Updated 2025-03-28 11:22:58
FERMILAB-THESIS-2025-02 | Kralik, Robert | Sussex U. | Measuring the Muon Neutrino Magnetic Moment in the NOvA Near Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2025-01 | Martínez López, Francisco | Queen Mary, U. of London | Expanding the physics reach of DUNE in the near and far detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-25 | Yamamoto, Masaya | Duke U. | Unfolding Structure Formation in the Dark Universe via Weak Gravitational Lensing: from Pixels to Co | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-23 | Putnam, Gray Louis Campbell | Chicago U. | Search for New Physics through a Long-Lived Di-Muon Resonance in the NuMI Beam with the ICARUS Detec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-22 | Martinez Figueroa, Norman Amilkar | Kansas State U. | Dimuon production in the MicroBooNE detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-21 | Plows, Komninos-John | Oxford U. | Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons at the MINER$\nu$A detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-20 | Carranza-Mejia, Hector | Texas U., Arlington | Boosted Dark Matter Search with the ICARUS Detector at the Gran Sasso Underground National Laborator | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-19 | Li, Jiaoyang | Edinburgh U. | Measuring dark neutrinos and light using external and internal components of LArTPCs | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-18 | Wood, Anthony P. 1993- | Houston U. | The NuMI Neutrino Flux Prediction at ICARUS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-17 | Last, David R. | Pennsylvania U. | Effect of Nuclear Size on Energetic Neutron Production in Ccqe-like Antineutrino Interactions in the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-16 | Jargowsky, Benjamin John | UC, Irvine | A Measurement of νe Appearance and νµ Disappearance Using 10 Years of Data from the NOvA Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-15 | Nicolás Arnaldos, Francisco Javier | Granada U. | Lambda baryon production in neutrino-nucleus interactions and light signals reconstruction in the Sh | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-14 | Leung, Ching Him | Illinois U., Urbana (main) | Probing parton distributions in proton using Drell-Yan and charmonium production in p + p and p + d | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-13 | Boone, Tyler N. | Colorado State U. | ICARUS cosmic ray tagger efficiency | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-12 | Sherman, Nora Field | U. Michigan, Ann Arbor | Improving the Discovery Power of the Dark Energy Survey Gravitational Wave Program in Its Fourth Obs | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-11 | Ge, Guanqun | Columbia U. | MicroBooNE investigations on the photon interpretation of the MiniBooNE low energy excess | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-10 | Qu, Helen | Pennsylvania U. | Towards Precision Photometric Type ia Supernova Cosmology With Machine Learning | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-09 | Savard, Claire | Colorado U. | Emerging Jets Search, Triton Server Deployment, and Track Quality Development: Machine Learning Appl | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-08 | Klustová, Anežka | Imperial Coll., London | Measurement of nuclear dependence in inclusive antineutrino scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-07 | He, Julie | UC, Davis | Measurement of Neutron Multiplicity in Charged Current Neutrino Interactions on Oxygen | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-06 | Hossain, Md Forhad | New Mexico State U. | Angular Distribution of Dimuons from Drell-Yan Production in p+Fe Interactions at 120 GeV Beam Energ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-05 | Brahma, Barnali | Indian Inst. Tech., Hyderabad | BSM Studies Using Long-baseline Neutrino Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-04 | Wang, Christina Wenlu | Caltech | Search for New Physics with the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment and QIS-enabled Technology | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-03 | Cotrozzi, Lorenzo | Pisa U. | Measurement of the muon anomalous precession frequency with the Run-2/3 data in the Muon $g-2$ exper | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-02 | Lepin, Luis Mora | Manchester U. | First Search for Dark-Trident Processes Using the MicroBooNE Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2024-01 | Sweetmore, George Matthew | Manchester U. | Measurement of the muon spin precession frequency using the straw tracking detectors at the Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-27 | Foster, Sean Benjamin | Boston U. | Measurement of the muon anomalous precession frequency in runs 2 \& 3 of the Muon $g-2$ Experiment a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-26 | Myles, Justin | Stanford U. | Combining Spectroscopic and Imaging Galaxy Surveys for Improved Measurements of Large-Scale Structur | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-25 | MacCoy, Brynn Kristen | Washington U., Seattle | Beam Dynamics Challenges in the Muon g-2 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-24 | Bottalico, Elia | Pisa U. | Beam dynamics corrections in the measurement of the anomalous precession frequency at the Muon $g-2$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-23 | Mikola, Veera | University Coll. London | Improving the NOvA 3-Flavour Neutrino Oscillation Analysis | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-22 | Dick, Austin J. | Northern Illinois U. | Computational Modeling, Simulation, and Potential Applications of Optical Stochastic Cooling | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-21 | Hasnip, C. | Oxford U. | DUNE-PRISM - a new method to measure neutrino oscillations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-20 | Cropp V, Frederick William | UCLA | High-Performance Accelerator Modeling: Toward Improving Controls and Diagnostics for High-Brightness | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-19 | Yang, Kang | Oxford U. | Measurement of the pion charge exchange differential cross section on Argon with the ProtoDUNE-SP de | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-18 | McGee, Kellen E. | Michigan State U. | Advancements in High-Q development for novel medium-velocity 644 MHz 5-cell elliptical superconducti | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-17 | Burleigh, Abraham Calder | IIT, Chicago | Characterization of radiation damage effects in high-energy neutrino target graphite using low-energ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-16 | Bhanderi, Aditya Harish | Manchester U. | Search for Low mass Higgs Portal Scalars at the MicroBooNE Detector in the NuMI Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-14 | Cababie, Mariano Ruben | Buenos Aires U. | Origin and characterization of single-electron events in Skipper-CCDs for light dark matter searches | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-13 | Marsden, David | Manchester U. | A Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons Decaying to Electron-Positron Pairs and Neutral Pions in the Micr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-12 | Girotti, Paolo | Pisa U. | Measurement of the muon anomalous precession frequency at the Muon g − 2 Experiment at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-11 | Mawby, Isobel | Warwick U. | Optimisation of the search for CP-symmetry violation at the deep underground neutrino experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-10 | Thorpe, Christopher James | Lancaster U. | Λ Baryon Production in ν¯µ Interactions in the MicroBooNE Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-09 | Kuruppu, Kuruppumullage Don Chatura Dilshan | South Carolina U. | Measurement of the Total Cross-Section of Muon Neutrino Charged-Current Coherent Pion Production in | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-08 | Dolce, Michael | Tufts U. | Constraining neutrino oscillation and interaction parameters with the NOvA Near Detector and Far Det | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-07 | Kamp, Nicholas William | MIT | Experimental and Phenomenological Investigations of the MiniBooNE Anomaly | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-06 | Cooper-Troendle, London James | Yale U. | First Measurement of Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Triple Differential Cross Section on Ar | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-05 | Chintalapati, Prudhvi Raj Varma | Northern Illinois U. | Systematic study of projection biases in Weak Lensing analysis | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-04 | Hall, Anna Maureen | Virginia U. | Data-Driven Validation of NOvA's Convolutional Neural Network for Electron (Anti)Neutrino Selection | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-03 | Zhang, Yibing | Sussex U. | Measurement of neutrino oscillations using neutrino and antineutrino beams in the NOvA experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-02 | Casler, Helenka Irene | CUNY, Graduate School - U. Ctr. | Beam-Based Target Alignment for Mu2e | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2023-01 | Diaz Bautista, Gonzalo | Rochester U. | Measurement of $\nu_{\mu}$CC1$\pi^0$ cross-section on heavy nuclei in MINERvA | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-34 | Narayanan, Aakaash | Northern Illinois U. | Third-integer Resonant Extraction Regulation System for Mu2e | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-33 | Jones, Sebastian | U. Coll. London | Using charged particle test beams to constrain systematic uncertainties for the DUNE experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-32 | Granger, Pierre | Paris U., IV | Studies of Time Projection Chambers using micro-pattern detectors for the DUNE experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-31 | Huang, Shihua | Purdue U., West Lafayette | Search for Lepton Flavor Violation in Two Body Muon and Pion Decay at Rest | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-30 | Giannini, Giulia | Barcelona, Autonoma U. | Photometric Redshift Calibration in DES Y3 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-29 | Green, Patrick J. | Manchester U. | Light and Dark in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Neutrino Detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-28 | Dutta, Irene | Caltech | Rare Higgs Processes at CMS and Precision Timing Detector Studies for HL-LHC CMS Upgrade | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-27 | Jwa, Yeon-jae | Columbia U. | Searching for Clues for a Matter Dominated Universe in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-25 | Chakraborty, Ritwika | Kentucky U. | Energy Integrated Ratio Analysis of the Anomalous Precession Frequency in the Fermilab Muon g-2 Expe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-24 | Macias, Christopher Thomas | Indiana U. | Neutrino Hunting: Looking through a UV Lens Scintillation Photon Detection in a Large-Volume Liquid | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-23 | Olivier, Andrew | Rochester U. | Neutrons in MINERvA and the antineutrino multi-neutron production cross section | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-22 | Nieslony, Michael Thomas | Mainz U. | Towards a neutron multiplicity measurement with the Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experim | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-21 | Filkins, Amy Nicole | William-Mary Coll. | Inclusive and Inelastic Scattering in Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-20 | Henry, Sarah | Rochester U. | Simultaneous measurement of visible energy and momentum transfer in anti-electron neutrino interacti | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-19 | Benevides Rodrigues, Ohana | Syracuse U. | Search for NuMI $\mu$DAR Electron Neutrinos in MicroBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-18 | Bashar, Saqib Shadman | Tufts U. | Measurement of Charged Current Inclusive $\bar{V}_\mu$ Interactions and 2p2h Contribution Using the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-17 | Foppiani, Nicolò | Harvard U. | Testing explanations of short baseline neutrino anomalies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-16 | Hausner, Harry R. | Wisconsin U., Madison | Sterile neutrino search with the NOvA detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-15 | Ascencio-Sosa, Marvin Vladimir | Lima, Pont. U. Catolica | From light neutrino decay phenomenology to muon neutrino cross-section measurement at MINERvA experi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-14 | Tapia Oregui, Beatriz | Texas U. | Towards a measurement of neutral pion production in neutral current interactions with the NOνA near | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-13 | Lackey, Teresa Megan | Indiana U. | Proton Scattering in NOvA Test Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-12 | Kelton, Laura | Kentucky U. | An Energy-Integrated Analysis for Measuring the Anomalous Precession Frequency for the Muon g - 2 Ex | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-11 | Mills, Joshua Michael | Tufts U. | A Search for Sterile-Neutrino-Based Muon Neutrino Disappearance Using the MicroBooNe Deep Learning A | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-10 | Mason, Katie N. | Tufts U. | A Search for Sterile Neutrino Oscillations in the MicroBooNE Experiment Using Deep Learning Reconstr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-09 | Morgan, Robert | Wisconsin U., Madison | Searching for multimessenger transients and lensed supernovae with the dark energy survey | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-08 | Greer, Joel Andrew Thomas | Bristol U. | Neutrino interaction identification for the DUNE trigger | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-07 | Sword-Fehlberg, Samantha | New Mexico State U. | First Measurement Of Charged-current 1 Muon 2 Proton 0 Pion Single Differential Cross-sections On Ar | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-06 | Papadopoulou, Afroditi | MIT | Lepton-Nucleus Constraints for Neutrino Interactions and Oscillations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-05 | Goodwin, Owen | Manchester U. | Search for Higgs Portal Scalars and Heavy Neutral Leptons Decaying in the MicroBooNE Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-04 | Bercellie, Aaron | Rochester U. | Muon neutrino charged current single pion production on various targets in the MINERvA detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-03 | Wilson, Matthew James | Toronto U. | A New Search for Low-mass Dark Matter and an Examination and Reduction of the Uncertainty due to the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-02 | Yates, Lauren Elizabeth | MIT | Using the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Detector to Search for Electron Neutrino Interactions and Understa | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2022-01 | Sutton, Andrew Thomas Cleve | Virginia U. | Domain Generalization with Machine Learning in the NOvA Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-53 | Akbar, Faiza | Aligarh Muslim U. | Deep Inelastic Lepton-Nucleus Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-52 | Thomson, Kayleigh A. | Liverpool U. | The Design, Construction and Testing of the Straw Tracking Detectors for the E989 Muon g-2 Experimen | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-51 | Vincenzi, Maria | Portsmouth U. | Core-collapse contamination in photometric samples of Type Ia Supernovae | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-50 | Schlesier, Cristina | Illinois U., Urbana | Measuring the anomalous precession frequency of the muon in run 2 of the Fermilab muon g-2 experimen | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-49 | Tarazona, David Alberto | Michigan State U. | Beam Dynamics Characterization and Uncertainties in the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-48 | Dixit, Akash V. | Chicago U. | Searching for Dark Matter with Superconducting Qubits / | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-46 | Pasciuto, Daniele | Guglielmo Marconi U. | Physical and mechanical properties study of CsI scintillation crystals and design of the mechanical | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-45 | Guerrero Ibarra, Daniel Fernando | Florida U. | Search for Non-Resonant Higgs Boson Pair Production in the Four Bottom Quark Decay Channel with the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-44 | Banik, Samir | Bhubaneswar, NISER | Search for Lightly Ionizing Particles in SuperCDMS and simulation of neutron backgrounds | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-43 | Iyer, Vijay Janardhana | Bhubaneswar, NISER | Development and calibration of semiconductor detectors for dark matter searches | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-42 | Kolupaeva, Lyudmila Dmitrievna | Moscow State U. | The NOvA experiment data analysis with the aim to measure neutrino oscillation parameters | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-41 | Gallego-Ros, Ana | U. Autonoma, Madrid (main) | Studies on the scintillation light detection in the ProtoDUNE Dual Phase liquid-argon TPC and its ca | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-40 | Jones, Rhiannon Susan | Liverpool U. | Muon-neutrino disappearance with multiple liquid argon time projection chambers in the Fermilab Boos | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-39 | Sutton, Kathryn | Columbia U. | MicroBooNE's First Search for the MiniBooNE Anomalous Excess Under a Photon-Like Hypothesis with Hig | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-38 | Kim, On | KAIST, Taejon | Reduction of the beam dynamics systematic uncertainties by the phase space matching with RF electric | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-37 | Barrow, Joshua L. | U. Tennessee, Knoxville | Towards Neutron Transformation Searches | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-36 | Diurba, Richard | Minnesota U. | Evaluating the ProtoDUNE-SP Detector Performance to Measure a 6 GeV/c Positive Kaon Inelastic Cross | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-35 | Vasel, Justin Allen | Indiana U., Bloomington, Dept. Astron. | NOvA as a Supernova Observatory | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-35 | Vasel, Justin Allen | Indiana U. | NOvA as a Supernova Observatory | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-34 | Weston, Jack | Cambridge U. | Neutrino interaction vertex reconstruction and particle identification in the MicroBooNE detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-33 | Bhattacharya, Meghna | Mississippi U. | Search for CPT and Lorentz invariance violation in the muon $g -2$ experiment at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-32 | Jediny, Filip | Prague, Tech. U. | Searching for Lightweight Dark matter in NOvA Near Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-30 | Calcutt, Jacob | Michigan State U. | Measurement of Piplus - Argon Absorption and Charge Exchange Interactions Using Protodune-sp | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-29 | Boi, Steven | Virginia U. | Design and Fabrication of a Novel Large-area, High-efficiency Cosmic Ray Veto Detector for the Mu2e | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-28 | Hempstead, Jason | U. Washington, Seattle (main) | Measuring the anomalous precession frequency $\omega_a$ for the Muon $g − 2$ experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-27 | Lobach, Ihar | Chicago U. | Statistical Properties of Undulator Radiation : Classical and Quantum Effects | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-26 | Tingey, Josh Chalcraft | University Coll. London | Convolutional Neural Networks for the CHIPS Neutrino Detector R&D Project. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-25 | Booth, Alexander Craig | Sussex U. | Electron neutrino appearance at the NOvA experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-24 | Principato, Cristiana | Virginia U. | An Indirect Search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles in the Sun Using Upward-going Muons in N | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-22 | Hilgenberg, Christopher Michael | Colorado State U. | Cosmogenic background rejection for the sterile neutrino search with the Short-Baseline Neutrino Pro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-21 | Kuklev, Nikita | Chicago U. | Experimental Studies of Nonlinear Integrable Optics / | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-20 | Mistry, Krishan Vinay Jitesh | Manchester U. | First Measurement of the Flux-Averaged Differential Charged-Current Electron-Neutrino and Antineutri | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-19 | Nadler, Ethan Oliver | Stanford U. | Faint galaxies and small halos : probes of galaxy formation and dark matter | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-18 | Barnes, Christopher | Michigan U. | First Muon Neutrino on Argon Cross Section Measurements With an Off-Axis Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-17 | Poudel, S.S. | South Dakota U. | Cdmslite Lightly Ionizing Particle Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-16 | Chen, Yifan | Bern U. | Methods for Precision Studies of Neutrino Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-15 | Cianci, Davio | Columbia U. | A Deep-Learning-Based Muon Neutrino CCQE Selection for Searches Beyond the Standard Model with Micro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-14 | Bhat, Avinay | Syracuse U. | MeV Scale Physics in MicroBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-13 | Cai, Tejin | Rochester U. | Measurements of Nuclear Effects and the $\bar \nu_\mu +H \to \mu^+ + n$ Cross Section in MINERνA wit | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-12 | Cohen, Erez O. | Tel Aviv U. | Identification and analysis of quasielastic neutrino interactions at MicroBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-11 | Kleykamp, Jeffrey | Rochester U. | A-scaling of CCQE-like cross sections at MINERvA | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-10 | Lin, Yin | Chicago U. | Nucleon Mass and Charges with Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-09 | Olson, Travis Grant | Tufts U. | Measurement of $d^2 \sigma/d|\vec{q}|d E_{avail}$ and 2p2h contribution using charged current $\nu_\ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-08 | Nayak, Nitish | UC, Irvine | A Joint Measurement of $\nu_{\mu}$-Disappearance and $\nu_{e}$-Appearance in the NuMI beam using the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-07 | Poudyal, Nabin | Wayne State U. | Measurement Of The Cross Section Of Top Quark Pairs Produced In Association With A Photon In Lepton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-06 | Swaney, Jeff | UC, Irvine | Design and Performance of a Smartphone-based Cosmic Ray Observatory | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-05 | Vermeulen, M.A. | Nikhef, Amsterdam | A blessing in disguise : Characterisations of ProtoDUNE photon showers for neutrino measurements in | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-04 | Mogan, Andrew James | Tennessee U. | Measuring Electron Diffusion and Constraining the Neutral Current $\pi^0$ Background for Single-Phot | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-03 | Bashyal, Amit | Oregon State U. | DUNE and MINERvA Flux Studies and a Measurement of the Charged-Current Quasielastic Antineutrino Sca | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-02 | Paudel, Ajib | Kansas State U. | A pion-argon cross section measurement in the ProtoDUNE-SP experiment with cosmogenic muon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2021-01 | Groh, Micah C. | Indiana U. | Constraints on Neutrino Oscillation Parameters from Neutrinos and Antineutrinos with Machine Learnin | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-36 | Edelen, Auralee Linscott | Colorado State U., Fort Collins | Neural networks for modeling and control of particle accelerators | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-35 | Dar, Zubair Ahmad | Aligarh Muslim U. | Electroweak interactions in Nucleons and Nuclei | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-34 | Szustkowski, Sebastian | Northern Illinois U. | Nonlinear Integrable Optics Beam Dynamics Experiment and Diagnostics | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-33 | Osofsky, Rachel Elizabeth | U. Washington, Seattle (main) | Magnetic Field Determination for Run 1 of the Fermilab Muon $g-2$ Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-32 | O'Flaherty, Marcus | Sheffield U. | The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron InteractionExperiment: Design, Construction and Preparationfor Firs | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-31 | Bending, Sebastian | University Coll. London | Measurement of 3-Flavour Neutrino Oscillation Parameters in the NOvA Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-30 | Ho, Johnny | Chicago U. | A Measurement of the Total Hadronic $\pi^-$ on Argon Cross Section in the Kinetic Energy Range from | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-29 | Zhang, Zhicai | Caltech | First observation of the production of three massive vector bosons and search for long-lived particl | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-28 | Sterenberg Frankenthal, Andre | Cornell U. | Search for dark matter decaying to two displaced muons produced in proton-proton collisions at 13 Te | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-27 | Secco, Lucas Frozza | Pennsylvania U. | Weak Lensing And Cosmology In The Dark Energy Survey | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-26 | Lucie-Smith, Luisa | University Coll. London | Insights into cosmological structure formation with machine learning | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-25 | Gatti, Marco | Barcelona, IFAE | Weak lensing in DES Y3: redshift distributions, shape catalogue, and mass mapping | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-24 | Mast, Nicholas Glenn | Minnesota U. | Cryogenic Detector Development for SuperCDMS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-23 | Edayath Sijith | Cochin U. | Long-baseline Sterile Neutrino Searches in the NOvA Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-22 | Ternes, Christoph Andreas | U. Valencia (main) | Neutrino oscillation phenomenology in the standard model and beyond | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-21 | Moon, Jarrett S. | MIT | Using Deep Learning Techniques to Search for the MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess in MicroBooNE with > 3$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-20 | Lamichhane, Kamal | Texas Tech. | Search for New Bosons in Gluon-Gluon and Vector Boson Fusion Processes at the LHC and Development of | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-19 | Wang, Zhixing | Texas Tech. | Search for resonance in inclusive and b-tagged dijet mass spectra in proton-proton collision at $\sq | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-18 | Helsper, Josh Frank | Northern Illinois U. | Transportation analysis and related design optimization of the Fermilab high-beta 650 MHz cryomodule | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-17 | Lukicov, Gleb | University Coll. London | Alignment of the straw tracking detectors for the Fermilab Muon $g − 2$ experiment and systematic st | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-16 | Brooks, Thomas Gabriel Rentoul | Sheffield U. | Selecting charged current muon neutrino interactions on argon with the short-baseline near detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-15 | Yu, Shiqi | IIT, Chicago | Measurement of Electron Neutrino and Antineutrino Appearance with the NO$\nu$A Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-14 | Fine, Robert | Rochester U. | Measurement of the Medium Energy NuMI Flux Using the Low-$\nu$ and High-$\nu$ Methods at MINERvA | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-13 | Phan, Dung Duc | Texas U. | A search for neutron-antineutron oscillation in the NOvA experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-12 | Campbell, Medbh | University Coll. London | Measuring Neutrino Oscillations in the NOvA and CHIPS Detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-11 | Van De Pontseele, Wouter | Oxford U. | Search for Electron Neutrino Anomalies with the MicroBooNE Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-10 | Ramírez Delgado, Manuel Alejandro | Guanajuato U. | $\nu_{\mu}$-Induced CC Coherent $\pi^{+}$ Production Off Carbon, Hydrocarbon, Iron, and Lead Using t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-09 | Pershing, Teal Joel | UC, Davis | The Accelerator Neutrino-Neutron Interaction Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-08 | Angelico, Evan | Chicago U. | Development of Large-Area MCP-PMT photo-detectors for a Precision Time-of-Flight System at the Fermi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-07 | Ayuso, Catherine | Michigan U. | Nuclear Modification of $J/\Psi$ and Drell-Yan Production at the E906/SeaQuest Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-06 | Siehl, Kevin | Wayne State U., Detroit | Search for Anomalous Trilinear Couplings of Electroweak Gauge Bosons Using Angular Variables at $\sq | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-05 | Morales Mendoza, Jorge Daniel | Texas A-M | Simulation of the Charge Measurements for the SuperCDMS Soudan Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-04 | Diociaiuti, Eleonora | Rome U., Tor Vergata | Study of the Mu2e sensitivity to the $\mu^-\rightarrow e^+$ conversion process | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-03 | Lepetic, Ivan Thomas | IIT, Chicago | Physics at the MeV-Scale in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-02 | Sweigart, David Allen | Cornell U. | A Measurement of the Anomalous Precession Frequency of the Positive Muon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2020-01 | Kinnaird, Nicholasv Brennan | Boston U. | Muon spin precession frequency extraction and decay positron track fitting in Run 1 of the Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-38 | Jardin, Daniel | Southern Methodist U. (main) | A Likelihood Search for Low-mass Dark Matter via Inelastic Scattering in SuperCDMS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-37 | Bowles, Michael A. | South Dakota Sch. Mines Tech. | Minimizing Backgrounds for the SuperCDMS SNOLAB Dark-Matter Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-36 | Gioiosa, Antonio | Molise U. | The Slow Control and the Calibration Systems of the E989 Experiment at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-35 | Tewsley-Booth, Alexander | Michigan U. | The Precision Magnetic Field Analysis for the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-34 | Froemming, Nathan Seth | U. Washington, Seattle (main) | Optimization of Muon Injection and Storage in the Fermilab $g$-2 Experiment: From Simulation to Real | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-33 | Fienberg, Aaron T. | U. Washington, Seattle (main) | Measuring the Precession Frequency in the E989 Muon g-2 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-32 | Chen, Rui | Manchester U. | Sterile Antineutrino Search with the MINOS and MINOS+ Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-31 | Albahri, Talal Ali Mohamed Ali | U. Liverpool (main) | Construction and Commissioning of Straw Tracking Detectors for the E989 Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-30 | Alrashed, Munerah | Kansas State U. | Phase space analysis of inclusive charged current proton production in MicroBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-29 | Judah, Matthew A. | Colorado State U., Fort Collins | Measurement of the inclusive electron neutrino charged-current cross section in the NOvA near detect | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-28 | Soares Nunes, Mônica | Campinas State U. | Impact of electron lifetime on electromagnetic shower separation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-27 | Herrod, Alexander Thomas | Liverpool U. | Modelling Curvilinear Beamline Effects on Beam- and Spin-Dynamics in the Fermilab Muon $g−2$ Storage | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-26 | Halewood-Leagas, Tabitha Leonie Odell | Liverpool U. | Measurement of vertical betatron oscillations using the straw tracking detectors for the E989 muon g | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-25 | Keloth, Rijeesh | Cochin U. | A Search for Anomalous Muon Neutrino Disappearance and Tau Neutrino Appearance using NOvA Near Detec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-23 | Hill, Colton M. | Manchester U. | Measurement of the Charged-current Inclusive Electron Neutrino and Electron Antineutrino Cross Secti | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-22 | Page, William Alexander | British Columbia U. | Searching for Low-Mass Dark Matter with SuperCDMS Soudan Detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-21 | Singh, Prabhjot | Delhi U. | Extraction of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters using a Simultaneous Fit of and#9003;and#956; Disappea | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-20 | Cooperstein, Stephane Brunet | Princeton U. | Observation of Higgs boson decay to bottom quarks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-19 | Messerly, Benjamin | Pittsburgh U. | Single Charged Pion Production by Muon Neutrinos in the MINERvA Detector Using the NuMI Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-18 | Howard Jr., Bruce Lynn | Indiana U. | Toward A Precision Era Of Neutrino Oscillation Physics: Liquid Argon Scintillation Detector Developm | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-17 | Jan De Vries, Joris | Cambridge U. | Identifying Muon Neutrino Charged-Current Interactions in the MicroBooNE Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-16 | Ji, Yichen | IIT, Chicago | Electron Cloud Studies at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-15 | Mendez Mendez, Diana Patricia | Sussex U. | Comparison of oscillation parameters measured from $\nu_\mu$ and $\bar{\nu}_\mu$ disappearance in th | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-14 | Porzio, Salvatore Davide | Manchester U. | Searches for Heavy Neutral Lepton Decays in the MicroBooNE Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-13 | Carroll, Thomas Joseph | Texas U. | Three-Flavor Neutrino Oscillations with MINOS+ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-12 | Tadepalli, Arun S. | Rutgers U., Piscataway (main) | Light anti-quark flavor asymmetry in the nucleon sea and the nuclear dependence of anti-quarks in nu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-11 | Lister, Adam | Lancaster U. | Constraint of Systematic Uncertainties in an Electron Neutrino Search Using Muon Neutrinos at MicroB | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-10 | Pulliam, Gregory | Syracuse U. | Pi+ Cross Section on Argon for the LArIAT Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-09 | Yang, Shaokai | Cincinnati U. | Searching for Light Sterile Neutrinos with NOvA Through Neutral-Current Disappearance | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-08 | Meddage, Varuna Crishan | Kansas State U. | Liquid argon time projection chamber calibration using cosmogenic muons, and measurement of neutrino | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-07 | Fienberg, Aaron T. | Washington U., Seattle | Measuring the Precession Frequency in the E989 Muon $g$ − 2 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-06 | Genty, Victor | Columbia U. | The MicroBooNE Search For Anomalous Electron Neutrino Appearance Using Image Based Data Reconstructi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-05 | Del Tutto, Marco | Oxford U. | First Measurements of Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Differential Cross Sections on Argon a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-04 | Soleti, Stefano Roberto | Oxford U. | Search for a low-energy excess of electron neutrinos in MicroBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-03 | Blackburn, Tristan | Sussex U. | Measurement of $\Delta m^2_{32}$ and $\sin^2\!\theta_{23}$ using Muon Neutrino and Antineutrino Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-02 | Hernández Villanueva, Michel Enrique | CINVESTAV, IPN | Towards New Physics Through Precision Measurements in B$^0_S$ and $\tau$ Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2019-01 | Foreman, William M. | Chicago U. | A Demonstration of Light-Augmented Calorimetry For Low-Energy Electrons in Liquid Argon. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-45 | Norrick, Anne E. | William-Mary Coll. | A Measurement of Nuclear Effects in Deep Inelastic Scattering in Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-44 | Barker, D'Ann Rebekah | Minnesota U. | SuperCDMS Background Models for Low-Mass Dark Matter Searches | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-43 | Stein, Matthew | Southern Methodist U. (main) | An Analysis of Frenkel Defects and Backgrounds Modeling for SuperCDMS Dark Matter Searches | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-42 | Rogers, Hannah Elizabeth | Minnesota U. | Effective Field Theory Analysis and Active Neutron Veto Design for the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-41 | Charity, Saskia | U. Liverpool (main) | Beam profile measurements using the straw tracking detectors at the Fermilab muon $g$ − 2 experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-40 | Catano-Mur, Erika | Iowa State U. (main) | Constraints on neutrino oscillation parameters with the NOvA experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-39 | Chappuis, Anne | U. Grenoble Alpes | Étude et simulation de la lumière de scintillation produite et se propageant dans une chambre à déri | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-38 | Coplowe, David | Oxford U. | Probing nuclear effects in neutrino induced pion production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-37 | Gardiner, Steven James | UC, Davis | Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Detection | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-36 | Cornell, Brett Durcan | Caltech | A Dark Matter Search Using the Final SuperCDMS Soudan Dataset and the Development of a Large-Format, | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-35 | Hyun, Jibong | Sokendai, Tsukuba | Study of tunable narrow-band THz and high-intensity channeling radiation sources with a 50 MeV class | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-34 | Vold, Andrew | Minnesota U. | Improving Physics Based Electron Neutrino Appearance Identication with a Long Short-Term Memory Netw | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-33 | Kasetti, Siva Prasad | Hyderabad U. | Search For Short-Baseline Oscillations At The NOvA Near Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-32 | Bychkov, Vladimir | Minnesota U. | Escaping Events at the NOvA Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-31 | Mohayai, Tanaz Angelina | IIT, Chicago | A Novel Non-Parametric Density Estimation Approach to Measuring Muon Ionization Cooling and Reverse | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-29 | Catano Mur, Erika | Iowa State U. | Constraints on neutrino oscillation parameters with the NOvA experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-28 | Murrells, Robert Gregory | Manchester U. | The Search for Low Energy Single Photons in MicroBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-27 | Palmese, Antonella | University Coll. London | Unveiling the unseen with the Dark Energy Survey: gravitational waves and dark matter | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-26 | Monte, Alissa Erin | Massachusetts U., Amherst | Alpha Radiation Studies and Related Backgrounds in the DarkSide-50 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-25 | Lee, Young-Jang | Seoul Natl. U., Dept. Phys. Astron. | Measurement of the Top Quark Polarization in the Top Quark Pair Production using the Dilepton Final | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-24 | Gramellini, Elena | Yale U. | Measurement of the Negative Pion and Positive Kaon Total Hadronic Cross Sections on Argon at the LAr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-23 | McLean, Christine Angela | UC, Davis | Search for High-Mass Top Quark Pair Resonances with the CMS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-22 | Wospakrik, Marianette Octovina | Florida U. | Measurement of Neutrino Absolute Deep Inelastic Scattering Cross Section in Iron, Lead, Carbon, and | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-21 | Woodruff, Katherine | New Mexico State U. | Neutral Current Elastic Scattering and the Strange Spin Structure of the Proton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-20 | Behera, Biswaranjan | Indian Inst. Tech., Hyderabad | Measurement of the Double Differential Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged-current Cross-section in the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-19 | Todd, Jacob Ryan | Cincinnati U. | Search for Sterile Neutrinos with MINOS and MINOS+ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-18 | Michielin, Emanuele | Padua U. | Search for resonances in b-jets final states with the CDF II and the LHCb experiments | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-17 | Pershey, Daniel Stephen | Caltech | A Measurement of $\nu_e$ Appearance and $\nu_\mu$ Disappearance Neutrino Oscillations with the NOvA | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-16 | De Rijck, Simon | Texas U. | A Search for Large Extra Dimensions with MINOS and MINOS+ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-15 | Kurinsky, Noah Alexander | Stanford U., Dept. Phys. | The Low-Mass Limit: Dark Matter Detectors with eV-Scale Energy Resolution | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-14 | Sepulveda-Quiroz, Jose Andres | Iowa State U. | Measurement of the Kaon Production Normalization in the NuMI Target Using Uncontained Charged-Curren | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-13 | Tognini, Stefano Castro | Goias U. | Observation of multiple-muon seasonal variations in the NOvA Near Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-12 | Andorf, Matthew Benjamin | Northern Illinois U. | Title Light transport and amplification for a proof-of-principle experiment of optical stochastic co | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-11 | Rafique, Aleena | Kansas State U. | Tests of neutrino interaction models with the MicroBooNE detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-10 | Halavanau, Aliaksei | Northern Illinois U. | Title Electron beam shaping and its applications | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-09 | Yadav, Nitin | Indian Inst. Tech., Guwahati | Electromagnetic Shower from Cosmic Muons in NOvA Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-08 | Wu, Wanwei | Mississippi U. | The Beam Dynamics and Beam Related Uncertainties in Fermilab Muon $g-2$ Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-07 | Psihas, Fernanda | Indiana U. | Measurement of Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations and Improvements from Deep Learning | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-06 | Esquivel, Jessica Nicole | Syracuse U. | $\mu / \pi$ Separation using Convolutional Neural Networks for the MicroBooNE Charged Current Inclus | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-05 | Vinton, Luke | Sussex U. | Measurement of muon neutrino disappearance with a NOvA experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-04 | Hackenburg, Ariana | Yale U. | Measurement of a Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Single Neutral Pion Cross Section at MicroBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-03 | Wallbank, Michael James | Sheffield U. | Reconstruction and Analysis for the DUNE 35-ton Liquid Argon Prototype | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-02 | Caratelli, David | Columbia U. | Study of Electromagnetic Interactions in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2018-01 | Ramson, Bryan J. | Michigan U. | Parton Dynamics Inferred from High-Mass Drell-Yan Dimuons Induced by 120 GeV p+D Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-40 | Qiu, Hang | Southern Methodist U. | A Search For Weakly Interacting Massive Particles Utilizing A Profile Likelihood Ratio Technique Wit | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-39 | Speller, Danielle | UC, Berkeley (main) | A Background-Subtracted Search for Annual Modulation in CDMS II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-38 | Epps, Aaron | Northern Illinois U. | A dedicated quality control test stand for the g-2 tracker system | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-37 | Morescalchi, Luca | Siena U. | Study of the calorimetric detection of the muon to electron conversion in the Mu2e experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-36 | Richardson, Matthew Douglas | Vanderbilt U. | Constraining Microwave Emission from Extensive Air Showers via the MIDAS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-35 | Smith, Matthias Wayne | U. Washington, Seattle (main) | Developing the Precision Magnetic Field for the E989 Muon $g$–2 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-34 | Stuttard, Thomas Simon | University Coll. London | The development, testing and characterisation of a straw tracking detector and readout system for th | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-33 | Tiras, Emrah | Iowa U. | Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the CMS detector \& photodet | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-32 | Thiesse, Matthew | Sheffield U. | Research and Development Toward Massive Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers for Neutrino Detection | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-31 | Kennedy, Allison Blair | Minnesota U. | SuperCDMS Prototype Detector Design and Testing | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-30 | Agnese, Robert | Florida U. | Simulating the SuperCDMS Dark Matter Detector Response and Readout | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-29 | Smith, Matthias W. | Washington U., Seattle | Developing the Precision Magnetic Field for the E989 Muon $g-2$ Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-28 | Warburton, Thomas Karl | Sheffield U. | Simulations and Data analysis for the 35 ton Liquid Argon detector as a prototype for the DUNE exper | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-27 | Hewes, Jeremy E.T. | Manchester U. | Searches for Bound Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-26 | Hackett, Brianne Rae | Hawaii U. | The DarkSide-50 Experiment: Electron Recoil Calibrations and A Global Energy Variable | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-25 | Samuroff, Simon | Manchester U. | Systematic Biases in Weak Lensing Cosmology with the Dark Energy Survey | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-24 | Wang, Biao | Southern Methodist U. | Muon-Neutrino Electron Elastic Scattering and a Search for the Muon-Neutrino Magnetic Moment in the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-23 | Gelzer, Zechariah John | Iowa U. | Lattice Gauge Theories Within and Beyond the Standard Model | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-22 | Meyer, Aaron Scott | Chicago U. | The Nucleon Axial Form Factor and Staggered Lattice QCD | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-21 | Valetov, Eremey Vladimirovich | Michigan State U. | Field modeling, symplectic tracking, and spin decoherence for EDM and muon g-2 lattices | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-20 | Undleeb, Sonaina | Texas Tech. | Search for Non-thermal Dark Matter in Monojet Events in Proton-Proton Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-19 | Eby, Joshua Armstrong | Cincinnati U. | Phenomenology and Astrophysics of Gravitationally-Bound Condensates of Axion-Like Particles | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-18 | Lin, Po-Ju | Colorado U. | Measurement of Quark Energy Loss in Cold Nuclear Matter at Fermilab E906/SeaQuest | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-17 | García Fernández, Manuel | Madrid, Autonoma U. | Weak-lensing magnification as a probe for the dark Universe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-16 | Brochmann, Michelle | Washington U., Seattle | Measuring the Mass of the $W$ Boson with the Last 3.7 fb$^{-1}$ of Tevatron Data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-15 | Acosta Castillo, John Gabriel | Mississippi U. | Final Cooling for a Muon Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-14 | Edkins, Erin Elisabeth | Hawaii U. | Detailed Characterization of Nuclear Recoil Pulse Shape Discrimination in the DarkSide-50 Direct Dar | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-13 | Oliveros Tuativa, Sandra Jimena | Mississippi U. | Design of a High Luminosity 100 TeV Proton Antiproton Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-12 | Kaleko, David | Columbia U. | MicroBooNE: The Search For The MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-11 | Pagani, Luca | Genoa U. | Direct dark matter detection with the DarkSide-50 experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-10 | Ren, Lu | Pittsburgh U. | Measurement of Neutrino and Antineutrino Total Charged-Current Cross Sections on Carbon with MINERvA | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-09 | Martinello, Martina | IIT, Chicago | The Path to High Q-Factors in Superconducting Accelerating Cavities: Flux Expulsion and Surface Resi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-08 | Altinok, Ozgur | Tufts U. | Measurement of Muon Neutrino Charged Current Single $\pi^0$ Production on Hydrocarbon using MINERvA | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-07 | Anastasi, Antonio | Messina U. | The Calibration System of the E989 Experiment at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-06 | Augsten, Kamil | CTU, Prague | Measurement of top quark polarization in top-antitop lepton+jets final states at DØ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-05 | Nagai, Kei | Tokyo Inst. Tech. | Recent Measurement of Flavor Asymmetry of Antiquarks in the Proton by Drell–Yan Experiment SeaQuest | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-04 | Thornton, Remington Tyler | Indiana U. | Search for Light Dark Matter Produced in a Proton Beam Dump | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-03 | Antipov, Sergey | Chicago U. | Fast Transverse Beam Instability Caused by Electron Cloud Trapped in Combined Function Magnets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-02 | Duarte, Javier Mauricio | Caltech | Naturalness confronts nature: searches for supersymmetry with the CMS detector in pp collisions at $ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2017-01 | Liu, Ji | William-Mary Coll. | Electron Neutrino Appearance in the NO$\nu$A Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-51 | O'Connor, Joseph | University Coll. London | Three Flavour Neutrino Oscillations in MINOS+ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-50 | Liu, Ji | William-Mary Coll. | Electron Neutrino Appearance in the Nova Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-49 | Timmons, Ashley | Manchester U. | Search for sterile neutrinos with the MINOS long-baseline experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-48 | Li, Xingguo | Manchester U. | Measurements of the $\phi_{\eta}^*$ distribution of $Z\rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-$ events in $p\bar{p}$ c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-47 | Nagai, Andrii | Orsay, LAL | Investigation of SiPM physics parameters down to cryogenic temperatures and for a bio-medical applic | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-46 | Tatarinov, Aysen | Texas A-M | Search for New Light Bosons in Higgs Boson Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-45 | Khatiwada, Ajeeta | Florida State U. | Measurement of the Triple Differential Cross Section for Photon+Jet Events with the CMS Detector at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-44 | Poonthottahil, Navaneeth | Cochin U. | Search for Sterile Neutrino at MINOS using Antineutrino Disappearance | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-43 | Yang, Siqi | Hefei, CUST | Measurement of the Effective Weak Mixing Angle in $p\bar{p} \to Z/\gamma^* \to e^+e^-$ events at $\s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-42 | Adams, Corey James | Yale U. | First Detection of Low Energy Electron Neutrinos in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-41 | Kaur, Manbir | Punjab U. | Study of direct photon production with heavy flavor jets in $p\overline{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}= | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-40 | Verkheev, Alexander Yuryevich | Dubna, JINR | Изучение процессов с рождением прямых фотонов и ассоциированных адронных струй в эксперименте DØ на | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-39 | Westerdale, Shawn S. | Princeton U. | A Study of Nuclear Recoil Backgrounds in Dark Matter Detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-38 | Chen, Yu | Syracuse U. | High-energy Neutron Backgrounds for Underground Dark Matter Experiments | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-37 | Welliver, Bradford | Florida State U. | Dedicated Searches for Low and High Mass Wimps with the SuperCDMS Soudan iZIP Detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-36 | Phipps, Arran T.J. | UC, Berkeley | Ionization Collection in Detectors of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-35 | Moffatt, Robert | Stanford U. | Two-Dimensional Spatial Imaging of Charge Transport in Germanium Crystals at Cryogenic Temperatures | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-34 | Checchin, Mattia | IIT, Chicago | Physics of Limiting Phenomena in Superconducting Microwave Resonators: Vortex Dissipation, Ultimate | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-33 | Carneiro, Mateus F. | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Measurement of Muon Neutrino Quasi-Elastic-Like Scattering on a Hydrocarbon Target at ${\bf E_{\nu}} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-32 | Li, Ting | Texas A-M | Exploring Milkyway Halo Substructures with Large-Area Sky Surveys | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-31 | Pepin, Mark David | Minnesota U. | Low-Mass Dark Matter Search Results and Radiogenic Backgrounds for the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-30 | Mislivec, Aaron Robert | Rochester U. | Measurement of Charged Current Coherent Pion Production by Neutrinos on Carbon at MINER$\nu$A | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-29 | Fan, Alden | UCLA | Results from the DarkSide-50 Dark Matter Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-28 | Valencia-Rodriguez, Edgar | Guanajuato U. | Neutrino - Electron Scattering in MINER$\nu$A for Constraint NuMI Flux at Medium | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-27 | Kafka, Gareth Kristopher | Harvard U. | A Search for Sterile Neutrinos at the NO$\nu$A Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-26 | Faulkner, James | Texas Tech. | A Search for WW$\gamma$ and WZ$\gamma$ Triboson Production and Anomalous Quartic Gauge Couplings at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-25 | Timmons, Ashley Michael | Manchester U. | Search for Sterile Neutrinos with the MINOS Long-Baseline Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-21 | Gogota, Olga | Taras Shevchenko U. | Народження $c$ та $b$ кварків в $p\bar{p}$ зіткненнях на колайдері Tevatron при $Е_{цм}=1.96$ ТеВ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-20 | Richardson, Jonathan William | Chicago U. | Experimental Constraints of the Exotic Shearing of Space-Time | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-19 | Golovanov, Georgy | Dubna, JINR | Многопартонные взаимодействия в протон-антипротонных столкновениях в эксперименте D0 на коллайдере Т | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-17 | Hurtado Anampa, Kenyi Paolo | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Measurement of the Muon Neutrino Double-Differential Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Like Cross Sectio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-16 | Miyasaka, Shou | Tokyo Inst. Tech. | Probing Flavor Asymmetry of Anti-quarks in the Proton by Drell-Yan Experiment SeaQuest | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-15 | Rocco, Dominick Rosario | Minnesota U. | Muon Neutrino Disappearance in NOvA with a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Classifier | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-14 | McClellan, Randall Evan | Illinois U., Urbana | Angular Distributions of High-Mass Dilepton Production in Hadron Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-13 | Dannowitz, Bryan P. | Illinois U., Urbana | Nuclear Dependence of Proton-Induced Drell-Yan Dimuon Production at 120 GeV at Seaquest | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-12 | Marshall, Christopher | U. Rochester | Measurement of charged kaon production by neutrinos at MINERvA | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-11 | Lane, Peter Gwin | IIT, Chicago | Accoustic Localization of Breakdown in Radio Frequency Accelerating Cavities | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-10 | Kaurov, Alexander A. | Chicago U. | On Improving Analytical Models of Cosmic Reionization for Matching Numerical Simulations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-09 | Xin, Tian | Iowa State U. | Observing Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the NOνA Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-08 | Luca, Alessandra | Rome U., Tor Vergata | Measurement of the Inclusive Isolated Prompt Photon Cross Section in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-06 | Johnson, Emily Hannah | Michigan State U. | Constraints on models for the Higgs boson with exotic spin and parity | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-05 | Raddatz, Nicholas Jacob | Minnesota U. | Measurement of Muon Neutrino Disappearance with Non-Fiducial Interactions in the NO$\nu$A Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-04 | Patrick, Cheryl | Northwestern U. | Measurement of the Antineutrino Double-Differential Charged-Current Quasi-Elastic Scattering Cross S | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-03 | Aliaga Soplin, Leonidas | William-Mary Coll. | Neutrino Flux Prediction for the NuMI Beamline | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-02 | Pezzullo, Gianantonio | Pisa U. | The Mu2e crystal calorimeter and improvements in the $\mu^-\textrm{N} \to e^-\textrm{N}$ search sens | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2016-01 | Zhang, Yuanyuan | Michigan U. | Looking Wider and Further: The Evolution of Galaxies Inside Galaxy Clusters | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-46 | Daal, Miguel Demetrius | UC, Berkeley (main) | Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Dark Matter Searches | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-45 | Mahajan, Sonam | Panjab U. | A study of particle production in proton induced collisions using the MIPP detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-43 | Yen, Jeffrey | Stanford U. | Phonon Sensor Dynamics for Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-42 | Jastram, Andrew | Texas A-M | CDMS Detector Fabrication Improvements and Low Energy Nuclear Recoil Measurements in Germanium | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-41 | Schneck, Kristiana | Stanford U. | Search for Low-Mass Dark Matter wtih SuperCDMS Soudan and Study of Shorted Electric Field Configurat | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-40 | Anderson, Adam J. | MIT | A Search for Light Weakly-Interacting Massive Particles with SuperCDMS and Applications to Neutrino | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-39 | Driutti, Anna | U. Udine (main) | Measurement of the $W+$ jets differential cross-sections in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.9 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-38 | Lanza, Robert K., Jr. | Chicago U. | Experimental Limits on Gravitational Waves in the MHz Frequency Range | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-37 | McCuller, Lee Patrick | Chicago U. | Testing a Model of Planck-Scale Quantum Geometry With Broadband Correlation of Colocated 40m Interfe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-36 | Mahajan, Sonam | Panjab U. | A Study of Particle Production in Proton Induced Collisions Using the MIPP Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-35 | Molina Bueno, Laura | Granada U. | Measurement of the Muon Atmospheric Production Depth with the Water Cherenkov Detectors of the Pierr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-34 | Devenish, Nicholas Edward | Sussex U. | Muon Antineutrino Disappearance in the MINOS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-33 | Robinson, Alan Edward | Chicago U. | Dark Matter Limits From a 2L C3F8 Filled Bubble Chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-32 | Alimena, Juliette | Brown U. | A search for long-lived particles that stop in the CMS detector and decay to muons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-31 | Eldred, Jeffrey Scott | Indiana U. | Slip-stacking Dynamics for High-Power Proton Beams at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-30 | Hong, Ziqing | Texas A-M | Forward-Backward Asymmetry of Top Quark Pair Production at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-29 | Devan, Joshua D. | Coll. William and Mary | Measurement of Neutrino and Antineutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Sections with the MINERvA D | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-28 | Wang, Zukai | Virginia U. | Search for Magnetic Monopoles with the NOvA Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-27 | Mousseau, Joel A. | Florida U. | First Search for the EMC Effect and Nuclear Shadowing in Neutrino Nucleus Deep Inelastic Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-26 | Wolcott, Jeremy | Rochester U. | Measurement of the Charged-Current Quasi-Elastic Cross-Section for Electron Neutrinos on a Hydrocarb | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-25 | Rakotondravohitra, Laza | Antananarivo U. | Measurements of cross-section of charge current inclusive of antineutrino scattering off nucleons us | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-24 | Baird, Michael David | Indiana U. | An Analysis of Muon Neutrino Disappearance from the NuMI Beam Using an Optimal Track Fitter | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-23 | Wickremasinghe, Don Athula Abeyarathna | Cincinnati U. | HARP Targets Pion Production Cross Section and Yield Measurements: Implications for MiniBooNE Neutri | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-22 | Martin, Christopher Blake | Johns Hopkins U. | Discovery and Characterization of a Higgs boson using four-lepton events from the CMS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-21 | Lein, Susan M. | Minnesota U. | Muon Neutrino Contained Disappearance in NOvA | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-20 | Sachdev, Kanika | Minnesota U. | Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillation in NO$\nu$A | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-19 | Vostrikov, Alexander | Chicago U. | Physics and material science of ultra-high quality factor superconducting resonator | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-18 | Lemery, Francois | Northern Illinois U. | Beam manipulation and acceleration with Dielectric-Lined Waveguides | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-17 | Jones, Benjamin J.P. | MIT | Sterile Neutrinos in Cold Climates | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-16 | Niner, Evan David | Indiana U. | Observation of Electron Neutrino Appearance in the NuMI Beam with the NOvA Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-15 | Flumerfelt, Eric Lewis | Tennessee U. | DAQ Software Contributions, Absolute Scale Energy Calibration and Background Evaluation for the NOvA | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-14 | Panuganti, SriHarsha | Northern Illinois U. | Investigations and Applications of Field- and Photo-emitted Electron Beams from a Radio Frequency Gu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-13 | Grün, Daniel | LMU Munich (main) | Weak Lensing by Galaxy Clusters: from Pixels to Cosmology | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-12 | Devan, Alena V. | Coll. William and Mary | Sterile Neutrino Search with MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-11 | Mesquita de Medeiros, Michelle | Goias U. | Estudo da Oscilação de Neutrinos Muônicos Usando Dados Atmosféricos e de Acelerador nos Experimentos | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-10 | Bishara, Fady | Cincinnati U. | Prospecting for new physics in the Higgs and flavor sectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-09 | Chang, Chia Cheng | Illinois U., Urbana | Short-distance matrix elements for D-meson mixing for 2+1 lattice QCD | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-08 | Brodsky, Jason Philip | Princeton U. | $xy$ Position Reconstruction in DarkSide-50 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-07 | Liu, Huanzhao | Southern Methodist U. | A precise measurement of the top quark mass in dilepton final states using 9.7 fb$^{-1}$ of D{\O} Ru | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-06 | Huang, Junting | U. Texas, Austin (main) | Sterile Neutrino Searches in MINOS/MINOS+ Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-05 | Garcia Gonzalez, Jose Andres | CINVESTAV, IPN | Forward-Backward asymmetry in $\Lambda_{b}$ production and search for the $\Xi^{-}_{b}$ and $\Omega^ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-04 | Liu, Ao | Indiana U. | Design and simulation of the nuSTORM facility | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-03 | Kafka, Gene | IIT, Chicago | Lattice design of the integrable optics test accelerator and optical stochastic cooling experiment a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-02 | Demiragli, Zeynep | Brown U. | Search for new physics in final states with low transverse energy photon and missing transverse ener | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2015-01 | Hogan, Julie Managan | Rice U. | Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry in the Production of B+ Mesons in p p-bar Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-45 | Zhang, Jianjie | Minnesota U. | A dark matter search using the final CDMS-II data and 100 mm SuperCDMS germanium detector ionization | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-44 | Català Pérez, Joan | U. Valencia (main) | Measurement of neutrino induced charged current neutral pion production cross section at SciBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-43 | Kambeitz, Manuel | KIT, Karlsruhe | Study of Orbitally Excited $B_{(s)}$ Mesons and Evidence for a New $B\pi$ Resonance with the CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-42 | Collica, Laura | Milan U. | Mass composition studies of Ultra High Energy cosmic rays through the measurement of the Muon Produc | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-41 | Shank, Benjamin | Stanford U. | Testing and Characterization of SuperCDMS Dark Matter Detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-40 | Simon, Clifford N. | UC, Irvine | Measurement of Charged Pions from Neutrino-produced Nuclear Resonance | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-39 | Fallows, Scott Mathew | Minnesota U. | Measurement of Nuclear Recoils in the CDMS II Dark Matter Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-38 | Hofer, Thomas James | Minnesota U. | Development of CDMS-II Surface Event Rejection Techniques and Their Extensions to Lower Energy Thres | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-37 | Fauré, Alexandre | Orsay | Recherche du boson de Higgs dans l'état final dimuonique et étude de l'asymétrie de production de la | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-36 | Sharma, Richa | Panjab U. | Study of Neutrino Interactions in MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-35 | Cao, Huajie | Princeton U. | A study of nuclear recoils in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber for the direct detection of WIMP | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-34 | Cremonesi, Matteo | Oxford U. | Observation of s-Channel Single Top Quark Production at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-33 | Basu Thakur, Ritoban | Illinois U., Urbana | The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search low ionization-threshold experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-32 | Baxter, Eric Jones | Chicago U., Astron. Astrophys. Ctr. | Detecting Gravitational Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background by Galaxy Clusters | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-31 | Ignarra, Christina M. | MIT | Sterile Neutrino Searches in MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-30 | Parker, William Chelsuk | Wisconsin U., Madison | Search for the Higgs boson decaying to W+W- with associated jets and measurement of the W+W- product | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-29 | Carrasco Kind, Matias | Illinois U., Urbana, Astron. Dept. | Probabilistic photometric redshifts in the era of petascale astronomy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-28 | Bass, Matthew | Colorado State U. | Neutrino oscillation parameter sensitivity in future long-baseline experiments | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-27 | Chen, Yi | Caltech | Extraction of CP Properties of the H(125) Boson Discovered in Proton-Proton Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-26 | Peterson, Andrea Dawn | U. Wisconsin, Madison (main) | The phenomenology of extended gauge and Higgs sectors at the LHC | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-25 | Hansen, Maxwell T. | Washington U., Seattle | Multi-Hadron Observables from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-24 | Arrieta Diaz, Enrique | Michigan State U. | Observation of muon neutrino charged current events in an off-axis horn-focused neutrino beam using | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-23 | Yu, Chiu-Tien | Wisconsin U., Madison | The Top Quark as a Window to Beyond the Standard Model Physics | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-22 | Yoo, Hojin | Wisconsin U., Madison | Particle Production under External Fields and Its Applications | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-21 | Razumov, Ivan Aleksandrovich | Serpukhov, IHEP | Precision measurement of top quark mass at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-20 | McDermott, Samuel Dylan | Michigan U. | Ratcheting Up The Search for Dark Matter | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-19 | Liu, Hao | Virginia U. | Measurement of the s-channel Single Top Quark Cross Section at the CDF Experiment and Contributions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-18 | Eberly, Brandon M. | Pittsburgh U. | Characterization of Final State Interaction Strength in Plastic Scintillator by Muon-Neutrino Charge | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-17 | Matera, Keith | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurements of $\sigma(V+D^{*})/\sigma(V)$ in $9.7$ fb$^{-1}$ at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-16 | Kovitanggoon, Kittitkul | Texas Tech. | Study of Jets Production Association with a Z boson in pp Collision at 7 and 8 TeV with the CMS Dete | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-15 | Chapelain, Antoine | IRFU, Saclay | Mesure de l'asymétrie de charge des paires de quarks top-antitop dans les états nals dileptoniques a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-14 | Wiesner, Matthew P. | Northern Illinois U. | Investigations of Galaxy Clusters Using Gravitational Lensing | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-13 | Prokop, Christopher | Northern Illinois U. | Advanced Beamline Design for Fermilab's Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-12 | Yu, Jiaming | Michigan U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in ZH ! + bb Production at DØ and Evidence for the H ! bb | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-11 | Walton, Tammy | Hampton U. | A Measurement of the Muon Neutrino Charged Current Quasielastic-like Cross Section on a Hydrocarbon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-10 | Nguyen, Huong | Virginia U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in Leptons plus Jets Final States | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-09 | Agnew, James Paul | Manchester U. | Search for the Associate Production of Higgs Bosons with Top Anti-Top Pairs. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-08 | Garrison, Lance | Indiana U., Bloomington (main) | Measurement of Neutron and Muon Fluxes 100~m Underground with the SciBath Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-07 | Cao, Son Van | Texas U. | Study of antineutrino oscillations using accelerator and atmospheric data in MINOS. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-06 | Palni, Prabhakar | New Mexico U. | Evidence for the Heavy Baryon Resonance State Lambda_b^*0 Observed with the CDF II Detector, and Stu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-04 | Seitz, Claudia | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Searches for Light- and Heavy-flavor Three-jet Resonances in proton-proton Collisions with the CMS D | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-03 | Catala-Perez, Joan | Valencia U., IFIC | Measurement of neutrino induced charged current neutral pion production cross section at SciBooNE. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-02 | Trovato, Marco | Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore | Search for $WZ/ZZ$ Production in the Lepton(s) + MET + Jets Channel with the CDF Experiment at the T | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2014-01 | Tice, Brian George | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Measurement of Nuclear Dependence in Inclusive Charged Current Neutrino Scattering. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-47 | Cheng, Gary Chia Li | Columbia U. | Precision Search for Muon Antineutrino Disappearance Oscillations Using a Dual Baseline Technique | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-46 | Devoto, Francesco | Helsinki U. | Search for the Higgs Boson in the All-Hadronic Final State Using the CDF II Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-45 | Yamato, Daisuke | Osaka City U. | Search for the Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Vector Boson Using Like-Sign Dilepton Even | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-43 | Brücken, Jens Erik | Helsinki U. | Observation of Central Exclusive Diphoton Production at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-42 | Harrington-Taber, Timothy M. | Iowa U. | Heavy flavor decay of Zγ at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-40 | Partyka, Kinga Anna | Yale U. | Exclusive Muon-Neutrino Charged Current Muon Plus Any Number of Protons Topologies In ArgoNeuT | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-39 | Liu, Yuzhi | Iowa U. | Renormalization Group and Phase Transitions in Spin, Gauge, and QCD Like Theories | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-38 | Queiroz, Farinaldo | Paraiba U. | Direct and Indirect Dark Matter Detection in Gauge Theories | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-37 | Hartanto, Heribertus Bayu | Florida State U. | Heavy-Quark Associated Production with One Hard Photon at Hadron Colliders | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-36 | Park, Jaewon | U. Rochester | Neutrino-Electron Scattering in MINERvA for Constraining the NuMI Neutrino Flux | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-35 | Tunnell, Christopher D. | Oxford U. | Designing a 3.8-GeV/c muon-decayring and experiment sensitive toelectronvolt-scale sterile neutrinos | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-34 | Howley, Ian James | Texas U., Arlington | SEARCH FOR THE STANDARD MODEL HIGGS BOSON IN $e\tau$ FINAL STATES | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-33 | Linden, Timothy Ryan | UC, Santa Cruz | Dark Matter Annihilation at the Galactic Center | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-32 | Bihari Prasad, Kunj | Texas A-M | Search for lightly ionizing particles using CDMS-II data and fabrication of CDMS detectors with impr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-30 | Li, Dikai | Paris U., VI-VII | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in $l\nu+b\bar{b}$ Final States in 9.7 fb$^{-1}$ of $p\bar | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-29 | Rogan, Christopher Sean | Caltech | Searches for New Symmetries in pp Collisions with the Razor Kinematic Variables at $\mathbf{\sqrt{s} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-28 | Whitbeck, Andrew J. | Johns Hopkins U. | Discovery and characterization of a Higgs-like resonance using the Matrix Element Likelihood Approac | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-27 | Bauce, Matteo | Padua U. | Study of the ZZ diboson production at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-26 | Vega-Morales, Roberto | Northwestern U. | The Higgs Boson as a Window to Beyond the Standard Model. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-25 | Veeraraghavan, Venkatesh | Florida State U. | Search for multiply charged Heavy Stable Charged Particles in data collected with the CMS detector. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-24 | Radovic, Alexander | U. Coll. London | Measuring the Disappearance of Muon Neutrinos with the MINOS Detector. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-23 | Menezes, Diego | Northern Illinois U. | Search for The Standard Model Higgs Boson in the four lepton final state by the D0 experiment at Run | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-22 | Koshelev, Sergey | Baumann State Tech. U., Moscow | Исследование теплофизических свойств ниобия, применяемого в СВЧ резонаторах ускорителей элементарных | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-21 | Freemire, Ben | IIT, Chicago | High Pressure Gas Filled RF Cavity Beam Test at the Fermilab MuCool Test Area | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-20 | Ding, Pengfei | Manchester U. | Measurement of the shape of the boson rapidity distribution for $p\bar{p} \rightarrow Z/\gamma^{*} \ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-19 | Ford, Denise Christine | Northwestern U. (main) | Insights to Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavity Processing from First Principles Calculations and | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-18 | Shaw, Savanna Marie | Michigan State U. | Search for the standard model higgs boson in association with a w boson at d0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-17 | Shchukin, Andrey A. | Serpukhov, IHEP | Search for Kaluza-Klein excitations with the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-16 | Zennamo, Joseph Anthony, III | SUNY, Buffalo | Z boson production in association with heavy quark jets at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-15 | Chapon, Emilien | DAPNIA, Saclay | Recherche du Boson de Higgs et de Couplages de Jauge Quartiques Anormaux dans le Canal WW en $\acute | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-14 | Grange, Joe M. | Florida U. | First Measurement of the Muon Anti-Neutrino Charged Current Quasielastic Double-Differential Cross-S | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-13 | Lopes de Sa, Rafael | Stony Brook U. | Measurements of the $W$ Boson Mass with the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-12 | McCarthy, Kevin | MIT | Detector Simulation and WIMP Search Analysis for the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-11 | Thompson, Gregory Andrew | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurement of Direct CP Asymmetry in $B^\pm \to J/ \psi K^\pm$ Decays Produced in $p\bar{p}$ Colli | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-10 | Betancourt, Minerba | Minnesota U. | Study of the Quasi-Elastic Scattering in the NOvA Detector Prototype | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-09 | Tsai, Yun-Tse | Rochester U. | Measurement of Electroweak Top Quark Production at {D\O} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-08 | Jayasinghe, Ayesh | Oklahoma U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the all Hadronic Final State at the D0 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-07 | Chen, Guo | Kansas U. | Search for a Higgs-like boson decaying to two photons in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-06 | Prewitt, Michelle Victoria | Rice U. | Search for the Rare Decay $B_s^0 \to \mu^+\mu^-$ at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-05 | Song, Hao | Pittsburgh U. | Measurement of the $B_c^{\pm}$ meson lifetime using $B_c^{\pm} \to J/\psi~\pi^{\pm}$ decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-04 | Schreckenberger, Adam Paul | Minnesota U. | Electron Neutrino and Antineutrino Appearance in the MINOS Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-03 | Hopkins, Walter | Cornell U. | Search for $B_{s,d} \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-$ Decays with 10/fb of $p\overline{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-02 | Ruffini, Fabrizio | Siena U. | Measurements of charmless b-hadron decays at CDF; first evidence for the annihilation $B^0_s \to \pi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2013-01 | Poprocki, Stephen | Cornell U. | Search for WZ+ZZ Production with Missing Transverse Energy and b Jets at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-72 | Fustin, Drew Anthony | Chicago U. | First Dark Matter Limits from the COUPP 4 kg Bubble Chamber at a Deep Underground Site | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-71 | Wood, Jeffrey Scott | Kansas U. | The Development of the CMS Zero Degree Calorimeters to Derive the Centrality of AA Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-70 | Clarida, Warren James | Iowa U. | Same sign dimuon search for heavy majorana mass neutrinos at the CMS experiment at CERN and design s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-69 | St. John, Jason Michael | Boston U. | A Search for New Resonances with the Dijet Angular Ratio Using the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-68 | Barria, Patrizia | Siena U. | First Observation of Charmed Resonances in the $\Lambda^0_b \to \Lambda^+_c \pi^- \pi^+ \pi^-$ Incl | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-67 | Alon, Raz | Weizmann Inst. | Substructure of Highly Boosted Massive Jets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-66 | Cox, David J. | UC, Davis | Search for a Heavy Top-Like Quark in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-65 | Cox, Charles A. | UC, Davis | Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons in association with b quarks in the tau-tau decay channels at C | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-64 | Hamaguchi, Atsunari | Osaka U. | Search for Fermiophobic Higgs using the 3γ+X Final State in 1.96-TeV Proton-Antiproton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-63 | Tang, Jian | Chicago U. | Measurements of the top-quark decay width and mass at CDF using the template method. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-62 | Ziemer, Benjamin P. | UC, Irvine | A Measurement of the Two Track Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Cross Section with the MINER$\nu$A Dete | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-61 | Heredia-De La Cruz, Ivan | CINVESTAV, IPN | Measurement of the $\Lambda^0_b$ lifetime in the exclusive decay $\Lambda^0_b \rightarrow J/\psi \La | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-60 | Martinez Ortega, Jorge | CINVESTAV, IPN | Precision Measurements of Lifetime and $\bf CP$ Violation Phase in the $\bf B^{0}_{s}$ Meson with th | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-59 | Wu, Zhenbin | Baylor U. | Measurement of the Single Top Quark Cross Section in the Lepton Plus Jets Final State in Proton-Anti | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-58 | Corbo, Matteo | Paris U., VI-VII | Top pair production in the dilepton decay channel with a tau lepton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-57 | Riddick, Thomas | University Coll. London | Modelling Energy Loss Mechanisms and a Determination of the Electron Energy Scale for the CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-56 | Palomino Gallo, Jose Luis | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | First Measurement of $\nu_{\mu}$ Induced Charged-Current $\pi^0$ Production Cross Sections on Polyst | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-55 | Meijer, Melvin Michael | Nijmegen U. | A WH - τνb¯b Higgs search with the DØ detector at the Tevatron or how to find the Higgs at the end | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-54 | Sundqvist, Kyle Michael | UC, Berkeley | Carrier Transport and Related Effects in Detectors of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-53 | Pyle, Matt Christopher | Stanford U. | Optimizing the design and analysis of cryogenic semiconductor dark matter detectors for maximum sens | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-52 | Moore, David Craig | Caltech | A Search for Low-Mass Dark Matter with the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search and the Development of Highl | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-51 | Manungu Kiveni, Joseph | Syracuse U. | A Search for WIMP Dark Matter Using an Optimized Chi-square Technique on the Final Data from the Cry | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-50 | Hoang, Trang Thi Kieu | Florida State U. | Measurement of the Muon Charge Asymmetry in p-pbar -> W+X -> munu+X Events Using the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-49 | Ross, Anthony | Lancaster U. | Measurement of CP Violation in B0d Mixing Using B0d --> D*-mu+(nu)X Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-48 | Ilchenko, Yuriy | Southern Methodist U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in Dilepton Final States with the Neutrino Weighting Method | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-47 | Geng, Weigang | Michigan State U. | CP violation in single top quark production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-46 | Chakravarthula, Kiran | Louisiana Tech. U. | Study of Jet Transverse Momentum and Jet Rapidity Dependence on Dijet Azimuthal Decorrelations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-45 | Atkins, Scott | Louisiana Tech. U. | Event Shapes in $p\bar p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-44 | Suter, Louise | Manchester U. | A Search for Higgs Bosons in Final States with Multiple Tau Leptons at the D0~Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-43 | Asaadi, Jonathan Abraham | Texas A-M | Search for New Physics in the Exclusive $\gamma_{Delayed}$ + Missing Transverse Energy Channel in $p | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-42 | Tsai, Yuhsin | Cornell U. | Infrared Constraint on Ultraviolet Theories | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-41 | Sforza, Federico | Pisa U. | Evidence for Diboson Production in the Lepton plus Heavy Flavor Jets Final State at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-40 | Ratchford, Jasmine Star | Texas U., ARL | Identifying Muons for Neutrino Oscillation and Cross Section Experiments | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-39 | Head, Tim | Manchester U. | Top Quark Spin Correlations and Leptonic Forward-Backward Asymmetries at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-38 | Saini, Arun | Delhi U. | Beam Dynamics Studies and the Design, Fabrication and Testing of Superconducting Radiofrequency Cavi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-37 | Zheng, Yu | Purdue U. | Measurement of the Upsilon(NS) Cross Sections in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-36 | Ketchum, Wesley Robert | Chicago U. | Search for $ZW/ZZ \to \ell^+ \ell^-$ + Jets Production in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-35 | Aurisano, Adam | Texas A-M | Search for New Physics in the Exclusive Delayed gamma+E(t) Final State in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-34 | Krnjaic, Gordan Zdenko | Johns Hopkins U. | Dark Matter and Color Octets Beyond the Standard Model | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-33 | Park, Sohyun | Florida U. | Scalar Contribution to the Graviton Self-Energy During Inflation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-32 | Kelso, Christopher Michael | Chicago U. | Recent Results in Dark Matter Direct Detection Experiments | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-31 | Primulando, Reinard | William-Mary Coll. | Dark Matter in the Heavens and at Colliders: Models and Constraints | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-30 | de la Puente, Alejandro | Notre Dame U. | A Singlet Extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model: Towards a More Natural Solution to | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-29 | Dharmapalan, Ranjan | Alabama U. | Antineutrino neutral current interactions in MiniBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-28 | Gollapinni, Sowjanya | Wayne State U. | Search for Contact Interactions in the Dimuon Channel in $pp$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV at CM | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-27 | Zeng, Yu | Duke U. | An Improved W Boson Mass Measurement Using the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-24 | Ye, Wanyu | SUNY, Stony Brook | Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson at DØ in the $\mu~+~\tau({\rm hadrons})~+~{\rm 2\ jets}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-23 | de Abreu Barbosa Coelho, Joao | Campinas State U. | Investigacao de Mecanismos Alternativos a Oscilacao de Neutrinos no Experimentos MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-22 | Chvojka, Jesse John | Rochester U. | Anti-Neutrino Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Scattering in MINER$\nu$A | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-21 | Maxwell, Timothy John | Northern Illinois U. | Measurement of Sub-Picosecond Electron Bunches via Electro-Optic Sampling of Coherent Transition Rad | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-20 | de Souza Santos, Angelo | Sao Paulo, IFT | Procura de Sinais de Dimensões Extras Universais em Colisões Próton-Antipróton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-19 | Hertel, Scott A. | MIT | Advancing the Search for Dark Matter: from CDMS II to SuperCDMS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-18 | Joshi, Jyoti | Panjab U. | Study of Single Top Quark Production Using Bayesian Neural Networks With D0 Detector at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-17 | Deterre, Cecile | IRFU, SPP, Saclay | Étude dans les états finals dileptoniques de différentes propriétés des paires top-antitop avec les | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-16 | Whittington, Denver Wade | Indiana U. | Searches for Lorentz Violation in Top-Quark Production and Decay at Hadron Colliders | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-15 | Ortolan, Lorenzo | Barcelona, IFAE | Measurement of $Z/\gamma^* + b$-jet Production Cross section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}= | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-14 | Leo, Sabato | Pisa U. | CP violation in $B_s^0\to J/\psi \phi$ decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-13 | Dorigo, Mirco | Trieste U. | Search for New Physics in the $B_s^0 \to J/\psi \phi$ and $B_s^0 \to \phi \phi$ Decays at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-12 | Camarda, Stefano | Barcelona, IFAE | Measurement of $Z/\gamma^*$ + Jets Differential Cross Sections with the CDF Detector at $\sqrt{s} = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-11 | Bland, Karen Renee | Baylor U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Diphoton Final State in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-10 | Orchanian, Mhair-Armen Hagop | Caltech | Electron Neutrino Appearance in the MINOS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-09 | McGivern, Carrie Lynne | Kansas U. | Measurement of $WZ$ production and searches for anomalous top quark decays and Higgs boson productio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-08 | Orbaker, Douglas Andrew | Rochester U. | Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry in Top-Antitop Quark Events in the Lepton+Jets Channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-07 | Singh, Niharika Ranjan | Purdue U. | A Study of Quark Fragmentation Using Kaons Produced in Association with Prompt Ds+/D+ Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-06 | Carls, Benjamin P. | Illinois U., Urbana | A search for the Higgs boson in $H\to WW\to \ell \nu \ell \nu$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-05 | Vogel, Marcelo A. | New Mexico U. | Search for physics beyond the standard model in the trilepton signature in pbar-p collisions at sqrt | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-04 | Golf, Frank, III | UC, San Diego | Search for New Physics in a Final State with Same-Sign Dileptons, Jets, and Missing Transverse Energ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-03 | Isvan, Zeynep | Pittsburgh U. | Antineutrino Oscillations and a Search for Non-standard Interactions with the MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-02 | Lockwitz, Sarah E. | Yale U. | A Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in CDF II Data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2012-01 | Stentz, Dale James | Northwestern U. | Measurement of the W Plus N Inclusive Jets Cross-Section at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-76 | de Suray, Aurélien Croc | Saclay | Mesure de la masse du quark top dans les canaux di-leptoniques auprès de l'expérience DØ au Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-75 | Porter, Robert Austin | UC, Irvine | A Generic Search for New Physics in Same-Sign Dilepton Events in Center of Mass Energy = 1.96 TeV Pr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-74 | Fang, Hung-Chung | UC, Berkeley | A Measurement of the Relative Branching Ratio $BR(B^- \to D^0 K^-) / BR(B^- \to D^0 \pi^-)$ in Three | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-73 | Takemasa, Kenichi | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the Spin Correlation in the Top Quark Pair Production using the Dilepton Events in 1. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-72 | Sudo, Yuji | Tsukuba U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in $H \to WW \to \ell \nu j j$ Channel in 1.96-TeV Proton- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-71 | Ebina, Koji | Waseda U. | Measurement of Top Quark Properties and Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in Proton Anti-Pro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-70 | D'Errico, Maria | Padua U. | Search for a high-mass Higgs boson produced in proton-antiproton collisions at âs = 1.96 TeV with | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-69 | Thome, James | Carnegie Mellon U. | A Measurement of Helicity-Frame Spin Alignment of Promptly Produced Y(nS) Mesons in pp Collisions at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-68 | Horn, Dominik | KIT, Karlsruhe | Measurement of the Exclusive and Inclusive Branching Fractions of $B^{0}_{s} \to D^{(*)+}_{s}D^{(*)- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-67 | Pianori, Elisabetta | Pennsylvania U. | Search for the Higgs boson produced in association with $W^\pm$ boson, in $WH \to \tau \nu b\bar{b}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-66 | Hussein, Mohammad Ahmad | Michigan State U. | Top Quark Pair in Association with an Extra Jet: Phenomenological Analysis at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-65 | Fritts, Matthew C. | Minnesota U. | Background Characterization and Discrimination in the Final Analysis of the CDMS II Phase of the Cry | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-64 | Bunker, Raymond | UC, Santa Barbara | A Low-Threshold Analysis of Data from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-63 | Ahmed, Zeeshan | Caltech | A Dark-Matter Search Using the Final CDMS II Dataset and a Novel Detector of Surface Radiocontaminat | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-62 | Dubey, Abhinav | Delhi U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in ZH -> nubarnu + bbarb | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-61 | Brown, Jonathan | Paris U., VI-VII | Search for WH Associated Production in the l upsilon b-bbar Final State Using the D0 Detector at the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-60 | Camacho, Enrique | Search for Decays of the Lambda b Baryon | ||
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-59 | Padilla, Mark Anthony | UC, Riverside | Measurement of the Single Top Quark Production Cross Section at $\sqrt {s} = 1.96$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-58 | Jammes, J. | Clermont-Ferrand U. | Mesure de la section efficace de production de paires de quarks top dans le canal mu + jets + tau + | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-57 | Croc, Aurelien | IRFU, Saclay | Mesure de la masse du quark top dans les canaux di-leptoniques auprès de l’expérience DØ au Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-56 | Pal, Arnab | Texas U., Arlington | Measurement of the Single Diffractive Differential Cross Section $d\sigma/d\tau$ at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-55 | Rodriguez, Tatiana Isabel | Pennsylvania U. | Measurement of the Standard Model $ZZ$ Cross-Section in the $ZZ \to \ell\ell\ell\ell$ Channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-54 | Mitchell, Jessica Sarah | Cambridge U. | Measuring $\nu_\mu$ Disappearance with the MINOS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-53 | Toner, Ruth B. | Cambridge U. | Measuring $\theta_{13}$ via Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the MINOS Experiment. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-52 | Wilbur, Scott | Chicago U. | A Search for Anomalous Production of Events with Multiple Leptons and a $W$ or $Z$ Boson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-51 | Dobbs, Adam James | Imperial Coll., London | Particle Rate and Host Accelerator Beam Loss on the MICE Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-49 | Hewamanage, Samantha Kaushalya | Baylor U. | Search for Anomalous Production of Photon + Jets + Missing Transverse Energy in $p\bar{p}$ Collision | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-47 | Roh, Youn Jung | Texas Tech. | Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry in $\gamma/Z$ boson to Dilepton Events in Compact Muon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-46 | Elagin, Andrey Lvovich | Texas A-M | Search for the Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Tau Leptons in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at a Center of Mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-45 | Tsang, Ka Vang | Brown U. | Search for Microscopic Black Hole Signatures at the Large Hadron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-44 | Wilson, Jonathan Samuel | Ohio State U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in Association with Top Quarks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-43 | Werner, Jeremy | Princeton U. | Measurement of the Inclusive $Z \to ee$ Production Cross Section in Proton-Proton Collisions at $\sq | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-42 | Pilot, Justin R. | Ohio State U. | Search for the Higgs Boson in the $ZH\to\mu^+\mu^- b\bar{b}$ Channel at CDF Using Novel Multivariate | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-40 | Jeong, Chiyoung | Texas Tech. | New Physics Search in Dijet Mass Spectrum with Compact Muon Solenoid | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-39 | Madar, Romain | U. Paris-Sud 11, Dept. Phys., Orsay | Identification of $\tau$ leptons and Higgs boson search in the $\mu+\tau$ final state at the D0 expe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-38 | Totaro, Pierluigi | INFN, Trieste | Search for a Standard Model Higgs boson in the $\tau\tau$ decay channel produced in $p\bar{p}$ colli | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-37 | Tran, Nhan V. | Johns Hopkins U. | Angles and Daemons: Spin Correlations at the LHC | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-36 | Spitz, Joshua B. | Yale U. | Measuring Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Differential Cross Sections with a Liquid Argon Time Project | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-35 | Vesterinen, Mika | Manchester U. | A Measurement of the Z Boson Transverse Momentum Distribution, and of the ZZ and WZ Production Cross | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-34 | Potamianos, Karolos Jozef | Purdue U. | Search for the Higgs Boson and Rare Standard Model Processes in the MET + $b$-jets Signature at the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-33 | Wick, Felix | KIT, Karlsruhe | Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy and Search for $CP$ Violation in $D^0 \to K_S^0\,\pi^+\,\pi^-$ at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-32 | Bouchard, Christopher Michael | Illinois U., Urbana | The Brown Muck of $B^0$ and $B^0_s$ Mixing: Beyond the Standard Model | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-31 | Garosi, Paola | INFN, Siena | Measurements of branching fraction ratios and {$\mathit{CP}$}-asymmetries in suppressed {$B^{-} \to | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-30 | Hare, Daryl Curtis | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Measurements of the Top Anti-Top Production Cross Section and Top Quark Mass in the Hadronically Dec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-29 | Di Canto, Angelo | Pisa U. | Measurement of CP–Violating Asymmetries in $D^0 \to \pi^+ \pi^-$ and $D^0 \to K^+ K^- $ Decays at CD | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-27 | Tschann-Grimm, Kathryn | SUNY, Stony Brook | Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson at DØ in the final state with two $\tau$'s and two jets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-26 | Forrest, Robert David | UC, Davis | Search for Supersymmetry in the Dilepton Final State with Taus at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-25 | Luo, Tianhuan | Indiana U. | Instrumentation and Beam Dynamics Study of Advanced Electron-Photon Facility in Indiana University | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-24 | Buzatu, Adrian | McGill U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with a $W$ Boson in the isolated-t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-23 | Bartos, Pavol | Comenius U. | Study of the top quark electric charge at the CDF experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-22 | Linden, Steven K. | Yale U. | Measurement of the numu Charged Current pi+ to Quasi-Elastic Cross Section Ratio on Mineral Oil in a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-21 | Perfilov, Maxim | Moscow State U. | Search BSM Effects in the Single Top Quark Production Processes (in Russian) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-20 | Gerbaudo, Davide | Princeton U. | Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson with a Dilepton and Missing Energy Signature | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-19 | Calancha Paredes, Constantino | Madrid U. | Study of the production of the Σb(*)± with de CDF detector at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-18 | Beecher, Daniel | University Coll. London | PDF and QCD Effects in the Precision Measurement of the W Boson at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-17 | Backhouse, Christopher James | Oxford U. | Measuring neutrino oscillation parameters using $\nu_\mu$ disappearance in MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-16 | Frank, Martin Johannes | Baylor U. | A Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a $W$ Boson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-15 | Mussini, Manuel | Bologna U. | Measurement of low $p_{T}$ $D^{0}$ meson production cross section at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-14 | Coleman, Stephen James | William-Mary Coll. | A Measurement of Neutrino Oscillations with Muon Neutrinos in the MINOS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-13 | Himmel, Alexander I. | Caltech | Antineutrino Oscillations in the Atmospheric Sector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-12 | Triplett, Nathan | Iowa State U. | Observation of $t$-channel electroweak top quark production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-11 | Facini, Gabriel | Northeastern U. | The Road to the Higgs in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$= 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-10 | Dorland, Tyler M. | Washington U., Seattle | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in Missing Transverse Energy and $b$-quark Final States Us | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-09 | Nakajima, Yasuhiro | Kyoto U. | A Measurement of Neutrino Charged Current Interactions and a Search for Muon Neutrino Disappearance | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-08 | Eppig, Andrew | Michigan U. | Forward-Backward Asymmetry at High Mass in $t\bar{t}$ Production in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-07 | Lee, Sehwook | Iowa State U. | CP violating anomalous top-quark coupling in p$\bar{p}$ collision at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-05 | Ozturk, Sertac | Cukurova U. | Search for new particles decaying to dijet in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions at CMS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-04 | Auerbach, Benjamin | Yale U. | Study of $p\bar{P}$ collisions that contain leptons, a photon, and a $b$-quark using the CDF II Dete | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-03 | Moon, Chang-Seong | Seoul Natl. U., Dept. Phys. Astron. | Measurement of the top pair production cross section and the W boson polarization in top dilepton de | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-02 | Kwang, Shawn Andrew | Chicago U. | Search for heavy metastable particles decaying to quark pairs at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2011-01 | Hernandez Orduna, Jose de Jesus | CINVESTAV, IPN | Observation of the doubly strange $b-$Baryon $\Omega_{b}^{-}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-81 | Prokoshin, Fiodar | Dubna, JINR | Измерение массы топ-кварка на однолептонной выборке событий эксперимента CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-80 | Jung, Ji-Eun | Seoul Natl. U. | Measurement of single-top cross section and test of anomalous $Wtb$ coupling | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-79 | Suslov, Igor M. | Dubna, JINR | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass using the Dilepton and Lepton-Track Event Samples of the CDF Exper | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-78 | Crescioli, Francesco | Pisa U. | GigaFitter at CDF: Offline-Quality Track Fitting in a Nanosecond for Hadron Collider Triggers | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-77 | Rogers, Edwin Lloyd | Illinois U., Urbana | Search for $B_c \to B_s \pi$, $B_s \to J/\psi \phi$ decay with the CDF Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-76 | Clark, David K. | Brandeis U. | Measurement of B$^0$ and B$^+$ Lifetimes using Semileptonic Decays at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-75 | Morlock, Jan | Karlsruhe U. | Flavour Tagging Calibration and Measurement of Bs Oscillations and CP Asymmetry | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-74 | Chwalek, Thorsten | Karlsruhe U. | Messung der $W$ -Boson-Helizitätsanteile in Top-Quark-Zerfällen mit dem CDF II Experiment und Studie | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-73 | Bruch, Tobias | Zurich U. | A Search for Weakly Interacting Particles with the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-72 | Martinez-Ballarin, Roberto | Madrid, CIEMAT | Evidence of Dopant Type-Inversion and Other Radiation Damage Effects of the CDF Silicon Detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-71 | Loiacono, Laura Jean | Texas U. | Measurement of the Muon Neutrino Inclusive Charged Current Cross Section on Iron using the MINOS Det | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-70 | Pueschel, Elisa | Carnegie Mellon U. | Measurement of the CP Violating Phase $\boldsymbol{\sin(2\beta_{s})}$ using $\boldsymbol{B^{0}_{s}\r | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-69 | Romanov, Dmitry | Moscow, ITEP | Correlation Femtoscopy of Hyperons Produced in Interactions of Hyperons with Nuclei with 600 GeV Ene | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-68 | Smith, Kenneth James | SUNY, Buffalo | Measurement of the Ratio of Inclusive Cross Sections $\sigma(p\bar{p}\to Z + b-{\rm jet})/\sigma(p\b | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-67 | Osman, Nicolas Ahmed | Imperial Coll., London | A Search for Neutral Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-66 | Johnston, Dale Morgan | Nebraska U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in $p\bar{p}$ Interactions with the Decay Mode $H \to W^+W | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-65 | Clutter, Justace R. | Kansas U. | Search for V H and Technicolor Producion in the qqbb Final State Using the RunII D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-64 | Hare, Matthew Frederick | Tufts U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Di-lepton Channel using the Dalitz-Goldstein Method | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-63 | Watabe, Masaki | Texas A-M | Using Quasi-Elastic Events to Measure Neutrino Oscillations with MINOS Detectors in the NuMI Neutrin | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-62 | Pagan Griso, Simone | Padua U. | Searches for a High mass Higgs boson produced in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-61 | Whitehouse, Benjamin Eric | Tufts U. | Measurement of the $t\bar{t}$ cross section at the Run II Tevatron using Support Vector Machines | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-60 | Oakes, Louise Beth | Oxford U. | Measurement of the CP violating phase $\beta_s$ in $B_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi \phi$ decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-59 | Szydagis, Matthew Mark | Chicago U. | Dark matter limits from a 15 kg windowless bubble chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-58 | Yacoob, Sahal | Northwestern U. | Measurement of the $W$ Boson Mass in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at a Center of Mass Energy of 1.96 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-57 | Jamin, David | Marseille, CPPM | Recherche du boson de Higgs du Modèle Standard dans le canal de désintégration $ZH\rightarrow \nu\nu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-56 | Caughron, Seth | Columbia U. | Search for vector-like quark production in the lepton+jets and dilepton+jets final states using 5.4 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-55 | Rodrigues, Philip | Oxford U. | A Sterile-Neutrino Search with the MINOS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-54 | Cherdack, Daniel David | Tufts U. | A Search for Neutrino Induced Coherent NC($\pi^{0}$) Production in the MINOS Near Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-53 | Mackin, Dennis S., Jr. | Rice U. | A search for the lightest supersymmetric partner of the top quark at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-52 | BackusMayes, John Alexander | Washington U., Seattle | Search for associated production of $Z$ and Higgs bosons in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-51 | Cavaliere, Viviana | Siena U. | Measurement of $WW+WZ$ production cross section and study of the dijet mass spectrum in the $\ell \n | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-50 | McCarron, Daniel O. | IIT, Chicago | Measurement and simulations of intensity-dependent effects in the Fermilab Booster Synchrotron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-49 | Anderson, Colin | Yale U. | Measurement of muon neutrino and antineutrino induced single neutral pion production cross sections | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-48 | Zelitch, Shannon Maura | Virginia U. | First Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Using the Semileptonic Decay Channel: H-WW---- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-47 | Schliephake, Thorsten Dirk | Wuppertal U. | Resonance searches with the $t\overline{t}$ Invariant Mass Distribution measured with the DO Experim | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-46 | Yang, Wan-Ching | Manchester U. | Search for MSSM Higgs Bosons in Tau Final States with the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-45 | Alcaraz Aunion, Jose Luis | Barcelona, IFAE | Measurement of the absolute $\nu_{\mu}$-CCQE cross section at the SciBooNE experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-44 | Tinti, Gemma Maria | Oxford U. | Sterile neutrino oscillations in MINOS and hadron production in pC collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-43 | Pittam, Robert Neil | Oxford U. | A search for sterile neutrinos at the MINOS experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-42 | Cooke, Mark Stephen | Columbia U. | Search for Diphoton Events with Large Missing Transverse Energy in 6.3 fb-1 of ppbar Collisions usin | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-41 | Holin, Anna Maria | University Coll. London | Electron Neutrino Appearance in the MINOS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-40 | Strait, Matthew Levy | Minnesota U. | Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters Using Anti-fiducial Charged Current Events in MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-39 | Karagiorgi, Georgia S. | MIT | Searches for New Physics at MiniBooNE: Sterile Neutrinos and Mixing Freedom | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-38 | Huske, Nils Kristian | Paris U., VI-VII | The Higgs boson in the Standard Model theoretical constraints and a direct search in the wh channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-37 | Strycker, Glenn L. | Michigan U. | Measurement of the Inclusive Forward-Backward ${\textbf{\textrm{t}}}\bar{\textrm{\textbf{t}}}$ Produ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-36 | Kaadze, Ketino | Kansas State U. | Study of $WZ$ production with the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-35 | Nett, Jason Michael | Wisconsin U., Madison | The Search for VH $\bf\to$ VWW Standard Model \\ Higgs Production in the Trilepton Signature\\ with | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-34 | Guo, Feng | SUNY, Stony Brook | Ratio method of measuring $w$ boson mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-33 | Shalhout, Shalhout Zaki | Wayne State U., Detroit | A search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the process $ZH \rightarrow \ell^{+} \ell^{-} b \bar{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-32 | Keung, Justin Kien | Pennsylvania U. | Search for the production of the standard model z boson in association with w boson in p - anti-p co | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-31 | Auty, David John | Sussex U. | Testing CPT conservation using the NuMI neutrino beam with the MINOS experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-30 | Mietlicki, David John | Michigan U. | Measurement of $t \bar{t}$ Helicity Fractions and Spin Correlation in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sq | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-29 | Bu, Xuebing | Hefei, CUST | $H \to \gamma\gamma$ search and direct photon pair production differential cross section | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-28 | De Lorenzo, Gianluca | Barcelona, IFAE | Search for the Production of Gluinos and Squarks with the CDF II Experiment at the Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-27 | Ancu, Lucian-Stefan | Nijmegen U. | A search for $ZH\rightarrow \mu\mu b \bar{b}$ production at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-26 | Chevalier-Thery, Solene | Paris U., VI-VII | Measurement of cross section of quark pair production top with the D0 experiment at the Tevatron and | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-25 | Alvarez Gonzalez, Barbara | Oviedo U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson associated with a W Boson using Matrix Element Technique i | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-24 | Ling, Jiajie | South Carolina U. | A study of muon neutrino disappearance in the MINOS detectors and the NuMI beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-23 | Calpas, Betty Constante | Marseille, CPPM | Recherche du boson de Higgs du model standard dans le canal $ZH\to e^+ e^- b\bar{b}$ avec le detecte | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-22 | Sakamoto, Hideyuki | Osaka U. | A Study of Muon Ionization Cooling at MICE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-21 | Nagai, Yoshikazu | Tsukuba U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the $WH \to \ell \nu b\bar{b}$ Channel in 1.96-TeV Prot | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-20 | Tanasijczuk, Andres Jorge | Buenos Aires U. | Measurement of the single top production cross section in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-19 | Hubacek, Zdenek | Prague, Tech. U. | Measurement of the Three-jet Mass Cross Section in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-18 | Yin, Hang | Sci. Tech. U., Beijing | Measurement of the Forward-Backward Charge Asymmetry($A_{FB}$) using $p\bar{p}\rightarrow Z/\gamma*\ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-17 | Bailey, Catherine N. | Case Western Reserve U. | The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search: First 5-Tower Data and Improved Understanding of Ionization Collec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-16 | Johnson, William Casey | UC, Davis | Search for Pair Production of Supersymmetric Top Quarks in Dilepton Events at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-15 | Cavanaugh, Steven | Harvard U. | A Measurement of Electron Neutrino Appearance in the MINOS Experiment After Four Years of Data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-14 | Zhou, Ning | Columbia U. | Search for Randall-Sundrum Gravitons in Dielectron and Diphoton Final States with 5.4fb-1 of D0 Data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-13 | Mathis, Mark J. | Johns Hopkins U. | Simultaneous Heavy Flavor Fractions and Top Cross Section Measurement at the Collider Detector at Fe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-12 | Kurimoto, Yoshinori | Kyoto U. | Measurement of Neutral Current Neutral Pion Production on Carbon in a Few-GeV Neutrino Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-11 | Boline, Daniel Dooley | Boston U. | Top Quark Mass in Events with two Charged Leptons at the D0 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-10 | Lee, Eun Sin | Texas A-M | Search for Supersymmetry Using Diphoton Events in p anti-p Collisions at a center of mass energy of | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-09 | Nelson, Robert H. | Colorado U. | A Measurement of Neutrino-Induced Charged-Current Neutral Pion Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-08 | Vidal Marono, Miguel | Madrid, CIEMAT | Search for Third Generation Squarks in the Missing Transverse Energy plus Jet Sample at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-07 | Hurwitz, Martina | Chicago U. | Measurement of the $WW+WZ$ production cross section in a semileptonic decay mode at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-06 | Beale, Steven Thomas | York U., Canada | Flavour oscillations and CP asymmetry in semileptonic Bs0 decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-05 | Linacre, Jacob Thomas | St. John's Coll., Oxford | A top quark mass measurement using a matrix element method | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-04 | Casal Larana, Bruno | Cantabria Inst. of Phys. | Measurement of the Electroweak Single Top Quark Production Cross Section and the CKM Matrix Element | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-03 | Schmidt, Andreas | KIT, Karlsruhe, Dept. Phys. | B Flavour Tagging with Artificial Neural Networks for the CDF II Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-02 | Pangilinan, Monica | Brown U. | Top Quark Produced Through the Electroweak Force: Discovery Using the Matrix Element Analysis and Se | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2010-01 | Xu, Chun | Michigan U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in associated production with w boson at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-85 | Kimura, Naoki | Tsukuba U. | Study of the Top Quark Producttion Mechanism in 1.96 TeV Proton-Antiproton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-84 | Wenger, Andreas | Zurich U. | Search for the Rare Decays $B^{\pm} \to K^{\pm} \mu^+ \mu^-$ and $B^0_d \to K^* \mu^+ \mu^-$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-83 | Wakisaka, Takayuki | Osaka City U. | Search for Wh Production Using High-P$_T$ Isolated Like-Sign Dilepton Events in 1.96-TeV Proton-Anti | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-82 | Oksuzian, Iuri Artur | Florida U. | Search for the Resonant Production of Top Anititop Pairs Decaying Into Multi-Jets at the Collider De | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-81 | Davies, Toby | Glasgow U. | Placing Limits on the Higgs Production Cross Section at the Tevatron using the H → W +W − → ℓ+ℓ− De | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-80 | Tecker-Shreyber, Irina | Moscow, ITEP | Radiative Top-Quark Pair Production with the CDF Detector at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-79 | Kulkarni, Nagesh P. | Wayne State U. | Analysis of $D^{0} - \bar{D}^0$ Mixing in $D^{0} - K\pi$ Decays Using the CDF II Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-78 | Marino, Claudia | Karlsruhe U. | $X_{b}$ Search and Measurement of the $Y(1)$, $(2S)$ and $Y(3S)$ Polarization | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-77 | Heck, Martin | Karlsruhe U. | Spectroscopy of Orbitally Excited $B_{s}$ Mesons with the CDF II Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-76 | Gessler, Andreas | Karlsruhe U. | Search for Orbitally Excited B Mesons with the CDF II Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-75 | Sedov, Alexei A | Purdue U. | Search for the Supersymmetric Partner of the Top Quark in Dilepton Events Produced in Proton-Antipro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-74 | Rich, Phillip | Manchester U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the WH --> tau neutrino b-bbar Channel with the D0 Dete | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-73 | Tiller, Britta | Measurement of the Associated Production of Z Bosons and Jets in p-pbar Collisions at the Tevatron | ||
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-71 | Khatidze, David | Columbia U. | The Charge Asymmetry in $W$ Boson Production in $p\bar p$ Collisions at the $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV Us | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-70 | Carrasco Lizarraga, Marco Antonio | CINVESTAV, Mexico | Measurement of the B$^0_s$ lifetime using the semileptonic decay channel B$^0_s \to D^- _s \to D^- _ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-69 | Luck, Jan | Karlsruhe U. | Entdeckung elektroschwacher Produktion einzelner Top-Quarks mit dem CDF II Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-68 | MacQueen, Daniel | Toronto U. | Search for New Physics in the Missing Transverse Energy + Dijet Channel at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-65 | Gunaydin, Yusuf Oguzhan | Iowa U. | Cross Section Measurements In The Main Injector Particle Production (Fnal-E907) Experiment At 58 Gev | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-64 | Houben, Pieter Willem Huib | Amsterdam U. | A Measurement of the Mass of the Top Quark using the Ideogram Technique | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-63 | Norman, Matthew | UC, San Diego | Search for non-standard model signatures in the WZ/ZZ final state at CDF run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-62 | Fish, Aron | Imperial Coll., London | Construction and testing of the scintillating fibre trackers for MICE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-61 | Phillips, David Graham | Virginia U. | Search for the Rare Decay $K_L \to \pi^0 \pi^0 \mu^+ \mu^-$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-60 | Makhoul, Khaldoun | MIT | {CP} Violation in Flavor Tagged $B_s \to J/\psi \phi$ Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-59 | Malik, Sarah Alam | University Coll. London | Precision measurement of the mass and width of the W boson at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-58 | Hennings-Yeomans, Raul | Case Western Reserve U. | First 5 tower WIMP-search results from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search with improved understanding | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-57 | Walding, Joseph James | Imperial Coll., London | A sub-GeV charged-current quasi-elastic $\nu_{\mu}$ cross-section on carbon at SciBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-56 | Gimmell, Jennifer Lindsay | Rochester U. | Search for the Flavor Changing Neutral Current Decay $t\rightarrow Zq$ at $\sqrt{s}=1.96~\mathrm{TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-55 | Koeth, Timothy W. | Rutgers U., Piscataway | An Observation of a Transverse to Longitudinal Emittance Exchange at the Fermilab A0 Photoinjector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-54 | Osta, Jyotsna | Notre Dame U. | A Precision Measurement of the W Boson Mass with 1 Inverse Femtobarn of DZero Run IIa Data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-53 | Vint, Philip John | Imperial Coll., London | Di-$J/\psi$ Studies, Level 3 Tracking and the D0 Run IIb Upgrade | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-52 | Piper, Joel Michael | Michigan State U. | A model independent search for new physics in final states containing leptons at the DO experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-51 | Galyardt, Jason Edward | Carnegie Mellon U. | Correlations in Bottom Quark Pair Production at the Fermilab TeVatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-50 | Wetstein, Matthew J. | Maryland U. | Measurement of the W Boson Mass and Width Using a Novel Recoil Model | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-49 | Schmidt, Fabian | Chicago U., Astron. Astrophys. Ctr. | Self-Consistent Cosmological Simulations of DGP Braneworld Gravity | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-48 | Hao, Jiangang | Michigan U. | Optical galaxy cluster detection across a wide redshift range | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-47 | Perevalov, Denis | Alabama U. | Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic interactions measurement in MiniBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-46 | Hossain, Sohrab | Oklahoma U. | Measurements of top quark pair production cross section in proton anti-proton collisions at s**(1/2) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-45 | Liu, Zhiyi | Simon Fraser U. | Measurement of single top quark production in the tau+jets channnel using boosted decision trees at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-44 | Ochoa Ricoux, Juan Pedro | Caltech | A Search for Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the MINOS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-43 | Blanco-Covarrubias, E.Alejandro | San Luis Potosi U. | Measurement of the cross section of charmed hadrons and the nuclear dependence alpha (in Spanish) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-42 | Koskinen, David Jason | University Coll. London | MINOS Sterile Neutrino Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-41 | Armstrong, Robert E. | Indiana U. | Muon neutrino disappearance at MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-40 | Robinson, Stephen Luke | Imperial Coll., London | Neutral Supersymmetric Higgs Boson Searches At D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-39 | Penning, B. | Freiburg U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the decay mode H-> WW-> lnulnu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-38 | Nilsen, Henrik Wold | Freiburg U. | Studying Z/gamma*+Jet Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-37 | Xie, Yunhe | Brown U. | Search for Charged Massive Long-Lived Particles Using the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-36 | Johnson, Chad | Columbia U. | Search for a Neutral Long-Lived Particle Decaying to B-Jets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-35 | Kvita, J. | Charles U. | Measurement of Differential Cross-Sections in the ttbar -> l+jets Channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-34 | van den Berg, Pieter | Amsterdam U. | Search for Heavy Resonances in the Dimuon Channel with the DØ Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-33 | Lueck, Jan | KARLSRUHE U., EKP | Observation of Electroweak Single Top-Quark Production with the CDF II Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-32 | Christoudias, Theodoros | Imperial Coll., London | Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the missing energy topology with D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-31 | Benitez, Jorge Armando | Michigan State U. | Uncovering the single top : observation of electroweak top quark production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-30 | Rominsky, Mandy Kathleen | Oklahoma U. | Measurement of the double differential diject mass cross section in pp(bar) collisions at sqrt(s) = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-29 | Strauss, Emanuel Alexandre | SUNY, Stony Brook | From $ZZ$ to $ZH$ : How low can these cross sections go or Everybody, let's cross section limbo! | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-28 | Kirsch, Matthias | Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. | Measurement of the Electroweak Top Quark Production Cross Section and the CKM Matrix Element $V_{tb} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-27 | Wilking, Michael Joseph | Colorado U. | Measurement of Neutrino Induced, Charged Current, Charged Pion Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-26 | Lujan, Paul Joseph | UC, Berkeley | Precision measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton + jets channel using a matrix element meth | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-25 | Yu, Geum Bong | Rochester U. | Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in Decays of Top Quarks in p - anti-p collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-24 | Guo, Jun | SUNY, Stony Brook | A precision measurement of the W boson mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-23 | Weber, Gernot August | Mainz U., Inst. Phys. | Measurement of the Oscillation Frequency of $B_s$ Mesons in the Hadronic Decay Mode $B_s \to \pi D_s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-22 | McConnel Mahn, Kendall Brianna | Columbia U. | A search for muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance in the Booster Neutrino Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-21 | Papaikonomou, Antonios | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Search for Single Top-Quark Production via Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents with the CDF II Experime | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-20 | Gillberg, Dag | Simon Fraser U. | Discovery of single top quark production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-19 | Takei, Hideyuki | Tokyo Inst. Tech. | Measurement of Neutrino-Nucleon Neutral-Current Elastic Scattering Cross-section at SciBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-18 | Deluca Silberberg, Carolina | Barcelona, IFAE | Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photon production cross section at the Tevatron using t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-17 | Boehm, Joshua Adam Alpern | Harvard U. | Measurement of electron neutrino appearance with the MINOS experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-17 | Boehm, Joshua Adam Alpern | Harvard U. | A measurement of electron neutrino appearance with the MINOS experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-16 | Youn, Sungwoo | Northwestern U. | Measurement of ${\mathcal B}(B^0_s\rightarrow D_s^{(*)}D_s^{(*)})$ > and the Lifetime Difference in | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-15 | Walder, James William | Lancaster U. | Measurement of the branching fraction Bs->Ds(*)Ds(*) using the D0 detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-14 | Evans, Justin John | Oxford U. | Measuring Antineutrino Oscillations with the MINOS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-13 | Nakamura, Koji | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the Single Top Quark Production Cross Section in 1.96-TeV Proton-Antiproton Collision | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-12 | Paramonov, Alexander Andreevich | Chicago U., EFI | A Limit on the Branching Ratio of the Flavor-Changing Top Quark Decay $t\rightarrow Zc$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-11 | Bhattacharya, Debdatta | Pittsburgh U. | Neutrino and antineutrino inclusive charged-current cross section measurement with the MINOS near de | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-10 | Ferapontov, Alexey V. | Kansas State U. | Measurements and searches for new physics in diboson processes with the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-09 | Apresyan, Artur | Purdue U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Missing Transverse Energy and b-jet signature in pr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-08 | Duggan, Daniel | Florida State U. | Measurements of the Differential Cross Sections for the Inclusive Production of a Photon and Heavy F | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-07 | Hegeman, Jeroen Guido | Twente U. Tech., Enschede | Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in proton-antiproton collisions at $\sqrt | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-06 | Malde, Sneha | Oxford U. | Simulation free measurement of the B+ lifetime using decays selected using displaced tracks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-05 | Haley, Joseph Glenn Biddle | Princeton U. | First evidence for WW and WZ diboson production with semi-leptonic decays at a Hadron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-04 | Yang, Tingjun | Stanford U., Phys. Dept. | A study of muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillations in the MINOS experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-03 | Pounder, Nicola Louise | Oxford U. | Measurement of the $\mathrm{B}^0_\mathrm{s}$ lifetime in $\mathrm{B}^0_\mathrm{s}\rightarrow\mathrm{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-02 | Hiraide, Katsuki | Kyoto U. | A Study of Charged Current Single Charged Pion Productions on Carbon in a Few-GeV Neutrino Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2009-01 | Slaunwhite, Jason Michael | Ohio State U. | Search for the Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a W Boson at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-98 | Li, Jianjian | IIT, Chicago | Microwave power coupler for a superconducting multiple-cell cavity for accelerator application and i | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-97 | Mumford, Jonathan Reid | Johns Hopkins U. | Measurement of the Lambda/b lifetime in Lambda/b to Lambda/c pi decays at the Collider Detector at F | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-96 | Nagano, Ai | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of W + Photon Production in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-95 | Vine, Troy | University Coll. London | A Direct Measurement of the $W$ Decay Width | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-94 | Filippini, Jeffrey Peter | UC, Berkeley | A Search for WIMP Dark Matter Using the First Five-Tower Run of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-93 | Chou, John Paul | Harvard U. | t anti-t production cross section measurement using soft electron tagging in p anti-p collisions at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-92 | Grohsjean, Alexander | Munich U. | Measurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton final state using the matrix element method | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-90 | Vasilyev, I. | Insubria U., Como | Trigger Detectors of the Forward Muon System for the D0 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-89 | Holubyev, K. | Lancaster U. | Measurement of direct CP violation in b -> scc and b -> dcc quark transitions using B+ -> J/psiK+ an | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-88 | Castromonte Flores, Cesar Manuel | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Study of correlations between photoproduced pairs of charmed particles at Experiment E831/FOCUS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-87 | Graf, Nicholas J. | Indiana U. | Measurement of the charged kaon mass with the MIPP RICH | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-86 | Cuenca Almenar, Cristobal | Valencia U., IFIC | Search for the Neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons in the Ditau Decay Channels at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-85 | Mundal, Olav M. | Bonn U. | Search for the Associated Production of Charginos and Neutralinos in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-84 | Williams, Mark Richard James | Lancaster U. | Observations and Measurements of Orbitally Excited $L=1$ $B$ Mesons at the D0 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-83 | Hidas, Dean Andrew | Duke U. | Search for Standard Model Higgs Bosons Decaying to W-Boson Pairs in $p \bar p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-82 | Hartz, Mark Patrick | Pittsburgh U. | Measurement of the $B^{\pm}_{c}$ Meson Lifetime Using $B^{\pm}_{c} \rightarrow J/\psi+l^{\pm}+X$ Dec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-81 | Tu, Yanjun | Pennsylvania U. | Search for High-Mass Resonances Decaying into Leptons of Different Flavor (e mu, e tau, mu tau) in p | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-80 | Dilday, Benjamin | Chicago U. | Type Ia Supernova Rate Studies from the SDSS-II Supernova Study | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-79 | Lacroix, Florent | Clermont-Ferrand U. | Mesure de la section efficace de production de paires de quarks top dans le canal lepton+tau+jets+ME | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-78 | Ochando, Christophe | Orsay, LAL | Recherche du boson de Higgs dans le canal $ZH \to \nu\nu bb$ avec le detecteur D0 aupres du TeVatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-77 | Barfuss, Anne-Fleur | Marseille, CPPM | Search for First-Generation Leptoquarks in the $eejj$ channel with the D\O\ experiment. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-76 | Siccardi, Vincent | Louis Pasteur U., Strasbourg I | Etude du couplage top-W-b par la de l'helicite du boson W dans l'experience D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-75 | Martin Dit Latour, Bertrand | LPSC, Grenoble | Mesure de la section efficace de production de paires de quarks top dans l'etat final di-electron av | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-74 | Strom, Derek A. | Northwestern U. | Study of {CP} violation in $B^0_S \to J/\psi \phi$ decays at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-73 | Arthaud, Marion | Paris U., VI-VII | Mesure de la Masse Du Quark top dans le Canal Electron-Muon auprès du Détecteur D0 au TeVatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-72 | Dorman, Mark Edward | University Coll. London | Cross Section Measurements for Quasi-Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering with the MINOS Near Detecto | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-71 | Litchfield, Reuben Phillip | Oxford U. | Neutrino Induced Events in the MINOS Detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-70 | Arov, Mikhail | Northern Illinois U. | Measurement of sigma(p anti-p -> t anti-t) in the tau + jets channel by the D0 experiment at Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-69 | Svoisky, Peter V. | Notre Dame U. | Search for MSSM Higgs Boson Production in Proton Anti-Proton Collisions, with a Higgs Decaying into | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-68 | Torchiani, Ingo | Freiburg U. | Search for Higgs Bosons and Supersymmetric Particles in Tau Final States | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-67 | Adelman, Jahred A. | Chicago U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at CDF Using the Template Method in the Lepton + Jets Channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-66 | Welty-Rieger, Leah Christine | Indiana U. | The Lifetime of a Beautiful and Charming Meson: Bc Lifetime Measured Using the DØ Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-65 | Han, Ji-yeon | Rochester U. | The Differential Cross Section Distribution of Drell-Yan Dielectron Pairs in the z Boson Mass Region | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-64 | Katori, Teppei | Indiana U. | A Measurement of the muon neutrino charged current quasielastic interaction and a test of Lorentz vi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-63 | Mastrandrea, Paolo | Siena U. | Study of the Heavy Flavour Fractions in z+jets Events from Proton-Antiproton Collisions at energy = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-62 | Herner, Kenneth Richard | SUNY, Stony Brook | Search for neutral Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs produced in association with $b$-quarks at $\s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-61 | Hsu, Shih-Chieh | UC, San Diego | A Study of The Standard Model Higgs, $WW$ and $ZZ$ Production in Dilepton Plus Missing Transverse En | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-60 | Peters, Reinhild Yvonne Fatima | Wuppertal U. | Measurements and Searches with Top Quarks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-59 | Pavlovic, Zarko | Texas U. | Observation of Disappearance of Muon Neutrinos in the NuMI Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-58 | Chung, Kwangzoo | Carnegie Mellon U. | Hadronic Production of $\psi$(2S) Cross section and Polarization | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-57 | Carrera, Edgar Fernando | Florida State U. | Search for Large Extra Dimensions via Single Photon plus Missing Energy Final States at $\sqrt{s}=1. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-56 | Volpi, Guido | INFN, Pisa | Rare decays of B mesons and baryons at the Tevatron and the LHC | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-55 | Cully, James Clark | Michigan U. | Search for $W' \rightarrow t\bar{b}$ in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-54 | Kar, Deepak | Florida U. | Using Drell-Yan to probe the underlying event in Run II at Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-53 | Boveia, Antonio | UC, Santa Barbara | A search for resonant $Z$ pair production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-52 | Rangel, Murilo Santana | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Producao d Dijatos por Dupla Troca de Pomeron Exclusiva no Experimento D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-51 | Haefner, Petra | Munich U. | Measurement of the top quark mass with the matrix element method in the semileptonic decay channel a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-50 | Bridgeman, Alice | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurement of the $t\overline{t}$ differential cross section, $d\sigma/dM_{t\overline{t}}$, in $p\o | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-49 | Liu, Chun-lei | Pittsburgh U. | Search for CP violation in $B^0 s$ to Jpsi Phi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-48 | Miyamoto, Ryoichi | Texas U. | Diagnostics of the Fermilab Tevatron Using an AC Dipole | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-47 | Konrath, Jens Peter | Freiburg U. | Measurement of the top quark pair production cross-section in dimuon final states in proton-antiprot | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-46 | Owen, Mark A. | Manchester U. | Search for Higgs Bosons Decaying into Tau Pairs in pp Collisions at DØ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-45 | Dube, Sourabh Shishir | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Search for super symmetry at the Tevatron using the trilepton signature | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-44 | Wagner, Robert Emil | Princeton U. | Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in the dilepton channel using lepton+trac | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-43 | Ouedraogo, Serge Aristide | Louisiana State U. | Limit on the muon neutrino magnetic moment and a measurement of the CCPIP to CCQE cross section rati | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-42 | Fedorko, Wojciech T. | Chicago U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass Simultaneously in Dilepton and Lepton + Jets Decay Channels | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-41 | Budd, Sarah Rebecca | Illinois U., Urbana | Search for Single Top Quark Production with the CDF Run II Detector Using a Multivariate Likelihood | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-40 | Vazquez-Jauregui, Eric | San Luis Potosi U. | Measurement of Branching Ratios for Non-leptonic Cabibbo-suppressed Decays of the Charmed-Strange Ba | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-39 | Gumus, Kazim Ziya | Texas Tech. U., Lubbock | Search for new physics in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment and the response of the CMS cal | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-38 | Okumura, Teppei | Nagoya U. | Cosmological analysis from large-scale anisotropic correlation function of the Sloan Digital Sky Sur | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-36 | Lellouch, Jeremie | Paris U., VI-VII | Recherche du boson de Higgs standard dans le canal WH a $\ell$ ' experience $D^0$ aupres du Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-35 | Compostella, Gabriele | Padua U. | Measurement of the $t\bar{t}$ production cross section in the MET + $jets$ channel at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-34 | Naganoma, Junji | Waseda U. | Study on the Top Quark Pair Production Mechanism in 1.96 TeV Proton-Antiproton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-33 | Ogburn, Reuben Walter, IV | Stanford U. | A search for particle dark matter using cryogenic germanium and silicon detectors in the one- and tw | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-32 | Masubuchi, Tatsuya | Tsukuba U. | Search for Higgs Boson Production in Association with a $W$ Boson in 1.96-TeV $p \bar{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-31 | Kubo, Taichi | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass by Dynamical Likelihood Method using the Lepton + Jets Events with | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-30 | Sfyrla, Anna | Geneva U. | Search for $WW$ and $WZ$ production in lepton, neutrino plus jets final states at CDF Run II and Sil | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-29 | Shamim, Mansoora | Kansas State U. | Search for Pair Production of Scalar Top Quarks in Jets and Missing Transverse Energy Channel with t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-28 | Calfayan, Philippe | Munich U. | Search for Pair Production of Second Generation Scalar Leptoquarks in ppbar Collisions at the Tevatr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-27 | Grundler, Ulysses A. | Illinois U., Urbana | A Measurement of the $t \bar{t}$ Production Cross Section in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-26 | Schmitz, David W. | Columbia U. | A Measurement of Hadron Production Cross Sections for the Simulation of Accelerator Neutrino Beams a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-25 | Anastasoaie, Carmen Miruna | Nijmegen U., IMAPP | A Search for $\mathrm{W}^{\pm}\mathrm{H}\to \mu\nu b\bar{b}$ Production at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-24 | Andeen, Timothy R., Jr. | Northwestern U. | Measurement of the $W$ Boson Mass with the D0 Run II Detector using the Electron $P_T$ Spectrum | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-23 | Cooke, Michael P. | Rice U. | W W Production Cross Section Measurement and Limits on Anomalous Trilinear Gauge Couplings at √s = 1 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-22 | Galea, Cristina Florina | Nijmegen U. | Measurement of $\sigma (p\bar{p}\to Z$) · Br($Z \to\tau^+ \tau^−$ ) and Search for Higgs Bosons Deca | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-21 | Levine, Robyn Deborah | JILA, Boulder | Simulating the Growth of a Disk Galaxy and its Supermassive Black Hole in a Cosmological Context | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-20 | Marshall, John Stuart | Cambridge U. | A study of muon neutrino disappearance with the MINOS detectors and the NuMI neutrino beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-19 | Voutilainen, Mikko Antero | Helsinki Inst. of Phys. | Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section in pp̅ Collisions at √s̅ = 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-18 | Parks, Brandon Scott | Ohio State U. | Search for the Higgs Boson in the $ZH\to vvbb$ Channel at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-17 | Saltó Bauzà, Oriol | Barcelona, IFAE | Measurement of Inclusive Jet Cross Sections in $Z/\gamma^*(\to e^+e^-)$ + jets Production in $p\bar{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-16 | Kumaratunga, Sujeewa Terasita | Minnesota U. | Studying Neutrino Oscillations Using Quasi-Elastic Events in MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-15 | Han, Bo-Young | Rochester U. | Measurement of the $W$ Boson Production Charge Asymmetry in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-14 | Ahsan, Mahsana | Kansas State U. | Measurement of the production rate of the charm jet recoiling against the $W$ boson using the D0 det | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-13 | Yoo, H.D. | Brown U. | Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section in the Lepton+Jets Channel Using b-tagging at DØ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-12 | Dong, Peter Joseph | UCLA | Measurement of Electroweak Single Top Quark Production in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-114 | Renz, Manuel | Karlsruhe U., EKP | B-jet and c-jet identification with Neural Networks as well as combination of multivariate analyses | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-113 | Artikov, Akram Muzafarovich | Dubna, JINR | Мюонный комплекс и преконвертор электромагнитного калориметра установки CDF II в экспериментах по ф | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-111 | Di Ruzza, Benedetto | Trieste U. | Measurement of the Branching Ratio of the charmless decay Bs → φφ at CDFII | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-110 | Deisher, Amanda Jean | UC, Berkeley | A Precision Measurement of the $B_{s}$ Lifetime in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV Us | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-11 | Pashapour Alamdari, Shabnaz | Toronto U. | First Measurement of $\sigma(gg \to t\bar{t}) /\sigma( p\bar{p} \to t\bar{t})$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-109 | Lovás, Lubomír | Comenius U. | The Bose-Einstein correlations in CDFII experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-108 | Spreitzer, Teresa | Toronto U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross-Section in the Dilepton Channel Using Lepton Plus | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-107 | Garberson, Ford | UC, Santa Barbara | The Top Quark Mass, Systematic Limitations, and my Tracker-Driven Measurements | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-106 | Di Giovanni, Gian Piero | Paris U., VI-VII | Mélange et violation de CP dans le système des mésons B0s à CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-105 | Heuser, Joachim | Karlsruhe U. | Measurement of the Mass and the Quantum Numbers J$^{PC}$ of the X(3872) State | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-104 | Keller, John | Brown U. | A Search for Charged Massive Stable Particles at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-102 | Kravchenko, Natasa | Brandeis U. | Measurement of the relative branching ratio of $D^+ \to \pi^- \pi^+ \pi^+$ to $D^+ \to K^- \pi^+ \pi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-101 | Luiggi, Eduardo E. | Vanderbilt U. | Analysis of the charmed semileptonic decay D+ ---> rho0 mu+ nu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-100 | Rogers, Chris | Imperial Coll., London | Beam Dynamics in an Ionisation Cooling Channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-10 | Choudalakis, Georgios | MIT | Model Independent Search For New Physics At The Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-09 | Lam, David Wai Kui | Notre Dame U. | Measurement of Top Quark Mass in the All Hadronic Channel in √s ns =1.96 TeV, ppbar Collisions AT DØ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-08 | Cox, David Christopher | Indiana U. | A Measurement of the Neutral Current Neutrino-Nucleon Rlastic Cross Section at MiniBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-07 | Anzelc, Meghan S. | Northwestern U. | Study of $B_s$ Mixing at the DZero Detector at Fermilab Using the Semi-leptonic Decay $B_s \to D_s \ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-06 | Grashorn, Eric William | Minnesota U. | Astroparticle physics with the MINOS Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-05 | Khotilovich, Vadim G. | Texas A-M | Search for pair production of scalar top quarks decaying to a $\tau$ lepton and a $b$ quark in 1.96 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-04 | Ospanov, Rustem | Texas U. | A measurement of muon neutrino disappearance with the MINOS detectors and NuMI beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-03 | Katsanos, Ioannis | Columbia U. | Direct Search for Heavy Neutral Gauge Bosons in the Dielectron Channel at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-02 | Maki, Tuula | Helsinki Inst. of Phys. | Top-Quark Mass Measurement | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2008-01 | Aguilar-Arevalo, Alexis Armando | Columbia U. | An Improved Neutrino Oscillations Analysis of the MiniBooNE Data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-99 | Jindariani, Sergo R. | Florida U. | Fragmentation of Jets Produced in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-98 | Yang, Chun | Yale U. | Measurement of the $B^0_s$ Lifetime Using Semi-Leptonic Decays with the Collider Detector at Fermila | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-97 | Rekovic, Vladimir | New Mexico U. | A Search for Supersymmetry via Chargino-Neutralino Production in Low-$p_T$ Dimuon with the Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-96 | Vallecorsa, Sofia | Geneva U. | Measurement of the $b\bar{b}$ di-jet cross section at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-95 | Zaw, Ingyin | Harvard U. | Search for the Flavor Changing Neutral Current Decay $t\rightarrow qZ$ in $p\overline{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-94 | Scheidle, Thorsten | Karlsruhe U. | Spurrekonstruktion in Vorwärtsrichtung mit dem Silizium-Vertexdetektor des CDF-Experiments in RUN II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-92 | Lai, Stan | Toronto U. | Search for Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Top Anti-top Quark Pair in 1.96 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-91 | Sun, Hao | Tufts U. | Direct Searches for 3rd Generation Scalar Leptoquarks at the Run II Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-90 | Otalora Goicochea, Juan Martin | Rio de Janeiro, Pont. U. Catol. | Amplitude Analysis of the Decay $D^+ \to K_s \pi^- \pi^+ \pi^+$ in the {FOCUS} Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-89 | Bednar, Peter | Comenius U. | Determination of Top Quark charge in CDF experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-88 | Margaroli, Fabrizio | Bologna U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the All-Hadronic Channel at Proton Antiproton Collisions at $\s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-87 | Bergamini Machado, Ana Amelia | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Estudo da amplitude $K\pi$ em onda-S usando o decaimento $D^+\to K^-\pi^+\pi^+$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-86 | Malbouisson, Helena | Rio de Janeiro State U. | Antiproton structure function in p-pbar diffractive interactions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-85 | Walaron, Kenneth Andrew | Glasgow U. | Neutrino Factory Targets and the MICE Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-84 | Sander, Joel | UC, Santa Barbara | Results from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Using a Chi Squared Analysis | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-83 | Copic, Katherine Ann | Michigan U. | Measurements of the Ratio of W and Z Production and the W Boson Decay Width at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-82 | Sherman, Daniel Joseph | Harvard U. | Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section with 1.12 $fb^{-1}$ of $p\overline{p}$ co | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-81 | Hoeth, Hendrik | Wuppertal U., Dept. Math. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Hadronic Channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-80 | Ronquest, Michael Christopher | Virginia U. | A Search for Direct CP Violation in the Decay KL->pi+pi-gamma | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-79 | Staveris-Polykalas, Athanasios | Athens U. | Measurement of the sigma(p pbar) * BR(W-> e neutrino ) with electron detected in the region with 1. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-78 | Das, Amitabha | Boston U. | Search for Randall-Sundrum Gravitons in Dilepton and Diphoton Final States with 1 fb-1 of Data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-77 | Osiecki, Thomas Henry | Texas U. | A Search for Sterile Neutrinos in MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-76 | Lebedev, Andrey V. | Harvard U. | Ratio of pion kaon production in proton carbon interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-75 | Degenhardt, James D. | Michigan U. | Evidence for WZ Production and a Measurement of the WZ Production Cross Section | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-74 | dos Santos Assis Jesus, Ana Carolina | Rio de Janeiro Federal U. | Produção Difrativa de $J/\psi$ no Experimento D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-73 | Mendoza Navas, Luis Miguel | Andes U., Bogota | Diffractive $Z/\gamma^* \rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-$ production with rapidity gap in proton-antiproton c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-72 | Mack, Philipp | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Calibration of new flavor tagging algorithms using $B_s$ oscillations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-71 | Scott, Adam Liddle | UC, Santa Barbara | Search for New Physics Coupling to the Z Boson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-70 | Moed, Shulamit | Geneva U. | Determination of W boson helicity fractions in top quark decays in p anti-p collisions at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-69 | Hoversten, Erik A. | Johns Hopkins U. | Galaxy Evolution Insights from Spectral Modeling of Large Data Sets from the Sloan Digital Sky Surve | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-68 | Abouzaid, Erin E. | Chicago U. | A Measurement of the Branching Ratio of the pi0 Dalitz Decay using K(L) ---> 3 pi0 Decays from KTeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-67 | Wang, Jian-bo | Arizona U. | Study of the Rare Decay $K_{L} \to \pi^0 \gamma \gamma$ at KTeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-66 | Tissandier, Fabrice | Clermont-Ferrand U. | Recherche de paires de stops dans le canal b¯b eμ/ET auprès de l'expérience DØ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-65 | Meyer, Jorg Manfred | Bonn U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass using Dilepton Events and a Neutrino Weighting Algorithm with the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-64 | Kim, Tae Jeong | Korea U. | Search for Doubly-charged Higgs Boson Production in the Decay $H^{++} H^{--} \to \mu^{+} \mu^{+} \mu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-63 | Kaushik, Venkatesh S. | Texas U., Arlington | A Search for the Higgs Boson in its Associated Production with a $W$ Vector Boson in $p \bar{p}$ Col | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-62 | Dyer, Joshua Marc | Michigan State U. | Measurement of the diphoton differential cross-section in p[bar p] Collisions at [square root] s = : | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-61 | Seun, Sin Man | Harvard U. | Measurement of $\pi-K$ ratios from the NuMI target | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-60 | Gogos, Jeremy Peter | Minnesota U. | An Atmospheric Muon Disappearance Measurement with the MINOS Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-59 | Freeman, John C. | UC, Berkeley | A measurement of the top quark mass in 1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collisions using a novel matrix el | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-58 | Kau, Daekwang | Florida State U. | Evidence for Single Top Quark Production Using Bayesian Neural Networks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-57 | Morello, Michael Joseph | Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore | Measurements of CP Asymmetries and Branching Fractions of Two-Body Charmless Decays of $B^0$ and $B^ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-57 | Morello, M.J. | Measurements of ACP and BR of Two-Body Charmless Decays of $B^0$ and $B^0_s$ Mesons | ||
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-56 | Lewin, Marcus Philip | Lancaster U. | A Measurement of the $Lambda_b$ Lifetime at the D0 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-55 | Gadfort, Thomas | Washington U., Seattle | Evidence for Electroweak Top Quark Production in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 T | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-54 | Jarvis, Chad Ryan | Maryland U. | A Search for z Boson Pair Production at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-53 | Snopok, Pavel V. | Michigan State U. | Optimization of accelerator parameters using normal form methods on high-order transfer maps | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-52 | Mulmenstadt, Johannes | UC, Berkeley | First observation of the decay anti-B/s0 --> D/s+- K-+ and measurement of the relative branching fra | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-51 | Worcester, Elizabeth Turner | Chicago U. | Measurements of Direct CP Violation, CPT Symmetry, and Other Parameters in the Neutral Kaon System | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-50 | Akimoto, Takashi | Tsukuba U. | Search for Third Generation Vector Leptoquarks in 1.96-TeV Proton-Antiproton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-49 | Mills, Corrinne Elaine | UC, Santa Barbara | A Measurement of the Top Pair Production Cross-Section in the Dilepton Channel using Lepton Plus Tra | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-48 | Unalan, Zeynep Gunay | Michigan State U. | A measurement of the top quark's charge | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-47 | Calvet, Samuel Pierre | Marseille, CPPM | Search for supersymmetric partner of bottom quark at d0 at Tevatron. Studies on missing transverse e | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-46 | Rieger, Jason Michael | Indiana U. | First Measurement of the B08 Semileptonic Branching Ratio to an Orbitally Excited D∗∗ State, | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-45 | Park, Su-Jung | Rochester U. | Search for Admixture of Scalar Top in the $t\bar{t}$ Lepton+Jets Final State at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 Te | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-44 | Pawloski, Gregory J. | Rice U. | The study of W γ production at DØ: Anomalous coupling limits and the radiation amplitude zero | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-43 | Yoon, Phil S. | Rochester U. | Error-Induced Beam Degradation in Fermilab's Accelerators | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-42 | Miles, Jeffrey Robert | MIT | Observation of ${B^0_s-\overline{B}^0_s}$ Oscillations Using Partially Reconstructed Hadronic $B_s$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-41 | Sumowidagdo, Suharyo | Florida State U. | First Measurement of Top Quark Pair Production Cross-Section in Muon Plus Hadronic Tau Final States | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-40 | Kamaev, Oleg Victorovich | IIT, Chicago | Rare Nonleptonic Decays of the Omega Hyperon: Measurements of the Branching Ratios for $\Omega^\mp\t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-39 | Marino, Christopher Phillip | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurement of the cp asymmetry in semimuonic $b$ decays produced in ppbar collision at $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-38 | Milnik, Michael | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Measurement of the lifetime difference and cp-violating phase in $B_s \to J/\psi \phi$ decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-37 | Wang, Lei | Maryland U. | Measurement of Z Boson Transverse Momentum in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at Center of Mass Energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-36 | Belloni, Alberto | MIT | Observation of Bs0 - anti-Bs0 Oscillations and the Development and Application of Same-Side-Kaon Fla | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-35 | Richter, Svenja | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Search for electroweak single top-quark production with the CDF II experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-34 | Chevallier, Florent | LPSC, Grenoble | Mesure de la section efficace de production de quarks top en paires dans le canal lepton+jets à $D\{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-33 | Magass, Carsten Martin | RWTH Aachen U. | Search for New Heavy Charged Gauge Bosons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-32 | Gmyrek, Bryan David | Arizona U. | Measurement of the W Boson Helicity in Top Quark Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-31 | McGowan, Aaron Michael | Minnesota U. | Observation of Deficit in NuMI Neutrino-Induced Rock and Non-Fiducial Muons in MINOS Far Detector an | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-30 | Veszpremi, Viktor | Purdue U. | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at a Center-of-Mass Energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-29 | Chapman, John Derek | Cambridge U. | Atmospheric neutrino observations in the MINOS far detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-28 | Raufer, Tobias Martin | Oxford U. | A Study of Neutrino Oscillations in MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-27 | Culling, Andrew John | Cambridge U. | An Optimised Oscillation Analysis of MINOS Beam Data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-26 | Speakman, Benjamin Phillip | Minnesota U. | Atmospheric Electron Neutrinos in the MINOS Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-25 | Harrington, Robert Duane | Northeastern U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in Lepton+Jets Events with Secondary-Vertex Tagging | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-24 | Strandberg, Sara | Stockholm U. | Measurements of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section and an Estimate of the D0 Silicon Detect | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-23 | Krop, Dan N. | Indiana U. | A search for $B_s^0$ oscillations at the Tevatron collider experiment D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-22 | Millet, Thomas | Lyon, IPN | Search for gluinos decaying into $b$-jets and transverse missing energy with the detector D0 at the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-21 | Garcia, Carlos A. | Rochester U. | Precision Measurement of the Mass of the Top Quark in $p {\bar{p}}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-20 | Efron, Jonathan Zvi | Ohio State U. | Search for the Higgs boson in the ZH to llbb channel at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-19 | Patterson, Ryan Benton | Princeton U. | A Search for Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations at $\delta(m^2) >0.1$ eV$^2$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-18 | Yamaoka, Jared Andrew | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Measurement of the relative fraction of ttbar events produced via gluon fusion in $p\bar{p}$ collisi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-17 | Wynne, Sara-Madge Violette | Liverpool U. | Search for Randall-Sundrum Gravitons in 1.2 fb-1 of Run II High Mass Diphoton Data at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-16 | Pursley, Jennifer Marie | Johns Hopkins U. | Discovery and Measurement of Excited b Hadrons at the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-15 | Mitrevski, Jovan Pavle | Columbia U. | Measurement of Single Top Quark Production at D0 using a Matrix Element Method | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-14 | Wagner, Peter | Texas A-M | Search for Heavy, Long-Lived Particles that Decay to Photons in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-13 | Yazgan, Efe | Middle East Tech. U., Ankara | Search for a Standard Model Higgs boson in CMS via vector boson fusion in the $H \to W W \to$ lepton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-12 | Lysak, Roman | Kosice, IEF | Top Quark Mass Measurement in Dilepton Channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-11 | Dong, Hui-shi | SUNY, Stony Brook | Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the $Z^+ H \to \mu + \mu + b \bar{b}$ Channel in $p \ba | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-105 | Glagolev, Vladimir | Dubna, JINR | Измерение массы t-кварка, разработка и применение методики регистрации вторичной вершины в исследов | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-104 | Griffiths, Martin | Liverpool U. | Search for Chargino-Neutralino Production in Events with Three Leptons and Missing Transverse Moment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-103 | Harper, Sam | Oxford U. | The Search for New Physics in Di-Electron Events at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-102 | Lungu, Gheorghe | Florida U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the All Hadronic Channel at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-101 | Bolshov, Arkadiy | MIT | Measurement of the Ratios of Branching Fractions (neutral B strange decaying to negative D strange p | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-100 | Giakoumopoulou, Victoria | Athens U. | Study of the $t\bar{t}$ in the dilepton channel at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV with the Collider Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-10 | Giunta, Michele | Siena U. | Precision Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-09 | Tiwari, Vivek | Carnegie Mellon U. | Measurement of the $B_s$ $\bar{B}_s$ Oscillation Frequency Using Semileptonic Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-08 | Norniella Fransisco, Olga | Barcelona, Autonoma U. | Inclusive jet production studies at the Tevatron using the CDF detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-07 | Vollrath, Ian Eberhard | Toronto U. | Measurement of the W Boson Mass at the Collider Detector at Fermilab from a Fit to the Transverse Mo | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-06 | Rahman, Aftabur Dipu | Minnesota U. | Atmospheric Neutrino Induced Muons in the MINOS Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-05 | Mohr, Brian N. | UCLA | A Precise Measurement of the Top Quark Mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-04 | Yan, Ming | Maryland U. | Measurement of $1/\sigma d\sigma/dy$ for $Z/\gamma^* \to e^+ e^-$ at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-03 | Hall, Isaac Nathaniel | Oklahoma U. | Observation and Properties of $X(3872) $ at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-02 | Portell Bueso, Xavier | Barcelona, IFAE | Search for Gluino and Squark Production in Multi-Jets Plus Missing Transverse Energy Final States at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2007-01 | Iyutin, Boris Y. | MIT | Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions B($B^0_s \to D^-_s D^+_s$)/B($B^0 \to D^- D^+$) with | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-99 | Rossi, Melisa | Udine U. | Search for the Chargino and Neutralino production in the trilepton channel with the CDF Run II detec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-98 | Kong, Daejung | Kyungpook Natl. U., Daegu (Main) | Observation of $B^0_{s} \to \psi(2S)\phi$ and Measurement of Branching Ratio of $\mathcal{B}(B^0_{s} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-97 | Cortiana, Giorgio | Padua U. | First measurement of the top pair production cross section in the missing Et jets channel at the Col | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-96 | Da Ronco, Saverio | Padua U. | New measurements from fully reconstructed hadronic final states of the $B^0_2$ meson at CDF II exper | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-95 | Ehlers, Jans H. Hermann | Zurich, ETH | Precision measurements of W and Z boson production and their decays to electrons at hadron colliders | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-94 | D'Onofrio, Monica | Geneva U. | Measurement of the Inclusive $b$-jet cross section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at CDF RunII and Develop | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-93 | Donega, Mauro | Geneva U. | Measurement of the $B_{s} \to K^{+}K^{-}$ lifetime and extraction of the $\Delta\Gamma_{CP}/\Gamma_{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-92 | Necula, Valentin | Florida U. | Search for Heavy Resonances Decaying into t anti-t Pairs | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-91 | Evdokimov, Anatoly | Moscow, ITEP | Electromagnetic calormeter for study properties of particles and resonances in the SELEX expeiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-90 | Baroiant, Sasha | UC, Davis | A Study for Doubly-Charged Higgs Boson at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-88 | Lee, Jedong | Rochester U. | A Measurement of the $Z$ forward-backward charge asymmetry in $p \bar{p} \to e^+ e^-$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-87 | Attisha, Michael J. | Brown U. | Cryogenic dark matter search (CDMS II): Application of neural networks and wavelets to event analysi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-86 | Erickson, Carolyn Lee | Minnesota U. | Nuclear Emulsion Analysis Methods of Locating Neutrino Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-85 | Torres Aguilar, Ibrahim Daniel | San Luis Potosi U. | Observation of Double Charm Baryons in Several decay Modes | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-84 | Catastini, Pierluigi | INFN, Pisa | Measurement of Kinematic Properties and Fractions of Charged Particle Species Produced in Associatio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-82 | Chan, Kwok Ming Leo | Rochester U. | Anomalous Gluon-top Quark-anti-top quark Coupling in Single-lepton Top-anti-topquark Events from Pro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-81 | Lesne, Vincent | Clermont-Ferrand U. | Recherche de charginos et neutralinos dans le canal dimuon de meme signe aupres de l'experience DØ - | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-80 | Atramentov, Oleksiy | Iowa State U. | Search for Multiphoton Signatures of a Higgs Boson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-79 | Makovec, Nikola Michel | Orsay | Recherche de Nouvelle Physique dans la Topologie a Jets et Energie Transverse Manquante avec le Dete | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-78 | Uozumi, Satoru | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the B meson Lifetimes with the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-77 | Monk, James | Manchester U. | A study of Central Exclusive Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-76 | Lewis, Philip William | Imperial Coll., London | Grid Development and a Study of B-flavour tagging at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-75 | Mendes, Aurelien | Marseille U., Luminy | Study of collisons of supersymmetric top Quark in the channel stop anti-stop -> e+- mu-+ sneutrino a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-74 | Jenkins, Amber Helen | Imperial Coll., London | A Search For The $Z \to b \bar{b}$ Process at The D-Zero Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-73 | Ay, Cano | Mainz U., Inst. Phys. | Messung der $B_s$ Oszillation mit dem semileptonischen Zerfall $B^0_s \to D^-_s (\phi \pi^{-}) \mu^{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-72 | Lobo, Lydia Mary Isis | Imperial Coll., London | Jet Energy Scale Studies and the Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Channel $ZH \to \n | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-71 | Sonnenschein, Lars | Paris U., VI-VII | La pysique du Boson de Higgs de modele standard aupres de l'experience D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-70 | Aoki, Masato | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the $B_c$ meson Lifetime with the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-69 | Tsuchiya, Ryo | Waseda U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass by Dynamical Likelihood Method using the Dilepton Events with the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-68 | Tourneur, Stephane | Paris U., VI-VII | Search for top pair production in the dilepton decay channel with tau lepton at the CDF experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-67 | Carron Montero, Sebastian Fernando | Duke U. | Measurement of the $t t$, $W W$ and $Z \to \tau \tau$ Production Cross Sections in $p \bar{p}$ colli | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-66 | Bochanski, John J., Jr. | Washington U., Seattle, Astron. Dept. | M dwarfs in the Local Milky Way: The Field Low-Mass Stellar Luminosity and Mass Functions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-65 | Otec, Roman | Prague, Tech. U. | Diffractive Processes in Antiproton-Proton Collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV in the DØ Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-64 | Kusakabe, Yoshiaki | Waseda U. | Search for Higgs Boson Production in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at square root = 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-63 | Vaupel, Maren | Wuppertal U. | Measurement of the t anti-t invariant mass distribution and search for t anti-t resonances | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-62 | Sabik, Simon | Toronto U. | Measurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton channel using the neutrino weighting algorithm at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-61 | Cooper, Ben D. | University Coll. London | A Measurement of the Production of Jets in Association with a W Boson in Proton-Antiproton Collision | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-60 | Holloway, Ayana Tamu | Harvard U. | The first direct limit on the $t$ quark lifetime | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-59 | Soderberg, Mitchell Paul | Michigan U. | Measurement of the W± + bb Cross-Section in 695 pb−1 of pp Collisions at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-58 | Michaut, Marine | Orsay | Recherche de Bonson de Higgs Supersymétriques au Tevatron dans l'Expérience D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-57 | Radescu, Voica Ana-Maria | Pittsburgh U. | QCD fits to neutrino-iron structure functions at NuTeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-56 | Baraoiant, Sasha | UC, Davis | A search for double-charged Higgs bosons at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-55 | Chuang, Shan-Huei S. | Wisconsin U., Madison | First Search at CDF for the Higgs Boson Decaying to a $W^-$ boson pair in Proton-Antiproton Collisio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-54 | Sengupta, Sinjini | Florida State U. | A Precision measurement of the $W$ boson decaying to $\nu_\mu$ charge asymmetry at a center of mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-53 | Temple, Jeffrey Willard | Arizona U. | Measurement of m(top) via neutrino weighting in the dilepton decay channels at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-52 | Burke, Susan Elizabeth | Arizona U. | A Measurement of the Top-Antitop Production Cross section in the Dimuon Final State with the D0 Dete | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-51 | Schwarz, Thomas A. | Michigan U. | Measurement of the Front Back Asymmetry in Top-Antitop Quark Pairs Produced in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-50 | Palencia, Enrique | Cantabria Inst. of Phys. | Measurement of the $t^-$ tbar Production Cross section in $p^-$ pbar Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-49 | Canepa, Anadi | Purdue U. | Search for chargino and neutralino at Run II of the Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-48 | Loginov, Andrey Borisovich | Moscow, ITEP | Search for anomalous production of events with a high energy lepton and photon at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-47 | Kraus, James Alexander | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurements of the $B$ Production Cross Section in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.9 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-46 | Autermann, Christian Tobias | Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. | Resonant Second Generation Slepton Production at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-45 | Bordini, Bernardo | Pisa U. | Thermo-magnetic Instabilities in Nb3Sn Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-44 | Monroe, Jocelyn R. | Columbia U. | A Combined Muon-Neutrino and Electron-Neutrino Oscillation Search at MiniBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-43 | Scanlon, Timothy P. | Imperial Coll., London | b-Tagging and the Search for Neutral Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons at DØ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-42 | Naimuddin, Md | Delhi U. | Some Aspects of Hadron Hadron Collisions in High Energy Interactions (B0 mixing oscillations in s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-41 | Doerr, Christian | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Optimization of the signal selection of exclusively reconstructed decays of $B^{0}$ and $B_{S}$ Meso | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-40 | Chandra, Avdhesh | Tata Inst. | Lifetime Difference in the Bs0 System from Untagged Bs0 $\to J/\psi \phi$ Decay at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-39 | Kemp, Yves | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Identification of electrons in the forward region of the CDF experiment for the search for electrowe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-38 | Zatserklyaniy, Andriy | Northern Illinois U. | A Search for Third Generation Scalar Leptoquarks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-37 | Telford, Paul J. | Manchester U. | An Indirect Measurement of the Width of the W Boson at the D0 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-36 | Uzunyan, Sergey A. | Northern Illinois U. | A Search for Charge 1/3 Third Generation Leptoquarks in Muon Channels | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-35 | Lazoflores, Jose A. | Florida State U. | Search for Large Extra Dimensions in the Exclusive Photon + Missing Energy Channel in $p \bar{p}$ Co | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-34 | Noeding, Carsten K. | Freiburg U. | Search for New Physics in Electron-Tau Final States in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-33 | Strandberg, Jonas | Stockholm U. | Top Quarks at the Tevatron: Measurements of the Top Quark Production and Decay with the D0 Experimen | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-32 | Feligioni, Lorenzo | Boston U. | Search for Techniparticles at D0 Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-31 | Gibson, Adam Paul | UC, Berkeley | A Measurement of the Top Quark Mass with a Matrix Element Method | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-30 | Heinmiller, James Matthew | Illinois U., Chicago | A Search for the Higgs Boson in the zh Channel with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collide | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-29 | Group, Robert Craig | Florida U. | Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section using the Midpoint Algorithm in Run II at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-28 | Forrester, Stanley Scott | UC, Davis | Search for 3rd Generation Vector Leptoquarks in the Di-tau Di-jet Channel in Proton Antiproton Colli | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-27 | Squillacioti, Paola | INFN, Pisa | Measurement of the Branching fraction ratio $B \to D K / B \to D \pi$ with the CDF II detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-26 | Galyaev, Eugene N. | Notre Dame U. | Inclusive High-$p_{\perp}$ $b \bar{b}$ Bross Section Measurement at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-25 | Attal, Alon J. | UCLA | Search for R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry in the Multilepton Final State | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-24 | Jabeen, Shabnam | Kansas U. | Search for the Single Top Quarks Produced in s-channel via Electroweak Interactions at s=1.96 at the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-23 | Tonelli, Diego | Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore | First observation of the $B_s \to K^+K^-$ decay mode, and measurement of the $B^0$ and $B_s$ mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-22 | Kaefer, Daniela | RWTH Aachen U. | Search for R-parity Violating Supersymmetry in Multilepton Final States with the DØ Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-21 | Salamanna, Giuseppe | INFN, Rome | First observation of Bs mixing at the CDF II experiment with a newly developed Opposite Side b-flavo | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-20 | Smith, David Edward | Virginia U. | Search For the Rare Decay K(L) ---> pi0 pi0 gamma | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-19 | Kotera, Katsushige | Osaka U. | Study of the Decay K(L) -> pi+- e-+ nu e+ e- to Probe the Semileptonic K-pi Structure | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-18 | Leonardo, Nuno T. | MIT | Analysis of Bs flavor oscillations at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-17 | Jayatilaka, Bodhitha A. | Michigan U. | A Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Dilepton Decay Channel at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-16 | Wang, Zhonglu | Georgia Tech | Design of a Boron Neutron Capture Enhanced Fast Neutron Therapy Assembly | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-15 | Perea, Philip Michael | UC, Riverside | Search for t-Channel Single Top Quark Production in pp¯ Collisions at 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-14 | Desai, Satish Vijay | SUNY, Stony Brook | A Search for the Production of Technicolor Particles at the $D^-$ Zero Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-13 | Hahn, Kristian Allan | Pennsylvania U. | Search For High-Mass Resonances Decaying to $e^- \mu$ IN $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-12 | Niclasen, Rune | Colorado U. | Measuring the branching ratio of the rare decay pi0 --> e+ e- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-11 | Jang, Dongwook | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Search for MSSM Higgs decaying to $\tau$ pairs in $p\bar{p}$ collision at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 TeV at C | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-101 | Tonelli, Diego | Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore | First observation of the $B_s^0 \rightarrow K^+ K^−$ decay mode, and measurement of the $B^0$ and $B | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-100 | Chwalek, Thorsten | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Measurement of the W boson helicity in top-antitop quark events with the CDF II experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-10 | Hamilton, Andrew | Alberta U. | Exclusive Interactions in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-09 | Gibson, Karen Ruth | Carnegie Mellon U. | Measurement of the Relative Fragmentation Fractions of $\bar{B}$ Hadrons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-08 | Lister, Alison | Zurich, ETH | Measurement of $b^-$ quark Jet Shapes at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-07 | Yamashita, Tomohiro | Okayama U. | Measurement of $J/\psi$ meson and $b-$hadron production cross section at sqrt($s$) = 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-06 | Clement, Benoit | Strasbourg, IReS | Production Electrofaible du Quark Top au Run II de l'experience D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-05 | Edwards, Tamsin L. | Manchester U. | Diffractively produced Z bosons in the muon decay channel in pp collisions at s 1.96 TeV, and the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-04 | Tikhoplav, Rodion | Rochester U. | Low Emittance Electron Beam Studies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-03 | Becker, Bernard Raymond | Minnesota U. | CPT conservation and atmospheric neutrinos in the MINOS far detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-02 | Otero y Garzon, Gustavo J. | Illinois U., Chicago | Measurement of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2006-01 | Mason, David Alexander | Oregon U. | Measurement of the strange - antistrange asymmetry at NLO in QCD from NuTeV dimuon data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-99 | Kang, Jian | Michigan U. | A measurement of the W and Z production cross sections in the muon channel at center of mass energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-98 | Hennecke, Martin | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Search for the Higgs-Boson with the CDF experiment at Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-97 | Ishizawa, Yoshio | Tsukuba U. | Search for Higgs Boson Production in Association with the $W$ boson in 1.96-TeV Proton-Antiproton Co | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-96 | McGivern, Dustin | U. Coll. London | A Meaurement of the $W^+ W^-$ production cross section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ T | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-95 | Meder-Marouelli, David | Mainz U., Inst. Phys. | Search for a Light Higgs boson in the channel WH $\to$ ev$_e$ b$\bar{b}$ in p$\bar{p}$-collision wit | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-94 | Amerio, Silvia | Trento U. | Study of t anti-t production in tau jets channel at CDFII using neural networks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-93 | Das, Mayukh | Louisiana Tech. U. | Developing a b-tagging algorithm using soft muons at level-3 for the DO detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-92 | Tzanov, Martin Mihaylov | Pittsburgh U. | Precise measurement of neutrino and anti-neutrino differential cross sections on iron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-91 | Coca, Mircea Norocel | Rochester U. | Measurement of the top pair-production cross section in the dilepton channel in proton-antiproton co | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-90 | Maher, Emily O'Connor | Minnesota U. | A Measurement of the charged-current interaction cross section of the tau neutrino | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-89 | Lecci, Claudia | Karlsruhe U., EKP | A neural jet charge tagger for the measurement of the $B^{0}_{s}-\overerline{B}^{0}_{s}$-oscillation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-88 | Kerzel, Ulrich | Karlsruhe U., EKP | CDF Grid computing and the decay $X(3872) \to J/\psi \pi^{+} \pi^{-}$ with $J/\psi \to e^{+} e^{-}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-87 | Schmitt, Christian | Wuppertal U. | Measurement of the W boson helicity in t anti-t decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-86 | Gardner, John Michael | Kansas U. | Measurement of the w and z cross sections in the electron channel for $p \bar{p}$ collisions at $\sq | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-85 | Hayward, Helen Sarah | Liverpool U. | Measurement of z0 $\gamma$ production in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-84 | Gajjar, Anant | Liverpool U. | Measurement of the inclusive $b b$ jet cross section at the Collidor Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-82 | Kumar, Ashish | Delhi U. | Large Pt processes in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at 2 TeV: measurement of ttbar production cross section | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-81 | Klinksiek, Stephen A. | New Mexico U. | Finding The Charm In 800 GeV/c p-Cu and p-Be Single Muon Spectra | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-80 | Hirschbuehl, Dominic | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry and the W Boson Helicity in Top- Antitop Quark Events with the C | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-79 | Stelzer, Bernd | Toronto U. | Search for electroweak single top quark production in 1.96-TeV proton-antiproton collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-78 | Jenner, Leo | University Coll. London | Measurement of the Absolute Energy Scale of MINOS and Background Measurements in NEMO-3 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-77 | Blake, Andrew | Cambridge U. | A study of atmospheric neutrino oscillations in the MINOS far detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-76 | Symes, Philip Andrew | Sussex U. | Preliminary Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters By NuMI/MINOS and Calibration Studies for | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-75 | Kim, Jieun | Kyungpook Natl. U. | Search for a New Charged Heavy Vector Boson Decaying to an ev Pair in pp Collisions at square 1.96 T | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-74 | Beall, Erik B | Minnesota U. | Cosmic Ray Muon Charge Ratio in the MINOS Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-73 | Zwaska, Robert Miles | Texas U. | Accelerator Systems and Instrumentation for the NuMI Neutrino Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-72 | Rappoccio, Salvatore Rocco | Harvard U. | Measurement of the $t \bar{t}$ production cross section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.9 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-71 | Stelzer-Chilton, Oliver | Toronto U. | First Measurement of the W Boson Mass with CDF in Run 2 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-70 | Torborg, Julie M. | Notre Dame U. | The Charge asymmetry in W bosons produced in p anti-p collisions at center of mass energy - 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-69 | Lin, Chun | Yale U. | A Search for Univeral Extra Deimensions in the Multi-Lepton Channel from Proton-Antiproton Collision | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-68 | Usynin, Denys | Pennsylvania U. | Study of Charged Particle Species Produced in Association with B0, B-, and Bs Mesons in proton - ant | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-67 | Pereira e Sousa, Alexandre Bruno | Tufts U. | Studies of $\nu_\mu \to \nu_e$ Oscillation Appearance in the MINOS Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-66 | Dinardo, Mauro E. | Milan U. | A new micro-strip tracker for the new generation of experiments at hadron colliders | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-65 | Nicolas, Ludovic Y. | Glasgow U. | Radiation environment simulations at the Tevatron, studies of the beam profile, and measurement of t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-64 | Bose, Tulika | Columbia U. | Search for $B^0_s$ oscillations at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-63 | Arguin, Jean-Francois | Toronto U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass with In Situ Jet Energy Scale Calibration Using Hadronic $W$ Boson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-62 | Gomes, Ricardo Avelino | Campinas State U. | An Investigation of the $\Xi^0 \to \Sigma^+ \mu^- \bar{\nu}_{\mu}$ Decay and its Observation at KTeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-61 | Mal, Prolay Kumar | Tata Inst. | Measurement of top anti-top cross section in $p\bar{p}$ Collider at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-60 | Krutelyov, Vyacheslav E. | Texas A-M | Search for Supersymmetry using rare $B_s \to \mu^{+} \mu^{-}$ decays at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-59 | Seletskiy, Sergei M. | Rochester U. | Attainment of Electron Beam Suitable for Medium Energy Electron Cooling | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-58 | Flanagan, Gene U. | Michigan State U. | The inclusive jet cross section in pp̄ collisions at [a center of mass energy of] 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-57 | Goldschmidt, Nathan Joel | Michigan U. | A Measurement of the Helicity of $W$ Bosons Produced in Top-Quark Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-56 | Bernhard, Ralf Patrick | Zurich U. | Search for rare decays of the $B_s$ meson with the D0 experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-55 | Podesta Lerma, Pedro L.M. | CINVESTAV, IPN | Measurement of the Bs Lifetime | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-54 | Song, Xiaofei | Northern Illinois U. | Search for Second Generation Leptoquarks in the dimuon channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-53 | Magnan, Anne-Marie | LPSC, Grenoble | Search for supersymetric particles desintegrant itself in R-parite violee (coupling $\lambda_{121})$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-52 | Vlimant, Jean-Roch | Paris U., VI-VII | Measurement of cross section of production of pairs of top quarks /anti-signal in proton/anti-proton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-51 | Hartnell, Jeffrey J. | Oxford U. | Measurement of the Calorimetric Energy Scale in MINOS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-50 | Cabrera, Anatael | Oxford U. | Systematic Comparison of the MINOS Near and Far Detector Readout Systems | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-49 | Shields, John Michael | Virginia U. | The Search for the CP-Violating Emission of an E1 Photon from the K(L) ---> pi+ pi- Gamma Decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-48 | Ping, Huican | Wisconsin U., Madison | The Observation of the Weak Radiative Hyperon Decay XI0 ---> Lambda0 pi0 gamma at KTeV/E799, Fermila | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-47 | Golossanov, Alexander | Virginia U. | Measurements of CP Violation and K Charge Radius using K- Decays. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-46 | Schieferdecker, Philipp | Munich U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at D0 Run II with the Matrix Element Method in the Lepton+Jets Fin | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-45 | Agelou, Mathieu | Paris U., VI-VII | Recherche de la Production Électrofaible de Quark top dans l'Expérience D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-44 | Le Bihan, Anne-Catherine | Louis Pasteur U., Strasbourg I | Identification of the Leptons Tau in the D0 Experiment at Tevatron and Search for Supersymmetric Par | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-43 | Blumenschein, Ulla | Freiburg U. | Search for Associated Chargino-Neutralino Production in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-42 | Buehler, Marc | Illinois U., Chicago | Measurement of the Z/Gamma* (--> $e^+$ e-) + >=n Jet Production Cross Sections | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-41 | Giurgiu, Gavril A. | Carnegie Mellon U. | $B$ Flavor Tagging Calibration and Search for $B_s$ Oscillations in Semileptonic Decays with the CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-40 | Xuan, Nguyen Phuoc | Notre Dame U. | Search for Quark-Lepton Compositeness in the Dimuon Final State at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-39 | Pronko, Alexandre P. | Florida U. | Fragmentation of Quark and Gluon Jets in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at Center-of-Mass Energy of 1. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-38 | Bocci, Andrea | Rockefeller U. | Search for Hadronic Resonances of W/Z in Photon Events at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-37 | Ogawa, Takashi | Waseda U. | Search for Scalar Top Quark Pair-Production in Scenario with Violated R-parity in p anti-p Collision | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-36 | Kobayashi, Hirokazu | Tsukuba U. | Search for the Higgs Boson Using High-pT Isolated Like-Sign Dil Events in 1.96-TeV Proton-Antiproton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-35 | Yorita, Kohei | Waseda U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass by Dynamical Likelihood Method using the Lepton plus Jets Events i | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-34 | Sato, Koji | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass with the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-33 | Eusebi, Ricardo | Rochester U. | Search for Charged Higgs in ttbar Decay Products from Proton-Antiproton Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-32 | Garzoglio, Gabriele | De Paul U. | A Globally Distributed System for Job, Data, and Information Handling for High Energy Physics | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-31 | Cho, DooKee | Rochester U. | Measurement of the top - anti-top Production Cross Section at $s^{(/1/2)}$ = 1.96-TeV in the $e +$ j | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-30 | Binder, Meta | Munich U. | Search for the Trilepton Signal of the Minimal Supergravity Model in D0 Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-29 | Huang, Xiaobiao | Indiana U. | Beam Diagnosis and Lattice Modeling of the Fermilab Booster | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-28 | Walter, Thorsten | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Search for electroweak single top quark production with cdf in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-27 | Piedra, Jonatan | Cantabria U., Santander | Determination of $\Delta m_d$ and absolute calibration of flavor taggers for the $\Delta m_s$ analys | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-26 | Edera, Laura | Milan U. | Study of the doubly and singly Cabibbo suppressed decays D+ --> K+ pi- pi+ and D(s)+ --> K+ pi- pi+ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-25 | Rakitin, Alexander Y. | MIT | Measurement of the Dipion Mass Spectrum in the Decay X(3872) -> J/psi pi+ pi- at the CDF II Experime | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-24 | Eads, Michael T. | Northern Illinois U. | A Search for Charged Massive Stable Particles at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-23 | Strang, Michael Allen | Texas U., Arlington | First observation of dijet events with an antiproton tag at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96-TeV using the D0 Forwa | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-22 | Gelhaus, Raymond | UC, Riverside | Measurement of the Drell-Yan Differential Cross Section and Forward - Backward Asymmetry in $p\bar{p | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-21 | Kozminski, Joseph Francis | Michigan State U. | Measurements of the tt̄ production cross section at [square root symbol]s=1.96 TeV and top mass in t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-20 | Raaf, Jennifer Lynne | Cincinnati U. | A Measurement of the Neutrino Neutral Current Pi0 Cross Section at MiniBooNE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-19 | Barnes, Christopher P. | Imperial Coll., London | Development of vertexing and lifetime triggers and a study of B(s) mixing using hadronic decays at D | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-18 | Busato, Emmanuel | Paris U., VI-VII | Recherche de la production electrofaible du quark top dans le canal electron+jets dans l'experience | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-17 | Sun, Yin-e | Chicago U. | Angular-momentum-dominated electron beams and flat-beam generation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-16 | Apanasevich, Leonard | Michigan State U. | High transverse momentum direct photon production at Fermilab fixed-target energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-15 | Fatakia, Sarosh Noshir | Boston U. | A Measurement of the mass of the Top Quark in the di-lepton channels using the D0 Detector at Fermil | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-14 | Wijngaarden, Daniel A. | Nijmegen U. | Angular Correlations in Beauty Production at the Tevatron at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-13 | Wan, Zong-ru | Rutgers U., Piscataway | A Search for New Physics with High Mass Tau Pairs in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-12 | Tanimoto, Naho | Okayama U. | Measurement of $W$ + $\gamma$ Production in the $W$ to Muon Decay Channel in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-112 | Moura Santos, Edivaldo | Sao Paulo U. | Determinação da razão de ramificação e dos fatores de forma do decaimento semi-leptônico $K_{L}\righ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-111 | Lee, Jaison | Sungkyunkwan U. | Measurement of $B(B^\pm\to J/\psi \pi^{+})/B(B^+\to J/\psi K^{+})$ at the collider detector at Fermi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-110 | Cho, Il-Sung | Sungkyunkwan U. | Measurement of $B_c$ production cross section in $p\bR{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s)}$ = 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-11 | Yu, Shin-shan | Pennsylvania U. | First measurement of the ratio of branching fractions BR($\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c \mu \nu$)/BR($\Lam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-109 | Annovi, Alberto | Pisa U. | Hadron Collider Physics with Real Time Trajectory Reconstruction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-108 | Giolo, Kim | Purdue U. | Measurement of the $B$ Meson Lifetimes in Fully Hadronic Decays at the CDF-II Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-107 | Guenther, Michael B. | Purdue U. | Measurement of the Time-Integrated Neutral $B$ Meson Mixing Parameter in Proton-Antiproton Collision | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-106 | Rinnert, Kurt | Karlsruhe U. | Ein hoch effizientes Geometriemodell für die Spurrekonstruktion im Silizium-Vertex-Detektor bei CFD | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-105 | Bishofberger, Kip Aaron | UCLA | Successful Beam-Beam Tuneshift Compensation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-104 | Harenberg, Torsten | Wuppertal U. | AMANDA und D0 als Testumgebung für das LHC Computing Grid | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-103 | Vazquez-Valencia, Elsa Fabiola | CINVESTAV, IPN | Estudio de la Fotoproduccion asimetrica de mesones con encanto, usando datos del experimento FOCUS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-102 | Reisetter, Angela Jean | Minnesota U. | Results from the two-tower run of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-101 | Smirnov, Dmitri | New Mexico U. | Measurement of the ratio of top-quark branching fractions top quark decaying to W boson and bottom q | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-100 | Cruz, L.Alberto | Florida U. | Using MAX/MIN Transverse Regions to Study the Underlying Event in Run 2 at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-10 | Kamat, Sharmila | Case Western Reserve U. | Extending the Sensitivity to the Detection of WIMP Dark Matter with an Improved Understanding of the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-09 | Wang, Gen-sheng | Case Western Reserve U. | The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search and Background Rejection with Event Position Information | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-08 | Black, Kevin Matthew | Boston U. | A Precision Measurement of the Top Quark Mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-07 | Sorel, Michel | Columbia U. | Search for Sterile Neutrinos Using the MiniBooNE Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-06 | Fisher, Wade Cameron | Princeton U. | A search for anomalous heavy-flavor quark production in association with $W$ bosons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-05 | Nurse, Emily L. | Manchester U. | A Measurement of the Inclusive $Z / \gamma^{*} \to \mu^{+} \mu^{-}$ Cross-Section and Study of $W$ a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-04 | Robson, Aidan | Oxford U. | A Measurement of $Z$ Boson Production and Rapidity Distribution in $p$ - $\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-03 | Mutaf, Yildirim D. | SUNY, Stony Brook | Measurement of the Ratio of Inclusive Cross Sections $\Sigma$ ($p \bar{p} \to Z$ + $b^-$ jet) / $\Si | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-02 | Blekman, Freya | Amsterdam U. | Top Quark Pair Production in Proton Antiproton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2005-01 | Golling, Tobias F. | Bonn U. | Measurements of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section in Lepton + Jets Final States using a To | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-96 | Elmsheuser, Johannes | Munich U. | Search for the Higgs Boson in H->WW Decays at the DØ Experiment and Precise Muon Tracking | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-95 | Turner, M. J. | Liverpool U. | Measurement of the Lifetime of the $\Lambda_b$ Baryon in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at 1.96 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-94 | Gotra, Yuri | Dubna, JINR | Measurement of inclusive J/psi production cross-section at CDF at energy of 1.96 TeV (In Russian) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-93 | Zsenei, Andras | Geneva U. | Search for the $B^{0}_{d} \to µµK^0$ Decay at CDF and Studies of ATLAS Silicon Tracker Modules | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-92 | Giolo-Nicollerat, Anne-Sylvie | Zurich, ETH | Electron reconstruction and electroweak processes as tools to achieve precision measurements at a ha | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-91 | Kilminster, Benjamin John | Rochester U. | A Search for Non-Standard Model $W$ Helicity in Top Quark Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-90 | Flores-Castillo, Luis Roberto | Pittsburgh U. | Measurement of exclusive modes $B^+ \to J/\psi K^+, B^+ \to J/\psi K*^+, B^0 \to J/\psi K*,$ and $B^ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-89 | Giolo-Nicollerat, Anne-Sylvie | Zurich, ETH | Electron reconstruction and electroweak processes as tools to achieve precision measurements at a ha | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-87 | Farrington, Sinéad M | Glasgow U. | A measurement of the $B^{0}_{s}$ lifetime at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-86 | Waschke, Simon | Glasgow U. | Measurement of the $B \to J/\psi X$ inclusive cross-section at the collider detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-83 | Demers Konezny, Sarah Marie | Rochester U. | A measurement of the branching ratio of top quark decaying to tau lepton-neutrino-quark | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-82 | Korn, Andreas | MIT | Measurement of B-Hadron Masses at CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-81 | Tsuno, Soushi | Tsukuba U. | Tests of Enhanced Leading Order QCD in W Boson plus Jet Production in 1.96-TeV Proton-Antiproton Col | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-80 | Gerberich, Heather Kay | Duke U. | Search for Excited or Exotic Electron Production Using the Dielectron + Photon Signature at CDF in R | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-79 | Unverhau, Tatjana Alberta Hanna | Glasgow U. | A Measurement of the Lifetime of the $\Lambda_b$ Baryon with the CDF Detector at the Tevatron Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-78 | Furic, Ivan Kresimir | MIT | Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions Br($B_s \to D_s^- \pi^+$)/Br($B \to D^- \pi^+$) at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-77 | Thompson, Matthew Colin | UCLA | Plasma density transition trapping of electrons in plasma wake field accelerators | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-76 | Vu Anh, Tuan | Orsay | Search for supersymmetric particles in the dimuon channel with the D0 detector at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-75 | Dean, Simon J.H. | Manchester U. | Study of impact parameters in the channel $Z^0 \to \tau^{+} \tau^{-} \to e^\pm \nu_{e} \mu^\mp \bar{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-74 | Agram, Jean-Laurent | Haute Alsace U., GRPHE | Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section at D0 Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-73 | Soustruznik, Karel | Charles U. | Measurement of the top quark mass in the alljets channel at $\sqrt{s}=1.8$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-71 | Howcroft, Caius L.F. | Cambridge U. | Atmospheric Neutrinos in the MINOS Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-70 | Miyagawa, Paul S. | Oxford U. | Muon Energy Calibration of the MINOS Detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-69 | Driscoll, Donald D. | Case Western Reserve U. | Development and Performance of Detectors for the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment with an Inc | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-68 | Zdrazil, Marian | SUNY, Stony Brook | Search for doubly-charged Higgs Boson production in the decay $H^{++} H^{--} \to \mu^{+} \mu^{+} \mu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-67 | Suwonjandee, Narumon | Cincinnati U. | The Measurement of the Quasi-Elastic Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering Cross Section at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-66 | Wang, Zhong-min | SUNY, Stony Brook | Search for chargino-neutralino pair production with the D0 detector at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-65 | Fu, Shaohua | Columbia U. | Search for first generation leptoquarks in proton-antiproton collisions at the center of mass energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-64 | Hohlfeld, Marc | Mainz U., Inst. Phys. | Search for final states with two leptons and missing transverse energy in $p \bar{p}$ collisions wit | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-63 | Napora, Robert A. | Johns Hopkins U. | Measurement of BR(Bu to phi K)/BR(Bu to J/psi K) at the collider detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-62 | Massafferri Rodrigues, Andre | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Mass spectrum analysis of $K^- \pi^+$ from the semileptonic decay $D^+ \to K^- \pi^+ \mu^+ \nu$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-61 | Ikado, Koji | Waseda U. | Search for New Physics in Dielectron Events in 1.96-TeV Proton - Anti-proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-60 | Segoni, Ilaria Maria Lucia | Colorado U. | Analysis of the Semileptonic Decay $D^0 --> \bar{K}0 \pi^- \mu^+ \nu$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-59 | Agostino, Lorenzo | Colorado U. | Pseudoscalar Semileptonic Decays of the D0 Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-58 | Tsybychev, Dmitri | Florida U. | Search for first-generation leptoquarks in the jets and missing transverse energy topology in proton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-57 | Joffe, David Noah | Northwestern U. | A Search for the singlet-P state $h_c(1^{1}P_1)$ of charmonium in $p\bar{p}$ annihilations at Fermil | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-56 | Ivanov, Andrew Gennadievich | Rochester U. | Search for Anomalous Kinematics of Top Dilepton Events in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-55 | Brubaker, Erik Matthews | UC, Berkeley | A Measurement of the Mass of the Top Quark in Lepton + Jets Events at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-54 | Chang, Clarence Leeder | Stanford U. | The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS-II) Experiment: First Results from the Soudan Mine | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-53 | Mandic, Vuk | UC, Berkeley | First Results from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment at the Deep Site | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-52 | Rott, Carsten | Purdue U. | Search for Scalar Bottom Quarks from Gluino Decays in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at a Center-of-Mass Ener | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-51 | Mulhearn, Michael James | MIT | A Direct Search for Dirac Magnetic Monopoles | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-50 | Ben-Haim, Eli | Paris U., VI-VII | The b Quark Fragmentation Function, From LEP to TeVatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-49 | Vickey, Trevor Neil | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurement of $W$ Boson Polarization in Top Quark Decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-48 | Bachacou, Henri | UC, Berkeley | A Measurement of the production cross section of top-antitop pairs in proton-antiproton collisions a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-47 | Karagoz Unel, Muge | Northwestern U. | Searches for New Physics Using High Mass Dimuons at the CDF II Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-46 | Alsharoa, Mohammad M. | IIT, Chicago | Electromagnetic and mechanical design of gridded radio-frequency cavity windows | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-45 | Huang, Jundong | Indiana U. | Studies of $\upsilon_{1S}$ bottomonium state production at the Tevatron Collider Experiment $D0$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-44 | Kesisoglou, Stilianos Isaak | Brown U. | Search for Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry in the $\gamma \gamma$ missing ET Channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-43 | Kryemadhi, Abaz | Indiana U. | Search for CPT Violation with the FOCUS Experiment and Measurement of $\Lambda_b$ lifetime in the de | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-42 | Ryan, Daniel E. | Tufts U. | Direct Searches for Scalar Leptoquarks at the Run II Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-41 | Kim, Min Suk | Kyungpook Natl. U. | Search for Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking in Diphoton Events in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-40 | Marginean, Radu | Ohio State U. | Measurement of the top pair production cross section at CDF using neural networks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-39 | Varganov, Alexei Valerievich | Michigan U. | The Production Cross Sections of the Weak Vector Bosons in Proton Antiproton Collisions at $\sqrt{s} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-38 | McCroskey, Robert Crampton | Arizona U. | Measurement of the $t \bar{t}$ Cross-Section Using the Dimuon Channel in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-37 | Liu, Yan-wen | Geneva U. | Measurement of the Cross Section for Production of Prompt Diphoton in $p-\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sq | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-36 | Ayan, Ahmet Sedat | Iowa U. | The CMS forward calorimeter prototype design studies and Omega(c)0 search at E781 experiment at Ferm | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-35 | Vahle, Patricia LaVern | Texas U. | Electromagnetic interactions in the MINOS detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-34 | Kordosky, Michael Alan | Texas U. | Hadronic interactions in the MINOS detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-33 | Rebel, Brian J. | Indiana U. | Neutrino - Induced Muons in the MINOS Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-32 | Kirby, Michael H. | Duke U. | Measurement of the $W$ + $\gamma$ Production in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-31 | Askew, Andrew Warren | Rice U. | Measurement of the $W$ Gamma $\to \mu \nu \gamma$ Cross-Section, Limits on Anomalous Trilinear Vecto | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-29 | Zabi, Alexandre | Orsay, LAL | Search for leptoquarks in jet topolgy with missing transverse energy using the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-28 | Greder, Sebastien | Louis Pasteur U., Strasbourg I | $b$ quark tagging and cross-section measurement in quark pair production at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-27 | Lahrichi, Nadia | UPMC, Paris (main) | Étude de la Production de Gravitation de Kaluza-Klein dans ses Désintégrations en Paires de Muons da | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-26 | Haas, Andrew C. | Washington U., Seattle | A search for neutral Higgs bosons at high $\tan\beta$ in multi-jet events from $p\bar{p}$ collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-25 | Ray, Heather Lynn | Michigan U. | Measurement of the $t \bar{t}$ production cross section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.9 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-24 | Cothenet, Alexis | Marseille, CPPM | Search for first generation leptoquarks in electron + neutrino + dijet channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-23 | Nelson-Duensing, Silke | Nijmegen U. | Measurement of cross-section ($p\bar{p} \to Z^0) \times {\rm BF} (^0 \to \tau \bar{\tau})$ at $\sqrt | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-22 | Phaf, Lukas Kaj | Amsterdam U. | Top Quark Production at Hadron Colliders | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-21 | Schwartzman, Ariel G. | Buenos Aires U. | Measurement of the B+- lifetime and top quark identification using secondary vertex b-tagging | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-20 | Klute, Markus | Bonn U. | A measurement of the $t \bar{t}$ production cross-section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-19 | Zhu, Jun-jie | Maryland U. | Direct measurement of the $W$ boson decay width in proton-antiproton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-17 | Vu Anh, Tuan | Orsay | Search for Supersymmetric Particles in the dimuon channels | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-16 | Balm, Paul Wijnand | Amsterdam U. | Measurement of the $B_d^0$ Lifetime Using $B_d^0 \to J/\psi K^0_S$ Decays at DØ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-15 | Khanov, Alexander | Rochester U. | Measurement of the $t \bar{t}$ production cross-section at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96-TeV using lifetime tagg | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-14 | Imbasciati, Linda | Vienna, Tech. U. | Studies of Quench Protection in $Nb_{3}Sn$ Superconducting Magnets for Future Particle Accelerators | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-13 | Zhang, Xiaojian | Oklahoma U. | Opposite side jet charge tagging and measurement of CP asymmetry parameter $\sin_{2\beta}$ at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-12 | Anikeev, Konstantin | MIT | Measurement of the lifetimes of $B$ meson mass Eigenstates | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-11 | Yurkewicz, Adam | Michigan State U. | Search for evidence of supersymmetry in the like-sign dimuon channel at the DØ experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-10 | Seo, Seon-hee | Minnesota U. | Measurement of the ratio of the Sachs form factors of the proton at the psi-prime resonance | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-09 | Beauceron, Stephanie | Paris U., VI-VII | Search for Higgs in $W^+ H$ channel and Study of $W^+$ bbbar Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-08 | Kupco, Alexander | Charles U. | Measurement and QCD analysis of inclusive dijet mass cross section in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at $\sq | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-07 | Toale, Patrick Alan | Colorado U. | A Study of the decay pi0 ---> e+ e- e+ e- using K(L) ---> pi0 pi0 pi0 decays in flight | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-06 | Langs, David Christopher | Princeton U. | Differential cross sections, charge production asymmetry, and spin-density matrix elements for D*+- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-05 | Worcester, Matthew Peter | UCLA | Inclusive search for anomalous high-pT like-sign lepton pair production at the Fermilab Tevatron col | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-04 | Brown, G.Colin | Chicago U. | A Precision measurement of the charge asymmetry of semi-leptonic kaon decays behind a regenerator at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-03 | Hooper, Ryan James | Notre Dame U. | A Search for large extra spatial dimensions and $Z$ ' bosons in the dimuon final state in $\sqrt{s}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-02 | Davis, Gregory Arthur | Rochester U. | First measurement of the differential inclusive cross section for jet production at D0 Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2004-01 | Goldstein, David | UCLA | A Measurement of the top quark cross - section at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96-TeV at the Collider Detector at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-62 | Gresele, Ambra | Bologna U. | $t\bar{t}$ Production in Multijet Events at CDF (RunII) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-61 | Pauly, Thilo | Oxford U. | Measurement of the Average $B^{0}_{s}$ Lifetime in the Decay $B^{0}_{s} \to J/\Psi\Phi$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-60 | Chung, Jongyoung | Ohio State U. | A measurement of top anti-top quark pair production cross section in proton anti-proton collisions a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-59 | Lancaster, Justin | Duke U. | Strangeness production in minimum bias and jet data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-58 | Delsart, Pierre Antoine | Lyon, IPN | Study of the $H^0/A^0 \to \tau \mu$ signal at the hadronic colliders and intercalibration of the D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-57 | Yu, Zhaoou | Yale U. | Bottom quark anti-quark production and mixing in proton anti-proton collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-56 | Krasberg, Mark T. | Michigan U. | Measurement of the transverse momentum differential cross-section for Z boson decays to muon anti-mu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-55 | De Cecco, Sandro | Rome U. | Measurement of relative branching fractions for $D^{0}$ meson Cabibbo suppressed hadronic decays, fr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-54 | Gray, Frederick Earl, Jr. | Illinois U., Urbana | A Measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the positive muon with a precision of 0.7 parts pe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-53 | Molina, Jorge | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Estudo do espalhamento elastico em colisoes pp a √s = 1.96 T eV com o Detector de Protons Frontais F | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-52 | Menzemer, Stephanie | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Track reconstruction in the silicon vertex detector of the CDF II experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-51 | Le, Yi | Johns Hopkins U. | Measurement of the $\Lambda$ 0($b$) $\to \Lambda$ +($c$) $\pi^{-}$ branching ratio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-50 | Morse, Robert James | Sussex U. | MINOS Calibration and NA49 Hadronic Production Studies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-49 | Kovalev, Andrew N. | Pennsylvania U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-48 | Sorin, Maria Veronica | Buenos Aires U. | Measurement of the dijet transverse thrust distribution in proton - anti-proton collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-47 | Song, Yan | Texas U., Arlington | Search for supersymmetric top quarks in the decay of the standard model top quark based on D0 Run IB | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-46 | Veramendi, Gregory Francisco | UC, Berkeley | A measurement of forward-backward charge asymmetry of electron-positron pairs in proton-antiproton c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-45 | Connolly, Amy Lynn | UC, Berkeley | A Search for Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons in the Di-tau Decay Mode in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at 1.8 Te | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-44 | Christiansen, Tim U. | Munich U. | Search for second - generation leptoquarks in $p\bar{p}$ collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-43 | Akgun, Ugur | Iowa U. | CMS HF calorimeter PMTs and Xi(c)+ lifetime measurement | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-42 | Averitte, Suzanne Elaine | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Study of CP violation in the pi pi gamma decay of the neutral K meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-41 | Nichol, Ryan J. | University Coll. London | Calibration of the MINOS detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-40 | Barker, Matthew Anthony | Oxford U. | Hadronic response of MINOS detectors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-39 | Andreopoulos, Constantinos | Athens U. | Experimental study of the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations with the MINOS experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-38 | Evans, David Edward | Lancaster U. | Development of workflow planning software and a tracking study of the decay B+- --> J / Psi at the D | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-37 | Madrak, Robyn Leigh | Harvard U. | Measurement of the $\Lambda_B$ lifetime in the decay mode $\Lambda_b\rightarrow J/\psi\Lambda$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-36 | Han, Chun-hui | Michigan U. | Measurement of top pair production cross-section electron + jets channel in $p \bar{p}$ collisions a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-35 | Whiteson, Daniel | UC, Berkeley | Standard Model and Exotic Physics with Electrons and Muons at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-34 | Yi, Kai | Johns Hopkins U. | A Measurement of the $Lambda_b$ lifetime using semileptonic decays and observation of the new state | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-33 | Stadie, Hartmut | Karlsruhe U. | Results on the production and detection of $W$ bosons with the Collider Detector at Fermilab in $p\b | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-32 | Neu, Christopher Carl | Ohio State U. | A Search for the Higgs boson in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-31 | Coadou, Yann | Uppsala U. | Searches for the charged Higgs at hadron colliders based on the tau lepton signature | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-30 | Aitala, Eric M. | Mississippi U. | A Search for the Rare and Forbidden Decays $D^0 \to V l^+l^-$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-29 | Manca, Giulia | Oxford U. | Measurement of the ratio $R = \sigma_W.Br(W\to e \nu) /\sigma_Z.Br(Z\to e^+e^-)$ in $p\bar{p}$ colli | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-29 | Manca, Giulia | A Measurement of the Ratio $ = \sigma_W.Br(W \to e\nu)/\sigma_Z.Br(Z \to ee)$ in $p\bar{p}$ collisio | ||
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-28 | Niu, Hong-quan | Brandeis U. | Limit on the $B^0_s \bar{B}^0_s$ meson oscillation frequency from $p\bar{p}$ collision data at $\sq | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-27 | Kirk, Michael Collins | Brandeis U. | An Upper limit on the neutral $B_s$ meson decays to charged $D_s$ meson pion branching ratio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-26 | Luo, Chun-Hui | Indiana U. | Muon identification and $B$ physics studies at the Tevatron Collider experiment $D^0$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-25 | Peters, Onne | Amsterdam U. | Measurement of the $b$ jet cross section at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-24 | Gao, Ming-Cheng | Columbia U. | A search for extra neutral gauge boson in the dielectron channel with the D0 detector in $p\bar{p}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-23 | Melnitchouk, Alex | Brown U. | Search for non-SM light Higgs Boson in the h $\to \gamma \gamma$ channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-22 | Canelli, Maria Florencia | Rochester U. | Helicity of the $W$ boson in single - lepton $t \bar{t}$ events | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-21 | Lannon, Kevin Patrick | Illinois U., Urbana | A Measurement of $B$ hadron correlations in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-20 | Lasio, Giovanni Maria | UC, Irvine | Measurement of decay parameters of the $\psi^\prime(2^{3}S_1)$ state of the charmonium | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-19 | Yu, Qun | Louisiana Tech. U. | Study of energy sampling weights in the D0 detector using multiparameter fitting method | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-18 | Hatakeyama, Kenichi | Rockefeller U. | Measurement of the diffractive structure function of the anti-proton in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-17 | Grinstein, Sebastian | Buenos Aires U. | The Inclusive jet cross section using the k(T) algorithm | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-16 | Petteni, Michele | Imperial Coll., London | Measuring the jet response and the search for the Higgs boson in the channel $Z H \to e^{+} e^{-} b | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-15 | Baffioni, Stephanie | Marseille, CPPM | Search for bottom squark cascade decay using the D0 detector at the Tevatron. Development of a compa | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-14 | Chen, Chunhui | Pennsylvania U. | A Measurement of the direct charm meson production cross-section at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-13 | Takano, Hideaki | Tsukuba U. | Search for W Boson Pair Production in the Lepton + Jet Channel in 1.8-TeV Proton - Antiproton Collis | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-12 | Negrini, Matteo | Ferrara U. | Measurement of the branching ratios psi' -> J/psi X in the experiment E835 at FNAL | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-11 | Beaudette, Florian | Orsay, LAL | Identification $d$ ' electrons et application a la mesure de la section efficace de production du qu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-10 | Lai, Nancy Jin-Jin | Chicago U. | Search for the decay K(L) ---> pi0 e+ e- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-09 | LaDue, Jason | Colorado U. | Understanding Dalitz decays of the K(L), in particular the decays of K(L) ---> e+ e- gamma and K(L) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-08 | Villeneuve-Seguier, Frederic | Marseille, CPPM | Sbottom squark pairs production with the decay mode sb -> b + neutralino 1 in the D0 experiment at t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-07 | Kaur, Rajwant | Panjab U. | Determination of the top quark mass using neural networks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-06 | Hebert, Christina Lee | Kansas U. | Search for new particles decaying to two-jets with the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-05 | Holmstrom, Timothy Kenneth | Virginia U. | A Search for cp violation in xi-minus / anti-xi-minus and lambda / anti-lambda hyperon decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-04 | Rumerio, Paolo Giuseppe | Northwestern U. | Interference measurement of the chi c0 (1 P-3 0) in proton anti-proton annihilation into two neutral | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-03 | Jain, Supriya | Tata Inst. | Search for $t \bar{t}$ resonances in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at center of center-of-mass energy = 1.8 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-02 | Hesketh, Gavin | Manchester U. | A Measurement of the $Z$ boson production cross-section multiplied by the muon branching fraction in | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2003-01 | Pratt, Tracey S. | Oxford U. | New physics searches in high mass dimuons at the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-64 | Bell, William Hamish | Glasgow U. | Searching for $B^{0}_{s} \to J/\psi\eta$ with the collider detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-63 | Saab, Tarek | Stanford U. | Search for weakly interacting massive particles with the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-62 | Kajfasz, Eric | Marseille, CPPM | Habilitation thesis on Neutrino Oscillations at the Bugey Reactor, Top Discovery in CDF, and the D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-61 | Schemitz, Patrick | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Eine Hard- und Software-Umgebung für Physik-Analysen bei CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-60 | Bauer, Daniela Ursula | Imperial Coll., London | A study of $B_s^0 \to J/\psi \phi$ in the D0 experiment and an example of HEP technology transfer | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-59 | Illingworth, Robert Arthur | Imperial Coll., London | Development of trigger software for the silicon and fibre trackers and a study of $B$ meson lifetime | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-58 | Smith, Christopher B. | University Coll. London | Calibration of the MINOS detectors and extraction of neutrino oscillation parameters | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-57 | Brandl, Alexander | New Mexico U. | Comparison of three jet events to predictions from a next-to-leading order calculation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-56 | Webb, Jason C. | New Mexico State U. | Measurement of continuum dimuon production in 800-GeV/C proton nucleon collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-55 | Wu, Vincent | Cincinnati U. | Design and testing of a high gradient radio frequency cavity for the muon collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-54 | Crotty, Patrick R. | Chicago U. | High-energy neutrino fluxes from the supermassive dark matter | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-53 | Huang, Melin | Virginia U. | Measurement of the Xi- Polarization in p + Cu --> Xi- + X at 800-GeV and the Decay Parameters of Xi- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-52 | Demine, Pavel | LPSC, Grenoble | Study of tri-lepton events in the Run II data of the D0 experiment. Interpretation in the R-parity v | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-51 | Besson, Auguste | LPSC, Grenoble | Study of di-lepton + 4 jets events in Run II of the D0 experiment at Fermilab. Interpretation in the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-50 | Luo, Wei | Oklahoma U. | Search for magnetic monopoles possibly produced by proton anti - proton collisions at the Tevatron c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-49 | Moore, Eric Thomas | New Mexico U. | A Neural network measurement of the top anti-top pair production cross-section in the lepton + jets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-48 | Wolinski, Sarah Kristina | Michigan U. | Search for Single Top Quark Production in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-47 | Strologas, John | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurement of the Differential Angular Distribution of the $W$ Boson produced in association with J | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-46 | Pompos, Arnold | Purdue U. | Search for the supersymmetric partner of the top quark in dilepton events produced in $p\bar{p}$ col | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-45 | Lobban, Olga Barbara | Texas Tech. | Hadronic vector boson decay and the art of calorimeter calibration | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-44 | Sanchez, Carlos Andres | Ohio State U. | Measurement of the top quark mass with neural networks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-43 | Miyazaki, Yoshiyuki | Osaka City U. | Search for Scalar Top Quark Pair-production by $R$-parity Violating Decay Mode in $p \bar{p}$ Collis | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-42 | Ciobanu, Catalin Irinel | Ohio State U. | A Neural networks search for single top quark production in CDF Run I data | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-41 | Heiss, Andreas | Karlsruhe U. | Measurement of the lifetime of fully reconstructed B mesons with the CDF detector. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-40 | Hall, Carter Randolph | Harvard U. | Measurement of the isolated direct photon cross section with conversions in $p \bar{p}$ collisions a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-39 | Martin, Matthew S. | Oxford U. | Preliminary Studies Concerning $\Delta \Gamma B_s$ Measurements | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-38 | Carlson, John Mark | Michigan U. | Lower limits on large extra dimensions in the Drell-Yan process in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-37 | Murgia, Simona | Michigan State U. | Search for large extra dimensions with diphoton events at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-36 | Taffard, Agnes | Liverpool U. | Search for the stau slepton at DELPHI \& muon identification and Z0 production at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-35 | Smith, Chadd Erik | Johns Hopkins U. | Search for gluino pair production using like sign top dilepton events | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-34 | Zeller, Geralyn P. | Northwestern U. | A Precise measurement of the weak mixing angle in neutrino - nucleon scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-33 | Rajaram, Durgaprasad | IIT, Chicago | A search for a lepton - number - violating decay of the cascade - minus hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-32 | Pegna, D. | Pavia U. | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-31 | Sani, G. | Pavia U. | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-30 | Ettorre, A. | Pavia U. | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-29 | Mitchell, Ryan Edward | Tennessee U. | Photoproduction of the K+ K0-(1750) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-28 | Cerutti, A. | INFN, Milan | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-26 | Kwak, J.W. | Korea U. | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-25 | Hosack, Michael Galen | Vanderbilt U. | A Search for D0 - anti-D0 mixing in semileptonic decays from FOCUS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-24 | Ramirez, Juan Eduardo | Colorado U. | Lifetime measurement of the charmed strange baryon $\xi_c^+$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-23 | Cerrito, Lucio | Rutherford | Measurement of the leptonic angular distribution in $W$ boson decay as a function of the $W$ transve | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-22 | Connolly, Brian M. | Florida State U. | Measurement of the Top Mass in the All - Jets Channel with the D0 Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-21 | Sielaff, Jason Murray | Minnesota U. | Observation of the charged current interactions of the tau neutrino | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-20 | Bellavance, Angela Maria | Rice U. | Search for the lepton flavor number violating decay K(L) ---> pi0 mu+- e-+ in the full E799II KTeV d | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-19 | Graham, Mathew Thomas | Minnesota U. | The Two photon decay of the chi0 state of charmonium | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-18 | Affolder, Anthony Allen | UC, Berkeley | A Measurement of bottom quark - anti-quark azimuthal production correlations in $p\bar{p}$ collision | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-17 | Vidnovic, Theodore, III | Minnesota U. | Di-Neutral Pion Production in the Triplet P Wave States of Charmonium | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-16 | Engh, Daniel James | Vanderbilt U. | A Search for physics beyond the standard model through the three body rare and forbidden charm decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-15 | Zheng, Hai | Notre Dame U. | A Search for large extra dimensions in the jet + missing transverse energy final state in center-of- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-14 | Perera, Thushara A. | Case Western Reserve U. | The Limiting background in a dark matter search at shallow depth | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-13 | Avvakumov, Sergey E. | Rochester U. | Search for muon neutrino (anti-muon neutrino) ---> electron neutrino (anti-electron neutrino) oscill | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-12 | Deliot, Frederic | Diderot U., Paris | Reconstruction et Identification des Muons dans L'Expérience D0 : Etude de la Production Résonnante | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-11 | Gao, Tianjie | Pennsylvania U. | An updated measurement of sin (2 beta) with multiple flavor tags using a tag - combining algorithm | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-10 | Brozovic, Marina | Duke U. | Studies of the W / Z Production Associated with Direct Photons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-09 | Hamm, Jason C. | Arizona U. | Study of the rare decay K(L) ---> e+ e- mu+ mu- at KTeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-08 | Ridel, Melissa | Orsay, LPT | Reconstruction du Flux d'Energie et Recherche de Squarks et Gluinos dans l'Experience D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-07 | Lee, Robert H. | Purdue U. | Simulation and study of the CMS endcap muon alignment scheme | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-06 | Prasad, Valmiki | Chicago U. | Measurements of Direct CP - Violation and CPT - Invariance in the Neutral Kaon System | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-05 | Sweezy, Jeremy Ed | Georgia Tech | Development of a Boron Neutron Capture Enhanced Fast Neutron Therapy Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-04 | Patwa, Abid Mahmood | SUNY, Stony Brook | The Forward preshower system and a study of the $J/\psi$ trigger with the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-03 | Mattson, Mark Edward | Carnegie Mellon U. | Search for Baryons with Two Charm Quarks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-02 | Kasper, Jason J. | Northwestern U. | Search for Two Omega Meson Decays of Charmonium Resonances Produced in Proton - Antiproton Annihilat | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2002-01 | Munar Ara, Antoni | Valencia U. | Production and Electrical Characterization Tests of the ISL Detector and a Trigger Design for Higgs | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-51 | Landry, Freddie Joseph | Michigan State U. | Inclusion of Tevatron Z data into global nonperturbative QCD fitting | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-50 | Ngan, Ching-Yuk Paul | MIT | Measurement of the $\psi(2S)$ Production Cross Section and Polarization at $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-49 | Adamson, Philip | Sussex U. | An LED calibration system for the MINOS long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-48 | Haas, Richard Martin | Florida U. | The Underlying event in hard scattering collisions of proton and anti - proton at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-47 | Xu, Qi-chun | Michigan U. | Direct measurement of W boson decay width at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-46 | Strumia, Federica | Geneva U. | Search for First Generation Leptoquarks in the $e \nu j j$ and $e e j j$ Decay Channels in $p\bar{p} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-45 | Cerri, Alessandro | Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore | Trigger Strategies for the Measurement of CP Violation in CDF Run II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-44 | Kim, M.J. | Kyungpook Natl. U. | Search for Pair-production of Scalar Top Quarks Decaying via R-parity Violation in $p\bar{p}$ Collis | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-42 | Tanaka, Masashi | Tsukuba U. | Search for radiative $B$-hadron decays with the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-41 | Lundstedt, Carl LaVern | Nebraska U. | A Search for stop squarks in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV utilizing the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-40 | Huang, Yi-mei | Michigan U. | Determinations of the mass of the top quark | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-39 | Dudko, L. | Moscow State U. | Single top quark production at the Tevatron collider in the D0 experiment and phenomenological aspec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-38 | Chang, C. | Korea U. | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-37 | Barberis, S. | INFN, Milan | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-35 | Erba, S. | INFN, Milan | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-34 | Pontoglio, C. | INFN, Milan | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-33 | Ko, Byeong Rok | Korea U. | Measurement of Branching Ratios of $D^+$ and $D^+_s$ Hadronic Decays to Four-Body Final States Conta | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-32 | Leros, Nicolas | Lausanne U. | Search for CP Violation in Hyperon Decay: $\Xi^- / \bar{\Xi}^+$ and $\Lambda / \bar{\Lambda}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-31 | Barrio, Miguel Alejandro | Chicago U. | Measurement of the Dalitz parameters in K(L) ---> pi+ pi- pi0 decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-30 | Graham, James Anthony | Chicago U. | Measurements of the direct CP violating parameter Re(epsilon-prime / epsilon) and the kaon sector pa | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-29 | Safonov, Alexei Nikolayevich | Florida U. | Jet fragmentation and predictions of the resummed perturbative QCD | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-28 | Goss, Lewis Taylor | Texas A-M | A Search for associated chargino neutralino production in the electron pair + X meson + missing tran | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-27 | Okada, Kensuke | Nagoya U. | Detecting Tau Neutrino Reactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-26 | Obertino, Margherita | Turin U. | Study of the decays of the state 3P0 (chi0) of Charmonium: Chi0 -> JPsi gamma -> e+ e- gamma ; Chi0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-25 | Christofek, Leonard Steven | Illinois U., Urbana | Analysis of the Vector Boson Self Interaction and the Search for Anomalous Couplings at $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-24 | Nakada, Hosai | Tsukuba U., RCCP | Measurement of the diffractive structure function of the anti-proton in 1.8-TeV proton - anti-proton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-23 | Gatti, Paolo | Padua U. | Performance of the new tracking system at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-22 | Solodsky, Andrei | Rockefeller U. | Observation of diffractive $J/\psi$ production at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-21 | Partos, Dana Sarah | Brandeis U. | Measurement of the center-of-mass energy dependence of isolated direct photon production in proton a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-20 | Hill, Christopher Scott | UC, Davis | Measurement of the production cross-section ratio top anti-top + jets to top anti-top inclusive in 1 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-19 | Olivier, Bob | Paris U., VI-VII | Search for the top quark supersymmetric partner and improvement of the D0 experiment calorimetry for | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-18 | Abdesselam, Abdelouahab | Paris, Lab. Kastler Brossel | Recherche de production resonante de sleptons au run I de D0 \& identification et mesure des electro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-17 | Kulik, Yaroslav | SUNY, Stony Brook | Measurement of the $W$ boson mass using electrons at the edge of $D^0$ central calorimeter modules | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-16 | Hays, Christopher Paul | Columbia U. | A Search for leptoquark and WZ production with the D0 detector in 1.8-TeV $\sqrt{s} p \bar{p}$ colli | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-15 | Green, Jesse Andrew | Iowa State U. | Search for a neutral technicolor signature in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-14 | Goncharov, Maxim T. | Kansas State U. | Precise measurement of dimon production cross-sections in muon neutrino Fe and anti-muon neutrino Fe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-13 | Bailey, Stephen John | Harvard U. | A Study of $B \to J/\psi K^{(*)} 0 X$ decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-12 | Berghaus, Patrick | Kansas State U. | First measurement of the tau neutrino charged current interaction cross-section | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-11 | Cawlfield, Christopher Alan | Illinois U., Urbana | Studies of the semileptonic decays of $D$ mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-10 | Zhou, Zhang | Iowa State U. | Search for an mSUGRA Signature in the Electron + Jets + Missing Transverse Energy Final State in $p\ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-09 | Yang, Un-Ki | Rochester U. | A Measurement of Differential Cross Sections in Charged Current Neutrino Interactions on Iron and a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-08 | Wolinski, David Scott | Michigan U. | Upper limits on rare decays of the top quark using jet flavor tagging in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at $ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-07 | Estrada Vigil, Juan Cruz | Rochester U. | Maximal use of kinematic information for the extraction of the mass of the top quark in single-lepto | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-06 | Santo Nicola, Marcello | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Production Asymmetry of $\Lambda^0$ and ${\bar{\Lambda}}^0$ in $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$, p - Nucleon C | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-05 | Link, Jonathan Marion | UC, Davis | Study of the decay $D^0 \to K^+ \pi^-$ in FOCUS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-04 | Halkiadakis, Eva | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Measurements of Neutral Kaon Decays to Two Electron Positron Pairs | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-03 | Formaggio, Joseph Angelo | Columbia U. | A Search for Massive Exotic Particles at the NuTeV Neutrino Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-02 | Fleming, Bonnie Tamminga | Columbia U. | Inner Structure and Outer Limits: Precision QCD and Electroweak Tests from Neutrino Experiments | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2001-01 | Carneiro, Jean-Paul | Orsay | Etude Experimentale du Photo-Injecteur de Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-63 | Palmonari, Francesco | Pisa U. | Design and Prototyping of ISL Carbon-Fiber Support Parts | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-62 | Ferretti, Claudio | Pisa U. | Una strategia di selezione di eventi per la misura del parametro di oscillazione $x_s$ a CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-61 | Weiss-Babai, Ruth | Tel Aviv U. | Measurements of the pion light cone wave function and the the effect of color transparency | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-60 | Sen, Naresh | Rice U. | Identification of the tau lepton through its hadronic decay modes at the D0 collider detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-59 | Golwala, Sunil Ramanlal | UC, Berkeley | Exclusion limits on the WIMP nucleon elastic scattering cross-section from the Cryogenic Dark Matter | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-58 | Hartmann, Frank | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Entwicklungsarbeit am Spurendetektor fur das CDF Experiment am Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-57 | Puljak, I. | Ecole Polytechnique | CMS Discovery Potential for the Higgs Boson in the $H \to ZZ^* \to 4e^{\pm}$ Decay Channel. Contribu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-56 | Robinson, Andrew John | Toronto U. | Measurement of the top quark transverse momentum distribution | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-54 | Giordani, Mario Paolo | Padua U. | A Run II trigger design for Higgs boson search at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-53 | Speer, Thomas | Geneva U. | Search for the Decays B(0)d --> mu+mu-, B(0)s --> mu+mu- and B(0)s --> mu+mu-phi in Proton-Antiproto | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-52 | Shah, Tushar | MIT | Measurement of $B^0$ Mixing Frequency Using a New Probability Based Self-Tagging Algorithm Applied t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-51 | Mesropian, Christina | Rockefeller U. | Measurement of the Strong Coupling Constant from Inclusive Jet Production at the Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-50 | Terashi, Koji | Tsukuba U. | Observation of Dijet Production by Double Pomeron Exchange in1.8 TeV Proton - Antiproton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-49 | Merlo, M. | Pavia U. | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-46 | Srivastava, Monique | Sao Paulo U. | Title unknown | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-45 | Vorwalter, Klaus | Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst. | Determination of the pion charge radius with a silicon microstrip detector system | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-44 | Simon, J. | Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst. | Measurement of the electromagnetic radius of the $\Sigma^-$ at 600 {GeV/c} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-43 | Krueger, Henning | Heidelberg U. | Investigation of elastic hadron electron scattering at 540 GeV/c in order to measure the electromagn | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-42 | Popkov, Evgeny | Notre Dame U. | A Search for squarks and gluinos using the hets and missing energy signature at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-41 | Ocherashvili, Aharon | Tel Aviv U. | Pion Virtual Compton Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-40 | Garcia, Fernanda G. | Sao Paulo U. | Hadroproduction of the $\Lambda_c$ Charmed Baryon by the SELEX-E781 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-39 | Reher, Douglas Corey | UC, Berkeley | A Search for fully hadronic decay modes of the B(c) meson at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-38 | Casilum, Zarah | SUNY, Buffalo | Measurement of the ratio of electronically decaying Z+ greater than or equal to 1 jet ---> Z = X cro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-37 | Kaya, Mithat | Iowa U. | D(s) charm strange meson production and asymmetry | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-36 | Chakravorty, Alak | IIT, Chicago | Measurement of an asymmetry parameter in the decay of the cascade minus hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-35 | Choong, Woon Seng | UC, Berkeley | A Search for Direct CP Violation in $K^{\pm} \to \pi^{\pm} \pi^{\pm} \pi^{\mp}$ Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-34 | Keaffaber, Todd A. | Purdue U. | Measurement of the Positively Charged B+ Meson Cross-Section in Proton- Anti-Proton Collisions at 1. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-33 | Ozkorucuklu, Suat | Iowa U. | Charged k pi production ratios with Sigma, pi and protons on carbon and copper targets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-32 | Cassada, Josh Aaron | Rochester U. | A Search for new particles decaying into top quark anti-top quark pairs | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-31 | Barreiro Guimaraes da Costa, Joao Pedro | Michigan U. | Search for a fourth generation quark more massive than the $Z^0$ boson in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-30 | Winn, David Jerome | Michigan U. | Measurement of the helicity of W bosons in top quark decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-29 | Wang, Michael H.L.S. | Massachusetts U., Amherst | Diffractively produced charm final states in 800-GeV/c proton proton collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-28 | Negroni, Sylvain | Marseille, CPPM | Etude de la detection de la supersymetrie par production de quark top en singlet. Determination de $ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-26 | Kikuchi, Toshiaki | Tsukuba U., RCCP | Search for Single Top Quark Production in 1.8-TeV $p\bar{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-25 | Snihur, Robert Michael | Northwestern U. | Subjet multiplicity of quark and gluon jets reconstructed with the relative transverse momenta algor | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-24 | Shpakov, Dennis Leonidovich | SUNY, Stony Brook | A $W$ Boson mass measurement using the ratio of transverse masses of the $W$ and $Z$ bosons in $p p$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-23 | Coney, Linda R. | Notre Dame U. | Diffractive $W$ and $Z$ boson production in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1800-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-22 | Quinn, Gene Breese | Chicago U., EFI | A Measurement of the Branching Ratio and Form-Factor of $K_L \to \mu^+ \mu^- \gamma$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-21 | Bright, Stephen Taliaferro | Chicago U., EFI | First Measurement of Form-Factors of the Beta Decay of the Neutral Xi Hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-20 | Vaitaitis, Arturas Genrikas | Columbia U. | Search for neutral heavy leptons in a high-energy neutrino beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-19 | Goldman, Jesse Matthew | Kansas State U. | A Next-to-leading order QCD analysis of charged current event rates from neutrino N deep inelastic s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-18 | Trevino, M.C. Maria Aurora Diozcora Vargas | Puebla U., Inst. Fis. | The Development of Software to Characterize the Fermilab Pixel Readout Chip for the BTeV Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-17 | Steele, Joseph Robert | Wisconsin U., Madison | Inclusive Cross-Section of $J/\psi$ Particles in the Far Forward Direction in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-16 | Spiropulu, Maria | Harvard U. | A Blind Search for Supersymmetry in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV using the Missing | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-15 | Scott, Andrew Ferrell | UCLA | A Measurement of Low Mass Drell-Yan Production at the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-14 | Schwienhorst, Reinhard Heinrich | Minnesota U. | A New Upper Limit for the Tau Neutrino Magnetic Moment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-13 | Rahimi, Amir M. | Illinois U., Urbana | Amplitude analyses of the D+, D+(s) ---> K- K+ pi+ and D0 ---> K0(S) K+ K- final states | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-12 | Liu, Jin-Bo | Rochester U. | Measurement of $d \sigma$/dy for Drell-Yan $e^{+} e^{-}$ Pairs in the $Z$ Boson Region Produced in $ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-11 | Vergara Limon, M.C. Sergio | Puebla U., Inst. Fis. | Design and Performance Characteristics of the Optical Readout and Control Interface for the BTeV Pix | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-10 | Latino, Giuseppe | INFN, Pisa | Calorimetric measurements in CDF: A New algorithm to improve the energy resolution of hadronic jets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-09 | Kushnirenko, Alexander Yevgenievich | Carnegie Mellon U. | Precision Measurements of the $\Lambda^+_c$ and $D^0$ Lifetimes | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-08 | Knuteson, Bruce Owen | UC, Berkeley, Astron. Dept. | A Quasi Model Independent Search for New High $p_T$ Physics at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-06 | Fitch, Michael James | Rochester U. | Electro-Optic Sampling of Transient Electric Fields from Charged Particle Beams | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-05 | Devmal, Shiral Cleophas | Cincinnati U. | An Experimental Study of the Decay $D^0 \to K^- K^- K^+ \pi^+$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-04 | Dagenhart, William David | Tufts U. | Atomic Mass Dependence of $\Xi^{-}$ Baryon and $\bar \Xi^+$ Baryon Production in Central 250-GeV/c $ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-03 | Cropp, Robert James | Toronto U. | A Measurement of the Polarization of $J/\psi$ Mesons Produced in High-Energy $p\bar{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-02 | Berryhill, Jeffrey Wayne | Chicago U., Astron. Astrophys. Ctr. | A Search for New Physics in Photon Lepton Events in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-01 | Alton, Andrew Knight | Kansas State U. | Observation of Neutrino Induced Neutral Current Charm Events | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-68 | Bigongiari, Ciro | Pisa U. | Studio di un trigger dedicato per il processo $Z \to b \bar{b}$ a CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-67 | Kim, Hyunsoo | Toronto U. | A Search for a new charged heavy vector boson decaying to a muon-neutrino pair | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-66 | Sonnenschein, Andrew Harry | UC, Santa Barbara | A Search for weakly interacting dark matter particles with low temperature detectors capable of simu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-65 | Dorigo, Tommaso | Padua U. | Search for Z decays to b Quark Pairs at the Tevatron p anti-p Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-64 | Vilar Cortabitarte, Rocio | Cantabria U., Santander | Search for the Higgs Boson and Technicolor Particles in p anti-p Colisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.8$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-63 | Chang, Paul | Taiwan, Natl. Tsing Hua U. | Measurement of the $\Lambda_{b}$ Lifetime in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.8$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-61 | Handa, Takanobu | Hiroshima U. | Search for Technicolor Particles in $p {\bar{p}}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{1.8}$ {TeV} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-60 | Gupta, Ambreesh | Tata Inst. | Search for new physics in anti-p p collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-59 | Casimiro Linares, Edgar | CINVESTAV, IPN | $\Lambda_c^+$ - $\Lambda_c^-$ Production in High Energy Photon-Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-58 | Chung, Yeon Sei | Korea U. | Measurement of Cascade C0 semileptonic decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-57 | Ledovskoy, Alexander Andreevich | Virginia U. | A Measurement of the B anti-B cross-section in 800-GeV/c proton - silicon interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-56 | Hagan, Karla Ann | Virginia U. | Hadroproduction of 3p(1) and 3p(2) states of charmonium in 800-GeV/c proton silicon interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-55 | Nelson, Kenneth Day | Iowa U. | Polarization of Lambda(0) inclusively produced by a 610-GeV/c Sigma- beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-54 | Pogodin, Pavel Igor | Iowa U. | Polarization of sigma+ hyperons produced by 800-GeV/c protons on copper and beryllium | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-53 | Bevensee, Brendan Elwood | Pennsylvania U. | A search for top quark decays to a charged Higgs boson in proton - anti-proton collisions at a cente | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-52 | Eddy, Nathan Robert-Claire | Michigan U. | Measurement of the top quark mass from $b$ - tagged events in the lepton plus jets channel in $p\bar | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-51 | Guillian, Eugene Hall | Michigan U. | Top quark decay kinematics in fully reconstructed top anti-top events in the electron or muon + E($T | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-50 | Holck, Christopher Matthew | Pennsylvania U. | Search for scalar top quark and scalar bottom quark in proton anti-proton collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-49 | Wahl, John Edward | Chicago U. | A Measurement of $R = (\sigma \cdot B (p\bar{p} \to W^\pm \to e^\pm \nu )/(\sigma \cdot B(p\bar{p} \ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-48 | Pappas, Stephen Peter | Yale U. | Polarization of decays of B mesons to two vector mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-47 | Stancari, Michelle Dawn | UC, Irvine | Two Photon Decay Widths of Charmonium Resonances Formed in Proton Antiproton Annihilations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-45 | Pedlar, Todd Kristofer | Northwestern U. | A study of Two Photon Decays of Charmonium Resonances Formed in Proton Anti-Proton Annihilations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-43 | Sadamoto, Masayoshi | Osaka U. | Search for the Decay KL ->pi0 mu+ mu- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-42 | Graham, Gregory Edwin | Chicago U. | First Observation of the Rare Decay $K_L \to \pi^0 e^+ e^- \gamma$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-41 | Senyo, Katsumi | Osaka U. | CP Asymmetry in the Decay KL-> pi+ pi- e+ e- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-40 | Mikelsons, Peter L. | Colorado U. | Search for the decay K(L) to pi0 e+ e- and study of the decay K(L) to e+ e- gamma gamma | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-39 | Hinrichsen, Bjorn | Toronto U. | A Measurement of the dijet mass differential cross-section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-38 | Minato, Hiroyuki | Tsukuba U., RCCP | Measurement of the $W$ boson transverse momentum distribution in 1.8-TeV $p\bar{p}$ collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-37 | Akopian, Alexander Michael | Rockefeller U. | Scaling violation in inclusive jet production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-36 | Ikeda, Hirofumi | Tsukuba U. | Observation of diffractive bottom quark production in 1.8-TeV proton - anti-proton collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-35 | Moggi, Niccolo | Pisa U. | Soft multiparticle production in $p\bar{p}$ interactions at 1800-GeV and 630-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-34 | Hardman, Adam Dean | Purdue U. | A Measurement of the width of the $W$ vector boson in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-33 | Kongeter, Armin | Karlsruhe U. | Search for r-parity violating SUSY in the CDF multilepton channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-32 | Fox, George Frederic | South Carolina U. | Multidimensional Resonance Analysis of $\Lambda^+_c \to pK^- \pi^+$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-31 | Chang, Ting-Hua | New Mexico State U. | Angular distribution of $J/\psi$ decays in dimuon channel in 800-GeV proton copper collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-30 | Lee, William Malcolm | Georgia State U. | A Measurement of the nuclear dependence of J / psi and psi-prime production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-29 | Zimmerman, Eric D. | Chicago U., EFI | A Measurement of the Branching Ratio of $\pi^0 \to e^+ e^-$ Using $K_L \to 3\pi^0$ Decays in Flight | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-27 | Vaandering, Eric Wayne | Colorado U. | Mass and Width Measurements of $\Sigma_{c}$ Baryons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-26 | Towell, Rusty Shane | Texas U. | Measurement of the Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-25 | Taylor, Wendy Jane | Toronto U. | A Measurement of $B$ Quark Fragmentation Fractions in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-24 | Steinbrück, Georg | Oklahoma U. | Measurement of the Angular Distribution of Electrons from W Boson Decays at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-23 | Smith, Eric Hartel | Oklahoma U. | Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in Top Quark Pair Decays at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-22 | Singh, Harpreet | UC, Riverside | A Measurement of $t\bar{t}$Production Cross Section in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-21 | Shawhan, Peter Sven | Chicago U., Astron. Astrophys. Ctr. | Observation of Direct CP Violation in $K_{S,L} \to \pi \pi$ Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-20 | Radeztsky, Scott Allan | Wisconsin U., Madison | A Dalitz Analysis of the $D_s$ Meson Decay to Three Pions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-19 | McTaggart, Robert John, II | Penn State U. | The Angular Distribution of Electron Positron Pairs from Exclusive Charmonium Decays in Antiproton P | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-18 | McDonald, Jeffrey Earl | Florida State U. | Search for Single Top Production with the D0 Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-17 | Mauritz, Kristal Monika | Iowa State U. | Hard Single Diffraction in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at 1800-GeV and 630-GeV Center-of-Mass Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-16 | Kordas, Kostas | McGill U. | Search for Penguin Decays of $B$ Mesons at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-14 | Karr, Kristo Michael | Tufts U. | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass by Application of the Dalitz-Goldstein Method to Dilepton Events | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-13 | Karmgard, Daniel John | Florida State U., SCRI | Search for Leptoquarks Decaying to $\mu$ + $X$ Meson with the D0 Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron C | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-12 | Gómez, Gervasio | Maryland U. | Extraction of the width of the $W$ boson from a measurement of the ratio of the $W$ and $Z$ cross-se | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-11 | Gobel Burlamaqui de Mello, Carla | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Study of the non-resonant contribution in three-body hadronic decays of the D meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-10 | Frame, Katherine Chiyoko | Michigan State U. | Implementation and Calibration of a Transverse k$\perp$ Jet Finding Algorithm for use in $p\bar{p}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-09 | Done, James Paul | Texas A-M | Search for supersymmetry using like sign dilepton events at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-08 | Davis, Kevin Patrick | Arizona U. | Measurement of the Bottom Quark Production Cross-Section in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at a Center | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-07 | Choi, Suyong | Seoul Natl. U. | Spin Correlation in $t \bar{t}$ Production from $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-06 | Bruner, Nichelle Lee | New Mexico U. | A Search for Production of Scalar Top at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-05 | Begel, Michael | Rochester U. | Production of High Mass Pairs of Direct Photons and Neutral Mesons in a Tevatron Fixed Target Experi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-04 | Baldini, Wander | Ferrara U. | Study of the decay into two $\phi-$mesons of the $\eta_c$ resonance of charmonium formed in $p-\bar{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-03 | Babukhadia, Levan R. | Arizona U. | Rapidity Dependence of the Single Inclusive Jet Cross-Section in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at the Center | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-02 | Ambrogiani, M. | Ferrara U. | Angular distribution of charmonium annihilations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1999-01 | Alavi-Harati, Ashkan | Wisconsin U., Madison | Observation and Branching Fraction Measurement of the Neutral Cascade beta Decay at KTeV / E799-II, | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-69 | Sznajder, André | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Análise da Produção de Quarks $b$ em Colisões $p\bar{p}$ A 1.8TeV no Experimento DØ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-68 | Kim, John Hanju | Columbia U. | A Measurement of $\alpha_s$ from the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-67 | Bloom, Paul Craig | UC, Davis | Investigation of Trilinear Vector Boson Couplings Through W Boson Pair Production in Dilepton Decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-66 | Petyt, David Anthony | Oxford U. | A Study of parameter measurement in a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-65 | Chung, Daniel Jun Hun | Chicago U. | Classical Inflation Field Induced Creation of Superheavy Dark Matter | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-63 | Dersch, Uwe | Heidelberg U. | Measurement of total cross-sections using Sigma, p, pi-, and pi+ at 600 GeV/c laboratory momentum | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-62 | Gough Eschrich, Ivo M. | Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst. | Measurement of the sigma- charge radius at the Fermilab Hyperon beam. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-61 | Yang, Shih-Wen M. | Kansas State U. | Form-factor ratios in the charmed semileptonic weak decays D(s)+- ---> phi lepton+- neutrino | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-60 | Morrow, Gregory Peter | Rice U. | Experimental observation of the photon structure function at 21-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-59 | Kinnel, Timothy Scott | Wisconsin U., Madison | Hadronic energy flow in charged current neutrino scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-57 | Markianos, Kyriacos | Massachusetts U., Amherst | Spin Parity Measurement of Centrally Produced $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ in Proton Proton Collisions at 800 Ge | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-56 | Lin, Tzu-Fen | Notre Dame U. | A measurement of three Cabibbo suppressed decays of the Lambda(c)+ baryon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-55 | Scodellaro, Luca | Padua U. | Perspectives for Higgs Boson search in Full Hadronic Final States at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-54 | Scardellato, Massimo | Padua U. | Identificazione del processo $Z \to b\bar{b}$ all'esperimento CDF di Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-53 | Corbin, Brent Alan | UCLA | A Search for anti-proton decay into an electron and a neutral pion at the FNAL anti-proton accumulat | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-52 | Hu, Martin J. | Nebraska U. | Search for anti-proton decay to muonic final states at the Fermilab anti-proton accumulator | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-51 | Mihalcea, Daniel | Kansas State U. | Measurement of the form-factor ratios for the charm semileptonic decays D+ ---> anti-K*0 lepton+ lep | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-50 | Rossin, Roberto | Padua U. | Study of the process $B_s \to J/\psi \eta$ at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-49 | Ptohos, Fotios K. | Harvard U. | Measurement of the $t \bar{t}$ production cross-section using heavy flavor tags in $W^{+}$ greater t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-48 | Juge, Keisuke Jimmy | UC, San Diego | Gluonic Excitations in Quark Anti-Quark Systems | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-47 | Nam, Sae Woo | Stanford U. | Development of phonon-mediated cryogenic particle detectors with electron and nuclear recoil discrim | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-46 | Hanagaki, Kazunori | Osaka U. | Search for the Decay $K_L \to \pi^0 \nu\overline{\nu}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-45 | Kambara, Hisanori | Geneva U. | Search for second generation leptoquarks in $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV $p^-$ pbar at CDF and silicon detec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-44 | Ashmanskas, William Joseph | UC, Berkeley | A Direct measurement of the w boson decay width in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-43 | Okabe, Masakazu | Tsukuba U., RCCP | Measurement of the strong coupling constant from two jet production cross-section in 1.8-TeV proton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-42 | Suzuki, Jun-ichi | Tsukuba U., RCCP | Observation of B(c) meson in 1.8-TeV proton - anti-proton collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-41 | Cocca, Ernesto | Pisa U. | Feasibility Study of $\Lambda_{b}$ Lifetime using It's Semileptonic Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-40 | Kelley, Kenneth Francis | MIT | Measurement of the CP Violation Parameter sin 2$\beta$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-39 | Olsen, James D. | Wisconsin U., Madison | Measurement of bottom quark - anti-quark rapidity correlations in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $S^{(1/2) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-38 | Hoffman, Kara Dion | Purdue U. | The Search for physics beyond the standard model in the $B \bar{B}$ spectrum observed in tevatron $p | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-37 | Tamburello, Peter Dominic | Maryland U. | Measurement of the top quark production cross-section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at 1.8-TeV center-of- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-36 | Chopra, Sailesh | Michigan U. | Measurement of top quark top anti-quark production cross-section and search for new physics beyond t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-35 | Casey, Dylan Patrick | Rochester U. | Measurement of the Transverse Momentum of Dielectron Pairs in Proton - Anti-Proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-34 | Zaliznyak, Renata | Stanford U., Phys. Dept. | Measurement of the Form-Factor Ratios in Semileptonic Decays of Charm Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-33 | Yu, Yeonsik | Seoul Natl. U. | Search for the double parton scattering with neural network | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-32 | Warburton, Andreas T. | Toronto U. | A Study of Exclusive Nonleptonic Decays of $B$ Mesons into Final States of Strange Mesons and 1S or | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-31 | Vucinic, Dejan | MIT | Observation of Excited B Mesons in Proton - Anti-Proton Collisions at 1.8 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-30 | Vandenbrink, Stephan Christopher | Pittsburgh U. | Measurement of Time Dependent $B^0_d \bar{B}^0_d$ Mixing Parameter using Opposite Side Lepton and $D | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-29 | Stenson, Kevin M. | Wisconsin U., Madison | A Study of Neutral D Meson Production from 500 GeV $\pi^-$ Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-28 | Stancari, Giulio | Ferrara U. | Measurements of the Magnetic Form-Factor of the Proton for Large Timelike Momentum Transfers | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-27 | Solano Salinas, Carlos Javier | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Asymmetry Studies in the Production of $\Lambda^0/\bar \Lambda^0$, $\Xi^-/\bar{\Xi}^+$ and $\Omega^- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-26 | Snajder, A. | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Analysis of b quark production in the D0 experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-25 | Perkins, Jill | Texas U., Arlington | Probing color singlet exchange in proton anti-proton collisions at 630-GeV and 1800-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-24 | Parua, Nirmalya | Mumbai U. | Search for R-parity violating supersymmetry in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-22 | McKibben, Thomas Martin, II | Illinois U., Chicago | A Measurement of the neutral $B$ meson anti-neutral $B$ meson mixing parameter at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-21 | Beck, S.Maytal | Tel Aviv U. | Search for the Pentaquark via the Decay $P^0_{\bar{c}s} \to \phi \pi \rho$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-20 | Mason, M. | UC, Riverside | Search for electroweak single top quark production in anti - proton proton interactions at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-19 | Maksimovic, Petar | MIT | Observation of Pion - Bottom Meson Charge Flavor Correlations and Measurement of Time Dependent Neut | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-18 | Long, Owen R. | Pennsylvania U. | A Proper Time Dependent Measurement of $\Delta M_d$ Using Jet Charge and Soft Lepton Flavor Tagging | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-17 | Kuns, Edward William | Rutgers U., Piscataway | A Study of $W$ Boson Decay Charge Asymmetry using Hadronic $\tau$ Decays in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-16 | Krane, John | Nebraska U. | The Ratio of Inclusive Jet Cross Sections at $\sqrt{s}$ = 630 GeV and $\sqrt{s}$ = 1800 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-15 | Hu, Tong | Indiana U. | Rapidity dependence of inclusive J / psi meson production in p anti-p collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-14 | Hsieh, Tzu-Chung Frank | Michigan U. | Measurement of the top quark mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-13 | Hawker, Eric Andrew | Texas A-M | Measurement of the Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-12 | Hahn, Ki Suk | Rochester U. | Multijet cross-section ratios in p anti-p collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-11 | Groer, Leslie Stevan | Rutgers U., Piscataway | A Search for charged higgs boson decays of the top quark using hadronic decays of the $\tau$ lepton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-10 | Gordon, Andrew Scott | Harvard U. | Measurement of the $W$ boson mass with the collider detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-09 | Genik, Richard Joyner, II | Michigan State U. | The Search for dilepton signatures from squarks and gluinos in $\bar{p}p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-08 | Gartung, Patrick Elmo | UC, Riverside | Search for WZ production in the trilepton channel at the Tevatron and limits on the WWZ vertex anoma | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-07 | Dittmann, Jay Richard | Duke U. | Measurement of the $W$ + $\geq$ 1 Jet Cross-section in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-06 | Di Loreto, Gian Giuseppe | Michigan State U. | The Triple differential dijet cross-section at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-05 | Carvalho, W. | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Study of $b$ quark production in $\bar{p}$ proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 630-GeV in the D0 exper | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-03 | Bloom, P. | UC, Davis | Anomalous couplings among gauge bosons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1998-02 | Bagdasarov, Suren Leon | Rockefeller U. | Observation of Diffractive $W$ Boson Production at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-71 | Pagliarone, Carmine E. | Turin U. | Ricerca dei decadimenti supersimmetrici del top a $\sqrt{s}$= 1.8 TeV con il rivelatore CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-70 | Donati, Simone | Pisa U. | Una Strategia per la Misura della Asimmetria CP nel Decadimento $B^0_d \to \pi^+ \pi^-$ a CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-69 | Zutshi, Vishnu V. | Delhi U. | Direct photon production in hadron induced collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-68 | Bhatnagar, Vipin | Panjab U. | Search for top in the electron-muon channel at 1.8-TeV with D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-67 | Magana-Mendoza, Leonel | CINVESTAV, IPN | Measurement of the $Z$ transverse momentum distribution in $\bar{p} p \to Z \to e^+ e-$ events with | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-66 | Hernandez-Montoya, Alejandro Raul | CINVESTAV, IPN | Measurement of $\alpha_s$ from $P_T$ of $Z$ distribution in the D0 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-65 | Gonzalez-Solis, Jose Luis | CINVESTAV, IPN | Direct measurement of the $W$ width in D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-64 | Shankar, H.C. | Tata Inst. | Search for supersymmetry using leptons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-63 | Shaffer, Christopher D. | Florida State U. | Direct photon plus one and two jet production in proton--antiproton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-62 | Manacero, Aleardo | Campinas State U. | Performance prediction of parallel programs through execution graph simulation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-61 | McNulty, Cynthia Kay | Columbia U. | Measurements of $R_{long}$ and $\mid V_{cs} \mid$ from the CCFR Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-60 | Cao, Jianwei | Vanderbilt U. | Search for physics beyond the standard model through rare and forbidden decays of the charmed $D^{+} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-59 | Jin, Zhong | Washington U., Seattle | The Perturbative and nonperturbative QCD effects in the azimuthal distribution of hadron jets observ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-58 | Narayanan, Ajay M. | Arizona U. | Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry of Muons from $W$ Boson Decay at the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-57 | Avila, Carlos | Cornell U., LNS | Measurement of the Proton-Antiproton Total Cross-Section at Center-of-Mass Energy of 1800-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-56 | Halli, Chafiq | Maryland U. | Studies of hydrogen and deuterium dijet photoproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-55 | Wirjawan, Johannes Vincentius Djoko | Texas A-M | A Search for wino - zino associated production via trileptonic final states with the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-54 | Wang, Guoliang | Florida State U. | Search for the first generation scalar leptoquarks in proton - anti-proton collisions at a center-of | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-53 | Adam, Ian Malcolm | Columbia U. | Measurement of the $W$ Boson Mass with the D0 Detector Using the Electron $E_T$ Spectrum | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-52 | Pripstein, David Aaron | UC, Berkeley | A Search for flavor changing neutral currents and lepton family number violation in neutral two-body | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-51 | Wilkinson, Richard Paul, III | Pennsylvania U. | Hadronic decays of $W$ bosons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-50 | Zhang, Liqun | Wisconsin U., Madison | Observation of $W^{+} W^{-}$ Production in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-49 | Miao, Chyi Chang | Michigan U. | Measurement of the $t \bar{t}$ Production Cross-Section in the Lepton Plus Jets Channel in $p \bar{p | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-48 | Bokhari, Wasiq | MIT | Observation of the Fully Hadronic Decay of $t\bar{t}$ Pairs in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-47 | Daniels, Troy | MIT | Charmonium Production in proton - anti-proton Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-46 | Shimojima, Makoto | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the Photon Angular Distribution in the $W$ + Photon Production in 1.8-TeV Proton- - A | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-45 | Aota, Shin | Tsukuba U. | A Measurement of Top Quark Mass and Kinematic Properties in Fermilab 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-proton Co | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-43 | Takano, Takeshi | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the Cross Section for Diphoton Production in 1.8-TeV Proton- Anti-proton collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-42 | Cronin-Hennessy, Daniel Patrick | Duke U. | Tests of Perturbative QCD in $W +$ jets events produced in $\sqrt{s}$ 1.8-TeV $p\bar{p}$ collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-41 | Hohlmann, Marcus | Chicago U. | Observation of Top Quark Pairs in the Dilepton Decay Channel using Electrons, Muons and Taus | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-40 | Sato, Hiroyuki | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of W - Photon and Z - Photon Couplings in 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-39 | Kuwabara, T. | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of Time Dependent B0 anti-B0 Mixing in 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-38 | Titov, Alexey Y. | Rockefeller U. | Observation and study of exclusive decays of beauty baryons at the tevatron proton - anti-proton col | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-37 | Couyoumtzelis, Christian | Geneva U. | Search for the Charged Higgs Boson $H^\pm$ in the Decays $t \to H^{+} b$ by a Direct Measurement of | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-36 | Toback, David A. | Chicago U. | Searches for New Physics in Diphoton Event in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-35 | Burkett, Kevin Alan | Michigan U. | Measurement of the lifetime of the $B_{S}$ 0 meson and the width difference in the $B_{S} 0 \bar{B}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-34 | Kehoe, Robert Leo Patrick, III | Notre Dame U. | Search for the top quark in dielectron final states at 1.8-Tev and measurement of the response of th | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-33 | Jun, Soon Yung | Northwestern U. | The Azimuthal decorrelation of jets widely separated in rapidity | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-32 | Jerger, Steven A. | Michigan State U. | Inclusive direct photon production in the central and forward rapidity regions in proton - anti-prot | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-31 | Chen, Wei | SUNY, Stony Brook | Isolated direct double photon production in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at 1.8-TeV with the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-30 | Ramachandran, Sathyadev | UCLA | Parasitic Extraction of 900-GeV/c Protons from the Tevatron using a Bent Silicon Crystal and Measure | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-29 | Wallace, Andrew Faulkner | Yale U. | Hadroproduction of Charm Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-28 | Varnes, Erich Ward | UC, Berkeley | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-27 | Tripathi, Arun K. | Ohio State U. | Search for $D^0 - \bar{D}^0$ Mixing Using Semileptonic Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-26 | Tollefson, Kirsten Anne | Rochester U. | A Measurement of the Top Quark Mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-25 | Taylor Thomas, Tracy Lea | Northwestern U. | Strongly Interacting Color Singlet Exchange in $\bar{p}p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1800 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-24 | Tarazi, Jamal Nabil | UC, Irvine | A Measurement of the Cross-Section Ratio of the $W$ and $Z$ Electronic Decays and the Total Width of | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-23 | Tannenbaum, Benn | New Mexico U. | A Search for Chargino Neutralino Production at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-22 | Singh, Prem P. | Pittsburgh U. | Search for the $B_{C}$ Meson at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-21 | Seligman, William Glenn | Nevis Labs, Columbia U. | A Next-to-Leading Order QCD Analysis of Neutrino - Iron Structure Functions at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-20 | Ramos, Manuel I. Martin | Zaragoza U. | Measurement of the Angular Distribution of the Electron from $W \to e + \nu$ Decay, in $p\bar{p}$ at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-19 | Peters, Marc David | UC, Berkeley | A Measurement of $B$ Meson Oscillations Using Inclusive Leptons in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-18 | Mathew, Prakash Parayil | Carnegie Mellon U. | Construction and Evaluation of a High Resolution Silicon Microstrip Tracking Detector, and, Utilizat | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-17 | Lyon, Adam Leonard | Maryland U. | A Search for Squarks and Gluinos using the Jets and Missing Energy Signature at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-16 | Lauer, Bryan Adrian | Iowa State U. | A Search for High Mass Photon Pairs in $p\bar{p} \to \gamma\gamma jj$ Events at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-15 | Langen, Katja Maria | Wisconsin U., Madison | Microdosimetric Investigation at the Fast Neutron Therapy Facility at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-14 | Kotcher, Jonathan | New York U. | Response of the D0 calorimeter to cosmic ray muons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-13 | Keyvan, Farhad | UCLA | A Search for Supersymmetric Quarks and Gluons in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at 1.8-TeV with the CDF Detec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-12 | Joffe-Minor, Tacy Marie | Northwestern U. | A measurement of the Ratio of Production Cross-Sections for $W$ + 1 Jet to $W$ + 0 Jets at $\sqrt{s} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-10 | Hurvits, Gilhad | Tel Aviv U. | Search for the Pentaquark via the Decay $P^0_{\bar{c} s} \to K^{*} K p$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-09 | Hernandez, Alberto Sanchez | CINVESTAV, IPN | Search for Anomalous $WW/WZ$ Forward $e \nu jj$ Production at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-08 | Grudberg, Peter Matthew | UC, Berkeley | Measurement of the $W$ and $Z$ boson production cross-section in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-07 | Fahland, Tom R. | Brown U. | Test of the Electroweak Sector of the Standard Model by Measuring the Anomalous $WW(\gamma)$ Couplin | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-06 | da Silva Carvalho, Hendly | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Branching Fraction Measurement of the Doubly Cabibbo Suppressed $D^{+} \to K^{-} K^{+} K^{+}$ Decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-05 | Cullen-Vidal, David Edward | Brown U. | Color Coherent Radiation in Multi - Jet Events from $p\overline{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-T | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-04 | Convery, Mary Elizabeth | Case Western Reserve U. | A Disoriented Chiral Condensate Search at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-03 | Colby, Eric Ralph | UCLA | Design, Construction, and Testing of a Radiofrequency Electron Photoinjector for the Next Generation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1997-01 | Blanford, Glenn Delfosse, Jr. | UC, Irvine | Observation of Relativistic Anti-Hydrogen Atoms | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-86 | Yunger, John A. | Northern Illinois U. | Predation, Competition, and Abiotic Disturbance: Population Dynamics of Small Mammals | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-85 | Robutti, Enrico | Genoa U. | Un esperimento di spettroscopia del charmonio in annichilazioni protone-antiprotone ad alta luminosi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-83 | Bacigalupi, John P. | UC, Davis | Strange particle production in awayside jets in high p(t) pi0 and direct photon triggered events in | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-82 | Yetter, John | Northern Illinois U. | Search for Z -> bb decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-80 | Fan, Qun | Rochester U. | A Measurement of the lepton charge asymmetry in $W$ decays produced in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at $\s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-79 | Reyes, Marco A. | Guanajuato U., FIMEE | Partial Wave Analysis of the Process $pp \to p_s (K^0_sK^0_s) p_f$ at 800 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-78 | Belyaev, A. | Moscow State U. | Theoretical simulation of some fundamental processes for colliders of new generation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-77 | Martin, Manuel | Barcelona U. | Measurement of the angular distribution of the electron from W to e-nu decay, in p anti-p at $\sqrt{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-76 | Masciocchi, Silvia | Heidelberg U. | Silicon microstrip detectors and the measurement of lifetimes of charmed hadrons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-75 | Spentzouris, Linda Klamp | Northwestern U. | Coherent Nonlinear Longitudinal Phenomena in Unbunched Synchrotron Beams | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-74 | Zou, Yu | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Search for CP violation in the decay of the short lived neutral kaon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-73 | Gianini, Gabriele | Pavia U. | Distribuzioni di molteplicita' carica nell'urto fotone-Berillio tra 100 e 300 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-72 | Witchey, Nicholas James | Ohio State U. | Search for flavor changing neutral current decays of charm mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-71 | Arroyo, Carlos Gerardo | Columbia U. | A Measurement of the weak mixing angle in neutrino - nucleon scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-70 | Madden, Patrick Beacom | UC, San Diego | Measurement of forward hadron multiplicity ratios in inelastic muon scattering on nuclei | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-69 | Traynor, Michael M. | Rice U. | Search for Evidence of Photoproduction of Higher Twist QCD Events at Experiment 683 at Fermi Nationa | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-68 | Chou, Ping Jung | Northwestern U. | The Nature of Transverse Beam Instabilities at Injection in the Fermilab Main Ring | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-67 | Sosebee, Mark Douglas | Texas U., Arlington | A Search for supersymmetric particles with the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-66 | Kasper, Penelope A. | IIT, Chicago | Orbitally excited charm - strange mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-65 | Culy, Steven W. | Colorado U. | Measurement of the form-factors and branching ratio for the charmed meson semileptonic decay mode po | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-64 | Osborne, George B., III | Rochester U. | Direct photon and neutral meson production at high transverse momentum by negative 515-GeV/c pions a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-63 | Smith, Andrew James | UC, Irvine | A Study of select decays of J / psi and psi-prime states produced in anti-proton - proton annihilati | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-62 | Gianoli, Alberto | Ferrara U. | Glueball search in proton anti-proton annihilation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-61 | Stockwell, Walter Kenneth | UC, Berkeley | A Cryogenic search for WIMP dark matter | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-60 | Da Silva, Angela Jane | British Columbia U. | Development of a Low Background Environment for the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-59 | Barnes, P.D., Jr. | UC, Berkeley | The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-58 | Rolli, Simona | Pavia U. | Fragmentation Phenomena on QCD: Fragmentation Functions Approach and Parton Shower | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-57 | Romano, James C. | Chicago U., EFI | A Search for Top Quark Pair Production in the Dilepton Decay Mode | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-56 | Azfar, Farrukh | Pennsylvania U. | Measurement of the lifetime of the B(s)0 meson using the exclusive decay mode B(s)0 ---> J / psi phi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-55 | Gallinaro, Michele | Rome U. | Observation of the Top Quark at CDF in the Dilepton Channel with Electrons Muons and Taus | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-54 | Azzi, Patrizia | Padua U. | Lo studio del quark top a CDF nello stato finale puramente adronico | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-53 | Mitsushio, Hisafumi | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of Neutral B Meson Mixing in Electron-Muon Events in 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-proton Collis | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-52 | Hamilton, Rowan Terrell | Harvard U. | Measurement of photon charm production in proton - anti-proton collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-51 | Ino, Takashi | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of Prompt Photon Production in 1.8-TeV Proton - Antiproton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-50 | Kato, Y. | Osaka City U. | Search for Chargino - Neutralino Production in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-49 | Baumann, Thomas Patrick | Harvard U. | A Search for Third Generation Leptoquarks in Proton - Antiproton Collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-48 | Kestenbaum, David Samuel | Harvard U. | Observation of $t\bar{t}$ Quark Production Using a Soft Lepton B Tag in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-47 | Maghakian, Arthur George | Rockefeller U. | Direct Photon Differential Cross-Section in Antiproton - Proton Collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-46 | Tseng, Jeffrey Chun-Lee | Johns Hopkins U. | Observation of semileptonic decays of baryons containing bottom quarks at the Fermilab tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-45 | Houk, Gareth M. | Pennsylvania U. | Identification of top quark production using kinematic and $B$ tagging techniques in the lepton + je | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-44 | Martin, Andrew James | Illinois U., Urbana | A Search for Top Quarks in $\bar{P}P$ Collisions Using Dileptons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-43 | Koehn, Phillip Todd | Rochester U. | Measurement of the Heavy Flavor Content of Jets in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ =1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-42 | Metzler, Scott Dean | Pennsylvania U. | Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Ratios B($B^+ \to J/\psi \pi^+$) / B($B^+ \to J/\psi K^+$) and | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-41 | Wei, Chao | Duke U. | Search for new particles decaying to dijets in proton - anti-proton collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-40 | Hayashi, Eiichiro | Tsukuba U. | Search for New Neutral Gauge Bosons in 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-39 | Cammerata, Jeffrey Donald | Johns Hopkins U. | A Lifetime Measurement of the Exclusive Charged and Neutral B Meson States | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-38 | Yeh, Ping | Measurement of Top Quark Mass from Dilepton Events using Invariant Mass of Lepton and $b$-jet in $p\ | ||
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-37 | Sganos, George Serafim | Toronto U. | A Study of B Meson Decays Involving a $J / \psi$ Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-36 | Yoshikawa, Cary Yuji | Hawaii U. | The Top Quark in Muon + Jet Events from 1.8-TeV $p\bar{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-35 | Vititoe, David Lee | Arizona U. | Measurement of the inclusive bottom quark production cross-section and bottom anti-bottom Azimuthal | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-34 | Nang, Freedy | Brown U. | The Measurement of the Inclusive Triple Differential Dijet Cross Section at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-33 | Liu, Yi-Cheng | Northwestern U. | Measurement of direct photon cross-section in the forward pseudorapidity region at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-32 | Li, Hailin | SUNY, Stony Brook | The Measurement of $\sigma (p\bar{p} \to W) \cdot Br (W \to \tau^- \nu)$ and a test of lepton univer | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-31 | Lebrat, Jean-Francois | Orsay | La Recherche du Quark Top dans le Canal $e$ + Jets a D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-30 | Kim, Chang Lyong | Korea U. | A Study of the Azimuthal Decorrelation between Jets with Large Rapidity Separation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-29 | Jaques, James Justin | Notre Dame U. | Study of color coherence effects in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-28 | Romosan, Alexandru | Columbia U. | High statistics search for muon-neutrino (anti-muon-neutrino) ---> electron-neutrino (anti-electron- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-27 | Nehring, Matthew S. | Colorado U. | Measurement of the neutral charmed meson semileptonic decays $D^0 \to K^{-} e^{+} \nu_e$ and $D^0 \t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-26 | Cinquini, Luca | Colorado U. | Analysis of charm meson semileptonic decays and charm baryon high mass states | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-25 | Yu, Intae | Yale U. | Measurement of $b\bar{b}$ Production Correlations, $B^0 \bar{B}^0$ Mixing, and a Limit on the CP Vio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-24 | Xu, Haowei | Brown U. | Search for the Top Quark in the Electron + Jets + Soft Muon Channel at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-23 | Won, Eunil | Rochester U. | Top Quark Production in Multi - Jet Final States | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-22 | Tartarelli, Giuseppe Francesco | Milan U. | Measurement of the CKM element V tb at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-21 | Striley, David Lynn | Missouri U. | Large Transverse Momentum $\pi^0$ Meson Production by 0.5 TeV/c p, $\pi^+$ and $K^+$ Incident on Ber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-20 | Pillai, Manoj Kumar | Rochester U. | A Search for New Gauge Bosons in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-19 | Olivieri, David Nicholas | Massachusetts U., Amherst | A Dynamic Momentum Compaction Factor Lattice for Improvements to Stochastic Cooling in Storage Rings | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-18 | McKinley, James Walter Thomas | Michigan State U. | A Measurement of the Inclusive Drell-Yan $e^{+} e^{-}$ Cross-Section in the Invariant Mass Range of | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-17 | Matthews, John N. | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Measurement of the CP Violation Parameter $\eta+ - \gamma$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-16 | Leslie, Judy | UC, Santa Cruz | Probing Hadroproduction Processes with Charm Meson Pairs from 500 GeV $\pi^-$ Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-15 | Kruse, Mark Charles | Purdue U. | Observation of Top Quark Pair Production in the Dilepton Decay Channel from $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-14 | Kelly, Michael Lawrence | Notre Dame U. | Test of the Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions by Measuring the Anomalous $W W \gamma$ Coupl | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-13 | Hu, Ting | SUNY, Stony Brook | A Measurement of the Cross-Section Ratio of the $W$ Boson and $Z$ Boson Muonic Decays and the Total | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-12 | Hans, Randal Milton | Yale U. | Polarization in Vector-Vector Decay of B Mesons at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-11 | Glenn, Steven Michael | UC, Davis | A search for self interactions of neutral electroweak gauge bosons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-10 | Flattum, Eric M. | Michigan State U. | A Measurement of the $W$ Boson Mass in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at a Center-of-Mass Energy of 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-09 | Fein, David Kevin | Arizona U. | Measurement of the $b \bar{b}$ Cross-Section and Correlations using Dimuon Events in $p \bar{p}$ Col | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-08 | Fatyga, Mary Kathryn | Rochester U. | Dijet Angular Distributions in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.8$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-07 | Chang, Ssu-Min | Northeastern U. | Search for the Top Quark in the $e +$ Jets with $\mu^-$ Tag Channel at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-06 | Campos Torres, Marcia Maria | Michigan U. | Neutron Radiation Fields Outside Shielding at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-05 | Bhattacharjee, M. | Delhi U. | Transverse Energy and Cone Size Dependence of the Inclusive Jet Cross-Section at a Center-of-Mass En | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-04 | Goldschmidt, Azriel | UC, Berkeley | A Search for right-handed $W$ bosons in $\bar{p} p$ collisions with the D0 detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-03 | Asakawa, Takashi | Tsukuba U. | Properties of high-mass multijet events at the fermilab proton-antiproton collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-02 | Amidi, Erfan | Northeastern U. | A Search for Top Quark using Artificial Neural Networks | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1996-01 | Alvarez, Gene | Indiana U. | Beauty at D$\emptyset$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-76 | Pallavicini, Marco | Genoa U. | Un Esperimento di Formazione di Stati del Charmonio in Annichilazione P-Pbarra | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-75 | Camanzi, Barbara | Ferrara U. | Study and construction of a cylindrical scintillating fiber detector for experiment E835 at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-74 | Rimai, Attila | Purdue U. | Search for phase transition signatures in high-energy hadronic and heavy ion interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-73 | Dunn, Robert Andrew | Michigan U. | Measurement of $\sigma\cdot$ Br($W \to \tau + \nu+$jets) via Precision Tracking in $\bar{p} p$ Colli | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-72 | Rubinov, Paul Michael | SUNY, Stony Brook | The Center-of-mass angular distribution of direct photons at $S^{(1/2)}$ = 1.8-TeV observed with the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-71 | Johari, Hossain | Northeastern U. | W pair production in anti-p p collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.8$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-70 | Woods, David McDill | Minnesota U. | A Study of Polarization in Hyperon Production Processes | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-69 | Wallace, Noah Benjamin | Minnesota U. | A Precision measurement of the magnetic moment of the omega- hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-68 | Nakaya, Tsuyoshi | Osaka U. | Measurement of the Branching Ratio of $K_L \to e^+e^- \gamma\gamma$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-67 | Gu, Ping | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Measurements of neutral kaon decays to four leptons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-66 | Schwingenheuer, Bernhard | Chicago U. | A Test of CPT Symmetry by Measuring the Phase Difference $\Phi_{00}$ $\Phi_{+ -}$ in the Neutral Kao | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-65 | Saito, N. | Kyoto U. | Measurements of single transverse spin asymmetry and cross-section for direct photon productions in | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-64 | Chung, Woo-Hyun | Pittsburgh U. | A Study of the Event Structure in high $p_{\tau}$ direct photon and $\pi^0$ Production by 515-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-63 | Makino, Seiji | Kyoto U. | Measurements of the Double Spin Asymmetry $A_{LL}$ and the Invariant Double Differential Cross Secti | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-62 | Lefmann, Walter Caffall | Columbia U. | A Search for leptoquarks in neutrino - nucleon scattering in the CCFR detector at the Fermilab Tevat | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-61 | Weaver, Matthew John | UCLA | A Search for direct CP violation in the rare decay of the longlived kaon into a pi0, neutrino, and a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-60 | Timm, Steven Charles | Carnegie Mellon U. | Physics of polarized hyperons: Production polarization of sigma- and Xi- and radiative decay of sigm | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-59 | Bravar, Alessandro | Iowa U. | Measurement of spin observables in inclusive lambda and K(s)0 production with a 200-GeV polarized pr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-58 | Wu, Ze-yuan | Notre Dame U. | Measurement of the energy dependence of the photoproduction of D*+- mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-57 | Briere, Roy A. | Chicago U. | Precise Measurements of the Parameters $\phi_\pm$, $\Delta m$, and $\tau_s$ in the Neutral Kaon Syst | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-56 | Carozza, James L. | Tufts U. | Meson production in u quark fragmentation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-55 | Spencer, Matthew Brandon | UCLA | A Measurement of the Muonic Dalitz Decay of the Neutral Kaon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-54 | Langland, Jerry Lynn | Iowa U. | Hyperon and anti-hyperon production in P - Cu interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-53 | Kuehler, John Fredrick | Oklahoma U. | An Analysis of $\pi^0$ Mesons Produced in Minimum Bias 515-GeV/c $\pi^-$ Nuclear Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-52 | Sorrell, Lee Ronald | Michigan State U. | Measurement of the Nuclear Dependence of Direct Photon and Neutral Meson Production at High Transver | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-51 | O'Reilly, Brian | Northwestern U. | Study of the semileptonic decay D+ ---> anti-K(s)0 mu+ neutrino | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-50 | Cote, Pierre | Ottawa U. | Recherche et analyse d'interactions de neutrinos dans l'emulsion nucleaire | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-49 | Bratzler, Uwe | Washington U., Seattle | Energy loss of high-energy muons in matter in context of large scale muon detector design | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-48 | Blusk, Steven Roy | Pittsburgh U. | Measurement of the Production Cross-Section of Charm Mesons at High Transverse Momentum in 515-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-47 | Peng, Kuang-Chung (K.C.) | IIT, Chicago | A Study of the Charged Two-Body Decays of the Neutral D Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-46 | Banerjee, Arijit | Pennsylvania U. | Backward particle production in muon scattering at 470-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-44 | Ginsburg, Camille Marie | Northwestern U. | Spectroscopy of J / psi and psi-prime charmonium resonances | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-43 | Broemmelsiek, Daniel Robert | UC, Irvine | Two-Body Electromagnetic Final States Produced in Anti-proton - Proton Annihilations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-42 | Irwin, Kent David | Stanford U. | Phonon-mediated particle detection using superconducting tungsten transition-edge sensors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-41 | Anway-Wiese, Carol Elizabeth | UCLA | Search for Rare Decays of the B Meson at 1.8-TeV $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-40 | Trokenheim, Steven | Northwestern U. | Precision measurements of anti-proton - proton elastic scattering at small momentum transfers. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-39 | Keup, Randy Michael | Illinois U., Urbana | A Measurement of the mass of the $W$ vector boson from $\bar{p} p \to W^\pm \to \mu^\pm \nu_\mu$ at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-38 | Lucchesi, Donatella | Pisa U. | Measurement of time dependent B0(d) - anti-B0 mixing at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-37 | Oishi, Ryutarou | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the Cross Section for Charmed Meson Production Associated with a Prompt Photon in 1.8 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-36 | Neuberger, Dirk | UCLA | Studies of Weak Boson - Photon Production in $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at the Tevat | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-35 | Hauger, Susanne Andrea | Duke U. | Measurement of $Z^0 \to e^{+} e^{-} + N$ Jet Cross-Sections in $\bar{p} p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-34 | Glenzinski, Douglas Andrew | Johns Hopkins U. | Observation of the top quark in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at a center-mass-energy of 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-33 | Meschi, Emilio | Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore | A Measurement of the B0 - anti-B0 mixing Using Muon Pairs at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-32 | Hawk, Carol Margaret | Rutgers U., Piscataway | The Lead jet pseudorapidity distribution of direct photon events in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-31 | Gonzalez-Atavales, Julio B. | Pennsylvania U. | Measurement of the ratio Br (B+ ---> J / psi K+) / Br (B0 ---> J / psi K0) at the collider detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-30 | Siergiej, Donna Marie | New Mexico U. | Beam-Beam Interaction Effects in the Fermilab Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-29 | Vaca-Alvarez, Francisco Javier | Illinois U., Chicago | A Search for $\Lambda_b$ in $\pi^-$ a Collisions at 515-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-28 | Yang, Jie | New York U. | Measurement of the Width of the $W$ Boson in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-27 | Snyder, Scott Stuart | SUNY, Stony Brook | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-26 | Smith, Alexander Baird | Arizona U. | Measurement of the $\Upsilon$ and Drell-Yan Production Cross-Sections at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV using | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-25 | Oguri, Vitor | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Inclusive Bottom Production in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV at D0 Central Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-24 | Murphy, Christopher R. | Indiana U. | Inclusive J / $\psi$ Production at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-23 | Madden, Robert | Florida State U. | Direct Photon Production and Search for Excited Quarks with the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-22 | Rocha de Lima, Jose Guilherme | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Study on the Inclusive Production Cross Section of Forward Muons in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-21 | Goforth, Mark A. | Florida State U. | Search for squarks and gluinos with the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-20 | Jiang, Zhi-Yu | SUNY, Stony Brook | Measurement of the $Z$ Boson Transverse Momentum Distribution in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-19 | James, Eric B. | Arizona U. | Measurement of the $B^0$ - $\bar{B}^0$ Mixing Parameter Using Dimuon Events Collected with the D0 De | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-18 | Huehn, Thorsten Bernhard | UC, Riverside | A Measurement of Bottom Quark Production in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-17 | Fahey, Salvatore T. | Michigan State U. | Direct Photon Production at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-16 | Eppley, Geary W. | Rice U. | Search for Additional Gauge Bosons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-15 | Cretsinger, Cathy Elaine | Rochester U. | Search for the top quark in the all jets channel | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-14 | Balderston, John M. | Hawaii U. | Investigation of Heavy Quark Production by Gluon Splitting from Analysis of Muons in QCD Jets at the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-13 | Evangelista, Elena | Salento U. | Produzione e decadimento della psi (2s) in interazioni adroniche a E (c.m.) = 38.7 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-12 | Hanlet, Pierrick | Virginia U. | Inclusive measurements of the $\eta$ cross-section at $\sqrt{s}$ = 38.8 GeV in proton - silicon inte | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-11 | Durandet, Casey Michelle | Wisconsin U., Madison | A Study of Neutral Strange Particle Production at $\sqrt{s}$ = 38.8-GeV in $p$ - Si Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-10 | Astorga Vergara, Juan Francisco | Tufts U. | A Cross-Section Measurement of Charm Hyperons $\Xi^+_c$ and $\Xi^0_c$ in 250-GeV p / K / $\pi$ - Nuc | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-09 | Passmore, David A. | Tufts U. | Search for $\Sigma_c \to \Lambda_c \pi$ using $\Lambda_c \to \Sigma_s \pi \pi$ in 250-GeV $\pi^-$ Nu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-08 | Blackett, Kathleen Danyo | Tennessee U. | The Photoproduction of Possible Hybrid Mesons at Average <$E\gamma$> = 110-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-07 | Swiatek, Joseph Alexander | Notre Dame U. | A Study of charm baryons containing a lambda baryon in the final state | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-06 | Greene, Rodney Lennart | Illinois U., Urbana | Nonleptonic decays of charm mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-05 | Johns, Will E. | Colorado U. | Measurements of the semileptonic decay of the neutral charmed meson $D^0 \to K^{-} \mu^{+}$ muon-neu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-04 | Grim, Gary P. | UC, Davis | Doubly cabibbo suppressed $D^{+}$ decays and singly Cabibbo suppressed $D^{+}_s$ decays in 220 GeV $ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-03 | Kotwal, Ashutosh Vijay | Harvard U. | Proton and deuteron structure functions in muon scattering at 470-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-02 | Perera, Lalith P. | Cincinnati U. | An Experimental Study of the Cabibbo Suppressed Decay $D^0 \to K^+ K^- \pi^+ \pi^-$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1995-01 | de Barbaro, Lucyna | Rochester U. | Omega Meson Production at High Transverse momentum by negative 515-GeV/c pions incident on beryllium | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-69 | Demina, Regina | Northeastern U. | J/psi from chi Production in proton-antiproton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-68 | Pluquet, Alain | Paris U., VI-VII | Identification de l'Électron à D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-67 | Chang, Paoti | Northeastern U. | Massive $\pi^0\pi^0$, $pi^{0-}\pi^-$, and $\pi^{0-}\pi^+$ Production from 515 GeV/c $\pi^-$ Collisio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-66 | Dlugosz, Wieslaw | Northeastern U. | The Production of High pT pi0 Mesons in 515 GeV/c pi-- Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-65 | Varelas, Nikos | Rochester U. | $\pi^0$ Production at High Transverse Momenta from $\pi^-$ Collisions at 520-GeV/c on Be and Cu Targ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-64 | Lee, Shu-yu | Massachusetts U., Amherst | Lambda polarization in exclusive and diffractive inclusive final states produced in proton proton di | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-63 | Lincoln, Donald W. | Rice U. | Observation of Jet Photoproduction and Comparison to Monte Carlo Simulation | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-62 | Roberts, Douglas Alan | UCLA | The first search for the rare decay K0(L) ---> pi0 pi0 gamma | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-61 | Graves, William Sproull | Wisconsin U., Madison | Measurement of transverse emittance in the Fermilab booster | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-60 | Friedrich, John Robert, II | Texas U., Dallas | B0 - anti-B0 mixing study for a fixed target proton beam experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-59 | Cole, Benjamin Holland, II | North Texas State U. | Transport processes in synchrotrons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-58 | Roser, Robert Martin | Rochester U. | Eta Production at High Transverse Momentum by Negative 520 GeV/c Pions Incident on Beryllium and Cop | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-57 | King, Bruce James | Columbia U. | A Precise measurement of the weak mixing angle in neutrino - nucleon scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-56 | Thompson, William Joseph | SUNY, Stony Brook | Search for the top quark in the muon + jets channel at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-55 | Wiener, James Stephen | Princeton U. | Doubly Cabibbo Suppressed Decays of the Charged D Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-54 | Guglielmo, Gerald Michael | Minnesota U. | Measurement of the decay asymmetries of the Omega- baryon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-53 | Lu, Xian-Ping | Colorado U. | Study of a longitudinal coupled bunch instability in the Fermilab main ring | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-52 | Sperka, Daniel James | UC, Santa Barbara | Part 1. An exclusive semileptonic decay of the D+ meson: Part 2. CLEO silicon vertex detector resear | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-51 | Harris, Deborah Appel | Chicago U. | The Search for the decays K(L) ---> pi0 lepton+ lepton- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-50 | Santha, Attanagoda K.S. | Cincinnati U. | A Study of Charmed Meson Decays using the 500-GeV $\pi^-$ Beam at the Fermi National Accelerator Lab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-48 | Bazarko, Andrew Orest | Columbia U. | Determination of the strange quark distribution from a next-to-leading order QCD analysis of neutrin | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-47 | Hatcher, Robert William | Michigan State U. | Multi - muon final states in neutrino - nucleon scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-46 | Spentzouris, Panagiotis | Northwestern U. | Measurement of the Structure Function Ratio $F^{\eta}_2$ /$ F^p_2$ in Muon - Nucleon Scattering at L | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-45 | Guo, Rurngsheng | Illinois U., Chicago | The Study of Bose-Einstein correlation in deep inelastic mu - nucleon and mu - nucleus scattering at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-44 | Dougherty, William Michael | Washington U., Seattle | Charge distributions of leading hadrons from 475-GeV muon - nucleus scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-43 | Carroll, Timothy J. | Illinois U., Chicago | Observation of Nuclear Shadowing at Low $X_{Bj}$ in Carbon, Calcium and Lead | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-41 | Swartz, Raymond Lee, Jr. | Illinois U., Urbana | A Measurement of $R_\mu = \sigma(W \to \mu\nu) / \sigma(Z^0 \to \mu^{+} \mu^-)$ in $p\bar{p}$ Collis | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-40 | McFarland, Kevin Scott | Chicago U. | A Measurement of the branching ratio of pi0 ---> e+ e- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-39 | Kardelis, David Anthony | Illinois U., Urbana | A Measurement of $\sigma\cdot B(Z^0 \to \mu^{+} \mu^-)$ in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-38 | Roach-Bellino, Mary | Tufts U. | $Z+\gamma$ Cross-Section Measurement, $\sigma*BR(Z+\gamma)$, in the Electron Channel for $p\bar{p}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-37 | Kopp, Sacha E. | Chicago U. | A Measurement of the ratio R identically = $\sigma\cdot B$ ($p\bar{p} \to W \to e$ neutrino) / $\sig | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-36 | Wester, William Carl, III | UC, Berkeley | A Measurement of the mass of the $B_s$ 0 meson in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $S^{(1/2)}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-35 | Bailey, Mark W. | Purdue U. | Measurement of the B Quark and B Meson Cross-Sections in $p\overline{p}$ Collisions at 1.8-TeV Using | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-34 | Chikamatsu, Takeshi | Tsukuba U. | Top-quark search in the dilepton channel in 1.8-TeV proton-antiproton collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-33 | Mattingly, Robert B. | Brandeis U. | The Cross-Section for the Production of $b \bar{b}$ Pairs in the $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-32 | Farhat, Baber Khan | MIT | Search for the Top Quark at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-31 | Cobal-Grassmann, Marina | Pisa U. | Search for the Top Quark at CDF: Studying the Structure of Events with One Lepton, a Neutrino and Je | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-30 | Leone, Sandra | INFN, Pisa | Search for the Top Quark at CDF in Events with Two Charged Leptons, Neutrinos and Hadronic Jets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-28 | Saltzberg, David Paul | Chicago U. | Measurement of the W Boson Mass | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-27 | Dell'Agnello, Simone | Pisa U. | Top Quark Search with Secondary Vertexing Tags in $W$ + Multi - jet Events in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-26 | Badgett, William Farris, Jr. | Michigan U. | Measurement of $\sigma\cdot B(W\to\mu\nu)$, $\sigma\cdot B(Z^0\to\mu^+\mu^-)$ and $R_\mu=\sigma\cdot | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-25 | Cen, Yi | Pennsylvania U. | Measurement of the $B_{s}$ Meson Lifetime | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-24 | Tonnison, James Ian | Purdue U. | Search for the Top Quark in Lepton Plus Jets Events at the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-23 | Spies, Alan Richard | Johns Hopkins U. | A Measurement of the Charged and Neutral B Meson Lifetimes Using Fully Reconstructed Decay Modes | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-22 | Takano, Masatoshi | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the Cross Section for Production of Two Isolated Prompt Photons in 1.8-TeV Proton- - | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-21 | Dickson, Mark | Rochester U. | The Charge Asymmetry in W Boson Decays Produced in p-pbar Collisions\n | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-20 | Vondracek, Mark Frank | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurement of $\sigma\cdot$Br($W + \gamma$) and $\sigma\cdot$BR($Z + \gamma$) and Search for Anomal | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-19 | Watts, Gordon Thomas | Rochester U. | Evidence for Top Quark Production in $\bar{p} p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-18 | Wang, Jinsong | Chicago U., EFI | Search for the Top Quark Decaying to a Charged Higgs Boson in $p\overline{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-17 | Song, Tae Yung | Michigan U. | Measurement of Bottom Production in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV using Muon Impact | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-16 | Zhu, Qiang | New York U. | Measurement of the $W$ boson mass in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $S^{(1/2)}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-15 | Paterno, Marc Francis | SUNY, Stony Brook | A Search for Squarks and Gluinos in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV with the D0 Detec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-14 | Pang, Myungyun | Iowa State U. | Search for Top in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV by Constrained Kinematic Fitting | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-13 | May, Brent Joseph | Arizona U. | Rapidity gaps between jets in $p \bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-12 | Abbott, Brad K. | Purdue U. | Jet Transverse Energy Shape in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-11 | Landsberg, Gregory Leonid | SUNY, Stony Brook | Test of the standard model of electroweak interactions by measuring the anomalous $Z Z \gamma$ and $ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-10 | Hirosky, Robert James | Rochester U. | Response of $D^0$ U-LAr Calorimeters at Low-Energies and the Effect of Oxygen Contamination on Obser | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-09 | Hall, Raymond Edward | UC, Riverside | Search for the Top Quark in Dimuon Events at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-08 | Heuring, Terry Charles | SUNY, Stony Brook | Electrons in the D0 central calorimeter: A study of the systematic biases in the measurements of the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-07 | Gerber, Cecilia Elena | Buenos Aires U. | Measurement of the production and muonic decay rate of $W$ and $Z$ bosons in $p\bar{p}$ collisions a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-06 | Elvira, Victor Daniel | Buenos Aires U. | Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Sections at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV with the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-05 | Chakraborty, Dhiman | SUNY, Stony Brook | A Search for $t \bar{t} \to$ Electron + Missing E (t) + Jets Signature in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-04 | Borders, John Paul | Rochester U. | Optimization of Jet Energy Resolution and Response of the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-03 | Balamurali, V. | Notre Dame U. | Search for the top quark in the dielectron channel in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1994-02 | Blankman, Alan Jay | Pennsylvania U. | Search for B mesons in high transverse momentum single muon events in experiment 771 at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-68 | Ribon, Alberto | Padua U. | Misura delle Oscillation Dei Mesoni $B^0_d-\bar{B}^0_d$ all'esperimento CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-67 | Wenzel, Hans-Joachim | RWTH Aachen U. | Measurement of the Inclusive B-Lifetime Using $\rm {J/\psi}$'s at the CDF Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-65 | Harkay, Katherine Cecelia | Purdue U. | A Study of Longitudinal Instabilities and Emittance Growth in the Fermilab Booster Synchrotron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-64 | Palkovic, John A. | Wisconsin U., Madison | Gabor Lens Focusing and Emittance Growth in a Low-Energy Proton beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-63 | Wilhelm, Mathias Otto | Freiburg U. | Hadronisation in Schweren Kernen | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-62 | Hantke, Detlev | Munich, Max Planck Inst. | Untersuchung der Produktion von Neutralen Seltsamen Teilchen in der Tief - Inelastischen Myon - Nukl | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-61 | Gibbons, Lawrence K. | Chicago U. | A precise measurement of the CP violation parameter Re (epsilon-prime / epsilon) and other kaon deca | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-60 | Blackett, Gavin Reed | Tennessee U. | Semiinclusive Production of Light Mesons by High-Energy Photoproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-59 | Zhu, Qiuan | Rice U. | A Study of photon - nucleus collisions at high transverse energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-57 | Baker, Mark David | MIT | Azimuthal Asymmetry and Transverse Momentum of Hadrons in Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering at 490 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-56 | Kennedy, Christopher John | Notre Dame U. | A Measurement of Rare All Charged Decays of the D0 Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-55 | Puseljic, Danilo Ljubisav | Notre Dame U. | Precise Measurement of $D^0$, $D^{\pm}$ and $D^{\pm}_s$ Meson Lifetimes | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-54 | Zhang, Chong | Carnegie Mellon U. | Measurement of the branching ratio for D+ ---> anti-K*0 (89) mu+ neutrino and search for coherent ch | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-53 | Brown, David Shaw | Michigan State U. | A Comparison of High Transverse Momentum Direct Photon and Neutral Pion Events in Negative Pion and | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-52 | Satogata, Todd Jeffrey | Northwestern U. | Nonlinear Resonance Islands and Modulational Effects in a Proton Synchrotron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-51 | Naples, Donna Lynne | Maryland U. | A-Dependence of Photoproduced Jets and Comparison with Hadroproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-50 | Tesarek, Richard James | Duke U. | Measurement of Hadronically Produced $^3P$ State Charmonium at $\sqrt{s}$ = 23.7-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-49 | Weerasundara, P.Deshapriya S. | Pittsburgh U. | A Study of Large Transverse Momentum Direct Photon Plus Away-Side Jet Production Using 500-GeV/c Pro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-48 | Lauko, Mary Anne | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Proton Production in Neutrino - Neon Collisions in the 15-ft. Bubble Chamber at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-47 | Dubbs, Tim Patrick | Iowa U. | A measurement of the branching ratio and asymmetry parameter for the xi- RADIATIVE DECAY | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-46 | Li, Rui | Indiana U. | Charmonium hadroproduction at the tevatron II | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-45 | Wang, Min-Zu | Iowa U. | Calibration of the ZEUS barrel calorimeter in a test beam and a direct measurement of the J / psi le | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-44 | Dallapiccola, Carlo James | Colorado U. | Lifetime measurements of the charmed strange baryons xi(c) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-43 | Jesik, Richard | Illinois U., Chicago | Beauty production in $\pi^{-}$ A collisions at 530-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-42 | Clark, Henry Leonard | Ohio U. | Nuclear Decay Following Deep-Inelastic Scattering at 500 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-41 | Sadr, Sasan | Northwestern U. | E710, $p\bar{p}$ Elastic Scattering at Tevatron Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-40 | Zhou, Ping | Northwestern U. | A Study of Ion Trapping and Instability in the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-39 | Gagnon, Pauline | UC, Santa Cruz | Measurement of the Form-Factors in the Semileptonic Decay $D^+ \to \bar{K}^{*)}*0 e^+ \nu_e$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-38 | Pisharody, Murali | Tennessee U. | Light quark meson photoproduction at a meanenergy of 120-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-36 | Gallas, Elizabeth Jean | Michigan State U. | A Search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles in the Fermilab Tevatron Wide Band Neutrino Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-35 | Conrad, Janet Marie | Harvard U. | A Study of the $Q^{2}$ Dependence of the QCD Coupling Constant from the Transverse Momentum of Jets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-34 | Rafatian, Ali | Mississippi U. | The Differential Cross-Section Distributions of $D^{*\pm}$ and $D^0 / \overline{D^0}$ in $\pi^{\pm}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-33 | Zhao, Jack Jia-lin | Northwestern U. | Search for the h(c) charmonium state in multi - photon final states of anti-proton - proton annihila | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-32 | Reid, John D. | Penn State U. | Production of two pseudoscalar mesons in $\bar{p}p$ annihilation at 2.9-GeV < $\sqrt{s}$ < 3.6-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-31 | Masuzawa, Mika | Northwestern U. | Study of the eta (c) and eta(c)-prime charmonium states at the Fermilab anti-proton accumulator | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-30 | Majewska, Anna Maria | Penn State U. | Angular Distributions in Radiative Decays of Charmonium $\chi_1$ and $\chi_2$ States Formed in $p\ba | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-29 | Gollwitzer, Keith Edwin | UC, Irvine | The charmonium P wave singlet state (h (c)) produced in anti-proton - proton annihilations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-28 | Shutt, Thomas Alan | UC, Berkeley | A dark matter detector based on the simultaneous measurement of phonons and ionization at 20 mK | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-27 | Drucker, Robert Brian | UC, Berkeley | Properties of $W +$ jet events in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-26 | Bolognesi, Valeria | Florence U. | Measurement of B Meson lifetimes at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-25 | Incagli, Marco | Pisa U. | Spettro di massa invariante del sistema jet-jet in interazioni $p\bar{p}$ a $\sqrt{s} = 1.8$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-24 | Maas, Peter Albert | Wisconsin U., Madison | Properties of Events Containing a Photon and Several Jets seen in $\bar{p}p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-23 | Moulding, Steven M. | Brandeis U. | A search for generation 1 leptoquarks in proton - anti-proton collisions at S**(1/2) = 1.8-TeV at th | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-22 | Jessop, Colin Philip | Harvard U. | A Search for the Top Quark Decaying to the Charged Higgs Boson in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-21 | Luchini, Christopher B. | Illinois U., Urbana | A Measurement of $W$ ($\gamma$) and $Z$ ($\gamma$) Cross-Sections in the Muon Channel in $\sqrt{s}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-19 | Boswell, Christopher Mark | Johns Hopkins U. | Chi Meson Production in Proton - Antiproton Interactions at the Center-of-Mass Energy of 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-18 | Lamoureux, Jodi Irene | Wisconsin U., Madison | Direct $\bar{b} b$ Production in $\bar{p} p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-17 | Benjamin, Douglas P. | Tufts U. | Measurement of the Production Cross-Section for $W + \gamma$ in the Electron Channel in $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-16 | Geld, Terece Louise | Michigan U. | The D0 intercryostat detector: design considerations, test beam studies and initial performance | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-15 | Yu, Jaehoon | SUNY, Stony Brook | Determination of the Strong Coupling Constant ($\alpha_s$) and a Test of Perturbative QCD Using $W + | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-14 | Norman, Douglas Milton | Maryland U. | A Search for First Generation Scalar Leptoquarks at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV with the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-13 | Milder, Andrew James | Arizona U. | Dijet Angular Distributions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1800 GeV using the D0 Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-12 | Durston, Sarah Joy | Rochester U. | A Study of Electromagnetic and Hadronic Shower Shapes and Position Resolution, and the Jet Energy Re | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-11 | Cochran, James Herbert, Jr. | SUNY, Stony Brook | Search for the truth in the $e \mu$ channel at D0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-10 | Vakili, Masoud | Cincinnati U. | A Measurement of Nuclear Structure Functions in the Large $X$ Large $Q^{2}$ Kinematic Region in Neut | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-09 | Panareo, Marco | Salento U. | L'esperimento E771 a Fermilab: Misura preliminare delle sezioni d'urto di produzione adronica di J/P | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-08 | Elia, Valerio | Salento U. | Misura delle sezioni d'urto totale e differenziale di produzione adronica di J/Psi a FNAL/E771 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-07 | Bonomi, Germano | INFN, Pavia | Misura di sezioni d'urto totale e differenziale di J / psi in un esperimento di adroproduzione | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-06 | Boden, Andrew Floyd | UCLA | Observation and reconstruction of $B$ meson in $p$ - Si collisions at 800-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-05 | Mo, Guang-hui | Houston U. | Search for flavor changing neutral current decay D0 ---> mu+ mu- produced in 800-GeV/c proton / Si i | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-04 | Takach, Stephen Francis | Yale U. | The Production Distributions of $D^{\pm}$ and $D^0$/$\overline{D}\,{^0}$ from $\pi$-N interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-03 | Darling, Christopher Lynn | Yale U. | The Beauty and Charm Production Cross-Sections in 250-GeV/C $\pi^+$ - Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-02 | da Motta Filho, Helio | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Production of $D^{\pm}$ Mesons in $K^+$ Nucleon Collisions at 250 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1993-01 | Culbertson, Raymond Lloyd | Illinois U., Urbana | Four-Body Semileptonic Decays of D Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-57 | Paoletti, Riccardo | Pisa U. | Misura della sezione d'urto totale e Dello scattering elastico all'energia Nel centro di massa di $\ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-56 | Perkins, George John | Michigan State U. | A Measurement of the Ratio of Neutral Current to Charged Current Deep Inelastic Muon Neutrino Scatte | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-55 | Mussa, Roberto | Turin U. | Distribuzione angolare dei prodotti del decadimento radiativo dello stato chi2 del charmonio, format | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-54 | Loomis, Charles A., Jr. | Duke U. | Soft photon production from $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-53 | Watanabe, Shoji | Toho U. | Measurement of Semi-Leptonic Decay Width $\Gamma(D^0 \to K^- \mu^+ \nu_{\mu})$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-52 | Huber, Jennifer S. | UC, Santa Barbara | Pt. 1. A Study of the decays D ---> K pi pi e neutrino and D ---> K* pi e neutrino. Pt. 2. SLD Chere | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-51 | Gerdes, David W. | Chicago U. | Search for $W$ ' $\to e$, neutrino and $W$ ' $\to$ muon, neutrino in $\bar{p} p$ collisions at $\sqr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-50 | Morelos Pineda, Antonio | CINVESTAV, IPN | Measurement of the Polarization and Magnetic Moment of $\Sigma^+$ and $\bar{\Sigma}^-$ Hyperons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-49 | Malvezzi, Sandra | Milan U. | Amplitude analysis of the Ds->KKpi decay in the E687 photoproduction experiment at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-48 | Wilcox, Judd O'Hara | UC, Davis | Charm Meson Production in 600 GeV/c $\pi^-$ Emulsion Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-47 | Kowitt, Matthew Scott | UC, Berkeley | Hadronic Production of $J / \psi$ at Large $\chi_F$ in 800 GeV p + Cu and p + Be Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-46 | Stundzia, Audrius Bronius | Toronto U. | Photoproduction of Inelastic and Elastic $J/\psi$ Vector Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-45 | Willocq, Stéphane | Tufts U. | Coherent Production of Pions and Rho Mesons in Neutrino Charged Current Interactions on Neon Nuclei | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-44 | Duboscq, Jean Etienne | UC, Santa Barbara | Some decays of charm mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-43 | Bantly, Jeffrey W. | Northwestern U. | The D0 Detector Forward Drift Chamber Performance and Physics Capability in the 1990 FNAL Test Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-42 | LeCompte, Thomas Joseph | Northwestern U. | Production of Charmonium 300-Gev/c Hadronic Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-41 | Rajagopalan, Srinivasan | Northwestern U. | the dE / dx Capabilities of the D0 Tracking System | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-40 | Chen, Dong | SUNY, Albany | The Measurement of the Magnetic Moment of $\Sigma^+$ Using Channeling in Bent Crystals | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-39 | Zanabria, Manuel Eugenio | Notre Dame U. | Study of D and D's Mesons Decaying into $K\bar{K}\pi$ Final State in a High-Energy Photoproduction E | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-38 | Mountain, Raymond Joseph Micheal, III | Notre Dame U. | Photon and hadron interactions scintillating fiber target | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-37 | Foucher, Maurice Emile | Yale U. | The Asymmetry Parameter and Branching Ratio of Sigma Plus Radiative Decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-36 | Ross, William Robert | Yale U. | Measurement of the Decays $D^0 \to \pi^- \pi^+$ and $D^0 \to K^- K^+$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-35 | Tan, Yao | Northwestern U. | Study of Hadronic Production of Charmonium States in Open Geometry | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-34 | Shen, Qifeng | Duke U. | High $p_{\tau}$ Neutral Pion and $\eta$ Meson Production by 300 GeV/c $\pi^{\pm}$ and Proton Beams o | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-33 | Rosati, Marzia | McGill U. | A Measurement of Proton and Pion Induced P Wave Charmonium Hadroproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-32 | Hissong, John Gilmary | Yale U. | A diffusion suppressed high resolution streamer chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-31 | Schmidt, David Michael | UC, Santa Barbara | Measurement of Charm Semileptonic Form-Factors | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-30 | Rabinowitz, Steven Alan | Columbia U. | Opposite sigh dimuon production in neutrino interactions at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-29 | Quintas, Paul Zachary | Columbia U. | Nucleon Structure Functions at the Fermilab Tevatron with a Measurement of Lambda | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-28 | Cobau, William Gilbert | Michigan State U. | Nucleon structure functions from deep inelastic charged current neutrino scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-27 | Sandler, Pamela Helen | Wisconsin U., Madison | Neutrino Production of Same Sign Dimuons at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-26 | Leung, Wing Cheong | Columbia U. | Nucleon Structure Functions from High-Energy Neutrino - Iron Interactions at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-25 | Soldner-Rembold, Stefan | Munich, Max Planck Inst. | The Production of Hadrons in Muon Scattering on Deuterium and Xenon Nuclei at 480-GeV. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-24 | Schmitt, Michael Henry | Harvard U. | Deep Inelastic Exclusive $\rho^0$ Production using 485-GeV Muons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-23 | Kennedy, Robert D. | UC, San Diego | Measurement of the Ratio of the Neutron and Proton Structure Functions $F_2$ in Inelastic Muon Scatt | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-22 | Marques, Jose Laurencio | UC, Irvine | Study of the $\chi_1$ and $\chi_2$ States Produced in $\overline{p}p$ Annihilations in Fermilab EXPE | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-21 | Fast, James Elliot | UC, Irvine | Two Photon Decays of Charmonium States Produced in Proton - Anti-proton Annihilations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-20 | Vejcik, Steve, III | Johns Hopkins U. | A Measurement of the B Quark and Neutral B Meson Production Cross-Sections in Proton - Antiproton Co | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-19 | Nakae, Leslie F. | Brandeis U. | Direct Photon Center-of-Mass Angular Distributions in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ =1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-18 | Ogawa, Satoru | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of Electron - Positron Asymmetry in W Decays from 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-proton Collision | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-17 | Seiya, Yoshihiro | Tsukuba U. | Search for the Top Quark in Dilepton Events in 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-16 | Ninomiya, Mariko | Tsukuba U. | Study of Jet Fragmentation Properties in 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-15 | Markosky, Leigh Ann | U. Wisconsin, Madison | A Measurement of the Forward - Backward Asymmetry and $sin^2 \theta_{W}$ from the Process $Z^{0} \to | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-14 | Hughes, Richard Edward | Pennsylvania U. | Reconstruction of B meson decays and measurement of the B quark and B meson production cross-section | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-13 | Huffman, B.Todd | Purdue U. | Measuring the Inclusive Central Muon Cross Section in Proton - Antiproton Collisions at 1.8 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-11 | Keeble, Louis Joseph | Texas A-M | A Study of Four Jet Events and Search for Double Parton Interactions with the Collider Detector at F | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-10 | Markeloff, Richard Alan | Wisconsin U., Madison | An Analysis of Monojet Data in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-09 | Pi, Bo | Michigan State U. | A Measurement of the $e/\pi$ Ratio Difference between Short (250-$\mu$s) and Long (2.2 microseconds) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-08 | Astur, Richard Vincent | Michigan State U. | A Study of the Ability of the D0 Detector to Measure the Single Jet Inclusive Cross-Section | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-07 | Introzzi, Gianluca | INFN, Pavia | Un trigger programmabile per l'adroproduzione di mesoni B a FNAL E771 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-06 | Jedicke, Robert | Toronto U. | Flavor Dependence of Hadroproduced Charm Strange Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-05 | dos Reis, Alberto Correa | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Measurement of the Production Cross Section for the Charmed Baryon $\Lambda_c$ in 250 GeV/c Pion-Nuc | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-04 | de Miranda, Jussara Marques | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Characteristics of the Hadronic Production of the $D^{*\pm}$ Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-03 | de Mello Neto, Joao Ramos Torres | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | A Study of the Hadronic Production of $D^0$ and $\overline{D}\,{^0}$ Mesons: $x_F$ and $p_t$ Distrib | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-02 | Amato, Sandra F. | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Production of $D^{*\pm}$ Mesons in 250 GeV Hadron-Nucleon Interacions and Observation of the Decay M | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1992-01 | Alves, Gilvan Augusto | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | A Dependence of Charmed Meson Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-51 | Pramantiotis, P. | Athens U. | Chi Production from $\pi^+$ and $\pi^-$ Beams at 300 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-50 | Mattingly, Margarita Claudia Krieghoff | Notre Dame U. | Rapidity Density Fluctuations in Hadron-Nucleus Interactions: Spikes, Intermittency, and Fractal Pro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-49 | Zhang, Peilei | Houston U. | A Study of Tunes Near Integer Values in Hadron Colliders | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-48 | Nichols, William R. | Carnegie Mellon U. | Charm Production in 800 GeV/c Proton - Emulsion Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-47 | Wang, Chi-ho | Iowa State U. | Multiplicity distributions from anti-p p collisions at 1.8-TeV center-of-mass energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-46 | Ecker, Uwe | Wuppertal U. | Longitudinale und Transversale Impulsverteilungen der Hadronen im Endzustand der Tiefinelastischen M | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-45 | Roser, Arnd | Wuppertal U. | Hadronmultiplizitaten in der Tief-Inelastischen Muon-Nukleon-Streuung bei einer Maximalen Schwerpunk | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-44 | Cole, Philip Lawrence | Purdue U. | A Study of the Relationship between Average Transverse Momentum and Charged Pseudorapidity Density f | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-43 | Nguyen, An Nhatton | Michigan U. | Polarization of the sigma minus hyperon produced by a polarized neutral particle beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-42 | Duryea, Jeffrey Walton | Minnesota U. | A Precision measurement of the polarization and magnetic moment of the Xi- minus hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-41 | Verluyten, Ludo | Antwerp U. | Holography in the FNAL 15-foot bubble chamber and particle density fluctuations in neutrino interact | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-40 | Aid, Silhacene | Maryland U. | Measurement of the Ratio of Neutron Cross-Section to Proton Cross-Section in Muon Deep Inelastic Sca | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-39 | White, Herman Brenner | Florida State U. | A Study of Angular Dependence in Parton-Parton Scattering from Massive Hadron Pair Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-38 | Choudhary, Brajesh Chandra | Delhi U. | A Study of High Transverse Momentum Direct Photon Production in Interactions of 500 GeV/c $\pi^{-}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-37 | White, Joseph Lasalle | Rice U. | Measurement of the analyzing power in inclusive, high-x(F) charged pion production with a 200-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-36 | Salvarani, Alexandro F. | UC, San Diego | Forward Hadron Production in Muon Deep Inelastic Scattering at 490-GeV from Deuterium and Xenon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-35 | Jansen, Douglas Maurice | Washington U., Seattle | Transverse Momentum and the Energy Flow of Charged Hadrons Produced in 490-GeV/C Deep Inelastic Muon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-34 | Bhatti, Anwar Ahmad | Washington U., Seattle | The Ratio of the Proton and Neutron Structure Functions in 490-GeV/c Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-33 | Gardner, Robert William, Jr. | Notre Dame U. | A Study of the decays D0 ---> K0(S) pi+ pi- and D0 ---> K0(S) K+ K- in high-energy photoproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-32 | Mannel, Eric James | Notre Dame U. | Decay Properties of the Charm Baryon $\Lambda^+_C$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-31 | Jaross, Glen Richard | Illinois U., Urbana | Photoproduction of $D^{* \pm}$ and $D^0$ Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-30 | Mattingly, Margarita Claudia Krieghoff | Notre Dame U. | Rapidity density fluctuations in hadron nucleus interactions: spikes, intermittency, and fractal pro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-29 | Alexopoulos, Theodoros | Wisconsin U., Madison | A Measurement of the Bose-Einstein Correlation for the Two Pions in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at Center- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-28 | Stahl, Steven Mark | Northwestern U. | Beam dynamics in the Fermilab Booster in the presence of space charge | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-27 | Hyatt, Eric Roy | Columbia U. | Strange resonance and charmed particle production in muon-associated neutrino neon charged-current i | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-26 | Ryan, John James | MIT | Particle Production in Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-25 | Wang, Ming-jer | Case Western Reserve U. | A Precision Measurement of the A-Dependence of Dimuon Production in Proton - Nucleus Collisions at 8 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-24 | Pizzuto, Domenico | SUNY, Stony Brook | D0 Central Tracking Chamber Performance Studies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-23 | Shoup, Anthony Lee | Cincinnati U. | A Study of Charmed Meson Decays Involving $K^0_S$'s | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-22 | Kartik, Subramanian | Indiana U. | Vector meson production in meson - nucleus and proton - nucleus collisions at 530 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-21 | Zhan, Ying-hao | Notre Dame U. | Particle production in high multiplicity events in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-20 | Wang, Xiao-qing | IIT, Chicago | A Study of Longitudinal Coherent Effects of Unbunched Beams Near Transition in the Fermilab Accumula | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-19 | Claes, Daniel R. | Northwestern U. | Measurement of the D*+- photoproduction cross-section | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-18 | DeProspo, Douglas Francis | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Charged current neutral strange particle production in neutrino - neon collisions in the 15 ft Bubbl | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-17 | Allen, Charles Cameron | Purdue U. | Multiplicity and Pseudorapidity Distributions from $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at Center-of-Mass Energy 1. | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-16 | Lainis, Thomas | MIT | Diffraction dissociation in proton proton interactions at 147-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-15 | Nguyen, Chau T. | Rice U. | Spin effects in inclusive Lambda production using 200-GeV polarized protons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-14 | Blodgett, Dale Edward | Toronto U. | A Study of the asymmetry in the photoproduction of D*+ D*- at photon energies of 40-GeV to 160-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-13 | Wang, N. | UC, Berkeley | A Cryogenic phonon detector to search for Dark Matter particles | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-12 | Byrum, Karen Lynn | Wisconsin U., Madison | The Lepton Charge Asymmetry from $W^\pm \to \mu^\pm\nu$ Using Forward Muons at the Collider Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-11 | Connor, David Fernandez | Pennsylvania U. | Energy Fractions of Three Jet Events in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-10 | Song, Ling Feng | Pennsylvania U. | Measurement of the $B^0 \bar{B}^0$ Mixing at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-09 | Ukegawa, Fumihiko | Tsukuba U. | Bottom Quark Production in 1.8-TeV Proton - Antiproton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-08 | DeMortier, Luc | Brandeis U. | Search for the top quark in events with a lepton and two or more jets at the Fermilab Collider Detec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-07 | Roodman, Aaron J. | Chicago U. | A Measurement of the $p\bar{p} \to W \to \tau \nu$ Cross-Section Times Branching Ratio as a Test of | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-06 | Ng, Johnny Shing Tung | Harvard U. | Measurement of the Z Boson Transverse Momentum Distribution at the Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-05 | Punzi, Giovanni | Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore | Invariant mass spectrum of jet-jet events in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-04 | Winer, Brian L. | UC, Berkeley | The $W$ Boson Transverse Momentum Spectrum in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-03 | Scarpine, Victor Emanuel | Illinois U., Urbana | A Measurement of the Inclusive Differential Drell-Yan Cross-Section with Dimuons at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-02 | Wu, Zhong-xin | Yale U. | The Feynman $x$ Dependence of $D^{\pm}$ Mesons in $\pi^-$ Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1991-01 | Gay, Colin W. | Toronto U. | The Charm cross-section and atomic number dependence in pi N collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-54 | Sasaki, M. | Tohoku U. | Gluon Jet Analysis, E745 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-53 | Skow, Dana Duane | Rochester U. | A Study of High Transverse Momentum Eta Meson Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-52 | Wesson, Dennis Keith | Duke U. | $\Lambda^0$ and $\bar{\Lambda}^0$ production in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 Tev | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-51 | Carter, Thomas Gordon | Duke U. | Photon Production From $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TEV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-50 | Beery, Peter Douglas | Notre Dame U. | Two particle Bose Einstein correlations at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TEV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-49 | Kapoor, Vijay | Delhi U. | Fragmentation Properties of Strange Particles Produced in High Transverse Momentum Hadronic Interact | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-48 | Dimitroyannis, Dimitrios Alexandros | Maryland U. | Measurement of the Proton - Anti-Proton Total Cross-Section at the Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-47 | Yosef, Carlos M. | Northeastern U. | Production of High Transverse Momentum $\pi^0$ Mesons in Interactions of 530 GeV/c Proton and $\pi^- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-46 | Mendez, Hector | CINVESTAV, IPN | Measurement of the J/$\Psi$ Photoproduction Cross Section | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-45 | Dharmaratna, Welathantri G.D. | Tufts U. | Massive Quark Polarization in Quantum Chromodynamics Subprocesses | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-44 | Anthony, Perry Lee | MIT | Bose-Einstein Correlations in Deep-Inelastic Muon Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-43 | Erdmann, Martin | Freiburg U. | Lebensdauer des Farbigen Protons in der Myon-Proton-Streuung | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-42 | Pla-Dalmau, Anna | Northern Illinois U. | Design of Fluorescent Compounds for Scintillation Detection | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-41 | Diehl III, Herman Thomas | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Omega minus polarization and magnetic moment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-40 | Patterson, J.Ritchie | Chicago U., EFI | Determination of RE ($\varepsilon^{\prime} / \varepsilon$) by the Simultaneous Detection of the Four | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-39 | Papadimitriou, Vaia | Chicago U. | Search for the Decay $K_L \to \pi^0 \gamma \gamma$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-38 | Grossman, Nancy Lee | Minnesota U. | Search for CP symmetry violation in the three pion decay mode of the K0 meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-37 | Paolone, Vittorio | UC, Davis | Semileptonic Charged D Meson Decays in 800 GeV $p^-$ Emulsion Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-36 | Yoshida, Rikutaro | Northwestern U. | High-energy photoproduction of the J / Psi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-35 | Dershem, Thomas Olan | Michigan U. | Lambda(c) production in 800-GeV/c p p interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-34 | Thorne, Keith Alan | Minnesota U. | Precision Measurement of the Lifetime and Decay Asymmetry of the Cascade-Zero Baryon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-33 | Park, Seongwan | Northwestern U. | Photoproduction cross-section of the D*+- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-32 | DeSoi, William Edward | Rochester U. | Construction and Performance of a Liquid Argon Calorimeter for use in Experiment E-706 at the Fermi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-31 | Lanaro, Armando | Rochester U. | $\pi^0$ Production with $K^-$ and $\pi^+$ Beams at 530 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-30 | Prebys, Eric Jon | Rochester U. | A Study of High Transverse Momentum Direct Photon Production from Beryllium and Copper Targets with | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-29 | Bogart, Christopher W. | Colorado U. | Lifetime measurement of the charmed baryon Lambda(c)+ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-28 | Cummings, Mary Anne Clare | Michigan U. | Mass and Angular Distributions of Charged Dihadron Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-27 | Karlsson, Magnus R. | Princeton U. | CPT Symmetry of Neutral Kaons: An Experimental Test | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-26 | Freyberger, Arne Paul | Carnegie Mellon U. | Production Correlations of Hadronically Produced Charmed Particles | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-25 | Lingel, Karen Lynette | Illinois U., Urbana | Photoproduction of $D^{\pm}$ Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-24 | Ho, Pak-Ming | Michigan U. | Production Polarization and Magnetic Moment of Anticascade Minus Hyperon Produced by 800-GeV/c Proto | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-23 | Hartman, Keith W. | Penn State U. | Hadronic Production of Pizero Pairs and Associated Event Structure at 530 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-22 | Akchurin, Nural | Iowa U. | Analyzing power measurements of coulomb - nuclear interference with polarized protons at 185-GeV/c a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-21 | Zioulas, George | McGill U. | Pi Zero and Direct Photon Production at High Transverse Moment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-20 | de Barbaro, Pawel | Rochester U. | Search for Neutral Heavy Leptons in Neutrino - Nucleon Interactions at the FNAL Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-19 | O'Day, Stephen Charles | Maryland U. | Charged Hadron Multiplicities in 400 GeV Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-18 | Michael, Douglas Grant | Harvard U. | A Study of Transverse Momentum and Jets using Forward Hadrons and Photons in Deep Inelastic Muon Sca | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-17 | Magill, Stephen R. | Illinois U., Chicago | XE / $D_2$ Cross-Section Ratio from Muon Scattering at 490-GeV/C | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-16 | Straub, Peter Bruce | Washington U., Seattle | Production Of High $p_t$ Hadrons and High Mass Hadron Pairs in 800 GeV/c Proton-Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-15 | Kearns, Edward Thomas | Harvard U. | $Z^0$ Production Cross-Section at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-14 | Keutelian, Hovhannes | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurement of the Mass and Width of the $Z$ Boson from $Z \to e^{+} e^{-}$ Decay in $\bar{p} p$ Col | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-13 | Contreras, Milciades | Brandeis U. | Search for the Top Quark in Electron - Muon Events in the Collider Detector at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-12 | Snider, Frederick D. | Chicago U. | Charged Particle Pseudorapidity Distributions in Minimum Bias and Intermediate Vector Boson Events a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-11 | Trischuk, William | Harvard U. | A Measurement of the $W$ Boson Mass in 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-Proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-10 | Hessing, Timothy Lee | Texas A-M | A Search for Quark Compositeness with the CDF Detector at the FermilabCcollider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-09 | Derwent, Paul F. | Chicago U. | A Measurement of $\sigma\cdot (W\to e \nu)$ and $\sigma\cdot (Z^0\to e^+e^-)$ in $p\bar{p}$ collisio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-08 | Hurst, Peter Todd | Illinois U., Urbana | A Measurement of $\sin^{2} \theta_{W}$ from the Forward - Backward Asymmetry in $p\bar{p} \to Z^0 \t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-07 | Walsh, John Joseph | Pennsylvania U. | Search for the Top Quark in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-Tev | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-06 | Mimashi, Toshihiro | Tsukuba U. | The Measurement of Cross Section of Drell-Yan Process in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1800 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-05 | Schlabach, Philip | Illinois U., Urbana | $W$ Mass Measurement with Muons at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-Tev | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-04 | Hu, Ping | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Search for Supersymmetric Particles in $\bar{p}p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-02 | Kanda, Shunichi | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of Jet Fragmentation Properties in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1990-01 | Cunningham, John DeAndrea | Notre Dame U. | A Measurement of the Lifetimes of $D^+_s$ and $D^+$ Mesons in High-Energy Photoproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-53 | Usher, Tracy Lynn | UC, Irvine | A Study of the Relative Decay Rate Between $K^+ \to \pi^+ \pi^0$ and $K^+ \to \mu^+ \nu_\mu$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-52 | McMahon, Timothy | Purdue U. | Phase transition, thermodynamics and transverse momentum spectra of mass identified hadrons in 1.8-T | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-51 | Tsai, Yeong-Dong | Chicago U. | Jet Production in the Central Rapidity Region in 1.8 TeV Proton and Antiproton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-50 | Redlinger, George | Chicago U. | A Measurement of $D^*$ Production in Jets from $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.8$ TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-49 | McManus, Arthur Paul | Notre Dame U. | INCLUSIVE CHARGED PARTICLE PRODUCTION IN $p\bar{p}$ COLLISIONS AT $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 TEV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-48 | Banerjee, Sudeshna | Notre Dame U. | Multiplicity correlations in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-47 | Behnke, Ties | SUNY, Stony Brook | The Central Drift Chamber for the D0 Experiment: Design, Construction and Test | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-45 | Lirakis, Christopher B. | Northeastern U. | A Study of $\eta$ Production in 530 GeV/c Hadronic Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-43 | Strongin, Boris | MIT | Opposite Sign Dimuon Production in High-Energy Neutrino - Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-42 | Kourbanis, Ioanis | Northeastern U. | The A-Dependence of Leading Particle Production by 800 GeV Protons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-41 | Sinanidis, Alexandros Pericles | Northeastern U. | Particles Produced in Association with High Transverse Momentum Single Photons and $\pi^0$s in Hadro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-40 | Fang, Guang Yin | Minnesota U. | Color Transparency of Nuclear Matter to Hard Scattered Hadrons and the Nucleon Spectral Functions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-39 | Menary, Scott Robert | Toronto U. | Observation of excited charmed mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-38 | Kroc, Thomas K. | Illinois U., Urbana | Hadroproduction of $D^* \to (K \pi) \pi$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-37 | Mansour, John Philip | Rochester U. | High Transverse Momentum $\pi^0$ Production from $\pi^-$ and p Beams at 530 GeV/c on Be and Cu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-36 | Benson, Richard Scott | Minnesota U. | Characteristics of Forward Energy Production in Proton - Nucleus and Pion - Nucleus Collisions at $\ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-35 | Marcin, Martin Richard | Rice U. | Study of high transverse energy processes in 400-GeV proton - nucleus collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-34 | Mendez, Grace Elena | Duke U. | D Meson Hadroproduction in 800-GeV/c p p Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-33 | Turner Streets, Kathleen Ruth | Florida State U. | The Atomic Weight Dependence and Mass Cross-Sections of Massive Hadron Pair Production in Proton - N | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-31 | Kaaret, Philip Elias | Princeton U. | Forward production of j / electric flux in hadronic interactions and calibration of a large BGO elec | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-30 | Senko, Mark Frederick | Vanderbilt U. | Charmed Meson Production in 800-GeV p p Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-29 | Merminga, Nikolitsa | Fermilab | A Study of Nonlinear Dynamics in the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-28 | Gibney, Mark C. | Colorado U. | Photoproduction of Charmed Baryons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-27 | Guss, Cedric Michael | Northwestern U. | Measurement of Sigma(tot) and B from anti-p p elastic scattering at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-26 | Liu, Xiao D.James | Kansas U. | A Study of D(s) meson production in 800-GeV p p interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-25 | Turkington, Timothy Garvey | Duke U. | Precise Measurement of Photons from the Interactions of 300-GeV/c Hadrons on a Lithium Target | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-24 | Manly, Steven Laurens | Columbia U. | $\nu_{\mu} -\nu_e$ Universality in Charged-Current Neutrino Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-23 | Oltman, Edward | Columbia U. | Nucleon Structure Functions from High-Energy Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino Interactions in Iron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-22 | Punkar, Gregory Dean | UC, Santa Barbara | Measurements of $D^+_s$ Decays and Cabibbo Suppressed $D^+$ Decays | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-21 | Moore, Robert Christopher | Rice U. | Production of Jets from Proton Nucleus Collisions at 400-GeV/C | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-20 | Zhang, Yang-Ling | Carnegie Mellon U. | A Study of the Hadroproduction Characteristics of the First Excited States of Charm Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-19 | Easo, Sajan | Penn State U. | Structure of Events Containing Direct Photon or Neutral Pion in Hadronic Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-18 | Ballocchi, Giuseppe | Rochester U. | A Measurement of $\pi^0$ Production at Low Transverse Momentum | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-17 | Boca, Gianluigi | Florida State U. | Experimental Determination of the Average Fraction of Jet Momentum Carried by the Leading Hadrons Pr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-16 | Foudas, Constantinos | Columbia U. | Neutrino Production of Opposite Sign Dimuons at the FNAL Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-15 | Ramberg, Erik Joel | Maryland U. | Neutral Pion and Eta Production in Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering at 480-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-14 | Moreno Lopez, Gerardo | Fermilab | A High Statistics Search for Narrow Resonances in the Dimuon Spectrum from 800 GeV/c Proton-Nucleus | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-12 | Schub, Martin Henry | Purdue U. | Strange Particle Production in Proton - Antiproton Collisions at Center-of-Mass Energies of 630-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-11 | Miller, Marshal | Pennsylvania U. | A Measurement of the Cross-Section for $W$ Production and Decay into Electron and Neutrino in $p\bar | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-10 | Morita, Youhei | Tsukuba U. | Measurement of the Intermediate Vector - Boson Production Cross Section and Mass at the Fermilab Pro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-09 | Kawano, Lawrence | Chicago U., EFI | Evolution of Domain Walls in the Early Universe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-08 | Hubbard, Bradley | UC, Berkeley | Fragmentation Properties of Jets Produced in Proton - Antiproton Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-07 | Skarha, John Erwin | Wisconsin U., Madison | Forward Muon Production in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-06 | Flaugher, Brenna Lynn | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Measurement of QCD Jet Broadening in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-05 | Harris, Robert M. | UC, Berkeley | Two Jet Differential Cross-Section and Structure Functions in $\bar{p} p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-04 | Byon, Aesook | Purdue U. | Central Production of Charged Particles at CDF | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-03 | Carey, Robert Matthew | Harvard U. | Angular Distributions of Three Jet Events in Proton - Anti-Proton Collisions at the Fermilab Tevatro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1989-02 | Brown, David Nathan | Harvard U. | A Search for Double Parton Interactions in 1.8-TeV Proton - Anti-Proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-30 | Shimony, Joshua Shai | Tennessee U. | Meson Production in Photon and Neutrino Experiments | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-29 | Harton, J. | MIT | High Energy Neutrino Interactions, E745 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-28 | Yamashita, Akihiro | Tsukuba U. | A study of hadronic jet production in proton antiproton collision at $\sqrt{s} = 1800$ GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-27 | Westfall, Catherine Lee | Michigan State U. | The First Truly National Laboratory: The Birth of Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-26 | Simmons, James Knute | Purdue U. | Measurements of Chi (3510), Chi (3555), and Neutral Strange Particles in Interactions of 200-GeV/c a | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-25 | Shibata, Masayuki | Tsukuba U. | Study of Charged Intermediate Vector Boson Production in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-24 | Jain, Vivek | Hawaii U. | Dimuon Production by 0-600 GeV Neutrinos in the Fermilab 15ft. Bubble Chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-23 | Woods, Michael B. | Chicago U. | A Search for Direct CP Violation in the 2 pi Decay Modes of Neutral Kaons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-22 | Mokhtarani, Akbar | UC, Davis | Production Characteristics of Neutral and Charge D Mesons in 800 GeV $p^-$ Emulsion Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-21 | Shipbaugh, Calvin Leroy | Illinois U., Urbana | Production of Charm Mesons by High-Energy Neutrons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-20 | Schumm, Bruce Andrew | Chicago U. | Like sign dimuon production in high-energy neutrino interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-19 | Shih, Hsiuan-Jeng | Lehigh U. | Monte Carlo Studies of High Transverse Momentum Jets and the Calorimeter in Fermilab E609 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-18 | Grazer, Gayle Lynne | Princeton U. | An Experimental Test of CPT Conservation in Decays of Neutral Kaons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-17 | Border, Peter MacDonald | Michigan U. | CP Violation in the Decay K ---> pi+ pi- pi0 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-16 | Ladbury, Raymond, Jr. | Colorado U. | Production of the $\Sigma^0_c$ and $\Sigma^{++}_c$ by High-Energy Neutrons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-15 | Nguyen, Ai Gia | Michigan State U. | Characteristics of Charm Particles Produced by 800-GeV PP Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-14 | Zabounidis, Christos | Northeastern U. | Production and phi (t) Correlations of d Mesons in 800-GeV/c p p Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-13 | Sambamurti, Aditya Krishnaswamy | Indiana U. | Event Structure of Proton - Nucleus Collisions with High Transverse Energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-12 | Stewart, Donald A., Jr. | Indiana U. | Hadronic Interactions with High Transverse Energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-11 | Browder, Thomas E. | UC, Santa Barbara | A Study of $D^0$ - $\overline{D^0}$ Mixing | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-10 | Weber, Michael F. | Michigan U. | D Meson Production in 800-GeV/c p p Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-09 | Bachmann, Kurt Thomas | Columbia U. | A Study of same sign dimuon events in neutrino - nucleon scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-08 | De, Kaushik | Brown U. | Neutral Strange Particle Production in Neutrino Interactions at Tevatron Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-06 | Gray, Richard | Washington U., Seattle | Dimuon Production in 800-{GeV}/c Proton - Nucleon Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-05 | Sekiguchi, Masaki | Tsukuba U. | Multiplicity and Transverse Momentum Distributions of Charged Particles in Proton - Anti-proton Coll | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-04 | Kuhlmann, Stephen Eugene | Purdue U. | Inclusive Central Jet Production at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-03 | St. Denis, Richard Dante | Harvard U. | Dijet Angular Distributions in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-02 | Westhusing, Thomas Kevin | Illinois U., Urbana | Observation of $W \to \mu \nu$ Decays in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1988-01 | Smith, David Austen | Illinois U., Urbana | STUDY OF MUONS ASSOCIATED WITH JETS IN PROTON - ANTI-PROTON COLLISIONS AT $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8-TeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-26 | Auchincloss, Priscilla Stanton | Nevis Labs, Columbia U. | Measurement of the Total Cross-Section for Neutrino - Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-25 | Draper, Paul A. | Indiana U. | An Open Geometry Experiment to Study J/psi Production in Proton - Nucleus Collisions at 800-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-24 | Furuno, Koichiro | Tohoku U. | Jet Analysis, E745 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-24 | Godfrey, Joseph | Notre Dame U. | A Measurement of d Meson Lifetime and Cross-Sections Using an Nai(TL) Active Target | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-23 | Feinstein, Fabrice | Orsay | Etude d'un Détecteur à Rayonnement de Transition pour l'Expérience D0 au FNAL | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-22 | Frederiksen, Soren Grandborg | Ottawa U. | The Production Mechanism Lifetimes of Charmed Particles | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-21 | Jarry, Patrick | DAPNIA, Saclay | Measurement of CP violation parameter : $\epsilon^prime/\epsilon$ by the simultaneous detection of t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-19 | Raab, Johannes Rudolf | UC, Santa Barbara | Lifetime Measurements of the Three Charmed Pseudoscalar d Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-18 | Filaseta, John Eugene | Illinois U., Urbana | Hadroproduction of $\Lambda_c \to p K \pi$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-17 | Fleischman, Jack G. | Pennsylvania U. | Parton-Parton Scattering Determination from Dijet Production in 400-GeV Proton Proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-16 | Conway, John Stephen | Chicago U. | Study of Muon Pairs Produced at Large Feynman x in Pion - Nucleon Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-15 | Gress, Joseph | Kansas U. | A Study of anti-p p Annihilations at 100-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-14 | Yoshida, Takuo | Kyoto U. | Dielectron Production in 800 GeV/c Proton-Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-13 | Jaffe, David Edward | SUNY, Stony Brook | High Transverse Momentum Hadron Production in 400-GeV/c and 800-GeV/c Proton - Nucleon Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-12 | Gauthier, Alain | Ohio State U. | Charmed Particle Lifetime Measurements and Limits for Neutrino Oscillations and the Existence of the | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-11 | Joyner, Rex W. | Notre Dame U. | Diffractive Processes in 200-GeV/c $\pi^- N \to \pi^- \pi^- \pi^+ N$ Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-10 | Cole, James Bradford | Maryland U. | Structure Functions from Neutrino - Deuterium Deep Inelastic Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-09 | Woosley, James K. | Vanderbilt U. | Observation of a Resonance at $2.36-GeV/c^{2}$ in 400 GeV/c $pN$ Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-08 | Syphers, Michael James | Fermilab | An Improved 8 GeV Beam Transport System for the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-07 | Canough, Gay E. | Notre Dame U. | Lifetimes of d Mesons Produced in p p Interactions at 800-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-06 | Barbier, Louis Matthew | Louisiana State U. | High-Energy Proton - Emulsion Nucleus Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-05 | Akbari, Homaira | Tufts U. | High Resolution Imaging of Particle Interactions in a Large Bubble Chamber Using Holographic Techniq | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-04 | Dunlea, James M. | Ohio State U. | A Study of the $\chi_F$ and $P_T$ Distributions in the Production of $D^\pm$ Charmed Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-03 | Oleynik, Gene Arnold | Ohio State U. | Inclusive Charged D Meson Production Cross-Section Measurement in 800 GeV $\pi^-$ Emulsion Interacti | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-02 | James, Catherine Chase | Minnesota U. | A Measurement of the Branching Ratio of the Weak Radiative Hyperon Decay $\Xi^0 \to \Lambda \gamma$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1987-01 | Enagonio, Janice | Colorado U. | Measurements of Neutron Production of Lambdas and Anti-Lambdas | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-21 | Gamarnik, Khasan | Carnegie Mellon U. | Charge Asymmetry and Track Multiplicity Associated with High Transverse Momentum Direct gamma and pi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-20 | Rojek, Edward John | Notre Dame U. | Measurement of Charm Particle Lifetimes Using 300-GeV/c Protons and a Scintillation Camera Target | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-19 | Mattison, Thomas Stewart | MIT, LNS | Comparison of Charged and Neutral Current Structure Functions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-18 | Turcotte, Marc Gilles | McGill U. | Weak Decays of Charmed Particles | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-17 | Nelson, Kenneth Scott | Wisconsin U., Madison | Measurement of the Differential Cross-Section at $s^{1/2}$ = 28-GeV for Coplanar High $p_t$ Clusters | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-16 | Luehring, Frederick Charles | Northwestern U. | Electron Production in Proton + Beryllium Interactions at 2.7 GeV and 3.6 GeV Center-Of-Mass Energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-15 | Larson, Delbert John | Wisconsin U., Madison | Intermediate-Energy Electron Cooling for Antiproton Sources | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-14 | Petersen, Priscilla Cushman | Rutgers U., Piscataway | The Sigma - Lambda Transition Magnetic Moment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-13 | Mooney, Patrick John | Notre Dame U. | Measurement of the D* Hadronic Cross-Section at 200-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-12 | Mishra, Sanjib Ratan | Columbia U. | A Study of Wrong Sign Muon and Trimuon Events in Neutrino - Nucleon Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-11 | Ahn, Seung-Chan | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Beam Jet Structures in Soft and Hard Proton Proton Collisions $\sqrt{s}$ = 27.4-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-10 | Mani, Sudhindra | Pittsburgh U. | A Silicon Strip Microvertex Detector for Studying QCD Jets Associated with Direct Photons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-09 | Razis, Panos A. | Yale U. | Decisive test of cabibbo theory in sigma (-) semileptonic decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-08 | Lovatt, Ian Alexander | Toronto U. | The Lifetime of the charmed d meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-07 | Stacey, Albert James | Toronto U. | A study of the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka rule in high-energy photoproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-06 | Zorn, Carl John | Toronto U. | A Study of the Photoproduction of the $\Lambda_c^+$ Charmed Baryon at $\gamma$ Energies of 40-160 Ge | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-05 | Plaag, Robert Emil | Washington U., Seattle | Associated Electron Muon - Events from High-Energy Hadronic Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-04 | Hsiung, Yee Bob | Columbia U. | Nucleon Number Dependence of Massive Hadron Pair Production in 400-GeV/c Proton - Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-03 | Crittenden, James Arthur | Columbia U. | Inclusive Hadronic Production Cross-Sections Measured in 400-GeV Proton - Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-02 | Kamon, Teruki | Tsukuba U. | The CDF Central Electromagnetic Calorimeter for Proton - Anti-proton Collision Experiment at Tevatro | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1986-01 | Hayashide, Yoshio | Tsukuba U. | Characteristics of CDF Endplug Electromagnetic Calorimeter | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-38 | Suchorebrow, Victor | MIT | Inclusive $K^+ K^-$ Production in Reactions $\pi^+ p$, $K^+ p$ and $pp$ at 200 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-37 | Wilson, Jeffrey Robert | Purdue U. | Study of Charmonium Chi States Produced in Proton and Negative Pion Interactions with a Beryllium Ta | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-36 | Melanson, Harry Louis | Michigan State U. | Comparison of Polarizations of Inclusively Produced Lambdas and anti-Lambdas by Protons, anti-Proton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-35 | Delchamps, Stephen West | Northwestern U. | Inclusive pi0 and eta0 Meson Production at Large Transverse Momentum in 300-GeV/c p - Be Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-34 | Lang, Karol | Rochester U. | An Experimental Study of Dimuons Produced in High-Energy Neutrino Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-33 | Gee, Daniel David | Wisconsin U., Madison | Hadron System Properties of High-Energy Neutrino - Nucleon Interactions in the FNAL 15-Ft Bubble Cha | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-32 | Cooper, Stephen Robert Warrington | Michigan State U. | Large Transverse Momentum Direct Photon, $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ Production with a Carbon Target | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-31 | Reiner, Philip John | Rochester U. | Search for Anomalous Long Range Interactions at Highly Relativistic Velocities | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-30 | Ginther, George E., Jr. | Carnegie Mellon U. | A Search for Charmed Mesons Produced in Hadronic Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-29 | Li, Wei-guo | Illinois U., Urbana | Forward Charge Flow in Hadronic J/psi Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-28 | Magahiz, Richard Alan | MIT, LNS | Observation of the Inverse Muon Decay in a Dichromatic Neutrino Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-27 | Greenlee, Herbert B. | Chicago U. | A Study of the production of massive muon pairs in 225 GeV [pe minus] nucleus collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-26 | Frank, Thomas Anselm Joseph | MIT | Inclusive Particle Production in $\pi^+p, K^+p$, and $pp$ interactions at 200 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-25 | Eldridge, Terrance Foy | MIT | Total Cross-section Measurements for Muon Neutrino and Anti-neutrino Charged Current Deep Inelastic | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-24 | Bellinger, James Nugent | Illinois U., Urbana | Production of Omega and Phi Mesons by 193-GeV/c Pions and 250-GeV/c Protons on a Beryllium Target | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-23 | Adolphsen, Chris E. | Chicago U. | A Study of J/$\psi$ Production in 260 GeV $\pi^-$ Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-22 | Johns, Kenneth Arthur | Rice U. | A Study of High Transverse Energy Hadron Hadron Collisions at 400-GeV/c Using a QCD Monte Carlo Incl | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-21 | Olszewski, Christopher John | Illinois U., Urbana | Production of K+ K- and p anti-p Pairs in High-Energy Photoproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-20 | Torres, Sergio | Virginia Tech. | Observation of K*0 (2060) in the phi K pi Final State Produced in Proton - Nuclei Interactions at 40 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-19 | Piper, John E. | Florida State U. | Evidence for the Decay D+- ---> K0(s) K*+- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-18 | Haber, Carl Harris | Columbia U. | A Search for the Inclusive Oscillations of Muon Neutrinos | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-17 | Okamitsu, Jeffrey Kalani | Columbia U. | A Study of scaling violations in quark fragmentation functions from muon - associated neutrino charg | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-16 | Shastri, Kalpendu Ranjitrai | Columbia U. | Nucleon structure functions from neutrino charged current interactions in bubble chambers | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-15 | Slate, John Allen | Michigan State U. | A Comparison of Neutral to Charged Current, Neutrino - Nucleon Interactions in a Wide Band Neutrino | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-14 | Dimarco, Robert Louis | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Interactions of Hadrons with Heavy Nuclei at 200-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-13 | Gourlay, Stephen Alan | UC, Davis | Inclusive Production and Polarization of Lambda / anti-Lambda in Hadron Proton Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-12 | Wijayawardana, Ranjith Laxman | SUNY, Albany | Application of a Crystal Septum to Replace a Magnet in a Charged Particle Beam and Study of Dechanne | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-11 | Holmes, Richard Scott | Maryland U. | A Study of High Transverse Energy Events in Proton Proton and Proton - Nucleus Collisions at $\sqrt{ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-10 | Busenitz, Jerome Kent | Illinois U., Urbana, Math. Dept. | Studies in deep inelastic scattering and vector meson photoproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-09 | Mikocki, Stanislaw | Virginia Tech. | Inclusive Resonance Production in Single Vee Events in pi- n Interactions at 200-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-08 | Wilkinson, Carol Ann | Wisconsin U., Madison | The Polarization and Magnetic Moment of the Sigma Plus Hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-07 | Lawry, Theodore Jackson | UC, Berkeley | Observation of Direct Photon Production in a High-Energy Neutrino Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-06 | Steiner, Robert Victor | Yale U. | Charged Hadron Production in pi+ p, K+ p and p p Interactions at 200-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-05 | Naudet, Charles Joseph, Jr. | Rice U. | A Study of Large Transverse Energy Events in pi p and p p Interactions at p (Lab) = 200-GeV/c and Ev | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-04 | Georgiopoulos, Christos H. | Tufts U. | Observation of the Cabibbo Suppressed Decay D+- ---> phi pi+- | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-03 | Alexander, James P. | Chicago U. | A Study of Massive Muon Pair Production at High $X_f$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-02 | Glass, Henry Donald | SUNY, Stony Brook | Ratios of Single Hadrons Produced at High Transverse Momentum in 400-GeV/c Proton - Nucleon Collisio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1985-01 | Chiarelli, G. | INFN, Pisa | Detection of Heavy Flavors and New Particles at the Tevatron Collider | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-39 | Chekelian, Vladimir I. | Moscow, ITEP | Hadronic weak neutral currents in the interactions of high-energy antineutrinos | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-38 | Miyata, Hitoshi | Tsukuba U. | A Gas Calorimeter for High-Energy Experiment and Study of High-Energy Cascade Shower | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-36 | Sakumoto, Willis Kazuo | Northwestern U. | A Search for Charmed Particles Produced in Hadronic Interactions Utilizing a Liquid Argon Electromag | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-35 | Gee, Manyee Ngai | Wisconsin U., Madison | High-Energy Neutrino Nucleon Interactions with an Electron in the Final State | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-34 | Schappert, Warren | McGill U. | Antiproton and Pion Structure Functions from Dimuon Production at 125 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-33 | Lukens, Patrick Thomas | Illinois U., Urbana | Measurement of Chi (3510) and Chi (3555) Production in 190-GeV/c pi- Beryllium Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-32 | Bhadra, Sampa | Colorado U. | Inclusive Distributions of Diffractively Produced Neutral Kaons, Lambdas, and anti-Lambdas, and Uppe | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-31 | Bernstein, Robert H. | Chicago U., EFI | A Study of CP Violation Through a Precision Measurement of $\eta_{00} / \eta _ {+-}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-30 | Abadias, Juan Bofill | MIT, LNS | Upper Limit for $\nu \mu$ Oscillation Into $\nu \tau$ in a Dichromatic Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-29 | Norton, Hamish W.M. | Chicago U. | A Determination of the Branching Ratio of $K_L$ to Gamma Gamma | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-28 | Swartz, Morris L. | Chicago U. | The Atomic Mass Dependence of Massive Muon Pair Production in 225 GeV/c $\pi$ - Nucleus Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-27 | Povlis, Jim David | Minnesota U. | A Measurement of Neutral Meson and Direct Photon Production at Large Transverse Momentum | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-26 | Yeh, Gong Ping | MIT, LNS | Neutral Current and Charged Current Structure Functions of the Nucleon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-25 | McBride, Patricia Louise | Yale U. | A Study of the Properties of Muons Produced in the Decays of Charmed Particles | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-24 | Tartaglia, Michael Albert | MIT, LNS | A Measurement of the Elastic Scattering Cross-Section, nu mu + Muon-neutrino e- Yields Muon-neutrino | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-23 | Denby, Bruce Hayes | UC, Santa Barbara | Inelastic and Elastic Photoproduction of J/$\psi$ (3097) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-22 | MacFarlane, David Brian | Caltech | Nucleon Structure from Neutrino Interactions in an Iron Target with a Study of the Singlet Quark Dis | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-21 | Purohit, Milind Vasant | Caltech | Nucleon Structure Functions from Muon-Neutrino Fe Interactions and a Study of the Valence Quark Dist | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-20 | Wang, Edward Min-sen | Michigan U. | Prompt Neutrino Production from 400-GeV Protons on Tungsten Targets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-19 | Wolin, Elliott Jay | Washington U., Seattle | Neutral Strange Particle Production in High-Energy Neutrino Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-18 | Rice, James Allen | Rice U. | High Transverse Energy Proton - Nuclear Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-17 | Collick, Bruce David | Minnesota U. | A Measurement of the Mass, Full Width and Radiative Width of the $B^+$ (1237) Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-16 | Lundberg, Byron Gene | Wisconsin U., Madison | Neutral Strange Particle Production and Polarization at Large p(t) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-15 | Summers, Donald Joseph | UC, Santa Barbara | A Study of the Decay $D^0 \to K^- \pi^+ \pi^0$ in High-Energy Photoproduction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-14 | Chen, Lin-Du | Columbia U. | Inclusive resonance production in $\nu_\mu N$ charged current interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-13 | Rees, Claude David | Washington U., Seattle | A Comparison of Nuclear Effects in High-Energy Leptonic and Hadronic Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-12 | Graff, Thomas Leo | Illinois U., Urbana | Comparison of Pion and Proton Production of Charmonium | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-11 | Kuehn, Clara Elizabeth | Wisconsin U., Madison | Measurement of the Leading Charged Particle Charge Ratios in High Transverse Momentum Proton Proton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-10 | Davenport, Tom Forest, III | Florida State U. | Observation of Double Phi Meson Production in 400-GeV/c Proton - Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-09 | Tzeng, Liang | Yale U. | Measurement of the Hadronic Charm Production Cross-Section in a High Resolution Streamer Chamber Exp | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-08 | Stockdale, Ian Edward | Rochester U. | A Search for Neutrino Oscillations with Large Values of $\Delta m^{2}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-07 | Bregman, Mark Fielding | Columbia U. | Study of neutrino - electron scattering and coherent neutral pion production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-06 | Hylton, Ronald Adrian | Columbia U. | Neutral strange particle production by neutrinos | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-05 | Spiegel, Leonard Gordon | Carnegie Mellon U. | A Test of a New Vertex Detector in a Dedicated Spectrometer | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-04 | Palestini, Sandro | Princeton U. | Forward Production of High Mass Muon Pairs in Pion - Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-03 | Sakai, Yoshihide | Kyoto U. | Study of the Atomic Weight Dependence of High Pt Single Hadron Production in Proton-Nucleus Collisio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1984-02 | Carlsmith, Duncan L. | Chicago U. | A Measurement of the $K^{0*}$(890) Radiative Width | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-30 | McQuade, J.Michael | Carnegie Mellon U. | Muon Electron Charge Correlations in 200 GeV/c pi- Be Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-29 | Budd, Howard Scott | Illinois U., Urbana | Forward Charge Distributions Associated With Hadronically Produced $J/\psi$ Particles | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-28 | Hartouni, Edward P. | Columbia U. | Hyperon and anti-hyperon production in KL0 - carbon interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-27 | Duffy, Mark Elton | Wisconsin U., Madison | Flux Measurements of Muon-neutrino and anti-Muon-neutrino from Decays of Charmed Hadrons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-26 | Wah, Yau Wai | Yale U. | Measurement of Production Polarization and Magnetic Moment of the Sigma+ Hyperon at 400-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-25 | Cardello, Thomas Ronald | Yale U. | Strange Charged Baryon Production | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-24 | Thron, Jonathan Louis | Yale U. | A Search for Heavy Charged Particles and Light Nuclei and anti-Nuclei Production at High-Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-23 | Smith, Elton Shouse | Wisconsin U., Madison | Comparison of Prompt $\nu_e$ and $\nu_{\mu}$ Fluxes from 400-GeV p-W Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-22 | Hahn, Stephen R. | Illinois U., Urbana | Production of Charmonium States in 225-GeV/c Pi-Minus Beryllium Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-21 | Callahan, Paul Hayward | Illinois U., Urbana | High-Energy Photoproduction of rho and phi Vector Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-20 | Dworkin, Jay Samuel | Michigan U. | A High Statistics Study of Lambda Beta Decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-19 | Hoftun, Jan Sigve | Ohio State U. | Prompt Production of Muon Neutrinos and Muon anti-neutrinos in Proton - Tungsten Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-18 | Volk, James Thomas | Ohio State U. | The Prompt Electron Neutrino to Muon Neutrino Ratio from 400-GeV Protons on Tungsten | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-17 | Bailey, David Charles | McGill U. | Neutrino Charm Production and a Limit to Neutrino Oscillations | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-16 | Luk, Kam-Biu | Rutgers U., Piscataway | A Study of the omega- Hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-15 | Berg, David Mark | Rochester U. | Measurement of the Radiative Decay Width of the Negative K*- Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-14 | Krueger, Keith William | Arizona U. | Large Momentum Transfer Kaon - Proton Elastic Scattering at Beam Momenta of 100-GeV/c and 200-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-13 | Pemper, Richard R. | Notre Dame U. | Search for Charm Particles in Collisions Between 200-GeV/c Negative Pions and Beryllium Nuclei | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-12 | Sokoloff, Michael David | UC, Berkeley | Evidence for Hard Gluon Bremsstrahlung in a Neutrino Experiment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-11 | Pitman, Dale Barbara | Toronto U. | Lifetime Measurements of the $D^+, F^+$, and $\Lambda^+_c$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-10 | Kaplan, David Howard | Cornell U., LNS | Large Momentum Transfer Antiproton - Proton and Proton - Proton Elastic Scattering at 100-GeV/c and | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-09 | Cremaldi, Lucien Marcus | Northwestern U. | A Study of charmed particle production in hadronic collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-08 | Ritchie, Jack L. | Rochester U. | Hadronic Charm Production by Protons and Pions on Iron | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-07 | Lamm, Michael Joseph | Illinois U., Urbana | Exclusive Diffractive Dissociation of K(L) Mesons at High High-Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-06 | Schoessow, Paul V. | Wisconsin U., Milwaukee | Strange Quark Suppression in 225-GeV/c $\pi^-$ Beryllium Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-05 | Crisler, Michael Bruce | Ohio State U. | Prompt Neutrino Production in a Beam Dump | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-04 | Meyers, Peter Daniel | LBL, Berkeley | Measurement of the Nucleon Structure Function Using High-Energy Muons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-03 | Snow, Gregory Roy | Rockefeller U. | Diffractive Photon Dissociation in a High Pressure Hydrogen Time Projection Chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-02 | McHugh, Sean Francis | UC, San Diego | A Study of Hadron - Proton Elastic Scattering at High-Energy and Large Momentum Transfer | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1983-01 | Coutrakon, George Booth | SUNY, Stony Brook | Hadron Identification at 200-GeV/c Using a Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-18 | Blair, Robert Eugene | Caltech | A Total Cross-section and Y Distribution Measurement for Muon Type Neutrinos and Anti-neutrinos on I | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-17 | Huston, Joey Walter | Rochester U. | Measurement of the Radiative Decay Width of the Positive Rho Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-16 | Deck, Leslie Ludwig | Rutgers U., Piscataway | The Polarization and Magnetic Moment of the $\Sigma^- Hyperon$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-15 | Son, Dongchul | Maryland U. | Neutral Strange Particle Production in High-Energy Charged Current Neutrino Deuterium Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-14 | Cihangir, Selcuk | Rochester U. | Measurement of the Radiative Decay Widths of the $A^+_2$ and $K^{+^+}$ (1430) Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-13 | Hibbs, Michael Straight | Columbia U. | Electron production by muon neutrinos | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-12 | Karchin, Paul Edmund | Cornell U., LNS | Measurement of Pion Proton Deep Elastic Scattering at 13.7-GeV and 19.4-GeV Center-Of-Mass Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-11 | Stampke, Stuart Reh | Caltech | Pion Pion Decay Distributions for $\pi^- p \to \pi^+ \pi^- \eta$ at 100-GeV/c and 175-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-10 | Delzenero, Richard Mario | Illinois U., Chicago | Production of Double Neutral Vees at 100-GeV/c and 175-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-09 | Duncan, Alan Lee | Colorado U. | Characteristics of Hadronic States Observed in High-Energy Diffractive Photoproduction in Hydrogen | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-08 | Fredericksen, Frank James | Indiana U. | A Study of the Reaction $\pi^- p \to \pi^+ \pi^- n$ at Beam Momenta of 100-GeV/c and 175-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-07 | Cheng, Pocheng | Wisconsin U., Madison | Experimental verification and refinement of the projective photon beam model and extension to electr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-06 | Kraushaar, Philip Frederick, Jr. | Michigan U. | Measurement of the High Mass Dimuon Continuum Produced in anti-Proton - Nucleus Collisions at 125-Ge | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-05 | Polakos, Paul Anthony | Arizona U. | Positive and negative pion - proton backward elastic scattering between 30 and 90 GeV/C | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-04 | Hays, Patrick John | Florida State U. | Pi0 Production in pi- p Interactions at 250-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-03 | Joyce, Terrence Harold | Minnesota U. | Diffractive Dissociation of Negative Pions Off Complex Nuclei at 156-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-02 | Chandlee, Clark David | Rochester U. | Determination of the Radiative Decay Width of the K*+ (890) Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1982-01 | Peisert, Anna | Geneva U. | Cherenkov Ring Imaging for Particle Identification in the Investigation of Elementary Parton-Parton | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-20 | Hossain, Sahadat | Tufts U. | Production of Chi Mesons in 225-GeV/c pi- Be Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-19 | Smith, Stephen R. | Washington U., Seattle | Massive Muon Pair Production in 400-GeV Proton - Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-18 | Trinko, Thomas L. | Wisconsin U., Madison | Dimuon Production in Neutrino and anti-neutrinos Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-17 | Oh, Seog Hwan | MIT, LNS | Quark - Parton and the Low Transverse Momentum Hadron - Hadron Interaction | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-16 | Markiewicz, Thomas W. | LBL, Berkeley | Muoproduction of $\underline{J}/\psi$ (3100) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-15 | Smith, Wesley Harold | LBL, Berkeley | Study of Rare Processes Induced by 209-GeV Muons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-14 | Gutzwiller, Michael John | Ohio State U. | The Lifetime of the Neutral D Charmed Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-13 | Giokaris, Nikos D. | Chicago U., EFI | Measurement of the Angular and Atomic Weight Dependences of High Transverse Momentum Hadron Producti | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-12 | Green, James | Chicago U., EFI | A Measurement of High Transverse Momentum Charged Hadron Production Using a Pion Beam and Hydrogen T | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-11 | Rameika, Regina Abby | Rutgers U., Piscataway | The Polarization and Magnetic Moment of the Cascading Minus Hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-10 | Gollin, George Dana | Princeton U. | Charm Production by Muons and Its Role in Scale Noninvariance | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-09 | Rosenbladt, Robert Ludwig | Washington U., Seattle | Neutrino Interactions in a Hybrid Emulsion - Bubble Chamber Detector | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-08 | Greenhalgh, John Field | Stanford U., Phys. Dept. | A Study of Photons from Decays of the K0(L) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-07 | Vrieslander, Julian Dennis | Cornell U., LASSP | Large Momentum Transfer Proton Proton Elastic Scattering at 201-GeV/c and 400-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-06 | Cousins, Robert Dacey, Jr. | Stanford U., Phys. Dept. | A Measurement of the Rate of Formation of Pion - Muon Atoms in Longlived Neutral Kaon Decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-05 | Errede, Steven Michael | Ohio State U. | Measurement of the Lifetimes of the Charmed $D^+$, $F^+$ Mesons and $\Lambda^+_c$ Charmed Baryon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-04 | Carman, Thomas S. | Purdue U. | Study of Neutral Current Distributions in anti-neutrinos - Proton, Neutrino - Proton Interactions Us | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-03 | Kiley, James Philip | Michigan State U. | Charm Muoproduction in Deep Inelastic Scattering at 269-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-02 | Heppelmann, Steven Francis | Minnesota U., Duluth | A Measurement of the Pion Electromagnetic Charge Radius by Pion Electron Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1981-01 | Lefler, Kenneth A. | Maryland U. | The Total Cross-Section for $\nu_\mu e$ Elastic Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-28 | Bender, Daniel Eugene | Illinois U., Urbana | PRODUCTION OF D0 (1863) MESONS IN 217-GeV/c PI- PROTON INTERACTIONS | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-27 | Fajardo-Paz, Lincoln Antonio | Yale U. | The Real Part of the Forward Nuclear Amplitude for Hadron Proton Scattering Between 70-GeV/c and 200 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-26 | Avery, Paul Ralph | Illinois U., Urbana | Photoproduction of the $D^{*{±}}$ | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-25 | Stanek, Robert Walter | Illinois U., Chicago | Correlations Between High Transverse Momentum Hadrons in $\pi^\pm p$, $K^{-} p$ and $p p$ Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-24 | Sommars, Steven Eugene | SUNY, Stony Brook | Study of Weak Neutral and Charged Current Interactions in Deuterium | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-23 | Jensen, Terrence C. | Rochester U. | Measurement of the Radiative Decay Width of the Rho Meson | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-22 | Hasan, Muhammad Abul | Lehigh U. | The Channeling of 35-GeV/c, 100-GeV/c, and 250-GeV/c Mixed Beams of Pions, Kaons, and Protons in a 2 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-21 | Barnes, Alan Voltz | Caltech | Measurements of pion charge exchange and other things at Fermilab energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-19 | Band, Henry Reyer | Duke U. | Inclusive Study of 200-GeV/c Pion - Neon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-17 | Breakstone, Alan Martin | UC, Santa Cruz | Inclusive Photoproduction of Neutral Pions and eta Mesons in the 50-GeV to 130-GeV Energy Range | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-16 | Grillo, Alexander Angelo | UC, Santa Cruz | Elastic Photon - Proton Scattering in the 100-GeV Energy Region | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-15 | Palladino, Vittorio Carlo | UC, Santa Cruz | Exclusive photoproduction of omega mesons at Fermilab energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-14 | Nishikawa, Koichiro | Northwestern U. | Dimuon Production in Neutrino Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-13 | Spelbring, Danny Ray | Northwestern U. | Search for High Mass Particles Produced in Association with Prompt Muons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-12 | Scouras, James | Maryland U. | Four Prong $\pi^- p$ Interactions at 250 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-11 | Heagy, Stuart Maxwell | Wisconsin U., Madison | Charged Current Neutrino and anti-neutrino Interactions and Nucleon Structure Functions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-10 | Pitt, Randall Evans | UC, San Diego | A Study of Inclusive Kaon Charge Exchange in the Triple Regge Region | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-09 | Swider, Gregory M. | Washington U., Seattle | A Study of the Momentum Distributions of the Final State Hadrons in Neutrino - Nucleus Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-08 | MacKay, William Wallace | Illinois U., Urbana | Diffractive Hadronic Production of d Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-07 | Russell, James John | Illinois U., Urbana | Photoproduction of Charmed Baryons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-06 | Grobel, Ronald Allan | Wisconsin U., Madison | The Measurement of Inclusive Lambda, k(s) and anti-Lambda Production and Lambda Polarization from In | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-05 | Brock, Raymond L., Jr. | Carnegie Mellon U. | An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Charmed and Strange Hadron Production in anti-neutrino and | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-04 | Hedin, David | Wisconsin U., Madison | A Measurement of the Rate of Formation of Pi - Mu Atoms in $K^0_L$ Decay | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-03 | Dauwe, Loretta J. | Purdue U. | Particle Production in pi- p Interactions at 50-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-02 | Zissa, David Eugene | Purdue U. | Experimental Study of p p Collisions at 50-GeV/c Using the Fermilab 30-Inch Bubble Chamber Proportio | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1980-01 | Cox, Peter Timothy | Michigan U. | The Magnetic Moment of the Cascade-Zero Hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-27 | Rich, James Arnold | Harvard U. | Trimuon Production by High Energy Neutrinos | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-26 | Snyder, Henry David | Columbia U. | Dielectron Production in Hadronic Collisions at 400 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-25 | Siskind, Eric J. | Caltech | Production of the psi (3100) Resonance in 400-GeV Proton - Iron Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-24 | Alverson, George Oscar | Illinois U., Urbana | Particles Produced in Association with PSI (3098) | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-23 | Fabrizio, Ralph | Michigan U. | Upper Limits on the Hadronic Production of Charmed D0 and anti-D0 Mesons at High-Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-22 | Ball, Robert C. | Michigan State U. | Measurement of the Structure Function f(2) in Muon Scattering at 270-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-21 | Kaplan, Daniel M. | SUNY, Stony Brook | Resonant and Continuum Production of Massive Muon Pairs in 400-GeV Proton - Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-20 | Rohlf, James W. | Caltech | Jet Production in High-Energy Hadron - Proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-19 | Aitkenhead, William | MIT, LNS | Inelastic Hadron Proton Scattering at FNAL Energies in the Triple Regge Kinematic Region | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-18 | Goodman, Maury Charles | Illinois U., Urbana | A Study of Zweig's Rule Using phi Mesons in a Broadband Neutral Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-17 | Schiz, Alan M. | Yale U. | Hadron - Nucleus Scattering at 70-GeV/c, 125-GeV/c and 175-GeV/c and a High Statistics Study of Hadr | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-16 | Egloff, Ronald M. | Toronto U. | Measurements of Elastic Rho, Omega and Phi Meson Photoproduction Cross-Sections on Protons from 30-G | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-15 | Bolduc, R.L. | Notre Dame U. | Particle Correlations in High-Energy pi- p Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-14 | Ou, Tung-ching | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Neutral Strange Particle Production in $\pi^- p$ Interactions at 147-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-13 | Winn, David Roberts | Wisconsin U., Madison | Dimuon Production by High-Energy Neutrino and Antineutrino Nucleon Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-12 | Yung, Kar Woo | Caltech | Study of Hadronic Jets Produced by Charged Pion and Proton Beams Incident on Hydrogen and Aluminum T | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-11 | Newman, Catherine | Chicago U., EFI | Measurement of High Mass Muon Pairs Produced in Hadronic Collisions and a Determination of the Pion | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-10 | Napier, Austin | MIT, LNS | Neutral Particle Production in Diffractive Pion - Proton and Proton Proton Interactions at 147-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-09 | Hogan, Gary Elliott | Princeton U. | Production of High Mass Muon Pairs by 225-GeV/c Hadron Beams and a Determination of the Pion Structu | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-08 | Dishaw, J.P. | SLAC | The Production of Neutrinos and Neutrino Like Particles in Proton - Nucleus Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-07 | Warren, Gary D. | Rochester U. | Proton Deuteron Elastic Scattering from 20 to 220 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-06 | Kennett, Rosemary Gillian | Caltech | Experimental Tests of Triple Regge Theory | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-05 | Tautz, Maurice F. | Northeastern U. | A Study of the Reactions (p, pi+) (p, D) ---> p Anything at Fermilab Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-04 | Polvado, Robert Owen | Indiana U. | Proton Polarization in Inclusive Processes at Fermilab Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-03 | Orthel, John L. | UC, Berkeley | Dimuon Production by High-Energy Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino in the Fermilab 15-Ft Bubble Chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-02 | Fernandez, Enrique | Purdue U. | Study of Quark Momentum Distribution in the Proton Using the Fermilab Broadband anti-neutrino Beam | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1979-01 | Bauer, Daniel Adams | Michigan State U. | Leptonically Produced Multi - Muon Final States in Muon Scattering at 270-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-32 | Gsponer, A. | Zurich, ETH | K(L) Total Cross-Sections and k(s) Coherent Regeneration on Nuclei Between 30-GeV/c and 130-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-31 | Hicks, Randall G. | Illinois U., Urbana | Hadron Production in High-Energy Muon Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-30 | Gordon, B.A. | Harvard U. | Asymptotic Freedom and the Measurement of R in Muon Proton Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-29 | LoPinto, Frank J. | SUNY, Stony Brook | Neutral Particle Production from 300-GeV/c Proton Proton Collisions in the Fermilab 15-Ft Bubble Cha | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-28 | Kass, Richard D. | UC, Davis | Charged and Neutral Particle Production from 400-GeV/c Proton Proton Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-27 | Antreasyan, Dikran | Chicago U. | Production of Muon Pairs and their Scaling Properties in Proton - Nucleus Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-26 | Takeda, Harunori | Pennsylvania U. | Experimental Study of Proton Fragmentation Into Hadrons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-25 | Nitz, David F. | Rochester U. | Diffraction Dissociation of High-Energy Protons in p p and p d Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-24 | Bust, C.P. | Cambridge U. | Anti-Proton - Proton Interactions at 100-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-23 | Ogawa, Arthur | LBL, Berkeley | Measurement of Inclusive Production of Neutral Pions at High Transverse Momentum | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-22 | DeHaven, Clark Edwin, Jr. | Michigan U. | Neutron - Proton Elastic Scattering from 70-GeV/c to 400-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-21 | Louis, William Charles | Michigan U. | Anti-neutrino Neutral Current Interactions in a Neon and Hydrogen Bubble Chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-20 | Toy, William W. | MIT, LNS | Measurement of Charged Hadron Inclusive Reactions in the Projectile Fragmentation Region at 100 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-19 | Levinson, Lorne Joel | Brown U. | Hadron - Deuteron Scattering at 50-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-18 | Schmidt, E. | Columbia U. | Dileptons Produced by Muon Neutrino Interactions with Neon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-17 | Higgins, Patrick D. | Notre Dame U. | A Study of Resonance and Neutral Particle Production in High-Energy pi- p Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-16 | Chaney, David Hall | Rochester U. | Inclusive Charged Particle Production in Neutron - Nucleus Collisions at High-Energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-15 | Brau, James Edward | MIT, LNS | Inclusive and Semiinclusive Charge Structure in Pion - Proton Multiparticle Production Reactions at | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-14 | Proudfoot, James | Oxford U. | Hadron Production in Deep Inelastic Muon Proton Scattering at 219-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-13 | Myrianthopoulos, Leon Cimonos | Chicago U. | Diffractive Production of Rho Mesons by 147-GeV Muons Incident on a Deuterium Target | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-12 | Koltick, David Stanley | Michigan U. | Measurement of $\phi$ Meson Production in Proton - Nucleus Collisions at 400-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-11 | Brody, Arthur T. | SUNY, Stony Brook | Slow Proton Production and Neutron Dissociation at 100-GeV/c and 400-GeV/c from Neutron Targets in H | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-10 | Fisk, R.J. | SUNY, Stony Brook | Hadron - Hadron Production at Large Transverse Momenta | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-09 | Bechis, Dennis J. | Maryland U. | A Search for Longlived Neutral Heavy Leptons in 400-GeV/c Proton - Nucleon Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-08 | Lee, Myau-Yin | Washington U., Seattle | Pion - Nuclei Interactions at 200-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-07 | Schewe, Phillip F. | Michigan State U. | Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering at 270 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-06 | Schachinger, Lindsay Carol | Rutgers U., Piscataway | The Magnetic Moment of the Lambda Hyperon | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-05 | Snyder, James Harmon | Yale U. | Polarizations and Angular Distributions in the Elastic Scattering of Pions and Protons from Polarize | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-04 | Lo Pinto, Frank John | SUNY, Stony Brook | Neutral particle production from 300 GeV/C proton - proton collisions in the Fermilab 15 foot bubble | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-03 | Burke, David Lyle | Michigan U. | Particle Production from Neutron - Nucleus Collisions at Fermilab Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-02 | Finley, David A. | Purdue U. | Measurements of Two Particle Production in 400-GeV/c Proton - Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1978-01 | Henry, Gregory G. | Chicago U. | Measurement of Inclusive Low Mass Muon Pair Production by 225-GeV/c Proton and Charged Pion Beams wi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-27 | Plumer, Richard Lee | Illinois U., Urbana | Jet Structure and Planarity in pi- p Interactions at 147-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-26 | Misawa, Shigeki | UC, Berkeley | A Search for charmless dihadron decays of neutral $b$ hadrons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-25 | Lauterbach, Michael J. | Yale U. | Polarization of Prompt Muons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-24 | Bozzoli, Wisla | Bologna U. | Search for Shortlived Particles Produced in Collisions of Protons at 300-GeV and 400-GeV in Emulsion | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-23 | Lipton, Ronald J. | Northwestern U. | A Search for Leptons Produced in Association with Prompt Muons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-22 | Merritt, Frank | Caltech | The Structure of the Neutral Current Coupling in High-Energy Neutrino - Nucleon Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-21 | Kenah, Lawrence J. | Northwestern U. | A Study of the Interaction n p---> p pi- p for Neutron Momentum Between 50-GeV/c and 300-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-20 | Hom, David Chu | Columbia U. | $\psi$ and $\psi^{\prime}$ Production in Hadron Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-19 | May, Christopher Francis | UCLA | Pion - Electron Scattering at 100-GeV/c. A Determination of the Pion Radius | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-18 | Bomberowitz, Robert J. | Rutgers U., Piscataway | A Measurement of the p p Elastic Differential Cross-Section at Incident Momenta of 30-GeV/c, 100-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-17 | Fine, R.M. | Chicago U. | The Nucleon Structure Function nu w2 and Total Photoproduction Cross-Sections for Deuterium Measured | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-16 | Knauer, J. | Hawaii U. | Production of Vector Mesons by Photons with Energies Up to 400-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-15 | Roehrig, J. | Chicago U. | Coherent Regeneration of K(S) by Carbon as a Test of Regge Pole Exchange Theory | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-14 | French, H. | Michigan U. | Single Pion Production by High-Energy Neutrinos in a Hydrogen Bubble Chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-13 | Marriner, John | LBL, Berkeley | Hadronic Structure of the Weak Neutral Current | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-12 | Cumalat, John P. | UC, Santa Barbara | Measurements of the Photon Total Cross-Section on Protons from 45-GeV to 182-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-11 | Edelman, Brian Scott | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Lambda Hyperon Polarization in Lambda - Proton Elastic Scattering in the Range 60 < $P_{\Lambda}$ < | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-10 | Skubic, Patrick Louis | Michigan U. | Neutral Strange Particle Production from Nuclear Targets by 300-GeV Protons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-09 | Graves, William Russell | UC, Berkeley | Nondiffractive Phenomena in pi- p Interactions at 205-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-08 | Young, Charles C. | MIT, LNS | Multiparticle Production in Hadron - Nucleus Collisions at High-Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-07 | Branson, James G. | Princeton U. | Measurement of Inclusive Muon Pair Production by 225-GeV/c $\pi^{+}$, $\pi^{-}$, and Proton Beams wi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-06 | Bronstein, J.M. | Illinois U., Urbana | High-Energy Photoproduction of the $\rho$ and $\rho^{\prime}$ Vector Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-05 | Bharadwaj, Vinod Kumar | Oxford U. | Deep Inelastic Muon Nucleon Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-04 | Biel, Joseph Robert | Rochester U. | A Study of the Dissociation Reaction $N+ P \to P \pi^- P$ for Neutron Momenta Between 50-GeV/c and 3 | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-03 | Martin, Philip Scott | Wisconsin U., Madison | Lambda p Elastic Scattering at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-02 | Corcoran, Marjorie Blasius | Indiana U. | Measurement of the Polarization Parameter in Proton Proton Elastic Scattering for Beam Momenta Rangi | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1977-01 | Coleman, Richard Neal | Illinois U., Urbana | Search for Semileptonic Decays of Photoproduced Charmed Mesons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-21 | Schamberger, R.Dean | SUNY, Stony Brook | The Mass Spectrum of Proton Proton Inelastic Interactions from 50-GeV/c to 400-GeV/c at Small Moment | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-20 | Ronan, Michael T. | Northeastern U. | Inclusive Vector Meson (psi, rho+, omega) Production in 200-GeV pi- and 240-GeV p Interactions in an | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-19 | Morozov, B.A. | Dubna, JINR | Measurement of the Real Part of the Proton Proton Forward Scattering Amplitude from 80-GeV to 286-Ge | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-18 | Gaines, Irwin | Columbia U. | Hadrons and Leptons at High Transverse Momentum | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-17 | Childress, S. | Columbia U. | Small Momentum Transfer Proton Proton Inelastic Scattering | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-16 | Boyer, Charles F. | Northeastern U. | Missing Mass Search for Negatively Charged Boson Resonances in the Mass Region 2-GeV to 12.5-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-15 | Jonckheere, Alan M. | Washington U., Seattle | Streamer Chamber Search for New States of Matter Which Decay Semileptonically | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-14 | Pordes, Stephen H. | Harvard U. | Inelastic Muon Scattering from Hydrogen at 147-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-13 | Matis, H.S. | Chicago U. | Inclusive Hadron Production and Inelastic Muon Proton Scattering at 150-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-12 | Kirkbride, G.I. | Oxford U. | Muon Nucleon Inclusive Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-11 | Smith, Stanton David | Columbia U. | Search for Photoproduced mu+- e-+ x Events | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-10 | Leung, Patrick Shau-Park | Columbia U. | Photoproduction of New Hadronic Resonances | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-09 | Price, Harold L. | Maryland U. | Neutral Strange Particle Production in pi- p Interactions at 100-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-08 | Sarracino, John Searle | Illinois U., Urbana | Photoproduction of the $\psi$ (3095) and $\psi^{\prime}$ (3684) at FNAL Energies | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-07 | Wheeler, Clyde Dean | Illinois U., Urbana | Dimuon Production by High-Energy Neutrons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-06 | Heisterberg, Richard H. | Chicago U. | Hadron Distributions from $\mu D$ Scattering at 147-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-05 | Svrcek, Frank C. | Maryland U. | Resonance Production in pi- p Interactions at 100-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-04 | Fokitis, E.D. | Notre Dame U. | A Study of Inclusive Production of Charged Pions in 200-GeV/c pi- p Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-03 | Robertson, Richard M. | IIT, Chicago | 147-GeV/c K- p Interactions in the Fermilab Proportional Wire Hybrid Bubble Chamber Spectrometer | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-02 | Cormell, Laird Renny | Illinois U., Urbana | Photoproduction of Electron Pairs at High-Energy | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1976-01 | Bunch, James N. | Oxford U. | Particle Identification Techniques and Studies of Particles Using Them | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-13 | Paar, Hans P. | Nevis Labs, Columbia U. | The Observation of Directly Produced Electrons and Positrons in Hadron - Hadron Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-12 | Johnson, Randy Allan | LBL, Berkeley | Measurement of the pi- p ---> pi0 N and pi- p ---> eta N Differential Cross-Sections at Beam Momenta | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-11 | Curry, J. | Chicago U. | Search for Massive Penetrating Particles | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-10 | Bintinger, David L. | Chicago U. | Observation of Prompt Muon Production in Proton - Nucleus Collisions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-09 | Butler, Joel N. | MIT, LNS | Elastic Scattering of Positive Pions, Kaons, and Protons from 50-GeV/c to 175-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-08 | Nease, David | Cornell U., LNS | Photoproduction of the psi (3095) on Nuclear Targets | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-07 | Wijangco, Antonia R. | Columbia U. | Photoproduction of the 3095-MeV/$c^{2}$ and the $3684-MeV/c^{2}$ Resonances | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-06 | Humphrey, Thomas | Caltech | 0-Degree Hadron Production from an Aluminum Target at 300-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-05 | Morse, W.M. | Purdue U. | A Study of pi+ p, K+ p and p p Interactions at 100-GeV/c Using a Hybrid Bubble Chamber Spark Chamber | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-04 | Ogino, Fumio | Iowa State U. | Proton Proton Interactions at 200 and 300 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-03 | Watanabe, Yasushi | Cornell U., Phys. Dept. | Test of Bjorken Scaling in Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering at 150 and 56.3 GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-02 | Messing, Fredric | Pennsylvania U. | A Search for Weak Neutral Currents in Semileptonic Interactions | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1975-01 | Blanar, G.J. | Northeastern U. | A Study of the Inclusive Reaction $\pi^- + p \to p$ + Anything at Fermilab Energies and Comparison t | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1974-06 | Lennox, Arlene Judith | Notre Dame U. | The Energy Dependence of $\pi^+ p$ Backward Elastic Scattering from 2 to 6 GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1974-05 | Robinson, B. | Rutgers U., Piscataway | The Inclusive Reactions p n > p x Between 50-GeV/c and 400-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1974-04 | Kafka, Tomas | SUNY, Stony Brook | Multiparticle Production in Proton Proton Collisions at 205-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1974-03 | Bromberg, Carl Michael | Rochester U. | Hadron Production in Proton Proton Interactions at 102-GeV/c and 405-GeV/c | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1974-02 | English, G.A. | Purdue U. | Nuclear Reactions of Silver with 11.5-GeV and 300-GeV Protons | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1974-01 | Gross, Dan A. | Rochester U. | Low Momentum Transfer Proton Proton Elastic Scattering Up to 400-GeV | |
FERMILAB-THESIS-1970-01 | Weingarten, Donald | Columbia U. | Large-Angle Scattering by Optical Potentials |