical Safety Subcommittee Guideline for Design of Thin Windows for Vacuum Vessels
FERMILAB-TM-1379 Awschalom, M. The Fermilab Neutron Therapy Facility: Performance of the Automatic Photon Calibration System for Io
FERMILAB-TM-1378 Krempetz, Kurt J. A Design Chart for Long Vacuum Pipes and Shells
FERMILAB-TM-1377 Western, J.L. Design Charts for Spacing of Vacuum Line Supports
FERMILAB-TM-1376 Baker, W. B Versus H Curves for E706 Magnet Yoke of Russian Steel
FERMILAB-TM-1375 Kuchnir, M. Quench Propagation Delay Due to Copper Wedges
FERMILAB-TM-1374 Gluckstern, Robert Coupling Impedance and Energy Loss with Magnet Laminations
FERMILAB-TM-1373 Ohnuma, S. Possible Benefits from Shuffling Dipoles in the RHIC
FERMILAB-TM-1372 Visser, A.T. Description of a High Current Water Cooled Bus
FERMILAB-TM-1371 Anderson, D. Technical Memo on the Importance of Evacuating a Liquid Argon Calorimeter
FERMILAB-TM-1369 Yamada, R. Measurement of the Magnetic Field of the CDF Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1368 Bodnarczuk, Mark An Operational Approach to High-Energy Physics Detectors at Fermilab: Volume 1
FERMILAB-TM-1367 Warkins, Thomas A Study of the Small Mammal Population on the Fermilab Prairie Restoration Site: June 19 - August 23
FERMILAB-TM-1366 Mangene, Chuck The IPF Temperature Control System
FERMILAB-TM-1365 Werthmann, A. Technical Memo on the Use of Ultraviolet Light to Determine Photomultiplier Tube Type
FERMILAB-TM-1364 Visser, A.T. Electrical Design of a 110-Ft Long Muon Pipe with Automatic Degaussing
FERMILAB-TM-1363 Baumbaugh, A.E. A Real Time Data Compactor (Sparsifier) and 8 Megabyte High Speed FIFO for HEP
FERMILAB-TM-1362 Pallaver, C.B. Helium Expansion Engine Dynamic o Ring Test Program
FERMILAB-TM-1361 Treadwell, Elliott A. The Impact of Ring a on Local Water Wells
FERMILAB-TM-1360 Calvo, O. Initial Estimate of Transmission Line Effects in SSC Design D Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1359 Cohen, Andrew Status of Fastbus Software in the Computing Department at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1358 Yamada, R. The CDF Field Mapping Device: ROTOTRACK
FERMILAB-TM-1355 Tatcher, M. Dose to Radiotherapy Technologists from Activiation of Patients at a Fast Neutron Therapy Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1354 Awschalom, Miguel Radiation Shielding for 250 MeV Protons
FERMILAB-TM-1353 Bianchi, A.J. Operational History of Fermilab's 1500 W Refrigerator Used for Energy Saver Magnet Production Testin
FERMILAB-TM-1352 Powers, R.J. 5CM, No Iron SSC Dipole 12M Model Cryostat Thermal Performance
FERMILAB-TM-1351 Nicol, T.H. Thermal Shield Bowing in Long Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1350 Niemann, R.C. The Cryostat for the SSC 6 T Magnet Option
FERMILAB-TM-1349 Niemann, R.C. Design, Construction, and Performance of a Post Type Cryogenic Support
FERMILAB-TM-1348 Gonczy, J.D. Heat Leak Measurements Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1347 Markley, F.W. Cryogenic Compressive Properties of Basic Epoxy Resin Systems
FERMILAB-TM-1346 Craddock, W. Test Results and Design Details of the Tohoku Bubble Chamber Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1344 Kuchnir, M. Measuring Heat Leak with a Heatmeter
FERMILAB-TM-1343 Zamin, Randy A Beginners Guide to CBASIC
FERMILAB-TM-1342 Zamin, Randy The EPICS Cookbook: A Bare Bones Start
FERMILAB-TM-1341 Ng, King-Yuen An Investigation of the Skin Depth Effect of a Metallic Coating on a Ceramic Beam Pipe Inside a Kick
FERMILAB-TM-1340 Bisognano, Joseph An Estimate of the Contributions of Bellows to the Impedances and Beam Instabilities of the SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1339 Ng, King-Yuen Impedances of the Shielded Bellows in the SSC and the Effects on Beam Stability
FERMILAB-TM-1338 Gelfand, Norman M. Linear Aperture Criteria for a Standard Cell Lattice
FERMILAB-TM-1336 McInturff, A.D. Superconducting Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-TM-1334 Fast, R.W. Testing of the Superconducting Solenoid for the Fermilab Collider Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1333 Johnson, R.P. The Fermilab Timeline Generation System
FERMILAB-TM-1332 Finley, D.A. Control and Initial Operation of the Fermilab B0 low $\beta$ Insertion
FERMILAB-TM-1331 Johnson, R.P. TOM, A Program for Interactive Lattice Design
FERMILAB-TM-1330 Kerns, C. Measuring the Orbit Length of the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1329 Kerns, Q. Fermilab Tevatron High Level RF Accelerating Systems
FERMILAB-TM-1328 Bristol, S. The Tevatron Global Radius and $\emptyset$s System
FERMILAB-TM-1327 Meisner, K. A Low Level RF System for the Fermilab Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1326 Crisp, James L. A Programmable High Power Beam Damper for the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1325 Teng, L.C. Proposals for Synchrotron Light Sources
FERMILAB-TM-1324 Syphers, M.J. Statistics of Dipole Steering in the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1323 Waitz, A. An Isolated Data Acquisition System for High Voltage Applications
FERMILAB-TM-1322 Chapman, L. Tevatron Extraction Microcomputer
FERMILAB-TM-1321 Satti, J.A. A Pulsed Septum Magnet for the Fermilab Antiproton Source
FERMILAB-TM-1320 Krafczyk, G. Abort Kicker Power Supply Systems at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1319 Bartelson, L. Pulsed Power Supplies for the Fermilab 1 TeV Switchyard
FERMILAB-TM-1318 Trbojevic, D. Improvement of the High Voltage Properties of the Fermilab Electrostatic Septa
FERMILAB-TM-1317 Gerig, R. Design, Installation and Commissioning of the D0 Overpass at the Fermilab Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1316 Koepke, K. A Simulation of Quenches in SSC Magnets with Passive Quench Protection
FERMILAB-TM-1315 Courant, E.D. SSC Test Lattices
FERMILAB-TM-1314 Rode, C.H. Operation of Large Cryogenic Systems
FERMILAB-TM-1313 Juravic, Frank, Jr. Dupont Autoprotection and Electronic Protection Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-1312 Gluckstern, R.L. Reduction of Sextupole Distortion by Shuffling Magnets in Small Groups
FERMILAB-TM-1311 Ohnuma, S. Width of Nonlinear Difference Resonances
FERMILAB-TM-1310 Rosenberg, Ivan Variable Curvature Phantom
FERMILAB-TM-1309 Willeke, F. Using the Tevatron Beam Position Monitor System to Investigate Transverse Phase Space
FERMILAB-TM-1308 Anderson, D.F. Photosensitive Dopants for Liquid Argon
FERMILAB-TM-1307 Cossairt, J.Donald Design Considerations for Personnel Access Penetrations for the Superconducting Super Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1306 Toohig, T.E. Field and Energy Independent Normalization of SSC Collider Ring Costs
FERMILAB-TM-1305 Stutte, Linda G. Ncenter Wide Band Neutrino Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1304 Thomson, Gordon B. Magnetic Shielding Inside Toroid Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1303 Peterson, Tom SSC Tunnel Air Conditioning: Heating, Cooling and Dehumidifying
FERMILAB-TM-1302 Turkot, Frank A Guide to the Main Ring D0 Overpass
FERMILAB-TM-1301 Brown, C. E-740 Proportional Drift Tube Tests
FERMILAB-TM-1300 McInturff, A.D. An Aperture Study
FERMILAB-TM-1299 Toohig, T.E. SSC Relative and Comparative Tunnel Costs
FERMILAB-TM-1298 Seino, K.C. CAMAC 488 Module: 68000 Based GPIB Interface Module
FERMILAB-TM-1297 McInturff, A.D. Operational Data for Vapor Cooled E/S Leads
FERMILAB-TM-1296 Awschalom, Miguel Dependence of Charge Collection Distributions and Dose of the Gas Type Filling the Ionization Chambe
FERMILAB-TM-1295 Proposal for a Proton Beam Therapy Facility, October 9, 1984
FERMILAB-TM-1294 Brown, Bruce C. A Naive Comment on Changing SSC Persistent Current Sextupole Through Metallurgical Changes in the Su
FERMILAB-TM-1292 A Preliminary Design for a 20-TeV Collider in a Deep Tunnel at Fermilab.
FERMILAB-TM-1291 Satti, J.A. Fermilab Accumulator Magnets Vacuum Chamber Heating System
FERMILAB-TM-1289 Toohig, T.E. Observations on LEP with a View to SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1288 Elwyn, A.J. Muon Fluence Measurements at 800-GeV
FERMILAB-TM-1287 McGuire, Kevin Fermilab Magnet Development and Test Facility GPIB Package
FERMILAB-TM-1286 Kuchnir, M. Magnetization Measurements of Some Superconducting Cables
FERMILAB-TM-1285 O'Meara, John Water Cooling Considerations for the SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1284 Yarema, R.J. A New Preamplifier for Particle Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-1283 Butala, Stephen W. Remote Manipulator Experience in Target Train Maintenance at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1282 Teng, L.C. Maximizing the Spectral Brilliance of an Undulator
FERMILAB-TM-1281 Ng, King Yuen Derivation of Collins Formulas for Beam Shape Distortion Due to Sextupoles Using Hamiltonian Method
FERMILAB-TM-1280 Griffin, J.E. Bunch Coalescing in the Main Ring to Form Intense Proton and Antiproton Bunches Without RF Counterph
FERMILAB-TM-1277 Ng, K.Y. Comparison of the Second Order Tune Shift Formulas Due to Sextupoles Given by Collins and Ohnuma
FERMILAB-TM-1276 Hentges, Mike Measurements of Satellite Refrigerator Compressor Power Consumption and Efficiency
FERMILAB-TM-1275 Morfin, Jorge G. Prompt Lepton Production from High-Energy Beam Dumps: I. Prompt Neutrino Event Rates with 1 TeV Prot
FERMILAB-TM-1274 MacLachlan, J.A. ESME: Longitudinal Phase Space Particle Tracking - Program Documentation
FERMILAB-TM-1273 Fast, R.W. Refrigeration Tests of the Cryogenic System and Solenoid for the Fermilab Collider Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1272 Fast, R.W. Fabrication and Testing of a 3-m Diameter Superconducting Solenoid for the Fermilab Collider Detecto
FERMILAB-TM-1271 Eartly, David P. Semiremote Handling of Radioactive Devices in the Fermilab Target Stations
FERMILAB-TM-1270 Johnson, Marvin E. Calculation of Transmission Line Impedances Using the Ansys Finite Element Program
FERMILAB-TM-1269 Teng, L.C. Minimizing the Emittance in Designing the Lattice of an Electron Storage Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1268 Gluckstern, Robert Longitudinal Coupling Impedance for a Cavity and Beam Pipe
FERMILAB-TM-1267 Gluckstern, Robert Calculation of Multipole Fields for Rec Configurations with Permeability Not Equal to Unity
FERMILAB-TM-1265 Ten Haken, Randall K. Absolute Neutron Dosimetry: Effects of Ionization Chamber Wall Thickness
FERMILAB-TM-1264 Gluckstern, R. Beam Cavity Coupling Impedance
FERMILAB-TM-1262 Teng, L.C. High Intensity Hadron Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-1261 Goodwin, R.W. Modern Control Techniques for Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-1260 Wilson, Robert Rathbun A Tevatron Improvement Program
FERMILAB-TM-1259 Teng, L.C. High Energy Hadron Colliders
FERMILAB-TM-1258 Griffin, J. Main Ring Bunch Narrowing for $\bar{p}$ Production Without RF Counterphasing
FERMILAB-TM-1257 Lindenmeyer, Carl Circuit Board Routing Attachment for Fermilab Gerber Plotter
FERMILAB-TM-1256 Kuchnir, M. Consecutive Quenches and the Safety Leads
FERMILAB-TM-1255 Kramper, Brian J. EPICS Personal Computer Evaluation
FERMILAB-TM-1254 Bagwell, T. Antiproton Source Beam Position System
FERMILAB-TM-1253 Jostlein, Hans Automatic Beam Centering at the SSC Interaction Regions
FERMILAB-TM-1252 Visser, Age Design Note About a 75 KVA Quiet Power Distribution System
FERMILAB-TM-1251 Palmer, R. Superconducting Magnet Technology for Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-1249 Treadwell, E.A. Pumping Rates for Water Drainage in the Main Ring Tunnel: Scale Considerations of the SSC
FERMILAB-TM-1248 Cossairt, J.Donald Measurements of Radiation Quality Factors Using a Recombination Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-1247 Ohnuma, S. Width of Nonlinear Resonance
FERMILAB-TM-1246 Ohnuma, S. How Much Random Sextupole Field Can We Have in the Presence of Beam-Beam Interactions?
FERMILAB-TM-1245 Kawamura, Shigeto Simulation Program for Central Helium Liquefier
FERMILAB-TM-1244 Bartlett, J.F. The EPICS System: An Overview
FERMILAB-TM-1243 West, R.E. EPICS System: System Structure and User Interface
FERMILAB-TM-1242 Jordan, N.G. Costs to Build Fermilab in 1984 Dollars
FERMILAB-TM-1241 Oleksiuk, L.W. Design Study of the TeV I Pulsed Septum Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1240 Lahey, T.E. EPICS System: RSX Implementation Issues
FERMILAB-TM-1239 Ng, K.Y. An Estimate of the Longitudinal and Transverse Impedances for the Superconducting Super Collider
FERMILAB-TM-1238 Shea, Michael F. The Fermilab 200-MeV LINAC Control System Hardware
FERMILAB-TM-1237 Limon, Peter The Pressure Bump Instability in Very Large Cold Bore Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-1236 Leininger, Mark B. Collider Detector Beamline Test Table: A Structural Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-1235 Cossairt, J.Donald Shielding of Tevatron Meson Laboratory Target Piles - M-West, M-Center, M-Polarized
FERMILAB-TM-1234 Moore, Craig D. Tevatron Damper System
FERMILAB-TM-1233 Juravic, Frank Helium Leak Detector Improved Sensitivity Speed Choke
FERMILAB-TM-1232 Snowdon, S.C. Combined Function Magnet Profile Design
FERMILAB-TM-1231 Teng, L.C. Accelerating Heavy Ions in Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1230 Report of AD HOC Committee on Future Computing Needs for Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1229 Zhu, Yu-Cheng The Neutron Therapy Facility at the Institute of High-Energy Physics, Academia Sinica
FERMILAB-TM-1228 Nicol, Thomas H. Heat Conduction Through Supports Between 300 K and 4 K
FERMILAB-TM-1227 Tollestrup, A.V. Elementary Stochastic Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-1226 Juarez, Benito A Shape Algorithm for a RFQ Vane
FERMILAB-TM-1225 Kuchnir, M. SQUID Based Beam Current Meter
FERMILAB-TM-1224 Aguero, Victor M. A Computer Program for Calculating the Resonant Frequency, Shunt Impedance and Quality Factor of a P
FERMILAB-TM-1223 Ng, King-Yuen Exact Solutions for the Longitudinal and Transverse Impedances of an Off Centered Beam in a Rectangu
FERMILAB-TM-1222 Livdahl, P.V. A Brief Summary of Staffing Levels at Fermilab During Initial Construction Years
FERMILAB-TM-1221 Awschalom, Miguel About Phanta for Clinical Neutron Dosimetry
FERMILAB-TM-1220 Willeke, F. Study of the Tevatron Nonlinear Acceptance by Computer Simulation
FERMILAB-TM-1219 Oleksiuk, L. Magnetic Field Design of the Accumulator Multipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1218 Baker, S. Tunneling Beyond the Fermilab Site
FERMILAB-TM-1215 Biallas, G. Power Tests of the Fermilab Lithium Lens for Antiproton Collection
FERMILAB-TM-1214 Huson, F.R. Potential 20 TeV Site in Illinois - Dekalb
FERMILAB-TM-1213 Huson, F.R. 20 TeV Colliding Beam Facilities
FERMILAB-TM-1212 Hinterberger, H. Tunnel Construction for a Desertron
FERMILAB-TM-1211 Huson, F.R. Why Superferric Magnets for a Desertron?
FERMILAB-TM-1210 Snowdon, S.C. Magnetic Field Considerations in Superferric Dipole
FERMILAB-TM-1209 Awschalom, Miguel Applications of Bonner Sphere Detectors in Neutron Field Dosimetry
FERMILAB-TM-1208 Pallaver, C.B. Accelerator Division Satellite Refrigerator Compressor System and Gas Purification Procedures
FERMILAB-TM-1207-A Ageyev, A.I. A Tunnel Nitrogen Spill Experiment
FERMILAB-TM-1206 Satti, J.A. Fermilab Satellite Refrigerator Compressors with the Oil and Moisture Removal Systems
FERMILAB-TM-1205 Johnson, M. Electrical and Magnetic Properties of the Energy Saver Correction Elements
FERMILAB-TM-1204 Yurista, P. Concrete Shielding Exterior to Iron
FERMILAB-TM-1203 Shea, Michael F. A Memory Mapped CAMAC Branch Driver
FERMILAB-TM-1202 Garbincius, P.H. Operational Studies and Expected Performance of Superconducting Quadrupole Magnets in the First Stag
FERMILAB-TM-1201 Haggerty, Herman A Beamline Transition Radiation Detector for MW
FERMILAB-TM-1200 Ito, A. Ziptrack Manual
FERMILAB-TM-1198 Satti, J.A. Satellite Refrigerator Compressors with the Oil and Moisture Removal Systems
FERMILAB-TM-1197 Ito, A. B Versus H Curves for 1008 and 1020 Steels
FERMILAB-TM-1196 Murphy, C.T. Beam Abort Dump Safety Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-1195 Schoo, D.P. Motor Control and Position Sensing Standards a Selection Guide and Suggestions for New Designs
FERMILAB-TM-1193 Malensek, A. The Tevatron Muon Beam: A High Intensity Beam With Well Defined Polrization
FERMILAB-TM-1192 McInturff, A.D. Measurement of Critical Temperature as a Function of Field
FERMILAB-TM-1191 Walker, Ron Calculation of the Pressure Rise in the CHL 5000 Gallon Liquid Helium Dewar
FERMILAB-TM-1190 Malensek, A. Wide Band Neutrino Beams at 1000 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-1189 Lennox, Arlene J. The Design Parameters for a Lithium Lens as Antiproton Collector
FERMILAB-TM-1188 Ohnuma, S. Change in Dispersion Function from Field Gradient Errors
FERMILAB-TM-1187 Kerns, Q.A. An RF Device for Precision Location of the Beam Position Detectors in the Energy Saver
FERMILAB-TM-1186 Cooper, W.E. Long Term Stability of Fermilab Energy Saver Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1185 Turkot, F. Maximum Field Capability of Energy Saver Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1184 Schmidt, E.E. Magnetic Field Data on Fermilab Energy Saver Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-TM-1183 Cooper, W.E. Fermilab Tevatron Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-TM-1182 Hanft, R. Magnetic Field Properties of Fermilab Energy Saver Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-1181 Brown, B.C. Report on the Production Magnet Measurement System for the Fermilab Energy Saver Superconducting Dip
FERMILAB-TM-1180 Cooper, W.E. Cryogenic System for Production Testing and Measurement of Fermilab Energy Saver Superconducting Mag
FERMILAB-TM-1179 Fenker, Howard C. A Standard Beam PWC for Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1178 Cooper, William E. Gas Mixing System for Drift Chambers Using Solenoid Valves
FERMILAB-TM-1177 Visser, A.T. Operating Manual and Design Report of a 5000A Quench Switch for Energy Doubler Magnets in Experiment
FERMILAB-TM-1176 Colton, E. A Design for Antiproton Collection and Beam Transport in the Fermilab Tevatron I Project
FERMILAB-TM-1175 Dugan, G. Mechanical and Electrical Design of the Fermilab Lithium Lens and Transformer System
FERMILAB-TM-1174 Hojvat, C. The Fermilab Tevatron I Project Target Station for Antiproton Production
FERMILAB-TM-1173 Colton, E. 120-GeV Proton Transport for Antiproton Production in the Fermilab Tevatron I Project
FERMILAB-TM-1172 Kerns, C. Relative Reflectivity of Various Black Paints
FERMILAB-TM-1170 Treadwell, E.A. RFSYS: An Inventory Code for RF System Parameters
FERMILAB-TM-1168 Cossairt, J.Donald Activation of Sweeping Magnets in Tevatron II Standardized Target Piles
FERMILAB-TM-1166 Biallas, George Response of the Saver Dipole Beam Tube to Single Phase Helium Pressure
FERMILAB-TM-1165 Biallas, George Pressure Testing of Saver Single Phase Bellows
FERMILAB-TM-1164 Guerra, J. The Lab 6 Winding Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1163 Miller, T.M. Oxygen Deficiency Hazards Associated with Liquefied Gas Systems Development of a Program of Controls
FERMILAB-TM-1162 Yamada, R. Magnetic Field Calculation on CDF Detector (I)
FERMILAB-TM-1159 Haggerty, J.S. Very High Energy Synchrotron Radiation at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1158 Hansen, Sten High Sensitivity Amplifier / Discriminator for PWC's
FERMILAB-TM-1157 Kephart, Robert D. E-537 MWPC Amplifier
FERMILAB-TM-1155-REV Magnet Design Study from the Conceptual Design Report for the Direct Neutral Lepton Facility.
FERMILAB-TM-1155 Baltay, C. The Design of the Magnetized Muon Shield for the Prompt Neutrino Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1153 Kells, W. Dynamics of RF Captured Electron Cooled Proton Beams
FERMILAB-TM-1152 Awschalom, M. A New Look at Displacement Factor and Point of Measurement Corrections in Ionization Chamber Dosimet
FERMILAB-TM-1150 McInturff, A.D. Spool Piece Aperture Warm to Cold Temperature Position Changes
FERMILAB-TM-1149 Haldeman, Merle Fastbus Backplane Impedance
FERMILAB-TM-1148 Leininger, Mark B. Structural Analysis of the CDF Transporter Cart
FERMILAB-TM-1147 Wands, R. Comparison of Analytical and Finite Element Results for Deflections of CDF Yoke and Endplug
FERMILAB-TM-1146 Ten Haken, Randall K. Update of Neutron Dose Yields as a Function of Energy for Protons and Deuterons Incident on Berylliu
FERMILAB-TM-1145 Awschalom, M. Scaling Neutron Absorbed Dose Distributions from One Medium to Another
FERMILAB-TM-1144 Thompson, Gordon B. The Double Proton Beam for E-621
FERMILAB-TM-1143 Neuffer, David Design Considerations for the Fermilab Test RFQ
FERMILAB-TM-1142 Teng, L.C. Effects of Misalignments of the Solenoid of the Colliding Beams Detector on the Orbit of the Beams
FERMILAB-TM-1141 Leininger, Mark B. Tevatron I: Large Bore Quad Lamination Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-1140 Cossairt, J.Donald A Collection of Casim Calculations
FERMILAB-TM-1139 Teng, L.C. Formulas and Scaling Laws for Thresholds of Coherent Instabilities of Storage Ring Beams
FERMILAB-TM-1138 Leininger, Mark B. Tevatron I Small Aperture Quad Lamination Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-1137 Kramer, S.L. Proton Therapy Nozzles Design and Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-1136 Cossairt, J.Donald Shielding Calculations for the Antiproton Target Area
FERMILAB-TM-1135 Fast, R. Design Report for an Indirectly Cooled 3-m Diameter Superconducting Solenoid for the Fermilab Collid
FERMILAB-TM-1134 Martin, P. Energy Saver A-Sector Power Test Results
FERMILAB-TM-1133 Ishibashi, Kenji Design Study of 50 Kg/In. Quadrupole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1132 Ishibashi, Kenji Magnetic Field Calculation for Fermilab Style Magnet Coil End
FERMILAB-TM-1131 Chartrand, Greg A. Contemporary Data Communications and Local Networking Principles
FERMILAB-TM-1130 Mulholland, G.T. A Report on the A-Sector Test Cryogenic Experience of the Fermilab Superconducting Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-1129 Green, Dan Amplifier - Discriminator for E-623 Drift Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-1128 Juravic, Frank Dupont Three Gas (Helium, Neon and Argon) Leak Detector Converted from Diatron 20 to Diatron 4
FERMILAB-TM-1127 Ohnuma, S. Tinkering at the Main Ring Lattice
FERMILAB-TM-1126 Leininger, Mark B. Structural Analysis of the Central Tracking Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-1125 Atac, M. A Sensitive and Simple Method for Measuring Wire Tensions
FERMILAB-TM-1124 Ohnuma, S. Collins' Bypass for the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1123 Ishibashi, K. Calculation of Super Fe Magnet Parameters
FERMILAB-TM-1122 Heim, J. Construction of a Fermilab Superferric Test Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1121 McInturff, A.D. Performance Testing of Super Fe Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1120 Seino, K. Z80 Based Voltage and Temperature Monitor for the Main Ring Control Crate: The CC48 Card
FERMILAB-TM-1119 Teng, L.C. Compensation of the Solenoid Field in the Colliding Beams Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1118 Ishibashi, Kenji Hysteresis of Sextupole and AC Loss in Energy Doubler Dipole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1117 Gronemeyer, Suzanne A. CASIM Predictions of Meson West Tevatron Target Soil Activation
FERMILAB-TM-1116 Larson, Eric Pressure Analysis of Correction Coil Cryostat
FERMILAB-TM-1114 McInturff, A.D. Power Spool Test: TSH-002, SPTF No. 19
FERMILAB-TM-1113 Wands, R. Finite Element Stress and Deflection Analysis of CDF Yoke and Endplug
FERMILAB-TM-1112 MacLachlan, J.A. Beam Storage Studies in the Fermilab Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-1111 Meadows, James T. CAMAC Crate Controller: Diagnostic Test Procedures
FERMILAB-TM-1110 Awschalom, Miguel The Feasibility of Shortlived Radionuclide Production Using the Proposed New Accelerator Facility at
FERMILAB-TM-1109 Ten Haken, Randall K. The Feasibility of Shortlived Radionuclide Production at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1108 Awschalom, Miguel Characteristics of A-150 Plastic Equivalent Gas in A-150 Plastic Ionization Chambers for p(66) Be(49
FERMILAB-TM-1107 Schoo, Daniel A Low Cost Replacement Cable for Beamline SWIC Installation
FERMILAB-TM-1106 Johnson, D.E. Tevatron B$\emptyset$ Low Beta Tuning Report
FERMILAB-TM-1105 Tanner, Al Expanded Fermilab Pressure Vessel Directory Program
FERMILAB-TM-1104 Leininger, Mark B. Torsional Rigidity of Central Calorimeter Module
FERMILAB-TM-1103 Ando, Ainosuke RF Stacking and Tail Cooling in the Antiproton Accumulator
FERMILAB-TM-1102 Neuffer, David Calculations of Pickup / Kicker Sensitivity
FERMILAB-TM-1100 Leininger, Mark B. A Structural Analysis of the CDF Central Calorimeter Cradle Assembly
FERMILAB-TM-1099 Kuchnir, M. Pulsed Current Resistance Thermometry
FERMILAB-TM-1098 Kirk, T. A Versatile Secondary Beam for the Meson Area
FERMILAB-TM-1097 Teng, L.C. Error Analysis for the Low $\beta$ Quadrupoles of the Tevatron Collider / Location and Strengths of
FERMILAB-TM-1096 Raja, Rajendran Electronic Alignment of Spool Pieces
FERMILAB-TM-1095 Waller, A.M. Pascal and FORTRAN Comparisons for the PDP-11/34 and VAX-11/780
FERMILAB-TM-1094 Lockwood, J. Dose Response of SCR's
FERMILAB-TM-1093 Kells, W. Stability and Dynamical Invariants for Intrabeam Scattering
FERMILAB-TM-1092 Takayama, Ken Potential of a Three-Dimensional Charge Distribution Powerful Calculating Method and Its Application
FERMILAB-TM-1091 Stutte, Linda G. Further Design Studies for a Tevatron Era Dichromatic Beam: The NCI Dichromatic Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1090 Rosenberg, Ivan The Effect of Missing Back Scatter on the Dose Distribution of a p(66)-Be(49) Neutron Therapy Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1089 Awschalom, Miguel The Midwest Institute for Neutron Therapy (Mint)
FERMILAB-TM-1088 Ten Haken, Randall K. Activation of the Major Constituents of Tissue and Air by a Fast Neutron Radiation Therapy Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1087 Rosenberg, I. Analysis of Personnel Exposures in Neutron Therapy Facilities
FERMILAB-TM-1086 Awschalom, M. Kermas for Various Substances Averaged Over the Energy Spectra of Fast Neutron Therapy Beams: A Stud
FERMILAB-TM-1085 Treadwell, Elliott Superfish and the Evaluation of Axisymmetric Cavities with RF Quadrupole Focusing
FERMILAB-TM-1084 Holt, Craig R. Normal Mode Analysis of Coupled Betatron Oscillations Including Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-1083 Raja, Rajendran An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis of Magnets: Two Dimensional Magnetic Fields
FERMILAB-TM-1082 Peterson, T. A Description of the Satellite Expander Pressure Trace and the Relationship Between Efficiency and I
FERMILAB-TM-1081 Ten Haken, Randall K. Kerma Transmission Through Steel for a p(66)-Be(49) Neutron Beam: An Update
FERMILAB-TM-1080 Brown, B.C. Limitations to the Corrections of Orbit Errors Using DC Correction Elements
FERMILAB-TM-1079 Seino, K. A Microprocessor Based MADC Test Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1078 Leung, E.M.W. The Superconducting Chicago Cyclotron Magnet Operating Manual
FERMILAB-TM-1077 Freeman, J. A Fast Cluster - Finder for the Fermilab Collider Detector Jet Trigger
FERMILAB-TM-1076 Johnson, M. Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Energy Saver Spool Pieces
FERMILAB-TM-1075 Fast, R. Design Report for a Cryostable 3m Diameter Superconducting Solenoid for the Fermilab Collider Detect
FERMILAB-TM-1074 Atac, M. Position Sensing by Charge Division Using Selfquenching Streamer Pulses
FERMILAB-TM-1073 Ando, Anosuke $\bar{p}$ Bunch RF Rotation in the Debuncher Ring with a Very Small Momentum Compaction: Effect of H
FERMILAB-TM-1072 Juravic, Frank Helium to Neon Modification for a Dupont 120SSA Or 24-120 Leak Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1069 Pucci, Greg Energy Doubler Cryoloop Temperature Monitor System
FERMILAB-TM-1068 Van Ginneken, A. Shielding Studies for the Colliding Beam Experimental Area at B-Zero
FERMILAB-TM-1067 Murphy, C.T. The Brass Plug Monument System for Doubler Alignment
FERMILAB-TM-1066 Mori, S. Construction and Testing of R&D  Superconducting Solenoid Magnet for CDF Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1065 Ishibashi, Kenji Preliminary Study of High Field Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-1064 Carey, David C. New Features in Transport
FERMILAB-TM-1063 Larson, Eric Design Considerations in Vapor Pressure Thermometry
FERMILAB-TM-1062 Tanner, Al Fermilab Pressure Vessel Directory
FERMILAB-TM-1061 Cossairt, J.Donald Recent Muon Dose Equivalent Measurements at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-1060 Rosenberg, Ivan The Effects of Hydrogenous and Nonhydrogenous Filters on the Quality of a p(66)-Be(49) Neutron Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1059 Ten Haken, Randall K. The Use of Nonhydrogenous Wedges for Therapeutic Neutron Beam Shaping
FERMILAB-TM-1056 Cryogenic Operational Problems During a Quench of Doubler Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-1055 Schoo, Daniel P. An Improved Digital Measurement and Comparison Module
FERMILAB-TM-1054 Neuffer, D. Exploration of Phase Space Trajectories in Simulations of the Beam-Beam Interaction
FERMILAB-TM-1053 Cossairt, J.Donald Neutron Measurements at the Neutrino Wonder Building with a Precision Long Counter
FERMILAB-TM-1052 O'Meara, J.E. Design Charts for Vacuum Plates
FERMILAB-TM-1051 Visser, A.T. A Note About Energy Savings and Substation KVA Load Reduction Resulting from Power Factor Correction
FERMILAB-TM-1049 Turkot, F. The New Main Ring Abort System
FERMILAB-TM-1048 Vsevolozhskaya, T. The Proton Beam Sweeping System for an Antiproton Target Station Using Lithium Lenses
FERMILAB-TM-1047 Peterson, Tom A Summary of Satellite Refrigerator Dry Engine Efficiencies Calculated from Data Taken from January
FERMILAB-TM-1046 Takayama, K. Final Beam Emittances at the End of $\bar{p}$ Accumulation for the Fermilab $\bar{p}$ Source
FERMILAB-TM-1045 Vsevolozhskaya, T.A. The Optimization and Efficiency of Antiproton Production Within a Fixed Acceptance
FERMILAB-TM-1044 Teng, Lee C. The Fermilab Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-1043 Teng, Lee C. A High Intensity Accelerator Facility
FERMILAB-TM-1042 Nicholls, Judith E. Simulation of the Cryogenic Behavior of the Superconducting Magnets in the Energy Saver
FERMILAB-TM-1041 Cossairt, J.Donald Radiation Safety Review of Enclosure G2 North Addition
FERMILAB-TM-1040 Bayanov, B.F. Pulsed High Current Optics for the Fermilab Antiproton Source
FERMILAB-TM-1039 Teng, L.C. Transfer Matrices Across Soft Magnet Edges
FERMILAB-TM-1038 Oleksiuk, L. Design Study of a 750 Kv Electron Gun for Electron Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-1037 Johnson, D.E. Design of an Electron Cooling Accumulator Ring for the Fermilab Antiproton Source
FERMILAB-TM-1036 Peterson, T. A Tabulation of a Few Theoretical Calculations for Satellite Refrigerator Expanders
FERMILAB-TM-1035 Johnson, D.E. A Low-$\Beta$ Insertion Design for 1981
FERMILAB-TM-1034 Fast, R.W. 14.4m Large Aperture Analysis Magnet with Aluminum Coils
FERMILAB-TM-1033 Mizuno, Hajime Measurement of He Leak Into the Cold Bore of Superconducting Magnet for Energy Saver
FERMILAB-TM-1032 Collins, T.L. The Revised Great Doubler Shift
FERMILAB-TM-1031 Visser, A.T. Results of Magnetic Measurements of Cosmotron Steel at High Excitation
FERMILAB-TM-1030 Gerig, R. Fermilab Power Monitor
FERMILAB-TM-1029 Needles, Cecil. Normalizer for the Neutrino Split Plate Secondary Emission Monitor
FERMILAB-TM-1028 Nicol, Thomas H. Multiple Element Vapor Cooled Current Leads for the Fermilab Energy Saver Correction Elements
FERMILAB-TM-1027 Voy, Duane C. A Microcomputer / Cyber Data Transfer System
FERMILAB-TM-1026 Jostlein, Hans Heat Leak Measurements on Fermilab's Energy Saver Magnet String and Transfer Line
FERMILAB-TM-1025 Spillantini, P. High Band Neutrino Beam for TeV II
FERMILAB-TM-1024 Gannon, J.C. Computer Operated Control System for the Energy Saver Satellite Refrigerators
FERMILAB-TM-1023 Canada, C.V. An Updated Review of Soil Radioactivation Calculations for the Antiproton Target Area
FERMILAB-TM-1022 Atac, M. A Minipad Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-1021 Ten Haken, Randall K. Comparison of the Physical Characteristics of a p(66)-Be(49) Neutron Therapy Beam to Those of Conven
FERMILAB-TM-1020 Kaul, Raman Fast Neutrons in the Treatment of Salivary Gland Tumors
FERMILAB-TM-1019 Rosenberg, I. P(42) Be Neutron Therapy Beams: Dose Rate and Penetration as a Function of Target Thickness and Beam
FERMILAB-TM-1018 Awschalom, M. High Precision in Dose Delivery: Routine Use of a Microcomputer
FERMILAB-TM-1017 Yarema, R.J. Measurements of Hazemeyer Precision Transductors
FERMILAB-TM-1016 Cossairt, J.Donald Shielding Calculations for the B0 Colliding Detector Area
FERMILAB-TM-1015 Brown, B.C. An Evaluation of Some New Phototubes with High Gain First Dynodes
FERMILAB-TM-1014 Hanson, J. A Study of Some Properties Which Determine the Resolution of a Lead Scintillator Sandwich Electromag
FERMILAB-TM-1013 Sakai, Y. Longitudinal Shower Development in a Lead Scintillator Calorimeter as a Tool to Separate Pions and E
FERMILAB-TM-1012 Vacuum Breaks of the Doubler Magnet System
FERMILAB-TM-1011 Kirk, Thomas B.W. $\bar{p}$ Production Target Studies: Numerical Calculations
FERMILAB-TM-1010 Atac, M. A Gas Ionization Sampling Electromagnetic Shower Detector
FERMILAB-TM-1009 Canada, C.V. Conversion of Program Casim to CDC Cyber Computers
FERMILAB-TM-1008 Howard, Douglas PA Cascode Recorder/Display System Description and Operating Instructions
FERMILAB-TM-1007 Neuffer, David A Model to Describe Diffusion Enhancement by the Beam-Beam Interaction
FERMILAB-TM-1006 Leung, E.M.W. The Superconducting Chicago Cyclotron Magnet - an Old Magnet with a New Pair of Energy Efficient Coi
FERMILAB-TM-1005 Stefanski, Raymond J. Beam Transport for a Prompt Neutrino Target Area
FERMILAB-TM-1004 Oleksiuk, Les Damping of E Beam Transverse Energy with Bump Coils
FERMILAB-TM-1003 Moore, Craig D. Conventional Main Ring Magnet Quality as a Function of Time
FERMILAB-TM-1002 Lai, Hang H. A Design of a Slot Type Pickup for Stochastic Cooling of a Coasting Beam: Part I. Theory and Numeric
FERMILAB-TM-1001 MacLachlan, James Report on High Field Performance of a Modified Proton Beam Lithium Lens
FERMILAB-TM-1000 Bayanov, B.F. The Proton Beam Lithium Lens for the Fermilab Antiproton Source
FERMILAB-TM-0999 Donaldson, A.R. Drift Chamber Amplifier - Discriminator Circuits
FERMILAB-TM-0998 Satti, John Protection for Low Current Superconducting Coils Wound with Insulated Strand Cable
FERMILAB-TM-0997 Shafer, Robert E. Transmission Line Properties of Long Strings of Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0996 Oleksiuk, Les Gun Anode Lens Effect on the Electron Beam Transverse Temperature
FERMILAB-TM-0995 Yamada, R. Design Consideration for the Colliding Beam Area
FERMILAB-TM-0994 Mruzek, M. Properties and Methods of Lead/Tin Splices for Superconductors
FERMILAB-TM-0993 Awschalom, M. The Fermilab Neutron Therapy Facility: Treatment Planning for Neutron and Mixed Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0992 Awschalom, M. Characterization of a p(66)-be(49) Neutron Therapy Beam: II. Skin Sparing and Dose Transition Effect
FERMILAB-TM-0991 Shafer, Robert E. Eddy Currents, Dispersion Relations, and Transient Effects in Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0990 Cox, B. The Effects of Potting on Training and Quench Propagation in a Large Stored Energy Superconducting D
FERMILAB-TM-0989 Gray, E. Magnet Field Variation in Distributed Ion Pumps
FERMILAB-TM-0988 Ohnuma, S. A Study of the Width of Nonlinear Resonance
FERMILAB-TM-0987 Bonifas, S. Measurement of Apparent Strain Curves of Two Micromeasurements Strain Gauges Mounted on G-10
FERMILAB-TM-0986 Canada, C.V. Conversion and Availability of HEATING5: A Heat Conduction Program
FERMILAB-TM-0985 Yamada, R. Possible Application of Slurry Wall Technique for Construction of Colliding Beam Experimental Areas
FERMILAB-TM-0984 Barton, Henry R. Satellite I: Model for the Satellite Mode Refrigerator
FERMILAB-TM-0983 Jonckheere, Alan M. Enhanced 200 GeV/c $K^+$ Beam Using Beryllium Filter
FERMILAB-TM-0982 Garbincius, P.H. Optimization of Superconducting Magnet Bore Size for High Intensity Area Beamline
FERMILAB-TM-0981 Heim, J. Radiation Hardening of Electromagnet Coils Using Sulfur
FERMILAB-TM-0980 Mohammadi, Mohammad Beam Transport for Producing Proton Antiproton Colliding Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0979 Ciazynski, D. Superconducting Magnetization Effects in Correction Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0978 Visser, A.T. A Short Approach to the Electrical Design of a Muon Spoiler Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0977 Mokhov, N.V. Calculations of Energy Deposition Densities in High Energy Accelerator Targets
FERMILAB-TM-0976 Cossairt, J.Donald Radiation Safety Review of the Modified Enclosure 103
FERMILAB-TM-0975 Schoo, Daniel P. A Digital Measurement System for Monitoring Hazardous Atmospheres in Enclosed Areas
FERMILAB-TM-0974 Mruzek, M. Experimental Investigation of Thermal Contraction for Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Resins, Common Plastics
FERMILAB-TM-0973 Teng, L.C. Beam-Beam Phenomenology
FERMILAB-TM-0972 Wolff, S. The Bucking Coil: An Improvement for Dipole Room Temperature Measurements
FERMILAB-TM-0971 Barton, Henry An Analysis of the Cooldown of the Central Liquefier
FERMILAB-TM-0970 Jiang, Yan-ling The Injection System for the Beijing Booster Synchrotron
FERMILAB-TM-0969 Yamada, R. Maximum Quench Current of Energy Doubler Magnets I
FERMILAB-TM-0968 Evaluation of Crankshaft Designs Proposed for the Dry and Wet Helium Expansion Engines
FERMILAB-TM-0967 Barton, Henry Central: A Computer Program to do Performance Calculations for a Helium Liquefier
FERMILAB-TM-0966 Wehmann, A. Calculations of Muon Radiation for the Meson Area
FERMILAB-TM-0965 Kaul, Raman Pancreatic Carcinoma: Results with Fast Neutron Therapy
FERMILAB-TM-0964 Cardello, Thomas R. Design for a Short Charged Secondary Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0963 Butler, J. Design for a New Wide Band Neutral Beam for the Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-0962 Visser, A. Electrical Protection of a Low Current Superconducting Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0961 Neuffer, David Stochastic Extraction at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0960 Rosenberg, Ivan Characterization of a p(66)-$\bar{B}e$(49) Neutron Therapy Beam: 1. Central Axis Depth Dose and Off-
FERMILAB-TM-0959 Mansell, JoAnne Preliminary Report of the Fermilab Experience Using Neutron Irradiation for the Treatment of Pancrea
FERMILAB-TM-0958 Wake, Masayoshi Harmonic Analysis of Energy Doubler Dipole
FERMILAB-TM-0957 Browning, F. Proton Area Enclosures H Upgrade Projects
FERMILAB-TM-0956 Shafer, R.E. Quench Protection Circuit for Superconducting Magnets with Eddy Currents
FERMILAB-TM-0954 Atac, M. Wire Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0953 Mori, S. A Flavored Neutrino Beams Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0952 Pucci, G. Main Ring Beam Position Digitizer Display System Description and Operating Instructions
FERMILAB-TM-0951 CHL Liquid Helium Dewar/Ring Interfaces and Operation
FERMILAB-TM-0950-A Peoples, J. Neutrino Area Improvements for 500 GeV Operation
FERMILAB-TM-0949 Design Considerations for High Efficiency WET Helium Expansion Engine
FERMILAB-TM-0948 Brindza, P. Cryogenic Tests at A1
FERMILAB-TM-0947 Brindza, P. A Spectroscopic Oil Detector
FERMILAB-TM-0946 Teng, L.C. 20 TeV p Accelerators and $\bar{p}p$ Collider
FERMILAB-TM-0945 Cossairt, J.Donald Soil Activation Calculations for the Proposed Neutrino Front Hall
FERMILAB-TM-0944 Schoo, Daniel P. A Digital Measurement System for Sensing Magnet Current and Interlocking Measured Levels Into Safety
FERMILAB-TM-0943 Hojvat, Carlos Mechanical Distortions in the Energy Doubler Dipoles During Cooldown. A Possible Mechanism to Induce
FERMILAB-TM-0942 Kells, W. New Approach to Stochastic Momentum Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-0940 Malensek, A. New N3 Beamline Design
FERMILAB-TM-0939 Leininger, Mark B. A Computer Program to Determine the Critical Speed of Rotating Machinery
FERMILAB-TM-0938 Teng, L.C. Parametric Fits for the Maximum Luminosity and Tune Shift in e+ e- Colliding Beams Relevance to $\ba
FERMILAB-TM-0937 Stefanski, R. 400-GeV Proton Transport to a Modified Neutrino Area
FERMILAB-TM-0936 Awschalom, M. The Influence of Target Thickness and Backstop Material on Proton Produced Neutron Beams for Radioth
FERMILAB-TM-0935 Kaiser, H. Sensitivity and Accuracy of the Measurement with the Yoke Coil of the Doubler Dipole
FERMILAB-TM-0934 Stefanski, Ray A Tevatron Proton Transport for the Neutrino Area
FERMILAB-TM-0933 Van Ginneken, A. Program SHOTAM, Simulation of Super Showers for Calorimeter Design and Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-0932 Atac, M. Self Current Limiting Bidimensional Resistive Cathode Wire Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0931 Seino, K. A New Multiplexed ADC Unit
FERMILAB-TM-0930 Cossairt, J.Donald Comparison of Casim Predictions with Recent Measurements
FERMILAB-TM-0929 Toohig, T.E. The Abort Dump for the Energy Saver / Doubler and Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0928 Awschalom, Miguel Conceptual Design of Beryllium Targets for the Generation of Neutron Beams for Radiation Therapy by
FERMILAB-TM-0927 Krause, D. Magnetic Measurements on a Main Ring Trim Quadrupole
FERMILAB-TM-0926 Ljung, D. Superconducting Meson Left Band Beamline
FERMILAB-TM-0925 Bellows Failure of Energy Doubler Magnet String
FERMILAB-TM-0924 Neuffer, David Third Order Aberrations in the SLAC 50 GeV Collider
FERMILAB-TM-0922 Wolff, S. Harmonic Fluctuations in Energy Doubler Dipoles from Azimuthal Wire Displacements Inside the Coils
FERMILAB-TM-0921 Malensek, A. Report on Relocating the Upstream Enclosures of the N5 / N3 Beam Lines
FERMILAB-TM-0920 McIntyre, Peter A Filter Technique for Stochastic Cooling of Betatron Oscillations
FERMILAB-TM-0919 Mori, S. A Possible Operation of the N-30 Dichromatic Train at 420 GeV for Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-0918 Kells, W. The Electron Beam for the Fermilab Electron Cooling Experiment: 1. Initial Operation and Studies
FERMILAB-TM-0917 Satellite Vacuum Vessel Pressure Rating and Relief Port Size
FERMILAB-TM-0916 Method for Reducing Cryostat Pressure During a Heater Induced Magnet Quench
FERMILAB-TM-0915 Kuchnir, M. Safety Leads
FERMILAB-TM-0914 Awschalom, M. The USA Fast Neutron Beam Dosimetry Physics Group Experience with Ionization Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0912 Garbincius, P.H. Construction and Operation of an Electromagnetic Shower Detector
FERMILAB-TM-0911 Cossairt, J.Donald Review of the Shielding Requirement of the E-497 Target Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0910 Ohnuma, S. Field Quality of Doubler Dipoles and Its Possible Implications
FERMILAB-TM-0909 Bosworth, W. A. Epoxied Laminated Sheet Steel Cores for Large Conventional Magnets  B. Insulation of Large Coils
FERMILAB-TM-0908 Hinterberger, H. Improvements in the 1978 Standard DUMAND Module: Sea Urchin
FERMILAB-TM-0907 Mechanical Drive and Control System for High Efficiency WET Helium Expansion Engine
FERMILAB-TM-0906 Craddock, W. A Prototype Low Current Superconducting Quadrupole for Fermilab's High Intensity Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0905 Leung, E.M.W. Techniques for Reducing Radiation Heat Transfer Between 77 K and 4.2 K
FERMILAB-TM-0904 Ohnuma, S. Computer Program "Superfish" for Cylindrically Symmetric RF Cavities
FERMILAB-TM-0903 WET Expansion Engine for Helium Refrigeration Application
FERMILAB-TM-0902 Cossairt, J.Donald Radiation Safety Implications of the Proposed Main Ring / Energy Doubler Abort
FERMILAB-TM-0901 Stutte, Linda Report on a Design Study for Simultaneous Operation of the N0 Dichromatic Train and the N7 Bypass Be
FERMILAB-TM-0900 Evaluation of Wet and Gas Helium Expansion Engines (Fermilab Reciprocating Design)
FERMILAB-TM-0899 Design Evaluation of Valve Actuator CAMS (Fermilab Reciprocating Design)
FERMILAB-TM-0898 Investigation of Means to Increase Refrigeration Capacity of the CHL Satellite Refrigeration System
FERMILAB-TM-0897 Heat Removal from Beam Scraping of an Energy Doubler Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0896 Awschalom, Miguel Conceptual Design for a Continuously Adjustable Collimator for Fast Neutron Radiation Therapy
FERMILAB-TM-0895 Awschalom, M. Kerma Transmission for Various Materials for a p (66-MeV) Be (49-MeV) Neutron Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0894 Awschalom, M. Precision of Beam Calibration: Constancy of Calibration of Ionization Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0893 Wilson, Robert Rathbun Particle Acceleration by Flux Pumping
FERMILAB-TM-0892 Teng, L.C. Evaluation of Superconducting Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-0891 Hanson, W.B. Support Location for ED Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0890 Wilson, Robert Rathbun Raising the Space Charge Limit of a Synchrotron with RF Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-TM-0889 Visser, A.T. Construction of a Solid State 2500 ADC Reversing Switch
FERMILAB-TM-0888 Mori, S. $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ Fluxes for the Single Horn System
FERMILAB-TM-0887 Bogert, V.D. Speeding Up SAMM Measurement of E-310 Spark Chamber Film
FERMILAB-TM-0886 Cossairt, J.Donald Review of Radiation Protection Implications of the Cooling Ring Electron Gun
FERMILAB-TM-0885 Johnson, D.E. Booster Length Storage Ring Design for Antiproton Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-0884 Yamamoto, Richard K. Report on Estimates of Proton Fluxes Required for the N3 Hadron Beam for 30-Inch Hybrid Runs
FERMILAB-TM-0883 Van Ginneken, A. Stretching Shielding Calculations
FERMILAB-TM-0882 Turbo Expander for Satellite Refrigerator
FERMILAB-TM-0881 Evaluation of Various Options and Costs for the Compression and Distribution of Compressed Helium Ga
FERMILAB-TM-0880 Tollestrup, A.V. Status of the Fermilab Tevatron Project
FERMILAB-TM-0879 Biallas, G. Determining the D.O.T. Gas Storage Cylinder Derating Factor for A.S.M.E. Service
FERMILAB-TM-0878 Yarema, R.J. A Four Quadrant Magnet Trim Power Supply
FERMILAB-TM-0877 Cossairt, J.Donald Radiation Protection Implications of the Transport of Primary Beam to PW5
FERMILAB-TM-0876 Johnson, D.E. High Luminosity pp and $\bar{p}p$ Colliding Beam Straight Section Designs
FERMILAB-TM-0875 Lucas, P.J. A Fail Safe Solid State Water Level Detection System
FERMILAB-TM-0874 Collins, T.L. The Great Doubler Shift
FERMILAB-TM-0873 Ahlman, R.S. Process Control System for the Tevatron Liquefier
FERMILAB-TM-0872 Hojvat, C. The Multiturn Charge Exchange Injection System for the Fermilab Booster Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0871 Hojvat, C. Stripping Foils for Multiturn Charge Exchange Injection Into the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-0870 Webber, Robert C. Measurement of the Electron Loss Cross Sections for Negative Hydrogen Ions on Carbon at 200 MeV
FERMILAB-TM-0869 Hojvat, Carlos Deceleration of Antiprotons in the Fermilab Booster
FERMILAB-TM-0868 Higgins, William S. User's Manual for Microprocessor - Based SWIC Scanner
FERMILAB-TM-0867 Flora, R.H. Doubler Tevatron $\mu$P Quench Protection System
FERMILAB-TM-0866 Leininger, Mark B. Quadrupole Torsional Rigidity Measurement
FERMILAB-TM-0865 Voyvodic, L. Resolution Improvements and Holography for Neutrino Interactions in the 15-Ft. Bubble Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0864 10,000 Liter Liquid He Dewar Repair Magnet Test Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0863 Helium Cooling of the Shells of a Dipole Magnet in the Model 135 Cryostat
FERMILAB-TM-0861 Transportable Dewar Fill from 10,000 Liter Helium Dewar at the Magnet Test Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0860-B Magnet Test Facility Magnet Protection, Quench Circuit
FERMILAB-TM-0860-A Magnet Test Facility Magnet Protection, Quench Circuit
FERMILAB-TM-0860 Magnet Test Facility Magnet Protection, Quench Circuit
FERMILAB-TM-0859 Heat Leak Measurement of Energy Doubler Magnet Cryostats
FERMILAB-TM-0858 Cooldown/Warmup Control Circuits for Magnet Test Stands - Magnet Test Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0857 Operating Procedures for Switchyard Refrigerator
FERMILAB-TM-0856 Van Ginneken, A. Integral Estimators of Radionuclide Production in Soil
FERMILAB-TM-0855 Kautzky, H. High Density Concrete Plates for Calorimeters
FERMILAB-TM-0854 Leung, Eddie On the Topic of Shielding Oneself from the Charming Magnetism of the Egyptian Princess Beketaten (a
FERMILAB-TM-0853 Pollock, R.W. Soil Activation Downstream of the Meson Area Front End Hall
FERMILAB-TM-0852 Kasuga, T. Measurement of Momentum Distribution at 400 GeV in the SPS
FERMILAB-TM-0851 Ryk, J. Accelerator Division Capacitor Stored Energy Devices
FERMILAB-TM-0850 Juravic, F. The Secondary Emission Monitor Repair
FERMILAB-TM-0849 Kuchnir, M. Pump Down Time of Energy Doubler Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0848 Mori, S. Estimated $\tau$ Neutrino Fluxes from a Beam Dump at 400 GeV and 1000 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0847 Stutte, L. N7 / N5 Line Modifications
FERMILAB-TM-0846 Yang, W. The Superbucket Monitors in the Proton Areas
FERMILAB-TM-0845 Yamada, R. Application of Superconducting Technology to Big Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-0844 Flora, R.H. Short Sample Tests and Tevatron Magnet Performance
FERMILAB-TM-0843 Mori, S. Muon Shield for the Tevatron (II)
FERMILAB-TM-0842 Edwards, D.A. Comparison of Half Integer and Third Integer Extraction for the Energy Doubler: I. Basic Processes
FERMILAB-TM-0841 Stutte, Linda A Possible Dichromatic Neutrino Beam for a 1 TeV Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0839 Mori, S. Do We Need a Horn for Tevatron Neutrino Physics?
FERMILAB-TM-0838 Jonckheere, Alan M. Aquifer Dilution Factors of Ground Water Activity Produced Around Fermilab Targets and Dumps
FERMILAB-TM-0837 Mori, S. Relative Neutrino and Antineutrino Event Rates of the Single Horn System
FERMILAB-TM-0836 Hanson, W.B. Report of Workshop on Materials at Low Temperatures Sponsored By: National Bureau of Standards and D
FERMILAB-TM-0835 Stoffel, J.B. Meson Superconducting Magnet Energy Dump System
FERMILAB-TM-0834 Awschalom, M. Neutron Beam Calibration and Treatment Planning - Fermilab Cancer Therapy Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0833 Leininger, Mark B. Minimizing Doubler Dipole Suspension Load Due to Sagitta Bend
FERMILAB-TM-0832 Harrison, M. Proposed Main Ring Extraction Upgrade
FERMILAB-TM-0831 Kells, Bill Measurement of $\bar{P}$ Gravitational Mass
FERMILAB-TM-0830 Malamud, Ernest Tevatron Physics in the Meson Area
FERMILAB-TM-0829 Rotolo, C.J. Motion Control of the Proton High Intensity Area 180 Ton Egyptian Walls
FERMILAB-TM-0828 Cox, B. Sensitivity of an Energy Doubler Dipole to Beam Induced Quenches
FERMILAB-TM-0827 Kells, W. Stochastic Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-0826 Cline, D. Conceptual Design of a Large, Thin Coil Superconducting Solenoid Magnet for Colliding Beam Experimen
FERMILAB-TM-0825 Grimson, J. Target for Neutrino Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0824 Grimson, J. New Single Horn System
FERMILAB-TM-0823 Barsotti, E. A Modular Trigger Processing System for High Energy Physics Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0822 Cox, B. Design, Fabrication and Performance of Low Current Superconducting Beamline Dipole
FERMILAB-TM-0821 Barsotti, E. ECL CAMAC Trigger Processor System Documentation
FERMILAB-TM-0820 Czarapata, P.C. A Solid State Infrared Optically Coupled Gate Protection System
FERMILAB-TM-0819 Kerns, C.R. The Bellcord: A Multilevel Fast Preprocessor for 1024 ECL Channels
FERMILAB-TM-0818 Doroba, Krzysztof Hyperon and Anti-Hyperon Fluxes in the Fermilab Charged Hyperon Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0817 Wilson, R.R Fantasies of Future Fermilab Facilities
FERMILAB-TM-0816 Gollon, Peter J. Soil Activation Calculations for the Anti-Proton Target Area
FERMILAB-TM-0815 Toohig, T.E. A $10^{12}$ - $10^{13}$ Beam Targeting Station in the Meson Detector Building
FERMILAB-TM-0814 Crisp, James L. The Momentum of Main Ring Beam as a Function of Magnet Current
FERMILAB-TM-0813 Ohnuma, S. Field Quality of Dipoles for the Doubler
FERMILAB-TM-0812-A Toohig, T.E. Ground Water Protection in the Meson Area for Tevatron Operation
FERMILAB-TM-0812 Toohig, T.E. An Estimate of the Ground Water Activation Due to Meson Area Operation
FERMILAB-TM-0811 Wilson, Robert Rathbun Toward a World Accelerator Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0810 Stredde, H. Mechanical Design of the 350 GeV/c Dichromatic Train
FERMILAB-TM-0809 Flora, R.H. Preliminary Tests of Doubler Buss Quench Protection and Detection
FERMILAB-TM-0807 Wilson, Robert Rathbun Colliding Beams at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0806 Wilson, Robert Rathbun Proton Cooling by Radiation Presented at the Workshop on Producing High Luminosity High-Energy Proto
FERMILAB-TM-0805 Ritchie, J. Report on a Design Study for Upgrading the N7/N5 Hadron Beam Line
FERMILAB-TM-0804 Malensek, A. 500-GeV Calibration Beam Using the N5 Line and the New Muon Line (N2)
FERMILAB-TM-0803 Ruggiero, A.G. Deceleration of $\bar{p}$ in the Booster
FERMILAB-TM-0802 Cline, D. Neutrino Beam Dump Experiment and a Possible Electron Neutrino Beam in the Neutrino Area
FERMILAB-TM-0801 Ruggiero, A.G. Alternative Schemes for Higher $\bar{P}$ Production at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0800 Akerlof, C. Development of a High Power Flux Pump
FERMILAB-TM-0799 Toohig, T.E. Some Considerations of Radiation Protection in the Meson Area
FERMILAB-TM-0798 Kells, W. Detector of Microwave Radiation from Cooler Electron Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0797 Collins, T.L. Doubler Lattice and Phase - Amplitude Functions
FERMILAB-TM-0796 Evans, R. Transport of Tevatron Energy Primary Proton Beams to Neutrino Area
FERMILAB-TM-0795 Smart, Wesley M. Survey of the 15-Ft. Bubble Chamber Fiducials February - March 1978
FERMILAB-TM-0794 Rotolo, C.J. Properties of the Proton Department Current Digitizer and Gate Module
FERMILAB-TM-0793 Lucas, P. A Solid State Fail Safe Radiation Interlock System
FERMILAB-TM-0792 Flora, Robert H. Warmup Characteristic of Doubler Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0791 Kirk, T. Derivation of Scale Violation Formula for Deeply Inelastic Muon Scattering
FERMILAB-TM-0790 Mori, S. Muon Shield for the Tevatron at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0789 Gray, E. Outgassing Tests of Magnet Lamination
FERMILAB-TM-0788 Kuchnir, M. Helium Properties Subroutine
FERMILAB-TM-0787 Gordon, H.S. Initial Design Considerations of a 35-MeV Deuteron Linear Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0786 Koizumi, G. Muon De/Dx and Range Tables for Tevatron Energies: Results for Some Shielding Materials
FERMILAB-TM-0785 Harrison, M. The Design of the Beam Transfer System for the Doubler Sector Test
FERMILAB-TM-0784 Energy Doubler Dipole Vent Line System
FERMILAB-TM-0783 Review of Questions Poised by Jeff Appel on Satellite Refrigerator Design
FERMILAB-TM-0782 Beamline Superconducting Magnet Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-0781 Sizing of Liquid and Gaseous Helium and Liquid Nitrogen Valves and Piping of the CHL Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0780 Helium Venting Into the Accelerator Tunnel
FERMILAB-TM-0779 Burwell, Anne N. Astute 1978 Spring Conference Austin, Texas - System 2000 and Conferences
FERMILAB-TM-0777 Pachnik, J. Magnet Field Measurements on Cooling Ring Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-0775 Wehmann, Alan A. Tests of Changes in the Horizontal Production Angles in the Meson Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0774 Mori, S. Estimated Event Rates for Beam Dump Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0773 Chen, K.W. Muon Background in Colliding Beam Detector Experimental Halls
FERMILAB-TM-0772 Lucas, Philip J. A Computer Interface Z80 S-100 Bus to PDP-11 Unibus
FERMILAB-TM-0771 Kells, Bill Laser Diagnostic for Electron Cooling Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0770 Bridges, J.F. Cost Study of Ferrite Kicker Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0769 Mori, S. Improved Electron Neutrino Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0768 Brown, Bruce Simple Physics Limitations on Pulsed Bending Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0767 Koepke, K. Doubler Dipole Coil Collar Fatigue Measurements
FERMILAB-TM-0766 Ohnuma, S. Linear Coupling of Betatron Oscillations in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0765 Cox, B. Properties and Performance of a Simple Electron - Hadron Calibration Beam in Proton West
FERMILAB-TM-0764 Mori, S. Radiation Damages on Magnet Coils of the 350 GeV/c Dichromatic Train
FERMILAB-TM-0763 Wilson, Robert Rathbun The Tevatron
FERMILAB-TM-0762 Brown, B. Booster Aperture Improvements Through Revisions Near the Extraction Septum
FERMILAB-TM-0761 Mori, S. Magnet Beam Absorbers of the 350 GeV/c Dichromatic Train
FERMILAB-TM-0760 Hawkins, J. Comparison of Emittances at 100, 200, 300, 400 GeV in the Proton East Line
FERMILAB-TM-0759 Leung, E.M.W. Magnetic Field Calculation of the Superconducting Version of the Chicago Cyclotron Magnet Using GFUN
FERMILAB-TM-0758 Yarema, R.J. A Ripple Reduction Module for Transrex Power Supplies
FERMILAB-TM-0757 Seino, K. NIM Power Supply Monitor Module
FERMILAB-TM-0756 Lackey, Sharon L. Conventional Magnet Cooling Tests
FERMILAB-TM-0755 Yarema, R.J. New Firing Circuits for Transrex Power Supplies
FERMILAB-TM-0754 Evans, R. Design Study for a High-Energy Muon Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0753 Huson, F.R. 1112* Colliding Beam Bypass
FERMILAB-TM-0752 Gray, E. Vacuum Tests for the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0751 Ecklund, S.D. Meson Area Beams and Facilities
FERMILAB-TM-0750 Haggerty, H.F. Meson Vertical Targeting Study
FERMILAB-TM-0749 Ohnuma, S. Expected Bunch Length and Momentum Spread of the Beam in the Main Ring with CEA Cavities
FERMILAB-TM-0748 Peters, R.E. Harmonic Analysis of Two Experimental Superconducting Energy Doubler Quadrupole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0747 Droege, T.F. The M7: A High Speed Digital Processor for Second Level Trigger Selections
FERMILAB-TM-0746 Droege, T.F. A High Rate Amplifier - Digitizer System for Liquid Argon Calorimeters
FERMILAB-TM-0745 Larbalestier, D.C. Selection of Stainless Steel for the Fermilab Energy Doubler Saver Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0744 Kuchnir, M. Measurements of Heat Conduction Between 300 K and 80 K
FERMILAB-TM-0743 Ecklund, S. M1 User's Guide
FERMILAB-TM-0742 Walker, R.J. Spectrographic Nitrogen Detector
FERMILAB-TM-0741 Yamada, R. Production Test of Energy Doubler Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0740 Kuchnir, M. E22-14 Cryostat Boiloff
FERMILAB-TM-0739 Ryan, D.G. Low Divergence Beam in Proton West
FERMILAB-TM-0738 Teng, L.C. Effects Limiting Accelerated Beam Intensity in the Largest Proton Synchrotron
FERMILAB-TM-0737 Johnson, D.E. Main Ring / Doubler Low Beta Insertions
FERMILAB-TM-0736 Ohnuma, S. Measurement of Betatron Oscillation Parameters $\beta$ and $\alpha$ in the Main Ring Long Straight S
FERMILAB-TM-0735 Barton, H.R., JR. Network Aspects of the Fermilab Control System
FERMILAB-TM-0734 Price, M.E. Magnetic Permeability Test of Some Stainless Steels at 4.2 K and Up to 50 Kg
FERMILAB-TM-0733 Yamada, R. 1 Foot Hybrid Superconducting Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0732 Velen, S. Offsite Radiation from Operation of Neutrino Area Muon Line at 225 GeV/c
FERMILAB-TM-0731 Brown, Bruce C. Main Ring Two Magnet Bumps
FERMILAB-TM-0730 Ruggiero, A.G. The Main Ring and the Energy Doubler as Sources of Synchrotron Radiation
FERMILAB-TM-0729 Appel, J.A. New Muon Laboratory: Part I. Switchyard
FERMILAB-TM-0728 Stredde, H. Neutrino Bedplate Deflections
FERMILAB-TM-0727 Ruggiero, A.G. RF Stacking and Other RF Considerations for the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-TM-0726 Yamada, R. Magnetic Measurement of Full Scale Energy Doubler Bending Magnets in the Initial Stage (E22-1 and E2
FERMILAB-TM-0725 Mori, S. Electron Neutrino Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0724 Bogert, D. Inclusive Production of Neutral Strange Particles in 250 GeV/c $\pi^-p$ Interactions
FERMILAB-TM-0723 Hawkins, J. Comparison of Emittances and Losses in the Proton Line at 100, 200, 400 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0722 Ruggiero, A.G. Theory of Longitudinal Instability for Bunched Electron and Proton Beams.
FERMILAB-TM-0721 Mantsch, Paul M. A Segmented Hadron Calorimeter for Use as a High Transverse Momentum "Jet" Trigger
FERMILAB-TM-0720 Mori, S. Wide Band Single Horn System (II)
FERMILAB-TM-0719 Griffin, J.E. A Console Program for Examining Beam Capture in Stationary Booster Buckets
FERMILAB-TM-0718 Haggerty, H. Two-Dimensional Readout of a Drift Chamber Using Current Division
FERMILAB-TM-0717 Malensek, A. N-5 Hadron Calibration Beam to Lab C
FERMILAB-TM-0716 Atac, M. Test Results on Some Amplifier - Discriminator Circuits
FERMILAB-TM-0715 Ohnuma, S. Design of Two Turn Injection Into the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0714 Ruggiero, A.G. Clearing Electrodes and Other Considerations Related to the Electron Production in the Energy Double
FERMILAB-TM-0713 Cole, F.T. Space Charge Field in a Spheroid of Charge
FERMILAB-TM-0712 Higgins, E.F. Electronics for Damping Transverse Instabilities for the Fermilab Booster Synchrotron
FERMILAB-TM-0711 Nicholls, G. Precisely Measuring the Electrical Length of Coax Cables
FERMILAB-TM-0710 Snowdon, S.C. On the Calculation of Rose Shims
FERMILAB-TM-0709 Mills, Frederick E. Field Quality Improvement of Picture Frame Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0708 Snowdon, S.C. Multipole Fields in Circular Concave Poles
FERMILAB-TM-0707 Strauss, B.P. Experience on a Large Composite Superconducting Wire Production Run
FERMILAB-TM-0706 Kuchnir, M. Stress Heating of a Thermally Insulated Superconductor
FERMILAB-TM-0705 Shafer, R.E. CAMAC Power Supply Monitor Module
FERMILAB-TM-0704 Lucas, P.J. A Selfcompensating Electronic Integrator for the Proton Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0703 Kuchnir, M. Pressure Drop of Single Phase and Two Phase Helium Flow
FERMILAB-TM-0702 Kuchnir, M. Measurement of Safety Lead Heat Leak
FERMILAB-TM-0701 Bewley, David Relative Kerma Values in Various Materials Irradiated by Fermilab Neutron Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0700 Bleser, E.J. Fatigue of Main Ring Quadrupole Support Structure
FERMILAB-TM-0699 Joy, M. Charge Changing Methods for $H^-$ Bar Injection Into the Booster Synchrotron
FERMILAB-TM-0698 Bleser, E.J. Bibliography on Main Ring Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0696 Fowler, W.B. The Technology of Producing Reliable Superconducting Dipoles at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0695 Gray, E. Booster Magnet D-48 Field Measurement
FERMILAB-TM-0694 Johnson, D.E. Anti-Proton Storage Ring Design
FERMILAB-TM-0693 Ruggiero, A.G. Considerations on Modest Colliding Beams at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0692 Snowdon, S. Use of EPB Dipoles and R1 Septum as Spectrometer Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0691 Sanger, P.A. Damage to Stabilizing Materials by 400 GeV Protons
FERMILAB-TM-0690 Strauss, B.P. Results of the Fermilab Wire Production Program
FERMILAB-TM-0689 Mills, Frederick E. Collecting Antiprotons in the Fermilab Booster and Very High Energy Proton - Antiproton Interactions
FERMILAB-TM-0688 Atac, M. Some Test Results from an Internal Picket Fence Chamber for the Fermilab 15-Ft Bubble Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0687 Smart, Wesley M. The 15 Foot Bubble Chamber Online Computer System
FERMILAB-TM-0686 Flora, R.H. Quench Development in Magnets Made with Multifilamentary NbTi Cable
FERMILAB-TM-0685 Van Ginneken, A. Distribution of Heat Due to Beam Loss in Energy Doubler Saver Type Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0684 Tsyganov, Edouard N. Estimates of Cooling and Bending Processes for Charged Particle Penetration Through a Monocrystal
FERMILAB-TM-0683 Edwards, H. Measurements of Magnet Quench Levels Induced by Proton Beam Spray
FERMILAB-TM-0682 Tsyganov, Edouard N. Some Aspects of the Mechanism of a Charge Particle Penetration Through a Monocrystal
FERMILAB-TM-0681 Evans, R. Triplet Train Tunes at 275 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0680 Moore, Craig D. Comparison of Halo Predictions with Experimental Measurements of Offsite Muons Arising from 275 GeV/
FERMILAB-TM-0679 Kuchnir, M. Measurement of Resistance Versus Temperature of 23 Strand Superconducting Cable
FERMILAB-TM-0678 Collins, T.L. A Doubler Magnet Lattice, with Long Straight Sections
FERMILAB-TM-0677 Ishimoto, H. AC Loss of 1 Foot Dipole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0676 Yamada, R. Short Sample Test Data V
FERMILAB-TM-0675 Feng, H. An Analog Signal Transmission and Distribution Method
FERMILAB-TM-0674 Kuchnir, M. Safety Lead Material Selection
FERMILAB-TM-0673 Van Ginneken, A. Shielding of High Energy, High Intensity Proton Storage Rings: I. Skyshine
FERMILAB-TM-0672 Smart, Wesley M. Eddy Current Heating in the Metal Piston for the Fermilab 15 Foot Bubble Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0671 Trendler, R. Tests of Multiple Pulsing of Horn Power Supply
FERMILAB-TM-0670 Teng, L.C. The Potential of Existing Synchrotrons
FERMILAB-TM-0669 Butcher, J.L. Ultrasensitive Leak Detection of Large Volumes
FERMILAB-TM-0668 Gray, E. Transport of a $30\pi$ Beam in the 200 MeV Line
FERMILAB-TM-0667 Yamada, R. Operational Test and Field Measurement of E5-1 Magnet (I)
FERMILAB-TM-0666 Trendler, Robert C. Results of Horn Transformer Studies to Provide a One Millisecond Horn Pulse
FERMILAB-TM-0665 Trendler, Robert C. Study of Horn Pulse Stretching Using Multipulse Techniques
FERMILAB-TM-0664 Gollon, Peter J. Dosimetry and Shielding Factors Relevant to the Design of Iron Beam Dumps
FERMILAB-TM-0663 Mori, S. Wide Band Single Horn System
FERMILAB-TM-0662 White, Herman B. Double Horn Neutrino Production with a Test Target
FERMILAB-TM-0661 Edwards, D. 350-GeV/c Dichromatic Neutrino Target Train
FERMILAB-TM-0660 Edwards, D.A. A Second Generation Narrow Band Neutrino Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0659 Yarema, R.J. Main Accelerator Quadrupole Transistorized Regulators for Improved Tune Stability Through Transition
FERMILAB-TM-0658 Stoffel, J.B. Modification of the Vernier Power Supplies in the Meson Beam Lines
FERMILAB-TM-0657 Van Ginneken, A. Effects of Magnetic Fields on Hadronic Cascades
FERMILAB-TM-0655 Griffin, James E. Notes on "High Loss Effect" in RF Cavity Tuning Ferrite
FERMILAB-TM-0654 Nicholls, G.L. Suitability of Present Booster RF Cavity for Acceleration of More Bunches per Main Ring Cycle
FERMILAB-TM-0653 MacLachlan, J.A. Power Consumption for the Main Ring Ramp
FERMILAB-TM-0652 Van Ginneken, A. Estimate of Particle Fluxes ($\geq$ 1-MeV) in a High $^-Z$ Beam Dump by Incident Protons at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0651 Yamada, R. Operational Test and Field Measurement of D-10-3 Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0650 Kerns, C.R. A Current Limiting Technique for Wire Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0649 Collins, T.L. Easy Low Beta for the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0648 Eartly, David P. The Proposed Hyperon Beam Facility at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0647 Kuchnir, M. Carbon Resistance Thermometers
FERMILAB-TM-0646 Skuja, Andris The 300 GeV Triplet Train
FERMILAB-TM-0645 Kuchnir, M. Heat Leak Measurements on a 10-D Foot Cryostat
FERMILAB-TM-0644 Teng, Lee C. Multiturn Injection Into the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0643 Gray, E. Increased 200 MeV Beam Size
FERMILAB-TM-0642 Sandberg, B. 555 Integrated Circuit State Diagrams
FERMILAB-TM-0641 Strauss, B. Superconducting Wire Stability Workshop/ July 22, 1974
FERMILAB-TM-0640 Kerns, C.R. A High Rate Phototube Base
FERMILAB-TM-0639 Price, M.E. Hysteresis Loss Test of Superconducting Wires
FERMILAB-TM-0638 Yamada, R. AC Loss Test of D10-3 Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0636 Ishimoto, H. AC Loss in Flat Transposed Superconducting Cable
FERMILAB-TM-0635 Skuja, Andris Neutrino Decay Pipe Triplet
FERMILAB-TM-0634 Price, M.E. Small Solenoid Test of Insulation Method
FERMILAB-TM-0633 Morrison, R.J. A Novel Focusing Element for Increasing the Flux in the Fermilab Electron Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0632 Toohig, T. Fermilab Magnets, Power Supplies, and Auxiliary Devices: Technical Data
FERMILAB-TM-0631 Johnson, D.E. Booster RF Cavity Model Calculations
FERMILAB-TM-0630 Van Ginneken, A. Penetration of Prompt and Decay Muon Components of Hadronic Cascades Through Thick Shields
FERMILAB-TM-0629 McCrary, J.H. Residual Radioactivity in the Fermilab Accelerator Enclosures
FERMILAB-TM-0628 Brown, Bruce C. Design Report on a "Swimming Pool" Hadron Calorimeter for Fermilab Experiment 288
FERMILAB-TM-0627 Trendler, Robert Pulsed Power Supply Inversion Tests
FERMILAB-TM-0626 Stefanski, R.J. A Modified Triplet Train for Sign Selected Broadband Neutrino Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0625 Norton, R. Summary of the First 5 Months at B12
FERMILAB-TM-0624 Richied, D. Forced Flow Heat Load Measurements
FERMILAB-TM-0623 McCrary, J.H. Radiation Levels in the Fermilab Main Ring Enclosure During Accelerator Operation
FERMILAB-TM-0622 Krause, D. Magnet Measurement on 56-Inch Extraction Quad
FERMILAB-TM-0620 Oleksiuk, L. Proposed Relocation of Switchyard Pulsed Vertical Trim Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0619 Gray, E.R. Septum Magnet Field Measurements
FERMILAB-TM-0618 Simon, John Design of the Fermilab Remote Target Maintenance System
FERMILAB-TM-0617 Grimson, John Design of the Fermilab Neutrino Horn Train System Referenced to Radioactive Maintenance
FERMILAB-TM-0616 Lindberg, Jack Fermilab Target Areas and Target Train Systems
FERMILAB-TM-0614 Collins, T.L. A Discussion of Aperture and Space Allocation in the Energy Doubler Saver
FERMILAB-TM-0613 Gannon, J.C. CTF Beam Interlocks
FERMILAB-TM-0612 Ruggiero, A.G. Analysis of the Booster Power Supply Loop
FERMILAB-TM-0611 Ohnuma, S. A Simple Program to Calculate the Alvarez Type Linac Cavity
FERMILAB-TM-0610 Roberts, A. Design of a Charged Hyperon Beam Transport System and Cherenkov Detector for the Energy Range 150 -
FERMILAB-TM-0609 Gollon, Peter J. Production of Radioactivity by Particle Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-0608 Gollon, P.J. Personnel Dosimetry at Accelerator Laboratories
FERMILAB-TM-0607 Krause, D. Field Measurements on A 6-3-120 Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0606 Strauss, B.P. The Fabrication of Multifilament NbTi Composite Wire for Accelerator Applications
FERMILAB-TM-0605 Krause, D. Magnet Measurement on the Medical Line Extraction Magnets 32-Degrees H Type and 58-Degrees C Type Ma
FERMILAB-TM-0604 Albright, John R. Methods for Transporting Kaons to Bubble Chambers at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0600 Collins, T.L. Summary Report on Phase I of the Popae Design Study (Part 2)
FERMILAB-TM-0598 Yamada, R. Superconducting Wire Test at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0597 Kobrak, H. Charged M4 Beamline
FERMILAB-TM-0596 Kuchnir, M. Fabrication of Cryogenic Electrical Feedthroughs
FERMILAB-TM-0595 Trendler, R. Thyristor Behavior at Cryogenic Temperatures
FERMILAB-TM-0593 Teng, L.C. Third Integer Resonant Extraction from the Energy Doubler Saver
FERMILAB-TM-0592 Droege, T.F. A Proposal for a Fast(ER) Switch for Slow Cycling Flux Pumps
FERMILAB-TM-0591 Heim, J.R. Superconducting Magnet Systems at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0590 Cassel, R. Power Economies for the Fermilab Energy Doubler Saver
FERMILAB-TM-0589 Droege, T. Preliminary Design of a Drift Chamber Time Digitizer
FERMILAB-TM-0588 Barsotti, E.J. Auxiliary/Master Microprocessor CAMAC Crate Controller
FERMILAB-TM-0587 Price, M.E. Short Sample Test Data IV
FERMILAB-TM-0586 Mantsch, Paul M. Design of a Gas Jet Target Operating at Ambient Temperature in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0585 Maier, A. Beam Monitoring in the Switchyard System via SWIC Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-0584 Read, Anthony Lincoln The Potential Physics Program of the 168-Inch HEPL Focusing Spectrometer at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0583 Kuchnir, M. Measurements of Thermal Conductivity Integrals
FERMILAB-TM-0582 Mantsch, Paul M. Feasibility Study of a Gas Jet Target Without Liquid Helium for Use in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0581 Hornstra, F. The System for Precise Measurement of Accelerator Efficiency
FERMILAB-TM-0580 Ruggiero, A.G. The Schottky Scan
FERMILAB-TM-0579 Kerns, C.R. Gain Stability Measurement Techniques for Calorimeter Phototubes
FERMILAB-TM-0578 Raja, R. Bubble Chamber Subtraction Photography
FERMILAB-TM-0577 Woods, E.L. Solid State Magnet Polarity Reversing Switches
FERMILAB-TM-0576 Snowdon, S.C. Fermilab High Field Option Popae Dipole Magnetostatics
FERMILAB-TM-0575 Snowdon, S.C. Fermilab Energy Doubler Magnets - Magnetostatics
FERMILAB-TM-0574 Teng, L.C. Energy Doubler Saver Radiofrequency Acceleration System
FERMILAB-TM-0573 Woods, E.L. Methodology for Increasing the Horn of Plenty Pulse Duration
FERMILAB-TM-0572 Yamada, R. High Speed Field Mapping Device at Fermilab
FERMILAB-TM-0571 Pachnik, J. Magnetic Field Measurement on Three Way Split Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0570 Pachnik, J. 10-Ft. Modified B1 Wide Gap
FERMILAB-TM-0569 Kaczar, K.P. Pulsed Magnetic Field Measurement on Main Accelerator Extraction Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0568 Krause, D. DC Magnetic Field Measurement on Main Accelerator Extraction Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0567 Price, M.E. Short Sample Test Data III
FERMILAB-TM-0566 Edwards, D.A. Oscillation Damping Factors for Off Momentum Orbits in Electron Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-0565 Higgins, E.F. A 53-Mhz Triggered Synchronous Predetermined Scaler for Accelerator Diagnostics
FERMILAB-TM-0564 Higgins, E.F. High Speed Beam Position Electronics for Accelerator Control and Diagnostics
FERMILAB-TM-0563 Higgins, E.F. Beam Signal Processing for the Fermilab Longitudinal and Transverse Beam Damping Systems
FERMILAB-TM-0562 Prichard, B.A. Turning Off Main Ring LCW Pumps
FERMILAB-TM-0561 Gray, E.R. Transverse Beam Motion in the Fermilab Booster Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0560 Gray, E.R. Longitudinal Beam Motion in the Fermilab Booster Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0559 Sutter, D.F. Electrical Protection of Superconducting Magnet Systems
FERMILAB-TM-0558 Fowler, W.B. The Fermilab Energy Doubler, a 2-Year Progress Report
FERMILAB-TM-0557 Johnson, D.E. Dielectric Constant Calculations for an RF Cavity Ceramic Seal
FERMILAB-TM-0556 Johnson, D.E. Fermilab Medical Facility: Beam Transport
FERMILAB-TM-0555 Nezrick, F.A. Fermilab Neutrino - Horn Focusing System
FERMILAB-TM-0554 Kerns, Q.A. Detection of Shorts in Magnet Coil Windings as They Are Being Wound
FERMILAB-TM-0553 Atac, M. Notes on Drift Chamber Time Digitizer Meeting
FERMILAB-TM-0552 Kuchnir, M. Thermal Conductance Measurements of Mechanical Supports for Superconducting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0551 Kerns, C. Radiation Hardened Proton Meter for Fermilab External Beam Lines
FERMILAB-TM-0550 Fast, R.W. Liquid Deuterium Neutron Attenuator for Broadband Photon Beam Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0549 Drickey, Darrell James Performance Studies of Superconducting Dipoles for the Fermilab Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-TM-0548 Brown, C.N. Two Additional Charged Beams in the Meson Area
FERMILAB-TM-0547 Collins, T.L. Summary Report on Phase I of the POPAE Design Study (Part 1)
FERMILAB-TM-0546 Eartly, David P. Feasibility Study on the Designs of Shortlived Beams in the Proton Central Experimental Area
FERMILAB-TM-0545 Murphy, J.H. Losses in Superconductors for the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-TM-0544 Curl, D. Liquid Helium Level Indicator and Automatic Level Control
FERMILAB-TM-0543 Prichard, B.A., Jr. Remnant Fields in the Main Ring Bending Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0542 Hornstra, F. A Partial Pressure Drift Chamber Beam Intensity Monitor for External Proton Lines
FERMILAB-TM-0541 Higgins, E.F. A Synchronization Method for High-Speed Start-Stop Scalers and Digital Devices Having Asynchronous T
FERMILAB-TM-0540 Van Steenbergen, A. "Separated Function" Storage Rings (Combination of a Medium Current Accelerator-Storage Ring with a
FERMILAB-TM-0539 Brenner, A.E. CAMAC Extended Branch Serial Driver
FERMILAB-TM-0538 Price, P. Some Short SAMPLE Test Data
FERMILAB-TM-0537 Brenner, A.E. Bison-Net, a High Speed Block Multiplexer Channel for Interconnecting Computers via CAMAC
FERMILAB-TM-0536 Nezrick, F.A. Can the Horn System Be Modified to Accomodate a 1 msec Spill?
FERMILAB-TM-0535 Davis, P. The Electron Beam Test of October-November, 1974
FERMILAB-TM-0534 Gross, D. Measurement of the Profile of the Gas Jet Target at the Internal Target Area
FERMILAB-TM-0533 Strauss, B.P. Results of Magnet Prototype Evaluation for the Fermilab Energy Doubler Project
FERMILAB-TM-0532 Harigel, G. Operating Conditions for Big Bubble Chambers (15 Ft Chamber) Filled with Neon / Hydrogen Mixtures
FERMILAB-TM-0531 Hornstra, F. A Scheme to Provide Low Heat Conduction in Support Members of Superconducting Devices and Other Appl
FERMILAB-TM-0530 Ioriatti, E. Heat Leak Measurements on Energy Doubler Dipole Support Model G10-1
FERMILAB-TM-0529 Ruggiero, A.G. A Preliminary Set of Parameters for POPAE
FERMILAB-TM-0528 Droege, T. Comparative Test of Nano Systems PS-500 MWPC Power Supply and the Detector Electronics MWPC Power Su
FERMILAB-TM-0527-A Droege, T. A Module Power Supply for Use with Multiwire Proportional Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0526 Nagy, J. A Primer on the 032 Module --- Linking Beamline and Experimenter Computer
FERMILAB-TM-0525 Nagy, J. Interfacing CAMAC System to Mrd-200 Raster Generator
FERMILAB-TM-0524 Month, M. Effect of Common Quadrupoles on the Maximum Beam-Beam Limited Luminosity in Low $\beta$ Insertions
FERMILAB-TM-0523 Yamada, R. Short SAMPLE Test of Some Superconducting Wires
FERMILAB-TM-0522 Heim, J. Engineering Design and Analysis of Large Superconducting Particle Analysis Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0521 Tigner, M. Estimates Concerning Beam Neutralization for POPAE
FERMILAB-TM-0520 Tigner, M. Notes Concerning the Electron Side of POPAE
FERMILAB-TM-0519 Edwards, D.A. Comments on POPAE
FERMILAB-TM-0518 Cilyo, F.F. Maintainability and Reliability Design of a Precision High Current Power Supply
FERMILAB-TM-0517 Sogard, M. An Absolute Integral BDL Calibration of B2 Magnets for the AVB System of the Single ARM Spectrometer
FERMILAB-TM-0516 Awschalom, M. Radiation Measurements Around the Fermilab 300 GeV Main Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0515 Golovanov, L. Evaluation of the Possibility of Cryotrapping Helium Jet by Means of a Parallel Stream of Hydrogen C
FERMILAB-TM-0514 McCracken, R.J. Potential Power Savings of Approximately 3000 kVA in the Operation of the Fermi Cyclotron
FERMILAB-TM-0513 Cence, R.J. Matching 'Muon' Tracks in the 15-Ft Bubble Chamber to the EMI Proportional Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0512 Ruggiero, A.G. The Transport Line between the Main Ring and the Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-TM-0511 Walker, J. Preliminary Ideas on 2nd Generation Neutrino Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0510 Ohnuma, S. Tolerance Requirements for Energy Doubler Quadrupole
FERMILAB-TM-0509 Stevenson, M.L. Surveying the External Muon Identifier and the 15-Ft. Bubble Chamber with 250-GeV Mesons
FERMILAB-TM-0508 Sandweiss, J. Muon Backgrounds Produced by Multiple Beam Crossings in Popae Straight Sections
FERMILAB-TM-0507 Ohnuma, S. Possible Increase in Emittance Due to Nonlinear Coupling Resonances in the Booster
FERMILAB-TM-0506 Cilyo, F.F. Remote Control Unit for Sorenson DCR-20-250 Power Supplies
FERMILAB-TM-0505 Ruggiero, A.G. The Transverse Collective Effects in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0504 Atac, M. Report on the Drift Chamber Workshop
FERMILAB-TM-0503 Mori, S. Magnet Replacement at the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0502 Ohnuma, S. Energy Doubler Dipole MARK-II: Nonlinearity and Tolerance Requirement
FERMILAB-TM-0501 McCracken, R.J. Modification of the Existing Magnet Exciting Coil in the ANL - NAL 30-Ft Hydrogen Bubble Chamber in
FERMILAB-TM-0500 Ruggiero, A.G. Coupling Impedance Measurement
FERMILAB-TM-0498 Ruggiero, A.G. Main Ring Capability as Storage Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0497 Moore, Craig D. Muon Beam Halo Studies
FERMILAB-TM-0496 Awschalom, M. Radiation and Collision Lengths for Various Fermilab Shielding Materials
FERMILAB-TM-0493 Lach, J. A High Intensity RF Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0492 Cox, B. A Refocusing System for the Proton Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0491 Cox, B. Design of Proton Laboratory Three Way Split at 500-GeV in Enclosure 'H'
FERMILAB-TM-0489 Teng, L.C. Synchronous Transfer of Beam from Main Ring to Energy Doubler
FERMILAB-TM-0488 Juhala, R. Variation of Remanent Field with Peak Excitation in Main Ring b2 Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0487 Prichard, B.A. Measurement of Electrolytic Voltages Generated Between Coils and Laminations of Failed Main Ring Mag
FERMILAB-TM-0486 Snowdon, S.C. Power Dissipated in Doubler Type Cryostat and Heat Shield
FERMILAB-TM-0485 Snowdon, S.C. Magnetic Field Distribution in Doubler Type Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-0484 Atac, M. A Portable Beam Diagnostic System for Secondary Beam Lines
FERMILAB-TM-0483 Snowdon, S.C. Forces in Doubler Type Sheet Current Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-0481 Toohig, T.E. Design Description of the External Experimental Areas at the National Accelerator Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0480 Snowdon, S.C. Stored Energy in Doubler Type Sheet Current Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-0479 Mori, S. Total Absorption Calorimeter Test
FERMILAB-TM-0477 Weitsch, G.A. Upgrading the M6 Beamline for 280-GeV Operation
FERMILAB-TM-0476 Rubinstein, R. Use of the NAL Electron Beam for Pion Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0475 Teng, L.C. Parameters for $1-TeV^{2} p p$ Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-0474 Ruggiero, A.G. Dipole Measurement Data Analysis
FERMILAB-TM-0473 Lee, W.W. RF Capture with Acceleration in the NAL Booster
FERMILAB-TM-0472 Carey, David C. 500-GeV Neutrino Beam at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0471 Juhala, R. Field Measurements on a Booster Synchrotron f Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0469 Skuja, A. Summary of Triplet Train Not
FERMILAB-TM-0468 Teng, L.C. Operating the Main Ring at 500-GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0467 Stefanski, R. The Downstream Beam Stop and Target Box for the Neutrino Area
FERMILAB-TM-0466 Satti, J. 4 x 30 Sextupole Magnet Data Sheet DC Operation
FERMILAB-TM-0465 Snowdon, S.C. Effect of Finite Susceptibility of Superconducting Dipole Banding
FERMILAB-TM-0464 Snowdon, S.C. Eddy Currents in Superconducting Dipole Banding
FERMILAB-TM-0463 Parry, R. Neutrino Area Radiation and Electrical Security System
FERMILAB-TM-0462 Hornstra, F. A Comment on "Some Comments on Gas Mixtures in Multiwire Ion Chambers and Multiwire Proportional Cha
FERMILAB-TM-0461 Atac, M. Some Comments on Gas Mixtures Used in Multiwire Ion Chambers and Multiwire Proportional Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0460 Johnson, M. Feasibility Study for Nearly Accelerator Energy $\pi^-p$ Experiments in the 30-Inch Bubble Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0459 Pascaud, C. Magnetic Field in the 15-Ft Bubble Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0458 Pascaud, C. 15-Ft HBC Optics Description
FERMILAB-TM-0456 Strauss, B.P. Evaluation of Matched Superconducting Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-0455 Juhala, R. A Rotating Coil Device for Harmonic Analysis of Magnetic Fields
FERMILAB-TM-0454 Murphy, C.T. Semiellipses and the Definition of Horizontal Phase Spaces in the Transfer Hall
FERMILAB-TM-0453 Dinkel, J. What Makes the Booster LLRF Tick
FERMILAB-TM-0451 Mori, S. Detection of Locations of Shorts for Failed Main Ring Bending Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0450 Baranov, P. Field Measurements on ANL R1-5 4-Meter Septum Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0449 Juhala, R. Field Measurements on 200-MeV Transfer Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-TM-0448 Ohnuma, Shoroku Quarter Integer Resonance by Sextupoles
FERMILAB-TM-0447 Teng, L.C. Magnet Insertion Code
FERMILAB-TM-0446 MacLachlan, J.A. First Order Fixed Points for a Nonlinear Delta Function Perturbation of Betatron Oscillations
FERMILAB-TM-0444 Toohig, T.E. 480-Volt Secondary Power Distribution in the Neutrino Area
FERMILAB-TM-0443 Curtis, C.D. Variability of NAL LINAC Energy
FERMILAB-TM-0442 Curtis, C.D. Description of LINAC Beam Extraction and Transport for a Medical Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0441 Van Ginneken, A. Neutron Energy Spectra from Proton Bombardment of Thick Lithium Targets in the 50-MeV - 180-MeV Ener
FERMILAB-TM-0440 Juhala, R. Field Measurements on 3-Ft B2 Reference Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0439 Awschalom, M NAL Medical Applications Facility: Beam Transport Line, Review of Soil for the 200-MeV Shielding Req
FERMILAB-TM-0438 Bosworth, W. Use of Ethylene Glycol Deionized Water in LCW Systems
FERMILAB-TM-0437 Ohnuma, Shoroku TUNE Shifts to the Orbit Sagitta in Bending Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0436 MacLachlan, J.A. Measurement of the Betatron Wave Number Nu by Closed Orbit Distortion
FERMILAB-TM-0435 Juhala, R. Field Measurements on Lambertson Septum Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0434 Juhala, R. Epb Dipole Magnetic Field Measurements
FERMILAB-TM-0433 Burwell, A. Experimental Program Data File and Listings
FERMILAB-TM-0432 Walker, J. Intersecting Accelerator Ring (Intar) for the Study of Proton Proton Collisions at More Than 200-GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0431 Ruggiero, A.G. The NAL Main Ring as a 15-GeV Electron - Positron Storage and Colliding Device
FERMILAB-TM-0430 Hornstra, F. A Preliminary Report on a Promising Target Monitor
FERMILAB-TM-0429 Limon, P. Neutrino Area - Design Report - Muon Beam: N-1
FERMILAB-TM-0428 Sandberg, B. A Digital One Shot Multivibrator
FERMILAB-TM-0427 Sutter, D.F. A Wide Band Current Monitor Based on Pulsed Transformer Techniques
FERMILAB-TM-0426 Lundy, R.A. A System for Monitoring Proton Losses from the NAL Main Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0425 Teng, L.C. Single Pass Colliding Beams for NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0424 Juhala, R. Measurements of Inductive and Resistance Main Ring Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0423 Fast, R.W. Design Guide for Liquid Hydrogen Targets Up to 35-Liters
FERMILAB-TM-0422 Fast, R.W. Hydrogen Policy Guide for Refrigerated Targets Up to 6-Liters
FERMILAB-TM-0421 Reardon, P.J. Some Preliminary Concepts About the Proposed Energy Doubler Device for the 200-GeV / 500-GeV Proton
FERMILAB-TM-0420 Snowdon, S.C. Kicker Magnet Design
FERMILAB-TM-0419-A Baker, S. Radiological Experience with the Fall 1972 Monopole Dump
FERMILAB-TM-0418 Toohig, T.E. On the Care and Feeding of Bubble Chambers, Etc.
FERMILAB-TM-0417 Ruggiero, A.G. Equations of Motion of an Accelerated Particle
FERMILAB-TM-0416 Satti, J.A. Design of Sextupole Magnet for 200-GeV Line
FERMILAB-TM-0415 Saxon, D.H. The Field of the Experiment 70 Analysis Dipoles
FERMILAB-TM-0414 Vander Arend, P.C. Superconducting Accelerator Magnet Cooling
FERMILAB-TM-0413 Reardon, P.J. Preliminary Modeling and Testing of Ramped Superconducting Dipoles for the NAL Doubler
FERMILAB-TM-0412 Shafer, R.E. Radiation Survey Vehicle for the NAL Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0410 Gollon, P.J. A Low Cost Method to Safely Vent Radioactive Gases from the Cooling System of a High Power Beam Stop
FERMILAB-TM-0409 Sutter, D.F. A Multiplex Control System for the NAL Main Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0408-A Awschalom, M. Estimate of the Radioactivity Produced in the Cooling Water of a Target Assembly and Its Handling
FERMILAB-TM-0407 Yarema, R.J. Quadrupole Power Supply Active Ripple Filters
FERMILAB-TM-0406 MacLachlan, J.A. Closed Orbit Correction for the NAL Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0405 Hubbard, E.L. Booster Synchrotron
FERMILAB-TM-0404 Ruggiero, A.G. The Vertical Physical Aperture in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0403 Ruggiero, A.G. Sextupole and Octupole Fields in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0402 Weitsch, A. Stray Field Measurements on B2 Dipoles, EPB Quads, and Vernier Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0400 Snowdon, S.C. Magnetic Field of Uniform Density Current Confined Within an Elliptical Boundary
FERMILAB-TM-0399 Sandberg, B.R. A Frequency Domain Technique for Separating the Aperiodic and Periodic Response of a Linear Lumped P
FERMILAB-TM-0398 Sanford, J.R. A Listing of the Research Proposals Submitted to NAL Including the Current Status of the Proposed an
FERMILAB-TM-0397 Teng, L.C. Handy Formulas for Dipole Coils with Circular Iron Shields
FERMILAB-TM-0396 Teng, L.C. Scaling of Luminosity in Colliding Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0395 Ohnuma, S. Slits in the 8-GeV Transport
FERMILAB-TM-0394 Hand, L.N. Report on the July Muon Beam Tuning and Comparison with the Calculations
FERMILAB-TM-0393 Ohnuma, S. Quadrupole Roll Errors and Horizontal - Vertical Coupling in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0392 Hornstra, F. A Self Adaptive 'Analog Scaler' System for Generating Beam Profiles in Secondary Beam Lines with Low
FERMILAB-TM-0391-A Shafer, R. Circuit Description of NIM Current Integrator Digitizer
FERMILAB-TM-0391 Shafer, R. Properties of Digitizing Current Integrators Built by the NAL Radiation Physics Group
FERMILAB-TM-0390 Sanford, J.R. Approved Experiments at NAL Displayed by Category of Physics Coverage
FERMILAB-TM-0389 Sanford, J.R. List of Approved Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0388 Sanford, J.R. Research Proposals Submitted to NAL and the Current Status of the Proposals
FERMILAB-TM-0387 Ruggiero, A.G. Quadrupole Field Rotation and Distortion
FERMILAB-TM-0386 Biallas, G. Water Resources and Requirements of the National Accelerator Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0385 Hand, L.N. Note on the Properties of the Large Ion Chamber and Secondary Emission Monitor Located in Neuhall
FERMILAB-TM-0384 Toohig, T.E. Extended Proton Beam Spot Size at Neutrino Target - 200 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0383 Heim, J.R. 20 kg, 10-Ft Long Superconducting Prototype Transport Dipole
FERMILAB-TM-0382 Teng, L.C. Skew Quadrupole Field and Horizontal - Vertical Coupling in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0381 Baker, S. Preoperational Environmental Monitoring Report
FERMILAB-TM-0380 Hornstra, F. Beam Intensity Measurements with a SWIC
FERMILAB-TM-0379 Carey, David C. Second Order Optimization of Beamline Designs with Transport
FERMILAB-TM-0378 Roberts, A. Proposed Cherenkov Trigger Counter for BNL Hyperon Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0377 Ohnuma, S. Tolerance Requirements on 720 Hz Ripples in the Main Quadrupole Current During Resonance Extractions
FERMILAB-TM-0376 Kang, Y. Design of a Magnetized Iron Muon Shield for a High Energy Neutrino Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0375 Teng, L.C. Half Integral Resonant Extraction from the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0374 Carey, David C. Sextupole Configurations for High Resolution Beam M6
FERMILAB-TM-0373 Ohnuma, S. Acceleration of Deuterons in Alvarez Type Proton LINAC
FERMILAB-TM-0372 Sandberg, B. Modifications to the ACME-22.5-0.1 Power Supplies and Current Lines
FERMILAB-TM-0371 Nash, T. Design of a Tagged Photon Beam (Continued): Fitting Into the Proton Lab
FERMILAB-TM-0370 Sanford, J.R. List of Approved Proposals
FERMILAB-TM-0368 Ruggiero, A.G. The 200-MeV Transport Line and Debuncher
FERMILAB-TM-0367 Fast, R.W. Nucleate Cooling Stability Criteria for Superconducting Coils
FERMILAB-TM-0366 Schivell, J. Main Ring Magnet Data System
FERMILAB-TM-0365 Mallie, F. Target Telescope Tube and Target Location
FERMILAB-TM-0364 Fast, R.W. Design Features of Superconducting Transport and Analysis Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0363 Fast, R.W. Superconducting 3.5 TESLA, 3 Meter Prototype Bending Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0361 Carey, David C. Improvements in Transport
FERMILAB-TM-0360 Kirsten, F. Operational Description of Digitizer 22 x 2140 for the EMI Multiwire Proportional Chambers with Dela
FERMILAB-TM-0359 Parker, Sherwood External Muon Identifier Development: Half Meter Proportional Chamber Test Results
FERMILAB-TM-0358 Harris, F.A. Muon Identification Using Multiwire Proportional Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0355 Strauss, B.P. A Miniature High Efficiency Vacuum Cleaner for NAL Beam Tubes
FERMILAB-TM-0354 Higgins, E.F. Booster and Main Accelerator Phase Detector System for Cavity Tuning
FERMILAB-TM-0353 Lee, W.W. A Possible Explanation of the Missing Bunches in the Booster
FERMILAB-TM-0352 Snowdon, S.C. Transfer Function and Coil Impedance for Main Ring Quadrupole Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0351 Cocconi, G. A High Resolution Disk Cherenkov Counter for NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0350 Fast, R.W. Hydrogen Policy Guide
FERMILAB-TM-0349 Fast, R.W. Design Guide for Liquid Hydrogen Filled Targets
FERMILAB-TM-0348 Ruggiero, A.G. Fine Tuning and Excitation of the 41st Harmonic with the Trim Quadrupoles in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0347 Baron, A.I. Final Comprehensive Test Report Gas Cherenkov Counter
FERMILAB-TM-0346 Carey, David C. A Quadrupole Doublet Fitting Program
FERMILAB-TM-0345-C Baker, Samuel I. Environmental Monitoring Report for Calendar Year 1972
FERMILAB-TM-0345-B Baker, S. Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report January 1, 1972 to June 30, 1972
FERMILAB-TM-0345 Baker, S.I. Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report for July 1,1971 to December 31,1972
FERMILAB-TM-0344-A Awschalom, M. A Possible Stopping $\pi^-$ Beam for Cancer Therapeutics
FERMILAB-TM-0344 Awschalom, M. A Possible Stopping $\pi^ -$ Beam for Cancer Therapeutics
FERMILAB-TM-0343 Teng, L.C. Extraction from the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0342 MacLachlan, J.A. A Footnote on Gas Scattering in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0341 Snowdon, S.C. Residual Gas Analysis in Main Ring to Obtain Mean Square Scattering Angle and Beam Lifetime
FERMILAB-TM-0340 Juhala, R. Differences Between the Gradients in the F and D Main Ring Quadrupoles at Injection Due to Remanent
FERMILAB-TM-0339 Hornstra, F. Manipulations to Check and Demagnify Errors in Beam Position Measurements with the Electrostatic Bea
FERMILAB-TM-0336 Sanford, J.R. Research Proposals Submitted to NAL Sorted According to Physics Topics and the Current Status of the
FERMILAB-TM-0335 Tool, G.S. Approximate Magnet Current - Energy Relation for Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0334 Heim, J.R. The Heim Column a Low Heat Leak Temperature Stabilized Support/ Superconducting Coil Training and In
FERMILAB-TM-0333 Lee, W.W. Effects of Nonlinearities on the Phase Motion in the NAL Booster
FERMILAB-TM-0332 Teng, L.C. Transmission Line Modes Around the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0331 Awschalom, M. Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report January 1, 1971 to June 30, 1971
FERMILAB-TM-0330 March, R. Design of Magnetic Beam Dump for Hyperon Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0329 MacLachlan, J.A. Correcting High Field Closed Orbit Errors in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0327 Awschalom, M. NAL SITE: Monitoring of Uncontrolled Radiation Areas
FERMILAB-TM-0326 Kerns, Q.A. Traveling Wave Beam Position Detector for the Main Accelerator RF System
FERMILAB-TM-0325 Snowdon, S.C. Transfer Function Between Magnetic Field Excitation Current in Main Ring Bending Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0324 MacLachlan, J.A. Scattering Extraction with the WIRE Septum
FERMILAB-TM-0323 Schamber, F. NAL Water Sampling Program
FERMILAB-TM-0322 Toohig, T.E. 'Hardening' of the Shielding Berm in the Neutrino Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0321 Hornstra, F. A Simple System to Determine Beam Profiles at Rates < $10^{4}$ to ~ $10^{15}$ $sec^{-1}$
FERMILAB-TM-0320 Teng, L.C. Unified Formulation for Transverse (Betatron) and Longitudinal (Synchrotron) Oscillations in a Synch
FERMILAB-TM-0319 Ohnuma, S. Do We Need a Debuncher in the 200 MeV Transport System?
FERMILAB-TM-0318 Stevenson, M.L. Predicted Neutrino Fluxes for Ideal Narrow Band Systems (Using the Multiperipheral Model of Clifford
FERMILAB-TM-0317 Ohnuma, S. Effects of Losing One Quadrupole in the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0316 Juhala, R.E. Procedure for Vacuum Impregnation of EPB Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0315 Juhala, R.E. Optical Survey of EPB Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0314 Ohnuma, S. Stopbands of a Focusing System
FERMILAB-TM-0313 Teng, L.C. Orbit and Focusing Bumps
FERMILAB-TM-0312 Nezrick, F.A. Target Box Front End for the 30-Inch Bubble Chamber Hadron Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0311 Teng, L.C. Booster Low Level RF Feedback Systems
FERMILAB-TM-0310 Parry, R. Main Accelerator Interlocks and Search and Secure Procedures
FERMILAB-TM-0309 Parry, R. LINAC Interlocks, Search and Secure Procedures and Access Control
FERMILAB-TM-0308 Awschalom, M. Personnel Monitoring at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0307 Awschalom, M. Radiation Safety Training at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0306 Awschalom, M. NAL Offsite Dose Equivalent Rates Due to Accelerator Caused Radiation
FERMILAB-TM-0305 Palmer, M. The Dump Box for the Neutrino Area
FERMILAB-TM-0304 Snowdon, S.C. Booster Constant Bucket Area Regime with Space Charge
FERMILAB-TM-0303 MacLachlan, J.A. RF Capture in the NAL Booster
FERMILAB-TM-0302 Snowdon, S.C. Beam Induced Power Loss to Booster Laminations
FERMILAB-TM-0301 Palmer, M. Aluminum Beam Stop for the Neutrino Area Dump Box
FERMILAB-TM-0300 Kang, Y.W. A Proposal for Achieving 500 GeV Operation with the 15-Ft Bubble Chamber: Design of a Magnetized Muo
FERMILAB-TM-0299 Kang, Y. The NAL Booster as a Neutrino Source
FERMILAB-TM-0298 Lach, J. Instrumentation of the Hadron Beams in the Neutrino Area
FERMILAB-TM-0296-A-B-C Toohig, T.E. 13.8-Kv Feeders and Load Distribution to the Neutrino Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0296 Toohig, T.E. 13.8-Kv Feeders and Load Distribution to the Neutrino Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0295 Satti, J.A. Hollow Copper Conductors for the Main Accelerator Magnet Coils
FERMILAB-TM-0294 Teng, L.C. Partial Aperture Beam 'Abort' System for Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0292 Awschalom, M. Calculation of the Radionuclide Production in the Surroundings of the NAL Neutrino Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0291 Awschalom, M. A Study of Spherical, Pseudospherical and Cylindrical Moderators for a Neutron Dose Equivalent Rate
FERMILAB-TM-0290 Awschalom, M. Guidelines on Warning Devices for Controlled Areas
FERMILAB-TM-0289 Sanford, J.R. Proposals Sorted According to Physics Topics
FERMILAB-TM-0288 Barsotti, E. Booster Access Control System
FERMILAB-TM-0287 Van Ginneken, A. Hadron Shielding Calculations: Effects of Voids
FERMILAB-TM-0286 Carey, David C. An Interactive Ray Tracing Program
FERMILAB-TM-0285 Lach, J. Hadron Beams in the Neutrino Area
FERMILAB-TM-0284-A Toohig, T.E. A Calculation of the $Na^{22}$ Produced in the Soil and in Ground Water in the Vicinity of the Neutr
FERMILAB-TM-0283 Van Ginneken, A. $Na^{22}$ Production Cross Section in Soil
FERMILAB-TM-0282 MacLachlan, J.A. Linear Beam Optics Program for Time Sharing Use
FERMILAB-TM-0281 Teng, L.C. Matching and Synchronization During Transfer from Booster to Main Ring at 8 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0280 Lee, W.W. Numerical Results from 'PARMILA' for the First Two Tanks of LINAC
FERMILAB-TM-0279 Snowdon, S.C. Modified Phase Acceptance in Linacs
FERMILAB-TM-0278 Kerns, Q. Main Accelerator Cavity Frequency Selective Damping via Skin Effect
FERMILAB-TM-0277 Snowdon, S.C. Wave Propagation Between Booster Laminations Induced by Longitudinal Motion of Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0276 Teng, L.C. Arrangements of PULSE Quadrupoles in the Main Ring for $\Upsilon_t$ Jump
FERMILAB-TM-0274 Awschalom, M. An Inexpensive Beam Loss Monitor for Use at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0273 Snowdon, S.C. Secondary Beamline Trim Sextupole
FERMILAB-TM-0272 McGreer, T.H. Flow of Water in Pipes and Tubes: Graphs for Direct Determination
FERMILAB-TM-0271 Teng, L.C. Third Integral Resonant Extraction from the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0270 Snowdon, S.C. Two Secondary Beamline Quadrupoles
FERMILAB-TM-0269 Snowdon, S.C. External Proton Beamline Magnet Profiles
FERMILAB-TM-0268 Trefil, J.S. Speculations on the Production of Quarks and Monopoles
FERMILAB-TM-0267 Kang, Y. Design of Muon Shields: Some General Considerations with Special Reference to Magnetized Iron Deflec
FERMILAB-TM-0266 Awschalom, M. Neutrino Dosimetry: Expected Neutron Spectra and Differential and Integral Dose and Dose Equivalent
FERMILAB-TM-0265 Carey, David C. The High-Energy Neutrino Beam in Area 1
FERMILAB-TM-0264 Awschalom, M. Nonhomogeneous Muon Shielding Flux Perturbations Due to Bending Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0263 Kang, Y. Design of Muon Shields Using Magnetized Iron Deflection
FERMILAB-TM-0262 Roberts, A. Design of a Variable Length Muon Shield in Area 1
FERMILAB-TM-0261 Theriot, D. Muon Shielding: Multiple Coulomb Scattering of Muons with Energy Loss
FERMILAB-TM-0260 Theriot, D. Muon De/Dx and Range Tables: Results for Shielding Materials Using Collision Losses Only
FERMILAB-TM-0259 Theriot, D. Muon Shielding: Studies of Homogeneous Shielding for a Neutrino Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0258 Awschalom, M. Tolerable Sodium Content in the Concrete of the Front End Gallery (Area 2)
FERMILAB-TM-0257 Read, Anthony Lincoln Design of Experimental Areas and Facilities at the National Accelerator Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0256 Lee, W. Effectiveness of the Main Ring Abort Dump
FERMILAB-TM-0255 Shoemaker, F.C. The Beam Abort Kicker System
FERMILAB-TM-0253 Maschke, A.W. General Description of the Proton Beam Dump
FERMILAB-TM-0252 MacLachlan, J.A. Damping of Coherent Phase Errors at Injection Into the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0251 Awschalom, M. Comments on 'Booster Enclosure Access Control' (TM-242)
FERMILAB-TM-0250 Gollon, P.J. Experimental Results on High-Energy Particle Production of $Na^{24}$ in Concrete
FERMILAB-TM-0249 Pollock, J. Methods of Calculating Accruals, Costs, and Commitments From Relief Transactions
FERMILAB-TM-0248 Borak, T. Some Geological and Hydrological Data at the NAL Site
FERMILAB-TM-0247 Awschalom, M. The Extraction and Transport of Radionuclides Produced in Soil by High Energy Hadrons
FERMILAB-TM-0246 Reardon, P.J. A Possible Reduced Cost Method for Fabrication of NAL Type Main Accelerator Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0245 Theriot, D. Muon Shielding: Design Studies of Homogeneous Soil Shields at 200 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0244 MacLachlan, J. Monaco a Monte Carlo Trajectory FORTRAN-IV Subroutine for High-Energy Protons in Bulk Material
FERMILAB-TM-0243 Oleksiuk, L.W. Beam Optics Calculations for a Quadrupole Channel Using a Programmable Desk Calculator
FERMILAB-TM-0242 Billinge, R. Booster Enclosure Access Control
FERMILAB-TM-0241 Awschalom, M. Lateral Shielding for the 8-GeV and 200-GeV Synchrotrons
FERMILAB-TM-0240-A Oleksiuk, L.W. Booster to Main Ring Transfer System: Magnet Nomenclature
FERMILAB-TM-0239 Gollon, P.J. Design of Personnel and Vehicle Access Labyrinths
FERMILAB-TM-0238 Mobley, R.M. Survey Points for Proton Beam Enclosures
FERMILAB-TM-0237 Carey, David C. The Program 'Profile'
FERMILAB-TM-0236 Awschalom, M. LINAC Shielding: Expected Beam Losses, Design Criteria, Tolerable Beam Losses, Radioactivation and R
FERMILAB-TM-0235 Cole, F.T. Accelerator Nomenclature
FERMILAB-TM-0234 Schivell, J.F. Completion of Protomain Milestone
FERMILAB-TM-0233 Pretzl, K.P. Design Criteria for a High-Energy, High Resolution Focusing Spectrometer
FERMILAB-TM-0232 Feng, H. Automatic Magnetic Measurement Facility for Synchrotron Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0231 Awschalom, M. A System for Radiation Monitoring of Occupational Areas
FERMILAB-TM-0230 Ryk, J. Capacitor Banks for Booster Resonant Power
FERMILAB-TM-0229 Theriot, D. Muon De/Dx and Range Tables: Preliminary Results for Shielding Materials
FERMILAB-TM-0228 Hanson, W.B. Vacuum Characteristics of Some Epoxy Resins for Magnet and Coil Impregnation
FERMILAB-TM-0227 Gollon, P. Short Term Radioactivation of LINAC Components by 66 MeV Protons
FERMILAB-TM-0225 Teng, L.C. Radiation Detector System for the Main Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0224 Kerns, Q.A. Ferrite Damping for the Main Accelerator Cavities - I
FERMILAB-TM-0223 Carey, David C. Preliminary Designs and Design Considerations for Charged, Unseparated Beams at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0221 Carey, David C. A Comparison of Neutrino Fluxes Expected at the High-Energy Accelerators in 1973
FERMILAB-TM-0220 Carey, David C. Quadrupole Long Spill Neutrino Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0218 Stevenson, M.L. Targets for the Neutrino Beam: Concepts
FERMILAB-TM-0217 Kang, Y.W. Properties of the Neutrino Beams at a 400-GeV Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0216 Atac, M. Unconventional Wire Chamber Winding Machines at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0215 Awschalom, Miguel Guidance for Shielding Design: Maximum Exposure Rates
FERMILAB-TM-0214 Awschalom, M. Some Radiation Safety Considerations for Experimental Areas
FERMILAB-TM-0213 Awschalom, Miguel Some Radiation Safety Data: Personnel Radiation Doses
FERMILAB-TM-0211 Fast, R.W. Superconducting 20 Kg Dipole Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0210 Gollon, P.J. Radioactivation of the NAL LINAC by Proton Beam Losses: Design Criteria for a Beam Loss Monitoring S
FERMILAB-TM-0209 Gollon, P. Radiation Safety Procedures at the 200-MeV LINAC
FERMILAB-TM-0208 Snowdon, S.C. Coefficients of Power Series Expansion of Magnetic Length from Measurements of Gradient Length
FERMILAB-TM-0207 Awschalom, Miguel Muon Groundshine
FERMILAB-TM-0206 Awschalom, M. Survey of Personnel Exposures at Some Large Physics Laboratories
FERMILAB-TM-0204 Theriot, D. Preliminary Design for Passive Muon Backstop for Area II
FERMILAB-TM-0203 Rubinstein, R. Some Notes on the Use of Disk Cherenkov Counters for Beam Surveys at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0202 Lach, J. An Analysis of RF Deflectors
FERMILAB-TM-0201 Dinkel, J.A. Transmission Line Mode Damping in the Booster Magnet Supply
FERMILAB-TM-0200 Bingham, G.McD. Correction of Main Ring Quadrupole Positions Using Closed Orbit Information
FERMILAB-TM-0199 Sandweiss, J. Some Considerations on a High Intensity, High-Energy, Negative Hyperon Beam at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0198 Rosen, J.L. Comments on Beams for Target Station No. 2
FERMILAB-TM-0197 Lindenbaum, S.J. Recent Experience at BNL with the MK-I Double Vee Magnetic Spectrometer and Future Plans and Recomme
FERMILAB-TM-0196 Nezrick, F.A. Particle Production in Spectra for Neutrino Beam Design
FERMILAB-TM-0195 Read, Anthony Lincoln Some Highlights in Elementary Particle Physics in 1969
FERMILAB-TM-0194 Bingham, G.McD. Design of Main Ring Bending Magnets for Improved High Field Performance
FERMILAB-TM-0193 MacLachlan, J.A. Beam Tracing Program for Time Sharing Terminals
FERMILAB-TM-0192 Awschalom, M. Shielding Materials: Compressed and Shredded Automobiles Etc.
FERMILAB-TM-0191 Meyer, D.I. A Proposal on a New Type Bending Magnet for Use in NAL Experimental Areas
FERMILAB-TM-0189 Feng, H. Integrator for the Magnetic Field Measurement
FERMILAB-TM-0188 Shoemaker, F.C. Some Aspects of the Main Ring Scraper Problem
FERMILAB-TM-0187 Awschalom, M. Particle Yield Curves Protons on H, Be, Al, Cu, and Pb
FERMILAB-TM-0186 Awschalom, M. Lateral Shielding of 0.2, 8 and 200 GeV Proton Beams Inside Accelerator Enclosures
FERMILAB-TM-0185 Awschalom, M. Some Controls on the Remanent Exposure Rate in Accelerator Enclosures
FERMILAB-TM-0184 Malamud, E. Analysis of $\pi^- \pi^+$ Scattering in $\pi^+$p $\to$ $\pi^- \pi^+ \pi^+p$ Interactions
FERMILAB-TM-0183 Awschalom, M. The Effect of Radiation on Electrical Insulating Materials
FERMILAB-TM-0182 Garren, A.A. Bending and Focusing Structure for a Curved External Proton Beamline
FERMILAB-TM-0181 Bleser, E.J. NAL Research Facilities Design Concepts
FERMILAB-TM-0180 Schivell, J.F. Magnetic Measurements on the Model Main Ring Quadrupole
FERMILAB-TM-0179 Cole, F.T. Nonlinear Transformations in Action Angle Variables
FERMILAB-TM-0178 Kerns, Q.A. NAL Cascode RF Power Amplifier Design Description
FERMILAB-TM-0177 Malamud, E. Measurement and Calculation of Eddy Current Effects in the B2 Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0176 Courant, E.D. Effect of Lowering Booster Energy on Longitudinal Phase Space Blowup
FERMILAB-TM-0175 Bleser, E.J. Conceptual Design of the Experimental Areas
FERMILAB-TM-0174 Carrigan, Richard A. $\Phi$ Production with $\pi$ Mesons
FERMILAB-TM-0173 Snowdon, S.C. Expansion of Magnetostatic Potential on Median Plane
FERMILAB-TM-0172 Malamud, E. Sextupole Comparison of Bending Magnet Steels
FERMILAB-TM-0171 Yamada, R. Iron Evaluation Tests for Main Ring Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0170 Cassel, R.L. Control of the Main Ring Magnet Power Supplies
FERMILAB-TM-0169 Kerns, Q. Magnetic Material Sample Catalog Edition 16
FERMILAB-TM-0168 Awschalom, M. Chemical Composition of Some Common Shielding Materials
FERMILAB-TM-0167 Snowdon, S.C. Booster Magnet Tolerances
FERMILAB-TM-0166 Teng, L.C. Review of the Main Ring Apertures
FERMILAB-TM-0165 Cole, F.T. Field Measurement Off the Midplane
FERMILAB-TM-0164 Cilyo, F.F. The Availability of High Power Semiconductors from Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
FERMILAB-TM-0163 Courant, E.D. The Effect of a High Beta Insertion on Resonant Extraction
FERMILAB-TM-0162 Billinge, R. Booster Nomenclature
FERMILAB-TM-0161 Livingston, M.S. Prospects for Superconducting Accelerators
FERMILAB-TM-0160 Shoemaker, F.C. Notes on the Central Control System
FERMILAB-TM-0159 Malamud, E.I. Outline of Main Ring Controls
FERMILAB-TM-0158 Heusch, C.A. An Electron Photon Facility for the National Accelerator Laboratory
FERMILAB-TM-0156 Snowdon, S.C. Determination of Booster Magnet Sextupole Strength
FERMILAB-TM-0155 Featherstone, R.P. Notes on the Component Identification Problem
FERMILAB-TM-0154 Brobeck, W.M. Organization of the Control System Design
FERMILAB-TM-0153 Notes on Procurement
FERMILAB-TM-0152 Featherstone, R.P. Notes on the LINAC System Timing Problem
FERMILAB-TM-0151 Derrick, M. Fake Studies of Some Strong and Weak Interactions in the 12-Ft and 25-Ft Bubble Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0150 Shoemaker, F.C. Main Ring Beam Sensing
FERMILAB-TM-0149 Lari, R.J. Computer Design of the Main Ring Bending Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0148 Robert, A. A Cosmic Ray Experiment at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0147 Shoemaker, F.C. Main Ring Correcting Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0146 Awschalom, M. Remanent Exposure Dose Rate from the Booster and Main Ring Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0145 Featherstone, R.P. Phase Measurements on the ZGS 50 MeV LINAC
FERMILAB-TM-0144 Gray, E.R. Calculated Beam Properties for the NAL 750 KeV Transport System
FERMILAB-TM-0143 Frauenfelder, H. Target Stations with High Beam Multiplicity
FERMILAB-TM-0142 Smith, J.H. Targeting for Neutral Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0141 Walker, W.D. On the Use of a Hybrid Bubble Chamber in the 100-BeV Region
FERMILAB-TM-0140 Cline, D. Comments on Hybrid Visual Magnetic Spectrometers
FERMILAB-TM-0139 Krisch, A.D. Thin Target Stations with Earth Shielding and Steering Magnets
FERMILAB-TM-0138 Krisch, A.D. Very High Intensity $\pi$ Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0137 Camerini, U. Neutrino Beams and Shielding
FERMILAB-TM-0136 Roberts, A. Comment on D. 1-68-52, "Initial Program Capacity at NAL," by J. Sanford
FERMILAB-TM-0135 Cline, D. Tagged High-Energy $\bar{n}$, Hyperon and Anti-Hyperon Beams at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0134 Camerini, U. Flux Calculation for the SO Called 'High Quality Low Cost Beam'
FERMILAB-TM-0133 Schultz, C. Tests of Universality with Neutrinos
FERMILAB-TM-0132 Lederman, L.M. Search for Intermediate Bosons Using Muons
FERMILAB-TM-0131 Stevenson, M.L. The Neutrino Facility at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0130 Krisch, A.D. Low Cost High-Quality $\nu$ Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0129 Krisch, A.D. Remarks on $\pi^-$p Backward Scattering Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0128 Goldberger, M. Seminar
FERMILAB-TM-0127 Derado, I. Proposal for 12 Meter Streamer Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0126 Perl, M.L. Progress Report on Muon and Electron Beam for NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0125 Wilson, Richard Electromagnetic Physics at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0124 Perl, M.L. Some Considerations on the Design of a Minimal NAL Target Station, Based on Experience at SLAC
FERMILAB-TM-0123 Berley, D. Note on Kadyk's Separated Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0122 Block, M. Neutrino Physics
FERMILAB-TM-0121 Yamanouchi, T. A Muon Beam at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0120 Kraemer, R. Parameters of a Large Bubble Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0119 Lai, K.W. Some Speculative $\mu$ Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0118 Smith, J.H. The Use of a High-Energy $K^0_L$ Beam to Study $K^0_L$ + P $\to$ P $K^0_S$ Regeneration to Check the
FERMILAB-TM-0117 Poirier, J. Relkin: A Relativistic Kinematics Program
FERMILAB-TM-0116 Walker, T.G. Secondary Particle Yields at 200 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0115 Smith, J.H. Spark Chamber Experiments: $\pi^- + p \to K^0 \Lambda^0$ at 100 GeV
FERMILAB-TM-0113 Poirier, J.A. Threshold Cherenkov Counters in Secondary Beams at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0112 Roberts, A. Further Studies on a Combined Bubble Spark Chamber High Accuracy Detector System for Multiparticle F
FERMILAB-TM-0111 Poirier, J.A. The Electromagnetic Form-Factor of the Charged Pion (Muon, Kaon, Electron)
FERMILAB-TM-0110 Toner, W.T. General Ideas About Beam Design for NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0109 Walker, T.G. Subgroup B. 5 Charged Particles Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0108 Drell, S.D. Remarks on Experiments at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0107 Keefe, D. Superconducting Beam Transport Magnets at the 200-BeV Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0106 Smith, J.H. $K^0_L$ Secondary Beam Characteristics
FERMILAB-TM-0104 Fields, T. A Hybrid Detector System for 100-GeV Strong Interactions
FERMILAB-TM-0103 Garren, A.A. Improved Lattice Parameters for the 100-BeV Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-0102 Roberts, A. An Approach to Establishing the Characteristics of a Flexible Modular Large Scale Detection System f
FERMILAB-TM-0101 Roberts, A. An Evaluation of the 12-Meter Streamer Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0100 Teng, L.C. 200 BeV Storage Ring Parameters
FERMILAB-TM-0099 Green, M.A. A Cost Estimate for the NAL 100-GeV Intersecting Storage Rings Using Superconducting Magnets: A Comp
FERMILAB-TM-0098 Jurgens, R.C. Trip Report: Visit to Solar Division, International Harvester Company, San Diego, Calif., November 1
FERMILAB-TM-0097 Gollon, P.J. Radiation Levels in the Booster Enclosure
FERMILAB-TM-0095 Livingston, M.S. Design Features of the 200 GeV Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0094 Featherstone, R. Coaxial Transmission Line for the NAL 200-MeV LINAC
FERMILAB-TM-0093 Smith, B.H. Design Considerations for Particle Accelerator Control Systems
FERMILAB-TM-0092 Smith, B. Metering Techniques for Electronic Maintenance of Main Ring RF Station
FERMILAB-TM-0091 Jones, Lawrence W. Miscellaneous Comments and Observations on NAL 100 x 100 GeV Colliding Beam Storage Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0090 Krisch, A.D. A Storage Ring Interaction Station for Measuring Proton Proton Elastic Scattering in the Vertical Pl
FERMILAB-TM-0089 Rowe, E.M. Some Remarks Concerning the Achievement of Pressures in the Low $10^{-9}$ Torr Range, Or Better, in
FERMILAB-TM-0088 Britton, R.B. Summary of Ideas for a Superconducting Storage Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0087 Billinge, R. Booster Reference Design, Part 1
FERMILAB-TM-0086 Juhala, R. Initial Magnetic Measurements for the Booster Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0085 Jones, Lawrence W. Proton Proton Elastic Scattering with 2 x 100 GeV Colliding Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0084 Teng, L.C. Empirical Formulas for Ion Pumping: Information Obtained from Nuclear Physics Institute, Novosibirsk
FERMILAB-TM-0083 Klaisner, L.A. Notes on the Central Control Computer Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0082 Yamada, R. DC Field Measurements on No. 2 Model Magnet
FERMILAB-TM-0081 Tool, G.S. RF Control Computer Configuration
FERMILAB-TM-0080 Tool, G.S. RF System Control Computer Plans
FERMILAB-TM-0079 Albert, A.D. NAL Accelerator Control System Design Philosophy
FERMILAB-TM-0078 Romanowski, T.A. Hyperon Beams at the 200-GeV Weston Accelerator and Possible Experiments with These Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0077 Fields, T. Field Shape Tolerances for NAL Superconducting Beam Transport Elements
FERMILAB-TM-0076 Maschke, A.W. Consideration of an Internal Target Facility
FERMILAB-TM-0075 Snowdon, S.C. Conventional Bending Magnets for Storage Ring (II)
FERMILAB-TM-0074 Yuan, L.C.L. Some New Developments and Proposals in High-Energy Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-0073 Little, R. Very High-Energy Cosmic Ray Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0072 Wilson, R. Comments on 'The Electromagnetic Form Factor of the Charged Pion' by J.A. Poirier
FERMILAB-TM-0071 Tool, G.S. Decision on Booster Tunnel Penetrations to the RF Cavities
FERMILAB-TM-0070 Toner, W.T. Electron and Photon Beams at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0069 Courant, E.D. Nuclear and Coulomb Scattering in Storage Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0068 Toner, W.T. Design of an Experiment to Measure $\sigma_{TOT}$ ($\gamma$p $\to$ hadrons) at Very High-Energies
FERMILAB-TM-0067 Tannenbaum, M.J. Muon Tridents at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0066 Courant, E.D. Choice of Radius for NAL Storage Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0065 Berley, D. Hyperon Beams at a 200-GeV Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0064 Kruse, U. Analysis of Bubble Chamber Events Containing Neutral Pions
FERMILAB-TM-0063 Sanford, J.R. Plans for Experimental Areas at the NAL 200-GeV - 400-GeV Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0062 Perl, M.L. Inelastic Muon Proton Experiments at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0061 Paterson, J.M. Vacuum and Shielding Requirements for 100 GeV Proton Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-0060 Chew, G.F. A Simple Formula for the Distribution of Energetic Secondary Baryons from Proton Initiated Collision
FERMILAB-TM-0059 Elioff, T. Problems in Design of EPB (Memo to A.L. Read)
FERMILAB-TM-0058 Sanford, J. Initial Program Capacity at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0057 Sanford, J. Experimental Building Costs
FERMILAB-TM-0056 Perl, M.L. Progress Report on Group B. 4, Neutral Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0055 Teng, L.C. FODO Lattice for Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-0054 Tool, G.S. Booster RF System Response to Guide Field 2nd Harmonic
FERMILAB-TM-0053 Berley, D. Modulated Proton Beam for an RF Separated Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0052 Cline, D. Study of the Four Fermion Weak Interaction and Exotic Beta Decays Using $\nu$ Scattering on High Z M
FERMILAB-TM-0051 Condon, P.E. Search for Longlived Heavy Particles
FERMILAB-TM-0050 Snow, G.A. Neutrino Physics and the 25-Ft Bubble Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0049 Luckey, David Tagging Counters for Electrons in the 100-GeV Range
FERMILAB-TM-0048 White, T.O. A Spectrometer for Measuring Inelastic Secondaries from 200-GeV/c, p p Collisions
FERMILAB-TM-0047 Strauch, K. Remarks on Doing Strong Interaction Physics Involving Multiparticle Final States in the 100-GeV Regi
FERMILAB-TM-0046 Webster, Medford Separated $\Sigma^-$ Beams for Bubble Chambers
FERMILAB-TM-0045 Hyman, L. Neutrino Beams at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0044 Snowdon, S.C. Conventional Bending Magnets for Storage Ring
FERMILAB-TM-0043 Cline, D. Lepton Conservation Tests at High Momentum Transfer Using the $\nu$ Shield
FERMILAB-TM-0042 Luckey, David Form-Factor Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0041 Frisch, David H. Beam and Spark Chamber Detector for Search for W's Produced by Neutrinos
FERMILAB-TM-0040 Klaisner, L.A. Notes on a Booster Control System
FERMILAB-TM-0039 Cline, D. Comments on Low Momentum High Intensity Beams at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0038 Krisch, A.D. Experiments on Proton Proton Interactions
FERMILAB-TM-0037 Trilling, G. Strong Interactions in the 25-Ft Bubble Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0036 Trilling, G. Report of Group a Large Hydrogen Bubble Chamber Study
FERMILAB-TM-0035 Rosenson, L. Further Comments on the Influence of Detector Spatial Resolution on Spectrometer Scaling
FERMILAB-TM-0034 Schnell, W. Bunching the Beam in the Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-0033 Peoples, J. Background in the 25-Ft Chamber When Used for Neutrino Physics
FERMILAB-TM-0032 Hulsizer, R.I. Comments on Substituting a Streamer Chamber for the Bubble Chamber in the Hybrid Bubble Chamber Spar
FERMILAB-TM-0031 Keil, E. Space Charge Limit for a Neutralized Beam
FERMILAB-TM-0030 Schultz, C. Polarized Targets at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0029 Krisch, A.D. Facilities for Small Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0028 Schnell, W. RF Considerations for 100-GeV Intersecting Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-0027 Lederman, L.M. Beam Dump Experiment: Dimuons and Neutrinos
FERMILAB-TM-0026 Villa, F. A Few Thoughts About High-Energy Detectors
FERMILAB-TM-0025 Keil, E. Electric Field Required for Deneutralizing the Stacked Beam in the NAL Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-0024 Livingston, M.S. Dimensional Study of Intersecting Storage Rings
FERMILAB-TM-0023 Dinkel, J. Second Harmonic Component in Booster Magnet Current
FERMILAB-TM-0022 White, D.H. An Experiment to Look at Backward Peaks in $\pi$-p Scattering
FERMILAB-TM-0021 Meyer, D.I. Spark Chamber Experiment on $\pi^-$ + p $\to$ N* $\rho^0$
FERMILAB-TM-0020 Lederman, L.M. Influence of Detector Spatial Resolution in the Scaling of NAL Experiments
FERMILAB-TM-0019 White, Hywel W's at the 200-GeV Accelerator
FERMILAB-TM-0018 Wilson, Richard Power Supplies for Magnets at NAL
FERMILAB-TM-0017 Meyer, D.I. High Intensity $\pi$ Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0016 Meyer, D.I. Comments on Hybrid Spectrometer System
FERMILAB-TM-0015 Condon, P.E. Proposed Modification to Combined Bubble Chamber Plus Spark Chamber System
FERMILAB-TM-0014 Condon, P.E. Some Notes on the Detection of Neutrals in a Large Bubble Chamber
FERMILAB-TM-0013 White, D.H. A Proposal for a Unilateral Target Station Number 1
FERMILAB-TM-0012 Lach, J. Comments on the Bubble Chamber Spark Chamber Detector Proposed by T. Fields Et al.
FERMILAB-TM-0011 Lach, J. 100-BeV/c RF Separated Beam: 1968 Modification
FERMILAB-TM-0010 Walker, T.G. Interim Report by Summer Study Group on Charged Particle Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0009 Walker, T.G. Elastic Hadron Scattering at High-Energies
FERMILAB-TM-0008 Stiening, R. A Proposal to Use Synchrotron Magnets in Secondary Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0007 Stiening, R. Effect of Supermagnets on Experimental Area Layout
FERMILAB-TM-0006 Stiening, R. A Proposal for the Use of the 10-Bev Booster Accelerator as a Source of Low-Energy $K^{\pm}$ Mesons
FERMILAB-TM-0005 Walker, T.G. Meeting of Summer Study Group on Charged Particle Beams
FERMILAB-TM-0004 Klaisner, L.A. A Booster Monitor and Control System
FERMILAB-TM-0003 Livingston, M.S. Storage Ring Study Paper #2
FERMILAB-TM-0002 Garren, A.A. Storage Ring Study
FERMILAB-TM-0001 Toner, W.T. Problems in Attempting to Measure d$\sigma$/dt ($\gamma{p}$ $\to$ $\gamma$ $p$) Compton Scattering