Updated 2025-03-28 11:17:07
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1067 | Liu, Ming Xiong | Letter of Intent for a Direct Search for Dark Photon and Dark Higgs Particles with the SeaQuest Spec |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1063 | Back, A.R. | Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE): Preliminary Results and Physics Phase P |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1062 | An Experimental Program in Neutrino Physics, Nucleon Decay, and Astroparticle Physics Enabled by the | |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1061 | CAPTAIN-MINERvA: Neutrino-Argon Scattering in a Medium-Energy Neutrino Beam | |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1060 | CAPTAIN-BNB: Measuring Supernova Neutrino Cross Sections in Liquid Argon Detector at the off-axis of | |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1059 | Frisch, Henry J. | T-1059: Optical Time-Projection Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1058 | Schmidt, J.J. | T-1058: Secondary Emission Calorimeter (SEC) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1057 | Anokhina, Alexandra M. | Prospects for the measurement of neutrino muon disappearance at the FNAL-Booster |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1056 | Soha, Aria | ATLAS DBM Module Qualification |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1055 | Zhu, Ren-Yuan | T-1055: Proton Induced Radiation Damage in Crystal Scintillators |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1054 | Soha, Aria | T-1054: sPHENIX PreShower |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1053 | Adams, C. | LAr1-ND: Testing Neutrino Anomalies with Multiple LAr TPC Detectors at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1052 | Antonello, M. | ICARUS at FNAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1051 | Adamson, P. | CHerenkov detectors In mine PitS (CHIPS) Letter of Intent to FNAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1050 | Soha, Aria | T-1050: CDRD High Rate Data Links Program |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1049 | Soha, Aria | T-1049: ATLAS Large Scale Thin Gap Chambers |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1048 | Soha, Aria | T-1048: PHENIX Fast TOF |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1047 | Soha, Aria | T-1047: CLAS12 Silicon Vertex Tracker Module Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1046 | Andrews, Mike | T-1046: LBNE-NuMI Muon Detectors |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1045 | Bernstein, Bob | T-1045: Mu2e Fast Extinction Monitor Tests Using Cherenkov Light from Quartz Cells |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1044 | Mannel, Eric | T1044: sPHENIX Calorimetry Tests |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1043 | Hocker, Andy | T-1043: Measurements of Photoelectron Yields for Prototype Mu2e Cosmic Ray Veto Scintillation Counte |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1042 | Rominsky, Mandy | T-1042: Muon g-2 Straw Tracker |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1041 | Bilki, Burak | T-1041: CMS Forward Calorimetry R&D |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1040 | Brice, S.J. | Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1039 | Brown, C. | Letter of Intent for a Drell-Yan Experiment with a Polarized Proton Target |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1038 | Lajoie, John | T-1038: PHENIX Muon Piston Calorimeter (MPC) APD and Prototype MPC Extension (MPC-EX) Tests |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1037 | Soha, Aria | T-1037: FLYSUB-Consortium Tracking and RICH Performance Evaluation |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1036 | Mersi, Stefano | T-1036: Tests of a high rate pixel detector for CMS upgrade |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1034 | Adamson, Phil | T-1034: LArIAT: Liquid Argon TPC in a Test Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1033 | Dharmapalan, R. | Letter of Intent: A New Investigation of $\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_e$ Oscillations with Improved Sensit |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1032 | Dharmapalan, R. | Light Mass WIMP Searches with a Neutrino Experiment: A Proposal for Further MiniBooNE Running |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1031 | Oreglia, Mark | T-1031: ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Upgrade Electronics Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1030 | Chen, H. | A letter of Intent for a neutrino oscillation experiment on the Booster Neutrino Beamline: LAr1 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1029 | Thomas, Jennifer | GLADE Global Liquid Argon Detector Experiment: a letter of intent to FNAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1028 | Adey, D. | nuSTORM - Neutrinos from STORed Muons: Proposal to the Fermilab PAC |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1027 | Isenhower, L.D. | Polarized Drell-Yan measurements with the Fermilab Main Injector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1025 | Tayloe, Rex | T-1025 IU SciBath-768 detector tests in MI-12 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1022 | Apollinari, Giorgio | Intensity-Frontier Antiproton Physics with The Antiproton Annihilation Spectrometer (TAPAS) at Fermi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1021 | Comfort, Joseph | ORKA: Measurement of the $K^ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ Decay at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1020 | Maruyama, Reina | T-1020 NaI crystal test for DM-Ice |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1019 | Schwartz, Alan | Performance confirmation of the Belle II imaging Time Of Propogation (iTOP) prototype counter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1018-UPDATE | Trentalange, Stephen | T-1018: UCLA Spacordion Tungsten Powder Calorimeter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1018 | Trentalange, Stephen | T-1018 UCLA Spacordion Tungsten Powder Calorimeter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1017 | Collar, Juan | T-1017 COUPP Iodine Recoil Threshold Experiment (CIRTE) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1016 | Tzanankos, G. | MINOS+: a Proposal to FNAL to run MINOS with the medium energy NuMI beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1015 | Cauz, Diego | T-1015 Dual Readout Calorimetry with Glasses |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1014 | Soha, Aria | T-1014 IU SciBath-768 Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1013 | Lucas, Peter | NOvA Near Detector On the Surface (NDOS) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1012 | Russ, James | Tauwer Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1011 | Luukka, Panja | Tests of Radiation-Hard Silicon Microstrip Sensors for CMS in S-LHC |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1010 | Yu, Jaehoon | Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Chamber Characteristics Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1009 | Collar, Juan | A Proposal for a Ton Scale Bubble Chamber for Dark Matter Detection |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1008 | Posocco, Mario | SuperB Muon Detector Prototype |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1007 | Chou, A. | Optical Cavity Test Bench |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1006 | Kwan, S. | Response and Uniformity Studies of Directly Coupled Tiles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1005 | Polly, Chris | Muon g-2 Calorimeter Prototypes |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1004 | Crisler, Mike | Total Absorption Dual Readout Calorimetry |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1003 | Paley, J. | SciNOvA: A Measurement of Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering in a Narrow-Band Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1002 | Stancu, I. | Letter of Intent to Build a MiniBooNE Near Detector:BooNE |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1001 | Alarcon, Ricardo | MAX: Multi-Ton Argon and Xenon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-1000 | Alton, Drew | A Depleted Argon Dark Matter Search |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0999 | Collar, Juan | A Proposal to Operate the COUPP-60 Bubble Chamber at SNOLAB |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0998 | Dejongh, Fritz | QUIET Phase II: The Search for B-Mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background Using Coherent |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0997 | Mantsch, Paul M. | Auger North: The Pierre Auger Observatory in the Northern Hemisphere |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0996 | Comfort, Joseph | Measurement of the K+ --> pi+nu anti-nu Decay at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0995 | Fisk, Gene | Development of Extruded Scintillator-Based Muon Counters |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0994 | Nakashima, H. | JASMIN in the Meson Test Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0993 | Shielding and Radiation Effect Experiments II | |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0992 | Kwan, S. | Tests of Radiation-Hard Sensors for the SLHC |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0991 | Steffen, Jason | Chameleon Afterglow Search (CHASE) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0990 | Chou, Aaron | The Fermilab Holometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0989 | Carey, R.M. | The New (g-2) Experiment: A proposal to measure the muon anomalous magnetic moment to +-0.14 ppm pre |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0988 | Privitera, P. | Air Flourescence Yield for Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0987 | Estrada, Juan | Dark Matter in CCD's (DAMIC) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0986 | Asner, David M. | Medium-Energy Antiproton Physics with the Antiproton Annihilation Spectrometer (TApAS*) at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0984 | Mannel, Eric | PHENIX VTX Prototype |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0982 | Baller, B. | Letter of Intent: LAr5-A Liquid Argon Neutrino Detector for Long Baseline Neutrino Physics |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0981 | Cronin, A.D. | Letter of Intent: Antimatter Gravity Experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0980 | Mokhov, N. | A Crystal Collimation Experiment (CCE) at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0979 | Albrow, Michael | PSEC Fast Timing Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0978 | Brient, J-C. | CALICE Test Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0977 | Gran, R. | Test Beam Calibration of the MINERvA Detector Components |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0976 | Wah, Yau W. | CsI Gaussian Shaper Electronics and Detector Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0974 | Chen, H. | Proposal for a New Experiment Using the Booster and NuMI Neutrino Beamlines: MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0973 | Carey, R.M. | Proposal to search for $\mu^- N \to e^- N$ with a single event sensitivity below $10^{-16}$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0972 | Nakashima, H. | Shielding and Radiation Effect Experiments |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0971 | Artuso, M. | Tests of LHCb Silicon Detectors |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0970 | Repond, J. | T-970: DHCAL Detector Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0969 | Chou, A. | GammeV: A Gamma to Milli-eV Particle Search |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0968 | Yokoyama, M. | T2K Muon Monitor Prototype Test in the NuMI Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0967 | McNabb, R. | Muon g-2 Calorimeter Prototype |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0966 | Battaglia, M. | Test fo Monolithic Pixel Sensors and a Thin CMOS Pixel Beam Telescope |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0965 | Wilson, R. | Readout of Scintillator/WLS Detectors with Pixelated Silicon Photosensors |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0964 | Yu, J. | GEM Chamber Characteristics Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0963 | Xu, Z. | STAR Muon Telescope Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0962 | Fleming, B. | Mini Liquid Argon TPC in the NuMI Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0961 | Collar, Juan | COUPP - a search for dark matter with a continuously sensitive bubble chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0960 | Isenhower, D. | Proposal to upgrade the MIPP experiment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0959 | Hertel, N. | Microparticle Shielding Assessment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0958 | Brandt, A. | The FP420 Fast Timing Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0957 | Zutshi, Vishnu | Northern Illinois University Tail-Catcher/Muon Tracker Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0956 | Abrams, Robert | ILC Muon Detector Tests |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0955 | Underwood, David | The RPC Detector Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0954 | Aguilar-Arevalo, A.A. | Bringing the SciBar detector to the booster neutrino beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0953 | Northacker, David | University of Iowa Cerenkov light test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0952 | Kodama, K. | Request for a Test Exposure of OPERA Targets in the NuMI Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0951 | Awes, Terry | ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter Prototype Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0950 | Wah, Yau | Vacuum Straw Tracker Test Beam Run |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0949 | Kent, Stevens | A Proposal by the Astrophysical Research Consortium to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0948 | Isenhower, D. | Proposal to upgrade the MIPP data acquisition system |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0947 | Bauer, Dan | SuperCDMS Development Project |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0946 | Bugel, L. | A letter of intent for a neutrino scattering experiment on the booster neutrino meanline: FINeSSE |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0945 | Collar, J.I. | COUPP, a Heavy-Liquid Bubble Chamber for WIMP Detection: First Tests in the MINOS Near-Detector Gall |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0943 | Barbero, M. | The Super B-Factory Monolithic Active Pixel Detector Prototype Group |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0942 | Bartoszek, L. | FLARE, Fermilab Liquid Argon Experiments: Letter of Intent |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0941 | Northacker, David | University of Iowa PPAC Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0940 | Cooper, Peter S. | Kplus - a cost effective and competitive precision measurement of the decay K+ --> pi+ Mu anti-Mu |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0939 | Annis, J. | A proposal for Fermilab to support the dark energy survey design and development phase |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0938 | Drakoulakos, D. | Proposal to Perform a High-Statistics Neutrino Scattering Experiment using a Fine-grained Detector i |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0937 | Bugel, L. | A Proposal for a near detector experiment on the booster neutrino beamline: FINeSSE: Fermilab intens |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0936 | Atac, M. | The US-CMS Forward Pixel Group |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0935 | Artuso, M. | BTeV RICH Detector Test Beam Run |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0934 | Plunkett, Robert K. | Proposal for a Cosmic Ray Veto Shield for the MINOS Far Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0933 | Semenov, P. | BTeV - EMCal Detector Test Beam Run |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0932 | Worm, S. | Diamond Detector Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0931 | Johns, W. | BTeV Muon Detector Test Beam Run |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0930 | Hahn, A. | BTeV Straw Prototype Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0929 | Ayres, D.S. | NOvA: Proposal to Build a 30 Kiloton Off-Axis Detector to Study $\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_e$ Oscillations i |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0928 | Michael, Doug | Proposal for Tests of a Prototype Veto Shield for MINOS |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0927 | Appel, J.A. | BTeV - Pixel Detector Test Beam Run |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0926 | Allen, C. | The Radio Ice Cerenkov Experiment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0925 | Denisov, Dmitri S. | D0 Run IIB Silicon Detector Upgrade: Technical Design Report |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0924 | Lukens, Patrick T. | The CDF IIb Detector Technical Design Report |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0923 | Annis, Jim | The PRIME Project: A Proposal for Fermilab to Join a NASA SMEX |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0922 | Alexopoulos, T. | A Proposal for a Precision Measurement of the Decay $K_{L} \to \pi^0 \nu\bar{\nu}$ and Other Rare Pr |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0921 | Frank, J. | Charged Kaons at the Main injector (CKM): A Proposal for a Precision Measurement of the Decay $K^+ \ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0920 | Albrow, M.G. | A Search for the Higgs Boson Using Very Forward Tracking Detectors with CDF |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0919 | Flaugher, B. | Proposal to Expand the Role of US CMS in the CMS Silicon Tracker Project: Impact on FNAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0918-A | Drobychev, G.Y. | Update to Proposal for an Experiment to Measure Mixing, CP Violation and Rare Decays in Charm and Be |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0918 | Kulyavtsev, A. | Proposal for an Experiment to Measure Mixing, CP Violation and Rare Decays in Charm and Beauty Parti |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0917 | Gustafson, Richard | Memorandum of Understanding |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0916 | Albrow, Michael G. | Further Studies in Hard Diffraction and Very Forward Physics |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0915 | Adamson, P. | The Hybrid Emulsion Detector for MINOS R&D Proposal |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0914 | Smith, Gerald A. | A Magnetic Degrading Spectrometer for Trapping of Low Energy Antiprotons at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0913 | Swordy, Simon P. | A Proposal for Calibration and Testing of a Transition Radiation Detector for Space Applications |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0912 | Arisaka, Katsushi | Proposal: Beam Test of High-Performance Hadron Calorimeter for Future Linear Colliders |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0911 | Conway, J. | Fermilab Test Beam Proposal for Diamond Tracking Detectors |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0910 | Anferov, V.A. | Analyzing Power $A_n$ in 120 GeV high $P^2_\bot$ Squared Proton-Proton Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0909 | Konigsberg, Jacobo | Proposal for Enhancement of the CDF II Detector: An Inner Silicon Layer and A Time of Flight Detecto |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0908 | Denisov, Dmitri S. | A Silicon Track Trigger for the D0 Experiment in Run II |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0907 | Barnes, P.D., Jr. | Proposal to Measure Particle Production in the Meson Area using Main Injector Primary and Secondary |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0906 | Isenhower, L.D. | Proposal for Drell-Yan Measurements of Nucleon and Nuclear Structure with the FNAL Main Injector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0905 | Coleman, R. | A Proposal for a Precision Measurement of the Decay $K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu\bar{\nu}$ and Other Rare $K^+ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0904 | Ankenbrandt, Charles M. | Ionization Cooling Research and Development Program for a High Luminosity Muon Collider |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0903 | Blanford, G. | A Test Experiment at the Fermilab Booster to Study the Feasibility of Fast Anti-Hydrogen Spectroscop |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0902 | Armstrong, D. | Particle Mass Measurements and Strong Interaction Studies with Exotic Atoms Using X-ray Crystal Spec |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0901 | MacLachlan, Jim | Recycler Medium Energy Elctron Cooling Experiment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0900 | Montgomery, Hugh E. | Proposal for a Forward Proton Detector at D0 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0899 | Del Signore, K.W. | Particle Production at 0 Degrees from the Collider |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0898 | Church, E. | A Proposal for an Experiment to Measure $\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_e$ Oscillations and $\nu_{\mu}$ Disappear |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0897 | Butler, Joel Nathan | BTeV Proposal Outline |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0896 | Cummings, M.A. | Proposal to Measure Coherent Radioemission from Proton - Induced Electromagnetic Showers at the Main |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0895 | Anderson, D. | Pixel Detector Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0894 | Bhat, C. | The CP/T Experiment: An Experimental Program to Study CP Violation and Search for CPT Violation in t |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0893 | Strait, J. | Design and Construction of Interaction Regions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0892 | Green, D. | The US CMS Collaboration at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0891 | Dixon, Roger L. | CDMS II A Search for Cold Dark Matter with Cryogenic Detectors at the Soudan Mine |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0890 | Barov, N.A. | Proposal for Staged Plasma Wake-Field Accelerator Experiment at the Fermilab Test Facility |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0889 | Abashian, A. | A Letter of Intent |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0888 | Kwaitkowski, K. | Letter of Intent: $\bar{p}$ + A Studies of the Nuclear Equation of State |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0887 | Pasquinelli, R. | A RFQ Linear Accelerator for PET Isotope Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0886 | Melissinos, A. | Compton Scattering X-Ray Experiments at the Fermilab Electron Source Facility |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0885 | Kron, Richard G. | Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0884 | Guzik, T.Gregory | A Proposal for a Beam Test of the ATIC Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0883 | Adams, James H., Jr. | Measurements of High Energy Cosmic Ray Spectra above 100 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0882-ADD | Kalbfleisch, George R. | A Search for Low Mass Monopoles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0882 | Kalbfleisch, George R. | A Search for Low Mass Monopoles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0881 | Cronin, J.W. | Proposal for Auger Project Detector R&D |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0880 | Artuso, M. | Proposal for Test Beam Running of the CLEO-III RICH Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0879 | Butler, J. | Tracking Arrangement for a B Collider Test Setup |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0878 | Isenhower, Donald | Spin Structure Function Physics at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0877 | Lee, Siu Au | Measurement of the Magnetically Induced QED Birefringence of the Vacuum and an Improved Laboratory S |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0876 | Deninno, M. | Proposal for Hard Diffraction Studies in CDF |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0875 | Ables, E. | P-875: A Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0874 | Freeman, J. | P874: A Proposal to Measure the $\pi^+$ and $\pi^-$ Lifetimes at High Energy |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0873 | Federspiel, F. | Letter of Intent to Perform a Neutrino Experiment using the Fermilab 8 GeV Booster |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0872 | Lundberg, B. | Measurement of Tau Lepton Production from the Process Tau-Neutrino + N -> Tau |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0871 | Chan, A. | Proposal to continue the study of hyperon CP violation in FY99 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0870 | Green, D. | Proposal for the testing of prototype detectors for the SDC at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0869 | Barish, Barry | Testing of components for the GEM detector at the Supercollider Laboratory: A Proposal to the Fermi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0868 | Geer, S. | Search for anti-proton decay at the Fermilab anti-proton accumulator: Proposal |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0867 | Alexopoulos, T. | A Proposal to Continue the Study of Hidden Charm and Beauty States by Triggering on High Transverse |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0866 | Garvey, G.T. | Measurement of anti-d (x) / anti-u (x) in the proton: FNAL proposal |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0865 | Isenhower, L.D. | Letter of Intent for a High - Sensitivity Study of Charm and Beauty Decays |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0864 | Gao, Y.T. | Maximum acceptance detector for the Fermilab collider (MAX) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0863 | Akchurin, N. | Nucleon spin structure studies with polarized proton and anti-proton beams: Proposal |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0862 | Munger, C.T. | Detection of relativistic anti-hydrogen atoms produced by pair production with positron capture: Pro |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0861 | Geer, Steve | Test of Backgrounds for an Antiproton Decay Search Experiment at the Antiproton Accumulator |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0860 | Lee, Won-Yong | A Search for Neutrino Oscillations using the Fermilab Debuncher |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0859 | Hsueh, Shao Yuan | Search for Direct CP Violation in $\bar{p} + p \to \bar{\Lambda} + \Lambda \to \bar{p} \pi^+ + p\pi^ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0858 | Krisch, A.D. | Proposal to Fermilab: Spin Effects in High $P^2_{\perp}$ Proton Proton Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0857 | Demianov, A.I. | A letter of Intent: Spin - Tensor |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0856 | Parker, Sherwood | Test Beam Request: An Integrated Pixel Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0855 | Kalbfleisch, G.R. | Test Beam Request to Directly Measure dE/dx of High Energy Muons from 150 to 650 GeV/c in Muon Labor |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0854 | Bross, Alan D. | Proposal to Measure the Flux of Circulating Muons in the Debuncher |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0853 | Proposal for a Test of Low Intensity Extraction from the Tevatron Using Channeling in a Bent Crystal | |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0852 | Jernigan, J.G. | Preliminary Test Results from a Telescope of Hughes Pixel Arrays at FNAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0851 | Margulies, S. | Fiber Irradiation Studies in the C0 Region |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0850 | Franklin, M. | Proposal for Fermilab Test Beam Time of Diamond Radiation Detectors |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0849 | Woody, Craig | Request for Test Beam Time for $BaF_2$ Calorimeter Development |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0848 | Giokaris, N.D. | High Pressure Sampling Gas Calorimetry for the SDC Calorimeter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0847 | Sulak, Lawrence R. | Beam Test for Scintillating Fiber/Lead Alloy Calorimeter Prototype |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0846 | Perera, Unil | Search for Fractional Charge Impurities |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0845 | Ellett, J. | A Dedicated Beauty Experiment for the Tevatron Collider |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0844 | Swordy, Simon P. | Transition Radiation Detector/EM Shower Counter Calibration |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0843 | Kim, C.O. | Interactions of 600 GeV Muons with Emulsion Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0842 | Underwood, David G. | Proposed Radiation Measurement in the Wideband Neutral Dump Area |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0841 | Rosenberg, E.I. | Proposal for Beam Test of Scintillator Calorimeter Prototypes at Fermilab during FY 1991 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0840 | Para, Adam | Spaghetti Calorimetry in '91 Test Beam Cycle |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0839 | Atac, Muzzafer | Scintillating Fiber Tracker - Beam Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0838 | Beddo, M.E. | Double-Spin Asymmetry $(A_{LL})$ Measurements in Charmonium Production at 200 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0837 | Marx, Michael | EMPACT / Texas Beam Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0836 | Gabutti, Alberto | Proposal for a Beam Test of a Superconducting Thin Film Strip Particle Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0835 | Armstrong, T.A. | Proposal to Continue the Study of Charmonium Spectroscopy in Proton-Antiproton Annihilations (Revise |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0834 | Slattery, Paul F. | Letter of Intent, Direct Photon Production #0834 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0833 | Arisaka, K. | Proposal to Measure the Branching Ratio for the Decay, $K^0_S \to \pi^0 e^+e^-$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0832 | Arisaka, K. | Proposal for a New Tevatron Search for Direct CP Violation in the 2$\pi$ Decays of the Neutral Kaon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0831 | Bianco, S. | A High Statistics Study of States Containing Heavy Quarks Using the Wide Band Photon Beam and the E- |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0830A | A Time-of-Flight System for CDF | |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0830 | Konigsberg, Jacobo | Proposal for an Upgraded CDF Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0829 | Meadows, B. | P829: Continued Study of Heavy Flavors at TPL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0828 | Artuso, M. | Measure CP Violation in B Meson Decay at the Fermilab Collider: Proposal |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0827 | Castro, H. | Proposal for a B-Physics Experiment at The $\mu$BCD |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0825 | Bensinger, J. | Proposal for the Testing of Prototype Detectors for the SDC at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0824 | Webster, Medford S. | Neutrino Beam from the Proposed Main Injector to the DUMAND Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0823 | Gomez, B. | E823 D0 Upgrade: Magnetic Tracking |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0822 | Allison, W.W.M. | Proposal for a Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment Using the Soudan 2 Neutrino Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0821 | Johns, Kenneth A. | Neutron Measurements at NWA |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0820 | Giokaris, Nikos | Search for the Muon Neutrino Magnetic Moment at the $10^{-10}$ Bohr Magneton Level using the Booste |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0819 | Korytov, A. | Empact Muon Telescope Evaluation at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0818 | Brabson, B. | Proposal to Use the NWA Electron Test Beam at Fermilab for Tests of a Lead Glass Calorimeter Prototy |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0817 | Alexander, James P. | Double-Sided Silicon Strip Detector Prototype Evaluation |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0816 | Downing, R. | SSC Detector Muon Subsystem Beam Tests |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0815 | Bolton, T. | Precision Measurements of Neutrino Neutral Current Interactions using a Sign-Selected Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0814 | Chaloupka, V. | Search for Primakoff Production of Hybrid Mesons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0813 | Jones, Lawrence W. | An Experimental Test of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal Effect |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0812 | Bassalleck, B. | Letter of Intent to Fermilab: Precision Tests of CPT and Gravity using Low Energy Antimatter at Ferm |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0811 | Orear, Jay | Physics at E0 for the 1991 - 92 Collider Run: Fermilab Proposal 811 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0810 | Pipkin, F.M. | Letter of Intent for a Precise and Accurate Measurement of Nucleon Structure Functions (Inelastic Fo |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0809 | Masaike, A. | Proposal on the Spin Dependence in Direct - Gamma Production at High $P_{\perp}$ using an Upgraded M |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0808 | Goldberg, Howard | Letter of Intent for the Third Fermilab Running Period (1992-93) from Members of the E672 and E706 C |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0807 | Lui, J. | Warm Heavy Liquid Calorimetry: A Proposal to Measure Performance of Candidate Materials |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0806 | Yokosawa, Aki | Letter of Intent: On the Energy Upgrade of the MP Beam Line and Proposed Experiments |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0805 | Gajewski, W. | A Proposal for a Long Baseline Oscillation Experiment using a High Intensity Neutrino Beam from the |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0804 | Molzon, W. | Letter of Intent: High Precision, High Sensitivity $K^0$ Physics at the Main Injector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0803 | Kodama, K. | Muon Neutrino to Tau Neutrino Oscillations |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0802 | Murphy, Thornton | Proposal: Deep Inelastic Muon Interaction with Nuclear Targets using Emulsion Telescope Technique. |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0801 | Arakelian, E.A. | Measurement of the Total Cross Section of Real and Virtual Photon Absorption on Uranium Nuclei at En |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0800 | Johns, Kenneth A. | Extension of Experiment 756 into the Next Running Period |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0799 | Barker, T. | A Proposal to Search for the Rare Kaon Decay Mode K$_L \to \pi^0e^+e^-$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0798 | Petersen, Priscilla C. | SSC Generic R&D Proposal to Build a Prototype Synchrotron - Radiation Detector for Tagging Electrons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0797 | Ball, R. | Proposal to Develop SSC Detectors Based on Small-Diameter, Fast-Drift Proportional Tubes |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0796 | Sannes, F. | Letter of Intent: A Measurement of the CP Violation Parameter $\eta\pm 0$ The Son of E621 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0795 | Aubert, Bernard | Letter of Intent: Test of Electron/Hadron Compensation for Warm Liquid Calorimetry |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0794 | van Bibber, K. | Construction and Operation of an Axion Helioscope |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0793 | Davisson, R. | Emulsion Exposure to 1,000 GeV, or Highest Energy Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0792 | Sihver, Lembit | Study of Fragmentation Products from the Reaction 800 GeV p + $^{197}Au$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0791 | Anjos, J.C. | P791: Continued Study of Heavy Flavors at TPL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0790 | Sciulli, Frank | FNAL Testbeam Needs for U.S. Zeus Collaboration |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0789 | Alde, D.M. | Study of Non-Charm Di-Hadron Decay of Neutral B Mesons and $\Lambda_b$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0788 | Bernstein, R.H. | A Proposal for a Neutrino Oscillation Experiment in a Tagged Neutrino Line |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0787 | DeCarlo, V. | Multi-Signature Search for Quark - Gluon Plasma Formation in High Multiplicity $p\bar{p}$ Interactio |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0786 | Wilson, Richard | A Future Program of Muon Scattering at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0785 | Bonner, B.E. | Letter of Intent: AntiMatter Physics at Low Energy (AMPLE) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0784 | Castro, H. | Proposal for Research and Development: Vertexing, Tracking, and Data Acquisition for the Bottom Coll |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0783 | Volk, J.T. | Letter of Intent for a Tevatron Collider Beauty Factory |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0782 | Chen, A. | A Muon Exposure in the Tohoku High Resolution Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0781 | Russ, J. | A Proposal to Construct SELEX: Segmented Large-x Baryon Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0780 | Volk, J. | Proposal to Study Charm Produced by 850-GeV Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0779 | Anderson, David F. | Proposal to Build a Very High Rate Calorimeter to be Operated in Conjunction with Experiments E706 a |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0778 | Chao, A. | An Experimental Study of the SSC Magnet Aperture Criterion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0777 | Elwyn, Alexander J. | Neutron Flux Measurements in the Tevatron Tunnel |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0776 | Baker, S.I. | A Proposal to Measure Nuclear Calibration Cross Sections for Protons with Energies Greater than 400 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0775 | Diebold, R. | Proposal for Upgrading the Collider Detector at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0774 | Crisler, M. | Electron Beam Dump Particle Search |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0773 | Wah, Y.W. | Measurement of the Phase Difference Between $\eta_{00}$ and $\eta_{+-}$ to a Precision of $1^0$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0772 | Moss, J. | Study of the Nuclear Antiquark Sea via p+N --> Dimuons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0771 | Arenton, M. | A Proposal to Study Beauty Production and Other Heavy Quark Physics Associated with Dimuon Productio |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0770 | Smith, W. | High Statistics Studies of Charged Current Interactions using the Tevatron Quad Triplet Beam - 2nd R |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0769 | Anjos, J.C.C. | Pion and Kaon Production of Charm and Charm-Strange States |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0768 | Court, G.R. | Spin Effects in High-$P\bot^2 p+p \to p+p$ at 800 to 900 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0767 | Mitsui, K. | Study of New Muon Energy Detector at Tevatron Muon Beam Line |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0766 | McCaslin, Joseph B. | Measurements of the Neutron Spectrum n the Tevatron Tunnel with Application to the SSC |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0765 | Imaeda, K. | Transverse Momentum Measurement of Secondary Particles in Proton-Emulsion Collisions at 800 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0764 | Nanjo, H. | The Exclusive Investigation of Multiple Production in Rapidity Space |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0763 | Ogata, T. | Proton-Nucleus Interactions at Tevatron Energy |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0762 | Dake, S. | Cascade Showers Originated in Proton-Nucleus Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0761 | Vorobyov, A. | An Electroweak Enigma: Hyperon Radiative Decays |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0760 | Bharadwaj, V. | A Proposal to Investigate the Formation of Charmonium States Using the PBAR Accumulator Ring |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0759 | Abe, T. | A Study of Nuclear Interactions of 800 GeV Protons in Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0758 | Kazuno, Mitsuko | Study of the Mechanism of Multiparticle Production in Emulsion Nuclei at 800 GeV Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0757 | Pellett, David E. | Prototype SSC Magnetized Iron Muon Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0756 | Luk, Kam-Biu | Measurement of the Magnetic Moment of the Omega Minus Hyperon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0755 | Lucas, Peter | A High Sensitivity Study of Beauty and Charm in Hadroproduction at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0754 | Alam, S. | Crystal Channeling Tests in M-Bottom Including Focusing with Deformed Crystals and Studies of High Z |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0753 | Forster, James S. | Proposal to Improve the Deflection of High Energy Particle Beams by Channeling in Bent Crystals of S |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0752 | Cronin, James W. | Proposal to Search for Anomalously Large Hadron Cross Sections at Short Distances |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0751 | Jain, Piyare L. | Interaction of Proton at 1 TeV in Nuclear Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0750 | Shivpuri, R.K. | A Proposal to Study Multiparticle Production in Interactions of 1 TeV Protons with Emulsion Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0749 | Forster, James S. | Letter of Intent to Study Material and Fabrication Aspects of Crystals used for Channeling |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0748 | Beringer, R. | Letter of Intent to Study Beauty and Charm at the Tevatron using High Resolution Steamer Chamber and |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0747 | Hahn, Alan A. | A Search for Fractionally Charged Particles at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0746 | Walker, James K. | Letter of Intent to Search for New Particles from the Prompt Beam Facility |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0745 | Brick, D. | Muon Neutrino Experiment using the Tohoku High Resolution One Meter Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0744 | Merritt, F. | High Statistics Studies of Charged Current Interactions using the Tevatron Quad Triplet Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0743 | Lemonne, J. | Charm Production in pp Collisions with LEBC-FMPS at 1 Tev(*) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0742 | Lach, Joseph | Proposal to measure omega minus polarization and magnetic moment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0741 | Mishina, Masa | Request for Beam Time at M-Bottom CDF Calorimeter for Chamber Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0740 | Cutts, D. | Proposal to Study a Large Liquid Argon-Uranium Absorber Calorimeter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0739 | Cue, N. | Measurements of Crystal-Assisted Electron-Positron Pair Creation |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0738 | Baltay, C. | Letter of Intent to Run in the Narrow Band and Beam at Tevatron II |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0737 | Kotzer, P. | Study of High Energy Neutrinos with a Deep Underwater Detector of a Mass > $10^{6}$ Tons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0736 | Larsen, R.C. | A Proposal to Conduct a Quark Search at the Fermilab Collider |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0735 | Carmony, D.D. | Search for a Deconfined Quark Gluon Phase of Strongly Interacting Matter in $\bar{p} p$ Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0734 | Hynes, Michael V. | Primakoff Production of Hyperon Excited States |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0733 | Bogert, D. | Proposal to Study High Energy Neutrino Interactions with the Tevatron Quadrupole Triplet Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0732 | Handler, R. | A Search for the $|\Delta S|$ = 2 Weak Non-Leptonic Decay $\Xi^0 \to p\pi^-$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0731 | Gollin, G. | A Measurement of the Magnitude of $\epsilon^{\prime} / \epsilon$ in the Neutral Kaon System to a Pre |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0730 | Krzywdzinski, S. | Emulsion Exposure to 250 GeV Sigma - Minus |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0729 | Aziz, T. | A Proposal to Study Charm and Multiparticle Production in 1 TeV Proton - Emulsion Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0728 | Green, Daniel R. | Study of Muons from $\bar{p}p$ Collisions up to $\sqrt{s}$ = 2 TeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0727 | Rosen, Jerome L. | D0 Spectrometer Design Proposal |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0726 | Abolins, Maris A. | A Proposal to Study High Energy $\bar{p}p$ Interactions at the Fermilab Collider with a $4_{\pi}$ Hi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0725 | Chapin, T.J. | A Proposal to Measure Single and Double Diffraction Dissociation at the Fermilab $\bar{p}p$ Collider |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0724 | Ball, R.C. | Complete Calorimetric Detector for the D0 Area |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0723 | Melissinos, A.C. | Test of a gravitational detector in the FNAL collider |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0722 | Kenney, V.Paul | Streamer Chamber Experiment at the Tevatron Collider |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0721 | Rosen, Jerome L. | An Experiment to Study CP Violation in the Decay of K-Long Produced by Antiprotons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0720 | Henning, W. | Proposal to Search for +1/3e Stable Particles using Crygenic Sources |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0719 | Cho, Y. | Electron - Proton Interaction Experiment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0718 | Erwin, Albert | Study of $p\bar{p}$ Interactions using Calorimeters at D0 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0717 | Bjorken, J.D. | A Forward Looking Detector for the D0 Area |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0716 | Childress, S. | Proposal for Further Beam Dump Neutrino Running |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0715 | Ankenbrandt, Charles | Precision Measurement of the Decay $\Sigma^- \to ne^- \nu$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0714 | Adams, M.R. | Large Angle Particle D0 Group |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0713 | Kinoshita, K. | Proposal for a Search for Highly Ionizing Particles for the D0 Area at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0712 | Green, Daniel | Study of Muons from $\bar{p} p$ Collisions up to $\sqrt{s}$ = 2-TeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0711 | Levinthal, David A. | A Proposal to Measure the Energy, Angular and Charge Dependence of Massive Di-Hadron Production over |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0710 | Giacomelli, G. | Measurements of Elastic Scattering and Total Cross Sections at the Fermilab $\bar{p}p$ Collider |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0709 | Ball, R.C. | Proposal for a Forward Detector for the D0 Area |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0708 | Cho, Y. | Electron - Proton Interaction Experiment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0707 | Cooper, P.S. | Measurement of the Electron Asymmetry Parameter in Sigma Minus Beta Decay |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0706 | Baker, W. | A Proposal to Measure Direct Photon Production at Tevatron Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0705 | Binkley, M. | A Study of Charmonium and Direct Photon Production by 300 GeV/c Antiproton, Proton, $\pi^+$ and $\pi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0704 | Ditzler, R. | Integrated Proposal on First Round Experiments with the Polarized Beam Facility |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0703 | Blackmore, E. | Electron - Proton Collisions at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0702 | Garelick, D. | A Search for Particles with Anomalous Values of $M/_q$ and Extremely Short Interaction Lengths |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0701 | Auchincloss, Priscilla S. | A Search for Neutrino Oscillations with $\Delta m^{2} > 10 eV^{2}$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0700 | Bullock, F.W. | Fermilab Tevatron Proposal Study of Neutrino Oscillations and Search for the Tau Neutrino |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0699 | Yokosawa, A. | Study of Spin-Dependent Asymmetries using Calorimeter Triggered High $P_T$ Events with Polarized Bea |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0698 | Brick, D. | A Proposal to Study the Properties of Heavy Quark Production and Decay using a Microsonic Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0697 | Lach, Joseph | Hyperon Total Cross Section Measurements |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0696 | Jenkins, E.W. | Hadroproduced Charm Particles and Their Decay: A Proton-Proton FMPS Experiment at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0695 | Biel, J. | A Proposal to Measure Direct Photon Production at Tevatron Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0694 | Brick, D. | A Proposal to Study the Properties of Heavy Quark Production and Decay using a High Resolution Strea |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0693 | Adolphsen, C.E. | Letter of Intent for Lepton-Pair Production Studies at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0692 | Ruchti, R.C. | A Study of Charm and Beauty Production in Hadronic Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0691 | Elliott, J. | Proposal to D0 Photon Physics with the Tevatron at the Tagged Photon Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0690 | Church, M. | Study of Hadronic Production and Spectroscopy of Strange, Charm and Bottom Particles at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0689 | Colton, E. | Measurement of the Asymmetry in Calorimeter Triggered High $P_T$ Events using a Polarized Proton Bea |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0688 | Ditzler, R. | Nuclear - Size Dependence of Single - Spin Asymmetries in High-$P_T$ Hadron Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0687 | Cumalat, John P. | High Energy Photoproduction of States Containing Heavy Quarks and Other Rare Phenomena |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0686 | Cence, R.J. | Proposal to Continue the Study of Neutrino and Antineutrino Interactions in the 15' Bubble Chamber u |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0685 | Pretzl, K. | Letter of Intent: An Investigation of the Behavior of the Photon in Deep Inelastic Photon Hadron Col |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0684 | Chen, T.Y. | Tevatron Proposal: A Search for New Massive States Decaying into $\phi^0 \phi^0 (n \pi), \Lambda \ba |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0683 | Arenton, M. | Photoproduction of High $P_T$ Jets |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0682 | Ditzler, R. | Study of the $P_T$ Dependence of $\pi^{\pm}$ Inclusive Production with a Polarized Proton Beam and T |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0681 | Turkot, F. | Proposal to Measure Proton - Proton and Proton - Deuterium Elastic and Inelastic Cross Sections in t |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0680 | Turkot, F. | Determination of Charge and Mass of Correlated Nuclear Fragments from P-Nucleus Collisions: A Search |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0679 | Arenton, M. | Jet Production in 1000 GeV Hadron Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0678 | Hill, D. | Proposal to Study the Spin Dependence in Inclusive $\pi^0$ and Direct Gamma Production at High $P_T$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0677 | Ditzler, R. | Proposal to Study the Spin Dependence in the Inclusive Production of Lambda Particles with the Polar |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0676 | Hill, D. | An Experiment to measure ${\Delta \sigma _L}^{Tot}$ in Proton - Proton and Antiproton Proton Scatter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0675 | Ditzler, R. | Asymmetry Measurements for Dimuon Production in the $J/\psi$ Mass Region |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0674 | Ditzler, R. | Asymmetries in Inclusive Pion and Kaon Production at Large-X with a Polarized Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0673 | Bauer, Daniel A. | E610 Proposal Update: Chi Meson Production by Hadrons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0672 | Haggerty, H. | A Study of Hadronic Final States Produced in Association with High-$P_t$ Jets and High - Mass Dimuon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0671 | Pope, Bernard G. | Dimuon Physics with the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0670 | Goulianos, Konstantin A. | Diffraction Dissociation And The Direct Hadronic Interaction of The Photon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0669 | Binkley, Morris E. | A Comparison of the Production of Direct Photons and Resonances Decaying to Lepton Pairs by Antiprot |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0668 | Babecki, J. | Study of Proton - Nucleus Interactions in Pure Emulsion Stacks and Emulsion Chambers at Energy above |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0667 | Babecki, J. | Study of Pion - Nucleus Interactions in Pure Emulsion Stacks and Emulsion Chambers at Energy above 5 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0666 | Krzywdzinski, S. | Emulsion Exposure to $\Sigma^-$ Beam at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0665 | Hasert, F.J. | Muon Scattering with Hadron Detection at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0664 | Camerini, U. | An Experiment to Search for Neutrino Oscillations using a Electron - Neutrino Enriched Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0663 | Gourlay, S. | Comparison of Polarizations of Inclusively Produced Lambdas and Antilambdas by Protons, Antiprotons, |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0662 | Steinberg, E.P. | Correlations among Nuclear Fragments in Relativistic Proton - Induced Breakup of Heavy Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0661 | Gutbrod, H.H. | Energy and Momentum Dissipation in Nuclei in High Energy Hadron Nucleus Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0660 | Carrigan, R. | Proposal to Study the Effect of Bent Crystals on Channeling Near the Critical Radius of Bending |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0659 | Cho, Y. | Electron-Proton Interaction Experiment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0658 | Eckardt, V. | A Letter of Intent to Study Hadronic Final States in Deep Inelastic Lepton Scattering by the Additio |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0657 | Voyvodic, L. | Proposal for Studying Hadroproduction of Charmed Particles using the 30-Inch Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0656 | Bogert, Dixon | Proposal to Study Neutrino Interactions in a Beam Dump Experiment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0655 | Camerini, U. | An Experiment to Search for Muon-Neutrino/Electron-Neutrino ---> Tau-Neutrino Neutrino Oscillations |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0654 | Atiya, M. | Fully Active Neutrino Target Assembly |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0653 | Ushida, N. | A Proposal to Measure Charm and B Decays via Hadronic Production in a Hybrid Emulsion Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0652 | Blair, R. | Neutrino Physics at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0651 | Brisson, V. | Neutrino - Proton and Neutrino - Neutron Interactions in the Fermilab 15-foot Bubble Chamber with a |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0650 | Fitch, V.L. | Request for a Continuation of E-567 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0649 | Bogert, D. | Proposal to Study Nucleon Structure Functions at High $Q^2$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0648 | Bollini, D. | Deep Inelastic Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions of Muons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0647 | Bingham, Harry H. | Development of a Fermilab Neutrino Hybrid Spectrometer (FNHS) for Neutrino Physics at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0646 | Bingham, H.H. | Search for the $\nu_{\tau}$ and Study of $\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$ Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0645 | Garelick, D.A. | Muon production in a Tevatron beam dump |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0644 | Ball, R. | Further Studies of Prompt Neutrinos with the E-613 Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0643 | Kobrak, H.G.E. | An Open Geometry Magnetic Spectrometer for the Tevatron Muon Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0642 | Burnstein, R.A. | Proposal for an Extension of Experiment E-545 to Study Neutrino Interactions in Deuterium in the 15- |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0641 | Burnstein, R.A. | A Tevatron Proposal: Neutrino - Deuterium and Antineutrino - Deuterium Interactions in the 15-foot B |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0640 | Barnes, A.V. | The Multimuon Spectrometer at the Tevatron |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0639 | Wright, S.C. | Tevatron Proposal for a Study of Electroweak Interference in Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering at 600 a |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0638 | Flaminio, E. | Proposal for a Neutrino - Deuterium Experiment at Tevatron Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0637 | Efremenko, V.I. | Proposal to Study Neutrino and Antineutrino Interactions in Deuterium with 15-ft Bubble Chamber at T |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0636 | Hafen, E.S. | Neutrino Intraction Studies at Tevatron Energies using a Beam Dump Technique to Produce the Neutrino |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0635 | Abashian, A. | Proposal to Measure $\bar{\nu}_{\mu}e^-$ and $\nu_{\mu}e^-$ Elastic Scattering, Neutrino Oscillation |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0634 | Proposal to Measure Neutrino and Antineutrino Interactions in a Large Magnetized Iron Detector with | |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0633 | Asratyan, A.E. | Proposal for the Study of Neutrino Interactions in a Beam-Dump Experiment with 15 Foot Bubble Chambe |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0632 | Bosetti, P.C. | An Exposure of the 15 Foot Bubble Chamber with a Neon-Hydrogen Mixture to a Wideband Neutrino Beam f |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0631 | Baker, S.I. | A Proposal to Measure Nuclear Calibration Cross Sections for Protons between 100 and 1000 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0630 | Cardello, T. | Study of a B Particle and Charmed Particle Production and Decay using a High Resolution Streamer Cha |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0629 | Biel, J. | Proposal to Fermilab to Measure Direct Photon Production in Hadron - Nucleus Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0628 | Ruchti, R. | Proposal to Search for Beauty Particle Production in Hadronic Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0627 | Holmes, Stephen D. | A Proposal to Study High Mass Photoproduction |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0626 | Abashian, A. | Proposal to Measure the Cross Sections for $\bar{\nu}_{\mu} + e^- \to \bar{\nu}_{\mu} + e^-$ at Ferm |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0625 | Fine, R. | Neutrino Physics |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0624 | Brick, D.H. | Search for Short - Lived Particles and Study of Hadronic Jets using a Multiparticle Spectrometer wit |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0623 | Abrams, R. | Proposal to Study High Mass States Decaying into $\phi^0 \pi^{\pm}$ and $\phi^0 \phi^0$ Produced Cen |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0622 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Proposal to Search for Fractional Charge Particles from a Magnetized Beam Dump |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0621 | Handler, R. | A Measurement of the CP Violation Parameter $\eta_{+ - 0}$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0620 | Pondrom, L. | Proposal to Measure the Magnetic Moments of the $\Sigma^+, \Xi^-, \Sigma^-$ and $\Omega^-$ Hyperons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0619 | Beretvas, A. | A Measurement of the $\Sigma^0 - \Lambda^0$ Transition Magnetic Moment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0618 | Futo, E. | Muon and Neutrino Correlations and Production in 400 GeV Proton-Nucleus Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0617 | Bernstein, R. | A Study of Direct CP Violation in the Decay of the Neutral Kaon via a Precision Measurement of $| \e |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0616 | Blair, R. | Proposal to Measure Neutrino Structure Functions (Including R = $\sigma_L / \sigma_T$) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0615 | Adolphsen, C. | A Study of the Forward Production of Massive Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0614 | Rosen, J. | Study of High Mass Multiphoton States and Direct Photon Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0613 | Roe, B.P. | Proposal for a Prompt Neutrino Experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0612 | Cool, R. | A Proposal to Measure the Diffractive Photon Dissociation on Hydrogen |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0611 | Brenner, A.E. | Search for Massive Long - Lived Charged Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0610 | Hicks, R.G. | Pion Production of Heavy Quark Meson States Decaying into $\psi / J$ (3097) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0609 | Corcoran, M.D. | A Study of the Structure of High $P_T$ Hadronic Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0608 | Brown, Charles N. | A Search for $\eta_c$ in Hadronic Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0607 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Proposal to Search for Particles which have an Anomalous Interaction with Normal Matter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0606 | Hahn, B. | Search for Short - Lived Particles using a High Precision Mini - Bubble - Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0605 | Rutherfoord, John P. | A Study of 15-20 GeV Massive Muon Pairs |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0604 | Gustafson, H.Richard | A Sensitive Search for Massive Neutral Long-Lived Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0603 | Reeder, D.D. | A Search for the Production of Prompt Neutrinos in High Energy Proton Nucleus Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0602 | Goodman, M. | A Proposal to Study the Interactions of Neutrinos and Antineutrinos at the Energy Doubler/Saver |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0601 | Harigel, G. | Argonaut: A Novel Detector for Very High Energy Neutrino Interaction |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0600 | Cronin, James W. | Proposal to Study Neutrino-Electron and Antineutrino-Electron Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0599 | Abashian, A. | Proposal: A Prompt Neutrino Experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0598 | Albright, John R. | Proposal for a High-Statistics Study of $\bar{P}P$ and $\pi^- P$ Interactions at 50 GeV with the Fer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0597 | Ansorge, R.E. | Proposal for a High Statistics Study of $\bar{p}p$ Annihilations and a Comparison of $\bar{p},p, \pi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0596 | Lederman, Leon M. | On Searching for Heavy Stable Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0595 | Barish, B.C. | A Study of Charm and Other New Flavors Produced in Pion-Nucleon Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0594 | Berge, P. | Proposal for a New Neutrino Detector at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0593 | Fry, W.F. | A Coordinated Approach to a Beam Dump Experiment at FNAL using the 15 Foot Bubble Chamber and the E- |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0592 | Arefiev, A.V. | Proposal for Experimental Study of the Relationship between Hadronic and Nuclear Scaling at Very Hig |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0591 | Gutay, L.J. | Broad Search for New Hadronic States Via High Resolution Charge and Mass Determination of Nuclear Fr |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0590 | Carlini, R. | Hadron Distributions in High Pt Collisions in a Very Large Acceptance Calorimeter (VLAC) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0589 | Childress, S. | Di-Muon Production with $\pi^+$ and $\pi^-$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0588 | Brenner, A.E. | Inclusive Power Law Distributions for Non-Leading Particles Produced in Hadron Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0587 | Abe, K. | Proposal to Study High Momentum Transfer $\Lambda^0, \bar{\Lambda}^0$ and Hadron Jets |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0586 | Franzini, P. | Study of Constituent Scattering in Hadronic Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0585 | Edwards, K.W. | A Proposal to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Exclusive KN Charge Exchange |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0584 | Dimon, P. | Proposal to Search for the Decay of New Long-Lived Neutral Particles with a Mass and Life Time Excee |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0583 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Proposal to Measure Asymmetries in Mu-Pair Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0582 | Auer, P. | Measurement of the Asymmetry in High-$p_{\perp}$ Events Using a Polarized Proton Beam and Target |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0581 | Auer, I.P. | Construction of Polarized Beams and an Enriched Antiproton Beam Facility in the Meson Laboratory and |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0580 | Jenkins, E. | A Search for Narrow and Broad Resonances Decaying into $\Lambda \bar{\Lambda}, \Lambda \bar\Lambda \ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0579 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Study of Polarization of Inclusively - Produced Neutrons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0578 | Gustafson, H.Richard | A Sensitive Search for Massive Long-Lived Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0577 | Kalbach, R.M. | Proposal to Measure $\pi p$ Elastic Scattering at Large Angles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0576 | Hebert, Jacques | 500 GeV Proton Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0575 | Lord, Jere J. | Proposal to Study 400 GeV Proton Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0574 | Wolter, Wladyslaw | A Study of the Mechanism for Multiple Production of Particles at or Above 300 GeV Pion Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0573 | Ushida, N. | A Search for Charmed Particles Produced by 300 GeV/c Negative Pions in Nuclear Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0572 | Reeder, D.D. | Proposal to Assemble a High Resolution - Electron Sensitive - Energy Flow Calorimeter in the NEULAND |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0571 | Boyd, R. | A Proposal to Search for Integer Charged Quarks |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0570 | Brick, D. | Proposal for a Study of Particle Production and Dynamics from X = 0 to X = 1 and the Dependence on I |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0569 | Arefiev, A.V. | A Study of Nuclear Scaling Phenomenon at High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0568 | Herbert, J. | 300 GeV Pion Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0567 | Cester, R. | Search for Charm Production in 200 GeV/c Hadron Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0566 | Baltay, C. | Proposal to Measure the Neutral to Charged Current Ratio for Electron Neutrinos |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0565 | Brick, D. | A Study of the Detailed Characteristics of Hadron-Nucleus Collisions using the Fermilab Hybrid Spect |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0564 | Smart, Wesley M. | Direct Detection of Short-Lived Particles from Neutrino Interactions in Nuclear Emulsions Inside the |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0563 | Berge, P. | Proposal for a New Neutrino Detector at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0562 | Hyman, L.G. | A Proposal to Build a High-Intensity Neutrino Beam and to Study Charm Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0561 | Albers, J. | A Study of Neutrino Interactions in a Large Water Target at Great Distances from the Neutrino Source |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0560 | Elias, J. | A Test of Muon-Electron Universality |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0559 | Franzini, P. | Study of Constituent Scattering in Hadronic Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0558 | Biswas, N.N. | Proposal for a High-Statistics Study of $\pi^{\pm} p$ and $K^+p$ Interactions at 100 GeV/c Utilizing |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0557 | Bromberg, C. | Proposal to Study Hadron Jets with the Calorimeter Triggered Multiparticle Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0556 | Ball, B. | Search for the High $P_T$ Jets in Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0555 | Bunce, G. | A Proposal to Study Cross Sections and Polarization in Neutral Strange Particle Production at High T |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0554 | Baker, W. | Proposal to Measure Large Angle $\pi-p$ Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0553 | Friedlander, E.M. | A Proposal to Search for Short - Lived Particles Produced by Antineutrinos and Neutrinos |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0552 | Bomberowitz, R. | A Proposal to Study pp Elastic and pd Coherent Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0551 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Measurement of Direct Photon Production from p-p Collisions at Large Transverse Momentum |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0550 | Oganessian, A. | A New External Hadron Identifier Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0549 | Fairbank, William M. | A Search for Fractional Charges using Accelerator and Low Temperature Techniques |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0548 | Lai, K-W | A Search for Narrow and Broad Resonances Decaying into $K^0_s K^0_s$ and $\Lambda \bar{\Lambda}$ fro |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0547 | Jacquot, C. | Angular Correlations Study in Proton-Nuclei Jets at 400 to 500 GeV using Emulsion Telescopes Techniq |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0546 | Chrisman, Bruce L. | High Energy Neutrino and Antineutrino Interactions in the 15 Foot Bubble Chamber using the Quadrupol |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0545 | Burnstein, R.A. | Proposal for an Extension of E151/227 to Study Neutrino Interactions in Deuterium in the 15-Foot Bub |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0544 | Efremenko, V.I. | Proposal to Study Antineutrino Interactions in Hydrogen and Nuclei with an Internal Target and Conve |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0543 | Kitagaki, T. | Proposal to Study Antineutrino Interactions in the Liquid Deuterium 15 Foot Bubble Chamber with a Co |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0542 | Derrick, M. | Proposal for an Extension of E(31) / (390) To Study $\bar{\nu} p/\bar{\nu} n$ Interactions in the 15 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0541 | Eisenstein, Bob I. | A Proposal to Study Neutral Current Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0540 | Longo, Michael J. | A Search for New Metastable Particles Trapped in Matter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0539 | Bingham, H.H. | Proposal to Study Antineutrino Interactions in Deuterium and Nuclei with an Internal Converted and T |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0538 | Fretter, William B. | To Study ~100 GeV $\pi^- d$ Interactions in Conjunction with a Corresponding $\bar{p}d$ Exposure, al |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0537 | Binkley, Morris E. | Proposal to Study $\bar{p}N$ Interactions in the P-West High Intensity Laboratory |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0536 | Fuchi, H. | Study of Neutrino Interactions by Nuclear Emulsions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0535 | Bartlett, David | Proposal to Study the Interactions of $K^0_L$ Mesons in the Momentum Region above 50 GeV/c Using a P |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0534 | Burnett, Thompson H. | Hybrid Nuclear Emulsion: 15 Foot Bubble Chamber Experiment to Study Neutrino Produced Short Lived Pa |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0533 | Aronson, S. | Proposal to Measure the Rate of Formation of $\pi - \mu$ Atoms in $K^0_L \to \pi \mu \nu$ Decay |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0532 | Appel, Jeffrey A. | A Critical Test of the Quark Confinement Model |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0531 | Errede, S.M. | A Proposal to Study Weak Decay Lifetimes of Neutrino Produced Particles in a Tagged Emulsion Spectro |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0530 | Cester, R. | Search for Charm Production in 400 GeV/c Proton Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0529 | Turkevich, Anthony | Reactions of Complex Nuclei with Pions in the Hundred GeV Range |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0528 | Bowen, T. | Proposal for a Detector Development Study of Acoustic Calorimetry at Fermilab Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0527 | Kass, R.D. | Proposal to Study Annihilation and Non-Annihilation Processes in $\bar{p} d$ Collisions in the 15-Fo |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0526 | Kass, R.D. | Proposal for Anti-Proton Proton Studies in the Fermilab 15-Foot Hydrogen Bubble Chamber at 100 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0525 | Lord, J.J. | Proposal to Study Pion-Nucleus Interactions in Emulsion Plates with Embedded Metal Powder Granules a |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0524 | Lord, J.J. | Proposal to Study Proton-Neucleus Interactions in Emulsion Plates with Embedded Metal Powder Granule |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0523 | Barnes, A. | A Proposal to Study Multiparticle Peripheral Hadron Reactions Yielding Forward $\pi^0$ and $\eta^0$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0522 | Corcoran, M. | A Study of Inclusive Proton Polarization |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0521 | Chapman, J.W. | Dilepton Production by Neutrinos in Deuterium (15 Foot Bubble Chamber Proposal) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0520 | Camerini, U. | Search for New Phenomena Associated with High Energy Neutrinos using the Quadrupole Triplet Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0519 | Erhan, S. | Proposal to Study High Momentum Transfer Phenomena and Search for New States |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0518 | Ohsugi, T. | A Proposal to Measure Direct Electron Production in Proton - Proton Collisions from 100 to 400 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0517 | Read, Anthony Lincoln | A Proposal to Study Neutrino - Induced Di-Lepton Events using a Hybrid Emulsion-Electronic Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0516 | Appel, J. | Proposal to Study Photoproduction of Final States of Mass Above 2.5-GeV with a Magnet Spectrometer i |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0515 | Buchholz, D. | Proposal to Study Charm Particles Produced in Hadronic Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0514 | Ohsugi, T. | Proton - Proton Deep Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0513 | DeMarzo, C. | Semi-Inclusive Hadronic Interactions at High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0512 | Cleland, W.E. | The Inclusive Production of Charged Hyperons by Pions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0511 | Braun, Henri | Proposal to Study $\bar{p}d$ Interactions at 200 GeV/c with the 30 Inch Hybrid Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0510 | Fuchi, H. | Study of Cascade Showers Initiated by Electrons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0509 | Shirai, T. | Search for the Large Angle Scattering of Muon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0508 | Wolter, W. | Study of Mechanism for Multiple Production of Particles at High Energies: Emulsion Exposure to 500 G |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0507 | Gibson, W. | Proposal to Study Channeling at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0506 | Ito, H. | Cascade Showers Originated in Jet Showers Due to Negative Pions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0505 | Yamin, P. | A Search for Proton Polarization in Inclusive Production at 300 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0504 | Guljamov, U.G. | A Proposal to Study Inelastic Interactions of $\pi ^{\pm}$ Mesons and Protons with Neon in 30-Inch B |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0503 | Fumuro, F. | Multiparticle Production in High Energy Pion Nucleus Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0502 | Bartlett, D.F. | Search for Monopoles Above the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0501 | Lande, K. | Proposal for a Measurement of the Transition Rate for CL (37) to Ar (37) Induced by Muons at Fermila |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0500 | Childress, S. | A High Precision Experiment to Measure Proton Anti-Proton Elastic Scattering and the Inelastic Inclu |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0499 | Iwai, Junsuke | A Study of Angular Distributions in Proton-Nucleus Collisions using Nuclear Emulsions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0498 | Goldstone, P. | A Measurement of the Relativistic Rise in the Most Probable Energy Loss in Thin Solid Films |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0497 | Ankenbrandt, Charles | Elastic Scattering of the Hyperons - Addundum to E-097 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0496 | Chen, H.H. | A Neutrino Detector Sensitive to Rare Processes |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0495 | Heller, K. | A Proposal to study $\Xi^0$ and $\bar{\Lambda}^0$ Production and Polarization |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0494 | Lederman, L.M. | Di-Hadron Mass Search |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0493 | Cline, D. | Search for New Phenomena Using Very High-Energy $pp$ and $\bar{p}p$ Colliding Beams Devices at Fermi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0492 | Cline, D. | Proposal to Construct an Anti-Proton Source for the Fermilab Accelerator |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0491 | Johnson, R.P. | Clashing Gigantic Synchrotrons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0490 | Dine, M. | Search for Short Lived Particles using a High Resolution Streamer Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0489 | Berge, J.P. | Proposal to Study Neutrino Interactions in Hydrogen and Nuclei with an Internal Target and Converter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0488 | Brick, D. | Proposal for a Study of Heavy Particle Production and Dynamics Near X = 0 and the Dependence on Inci |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0487 | Loomis, W.A. | A Proposal to Study the Origins of "Extra" Prompt Muons Produced in Deep Inelastic Muon-Nucleon Scat |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0486 | Hoffnagle, J. | Proposal to Study the Atomic Number Dependence of the Difference between Particle and Anti-Particle |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0485 | Cleland, W.E. | a Proposal to Investigate Exotic Reggeon Exchange in the Inclusive Production of Charged Hyperons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0484 | Burnett, T. | Proposal to Study $J/\psi$ Production using the E-416 Apparatus |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0483 | Longo, Michael J. | Proton - Proton Elastic Scattering at $\vert t \vert$ = 374 $(GeV/c)^2$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0482 | Barish, Barry C. | Study of Dimuon Events Produced in Neutrino Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0481 | Takahashi, Y. | Investigation of Multiple Production by $\pi^-$ Mesons with Emulsion Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0480 | Mo, Luke W. | Proposal 480: Proposal to Search for Heavy Bosons, Heavy Leptons, and Charmed Particles at SSR. |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0479 | Roberts, Tom | Fermilab Proposal Neutron-Deuteron Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0478 | Huson, R. | Proposal to Search for Intermediate Boson Production in Proton Proton Collisions at 200 GeV in the C |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0477 | Faissler, W. | Study of $\pi, K$ and $\bar{p}$ Production of High Mass Multi Muon States |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0476 | Fung, S.Y. | Proposal for Studying Anti-Neutrino Interactions in Neon with a Narrow Band Beam in the 15-foot Bubb |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0475 | Collins, G.B. | Search for Multiphoton Events Produced in Photon-Beryllium Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0474 | Ball, B. | A Detailed Study of "Extra Muon" Production in Deep Inelastic Muon Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0473 | Bartlett, D.F. | Search for Monopoles Above the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0472 | Bintinger, D. | Search for Heavy Particles Produced in Association with Prompt Muons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0471 | Hartmann, J. | Proposal to Investigate the Nature of $\psi$ Production by Pions and Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0470 | Conetti, S. | A Measurement of the A-Dependence of Hadron Production at Large Longitudinal and P Transverse |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0469 | DeMarzo, C. | Search for Heavy Long-Lived Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0468 | Chang, C.Y. | Search for Penetrating Massive Neutral Particles Produced in High Energy Proton Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0467 | Freedman, Melvin S. | Proposal for Parasitic Dual Target Irradiation with Muon Spill Beam Behind FNAL Experiment 319. |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0466 | Kaufman, S.B. | A Proposal for the Study of High-Energy Reaction Mechanisms by th Measurement of the Angular and Ene |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0465 | Becker, U. | Proposed Charm Search with Muon Trigger |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0464 | Grard, F. | A Proposal to Study Diffractive Processes in $K^+p$ Interactions at 150 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0463 | Adamovich, M.I. | A Proposal of the Experiment at the FNAL Accelerator: The Interactions of Protons in Nuclear Emulsio |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0462 | Albini, E. | Search for Short Lived Particles Produced by 300 GeV Protons in Emulsions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0461 | Peaslee, D.C. | Search for New Particles from 400 GeV Proton Collisions in Emulsions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0460 | Harris, R. | Proposal to Study Dilepton Neutrino Interactions with the Triplet Quadrupole Beam, the Phase 1 EMI, |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0459 | Camerini, U. | Search for New Phenomena Associated with High Energy Neutrinos Using the Quadrupole Triplet Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0458 | Knapp, B. | Photoproduction Experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0457 | Barton, D. | Search for $\mu$'s $K^0$'s or Characteristic Hadron Signatures and Masses in Coincidence with Single |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0456 | Dally, E. | Measurement of the Kaon Form Factor |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0455 | Cence, R.J. | Bubble-Chamber Study of Dimuon Production by Neutrinos Using the Phase-2 EMI and a Dichromatic Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0454 | Conger, G. | Experiment to Measure Deep Inelastic Electron Scattering on Hydrogen and Deuterium with Seperation o |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0453 | Buchholz, D. | A Proposal to Continue Measurements of Direct Muon Production in the Forward Direction |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0452 | Burnett, T. | Proposal for a Streamer Chamber Facility to Study $\psi$ Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0451 | de Marzo, C. | Study of the A-Dependence of Inclusive Processes and Associated Multiplicity |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0450 | Caldwell, David O. | New Particle Physics at the Tagged Photon Laboratory |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0449 | Abolins, M.A. | A Proposal to Measure Coulomb and Diffractive Production of $K^+, \bar{K}^+$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0448 | Wilson, Richard | Proposal for the Investigation of Virtual Photoabsorption by Nuclear Matter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0447 | Heller, M. | A Proposal to Study $\bar{p}p$ Interactions at 150 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0446 | Ankenbrandt, C. | The Direct Determination of Kaon and Pion Form Factors |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0445 | Bleser, E. | Proposal to Study Multihadron Systems which Include Charged and Neutral Mesons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0444 | Anderson, K.L. | A Special Request for High-Priority Running to Measure High-Mass Muon Pairs |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0443 | Anderson, K.J. | A Proposal for Continued Studies of Hadron Induced Muon - Pairs in a Large Acceptance Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0442 | Turkot, F. | Study of Nuclear Fragment Emission in Proton Heavy Nucleus Collision from 10 to 500 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0441 | Bunce, G. | A Proposal to Study $\Lambda^0$ Polarization in the Inclusive Reaction $p + p \to \Lambda^0$ + Anyth |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0440 | Bunce, G. | Proposal for a New Measurement of the Magnetic Moment of the $\Lambda^0$ Hyperon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0439 | Garelick, D. | High Sensitivity Search for New States which Decay into Muons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0438 | Jones, Lawrence W. | Inelastic Cross Sections of Neutrons on Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0437 | Bleser, E. | Proposal to Search for New Long-Lived Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0436 | Adair, R.K. | Determination of the Possible Di-Muon Character of the Prompt Muon Flux |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0435 | Adair, R.K. | Measurement of the Polarization of Prompt Muons at x = 0.14 at $p_t$ = 0 and $p_t$ = 1.5 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0434 | Dake, S. | Cascade Showers Originated in Jet Showers |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0433 | Atac, M. | A Proposal to Explore Multi Muon Production in Hadron Collisions (Multi Muon Spectrometer - MUMS the |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0432 | Braun, H. | Proposal to Study 50,000 $\Sigma^- n$ Multiprong Events at $\sim{240}$ GeV/c by Means of the 15 Foot |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0431 | Erwin, A.R. | 350 GeV/c $\pi^- p$ Experiemnt in the 15 Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0430 | Morrison, D.R.O. | Proposal to Search for New Short Lived Particles in 400 GeV/c $\pi^- p$ Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0429 | Morrison, D.R.O. | Proposal to Study Interactions of 100 GeV/c Negative Pions in the 15 Foot FNAL Hyrdogen Bubble Chamb |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0428 | Hebert, J. | 400 GeV Proton Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0427 | Yuan, Luke C.L. | A Proposal for Testing a Transition Radiation Detector and a High Energy Shower Detector for Cosmic |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0426 | Enge, W. | Proposal on the Study on Fragmentation Particles Created in Plastic Detector by 300 GeV Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0425 | Aronson, S.H. | Proposal to Investigate Regeneration of Neutral K- Mesons at Very High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0424 | Wada, T. | Multiple - Pion Production by 200 GeV/c Muons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0423 | Sugimoto, H. | Search for New Particles in Emulsion Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0422 | Fridman, A. | Proposal to Study $\bar{p}$ Induced Reactions by Means of the 15 Foot Bubble Chamber, i.e.: - $\bar{ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0421 | Dzelepov, V.P. | Exposure of an Emulsion Chamber to 300 GeV/c Proton Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0420 | Conger, G. | High Precision Studies of Deep Scattering Phenomena from Protons, Pions, Electrons and Gamma-Rays on |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0419 | Albini, E. | Search for Short Lived Particles Produced by 300 GeV Protons in Emulsions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0418 | Gross, D. | Proposal for an Extension of E-363 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0417 | Bartlett, D. | A Measurement of the Longitudinal Polarization of Lambdas at Large Transverse Momenta in the reactio |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0416 | Cook, V. | Streamer Chamber Search for New States which Decay Semi-Leptonically |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0415 | Pondrom, L. | Measurements of $\pi^- Cu \to K^0_s, \Lambda^0$, and Neutron Inclusive Cross Sections for Proposal P |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0414 | Faissler, W. | Proposal to Observe the Proton Produced Dimuon Spectrum |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0413 | Faissler, W. | Proposal to Search for Proton Produced Particles Decaying Under Prompt Emission of One or More Muons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0412 | Faissler, W. | Proposal to Observe $K^-, \pi^-$, and $\bar{p}$ Produced Dimuon Spectra |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0411 | Faissler, W. | Proposal to Search for Pion Produced Particles Decaying Under Prompt Emission of One or More Muons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0410 | Bugg, W.M. | Hybrid Bubble Chamber Studies of $K^+ p$ and $K^- p$ Interactions at 75 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0409 | Watts, Ternece L. | $\pi^+p$ Collisions at 75 GeV/c in the 30 Inch Hybrid Chambers |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0408 | Jones, M.D. | Hybrid Bubble Chamber Study of $\bar{p}p$ Interactions at 75 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0407 | Bugg, W.M. | $\pi^+ p$ Interactions at 250 GeV/c in Improved FNAL 30 Inch Hybrid System |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0406 | Ankenbrandt, C. | Small Angle Hadron-Nucleus Scattering at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0405 | Cook, V. | In Situ Measurement of the Quark-Parton Charge Assignments |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0404 | Jones, Lawrence W. | Inclusive Neutron Production by Protons on Protons and Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0403 | Bunce, G. | Search for $p+Cu \to \Lambda + \mu^\pm + \chi$ and $p+Cu \to K^0_s + \mu^\pm + \chi$ with 300-GeV Pr |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0402 | Knapp, B. | Photoproduction Experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0401 | Coleman, R. | Photoproduction of High Mass Two-Body Final States |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0400 | Binkley, Morris E. | A Search for New Particles Produced in Association with the Hadronic Production of $\psi$ (3.1) Meso |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0399 | Golden, Robert L. | Production of Electromagnetic Cascade Showers by Several Hundred GeV Electrons in Emulsion Chambers |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0398 | Anderson, H.L. | A Proposal for a Further Study of Muon Nucleon Inelastic Scattering at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0397 | Bleser, E. | Proposal to Search for High Mass Particles Produced in Association with Prompt Muons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0396 | Cool, R. | Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at Small Momentum Transfer for $\pi^\pm, K^\pm, p^\p |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0395 | Selove, W. | Calorimeter - Array Study of High $P_T$ Events |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0394 | Ansorge, R.E. | Proposal for a High Statistics Study of Antiproton-Proton and Proton-Proton Interactions at 100 GeV/ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0393 | Heller, M. | Proposal to Study the Properties of the Forward-Going Photon Energy in the Two-Charged Prong Topolog |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0392 | Ansorge, R.E. | Proposal to Study Multiparticle Production at the Highest Available Momentum in Antiproton - Proton |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0391 | Clark, A.R. | Exploration of Rare Muon - Induced Processes (Addendum II to Fermilab Proposal 203) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0390 | Barnes, V.E. | Antineutrino Interactions in the Deuterium Filled 15 Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0389 | Van Dam, Piet | Proposal for Studying Neutrino Interactions in Neon with a Narrow Band Neutrino Beam in the 15 Foot |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0388 | Cence, R.J. | Proposal to Study Neutral Current Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino Interactions in the 15 Foot Bubble Cham |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0387 | Florian, Joesph | 100 to 300 GeV Pion Interactions in Emulsion and Heavy Element Targets |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0386 | Lord, Jere J. | A Search for Low Energy Neutral Particles and Particle Interactions Involving Small Energy Exchanges |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0385 | Prakash, Y. | Proposal for Exposure of a Stack of Nuclear Emulsions to Protons of 440 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0384 | Bogert, D. | Proposal to Study $\pi^- p$ Interactions at Highest Energy in the Fermilab 15 Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0383 | Kobrak, H.G.E. | A Proposal to Study the Inclusive Production of $K^0_s$ by $K^-$ on Hydrogen |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0382 | Gottfried, K. | A Search for Charmed Hadrons Produced by Muon Deep Inelastic Scattering in Tagged Nuclear Emulsions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0381 | Jenkins, E. | Measurement of the Real Part of the p-n and p-p Forward Scattering Amplitudes: Production of Low Mas |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0380 | Baltay, C. | Study of the Properties of Weak Neutral Currents in the Interactions of a Narrow Band Neutrino Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0379 | Barish, B. | Search for Short Lived States Decaying Weakly Via Leptonic Modes |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0378 | Fong, D.G. | A Proposal to Study Leading Particle Production in $\pi^- p$ Interactions at 75 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0377 | Fong, D.G. | A Precision Study of Leading Particle and Diffractive Effects in $\pi^- p$ Interactions at 300 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0376 | Fong, D.G. | Studies of $K^-$ - Meson Collisions with Protons at an Incident Momentum Close to 150 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0375 | Fong, D.G. | Studies of $K^+$- Meson Collisions with Protons at an Incident Momentum Close to 150 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0374 | Davis, D.H. | A Proposal to Search for Charmed Particles Originating from the Interactions of 300 GeV/c Protons in |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0373 | Jain, P.L. | Interaction of 50-100 GeV Muons with Emulsion Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0372 | Becker, U.J. | Proposal to Search for Long Lived Particles at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0371 | Joric, Mira | Research Proposal:Â The Investigation of the Production of Heavy Fragments Induced by Particles of Hi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0370 | Benvenuti, A. | Continued Search for New Particle Production Using the ELA Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0369 | Ascoli, G. | Search for Charmed Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0368 | Litt, L. | Proposal to Search for Massive States Decaying into Muon Pairs and Produced by High Energy Muons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0367 | Telegdi, V.L. | A Proposal to Study J and Charmed Meson Production in the M4 Neutral Beam Line |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0366 | Barton, Jr., H.R. | Study of Heavy, Narrow Mesons Using a Mass - Focusing Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0365 | Blanar, G. | A Proposal to Search for the Production of Charmed Mesons in $\pi P$ Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0364 | Sacton, J. | A Proposal to Search for Charmed Particles Originating from the Interactions of 400 GeV/c Protons in |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0363 | Gross, D. | A Proposal to Search for Charmed Particle Production Near Threshold |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0362 | Jain, P.L. | Interaction of 200 - 400 GeV Pions with Emulsion Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0361 | Bunce, G. | Precision Measurement of $\Lambda \to e^- \nu p$ Decay Parameters |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0360 | Bartlett, D. | A Study of the $K^0_L$ Strong Interactions in the Momentum Region 60 to 360 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0359 | Faissler, W. | Proposal to Observe the Pion Produced Di Muon Mass Spectrum |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0358 | Knapp, B. | Dimuon Production by Neutrons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0357 | Jovanovic, D. | A Proposal to Search for Charmed Particles and Measurements of Two-Particle Inclusive Cross Sections |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0356 | Barish, B. | Studies of Deep Inelastic Differential Distributions at High Energies for $\nu$, $\bar{\nu}$ Beams |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0355 | Barish, B.C. | Measurement of Total $\nu$Â $\bar{\nu}$ Cross Sections at High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0354 | Carroll, A.S. | A Survey for Exotic Particles in the M1 Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0353 | Ankenbrandt, C. | Very Strange Hyperon Decays |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0352 | Cence, R.J. | Proposal to Study Neutral Current Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino Interactions in the 15 Foot Bubble Cham |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0351 | Aronson, S.H. | $K^0$ Regeneration at the Highest FNAL Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0350 | Kenney, R. | A Proposal to Study $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ Inclusive Production with Incident $\pi^-$ in the Triple Regg |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0349 | Francis, W. | Proposal for a Program of Muon Scattering at High Intensity |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0348 | Loomis, T. | Proposal to Study Scattering of Muons from Protons and Deuterons at Momentum Transfers up to $q^2$ = |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0347 | Carey, D. | Proposal to Measure the Elastic Scattering of Hadrons at Large Momentum Transfer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0346 | Ekspng, G. | Search for Heavy, Shortlived Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0345 | Ekspong, G. | Proposal to Study Multiparticle Production in 100 GeV/c Antiproton-Deuterium Interactions with the N |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0344 | Gutav, L. | Proposal to Survey Central Collisions in the Reaction $\bar{p} + p \to$ Mesons between 30 and 60 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0343 | Jaeger, K. | Proposal to Study Neutral Particle Production in 250 GeV pp Interactions in the Fermilab 15 Foot Bub |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0342 | Louttit, R. | Proposal to Study Neutral Pion Production in 200 GeV/c $\pi^- p$ Interactions in the 15 Foot Bubble |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0341 | Ko, W. | Interactions of $\pi^+$ Mesons and Protons in a Hydrogen - Neon Mixutre |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0340 | Dake, S. | The Electron-Photon Cascade Shower in Lead Absorber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0339 | Gierula, J. | Cracow Emulsion Exposure to 200 GeV Pions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0338 | Erwin, J. | Pion - Deuteron Interactions at 200 GeV/c and 400 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0337 | Eartly, David P. | Measure of Di-Muon Events in the Meson Area |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0336 | Fumero, F. | Multiparticle Production in Nucleon - Nucleus Collisions at 400 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0335 | Buchholz, D. | A Search for Direct Muon Production in the Forward Direction |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0334 | Ansorge, R.E. | Proposal to Study High-Energy $\pi^+ K^+$ and $K^-$ Interactions in the NAL 15 Foot Hydrogen Bubble |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0333 | Ansorge, R.E. | Proposal to Study High-Energy $\pi^+ K^+$ and $K^-$ Interactions in the NAL 15 Foot Hydrogen Bubble |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0332 | Cook, V. | A Proposal to Explore Di-Lepton Production in the Large - $P_t$ Domain: Di-lepton Structure, Associa |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0331 | Anderson, K. | A Proposal for a Detailed Study of Dimuon Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0330 | Gustafson, H.Richard | Search for Massive Neutral Particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0329 | Adamovich, M.I. | The Interactions of Protons in Nuclear Emulsion at 400 (or 500) GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0328 | Adamovich, M.I. | The Interactions of $\pi^-$ - Mesons in Nuclear Emulsion at 200 GeV/c (or 300 GeV/c) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0327 | Allison, W.W.M. | Tests of Particle Identification by Ionization Loss (ISIS) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0326 | Cronin, J.W. | A Proposal to Measure Muon Pairs Produced at High Transverse Momentum by Pions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0325 | Cronin, J.W. | Study of Di-Muon Production at High Transverse Momenta |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0324 | Beier, E.W. | A Proposal to Study Single Particle Inclusive Spectra in High Energy Hadron-Hadron Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0323 | Anderson, K. | A Proposal for a Detailed Study of Dimuon Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0322 | Anderson, K. | Search for Direct Production of Mu - Pairs at CO |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0321 | Childress, S. | A High Precision Experiment to Measure the Inelastic p-p Cross Section and Its Associated forward Mu |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0320 | Barish, B.C. | Proposal to Measure Neutral Current Cross-Sections and Associated Inelastic Distributions in the Nar |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0319 | Chang, C. | Further Test of Scaling at High Momentum Transfers in Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0318 | Ascoli, G. | Pion Diffraction Dissociation |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0317 | Akimov, Y. | Proton Diffraction Dissociation on Hydrogen and Deuterium |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0316 | Nygren, David R. | Gargantua: A New Facility for Neutrino Physics at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0315 | Arbuzov, B.A. | Proposal to Test the $\nu_\mu - \nu_e$ Universality in the 15 Foot Bubble Chamber and make a Prelimi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0314 | Lobkowicz, F. | A Proposal to Measure Neutral Weak Currents in Muon Nucleus Inclusive Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0313 | Abshire, G.W. | Polarization in p-p Elastic, Inelastic and Inclusive Reactions at NAL Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0312 | Edelstein, R.M. | Hadronic Interactions in Complex Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0311 | Ansorge, R.E. | Proposal to Study Multiparticle Production in High Energy Antiproton - Proton Interactions with the |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0310-E | Cline, D. | Request for Extension of E-310 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0310 | Benvenuti, A. | Further Study of High Energy Neutrino Interactions at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0309 | Erwin, A.R. | A 15 Foot Bubble Chamber Proposal for 485 GeV/c $\pi^- p$ Interactions using a Track Sensitive Targe |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0308 | Anderson, K. | A Proposal for a Detailed Study of Dimuon Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0307 | Clark, A.R. | Muon - Nucleon Scattering with Extraordinary Momentum Transfer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0306 | Barish, B.C. | A Proposal to Search for Anomalous or 'Direct' Neutrino Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0305 | Bleser, E. | Proposal to Study the Coherent Dissociation of Neutrons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0304 | Walker, W.D. | Revised Proposal for a Study of the Interaction of High Energy $\pi^\pm$ with Uranium |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0303 | Chapman, J. | NAL 15 Foot Hydrogen Bubble Chamber Proposal Diffraction Dissociation of Neutrons on Hydrogen |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0302 | Cester, R. | Test of C at Small Distances |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0301 | Hartman, J. | Measurements of Hadron - Hadron Elastic Scattering at Large Four - Momentum Transfer Squared |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0300 | Cronin, J.W. | Study of Particle Production at High Transverse Momenta using Hydrogen and Deuterium Targets |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0299 | Fong, D. | Precision Study of High Energy Collisions Induced by Incident 150-GeV/c Pions and Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0298 | Ganguli, S.N. | A Proposal to Study Hadron - Nucleus Collisions at NAL Energies using 30 Inch Chamber Filled with Pu |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0297 | Leipuner, L.B. | Quark Search (By Measuring Ionization Energy Loss) using 400-500 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0296 | Baltay, C. | Study of Eletron - Neutrino ($\nu_e$ and $\bar{\nu}_e$) Interactions in a Liquid Neon Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0295 | Fridman, A. | A Study of $\pi^+ -d$ Interactions at 200 GeV/c in the 30 Inch Bubble Chamber at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0294 | Coffin, C.T. | Anti - Neutrino Interactions in Deuterium in the NAL 15 Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0293 | Albright, J.R. | 30 Inch Bubble Chamber Proposal $\pi^-$d Interactions at 200 GeV/c or 300 GeV/c (50k Photographs) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0292 | Cohen, J. | Multiparticle Production in Nuclei by Protons of Several Hundred GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0291 | Voyvodic, L. | Proposal to Study Multiparticle Production using a Highly-Enriched Neon Exposure in the 30 Inch Bubb |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0290 | Baker, W.F. | Backward Pion - Proton Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0289 | Kuznetsov, A. | Small Angle Proton-Helium Elastic and Inelastic Scattering from 8 to 500 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0288 | Appel, J.A. | A Study of Di-Lepton Production in Proton Collisions at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0287 | Lander, R.L. | Streamer Chamber Study of Large $P_T$ Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0286 | Barnes, V.E. | Proposal to Study the Interactions of 100 GeV $\pi^+$ Mesons with the Deuterons in the 30 Inch Deute |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0285 | Lederman, L.M. | A Search for a New State of Matter in the Analysis of a NAL Beam Dump |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0284 | Carey, D. | Survey of Particle Production in Proton Collisions at NAL (an Updated Version of NAL Proposal 63) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0283 | Carey, D. | A Proposal to Study Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering in the Range $0.1 < |t| < 3$(GeV/c)$^{2}$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0282 | Gutay, L.J. | Proposal to Study Central Collisions in $\bar{p} + p \to$ Mesons at 40 GeV/c in the 15 Foot NAL Hydr |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0281 | Anderson, E.W. | Proposal to Study High Energy Proton-Proton and $\pi^-$ Proton Interactions with the FNAL 30 inch Bu |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0280 | Barish, S. | Proposal to Study $pd$ Interactions at 205 GeV/c in the 30 Inch Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0279 | Butt, J.E. | The Interaction $pA \to pAe^+ e^-$ at 400 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0278 | Barnes, V.E. | Proposal to Study $\pi^+$ Interactions at 400 GeV in the NAL 30 inch Hydrogen Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0277 | Barnes, V.E. | Proposal to Study $\pi^+$ and $K^+$ Interactions at 300 GeV in the NAL 30 inch Hydrogen Bubble Chamb |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0276 | Van Ginneken, A. | A Search for Stable Integrally Charged Massive Particles (Han-Nambu Quarks) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0275 | Enge, W. | Exposure of Plastic Detector Stacks to a 300 GeV Proton Beam at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0274 | Bingham, H.H. | Study of 500 GeV $\pi^-p$ Interactions in the 30 Inch HBC |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0273 | Alexander, G. | Proposal for a Neon Exposure in the 30 Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0272 | Koehler, P. | Proposal to Measure Coherent Dissociation of $\pi^-$, $K^-$ and $\bar{p}$ into Two - Body Systems at |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0271 | Cohen, J. | Multiparticle Production in Nuclei by Protons of Several Hundred GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0270 | Hafen, E.S. | The Structure Functions of Neutron and Proton and Quark Model Comparisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0269 | Dodd, W.P. | Proposal for 100 GeV/c $\pi^-$ Exposure in the 15 foot NAL Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0268 | Barnes, A. | A Proposal to Study Meson Production at Large $p_\perp$ with a $\gamma$-Ray Detector |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0267 | Morrison, D.R.O. | Proposal to Study 100 GeV/c Negative Particle Interactions in the NAL 15 Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0266 | Ayre, Cyril | Inclusive Angle and Multiplicity Distributions of Charged Secondaries and of Neutral Pions Produced |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0265 | Young, P.S. | Exposure of Emulsions to 400 GeV Protons for New Determination of Mean Life $\pi^0$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0264 | Young, P.S. | Exposure of Emulsion to 200-300 GeV $\pi^-$ for New Determination of Mean Life of $\pi^0$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0263 | Burger, J. | A Proposal to Study Photoproduction of $\phi$ Mesons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0262 | Barish, B.C. | Neutral Current Investigations at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0261 | Fischer, J. | Proposal to Test Transition Counters at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0260 | Fox, G. | A Proposal to Study High $P_T$ Physics with a Multiparticle Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0259 | Barate, R. | Backward Pion - Nucleon Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0258 | Cronin, J.W. | A Proposal to Measure Particles Produced at High Transverse Momentum by Pions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0257 | Kirk, T. | Proposal for the Investigation of Virtual Photoabsorption by Nuclear Matter |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0256 | Frisch, David H. | 2nd Generation Electronic Neutrino Detector at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0255 | Jain, P.L. | Exposure of Nuclear Emulsions to a Beam of 150 GeV Muons at the National Accelerator Laboratory |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0254 | Kalbfleisch, G.R. | Proposal to Search for a Second Muon Neutrino, $\lambda _\mu$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0253 | Anderson, Herbert L. | Neutrino - Electron Scattering at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0252 | Bromberg, C.M. | Evidence for a Diffractive Component in Multiparticle Production at 102 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0251 | Ozaki, S. | Phenomenological Study of Proton - Nucleus Collision at NAL Energies in Emulsion (400 GeV) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0250 | Ozaki, S. | Phenomenological Study of Proton - Nucleus Collision at NAL Energies in Emulsion (300 GeV) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0249 | Gierula, J. | Cracow Emulsion Exposure to 400 GeV Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0248 | Longo, Michael J. | Neutron - Proton Diffraction Scattering and Neutron Total Cross Sections up to 200 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0247 | Coremans-Bertrand, G. | Proposal to Search for Short-lived Particles Produced in Neutrino Interactions in Emulsion using an |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0246A | Selove, W. | A Study of the Structure of High $P_t$ Hadronic Interaction |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0246 | Selove, W. | Search for Difference in Pion / Proton Internal Structure |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0245 | Jain, P.L. | Interaction of 400 GeV Proton in Nuclear Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0244 | Jain, P.L. | Interaction of 300 GeV Proton in Nuclear Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0243 | Niu, K. | Study of Secondary Particles Produced by 400 GeV Protons in Emulsion Chambers |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0242 | Niu, K. | Study of Secondary Particles Produced by 300 GeV Protons in Emulsion Chambers |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0241 | Brabson, B.B. | Energy Dependence of Backward $\pi^- p$ Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0240 | Gustafson, H.Richard | A Measurement of Proton - Proton Total Cross Sections |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0239 | Frankel, S. | Proposal for a Further Search for Long Lived Particles at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0238 | Lord, J.J. | Emulsion Exposure to 400 GeV Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0237 | Lord, J.J. | Emulsion Exposure to 300 GeV Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0236 | Cook, V. | A Proposal to Explore the Large $P_t$ Domain: Inclusive Cross Sections and Possible Jet Structure |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0235 | Jones, Lawrence W. | Neutron Small - Angle Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0234 | Fowler, W. | An Engineering Run for the NAL 15-ft Cryogenic Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0233 | Hbert, Jacques | 300 GeV (and 400 GeV) Proton Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0232 | Butt, J.E. | 400 GeV Protons on Complex Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0231 | Akimov, Y. | p-p and p-d Elastic and Inelastic Scattering in the New CO Internal Target Laboratory |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0230 | Burke, David L. | A Search for 'Schein Events' and Events with a High Multiplicity of $\gamma's$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0229 | Alley, P.W. | A Proposal for Testing a Transition Radiation Detector at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0228 | Chapman, J. | Proposal to Extend the Energy Range of a Study of Multiparticle Production in pp Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0227 | Engelmann, R. | Proposal to Investigate Neutrino Interactions in Deuterium Using the NAL 15-Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0226 | Rosenberg, E.I. | Coherent $K_{S}$ Regeneration by Electrons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0225 | Chen, K.W. | Excited Muon, Lepton Pair Production, W Production, and Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering in High Energ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0224 | Jones, Lawrence W. | Study of Diffraction Dissociation (Coherent and Incoherent) and Inclusive Parameters of the Interact |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0223 | Lorenz, E. | Proposal to Study High Transverse Momentum Energy Distributions and Correlations Using Total Absorpt |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0222 | Frisch, Henry J. | A Proposal to Study Hard Hadron-Hadron Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0221 | Childress, S. | p-p Inelastic Scattering in the Diffractive Region |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0220 | Kitagaki, T. | Experimental Proposal for NAL 30 Inch BC $\bar{p}p$ and $K^-p$ Interactions at 100 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0219 | Birge, R. | Detailed Study of Nucleon Dissociation and Particle Exchange Reactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0218 | Erwin, J. | Pion - Deuteron Interactions at 200 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0217 | Erwin, J. | A Comparision of 100 GeV and 200 GeV $\pi^\pm p$ Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0216 | Drickey, D. | A Measurement of the Pion Form Factor by Direct Pion-Electron Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0215 | Abrams, G. | Study of 400 GeV $\pi^-p$ Interactions in the Bare 30-Inch Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0214 | Ansorge, R.E. | Proposal to Study High Energy Negative Hyperon Interactions with the NAL 15-Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0213 | Ansorge, R.E. | Proposal to Study High-Energy $\pi^+ K^+$ and $K^-$ Interactions in the NAL 15 Foot Hydrogen Bubble |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0212 | Barate, R. | Measurement of Backward 2-Body and Quasi-2-Body Reactions Induced on Unpolarized and Polarized Proto |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0211 | Wuster, H.O. | Proposal for Radiation Measurements Around a Proton Beam Dump at 300 $GeV^*$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0210 | Abe, K. | Inclusive Production of $\pi^\pm$ in the Backward Direction from Complex Nuclear Targets |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0209 | Dzierba, A. | A Study of 300-GeV/c pd Interactions in the Thirty-Inch Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0208 | Markov, M.A. | A Proposal to Study Proton-Proton Interactions at the Energy of 300 GeV or Higher at the NAL Bubble |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0207 | Engelmann, R. | Proposal to Study pp Interactions at 500 GeV in the 30-Inch Bubble Chamber at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0206 | Harris, F. | Development of a Transition Radiation Detector for Discriminating between Pions and Kaons at NAL Ene |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0205 | Ozaki, S. | Phenomenological Study of Muon-Nucleon Collision at Energy More than 100 GeV in Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0204 | Eisenberg, Y. | Proposal for a pd 200-GeV/c Bubble Chamber Experiment at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0203 | Cester, R. | Feasible Search for Heavy Neutral Muons Predicted by Gauge Theories |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0202 | Bartlett, D.F. | Search for Tachyon Monopoles in Cosmic Rays above 15-foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0201 | Erber, T. | Study of High Energy Magnetic Bremsstrahlung in Pulsed Megagauss Fields |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0200 | Cheng, D. | Search for High Transverse Momentum Jets with a Magnetic Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0199 | Frankel, S. | Search for Weakly Produced Massive Long-Lived Particles at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0198 | Nitz, D. | A proposal for a magnetic recoil spectrometer for the gas jet target |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0197 | Malamud, Ernest | Multibody Final States in pp Collisions Up to 500 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0196 | Edelstein, R. | Proton-Deuteron Interactions in the Bare Thirty-Inch Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0195 | Lim, Y.K. | Proposal to Measure the Lifetime of the Neutral Pion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0194 | Engelmann, R. | Proposal to study proton - deuteron interactions in the 30 inch bubble chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0193 | Guiragossian, Z.G.T. | NAL Proposal for Deep Inelastic Electron Scattering: Search for Intermediate Bosons, Heavy Leptons, |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0192 | Guiragossian, Z.G.T. | NAL Proposal for Study of Photons and Leptons Produced in Meson-Nucleon Collisions in the Deep Scatt |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0191 | Orth, C.D. | Total Absorption Shower Counter Test |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0190 | Engelmann, R. | Proposal to Study Multibody Final States in pp Collisions at 200 GeV/c Using the NAL 15-Foot Bubble |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0189 | Ritson, David M. | Nuclear Emulsion Exposures to 400 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0188 | Aslpector, J. | A Proposal to Measure Cross Sections for $pp \to pX, nX$ as a Function of s and $M^2_X$ Using the In |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0187 | Lee, W. | Phase 0.8 Search for Long-Lived Massive Objects (High Energy Calibration Run) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0186 | Bartenev, V. | A Proposal to Study Small Angle Proton-Deuteron Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0185 | Braun, H. | Proposal to study p n interactions at 205-GeV/c by means of the 30 inch deuterium filled bubble cham |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0184 | Pilcher, J. | Search for a New Class of Penetrating Massive Particles at C-0 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0183 | Dobrotin, N.A. | A Proposal of the Photoemulsion Experiment at the National Accelerator Laboratory (Batavia) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0182 | Gidal, G. | A 30" Bubble Chamber Proposal |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0181 | Cary, A.S. | The Direct Production of Electron Pairs in Nuclear Emulsion by 100 and 200 GeV Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0180 | Arbuzov, B.A. | A Study of Antineutrino Interactions in the NAL 15-FT Bubble Chamber, Filled with Hydrogen and Neon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0179 | Diamond, R.N. | K+ p Multiparticle Production in the 30" NAL Hybrid Chamber at the Highest Possible Energy |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0178 | Busza, W. | A Study of the Average Multiplicity and Multiplicity Distributions in Hadron-Nucleus Collisions at H |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0177 | Orear, J. | Early Measurement of 200 GeV PP Large Angle Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0176 | Babcock, B. | Proposal for an Experiment at the National Accelerator Laboratory Nuclear Levels as Analyzers of Hig |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0175 | Margolis, B. | Stage I to Proposal #144: A Simple Spectrometer to Measure Photoproduction of Vector Mesons and Pion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0174 | Bird, L. | Proposal to Study Electroproduction with Coincidence Techniques at High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0173 | Chapman, J.W. | Proton-Deuteron Interactions in the Thirty-Inch Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0172 | Bingham, H.H. | Antineutrino Interactions in the 14' H(2)-Neon BC |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0171 | Kotzer, Peter | Proposed Emulsion Experiment Search for Short Lived Particles at High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0170 | McFarland, A. | Search for Electromagnetic Production of Fractionally Charged Particles at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0169 | Alard, J.P. | Proposal for (p,p) and (p,n) Collision Experiments at Batavia by Use of Nuclear Emulsions and Electr |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0167 | Bartlett, D.F. | 'Static' electric and magnetic fields near the internal proton beam at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0166 | Collins, C.B. | Experimental proposal to the National Accelerator Laboratory to study multigamma and charged seconda |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0165 | Anderson, R.L. | Proposal to Measure Two-Body and Quasi Two-Body Elastic Scattering at Large t-Values and in the $\mu |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0164 | Crawford, J.F. | Proposal to Study at NAL Energies I. Multi - Gamma - Ray Final States using a Negative Beam on Hydro |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0163 | Walker, W.D. | Proposal for a Study of the Interaction of High-Energy $\pi^-$ with Neon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0162 | March, R. | Note on $K_S \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ Search in the Neutral Hyperon Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0161 | Benvenuti, A. | Proposal to Survey High Energy Proton Collisions in Neon and to Search for Anomalous Photon Bundles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0160 | Messner, Robert | Proposal to Search for the Decay Mode $K_S \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0159 | Chaturvedi, S. | Study of General Features of Particle Production in Proton Proton Collisions at 400 and 100 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0158 | Sosnowski, Ryszard | Proposal to Study High Energy Collisions in the 30 Inch Hydrogen Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0157 | Dzierba, A. | A Proposal to Study High Energy Diffractive N* Production |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0156 | Niu, K. | Study of Secondary Particles Produced by 200 and 500 GeV Protons in Emulsion Chambers |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0155 | Cence, R.J. | Proposal to Develop a Phase I External Muon Identifier (EMI) for Use with the NAL 30 $m^3$ Bubble Ch |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0154 | Fong, D.G. | Test of Proportional Wire Chambers in Hybrid Systems |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0153 | Kitagaki, T. | Negative Pion - Proton Interactions at 200 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0152 | Dorfan, D.E. | Proposal to Build an Electron-Photon Facility at NAL and to Measure Photon Scattering at High Energi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0151 | Snow, G.A. | Preliminary Proposal to Study Neutrino Interactions with Neutrons and Protons Using the 15-Foot Bubb |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0150 | Sauer, J. | Study of Two Particle Distributions in the Secondaries Produced in Proton-Proton Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0149 | Knasel, T.M. | A Survey Measurement of Charged Hyperon Fluxes, Including a Search for New Particles in the Mass Ran |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0148 | Ruddick, K. | Coulomb Productioin of Vector Mesons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0147 | Debeauvais, M. | Proposal of an Experiment on the Fission of Very Heavy Nuclei Induced by 200 GeV Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0146 | Kaiser, R. | A Study of Proton-Nuclei Interactions at Energies Higher than 100 GeV with Visual Solid Detectors |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0145 | Walker, J.K. | A Proposal to Study Photon Proton Interactions Between 20 and 250 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0144 | Margolis, B. | Proposal to Set up a Tagged Photon Facility and to Survey Photon Induced Reactions in 50-300 BeV Reg |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0143 | Connolly, P.L. | Proposal for a Rapid Systematic Study of All Interactions in a $\pi^-p$ Exposure of the Bare 30" Cha |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0142 | Halperin, J. | Proposal for a Search for Superheavy Elements by Irradiations at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0141 | Charlton, G. | Study of pp Interactions in the ANL 30-Inch Hydrogen Bubble Chamber at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0140 | Bown, D. | Proposal to Study High Mass States of $\pi^{\pm}, K^{\pm}$ and $p^{\pm}$ with Masses up to 10 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0139 | Cleland, W. | A Measurement of the Electromagnetic Radius of the Kaon and the Difference Between the Pion and Kaon |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0138 | Chapman, J. | Study of Multiparticle Production in a 30" Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0137 | Huson, F.R. | Study of $\pi^- +p$ Interactions at High Energy |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0136 | Carpenter, D. | A Study of High Energy $\pi^-$ Nucleon Collisions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0135 | Jenkins, T.L. | Proposal for an Experiment to Study the Reaction $K\bar{}p \to \bar{K}^o$ n at NAL Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0134 | Biswas, N.N. | Study of Multiproton Production in High Energy $\pi^-p$ Interaction at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0133 | Biswas, N.N. | Study of Multipion Production in High Energy $\pi^-p$ Interactions at NAL Using the 30-Inch Hydrogen |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0132 | Fong, D.G. | A General Survey of Pion-Proton and Proton-Proton Collisions in the 100-500 GeV/c Region |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0131 | Barnes, V.E. | NAL Bubble Chamber Proposal: $K^-p$ and $\bar{p}p$ Interactions at 200 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0130 | Panvini, R. | Proposal to Study $pp$ Interactions up to 500 GeV/c with the 30 Inch Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0129 | Benvenutti, a. | An Investigation of the Components of the Neutral Beam Produced by High Energy Protons at NAL Using |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0128 | Benvenutti, A. | Search for Mossbauer Type Nuclear Collisions with the High Energy Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0127 | Eisenstein, B. | A Proposal to Study Slow Secondary Particle Distributions in $\pi^-p$ and $pp$ Reactions in the 30 I |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0126 | Barnes, V.E. | Multiparticle $\pi^-p$ Interactions at 130 GeV and at the Highest Energy |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0125 | Besliu, T. | Proposal to Study $\pi^-p$ Reactions at 60 and 200 GeV/c in the 30 Inch Hydrogen Bubble Chamber at N |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0124 | Aly, H.H. | The Nature of the Momentum Spectrum of the Secondary Particles from High-Energy Collision |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0123 | Alvager, T.K.E. | Proposal for a Search for Quark-Matter at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0122 | Volkov, A.A. | On Investigation of Neutrino Interaction in 14 Foot Bubble Chamber at NAL Accelerator |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0121 | Ko, W. | A Proposal to Search for Very Heavy Strange Particles using a Small Hydrogen Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0120 | Rubbia, C. | Early $\pi^0$ Particle Production Survey with the Gas Jet Target |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0119 | Batty, C.J. | Production of Heavy and Super-Heavy Nuclei in Targets Irradiated by Very High Energy Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0118 | Guerriero, L. | Hadron Spectra from High Energy Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0117 | Ozaki, S. | Phenomenological Study of 200 and 500 GeV/c Proton-Proton Collisions in Emulsion |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0116 | Casas, J. | Interaction of High Energy Protons in Nuclear Emulsions Loaded with $B^{10}$ and LiF |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0115 | Stevenson, M.L. | Search for Long Lived Particles ($\tau \gtrsim 0.1$ m sec) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0114 | Jain, P.L. | Interaction of 200-500 GeV Proton with Emulsion Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0113 | Meyer, Stuart L. | Proposal to Study the $K^{\pm}$ Charge Exchange Reactions at High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0112 | Longo, Michael J. | Neutron Diffraction Dissociation and Coulomb Dissociation from Various Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0111 | Gomez, R. | Proposal to Study $\pi^- p \to \pi^0 n$ and $\pi^- p \to \eta n$ at High Energy |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0110 | Dzierba, A. | Proposal to Study Multiparticle-Peripheral Hadron Physics at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0109 | Eartly, David P. | A Proposal for a Preliminary Beam Survey in the 3.5 MRAD Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0108 | Awschalom, M. | A Beam Dump Experiment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0107 | Lai, K.W. | Measurements of Elastic, Quasi-Elastic and Some Inelastic Scatterings of Particles $(\pi^+, K^+, p)$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0106 | Cork, Bruce | Proposal for a Study of Multiparticle Production at NAL Using an Array of Wide-Gap Triggerable Spark |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0105 | Daniel, R.R. | A Proposal to Study Some Characteristics of Proton-nucleon and Proton-Nucleus Collisions at 400 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0104 | Cool, R.L. | Measurement of Total Cross Sections on Hydrogen and Deuterium |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0103 | King, D.T. | Intra-Nuclear Cascade Produced by 200 GeV Protons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0102 | Frisken, William R. | Proposal for an Experiment to Study the Reaction $K^- p \to \bar{K}^0 n$ at NAL Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0101 | Gittelman, B. | Elastic $\pi^+ e^-$ Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0100 | Cronin, J.W. | A Proposal to Study Particle Production at High Transverse Momenta |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0099 | Ayres, D. | A Study of $\pi^+ p \to K^+ \Sigma^+$ and $\pi^+ p \to K^+ Y^{*+}$ Using the Focusing Spectrometer F |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0098 | Anderson, H.L. | Muon-Proton Inelastic Scattering Experiment at the National Accelerator Laboratory |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0097 | Atac, M. | Elastic Scattering of the Hyperons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0096 | Ayers, D. | Focusing spectrometer facility |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0095 | Chien, C.-Y. | Proposal for examination of wide angle gamma rays at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0094 | Goza, E.R. | 100 GeV pion interactions in photographic emulsion: a parasitic experiment |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0093 | Wahlig, Michael | Small-angle charge exchange reactions pi- + p --> pi0 + n and pi- + p --> eta + n from 50 to 200 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0092 | Barish, B. | A neutrino experiment in the NAl 30m 3 bubble chamber using monoenergetic neutrinos |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0091 | Madansky, L. | Madansky Emulsion exposure |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0090 | Gierula, J. | Cracow nuclear emulsion exposures |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0089 | Bingham, H.H. | Interactions of 150 GeV pi- mesons in a large NAL bubble chamber filled with H2-Ne |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0088 | Albright, John R. | Search for fractionally charged particles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0087 | Lee, W. | Proposal to search for heavy leptons and intermediate bosons from photon-nucleon and photon-nuclei c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0086 | Bastien, P.L. | A proposal to study inelastic diffractive processes by observing coherent production of multipion fi |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0085 | Barnes, V.E. | Proposal for an Exposure of the 15 Foot Deuterium Filled Bubble Chamber to a Beam of Separated Pi+ M |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0084 | Frisken, William R. | Proposal for an experiment to study the reaction pi- p --> pi0 n at 30 to 150-GeV at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0083 | Kitagaki, T. | Experimental Proposal for NAL 15' Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0082 | Aronson, S.H. | Proposal to Investigate Regeneration of Neutral K - Mesons at Very High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0081 | Butler, G.W. | Preliminary Survey of 200 GeV Proton Interactions with Complex Nuclei |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0080 | Bromberg, C. | Proposal to Study Multiparticle Production Processes Utilizing the 30-inch Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0079 | Buchanan, C.D. | A measurement of the regeneration parameter in the 100 GeV/C range |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0078 | Burnstein, R.A. | Proposal to study multiparticle pi+ -p and p -p interactions from 70 GeV and above utilizing the 30- |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0077 | Kopelman, J.B. | Proposal to study high energy hyperon physics at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0076 | Carrigan, R.A., Jr. | Search for magnetic monopoles produced at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0075 | Sculli, J. | A proposal to search for fractionally charged quarks |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0074 | Fleischer, R.L. | Proposal to National Accelerator Laboratory for a search for magnetic monopoles |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0073 | Anderson, R.L. | Proposal to measure two body elastic and quasi-elastic scattering at high energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0072 | Adair, R.K. | Experimental proposal to N.A.L. quark search |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0071 | Buchanan, C. | A measurement of the pion radius |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0070 | Lee, W. | Study of lepton pairs from proton-nuclear interactions: search for intermediate bosons and lee-wick |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0069 | Atac, M. | Elastic Scattering of the Long-Lived Hadrons |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0068 | Anderson, H.L. | Multiparticle Production in $\pi - p$ Collisions at 100 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0067 | Cohen, K. | Search for Baryon Resonances up to 10 GeV Mass Produced in $p+p \to p +mm$ with a Resolution of $\pm |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0066 | Chapman, J. | Study of Low-Mass Peripheral States in a Small Triggered Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0065 | Crennel, D.J. | $KP$ and $\bar{KP}$ Interactions from ~ 20 - 60 GeV/c in a Large Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0064 | Diebold, R. | Hadron Spectra from High Energy Proton Proton Interactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0063 | Atac, M. | Survey of Particle Production in Proton Collisions at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0062 | Chapman, J. | Study of Multiparticle Production in a Small Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0061 | Hill, D. | A Proposal to Measure Polarization in $pp$, $\pi^- p$ and $\pi^+ p$ Elastic Scattering at 50, 100, a |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0060 | Brown, R. | Very High Energy $K^0_L$ Experiments at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0059 | Holloway, L. | A Proposal to Study the Reaction $\pi^- p \to \pi^-\pi^+ n$ at the National Accelerator Laboratory |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0058 | Morris, T.W. | Proposal to Study Multiparticle Production with NAL Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0057 | Foley, K.J. | Behavior of High Energy Elastic Scattering and Total Cross Sections for $\pi^\pm - p$, $K^\pm - p$, |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0056 | Cool, R.L. | Measurement of Total Cross Sections on Hydrogen and Deuterium |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0055 | Tollestrup, A.V. | Proposal to Study $\pi^- p \to \pi^0 n$ and $\pi^- p \to \eta n$ at High Energy |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0054 | Dzierba, A. | Quasi-Two-Body Reactions at 50-200 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0053 | Baltay, C. | Search for the Intermediate Boson, Lepton Pair Production, and a Study of Deeply Inelastic Reactions |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0052 | Beier, E.W. | A Proposal to Study Particle Production Spectra and Multiplicities in High Energy Hadron-Hadron Coll |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0051 | Bowen, D. | Mass Spectrum and Decay Modes for Bosons in the 2.0 to 8.6 GeV/c$^2$ Mass Range |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0050 | Mazur, P. | Large Angle $\pi^{\pm} - P, K^{\pm} - P$, and $P^{\pm} - P$ Elastic Scattering at High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0049 | Biswas, N.N. | The Electromagnetic Form Factor of the Charged Pion from $\pi^+ e^-$ Elastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0048 | Kasha, H. | A Measurement of the Intensity and Polarization of Muons Produced Directly by the Interactions of Pr |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0047 | Feld, B.T. | Diffraction Dissociation and Elastic Scattering Processes with Incident Protons and Negative Pions i |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0046 | Fowler, W.B. | A Study of High Energy $\pi^-$ Proton Interactions with the NAL 14-Foot Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0045 | Roe, B. | Proposal to Study Neutrino Interactions with Protons using the 14-Foot Bubble Chamber at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0044 | Roe, R. | Proposal to Study Neutrino Interactions with Protons and Neutrons using the 14-Foot Bubble Chamber a |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0043 | Barnes, V.E. | Proposal to Study Single Meson Production in Meson Nucleon Interactions at 50 and 100 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0042 | Barnes, V.E. | Neutrino Interactions in the Deuterium-Neon 14 Foot Double Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0041 | Loeffler, F.J. | Very High Energy Proton Proton Interactions: Exploratory Survey in a Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0040 | Barnes, V.E. | Diffractive Process in $\pi^- p$ Interactions at 100 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0039 | Walker, W.D. | Proposal for the Use of a Rapid Cycling Bubble Chamber at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0038 | Cho, Y. | Production of W's and Study of Deep Inelastic Reactions by Very High Energy Neutrinos |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0037 | Malamud, Ernest | Multibody Final States in pp Collisions Up to 500 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0036 | Cool, R.L. | A Proposal to Study Small Angle p-p Scattering at Very High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0035 | Abrams, R. | A Proposal to Study Resonance Production in $\pi^- p \to x^- p$ at 40 to 80 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0034 | Huggett, R.W. | Nuclear-Electromagnetic Cascade Development Study (Ionization Spectrometer Development) |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0033 | Anderson, H.L. | Preliminary Proposal to Measure the Hadrons in Muon-Proton Inelastic Scattering at the National Acce |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0032 | Hofstadter, R. | Test and Calibrate a Large NaI(T1) TANC Detector and to Measure Neutral Hadron Total Cross Sections |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0031 | Campbell, John | Proposal to Investigate $\bar{\nu}\mu$ Neutrino Interactions in Hydrogen at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0030 | Kirk, T.B.W. | Neutal Kaon Regeneration in Liquid Hydrogen from 40 GeV to 200 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0029 | Kirk, T. | Proposal for $\mu P$ Scattering Experiment at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0028 | Benvenuti, A. | Search for Heavy Leptons and Hard Penetrating Radiation in the Neutrino Beam, Study of Diffraction S |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0027 | Rosen, J. | Proposal to Study the Small Angle Neutal Beam Using A V Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0026 | Chen, K.Wendell | High Momentum Transfer Inelastic Muon Scattering and Test of Scale Invariance at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0025 | Caldwell, David O. | Measurement of the Total Photoabsorption Cross Section on H, D, C, Cu, and Pb for Photon Energies fr |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0024 | Caldwell, David O. | Measurement of Inelastic Compton Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0023 | Williams, R.W. | Inclusive Pion - Proton Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0022 | Collins, G.B. | Experimental Proposal to the National Accelerator Laboratory for a Search for Multigamma Events from |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0021 | Sciulli, F. | Neutrino Physics at Very High Energies |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0020 | Block, M.M. | A Study of Elastic Neutrino Scattering Using a Deuterium Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0019 | Tompkins, Donald R. | A Cerenkov Counter Search for Monopole Production by 200 GeV Protons / A Cerenkov Counter Search for |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0018 | Ash, W.W. | Proposal to Study the Reactions $p + p \to p + (p + \pi^+ + \pi^-) p +(n + \pi^+)$ at 200 GeV and 50 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0017 | Bishop, J.M. | $\bar{p}d$ Interactions from 20 to 60 GeV/c |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0016 | Clark, A.R. | P-P Elastic and Inelastic Scattering at Small Momentum Transfers |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0015 | Carithers, W. | Proposal for a Measurement of the Momentum Dependence of the Difference in Forward Scattering Amplit |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0014 | Franzini, P. | Proposal to Study Inelastic High Energy Proton-Proton Collisions in the Diffractive Region |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0013 | Balasubrahmanyan, V.K. | Ionization Spectrometer Development and Calibration |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0012 | Reay, N.W. | A Study of Neutron Proton Charge Exchange Scattering in the Momentum Range 50 - 200 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0011 | Alvager, T.K.E. | Search for Fast Particles Produced at Large Lab Angles at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0010 | Baker, W.F. | A Proposal to Measure the Total Cross Sections for $\pi^{\pm}, K^{\pm}, p$ and $\bar{p}$ |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0009 | Cence, R. | Proposal for a High Energy Neutrino Experiment in the NAL 30m$^{3}$ H$_{2}$, D$_{2}$ Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0008 | March, R.H. | Experiments in a Neutral Hyperon Beam |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0007 | Akerlof, C. | A Proposal to Measure $\pi^{\pm}p$ and $p-p$ Differential Elastic Scattering Cross Sections from 50 |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0006 | Ratner, L.G. | 200 GeV Proton Proton Elastic Scattering at High Transverse Momentum |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0005 | Dieterle, B. | Muon - Proton Inelastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0004 | Longo, Michael J. | Neutron-Proton Diffraction Scattering and Neutron Total Cross Sections up to 200 GeV |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0003 | Alvarez, L.W. | Proposal for a Search for Magnetic Monopoles at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0002-B | Glasser, R.G. | Study of Multiparticle Proton-Proton Interactions from 100 GeV/c to 400 GeV/c with a 30-Inch Bubble |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0002-A | Unknown, A. | Study of Multiparticle p-p and $\pi^-$-p Interactions from 70 GeV to 200 GeV and Above |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0001-A | Cline, D. | Preliminary Version of a Proposal for Neutrino Scattering Experiments at NAL |
FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-0001 | Cline, D. | Preliminary Version of a Proposal for Neutrino Scattering Experiments at NAL |