Updated 2025-03-28 11:16:34
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0332-LBNF | Ruggeri, Alessandro | The Tracking System of SAND at the DUNE Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0331-LBNF | Diurba, Richard | Measurements of a Total Inelastic K +- Argon Cross Section at ProtoDUNE-SP |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0330-LBNF | Caracas, Iona | DUNE-PRISM: An Innovative Technique for Neutrino Oscillation Analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0329-LBNF | Man, Matthew | Region of Interest Filter in DUNE DAQ |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0328-LBNF | Zambelli, Laura | Performance of the DUNE Vertical Drift Technology Anodes |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0327-LBNF | Mawby, Isobel | Machine Learning Approaches to Particle Identification in the DUNE Far Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0326-LBNF | White, Angela J. | 2x2 Demonstrator High-Coverage Light Readout System in a Novel LArTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0325-LBNF | Nehm, Asa | Reconstruction in the DUNE Near Detector Muon Spectrometer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0324-LBNF | Manthey Corchado, S. | Dune Sensitivity to Solar Neutrinos |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0323-LBNF | Yang, Jiangmei | A 3D Field Response Simulation for Pixelated Charge Readout in LArTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0322-LBNF | Leon, Diana | Power Over Fiber for the DUNE Vertical Drift Photon Detection System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0321-LBNF | Vizcaya Hernández, Ana P. | ProtoDUNE Run Conditions Database |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0320-LBNF | van Nuland, Marjolein | Neutron Detection in the DUNE Liquid Argon Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0319-LBNF | Bathe-Peters, Lars | 2p-2h Cross-Section Systematics in DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0318-LBNF | Vieira de Souza, Henrique | Angle and Energy Reconstruction of Atmospheric Neutrinos in DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0316-AD | Sullivan, William | Characterization of throughput on the AXI DMA bus for burst data transfer over Ethernet |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0315-CMS | Zoi, Irene | Design and construction of the CMS Outer Tracker for the Phase-2 Upgrade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0313-PPD | Lara, Carlos E. Pérez | Performance of Pixel and Strip AC-LGAD Sensors with Different Design Parameter on a 120 GeV Proton B |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0312-PIP2 | Varghese, P. | Calibration and Measurement techniques in the LLRF systems of the Fermilab PIP-II Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0307-V | Hernandez, Israel | Simulating Superconducting Devices in Novel Materials Using the G4CMP Simulation Toolkit |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0306-PPD | Khatiwada, Rakshya | Qubit-Based Detector For Dark Matter Search And Radiation Studies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0305-CSAID | Mambelli, Marco | GlideinBenchmark: collecting resource information to optimize provisioning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0304-PPD | Kwok, Martin | Portable HCAL reconstruction in the CMS detector using the Alpaka library |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0303-CMS-CSAID | Smith, Nick | Object storage model for CMS data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0302-CMS-CSAID-PPD | Güngördü, Acelya Deniz | Refining Fast Simulation Using Machine Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0301-CMS-CSAID-PPD | Holzman, Burt | Deployment of inference as a service at the US CMS Tier-2 data centers |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0300-LDRD-PPD | Bhatnagar, Priyansh | Interpreting and Accelerating Transformers for Jet Tagging |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0299-CSAID | Hawks, Ben | wa-hls4ml: A benchmark and dataset for ML accelerator resource estimation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0298-CSAID | Bhat, Shreyas | A Managed Tokens Service for Securely Keeping and Distributing Grid Tokens |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0297-CSAID | Knoepfel, Kyle J. | Data-flow parallelism for high-energy and nuclear physics frameworks |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0296-TD | Stoynev, S. | Application of Flex-QA Arrays in HTS Magnet Testing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0295-AD | Austin, Mark | Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) Clock and Timing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0294-AD | Ammigan, K. | HRMT-60- RaDIATE Material Studies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0293-AD | Milton, Evan | Beam Synchronous for the Rest of Us! |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0292-CMS | Parpillon, Benjamin | Radiation-Hard Smart-Pixel Detector ASIC ReadOut with Digital AI in 28nm |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0291-SQMS | Venturelli, Davide | SQMS Quantum R&D in Machine Learning, Optimization and Sensing beyond Fundamental Physics Applicatio |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0290-PPD | Hagaman, Lee | Updated NC Delta Radiative Single Photon LEE Analysis From MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0289-V | Nguyen, Christian | Multi-Differential Semi-Inclusive Charged-Current Muon Neutrino Cross Sections on Helium-4 in MINERv |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0288-SQMS | Cervantes, Raphael | SERAPH: Dark Matter Searches with SRF Cavities and Transmon Qubits |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0286-SQMS | Romanenko, Alexander | Progress on 3D SRF-based architecture for quantum computing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0285-SQMS-TD | Vallières, André | Quantum communications work at SQMS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0283-SQMS | Roy, Tanay | Evaluating Radiation Impact on Superconducting Transmon Qubits in Above and Underground Facilities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0282-SQMS | Murthy, Akshay A. | Understanding and Mitigating Materials-Level Sources of Loss in Superconducting Qubits |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0280-SQMS | Suri, Nishchay | Tools for Quantum Algorithms, Protocols, Benchmarking, Architectural Design and Codesign |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0279-SQMS | Bal, Mustafa | SQMS Nanofabrication Taskforce: Towards Fabrication of High Coherence Superconducting Qubits |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0278-CSAID | Cancelo, Gustavo | QICK in a box |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0277-PPD | Paton, Josephine | An Updated Simulation of the Booster Neutrino Beam |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0275-SQMS | Lachman, Ella | SQMS science advances impact on Rigetti commercial processors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0274-SQMS | Giaccone, Bianca | Quantum sensing for fundamental physics efforts at SQMS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0272-SQMS | Goronzy, Dominic P. | Material and Interface Engineering Strategies to Mitigate Decoherence in Superconducting Qubits |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0271-SQMS | Bal, Mustafa | Understanding and Improving 2D QPU Gate Fidelities at SQMS Center |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0270-TD-V | D'Agliano, A. | FEM Analysis of Hybrid LTS/HTS Cos-Theta Dipole Magnet |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0269-TD | Barzi, Emanuela | Testing high-current superconducting subscale dipole coils with superconducting transformer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0266-CMS-PPD | Apresyan, Artur | Assembly of CMS Endcap MIP Timing Detector Module at FNAL |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0265-PIP2 | Pathak, Abhishek | Transfer Line at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0264-AD | Jones, Daniel C. | Performance of the Fermilab Linac Injector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0263-TD | McGee, K. | Towards the first high-Q treatments for 800 MHz 5-cell elliptical cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0262-TD | Sukhanov, Alexander | Cold test results of pre-production PIP-II SSR2 cavities with high-power couplers in the Fermilab Sp |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0261-TD | Howard, Katrina | Microscopic understanding of the effects of impurities in low RRR SRF cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0260-TD | Chouhan, V. | Study of Mechanical Grinding Effects on Niobium Surface |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0259-LBNF | Utaegbulam, Hilary | Predicting Missing Regions in Charged Particle Tracks Using a Sparse 3D Convolutional Neural Network |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0258-TD | Chouhan, V. | Transfer of EP and Doping Technology for PIP-II HB650 Cavities from Fermilab to Industry |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0257-TD | Chouhan, V. | Excellent performance of 650 MHz single-cell niobium cavity after electropolishing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0256-TD | Eremeev, Grigory | First results from two Nb$^{3}$Sn cavities assembled in a CEBAF quarter cryomodule |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0255-TD | Saini, A. | Beam Optics Design of a Prototype 20 KW Conduction-cooled SRF Accelerator for Medical Sterilization |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0254-TD | Narug, Colin | Standardization of ancillary installation tooling for SRF cavities at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0253-PIP2-TD | Narug, C. | Successful Cleanroom Installation of PIP-II SSR2 Coupler Using Robotic Arm |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0252-AD-PIP2 | Wijethunga, S.A.K. | Geant4-based Analysis of Faraday Cup Performance for PIP-II Laser Wire Scanner System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0251-AD | Chen, Erin | Emittance Measurements with Wire Scanners in the Fermilab Side-Coupled Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0250-TD | Furuta, F. | Progress and Challenges in Traveling-Wave SRF cavity development at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0249-TD | Kazakevich, G. | On the Life Expectancy of High-Power CW magnetrons for Superconducting Accelerators* |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0248-TD | Kazakevich, G. | On forced RF generation of CW magnetrons for SRF accelerators |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0247-STUDENT | Abdelhamid, Maan | Shortened Booster Bunch Lengths |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0246-SQMS-STUDENT | Lei, Zhicheng | Growth of Native Oxides of Niobium Thin Films |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0245-STUDENT | Dang, Stella Q. | Simulating the Phonon Collection Efficiency in KIPMDs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0244-STUDENT | Roberts, Rachel | Automating Rabi & Ramsey Measurements via ML |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0243-TD | Sue, Micah | Analysis of the Surface Morphology and Chemical Composition of Zr-Nb3Sn Alloys with Zr Different Con |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0242-STUDENT | Anguiano, Efren | Simulating Single Qubit Random |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0241-AD-STUDENT | Ayala, Diana | Interface Box for Dual Power Amplifier Modulators in Main Injector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0240-STUDENT | Damish, Stephanie | Machine Learning for DUNE Supernova Trigger |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0239-STUDENT | Ganguly, Neil | Optimizing ICEBERG LArTPC Run Configuration for Data Collection |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0238-STUDENT | Mkrtchyan, Ka'ren | Elimination LArTPC Simulation Uncertainty |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0237-STUDENT | Blas, Efren | LINAC Electrical Cabinets - Structural Analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0236 | Habibeh, Mohammad | Bayesian Optimization For Accelerator Tuning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0234-STUDENT | Rao, Shardul | Refinement and Modeling of a Blackbody-Based Calibration Method in the InfraBREAD Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0233-STUDENT | Ruffolo, Leopoldo | Designing Track for Electrospinning Unit and Cost-Effective Laser Scanning System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0232-STUDENT | Wichmann, Conrad | Deriving Effective Coupling Strength With Born-Oppenheimer Approx. |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0231-TD-V | D'Agliano, A. | Modeling of Bi-2212 strand and Rutherford cable in a dipole coil insert |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0230-TD | Pankov, Amelie | C-0 Oil Processing System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0229-STUDENT | Gable, Kyle | Search for 2p2h Interactions in NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0228-V | Lee, Lawrence | Muon Detector Visualization in Unreal Engine |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0227-STUDENT | Lopez, Jacob | A New Approach to Robot Motor Control |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0226-PPD | Powers, Rose | ECAL Calibration and Energy Resolution for a 10TeV Detector Geometry |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0225-SQMS | Lunin, A. | HOM Spectra Measurements in 1.3 GHz Cavities for LCLS-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0224-PIP2-TD | Contreras-Martinez, Crispin | Testing of the SSR2 SRF cavity tuner for PIP-II at 2 K |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0223-AD | Wieland, J. | Experimental Measurements of Nonlinear Integrable Optics in IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0220-STUDENT | Ali, Mohamud | HLS4ML Integration with QICK |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0219-AD | Piekarz, Henryk | Rapid-cycling HTS magnet for muon acceleration |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0218-STUDENT | Labnine, Aya | Neutrino NC to CC Ratio in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0217-AD-STUDENT | Winter, Wesley | Secondary Beamline Lattice Design at the MeV Test Area (MTA) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0216-STUDENT | El-Haj, Luca Abu | Optical potential uncertainties on exclusive tens-of-MeV Ar cross sections |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0215-STUDENT | Saarinen, Talia | Mu2e otsdaq Documentation and Online Reconstruction Analytics |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0213-STUDENT | Leith, Justin | Low Energy Muon Beam Diagnostics - Scintillating Fiber Profile Monitor (SFPM) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0212-STUDENT | Manzo, D'Angelo | Program to Operate Waveform Generator |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0211-LBNF-STUDENT | McCright, Hannah | Testing, Operation, and Analysis of a Photosensitive LArTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0210-STUDENT | Simo, Jeanette | Implementing on-demand microwave coupling between superconducting rf cavities with a SNAIL-based thr |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0209-STUDENT | Rodriguez Thorne, Paloma | TinyTPC: A Test Stand for LAr Doping |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0208-AD-STUDENT | Safaryan, Milena | LINAC Longitudinal Simulation and Measurement of Output Energy |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0207-COM | Valle, Diego | AI in Science Communication |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0206-STUDENT | Black, Niko | Electrospinner Upgrades for Nanofiber Production |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0205-STUDENT | Turner, Matthew | Intrabeam Scattering in IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0204-LBNF-STUDENT | Wheeler, Justin | Neutron-antineutron oscillation sensitivity study at DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0203-STUDENT | Aamir, Yusuf | Muon Flux Variance from Severe Atmospheric Conditions |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0202-STUDENT | Rouzky, Adam | PIP-II Beam Current Monitor Fault Case & Beam Position Monitor Linearity Studies in CST Studio |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0201-AD-STUDENT | Waggoner, Alexander | Beam Loss Assessment Through Use of Photomultiplier Tubes |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0200-STUDENT | Chicas, Kelly | Design and Analysis of 10” Parallel Plate Relief Device |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0199-STUDENT | Veihmeyer, Charlie | Progress Towards Correlating Qubit Relaxation Events with Cosmic Rays |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0198-STUDENT | Plotnikov, Dennis | wa-hls4ml: A GNN Surrogate Model for hls4ml |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0197-STUDENT | Fein, Jarrett | On-Axis and Off-Axis Neutrinos in the DUNE Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0196-STUDENT | Nguyễn, David | GQuEST Control System Resolution |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0195-STUDENT | Nnaji, Victoria C. | FTS3 Summer Container Integration Project |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0194-STUDENT | Maglione, Diego | Axion Dark Matter EXperiment 2A Cavity Characterization |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0193-STUDENT | Feithen, William | Comparative Analysis of Cosmological Simulations via Angular Power Spectra |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0191-STUDENT | Gibbins, Grace | Cross Correlating Cosmological Probes for Stage-IV Surveys |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0190-STUDENT | Madeleine Bloomer | Analysis of Potential Target Materials for the Mu2e Production Target |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0189-AD-STUDENT | Szewczyk, Albert | Mu2e Experiment: Simulation of the Production Target |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0188-AD-STUDENT | Tang, Jasmine | Planning for Acorn’s Fermilink |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0185-STUDENT | Garcia Badaracco, Erica | Beam Design for Muon Catalyzed Fusion |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0184-SQMS-STUDENT | Lin, Yuqing | Circuit QED Pulse Control Interface |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0183-STUDENT | Croteau, Beatrice | Investigating Electro-Nuclear Interactions in a New Dark Matter Search |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0182-STUDENT | Mvuezolo, Adamo | LBNF Internal Cryogenics Supports Design |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0181-STUDENT | Talbi, Nadia | Analysis of the µ-2p Final State with SBND |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0180-STUDENT | Gonzalez, Rebecca | Determining Optimal Running Conditions for TinyTPC Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0179-STUDENT | Klupshas, Anna | Development of POTATO for 2S Module Grading for the CMS Phase-2 Outer Tracker Upgrade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0178-CMS-STUDENT | Riggall, Caroline | Analysis and Grading of the Test Performance of PS Modules for the CMS Phase-2 Outer Tracker Upgrade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0177-STUDENT | Agosto Reyes, Alanice | Non-contact Real-time Target Health Monitor |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0176-STUDENT | Lopez, Sara | Decoherence Noise on the Superconducting Qubits Training Program |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0174-STUDENT | Swanson, Caiden | Hls4ml Synthesis Testing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0174-STUDENT | Swanson, Caiden | Hls4ml Synthesis Testing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0173-STUDENT | Teriba, Folashade | Exploring Interferometry Diagnostics for Optical Stochastic Cooling at FAST/IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0172-STUDENT | Dewey, Brianna | Integration Development and Testing of Rear Transition Monitor for Beam Current Monitoring System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0171-AD-STUDENT | Haller, James | Automated Calibration System for Beam Current Monitor |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0170-T | Fleming, George T. | Matching Curved Lattices to Anisotropic Tangent Planes |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0169-STUDENT | Trillo, Angelica | Monitoring Helium Cryogen Usage with iFix Software at IB1 Test Facility |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0168-STUDENT | Rosado Bonilla, Cristy M. | Improving qubit coherence time through detailed materials analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0167-STUDENT | Ha, Triet | Optimal Control for Fourier Transform on Qudits |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0166-ESH-STUDENT | Richardson, Cameron | Environmental Compliance through Inventory Management |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0165-STUDENT | Pacheco Uribe, Rene | Physical characterization of High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) through Differential Scanning Calorimetry (D |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0164-STUDENT | Bhatia, Samriddhi | Designing an X-ray Transmission Window for DarkNESS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0163-STUDENT | Richi, R.R. | Enforcing Self-Consistent Kinematic Constraints in Neutrino Energy Estimators |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0162-STUDENT | Jurewicz, Abby | Updating Scientific Linux 7 to Alma Linux |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0161-STUDENT | Havryshchuk, Kateryna | Hear It? – New Physics Calls For a Healthy Target! |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0160-STUDENT | Flores, Nathan | Remote Power Distribution Prototyping for Bergoz ACCT |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0159-V | Nurcellari, Tea | Harness the Power of AI and CI/CD to Fuel Scientific Discovery |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0158-STUDENT | Baburashvili, Ilya | Creating Unit Tests for GlideinWMS using AI tools |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0157-STUDENT | D'Antonio, Lucas | Designing a Comprehensive IDS Strategy for a Zero Trust Architecture Environment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0156-SQMS | Blum, Ethan T. | The Integration of The Cloudflare WAF |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0155-V | Sanih, Fatima Zahra | A General Framework for Modernizing Logging and Monitoring |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0154-STUDENT | Birgen, Isaac R. | Using OpenSearch to Achieve M-21-31 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0153-PPD | Adamowski, Mark | Overview of Collaborative Research Between UNICAMP in Brazil and Fermilab in Cryogenics |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0151-PPD | Basque, Vincent Marc | Observation of Antiproton Annihilation at Rest in LArIAT |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0150-LBNF | LeMoine, Hannah | Calibrating LArPix for TinyTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0149-PPD | Pal, Amit Kumar | Impact of HF-CRPA CCQE Model on the Latest NOvA Results |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0148-CSAID | Stern, Eric Groman | Integrated Simulation of PIP-II at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0147-V | Lynch, Alec | W+D Charm Jet Fragmentation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0146-LBNF | Neogi, Orgho Anoronyo | ML-Based Reconstruction in a Pixelated LArTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0145-STUDENT | Gonzalez, Rebecca | TinyTPC: A Test Stand for LAr Doping |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0143-V | Horoho, Tyler | The Light Dark Matter Experiment (LDMX) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0142-V | Pelegrina-Gutierrez, Luis | Charged Current Single Pion Production on SBND |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0139-V | Van Nguyen, Christian | Multi-Differential Charged Current $\nu_{\mu}$ - Argon Cross Section without Pions in the Final Stat |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0138-AD | Yonehara, Katsuya | Achievement in Beam Power Records for the NOvA Target System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0137-PPD | Singh, Ishwar | Constructing Data-Driven Predictions at the Far Detector for NOvA's Neutrino Oscillation Analysis. |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0136-V | Kuruppu, Chatura Dilshan | Unveiling Sea Quark Dynamics: Measuring Sivers Asymmetry with Polarized Target at SpinQuest |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0135-V | Machado, Franz | Road to PROSPECT-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0133-CMS | Sharma, Richa | Test Beam Results of Planar Pixel Sensor for the CMS Phase 2 Inner Tracker Upgrade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0132-ETD | Temples, Dylan J. | Dark Matter Reconstruction in LBAI Experiments with Imperfect Data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0131-V | Choate, Sarah | Study of the Neutrino Magnetic Moment with the NOvA Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0130-PPD | Moudgalya, Maitreyee M. | First Measurements of Differential Cross Sections In Kinematic Imbalance Variables With The MicroBoo |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0129-CMS-V | Cruz, Roy F. | Enhancing Data Quality Monitoring at CMS with Interactive Visualization Tools and Automated Referenc |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0128-CMS-V | Cruz, Roy F. | Efficiency of ML Anomaly Detection Triggers for Emerging Jets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0127 | Cummings, Sean | High-Throughput Custom Monitoring for the Mu2e TDAQ System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0126-V | Barros, Andrea | NOvA Constraints on CP-Violating Non-Standard Interactions |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0125-V | Andrade Aldana, Diego Armando | Demonstrating MeV-Scale Physics Capabilities of Large Neutrino LArTPCs with Ambient Blip Activity in |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0124-V | Nguyen, Hien | Mu2e: Modeling Drift of Ionized Particles with ML |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0123-AD | Bhardwaj, Gopika | MLOps for Beam Controls |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0122-PPD | Vicenzi, Matteo | Reconstruction of the BNB and NuMI Neutrino Bunch Structure with ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0121-CMS | Sohail, Iqra | Performance Analysis of Phase 2 Tracker Upgrade PS Module Before and After Irradiation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0120-PPD | Singh, Ishwar | Latest Three Flavor Neutrino Oscillation Results from the NOvA Experiment. |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0119-CMS-V | Baradia, Sweta | The CMS Phase 2 Outer Tracker Analyzer of Test Outputs - POTATO! |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0117-CSAID | Jarugula, Sreevani | Population-level Dark Energy Constraints from Strong Gravitational Lensing using Simulation-Based In |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0116-V | Pasciuto, D. | Design and assembling status of the Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter mechanical structures |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0115-V | Abratenko, Polina Vladimirovna | Data-Driven Light Model for the MicroBooNE Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0114-PPD-V | Rosenberg, Matthew | Identifying Neutrino Final States and Energies in MicroBooNE with New Deep-Learning Based LArTPC Rec |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0113-V | Martynenko, Sergey | New Search for a Sterile Neutrino at MicroBooNE with BNB and NuMI Beams |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0112-PPD | Psihas Olmedo, Silvia Fernanda | R&D for LAr + Photosensitive Dopants |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0111-CMS | Kobert, Adam | Search For Low-Mass Quark-Antiquark Resonances Produced With an Initial State Photon at 13 TeV Using |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0110-PPD | Thorpe, Christopher James | Rare Neutrino Interaction and $\pi^0$ Production Cross Sections with MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0109-PPD | Gao, Fan | Low Energy Excess and New Physics Searches with MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0108-CSAID | Cerati, Giuseppe Benedetto | NuGraph2: A Graph Neural Network for Neutrino Event Reconstruction |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0107 | Furmanski, Andrew Peter | Detecting Neutrons in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0106-PPD | Kalra, Daisy | First Demonstration of a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Based Search for Intranuclear Neutron- |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0105-PPD | Hagaman, Lee | Inclusive and Exclusive Pionless Cross Section Measurements with MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0103-PPD | Lister, Adam | Improving NOvA's Sterile Neutrino Search with the Booster Neutrino Beam |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0102-V | Pons, Maria Artero | Neutrino Reconstruction Analysis at ICARUS Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0101 | Campani, Alice | Track vs Shower Discrimination in the Event Reconstruction of the ICARUS Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0100-PPD | Kashur, Lane Matther | Muon Neutrino Reconstruction at ICARUS with Machine Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0099-PPD | Zettlemoyer, Jacob C. | Evaluating the Effects of Detector Modeling Uncertainties on Sterile Neutrino Oscillation Analysis w |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0098-PPD | Putnam, Gray Louis Campbell | Search for a Long-Lived $\mu\mu$ Resonance in the NuMI Beam at ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0097-PPD | Roy, Promita | Status of ICARUS NUMI Interaction Cross-Section Analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0095-V | Cicerchia, Magda | Data vs. MC Comparison of Light Signal from Cosmic Rays in the ICARUS Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0094-V | Poppi, Francesco | Cosmic Background Rejection of the ICARUS experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0093-LBNF-V | Barrow, Joshua Lawrence | Baryon Number Violation Searches Using the DUNE Far Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0092-V | Sanchez-Falero, Sebastian | Status of the Muon Neutrino Charged-Current Zero Mesons Cross Section at the NOvA Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0091-PPD | Olivier, Andrew | Measuring the Multi-Neutron Antineutrino Cross Section at Low Charged Hadron Energy in MINERvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0090-V | Jargowsky, Benjamin John | Bayesian Fit for the NOvA Three Flavor Oscillation Analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0089-V | Duenas Tonguino, David | Pions in the NOvA Test Beam |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0088-PPD | Littlejohn, Bryce | MeV-Scale Blip Reconstruction and Measurements of Radon Progeny in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon TPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0087-V | Hernández Morquecho, Miguel Angel | Measurements of Pion and Muon Nuclear Capture at Rest on Argon in the LArIAT Test Beam Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0086 | Augusthy, Amala | Deployment of Water-Based Liquid Scintillator in ANNIE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0085-CSAID | Stoughton, Christopher | Gravity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0084-ETD | Kroc, Thomas Knight | High-Power X-Ray Prototype Source Development using Superconducting Accelerator for Radiological (Co |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0083-PPD | Dolce, Michael Albert | New RES and DIS Uncertainties for NOvA Cross-Section Model |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0082-V | Dye, Andrew | Determination of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters through the Feldman-Cousins Method by the NOvA Expe |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0080-PPD | Caro Terrazas, Ivan | Enhancing Neutrino Event Simulation through Overlays at the ICARUS Experiment on the Short-Baseline |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0079-V | Shivam | Constraining Cross Section and Beam Systematics for Future NOvA Sterile Neutrino Search |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0078-LBNF-V | Yaeggy Alvarez, Barbara Susete | 3D-Reconstruction of Tau Neutrinos in LArTPC Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0077-AD-PIP2 | Makovec, Alajos | Optimization Studies of Radiation Shielding for PIP-II Project at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0076-CMS-V | Sohail, Iqra | Performance analysis of phase 2 Tracker upgrade Ps Module before and after irradiation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0075-LDRD-PPD | Gaido, Manuel E. | Cherenkov Photon Background for Low-Noise Detectors in Space |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0074-V | Saia, Clara | Gain Stability of Hamamatsu R5912-MOD Photo-Multipliers at Low Temperature |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0073-AD | Romanov, Aleksandr Leonidovich | Overview of the New Beam Physics Research at the IOTA/FAST Facility |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0072-AD | Seiya, Kiyomi | Flattening the Field during Injection in the Fermilab Booster using Dipole Corrector Magnets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0071-AD | Romanov, Aleksandr Leonidovich | Commissioning of the IOTA Proton Injector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0070-AD | Ostiguy, Jean-Francois | Full Cycle Simulations of The Fermilab Booster |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0069-AD | Kapin, Valery Vyacheslavovich | A Novel Two Stage Collimation Unit for Fermilab Booster |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0067-AD | Berg, J. Scott | An Engineering Prototype of a Late Stage Ionization Cooling Cell for a Muon Collider |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0065-AD | Sharankova, R. | Quantitative Description and Correction of Longitudinal Drifts in the Fermilab Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0064-AD | Asztalos, William | Bayesian Optimization Scheme for the Design of a Nanofibrous High Power Target |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0063-AD | Asztalos, William | Multiphysics Simulations of Thermal Shock Testing of Nanofibrous High Power Targets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0062-TD | Aiazzi, T. | Fabrication status of production SSR1 jacketed cavities for PIP-II at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0061-TD | Hu, Hannah | Decoupling of Nitrogen and Oxygen Impurities in Nitrogen Doped SRF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0059-AD | Kladov, Sergei | Near-Infrared Noise in Intense Electron Beams |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0056-AD | Wallbank, Michael James | Low-Alpha Operation of the IOTA Storage Ring |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0055-AD | Sulc, A. | Towards Unlocking Insights from Logbooks Using AI |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0054-AD | Romanov, Aleksandr Leonidovich | Ionization Profile Monitors for the IOTA Proton Beam |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0053-AD | Chen, Erin V. | Wire Scanner Assessment of Transverse Beam Size in the Fermilab Side-Coupled Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0052-AD | Wallbank, M. | Realizing Steady-State Microbunching with Optical Stochastic Crystallization |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0051-AD | Stancari, Giulio | Undulator Radiation of Single Electrons: Coherence Length and Quantum-Optical Properties |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0050-AD | Eldred, Jeff S. | Adaptation of the Fermilab Proton Source to Support New Muon Facilities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0049-TD | McGee, Kellen Elizabeth | Towards the First High-Q Treatments for the FCC 800 MHz 5-Cell Elliptical Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0048-PIP2 | Pathak, Abhishek | Linac_Gen: Integrating Machine Learning and Particle-in-Cell Methods for Enhanced Beam Dynamics at F |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0047-PIP2 | Pathak, Abhishek | Space Charge Dominated Momentum Spread and Compensation Strategies in the Post-Linac Section of Prot |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0046-PIP2 | Pathak, Abhishek | Final Physics Design of Proton Improvement Plan-II at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0044-CSAID | Zolkin, Timofey Vladimirovich | Machine-Assisted Discovery of Integrable Symplectic Mappings |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0043-CSAID | Zolkin, Timofey Vladimirovich | Axially Symmetric E-Lens Based on McMillan Map |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0042-CSAID | Zolkin, Timofey Vladimirovich | Understanding Sextupole |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0040-TD | Zlobin, Alexander V. | Development and Test of a Large Aperture $Nb_3Sn$ Cos-Theta Dipole Coil with Stress Management |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0039-AD | Wieland, John Nelson | Sextupole Misalignment and Defect Identification and Remediation in IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0038-AD | Banerjee, Nilanjan | Proton Beam Dynamics in Bare IOTA with Intense Space-Charge |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0036-TD | Howard, Katrina N. | Microscopic Understanding of the Effects of Impurities in Low RRR SRF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0034-LBNF | Graf, Markus | LBNF/DUNE Nitrogen Refrigeration System Update |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0033-AD-PIP2 | Wijethunga, Sajini A.K. | GEANT4 Simulations on Faraday Cup Design for PIP-II Laser Wire Scanner System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0032-AD-PIP2 | Wijethunga, Sajini A.K. | Electron Cloud Simulations in the Fermilab Booster |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0031-TD | Contreras Martinez, Crispin | Results from Extended Range SRF Cavity Tuner Tests for LCLS-II HE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0030-AD | Banerjee, Nilanjan | Experimental Verification of Integrability in a Danilov-Nagaitsev Lattice using Machine Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0029-AD | Wieland, John Nelson | Experimental Measurements for Extracting Nonlinear Invariants |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0028-AD | Wieland, John Nelson | Measured Dynamic Aperture and Detuning of Nonlinear Integrable Optics |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0027-AD-DI | Simons, Benjamin Daniel | Proposal for a Proton-Bunch Compression Experiment at IOTA in the Strong Space-Charge Regime |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0025-ETD-PPD | Temples, Dylan J. | Optical Ring Resonator Strain Sensors for HEP and QIS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0024-TD | Porwisiak, Dominika | IB3A Helium Recovery System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0023-TD | Gourlay, Stephen Alan | Superconductivity Global Alliance (ScGA) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0022-AD | Tan, Cheng-Yang | Fermilab Booster Beam Emittances from Quadrupole Modes Measured BPMs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0021-AD | Vaughn, Brian J. | A Mechanically Tuned Superconducting Main Injector Cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0020-PIP2 | Price, Tiffany Renee | Sustainability in Proton Improvement Plan-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0019-CSAID | Campos, Javier | Enhancements and Deployment of the TDAQ System for the Mu2e Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0018-TD | Furuta, Fumio | Development of Superconducting RF Cavity in Traveling-Wave Regime at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0017 | Chirco, Robert Victor | Status of the Measurement of Proton Scattering on Carbon Nuclei in EMPHATIC for Neutrino Flux Uncert |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0016-PPD | Vockerodt, Kevin John | Measuring Muon Antineutrino Charged-Current Interactions without Mesons in the Final State, in the N |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0015 | Bogart, Benjamin | Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Cross Sections from MicroBooNE: First Simultaneous Measurements of Fin |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0014-V | Englezos, Panagiotis | TinyTPC - A Test Stand for Photosensitive Dopants |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0013-ETD | Kroc, Thomas Knight | High-Power X-Ray Prototype Source Development using Superconducting Accelerator for Radiological (Co |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0012-V | Sánchez Falero, Sebastián de Jesús | Status of the Muon Neutrino Charged-Current Mesonless Cross Section Measurement in the NOvA Near Det |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0011-PPD | Botti, Ana Martina | High-Density and Low-Background Silicon Packages for kg Skipper-CCD Instruments |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0010-PPD | Botti, Ana Martina | A Skipper-CCD Light Shield for X-Ray Detection in Space |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0009-AD | Balcewicz, Michael A. | Observation of a Synchro-Betatron Instability in Fermilab Booster |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0008-AD | St. John, Jason Michael | Rapid Tuning of Synchrotron Surrogate Model at the Recycler Ring |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0006-ETD | Quinn, Adam | Cryo Chiplets for Quantum Applications |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0004-ETD | Quinn, Adam | 3D Chiplet-Based Readout for Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0003-ETD | Fredenburg, Jeffrey | Cryogenic Readout Chiplet for SNPSDs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0002-CSAID | Tucker, Douglas L. | A Tutorial Set to Prepare for Science with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory |
FERMILAB-POSTER-24-0001-CSAID-PPD-STUDENT | Tucker, Douglas L. | The Absolute Color Calibration of the Dark Energy Survey: A Spectrophotometric Sample of DA White Dw |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0351-AD-LBNF | Anderson, K.E. | Optimization of a Welding Procedure for Making Critical Aluminum Welds on the LBNF Absorber Core Blo |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0350-AD-LBNF-PPD | Deshpande, Abhishek | Pressure Spike in The LBNF Absorber Core s Gun Drilled Cooling Channel from an Accident Beam Pulse |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0349-ETD-PPD | Dickinson, J. | Smart Pixels: towards on-sensor inference of charged particle track parameters and uncertainties |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0348-STUDENT | Flecky, Don | A Collaboration Website for Muon Catalyzed Fusion and Muon Beam Production |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0347-CSAID | Voetberg, M. | DeepSurveySim: Simulation Software and Benchmark Challenges for Astronomical Observation Scheduling |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0345-CSAID | Swierc, Paxson | Domain Adaptation for Measurements of Strong Gravitational Lenses |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0344-CSAID | Jarugula, Sreevani | Cosmology constraints from Strong Gravitational Lensing using Simulation-Based Inference |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0343-CSAID | Poh, Jason | Comparing Automated Posterior Estimation Techniques for Modeling Strong Lenses In Ground-based Surve |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0342-AD | Jones, Daniel C. | Ion Beam Propagation Through the FNAL LEBT |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0341-SQMS | Quantum Memories, Processors and Transducers | |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0340-TD | Sung, Z.-H. | Fundamental Superconductivity of Nb films for Quantum Computing Application |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0338-SQMS | Wang, Changqing | Material study and system design for microwave-optical quantum transduction |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0337-SQMS | You, X. | Crosstalk-Robust Quantum Control in Multimode Bosonic Systems |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0336-SQMS-TD | Wang, Changqing | Phase-controlled enhancement of photon lifetime in coupled superconducting cavities. |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0335-SQMS | Reineri, A. | Exploration of superconducting multi-mode cavity architectures for quantum computing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0334-V | Garcia-Wetten, David | Synchrotron X-ray characterization of Niobium hydride precipitate structure |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0332-LDRD-PPD | Anderson, Adam J. | SPT-SLIM: Line Intensity Mapping with the South Pole Telescope |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0331-SQMS | Johnson, Hans | Improving Signal Signal-to -Noise Ratio (SNR) for Quantum Readout Signals Using Adaptive Hardware Fi |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0330-SQMS | Isheim, Dieter | Atom Probe Tomography of Surfaces, Interfaces, and Impurity Elements in Transmon Materials |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0329-CSAID | Terranova, Franco | Reinventing Astronomical Survey Scheduling with Reinforcement Learning: Unveiling the Potential of S |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0328-SQMS-TD | Berlin, A. | High Q SRF cavity-based searches for beyond the standard model physics |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0327-CSAID | Terranova, Franco | Unlocking Autonomous Telescopes through Reinforcement Learning: An Offline Framework and Insights fr |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0326-CSAID | Terranova, Franco | Self-Driving Telescopes: Autonomous Scheduling of Astronomical Observation Campaigns with Offline Re |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0325-CSAID | Swierc, Paxson | Domain Adaptation for Measurements of Strong Gravitational Lenses |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0324-CSAID | Roncoli, Andrea | Domain Adaptive Graph Neural Networks for Constraining Cosmological Parameters Across Multiple Data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0323-TD | velev, G. | Current Status of the High Field Cable Test Facility at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0322-STUDENT | Bautista-Cortezano, Pablo | Internship Presentation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0321-CMS | Gong, Datao | A self-certifying FPGA based pixel readout chip test system for CMS ETL upgrade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0320-AD | Burleigh, A. | Novel materials irradiation and pre-characterization plans for high-power targetry applications |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0319-PPD | Gong, Datao | The ETROC2 prototype for CMS MTD Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) upgrade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0319-PPD | Gong, Datao | The ETROC2 prototype for CMS MTD Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) upgrade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0318-PIP2 | Hanlet, Pierrick | State Machine Operation of Complex Systems |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0317-AD-PIP2-PPD | Carmichael, L. | Software and Firmware-logic Design for the PIP-II Machine Protection System Mode and Configuration C |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0315-AD | Finstrom, D. | ACORN Collaboration and R&D |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0314-AD | Schreckenberger, A.P. | Fermilab Main Injector and Recycler Operations in the Megawatt Era |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0313-PPD | Wu, Jinyuan | The Regenerative Current Mirror: A Very Low Power Front-End Amplifier for Silicon Pixel Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0312-PPD | Wen, X. | The CMOS Pseudo-Thyristor: A Zero-Static Current Circuit for Pixelized Detector Front-End Stage |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0311-SQMS | Ogunkoya, Oluwadara | Investigating parameter trainability in the SNAP-Displacement protocol of a qudit system. |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0310-SQMS | Johnson, Hans | Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for Readout Signals Using Adaptive Filters on Reconfigurable C |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0309-TD | Krave, S. | Interlaminar Fracture Toughness Testing of Nb3Sn Insulation Systems |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0308-TD | Krave, S. | Bi-Filar Coil Winding for Fast Quench Protection |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0306-AD-TD | Badgley, K. | Combined Function Magnets for the Fermilab PIP-II Booster Upgrade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0305-AD-CSAID | Vay, J.-L. | Advanced Modeling of Plasma-based Particle Accelerators |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0304-AD-CSAID | Vay, J.-L. | Advanced Modeling of Conventional Particle Accelerators |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0303-AD-CSAID | Vay, J.-L. | Collaboration for Advanced Modeling of Particle Accelerators |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0302-AD | Scarpine, V. | A Schottky Tune Meter for the Fermilab Mu2E Delivery Ring |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0301-AD | Prokop, Richard | Target Multiwire for the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beamline |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0299-AD | Thurman-Keup, Randy | Progress on an Electron Beam Profile Monitor at the Fermilab Main Injector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0298-T | Campbell, John | Towards a portable version of MCFM |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0297-DI | Akhobadze, Ketevan | Lederman Science Center at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0296-AD | Thurman-Keup, R. | A Study of the Gain of Microchannel Plates in the Ionization Profile Monitors at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0295-TD | Chlachidze, G. | Fermilab’s horizontal test stand upgrade overview and commissioning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0294-AD | Thurman-Keup, Randy | A Simulation of the Photoionization of H⁻ Together With the Subsequent Tracking of the Liberated Ele |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0293-TD | Stoynev, S. | Effect of CLIQ on training of HL-LHC quadrupole magnets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0292-PPD | Chavez, C.R. | Scalable Skipper-CCD Analog Readout Electronics (SSCARE) for the Massive Multichannel OSCURA Experim |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0291-TD | Strauss, T. | AUP first Pre-series Cold Mass Installation into the Cryostat |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0290-SQMS | Giaccone, B. | Nb SRF cavities applied to searches for beyond the standard model physics |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0289-AD | Babacan, B. | The Ionization Profile Monitors in the Recycler Ring |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0288-TD | Ambrosio, G. | Analysis of the MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC after 50% magnet assembly complete + |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0287-ND | Singh, Prabhjot | Neutrino Scattering in the NOvA Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0286-STUDENT | Miedema, Sawyer | Testing Job Submission to FermiGrid via Dask on the Fermilab Elastic Analysis Facility |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0285-AD | Hazelwood, K.J. | The Fermilab Accelerator Division Electronic Logbook (ADEL) at 10 Years |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0284-TD | Nikolic, V. | Status of the Top Plate and Anticryostat for High Field Cable Test Facility at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0283-V | Yu, Y. | Machine learning algorithms based on muon monitor data and simulation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0282-PPD | Botti, A.M. | Novel multi-channel skipper-CCD packagesfor dark-matter searches |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0281-ND | Raselli, G.L. | Time calibration and synchronization of the scintillation light detection system in ICARUS-T600 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0280 | Hagaman, Lee | Progress Towards An Investigation Of The MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess Using Neutral-Current Delta-Lik |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0279-AD | Milton, Evan | CHG0 to HERO An Update to the Fermilab Booster DCCT |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0278-ND | Granados, Everardo | CC νμ → 1 π+ + X production at MINERνA Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0277-SQMS | Johnson, Hans | Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for Quantum Readout Signals Using Adaptive Hardware Filters on |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0276-V | Hart, Akeem Leonardo | MINERνA Data Preservation: Enabling Muon Fuzz Analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0275-STUDENT | Swaminathan, Shrijan | Automated Benchmarking of computer resources |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0274-TD | Pischalnikov, Y. | Review of available piezo based nano positioners for operation a t milli Kelvin temperature range |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0273-STUDENT-V | Tyndall, John D. | GlideinWMS: Implementing Tracing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0272-ND | Eduardo, Moreno Palacios Oscar | Applying Machine Learning to Vertex Recognition for Neutrino Interactions |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0271-STUDENT | Silva, Juan | Truly EMPHATIC: Simulation Analysis & Testing of SSDs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0270-SQMS | Markovic, Jovan | Deep Learning Aided SRF Cavity Optimization for Quantum Computing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0269-V | Guo, Flynn | Data-Driven Geometric Efficiency Correction for DUNE-PRISM Analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0268-ND | Dyer, Jamie | BSM Physics at ICARUS: Searching for the Higgs Portal Scalar $e_^+$ $e^-$ Final State |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0267-SQMS-STUDENT | Gates, Sarah R. | Niobium Shielding for ARIADNE Axion Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0266-V | Zhang, Shuaixiang | Software Contribution to the L-CAPE project |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0264-T | Fleming, George T. | Beyond Generalized Eigenvalues |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0263-SQMS | Wang, Mingxuan | Novel Fast Qubit Readout Approaches Enabled By Qubit Cloaking |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0261-SQMS-STUDENT | Bautista-Cortezano, Pablo | Single-Photon Detector & Counter for Transduction |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0260-LBNF | Stokes, Tyler D. | Baryon Number Violation Searches in DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0259-V | Fang, Chuyue | Optimal Transport for Particle Classification in LArTPC Neutrino Experiments |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0258-STUDENT | Muse, Amiin | AD – Elog Data Search Using Natural Language Processing Techniques |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0257-STUDENT | Szczech, Sebastian | Differential Scanning Calorimetry Calibration and Heat Capacity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0256-LBNF-V | Ingratta, Gianfranco | Quasi-Elastic Neutrino Interactions in the SAND Detector of DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0255-STUDENT | Khan, Waleed | Automating Proofpoint PhishAlarm URL Blocking |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0254-STUDENT | Ahmed, Saud | RSpec Testing in Beholder |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0253-ND-STUDENT | Alves, M.G.M. | Electromagnetic shower separation in LArTPCs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0252-STUDENT | Quadri, Fazal | Quantum Computing – Real-Time Data Processing from a Dilution Refrigerator |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0251-STUDENT | Rasheed, Hammad | Implementation of a Web Interface to Display Real-Time Statistics of a Dilution Refrigerator |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0250-STUDENT | Thomas, Kristofer | Strain Measurements of Nb3Sn Composites using Distributed Fiber Sensing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0249-V | Gauch, Anja | Prototyping the Light Detection of the DUNE Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0248-LBNF | Meazza, Luca | Optical simulation of the “SuperCell” Milano-Bicocca test setup for the DUNE FD1 Photon Detection Sy |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0247-STUDENT | Kong, Livia | Search for leptophobic bosons decaying into µµ, b jets, and MET with the CMS experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0246-AD-STUDENT | Winter, Wesley | Low Energy Muon Capture and Transport from a Heavy Target |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0245-STUDENT | Khan, Mysha Jahin | Higgs event classification using Machine Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0244-ISD-STUDENT | Washington, Davion | 5-year Infrastructure plan at FNAL |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0243-STUDENT-V | Greenblatt, Simon | Refactoring the Beholder Dashboard |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0242-STUDENT | McCauley, K. | Examining the effects of the surface oxide layer on Nb and Ta superconducting films for quantum devi |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0241-TD | Kashikhin, Vadim V. | Fabrication and test of COMB dipole magnet with STAR® wires |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0240-T | Everett, Noah | Search for Dark Photon Decay Via $A'$ $\ell$+$\ell$- in SciBooNE and ANNIE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0239-V | Sanih, Fatima | Unlocking Seamless Access: Enabling Single Sign On (SSO) for Beholder |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0238-STUDENT | Peete, Sean, II | Absolute Relative Photometry For DES |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0237-STUDENT | Ninan, Z. | Simulation of Multipaction in LB650 Cavity with Weld Profile |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0236-STUDENT | Najjuma, Brenda | Upgrade of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of otsdaq |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0235-V | Blum, Ethan | Improving Knowledge Base with Network Architecture Diagrams |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0234-STUDENT | Zorigtbaatar, Boro | Anomaly Detection of Quenches in Superconducting Magnets Acoustic Data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0233-STUDENT | Porter, Meagan | Transformation Coefficients between SDSS and DES Magnitudes |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0232-SQMS-STUDENT | Dougherty, Sean | Hardware-Efficient Decomposition of Qudit Gates |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0231-STUDENT | Bacon, Sasha | Relationship Between Conductivity and Temperature in ADMX RF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0230-STUDENT | Meza Quintero, Oscar | 3D Display of Events on a Stack of CCDs and OSCURA MCMs Copper Box Redesign |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0230-STUDENT | Meza Quintero, Oscar | 3D Display of Events on a Stack of CCDs and OSCURA MCMs Copper Box Redesign |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0229-PPD-STUDENT | Herron, Kai | Weak-Lensing in the DELVE Survey |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0228-STUDENT | Pantor, Makesi | Training CNN Architecture on Real Gravitational Lens Data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0227-STUDENT | Nolan, Eileen | Benchmarking Neural Network Architectures for Strong Gravitational Lens Classification |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0226-STUDENT | Svoboda, Arman | The Kilonova Data Challenge |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0225-SQMS-STUDENT | Delgado, Julian | Ultrahigh-precision Mechanical Platform for Quantum Transduction |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0224-STUDENT | Nath, Moinak | Microwave Range Relative Permittivity Measurements using a Rectangular Waveguide for Axion Dark Matt |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0223-STUDENT | Zhao, Larry | Measurement of Rayleigh Scattering in Liquid Argon at Vacuum Ultraviolet Wavelengths |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0222-STUDENT | D'Antonio, Lucas | Beholder: Updating and Maintaining Cybersecurity Software |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0221-STUDENT | Ellis, Justin | H.E.R.M.E.S – HElpful Robotic MESsenger |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0220-STUDENT | Novotny, Andrew | Potential segregation of unwanted phases such as Nb-carbides in Nb3Sn-based SRF cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0219-V | Bakker, Isabelle E. | Update to the Statistical Output of a Cybersecurity Monitor |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0218-AD-STUDENT | Fu, Daniel | Final Cooling with Thick Wedges for a Muon Collider |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0217-STUDENT | Matrecito Salcedo, Liza | Investigating the Effects of Garolite in ArgonCube |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0216-AD-STUDENT | Wilkinson, Elijah | 3D Printed Drivetrain Development for Inspection Robot |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0215-STUDENT | Ali, Mohamud | ETROC2– Endcap Timing Read Out Chip |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0214-STUDENT | La Rotta, Pedro Leandro | Improvements on the Mu2e Remote Handling System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0213-STUDENT | Garcia Gonzalez, Josue Emanuel | Cable management design for Inspection Robot |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0212-STUDENT | Macoretta, Antonella | Benchmarking Simulated Gravitational Lensing Classification with Neural Nets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0211-STUDENT | Marinich, Faith | Scintillators: Designing Long Lasting and Efficient Scintillators for LongDuration Muon Tomography |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0210-STUDENT | McGee, Carissma | Advancing Particle Track Imaging with Machine Learning Applications for Modern Modular Bubble Chambe |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0209-STUDENT | Zhou, Jiayang | Design of a Nanophotonic Hybrid Coupler |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0208-STUDENT | Shah, Riya | Identifying Michel Electrons in Liquid Argon TPCs Using Machine Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0207-STUDENT | Alvarado, Efrain | Work on neutrino cross sections for the NOvA and MMBC experiments |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0206-STUDENT | Rositas, Jonathan | Coherent Pion Production to Constrain DUNE Flux |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0205-LBNF | Allison, Kyle | Hadron Production Measurements at NA61/SHINE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0204-STUDENT | Khalid, Anna | Kilonova Detection |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0203-STUDENT | Lutfi, Hamza | Quick Testing of Skipper-CCD Packages |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0203-STUDENT | Lutfi, Hamza | Quick Testing of Skipper-CCD Packages |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0202-STUDENT | Labnine, Aya | Neutral Pion Interactions in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0201-STUDENT | Herbst, Lilly | Cryomodule Compressed Air Panels |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0200-STUDENT | D'Angelo, Nicki | SPT-SLIM Calibrator Box |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0199-STUDENT | Delgado, Amii Matamoros | Simulating target tests at AP0 facility for Mu2e |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0198-ND-STUDENT | Patino, Nicolas | Examining ICARUS Cosmic Muon Signal Shapes |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0197-STUDENT | Jaime, Trino | Sensor Testing for DarkNESS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0196-STUDENT | Dewey, Brianna | Timing Distribution Test for Mu2e Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0195-STUDENT | Wells, David | Separating beam-induced and cosmogenic muon backgrounds in the ICARUS detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0194-V | Bae, Wonseok | The Wavelength Shifting Plate on the LEGEND Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0193-STUDENT | Chen, Meng-Wei | Classification Algorithm for Dark Matter Search using Skipper-CCD |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0192-T | Alves, Gustavo | New limits on WR from meson decays |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0191-STUDENT | Loer, Bereket | Study of Cathode and Cavity Geometries in Electropolishing (EP): Electric Field Simulation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0190-STUDENT | Scheuermann, Elizabeth | Uncertainty Analysis of the NOvA Test Beam Wire Chambers |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0189-STUDENT | Hoeksema, Amanda | Prototyping High Mobility Inspection Robot |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0188-STUDENT | Baines, Demetric | Vlasov Project: 4D Code Development |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0187-STUDENT | Kharchilava, George V. | Time-Delay Cosmography: Spectroscopy of Galaxies in the Environment of the J1537 Lensed Quasar Syste |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0186-STUDENT | Ayyildiz, Onat | Digital Image Correlation Strain Field Analysis of Materials for Target Systems |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0185-STUDENT | Nisa, Kuvvetn | Strain measurements of Nb₃Sn coils with optical fibers |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0184-STUDENT | Peng, Danming | Analysis of Magnet Quench Antenna Data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0183-STUDENT | Folan, T. | State of Substances in Diamond Anvil |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0182-STUDENT | Abdelhamid, Maan | NuMI Hadron Monitor – Calibration Stand |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0181-STUDENT | Dixon, Ajeya | Interfacial Width Analysis of Metal Capping Layers and Niobium in Superconducting Qubits |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0180-STUDENT | Blas, Efren | MTA Removable Beam Absorber |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0178-STUDENT | Green, Nehemyah | Diagnostic and Testing of the Ceph Filesystem |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0177-STUDENT | Baakkonen, Katie | Investigating Cryogenic Pump Lifetime and Exploring Alternative Designs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0176-STUDENT | Sas-Pawlik, Stefana | Instrumentation development for measuring background radiation in the MTA Hall |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0175-STUDENT | Yashinsky, Ariela | Reconstruction of Boosted di-jets from di-Higgs Boson Decay into Four Bottom Quarks |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0174-STUDENT | Fultz, Christopher | SRF Cavity Emulator for PIP-II LLRF Development |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0173-STUDENT | Birgen, Isaac R. | Refactoring Beholder’s Dashboard |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0172-STUDENT | Kelly, Anthony | Investigating Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0171-AD | Tang, Jasmine | Software Contribution to the L-CAPE project |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0170-STUDENT | Moreno, Kate | Dynamic Aperture of the PIP-II Accumulator Ring (PAR) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0169-STUDENT | Jurewicz, Abby | Automations for Database Services Group |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0168-STUDENT | Marmolejos, Sarah | Streaming Infrastructure for Frequency Multiplexed Sensors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0167-STUDENT | Medina Pérez, Loaiza | Eliminating Bottlenecks in GPP Processes: Improving Documentation Flow |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0166-STUDENT | Sandhu, Anmol | An Event Display for the Light Dark Matter eXperiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0164-STUDENT | Weston, Jacob | Simulating and Optimizing Quantum State Transport |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0163-STUDENT | Beato, Eunice | Tiny TPC: Enhancing LAr Performance with Photosensitive Dopants |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0161-STUDENT | Ahmed, Shiza | Secondary Pion Production using the LINAC Beam on Graphite and Tungsten Targets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0160-STUDENT | Nnaji, Victoria C. | Characterizing SPT-3G Extended Field Observations for Galaxy Cluster Searches |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0159-PIP2-STUDENT | Lapuente, Alex | Signal Simulation and Analysis for PIP-II RWCM and DCCT Systems |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0158-STUDENT | Garcia Badaracco, Erica | Muon-Catalyzed Fusion |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0157-STUDENT | Alvarado-Anderson, Chase | Psychrometric Analysis for New NuMI Evaporator Weather Station |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0156-STUDENT | Luke, Ben | Electron beam echoes in the IOTA ring |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0155-STUDENT | Outangoun, Brenton | Supernova Detection With DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0154-STUDENT | Akouedjinoude, Kodjo | DarkNESS Project Testing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0153-STUDENT | Alexis, Minani | Code Compliance of APS-TD Lifting Devices |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0152-TD | Nogiec, J.M. | A Flexible Field Mapping System for Accelerator Magnets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0151-STUDENT | Jones, Evan | PID Temperature Controller Autotuning for Skipper-CCDs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0150-CMS | Amram, Oz | Jet Substructure Correction with Lund Jet Plane Reweighting |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0149-STUDENT | Medoff, Jonah | Detecting Dwarf Galaxies Around NGC 55 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0148-LBNF-STUDENT | Robbins, David | Evaluation of Capping Methods at Homestake Open Cut Mine |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0147-TD | Sung, Zuhawn | Oxidized structure and Compositional properties of 1144 phase FBS by analytical electron microscopy |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0146-TD | White, M. | Installation, commissioning, and testing of the HB650 CM at PIP2IT |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0145-TD | Pei, L. | The Fermilab SSR1 and HB650 Synoptic/EPICS remote cryogenic control system |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0144-PPD-TD | Subedi, Jeewan | Design of Muon Campus Full Flow Purifier for Varying Operational Conditions and Horizontal Shipping |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0143-TD | Bruce, Romain | Cryogenic and safety design of the future High Field Cable Test Facility at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0142-TD | Barba, Maria | Integration of a new Cryogenic Liquefier into the IB-1 Cryogenic Test Facility |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0141-TD | Creus-Prats, J. | PIPII cryoplant non thermal cycling updates |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0140-TD | Soyars, William | Pressure safety approach for PIP-II cryogenic distribution system and cryomodules |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0139-DI-TD | Dhuley, R.C. | Cryogenics design of a compact, cryocooler conduction-cooled SRF accelerator for e-beam production |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0138-ND | Koshelev, Sergey | Flow rate optimization for a small liquid argon system at Fermilab. |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0137-TD | Pudasaini, U. | First Results from Nanoindentation of Vapor Diffused Nb3Sn Films on Nb |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0136-TD | Tiskumara, J.K. | Surface properties and RF performance of Vapor Diffused Nb3Sn on Nb after sequential anneals below 1 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0135-TD | Petersen, T.B. | Demonstration of Niobium Tin in 218 MHz Low-beta Quarter Wave Accelerator C |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0134-TD | Shakel, M.S. | First Results From Nb3Sn Coatings of 2.6 GHz Nb SRF Cavities Using DC Cylindrical Magnetron Sputteri |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0133-TD | Passarelli, Donato | Impact of Solenoid Induced Residual Magnetic Fields on the Prototype SSR1 CM Performance |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0132-CMS | Ozek, Beren | Forward Pixel Detector for the Phase 2 Upgrade of CMS And Module Testing at UIC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0130-STUDENT | Sebastian, Szczech | Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC) Calibration and Measurement |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0129 | Neogi, Orgho | Logistics of High Throughput Data Transfer in HEP |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0128-CMS-V | Haag, Mary | Automation and Quality Control for CMS Outer Tracker Module Assembly at Fermilab’s SiDet |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0127-CSAID-ETD | Sultana, Nik | In-Network DAQ Functions |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0126-STUDENT | Blas, Efren | MTA Beam Absorber |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0125-STUDENT | Habibeh, Mohammad | Harmonic Slip-Stacking |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0125-STUDENT | Habibeh, Mohammad | Harmonic Slip-Stacking |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0125-STUDENT | Habibeh, Mohammad | Slip-Stacking |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0124-STUDENT | Ahmed, Shiza | MTA Secondary Beamline Production and Optics Optimization |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0122-STUDENT | Moreno, Kate | Dynamic Aperture of the Proton Accumulator Ring (PAR) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0121-V | Tung, Lynn | Signal Processing with WireCell in SBND |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0120-STUDENT | Garcia Badaracco, Erica | Muon-Catalyzed Fusion |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0117-SQMS-TD | Giaccone, B. | Two-Tone Spectroscopy of 3D SRF Cavities to Understand Two-Level System Loss |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0116-TD | Ristori, L. | Development and Performance of RFD Crab Cavity Prototypes for HL-LHC AUP |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0115-TD | Narug, C. | Design Status of BCC Cryomodule for LCLS-II HE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0113-SQMS | Lee, Jaeyel | Analysis of Microscopic Defects in Nb thin films for superconducting qubits and SRF cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0112-ND-V | Moreno-Granados, Guadalupe | NuMI n-Ar cross-section measurements @ ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0111-ND | Foreman, William | A Measurement of the Ambient Radon Rate and MeV-Scale Calorimetry in the MicroBooNE LArTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0110-TD | Solyak, N. | Testing of PIP-II pre-production 650 MHz couplers in warm test stand and in cryomodule |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0108-SQMS | Lunin, A. | Compact Multicell SRF Crab Cavity for ILC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0107-V | Niu Tong, Leon | Exploring the Dark Sector in MicroBooNE Through e+e- Final States |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0106-AD | Wickremasinghe, Athula | Uniform Beam Simulation Technique for Beam Scans and Machine Learning Studies at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0105-TD | Netepenko, A. | Commissioning of SRF Cavity Analyzer System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0104-TD | Kulyavtsev, P.A. | Commissioning of dedicated furnace for Nb3Sn coatings of 2.6GHz single cell cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0103-TD | Helsper, J. | Design Manufacturing, Assembly, and Lessons Learned of the ppSSR2 325MHz PIP-II Couplers |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0102-TD | Helsper, J. | Transportation Fatigue Testing of the pHB650 Power Coupler Antenna for PIP-II at FNAL |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0101 | Bruner, Thomas | Photon Detectors for the DUNE Vertical Drift Module-0 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0100-CMS | Fidalgo Rodríguez, Guillermo A. | New Trigger Studies for Emerging Jets at CMS Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0099-PIP2 | Pathak, Abhishek | Exploring the Dynamics of Transverse Inter-planar Coupling in the SC Section of the PIP-II Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0098-ND | Raofa, Raisa Tasnim | Dopant R&D in LArTPCs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0097-TD | Cravatta, A. | Multipacting Processing in Cryomodules for LCLS-II and LCLS-II-HE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0096-TD | Ring, T. | Low Particulates Nitrogen Purge and Backfill During pHB650 Cryomodule String Assembly |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0094-PIP2-TD | Holzbauer, J. | The Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of LB650 cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0093-TD | Wu, G. | Medium Temperature Furnace Baking of Low-beta 650 MHz Five-cell Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0092-TD | Kaluzny, Joshua | LCLS-II-HE Status at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0091-V | Heindel, Alex | Power Over Fiber for the DUNE Vertical Drift PDS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0090-TD | Cano, A. | Thermal Stability of Nb3Sn Surface Oxide Layer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0089-PIP2-TD | Bernardini, J. | Final design of the production SSR1 cryomodule for PIP-II project at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0088-TD | Rabehl, R. | C1Po2D-04: Cryogenic Testing of the First HL-LHC Q1/Q3 Cryo-Assembly at |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0087-TD | McGee, K. | Flux expulsion studies of niobium material for 650 MHz cavities for PIP-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0086-AD | Ganguly, Sudeshna | Neutrino Beam Instrumentation (NBI) for LBNF |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0085-TD | McGee, K. | Fundamental R&D for high-Q0 650 MHz SRF cavities for hadron linacs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0084-SQMS-TD | Murthy, Akshay A. | Improvements in Qubit Coherence through Niobium Surface Encapsulation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0083-PPD | Plesniak, Pawel M. | Mu2e stopping target monitor data flow |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0082-TD | Furuta, F. | Development of 3-cell traveling wave SRF cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0081-ND | Heggestuen, Anna | Identification of Cosmic Rays in the ICARUS Experiment Using Precision Timing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0080-AD-DI | Ganguly, Sudeshna | Application of Precision Time Structure in On-Axis Neutrino Beams |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0079 | Dutta, Irene | Survey of centimeter-scale AC-LGAD sensors with a 120 GeV proton beam |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0078-PPD | Borrel, Léo | The (Z,A) Dependence of μ → e Conversion |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0077-TD | Grassellino, Laura | Commissioning of new CVD/ALD Furnace at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0076-PPD-V | Bressler, Matthew | Magnetometry Cross-Calibration for Muon g-2 Experiments |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0075-TD | Contreras-Martinez, C. | Testing of the 2.6 GHz SRF Cavity Tuner For The Dark Photon Experiment at 2 K |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0074-TD | Contreras-Martinez, C. | PI Loop Resonance Control For The Dark Photon Experiment at 2 K Using A 2.6 GHz SRF Cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0073-TD | Contreras-Martinez, C. | Study of Different Piezoelectric Material Stroke Displacement with Respect to Temperature Using SRF |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0072-TD | Howard, K. | Exploration of Parameters that Affect High Field Q-Slope |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0071-TD | Howard, K. | The Collaborative Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Impurities in Low RRR SRF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0070-TD | Ozelis, J. | PIP-II High Beta 650 Prototype Cryomodule Assembly Experience and Related Design Optimization |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0069-TD | Hu, Hannah | Comparing the Effectiveness of Low Temperature Bake in EP and BCP Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0068-TD | Chouhan, V. | Visual, Optical and replica insections: Surface preparation of 650 MHz Nb cavity for PIP-II Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0067-TD | Chouhan, V. | Latest development of electropolishing optimization for 650 MHz Niobium cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0066-CSAID | Stoughton, Chris | Extreme Quantitative Science |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0065-TD | Pischalnikov, Y. | Review of the application piezoelectric actuators for SRF cavity tuners |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0064-CMS-V | Nibigira, Emery | Containerization of Phase-2 Tracker Data Acquisition and Control Framework |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0063-ETD-PPD | Temples, Dylan J. | Optical Strain Sensing for HEP and QIS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0062-CSAID | Yesilyurt, O. | Implementing machine learning methods on QICK hardware for qubit readout & control |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0061-CMS | Parpillon, Benjamin | Readout IC with 40 MSPS in-pixel ADC for future vertex detector upgrades of Large Hadron Collider |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0060-AD | Bidhar, Sujit Kumar | Advanced Material Studies for High Intensity Proton Production Targets and Windows |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0059-TD | Eremeev, G. | Preservation of the High Quality Factor and Accelerating Gradient of Nb3Sn-coated Cavity During Pair |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0058-ETD | Cooper, Charlie | IEDO: Degradation of Poly-and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Water via High Power, Energy-Effi |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0057-CMS-PPD | Madrid, Christopher | Survey of AC-LGADs for future 4D trackers with a proton beam |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0056-AD | Romanov, A. | Experimental Single Electron 4D Tracking in IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0055-TD-V | McGee, K. | Flux expulsion and material properties of Nb |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0054-TD | Barzi, Emanuela | What is Needed for Bisco to Work in A Dipole Insert for 20 Tesla Hybrid Accelerator Magnets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0053-TD | Barzi, Emanuela | High Energy & High Luminosity $\gamma$$\gamma$ Colliders |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0052-AD | Edstrom, D., Jr. | IOTA Proton Injector Beamline Installation* |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0050-TD | Zlobin, A.V. | Large-aperture High-field Nb3Sn Magnets for the 2nd EIC Interaction Region |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0049-AD | Wieland, J.N. | Improved Measurements of Nonlinear Integrable Optics at IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0047-SQMS-TD | A.Cano | Surface structure studies in 2D and 3D Nb resonators using GI-XRD |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0046-AD | Stanton, John | Beam loss monitoring with fixed and translating scintillation detectors along the Fermilab Drift-Tub |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0045-AD-PPD-SQMS-TD | Belomestnykh, S. | HELEN: Traveling Wave SRF Linear Collider Higgs Factory |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0044-SQMS-TD | Giaccone, Bianca | Review of SRF technology developed for accelerators applied to searches for dark matter and other be |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0043-SQMS-TD | Giaccone, Bianca | Plasma cleaning efforts at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0042-TD | Howard, K. | The Collaborative Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Impurities in Low RRR SRF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0041-CSAID | Chodak, J. | dCache integration with CERN Tape Archive |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0040-TD | Hu, Hannah | Origins of Quench in Buffered Chemical Polished and Low Temperature Baked SRF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0039-AD | Bossard, M.K. | Thermionic Sources for Electron Cooling at IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0038-AD | Banerjee, Nilanjan | Incoherent Dynamics of Intense Proton Beams under Electron Cooling |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0037-AD | Kladov, S. | Commissioning of the Low Energy Electron Gun Test Stand at the University of Chicago |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0036-AD | Jarvis, J. | The Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0035-AD | Dick, A.J. | Modeling the Amplfied OSC Experiment at IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0034-CSAID | Rossi, Albert | The Bulk service and WLCG TAPE API support in dCache |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0033-CSAID | Litvintsev, Dmitr | Quota management in dCache or making a perfectly normal file system normal |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0032-TD | Posen, S. | A Booster Replacement Linac for the Future of High Energy Physics at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0031-CMS-CSAID | Jones, Christopher | CMSSW Scaling Limits on Many-Core Machines |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0029-CMS-CSAID | Gartung, Patrick | Vectorization of CMSSW offline software |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0028-AD-PIP2 | Wijethunga, S.A.K. | Electron Cloud Measurements in Fermilab Booster |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0027-AD-STUDENT | Szeliga, Krystian | Characterizing the Radiation Environment in the Fermilab MeV Test Area Enclosure during Beam Operati |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0026-TD | Viklund, Eric | Improving Nb3Sn Cavity Performance Using Centrifugal Barrel Polishing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0025-STUDENT | Garcia Badaracco, Erica | Python in Quantum Transduction |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0023-ND | Sánchez Falero, Sebastián | Status of the muon neutrino charged-current zero mesons cross section measurement in the NOvA near d |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0022-SQMS | Johnson, Hans | Investigation of Optimizations for FPGA-based Controls Hardware for Experiments using Superconductin |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0022-SQMS | Johnson, Hans | Investigation of Optimizations for FPGA-based Controls Hardware for Experiments using Superconductin |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0021-PPD-V | Chintalapati, Prudhvi Raj Varma | Systematic study of projection biases in weak lensing analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0020-PPD | Baxter, Daniel | Calibrating the Migdal Effect in Semiconductors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0017-TD | Apollinari, G. | Experience from the US Contribution to HL-LHC: Nb3Sn Focusing Quadrupoles and SRF Crab Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0016-ETD | Kroc, Thomas K. | High Power 650 MHz Magnetron RF Power Source |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0015-LDRD-QIS | Temples, Dylan J. | Toward a DM Search with Phonon-Mediated MKID Devices at NEXUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0014-STUDENT | Mason, Eddie | Can We Lower the Voltage of a Silicon Module and Still Make It Just as Efficient? |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0012-AD-STUDENT | Tang, Jasmine | Optimization of secondary beamline using G4beamline |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0011-AD | Boi, Steven | Delivery of Low Momentum Muons for Muon EDM Studies at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0010-AD | Boi, Steven | Upstream Collimation in the M4 Line: Optimization, Extinction, and Mu2e Calibration |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0009-AD | Boi, Steven | Fermilab’s Muon Campus: Status, Experiments, and Future |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0008-ND | Schwartz, F. | Design Improvements in Liquid Argon Purification Techniques in DUNE Cold Electronics Test Cryostat ( |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0007-SQMS | James, C. | Helium-3 Piping and Gas Handling Implementation for the Colossus milli-Kelvin Platform at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0006-CMS-PPD | Madrid, Christopher | Building and Testing the CMS Endcap MIP Timing Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0005-SQMS | Tatkowski, G. | Cryogenic Plant Integration for the Colossus milli-Kelvin Platform at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0005-SQMS | Tatkowski, G. | Cryogenic Plant Integration for the Colossus milli-Kelvin Platform at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0004-PPD | England, Troy | ROIC for High Dynamic Range X-ray Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0003-PPD | England, Troy | Readout Electronics for Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0002-PPD | England, Troy | A High Framerate Readout IC with in-Pixel ADC for X-Ray Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-23-0001-SCD | Dunn, Marina M. | Galaxy Morphology Classification Using Bayesian Neural Networks for LSST |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0244-SQMS | Wang, Changqing | High-efficiency microwave-optical transduction for quantum sensing and computing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0243-PPD | Agrawal, Ankur | Detecting Dark Matter with a Qubit |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0242-V | Mehta, B. | Reducing Flux Uncertainties of NuMI Beamline |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0241-SCD | Poh, Jason | Strong Lensing Parameter Estimation on Ground-Based Imaging Data Using Simulation-Based Inference |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0240-SCD | Danilov, Egor | Neural Inference of Gaussian Processes for Time Series Data of Quasars |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0239-SCD | Ćiprijanović, Aleksandra | Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Cross-Survey Galaxy Morphology Classification and Anomaly Dete |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0236-SQMS | Wang, Changqing | High-efficiency microwave-optical quantum transduction based on a long-coherence-time cavity electro |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0235-ND-SCD | Buchanan, N. | Analyzing NOvA Neutrino Data with the Perlmutter Supercomputer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0234-AD | Pronskikh, Vitaly | Group mind in scientific collaborations: The role of plural self-awareness |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0233-SQMS | Bornman, Nicholas | Simulating financial derivative pricing on a qudit-based quantum computer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0231-PPD | Woodworth, Kyle | Front-End Evaluation for Pixelated Liquid-Argon Particle Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0230-TD | Baldini, M. | Application of Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Sensors to LMQXFA Cold Mass Welding |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0228-TD | Sung, Zuhawn | Fundamental Understanding of Heavy Ion Irradiation effects on Fe-based Superconductors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0227-PPD-SCD | Smith, Nick | Object Stores for CMS data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0225-AD | St. John, Jason | Continuous Anomaly Detection and Labeling for the Fermilab Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0224-TD | Stoynev, Stoyan | Commissioning, Performance, and Effect of the Quench Current-boosting Device on a Dedicated Supercon |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0223-TD | Netepenko, A. | AMR Magnetic Sensors in Flux Expulsion Studies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0222-TD | Kashikhin, V.V. | HTS accelerator dipole magnet development based on COMB technology with round REBCO conductors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0221-DI | Dhuley, R.C. | Design of a superconducting RF electron beam accelerator for wastewater treatment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0220-DI | Kroc, Thomas K. | Monte Carlo investigation of the equivalency of the Electron and Photon Spectra of e-beam, x-ray, an |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0219-PPD | Quinn, A. | A Cryogenic Readout IC with 100 KSPS in-Pixel ADC for Skipper CCD-in-CMOS Sensors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0218-DI | Polkinghorne, Christine N. | Exploring the Efectveness of Electron Beam Treatment for Ballast Water Management at Fermi Natonal A |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0217-SCD | Mitrevski, Jovan | Exploring FPGA in-storage computing for Supernova Burst detection in LArTPCs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0216-PPD | Herwig, Christian | System Design and Prototyping for the CMS Level-1 Trigger at the High-Luminosity LHC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0215-AD | Santucci, R. | A Modern Ethernet Data Acquisition Architecture for Fermilab Beam Instrumentation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0214-PPD | Mantilla Suárez, Cristina Ana | Design and first test results of the CMS HGCAL on-detector ECON-T ASIC with a reconfigurable encoder |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0213-SQMS-T-TD | Giaccone, B. | SQMS axion searches based on Q0~10 10 multimode superconducting cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0212-SQMS-TD | Giaccone, B. | Results of plasma processing applied to the LCLS-II-HE vCM cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0211-LDRD-PPD | Hoff, Jim | The COLDATA Concentrator ASIC for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0210-AD-PPD-SCD | A. Warner | Experience with Machine Protection Systems at PIP2IT |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0209-PPD-V | Cervantes Vergara, Brenda Aurea | Characterization of the first fabrication run of skipper-CCDs in 200 mm diameter wafers for Oscura |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0208-TD | Belomestnykh, S. | HELEN: A Linear Collider Base on Advanced SRF Technology |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0207-TD | Helsper, J. | Design, Manufacturing, Assembly, Testing, and Lessons Learned of the Prototype 650 MHz Couplers |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0206-AD | Carneiro, J.-P. | Beam Dynamics Studies at the PIP-II Injector Test Facility |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0205-AD | Seiya, K. | Operation of the H- Linac at FNAL |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0201-PPD-SCD | Duarte, J. | FastML Science Benchmarks: Accelerating Scientific Edge ML |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0200-STUDENT | Sajid, Muhammad Omer | Using variational methods and hyperbolic lattices to find the ground state of gapless systems |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0199-STUDENT | Heredia, Lici | Modeling the Low-Energy MTA Secondary Production Beamline in G4Beamline |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0198-STUDENT | Wang, Brillina | Measuring the Relative Performance of LINAC Beam Outages with L-CAPE Anomaly Detection (Gaussian Mix |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0195-STUDENT | Barden V, William J. | Application of Machine Learning for Low Energy Electron LArTPC Reconstruction |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0192-AD | Wieland, J.N. | Characterization of Octupole Elements for IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0191-STUDENT | Pitocco, Johnny | Characterizing Feedhorns for CMB-S4 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0190-AD | Berlioz, J.R. | Synchronous High-Frequency Distributed Readout for Edge Processing at the Fermilab Main Injector and |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0189-STUDENT | Aboushadi, Rami | Evaluation of the components of a distributed workload managers on new platforms |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0188 | Ji, Y. | Experiments on a conduction cooled superconducting radio frequency cavity with field emission cathod |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0187-STUDENT | Wyatt, Jason | Rucio: Open-source Scientific Data Curation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0185-STUDENT | Aboushadi, Rami | Project: Glideinwms Task: installing and testing DE 2.0 on REHL8 Glideinwms Unit tests python3.9 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0184-STUDENT-T | Wang, Sherry | Improving Simulation of Tau Neutrinos Using Polarization Information |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0183-OCIO | D'Antonio, Lucas | Computing Node Scanning Tool for Collaborative Science |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0181-STUDENT | Loe, Trevor | Beam Optics Analysis from the Mu2e External Line Commissioning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0179-STUDENT | Baines, Demetric | Particle Tracking Code Development |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0178-STUDENT | Brand-Baugher, Lukas | Error Mitigation Methods in Track Reconstruction of ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0177-STUDENT | Erkoc, Muhammet Enes | Distributed Scientific Computing Monitoring and Tracing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0176-AD-STUDENT | Dyulgerov, Aleksandar | Study of clustering methods of Linac outages: K-Means vs G.M.M |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0175-STUDENT | Woolford, Christopher | Monte Carlo Simulation of the EMPHATIC Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0174-STUDENT | Saarinen, Talia | Simulation Tuning on the ICARUS Neutrino Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0173-TD | Chouhan, V. | Effect of electropolishing on nitrogen doped and undoped niobium surfaces |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0172-AD-STUDENT | Wilensky, Jara | Design Study of Photonic Band Gap Structures for Axion Detection |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0171-STUDENT | D'Alessandro, Jonah | Superconducting Undulator - Design and Validation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0170-ND-STUDENT | Surdutovich, Joseph | Eliminating Cosmic Ray Backgrounds for SBND’s sub-GeV Dark Matter Search |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0169-AD | Perez, Alex | Optimization of the MTA Primary Beam Line |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0168-STUDENT | Robinson Rey, Rebecca | Projections for Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Telescope’s Detection of Ne |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0167-STUDENT | Lee, Calvin | GlideinWMS Credentials Revision |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0166-ND-STUDENT | Knusel, Alex | Understanding and Presenting Scientific Data Storage Usage |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0165-AD-STUDENT | Glochowsky, Michael | Muon Beams: Tungsten Targetry Analysis for MTA and PIP-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0163-SCD-STUDENT | Abdelaziz, Ebtihal | Cluster Cosmology |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0162-SCD-V | Swaminathan, Shrijan | Evaluation and Optimization of Cloud Resources |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0161-TD | Chouhan, V. | Study on Electropolishing Conditions for 650 MHz Niobium SRF Cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0160-PPD-STUDENT | Herron, Kai | Angular Power Spectra Analysis of Large-Scale Structure |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0159-AD | Sharankova, R. | Diagnostics for Linac Optimization with Machine Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0158-SCD-STUDENT | Himley, Aidan | Containerization and IPv6 for GlideinWMS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0157-AD-STUDENT | Soto, Jorge J. | Accumulator Ring Beam Optics |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0156-AD-STUDENT | Zinnerman, Baijing | Designing of a Beam Position Monitor for Additive Manufacturing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0155-ND-STUDENT | Patino, Nicolas | Lepton-Nucleus Quasielastic Scattering |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0154-TD | Contreras-Martinez, C. | Simulated Lorentz Force Detuning Compensation With A Double Lever Tuner On A Dreassed ILC/1.3 GHz Ca |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0150-TD | Pischalnikov, Yu. | 2.6GHz SRF Cavity Tuner for DarkPhoton Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0148-ND-STUDENT | Barbera, Thomas | GENIE Adaptations for Electron Beam and Simulation Comparisons |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0147-STUDENT | Kulkarni, Atharva | Towards a Better Quench Instrumentation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0146-STUDENT-TD | La Rotta, Pedro Leandro | Cleanroom Automation of SRF Cavity String Assembly |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0144-TD | Pischalnikov, Yu. | Accelerated Lifetime Test of the SRF Cavity Tuner/Dressed Cavity System for the LCLS II He Project |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0143-CCD-STUDENT | Aylay, Lewhat | DUNE workflows on the EAF for analyzing data from ProtoDUNE-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0142-AD | Cathey, Brandon | Symplectic Particle Tracking in a Thick Nonlinear McMillan Lens for the Fermilab Integrable Optics T |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0141-STUDENT | Beaudoin, Liam | Finding the Optimal Signal for a 2-cell SRF Cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0140-STUDENT | Tasneem, Amna | The Kilonova Data Challenge (KDC) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0139-STUDENT | Majethia, Krish B. | First Look at Cosmic Ray Tagging (CRT) Track Reconstruction at ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0138-PPD-STUDENT | Subedi, Divas | Quantum Sensor for detection of Dark Matter |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0137-STUDENT | Rositas, Jonathan | Clustering High-Energy Neutron Hits in the LDMX Hcal |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0136-STUDENT | Li, Yuqian | Comparison of Electron and Neutrino Modeling |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0135-SQMS-STUDENT | Smith, Keston | Searching for Axion/Dark Photon Conversion Signals |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0134-PIP2-STUDENT-TD | Hayman, Jay | Developing Instrumentation for Magnetic Field Measurement |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0133-STUDENT | Akouedjinoude, Kodjo | Mechanical Design of the OSCURA Vessel |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0132-STUDENT | Coil, Sydney | Quasielastic Scattering in Pion+ Liquid Argon Interactions |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0131-STUDENT-T | Janni, Anna | Gluon Representation for Lattice QCD Computer Simulations |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0130-STUDENT | Delgado, Julian | Optical and RF Component Testing Platform for Quantum Transduction Technology |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0129-ESH-STUDENT | Leahy, Ellyn | Tritium Load at Indian Creek Spillway |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0128-STUDENT | Sajid, Omer | Investigating the ground state of a hyperbolic lattice for Anti-De Sitter / Conformal Field Theory c |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0127-STUDENT | Peiro, Silvia | Temperature Prediction at FAST using LSTMs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0126-ND-STUDENT | Neely-Brown, LeRayah | Energy Reconstruction of Low Energy Events in LArTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0125-STUDENT | Rodriguez, Fatima | Measuring the Radial Field of Muon g-2 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0124-STUDENT | Washington, Davion | Anomaly Detection in the LINAC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0123-AD-STUDENT | Meinking, Arianna | Simulating Qubits Coupled to a Cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0122-STUDENT | Roberts, Alisha | Quantum Simulating Neutrino Oscillations |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0121-LBNF | Larsen, Tyler | Rock Handling System Optimization Study |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0120-LBNF | Hernandez, Victor | Winch Pull Force Calculation at Ross Shaft 4850L Station |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0119-STUDENT | Terwilliger, Clifton | Multi-Threaded Graph Processing Framework For Dune |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0118-AD-STUDENT | Hazelton, Edward | Booster Cavity Tuner Optimization |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0117-STUDENT | Morrissette, James | LAPPD Performance Analysis for the ANNIE Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0116-STUDENT | Olberding, Maxwell | Searching for Axions with Superconducting Nanowires |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0115-STUDENT | Clark, Malachi | DUNE VDTPC Raw Signal Analysis using Machine Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0114-PPD-STUDENT | Krishnan, Achintya | SPT-SLIM Electronics Rack |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0112-STUDENT | Brown, Trey | High Pressure Rinsing of Accelerator Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0111-STUDENT | Koliadko, Noah D. | Studies of DIS Models of ν-A Scattering |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0110-STUDENT | Perez, Giana N. | Exploring Electron Scattering in LDMX - Developing a Selection to Improve Neutrino Interaction Model |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0109-STUDENT | Raofa, Raisa Tasnim | Building Tiny LArTPC to Measure Low Energy Events |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0108-STUDENT | Toure, Oumou | A Study On Metaoptics |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0107-STUDENT | Herbst, Lilly | Gravity Offload Tool for PIP-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0106-STUDENT | Farnsworth, Russell | Tau Polarization in Novel Neutrino Event Generator |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0105-STUDENT | Bahnke, Brayden | 650 MHz Coupler Test Stand Redesign |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0104-STUDENT | Hinnen, Sarah | Study of NuMI Beam Spot Size to Build a Regression Model |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0102-STUDENT | Upadhyay, Param | Low Energy Neutron Reconstruction - LDMX |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0101-FESS-STUDENT | Suliman, Soka | Industrial Cooling Water Simulation and Analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0101-FESS-STUDENT | Suliman, Soka | ICW Model Update and Analysis using WaterGems |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0100-STUDENT | Hoeksema, Amanda | RVR Electrical Hardware and Software |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0099-STUDENT | Alexis, Minani | Transverse Beam Echoes In The IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0098-AD-STUDENT | Cox, Carrie | Understanding NuMI Device Performances with a ML Technique |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0097-STUDENT | Stachowicz, Emily | AD Robotics – RVR Top Plate and Gantry Arm |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0095-AD-STUDENT | Fatima, Maryum | 3D Stereoscopic Inspection Camera |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0092-STUDENT | Sarna, Magdalena W. | RVR Wheel System and Gantry Arm |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0090-STUDENT | Brown, Anthony | Directional Dark Matter Detection With Scintillating Crystals |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0089-STUDENT | Al Bahadli, Ayat | Big data analysis of data transfers in multi petabyte distributed storage system |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0088-PPD | Knirck, Stefan | BREAD: Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0087-AD | Wickremasinghe, Don Athula | Muon Monitor Signal to Predict NuMI Beam Parameters and Horn Current by Applying Machine Learning Te |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0086-ND-V | Behera, Biswaranjan | Cosmogenic Background Rejection at ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0085-ND | Kalra, Daisy | Real-time intelligent data processing for the next generation of particle imaging detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0084-PPD | Stifter, Kelly | Low energy calibration of novel dark matter detectors with a scanning laser device |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0083-QIS | Temples, Dylan J. | Probes of New Physics with MAGIS-100 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0082-ND | Zettlemoyer, Jacob | PIP2-BD: Searches for new physics with a stopped-pion source at the Fermilab accelerator complex |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0080-V | Diurba, Richard | Recent MicroBooNE cross-section results: neutrino-induced baryon production |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0080 | Morrissette, Alena | DuPage County Motorcycle Helmet Design for Improved Comfort and Safety |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0079-V | Singh, Ishwar | Constraining High Energy Intrinsic Beam Background of the NOvA Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0078-AD-LBNF | Davidson, Matthew | Design Challenges in High-Current Pulsed Striplines |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0077-AD-TD | Jensen, C.C. | Pulsed Power Supply for Magnet Quench Training |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0076-AD | Jensen, C.C. | A 300 kA Pulsed Power Supply for LBNF |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0073-LBNF-V | Deck, Eric Emerson | Modeling and Analysis of Ionization Laser Calibration for the DUNE Far Detector Time Projection Cham |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0071-V | Chen, Cheng | An improved pulse-fitting procedure for calorimeter event reconstruction in the Muon g-2 experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0070-V | Batell, B. | Phenomenological Demonstration of Deep Neural Networks in the Search for BSM Physics w/ LArTPCs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0069-LBNF-V | Hicks, Rebecca | Ionization Laser Calibration for the DUNE Time Projection Chamber |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0067-PIP2 | Lari, Luisella | In-Kind Contributions: The Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) Project at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0066-V | Aliaga, Leo | Measurement of the muon-neutrino charged-current interactions with low hadronic activity at the NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0065-V | Devilbiss, Mackenzie | Mu2e Cosmic Ray Veto Aging Studies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0064-ND | Veeraraghavan, Venkatesh | Timing Characterization of LAPPDs in ANNIE Using Laser Calibration |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0063-CMS | Dubnowski, Max | Performance of Highly Irradiated SiPMs Coupled to LYSO:Ce Crystals For the CMS MTD Barrel Timing Lay |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0062-V | Hu, Tianqi | Search for a permanent muon electric dipole moment at the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0061-V | Horoho, Tyler | Searches for Dark Matter with the Light Dark Matter eXperiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0060-PPD | Gioiosa, A. | TDAQ and slow control production systems installation in the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0059-V | Gauch, Anja | ArCLight: Development of a novel light detector for modular liquid Argon detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0058-ND | Heggestuen, Anna | Overview of the Short Baseline Neutrino Program Far Detector (ICARUS) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0057 | Chithirasreemadam, N. | Mu2e Event Visualisation Development using TEve and Eve-7 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0056-V | Kuruppu, Chatura | Status of the measurement of the muon neutrino charged-current coherent pion production in the NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0055-AD-ND | Drakopoulou, Evangelia | Reconstruction Techniques in ANNIE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0054-V | Ng, Jun Kai | Machine Learning Model for Positron Detection in Muon g-2 Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0053-PPD | Kessler, David | Field Studies with Faraday Magnetometers for Muon g-2 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0052-V | Oza, Nupur | Measuring the Neutral Current π0 Cross-section on Argon in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0051-ND | Poonthottathil, Navaneeth | Status of the Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0050-V | Israel, Scott | mu2e Track Quality Selection in Python/Sklearn |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0048-ND | Calvez, Steven | The Profiled Feldman-Cousins method for confidence interval estimation in the presence of nuisance p |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0047-ND-V | Wu, Wenjie | Purity monitoring for ProtoDUNE-SP |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0046-ND | Sánchez Falero, Sebastián de Jesús | Status of the muon neutrino charged-current zero mesons cross section measurement in the NOvA near d |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0043-ND-V | Sztuc, Artur A. | Bayesian neutrino oscillation analysis with the NOvA experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0042-ND | Poppi, Francesco | The Top Cosmic Ray Tagger of the SBN Far Detector at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0041-V | Pasqualini, Laura | Short-Baseline neutrino oscillation searches with the ICARUS detector at FNAL [Poster] |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0040 | Chatla, Akshay | Context Enriched Prong CNN performance studies in NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0039-ND-V | Groh, Micah | Treatment of Systematic Uncertainties on the NOvA Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0038-ND | Mueller, Justin | First Studies of ICARUS Cosmic/Neutrino Data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0037-ND | Scarpelli, Andrea | Design, commissioning, and performance of the trigger system for the ICARUS experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0036-V | Cherdack, D. | (#160) Understanding the NuMI Neutrino Flux at ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0033-ND | Kleykamp, Jeffrey | Non-standard interactions at NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0032-ND | Aurisano, Adam J. | Tau Neutrino Physics at DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0031-ND-V | Johnson, Connor | Muon Anti-Neutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Sections Using the NOvA Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0030-ND | Behera, Biswaranjan | Cosmogenic Background Rejection at the ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0029-ND | Heggestuen, Anna | Data analysis in the ICARUS (SBN FD) Cosmic Ray Tagging system |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0028-V | Bat, Ayse | A Measurement of the Electron Antineutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Section with NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0027-ND-V | Dolce, Michael | Constraining NOvA physics model parameters with the Near Detector using Frequentist and Bayesian sta |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0026-ND | Betancourt, Minerba | ν-Ar Cross-Section Measurements Using NuMI Neutrino Beam @ ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0025-ND-V | Elkins, Miranda J. | Data-Driven Methods to Quantify NOvA Far Detector Backgrounds |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0023-ND | Hewes, V. | Two-Detector Search for 3+1 Active-to-Sterile Neutrino Oscillations in NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0022-V | Singh, Ishwar | Impact of High Energy events on NOvA Oscillation Sensitivities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0021-ND-V | Kralik, Robert | NOvA Test Beam Detector Calibration |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0020-ND-V | Sutton, Andrew | Latest Long-baseline 3-flavor Neutrino Oscillation Results from the NOvA Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0019-V | Olson, Travis Grant | Double-Differential Cross Section and 2p2h Contribution using ν CC Interactions in the NOvA Ne |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0018-V | Bowles, Reed Scott | Neutrino Tridents in the NOvA Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0017-LBNF | Thakore, Tarak | Sensitivity study to Neutrino Mass Ordering and sterile neutrino model parameters with atmospheric n |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0016-V | Hall, Anna | Data-Driven cross checks for electron (anti)neutrino selection efficiency in NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0014-PPD | Stifter, Kelly | Scanning laser device for low energy characterization of cryogenic devices |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0013-LDRD-QIS | Temples, Dylan J. | Direct Dark Matter Search with Kinetic Inductance Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0011-ND | Mueller, Justin | Investigating Short-Baseline Neutrino Anomalies with ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0010-ND | Rajaoalisoa, Miriama | Conditional PISCES method for the NOvA 3-flavor oscillation analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0009-ND-V | Wu, Wanwei | A deep-learning based charged-current electron neutrino interaction identification in the ArgoNeuT e |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0008-V | Manrique Plata, Maria | Measuring the $\pi^{0}$ invariant mass in NOvA using photon identification |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0005-DI-TD | Kroc, T. | Wall plug efficiency analysis of a compact SRF industrial accelerator |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0004-ND-V | Haejun Oh, Stella | ExplorinCosmic Background Events Appearing in NOvA Far Detector Neutral Current Selection |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0002-DI-TD | Kroc, T. | Wall plug efficiency analysis of a compact SRF industrial accelerator |
FERMILAB-POSTER-22-0001-TD | Abdisatarov, B. | Characterization of Nb films with varying RRR values at low temperatures |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0139-STUDENT-T | Mishra, Nishant | Constraints on the Epoch of Reionization from the Cosmic Microwave Background using the CROC suite o |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0137-STUDENT | Smith, Jacob | Understanding v Interactions with e– Scattering Data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0136-STUDENT | Beas-Gonzalez, Julian | Implementing a convolutional neural network in the DESGW pipeline |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0135-STUDENT | Da Silva, Vinicius | Identifying Standard Candles in Liquid Argon TPC at MeV Energies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0134-STUDENT | Reising, Kiernan | Analyzing Acoustic Data From Quench Training |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0133-STUDENT | Brand-Baugher, Lukas Jon | Sub GeV Proton-Pion Identification in the Recoil Tracker and Calorimeter of the LDMX |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0132-AD-STUDENT | Novara, Alexander | Enabling Measurements of Qubit Errors at NEXUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0131-STUDENT | Antonakis, Alexander | A High-Accuracy Technique to Measure the Phase-Space of a Dispersive Particle Beam |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0130-STUDENT | Zvonarek, Kevin J. | Coherent Ray-tracing for BREAD |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0128-CMS-SCD | Banerjee, Sunanda | Denoising Convolutional Networks to Accelerate Detector Simulation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0127-AD | Pronskikh, Vitaly Stanislavovich | Experiment as Theseus’s Ship: Which Experiments Preserve Diachronic Identity? |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0126-TD | Nogiec, Jerzy M. | Designing a Magnetic Measurement Data Acquisition and Control System with Reuse in Mind: A Rotating |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0125-TD | Nogiec, Jerzy M. | Software Architecture and Hardware Organization in Mu2e Solenoid Field Mapping System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0124-SCD | Ciprijanoivc, A. | Robustness of deep learning algorithms in astronomy - galaxy morphology studies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0123-TD | Rabehl, Roger J. | Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Cryogenic System Upgrade and Commissioning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0122-SCD | Otten, Matthew | Qudits as Quantum Memory |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0121-QIS | Shyamsundar, Prasanth | Some Results From HEP ML/Optimization Go Quantum |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0119-TD | Nogiec, Jerzy M. | Architecture of a Multi-Channel Data Streaming Device with an FPGA as a Coprocessor |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0118-TD | Giaccone, Bianca | Study of the niobium oxide structure and microscopic effect of plasma processing on the Nb surface |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0117-TD | Giaccone, Bianca | Study of the Niobium Oxide Structure and Microscopic Effect of Plasma Processing on the Nb Surface |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0116-AD | Bryant, Draten | Material and Vacuum Characterization of 3D Printed Stainless Steel |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0113-STUDENT | Wynne, Meg | Searches for New Particles at DarkQuest |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0111-ND | Lawrence-Sanderson, Benjamin | Metalenses as Light Concentrators for Liquid Argon Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0108-E-STUDENT | Vega, Justin | Performance of ADRIANO2 calorimeter prototype with 120GeV protons |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0107-E-STUDENT | Guo, Christopher | Track Triggers for Exotic Signatures at the LHC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0106-STUDENT | Malaker, Matthew | Tolerancing Tera-BREAD Using Ray-Tracing Simulations |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0105-STUDENT | Leininger, Tara | AI Acceleration of HEP Collider Simulation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0103-V | Barden, William | Calibration of ICARUS Detector Walls |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0102-SCD-STUDENT | Navarro, Alexander | Preparing the DESGW software pipeline for LVK’s O4 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0100-E | Dighamber, Mohit | Hunting Gravitational Wave Mergers with Cosmic Surveys |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0099-AD-STUDENT | Gao, Shiwei | Network Quality of Service Test Methodology for 5G |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0098-STUDENT | Gasior, Brett | Lambda Plate Seal for HFVMTF Anticryostat |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0097-STUDENT | McDonald, Tom | Characterizing the Geometry and Footprint of the DELVE Survey |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0096-AD-STUDENT | Hoeksema, Amanda | Counterweight for Long Reach Robotic Arm |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0095-AD-STUDENT | Rupsis, Joseph | Low-Energy, High-Intensity Muon Beam (LEHIM-B) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0094-T | English, Samuel | Tackling DIS Region Using Spectral Function Formalism |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0093-STUDENT | Whalen, Clare | Data Analytics – The ICW System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0092-PPD-STUDENT | Krynicki, Holly | Redshift Calibration of DELVE Galaxy Survey |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0091-AD-STUDENT | Sanchez, Brenda | AD Robotics – Long Reach Robot Arm |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0090-STUDENT | Yu, Felix | Simulation Study of SiPM Sensitivity to Rayleigh Scattering Measurement in the TallBo Chamber |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0088-STUDENT | Toure, Oumou | Hadron Monitor Test Stand Controller – Raspberry Pi based CNC Control System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0087-STUDENT | Heredia, Lici | MTA Pion Production Target Studies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0086-ND-STUDENT | Chambers-Wall, Graham | Analysis of electron scattering data to constrain neutrino scattering |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0084-STUDENT | Vayninger, Michael | Reconstructing Crossing Muons in ICARUS Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0083-STUDENT | Sarna, Magdalena | AD Robotics - 3D Printer Enclosure |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0082-AD | Stachowicz, Emily | AD Robotics - 3D Printer Enclosure |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0081-STUDENT | Butler, Tonie | Simulating and Testing the Damping of Targets in Accelerator Based Experiments |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0080-CMS-E | Dickinson, Jennet | Design and Prototype Performance of Macro-Pixel Sub-Assemblies for the CMS Outer Tracker Upgrade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0079-E-STUDENT | Abdelaziz, Ebtihal | Searching for Cosmic Strings Using SPT-3G data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0078-STUDENT | Levy, Caleb | Detecting Low Surface Brightness Galaxies with Mask R-CNN |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0077-FESS-STUDENT | Hanna, Caitlynn | DWS Model Update and Analysis Using WaterGEMS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0074-ND-STUDENT | Neely-Brown, LeRayah | Impacts of Energy Reconstruction on SBN Oscillation Measurements |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0073-STUDENT | Hoppesch, Matthew | H- Injection Simulations for Multi-MW Upgrade (PIP-III) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0072-V | Ally, Danel | How to Limit the Beam-Induced Background in a Muon Collide |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0071-AD | Muldrow, Nicolette | Progress on a Study of Target-Horn System for Muon Colliders |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0070-PIP2-STUDENT | Hayman, Jay | Thermal Profiling of PIP-II Radio Wave Distribution |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0069-V | Martoff, Charles J. | Analysis of Gamma Ray Emisssions From Fission Product Contributors to the Antineutrino Spectrum |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0068-V | Peets, Emrys | The Light Dark Matter Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0067-AE | Zhang, Zhuowen | Incorporating Galaxy Cluster Triaxiality in Stacked Cluster Weak Lensing Analyses |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0066-V | Sánchez Falero, Sebastián de Jesús | Status of the muon neutrino charged-current zero mesons cross section measurement in the NOvA near d |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0065-STUDENT | Xu, Yueling Kathryn | Sample Selection and Bright Star Masking in DELVE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0064-STUDENT | Zichi, Laura | Neutrino Interaction Modeling with Electron Scattering in LDMX |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0063-ESH-STUDENT | Murray, Anne | The Possible Impacts of Climate Change on Fermilab’s Radioactive Air Emissions |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0061-STUDENT | Xing, Zhenzhong | Gas Argon Time Projection Chamber Optimization |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0060-ND | Truong, Syrian | Implement Spectral Function Model Into GENIE via Wrapper |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0059-STUDENT | Feigelson, David | Beam Dynamics in IOTA using PyORBIT |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0058-STUDENT-T | Lopez Gutierrez, Diego | Automatic Leptonic Tensor Generation for Beyond the Standard Model Theories |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0057-V | Gioiosa, Antonio | Slow control and data acquisition development in the Mu2e experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0056-V | Rafique, Aleena | Identification and Reconstruction of Michel Electrons in ProtoDUNE-SP |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0055-STUDENT | Delgado, Jullian | Mock-ups to Predict Beam Axis Displacements of Cavities and Solenoids in PIP-II SSR2 Cryomodule |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0054-STUDENT | Greenstein, Chloe | Simulated Photo-nuclear Kaon Production for LDMX |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0053-STUDENT | Blum, Ashlae | A Temporal Approach to Unsupervised Anomaly Detection |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0052-AE | Avila, Marcelo | The Kilonova Data Challenge |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0051-ND | Elkins, Miranda | NOvA’s Latest 3-Flavor Neutrino Oscillation Results |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0049-CMS | Bright-Thonney, Samuel | Efficiently Cooling Radiation-Damaged Silicon Pixel Sensors in the CMS HL-LHC Inner Tracker |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0048-V | King, Matt | Ongoing Measurement of Pion Absorption Cross Section in Liquid Argon with LArIAT |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0047-E | Barzi, Emanuela Z. | Involving the new generations in Fermilab endeavours |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0046 | Chithirasreemadam, S. | Mu2e Event Display Development – Using the TEve Framework |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0045-V | Mehta, Bhumika | Straw tube studies and prototype Assembly |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0044-ND | Sullivan, Cullen | Investigating Improvements to the NOvA Event Selection Efficiency for Events in the Mass-hierarchy-s |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0043 | Newmark, Darcy A. | Ionization Laser Calibration System for DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0041 | Chatla, Akshay | Context Enriched Prong CNN performance studies in NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0039-V | Ge, Guanqun | Search for a Single-Photon Anomalous Excess in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0038-LBNF | Schwan, Aaron | Guide Shoe Cart Combination |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0037-V | Carpenter, Luke | A New HLT Trigger Based on Track Multiplicity for SUEPs Analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0036-ND | Meddage, Varuna | Time of Flight (ToF) Studies in SBND Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0034-STUDENT | Chavez, Elise | Measuring the Energy Resolution of MicroBooNE at the MeV-Scale |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0033-STUDENT | Douglas, Thomas | Optimization of Dilution Refrigerator Mechanical Supports |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0032-SCD-STUDENT | Paton, Lisa | Monitoring DUNE Data Streaming Efficiency |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0030-LBNF | Nesbitt, Phil | The Search for Air Overpressure During Blasting Operations |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0029-PIP2-TD | Helsper, Joshua Frank | Transportation Analysis of the Fermilab High-Beta 650 MHz Cryomodule |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0027-TD | Koshelev, S. | Design of the cryostat for High Field Vertical Magnet Testing Facility at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0025-TD | Rabehl, Roger J. | An Upgraded Cryogenic Test Stand for HL-LHC Cryo-Assemblies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0024-TD | Bafia, D. | The Role of Oxygen Concentration in Enabling High Gradients in Niobium SRF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0022-TD | Chouhan, Vijay | Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation for Electrolyte Flow in Horizontal EP of Nb SRF Elliptical Ca |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0021-AD | Fang, I. | Pion-production target design for Mu2e-II: radiation damage and thermal analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0020-AD | Gourlay, Stephen Alan | “Snowmass’21” Accelerator Frontier |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0019-AD | Shiltsev, Vladimir D. | General Approach to Physics Limits of Ultimate Colliders |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0018-AD | Shiltsev, Vladimir D. | Space-Charge Effects in Ionization Beam Profile Monitors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0017-AD | Wickremasinghe, Don Athula Abeyarathna | Status of the Measurement of Neutrino-Electron Elastic Scattering in the NOvA Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0015-AD | Madrak, R. | Improving Magnetic Materials for RCS Cavity Tuners |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0013-AD | Lumpkin, Alex H. | Investigations of Long-Range Wakefield Effects in a TESLA-type Cryomodule at FAST |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0012-AD | Lumpkin, Alex H. | Observations on Submicropulse Electron-Beam Effects From Short-Range Wakefields in Tesla-Type Superc |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0011-AD | Lumpkin, Alex H. | Observations of Long-Range Wakefield Effects Downstream of an Off-resonance TESLA-type Cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0010-SCD | Ćiprijanović, Aleksandra Miodrag | Domain Adaptation for Cross-Domain Studies of Merging Galaxies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0009-AD-SCD | Kafkes, Diana | Developing Robust Digital Twins and Reinforcement Learning for Accelerator Control Systems at the Fe |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0008-AD | Thurman-Keup, Randy Michael | Observation of Polarization-Dependent Changes in Higher Order Mode Responses as a Function of Transv |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0007-TD | Romanov, Gennady V. | Dynamics of One-Side Multipactor on Dielectrics |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0006-SCD-STUDENT | Urs, Namratha | Using Pilot Jobs and CernVM File System for Simplified Use of Containers and Software Distribution |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0005-AD | Lynch, Kevin Richard | R&D toward design for a pion-production target for Mu2e-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0004-AD | Cathey, B. | Progress on the Electron Gun Design for a Millan electron lens in IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0002 | Ozguler, A. Baris | Excitation dynamics in galvanically coupled fluxonium circuits |
FERMILAB-POSTER-21-0001 | Ozguler, A. Baris | Response of a quantum disordered spin system to a local periodic drive |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0131-SCD | Ciprijanovic, A. | DeepMerge: Studying Distant Merging Galaxies with Deep Neural Networks |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0129-AD | Huanay, Antonio | Making a power supply that produces 1000 A with ripple of 50 parts per million. |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0128-DI | Griggs, jAMES | SRF Fixture Design and HOM analysis |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0127-TD | Miranda, Llovizna | Digital Application Specific Integrated Circuit Design |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0126-PPD | Price, Tiffany | Energy Audit of MC-1 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0125-ND | Reesman, G. | Double-beta decay searches at a theoretical DUNE 4th module |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0124-PPD | Mishra, Nishant\ | Characterizing complex impedance in TES Detectors for SuperCDMS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0123-SCD | Franklin, Lena | AI Denoising to Accelerate Detector Simulation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0122-PPD | Coronel, Ruben | The Ellipticity of Galaxy Clusters at a Large Radius |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0121-AD | Azar, Kate | Simulation of and Antenna Design for a Reflector-based Broadband Axion Search |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0120-AD | Njekeu, Terence Franck | Hyper Parameter Tuning in Neural Optical Image Categorizer for the E-log (NOICE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0118-PPD | O'Neil, Judah | Astro Skipper-CCD Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0117-SCD | Neely-Brown, LeRayah | Constructing a Testing Application for GWMS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0116-PPD | Collins, Eboni | Understanding the Effects of Overlapping Galaxies in Dark Energy Probes |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0115-SCD | Youssef, Rahaf | Measuring and Simulating T1 and T2 for Qubits |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0114-SCD | Yancey, Mirica | Pilot Log Anonymization in GlideinMonitor |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0113-TD | Matos, Alejandro | Prominent Loss Mechanisms in Superconducting Qubits |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0111-AD | Stachowicz, Emily | Radioactive Cleaning Robot |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0108-AD | Leone, Giovani | Deep Ensemble Confidence Levels for Multi-hot Categorization |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0105-QIS | Guy, Khalil | Using Reinforcement Learning to Optimize Quantum Circuits in the Presence of Noise |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0104-ND | Chavez, Elise | DUNE’s Potential to Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0103-T | Lopez Gutierrez, Diego | Automatic Leptonic Tensor Calculation for Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) Theories |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0101-ND | Papadopoulou, Afroditi | First Measurement of Differential Charged Current Quasielastic–like $\nu_\mu$ -Argon Scattering Cros |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0097-SCD | Pham, Linh | Single Transverse Variables in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0096-AD | Huether, Joel | Assessing Systematic Errors in Simulation Studies of Mu2e |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0095-FESS | Lopez, Ruben | Shrubland Restoration |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0094-AD | Hoeksema, Amanda | AD Robotics - Long Reach Robotic Arm |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0093-QIS | Zaidel, Michael | Characterization and Automation of Quantum Electronics for Qubit-based Dark Matter Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0091-E | Krzyzanska, Katarzyna | Studying the Effects of Overlapping Objects in Dark Energy |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0090-TD | Kazi, Sujay | Characterizing Acoustic Signals in the Buildup to a Magnet Quench |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0089-AD | Scheidt, Kelsey | MAGIS-100 Atom Source Support Preliminary Design |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0087-ND | Chambers-Wall, Graham | Charge response and energy calibration of ProtoDUNE-SP |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0087-ND | Wu, Wanwei | Charge response and energy calibration of ProtoDUNE-SP |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0085-PPD | Logsdon, Morgan | Sample Management Tools for the Irradiation Test Area (ITA) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0084-SCD | Tuttle, Ethan | Analysis of Hadron Models to Better Predict Neutrino Flux for DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0083-AD | Roberts, Grace | Optimizing muon injection for the Muon g-2 experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0082-T | Kowalczyk, Elizabeth | Simulation of Axion-like Particles at DarkQuest |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0081-ND | Welch, Tabitha | Exploring the Great Pyramid |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0080-SCD | Schefke, Tristan | DeepBench: Open-Source Tools for A.I. in the Sky |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0078-ND | Chambers-Wall, Graham | Charge response and energy calibration of ProtoDUNE- |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0077-AD | Aasman, Jordan | Laser Transport Vacuum Simulations and LED Atom Tracker |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0076-DI-SCD-WDRS | Garrett, Nathan | Adapting DESGW Single Epoch Image Differencing to the LSST Software Stack |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0074-V | Sutton, Andrew | Neutrino Energy Reconstruction in NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0073-E | Cerny, William | Discovery and Characterization of a New Ultra-Faint Stellar System with the DELVE Survey |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0072-ND | Ginnett, Isabella | Analysis of the impact of different hit finding techniques on charge and energy reconstruction for I |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0070-LBNF | Diurba, Richard | Purity monitoring for ProtoDUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0068-V | Michaels, Kelli | Neutrino Tridents in the NOvA Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0063-ND-V | Calvez, Steven | Accelerating Calculation of Confidence Intervals for NOvA's Neutrino Oscillation Parameter Estimatio |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0062-T | Isaacson, Joshua | A Novel Approach for the Intranuclear Cascade |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0059-T | Berryman, Jeffrey M. | Searches for Dark Sector Mediators in the DUNE Multi-Purpose Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0058-ND | Howell, Ryan | Prospects of Neutrino Cross Section Measurements Using the NuMI off axis at ICARUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0057-ND | Strait, M. | The Astrophysics Program of NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0056-ND-SCD | Wospakrik, Marianette | Constraining Systematic Uncertainties for the Electron-Neutrino Search at MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0054-SCD | Bathe-Peters, Lars | Comparing generator predictions of single transverse variables in neutrino-argon scattering |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0053-E | Bashyal, Amit | High Statistics CCQE Like cross-section measurements on CH Target with E_{\nu} ~ 6 GeV |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0052-ND | Yallappa Dombara, Abhilash | Wrong sign Contamination in NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0051-V | Duenas Tonguino, David | Design and Operation of a Charged Particle Beamline for the NOvA Test Beam Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0050-AD-LBNF-V | Bostan, Nilay | Neutrino Flux Analysis and Monitoring for Power Improvements in NuMI |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0048-V | Dolce, Michael | NOvA central value tuning and uncertainties for the hN FSI model in GENIE 3 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0047-AD | Wickremasinghe, Don Athula | Study of Muon Monitor Data to Maintain the Quality of the NuMI Neutrino Beam at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0045-ND | Olivier, Andrew | Double-Diferential $\nu_\mu$ Charged Current Quasi-Elastic-Like Cross Section on Plastic Scintillato |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0044-TD | Posen, S. | Nb3Sn Superconducting RF Cavities: R&D Progress at Fermilab and Opportunities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0043-QIS-T | Carena, Marcella | QIS for Applied Quantum Field Theory |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0042-QIS-SCD | Adachi, Steven | HEP ML/Optimization Go Quantum – QuantISED Pilot |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0041-QIS-SCD | Spentzouris, Panagiotis | Illinois-Express Quantum Networks (IEQNET) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0040-QIS | Plunkett, Rob | MAGIS-100: 100 m Atomic Interferometry at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0039-QIS-SCD | Lyon, Adam L. | Large Scale Simulations of Quantum Systems on HPC with Analytics for HEP Algorithms |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0038-AD | DiMeo, Michael | Radiation Mapping UAV |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0037-QIS | Li, Andy C. Y. | Scalable boson encoding for VQE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0036-DI | Cooper, Charlie | Destruction of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0035-DI | Cooper, Charlie | E-Beam Destruction of Contaminants in Water |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0034-TD | $Nb_3Sn$ Superconducting RF Cavities: R&D Progress at Fermilab and Opportunities | |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0033-TD | Posen, Samuel Elliott | SRF Cavity R&D - Enabling New Frontiers in High Energy Physics and Quantum Science |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0032-TD | Blowers, Jamie | APS-TD Quality Facilities and Tools |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0031-ND-SCD | Bitter, Olivia Meredith | Online and Offline Monitoring of the ICARUS Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0030-TD | Zorzetti, Silvia | Computer vision technology for the alignment monitoring of the prototype SSR1 cryomodule |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0028-TD | Barzi, E. | Development and First Test of the 15 T $Nb_3Sn$ Dipole Demonstrator MDFCT1 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0027-TD | Martinello, Martina | Tailoring Impurity Profile to Maximize Cavity Performance |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0026-TD | Checchin, Mattia | Versatile CVD/ALD system |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0025-TD | Eremeev, Grigory | Vertical Cavity Test Facility |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0024-TD | Passarelli, Donato | Fermilab’s Next Flagship Accelerator Proton Improvement Plan-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0023-TD | Parise, Mattia | Single Spoke Resonators: String Assembly and Mechanical Design |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0022-TD | Ristori, L. | US Contribution to CERN: RF Dipole Crab Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0021-TD | Tartaglia, M. | Magnet Test Facilities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0020-TD | Badgley, Karie | Magnets for the Mu2e experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0019-AD-TD | Hartsell, Brian D. | Cryomodules for LCLS-II High Energy |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0018-TD | Frolov, Daniil | Quantum Measurement and Characterization |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0017-TD | Chandrasekaran, Saravan K. | $\beta$ = 0.61 \& 0.92 Systems for PIP-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0016-TD | Spina, Tiziana | Iron Based Superconductors at FNAL: Ultra High-Field Superconductor at Low-Cost |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0014-TD | Roger, V. | HB650 Prototype Cryomodule |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0013-TD | Marinozzi, V. | US High-Luminosity LHC Accelerator Upgrade Program (AUP) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0012-TD | Hollister, Matt | Millikelvin Cryogenics at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0011-TD | Giaccone, Bianca | Plasma Processing to Mitigate Field Emission in LCLS-II 1.3 GHz SRF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0010-TD | Furuta, F. | Cavity Processing Laboratory for SRF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0009-TD | Krave, Steve | Accelerator Magnet R&D at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0008-TD | Bice, D. | APS-TD Cleanroom Facilities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0007-TD | Holland, Eric | Accelerating Quantum Technologies Through Fermilab SRF Expertise |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0006-TD | APS-TD Helium Cryogenic Facilities | |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0005-TD | Posen, Samuel Elliott | Science Opportunities and Capabilities Enabled by LCLS-II and LCLS-II HE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0004-TD | Xu, Xingchen | Development of Advanced $Nb_3Sn$ Superconductors for Future Energy-Frontier Colliders |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0003-TD | Stanek, Richard | LCLS-II Fermilab’s Contribution to Next Generation CW Light Source |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0002-TD | Bafia, Daniel Peter | High Gradient Cryomodule Prototype for the International Linear Collider |
FERMILAB-POSTER-20-0001-TD | Boffo, Cristian | Superconducting Undulator Technology |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0145-E | Laffan, Clair | Trigger Rate of High Energy Electrons in the Mu2e Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0144-E | Whalen, Michael | Trigger for Momentum Calibration and Beam Position Monitoring by Means of Decay-in-Orbit $\mu$ in th |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0143-E | Duarte, Javier | Accelerated Machine Learning as a Service for Particle Physics Computing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0142-PIP2 | Prakash, Ram | Acceptance Calculation and Study of Fault Scenarios in the PIP-II Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0141-PIP2 | Prakash, Ram | Beam Dynamics Study of PIP-II Superconducting Linac in the Presece of Misalignment Errors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0140-PIP2 | Prakash, Ram | Availability and Reliability analysis of Proton Improvement Plan-II Superconducting Radio Frequency |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0139-AD | Bidhar, Sujit | Improvised Electrsopinning Set Up for Thicker Ceramic Nanofiber Mat for High Power Targets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0138-AD-LDRD | Bidhar, Sujit Kumar | Production and Mechanical Characterization of Electrospun Ceramic/Metallic Nanofiber |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0137-SCD | Mandrichenko, Igor V. | Conditions Databases at FNAL |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0136-SCD | Gutsche, Oliver | Striped Data Analysis Framework |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0135-AE-SCD | Herner, Ken | The Updated DESGW Processing Pipeline for the Third LIGO/VIRGO Observing Run |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0134-E-QIS | Khatiwada, Rakshya | Qubit Based Single Photon Sensors for Dark Matter Searches |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0133-TD | Li, Andy C.Y. | Variational Quantum Simulator of Interacting Bosons |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0132-QIS. | Braga, Davide | NECQST: Novel Electronics for Cryogenic Quantum Sensors Technology |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0131-QIS | Plunkett, Rob | MAGIS-100: 100 m Atomic Interferometry at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0130-LBNF | Barrow, Joshua | Studies of Intranuclear Model Systematics for $n \to \bar{n}$ Transformations in $^{40}_{18} Ar$ |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0129-CMS-SCD | Dagenhart, W.David | Concurrent Conditions Access across Validity Intervals in CMSSW |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0128-AE-SCD | Caldeira, J. | DeepCMB: Saliency for Image-to-Image Regression |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0127-TD | Fiscarelli, L. | Magnetic Measurements on the First CERN-built Models of the Insertion Quadrupole MQXF for HL-LHC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0126-SCD | Guo, Y. | Production Operations Management System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0125-QIS-SCD | Caldeira, J. | D-Wave for High Energy Physics |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0124-AD | Lobach, Ihar | Study of Fluctuations in Undulator Radiation in the IOTA Ring at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0122-DI-SCD | Nagaitsev, Sergei | Betatron Frequencies and the Poincare Rotation Number |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0120-PPD | Deptuch, G.W. | Analysis of Time of Arrival Measurement with Low-Gain-Avalanche-Diode |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0119-E | Liu, Tiehui | The ETROC Project: Precision Timing ASIC Development for LGAD-based CMS Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) Up |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0118-CMS | Seddon-Stettler, Sadie | LeptonJet Categorization with Decision Tree |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0117-AD | Piekarz, Henryk | Record Fast-Cycling Accelerator Magnet Based on High-Temperature Superconductor |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0116-AD | Butler, Trevor A. | Development of a Marx Modulator for FNAL Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0115-AD | Lumpkin, A.H. | Single-Shot Diagnostics of Microbunched Electrons in Laser-Driven Plasma Accelerators and Free-Elect |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0114-AD | Lumpkin, A.H. | Observations of Long-Range and Short-Range Wakefield Effects on Electron-Beam Dynamics in TESLA-type |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0113-AD | Lumpkin, A.H. | Proposed Enhanced Imaging Station in the 6-GeV Booster-to-Storage Ring Transport Line for APS Upgrad |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0112-AD | Jarvis, J. | Optical Stochastic Cooling Program at Fermilab's Integrable Optics Test Accelerator |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0111-AD | Lumpkin, A.H. | Observations on Microbunching of Electrons in Laser-Driven Plasma Accelerators and Free-Electron Las |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0110-AD | Lumpkin, A.H. | Observations of Short-Range Wadefield Effects in Tesla-Type Superconducting RF Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0109-CD | Zhang, Yunchong | Blind Denoising by Self-Supervised Neural Networks in Astronomical Datasets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0108-CD | Balaji, Praveen | Detecting Stellar Streams through Deep Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0106-CD | Jain, Anand | Neural ODEs for Light Curves Classifying and Approximating Light Curves |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0105-CD | Christ, Callista | Fast Inference on FPGAs and TPUs Classifying Gravitational Lensing Images Efficiently |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0104-ND | Duenas, David | The NOvA Test Beam Program |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0103-AD | Seiya, K. | Injection Bucket Jitter Compensation using Phase Lock System at Fermilab Booster |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0102-PPD | Fassnacht, Malena | Analyzing Gas Diffusion in LXe-TPCs for Upcoming Hydrogen Doping Studies |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0101-PPD | Medepalli, Praneeth | Studies of Front-End Electronics for High-Precision Timing Measurements with LGADs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0100-ND | Castiglioni, Whitmaur | Simulation Studies Of Photon Signal Reconstruction In The DUNE Single Phase Far Detector With Xe Dop |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0099-ND | Rice, Logan Clutch Jackson | Neutron Transport Simulations in DUNE Using LArSoft |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0098-ND | Beever, Zachary | Modeling of Charge Amplification in LArTPCs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0097-CMS | Grenert, Austin | Probing the Tri-Linear Higgs Self-Coupling |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0096-CMS-PPD | Campanella, Michael | Characterization of CMS High Granularity Calorimeter Silicon Sensors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0095-AE | Spahn, Gabriel | Vibration and EMF Backgrounds at NEXUS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0094-AD | Leleux, Kyle | Data Acquisition System for RF Cavity Hadron Monitor |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0093-PPD | Hoshino, Gabriel | 3D Printing Prototypes for a Reflector-Based Broadband Axion Search |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0092-ND | Patel, Sameer | Tau Neutrinos and Upward-Going Air Showers:Stochastic Vs. Continuous Energy Loss |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0091-ND | Rizzo, Griffen | Time Dependence of MicroBooNE CRT-TPC Clock Frequency Difference |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0090-ND | Bitter, Olivia Meredith | Online Monitor Analysis of the ICARUS-T600 Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0089-CD | Damman, Brandt | Unification of Monitoring in the Fermi File Transfer Service |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0088-PPD | Jaos, Leo | Characterization of LVDS Transmission Data Integrity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0087-AD | Maamari, Karime | Implementing Secondary Vertexing for the REDTOP Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0086-AD | Sims, Benjamin | Magnetic Field Mapper |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0085-ND | Swanson, Alaina M. | Xenon Doping of Liquid Argon |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0084-ND | Nambrath, Anjali | Studying the use of e- data and resonant interactions for DUNE energy reconstruction |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0083-AD | Tu, Yisheng | Theory and Conceptual design of kickers |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0082-AD | Xu, Yan | AC Dipole Requirements for Beam Extinction for the Fermilab Mu2e Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0081-CMS-PPD | Israel, Scott | Characterization of Silicon Sensors for HGCal |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0080-PPD | Smith, Dylan | Using Charge-Coupled Devices to Characterize Neutron Events |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0079-AD | Carver, Lauren | Numerical Study of a Passive Wedge Absorber System for Momentum Selection of Muon Beams |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0077-PPD | Noufele,Emmanuel | Improving the Event Data Server of the Fermilab Test Beam Data Acquisition System (OTSDAQ) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0072-AD-TD | Sheagren, Calder | Computer Vision and Cavity Cutouts |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0062-ND | Lopez, Gutierrez, D. | $\nu_e$ CC Event Identification Based on Shower Energy Profiles in LArTPCs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0061-DI | Marquez, Jose Manuel | Beamline Extension for the Accelerator Applications Development and Demonstration at IARC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0060-ND | Chavez, Elise Marianna | Predicting the Flux: Models and Simulation for NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0059-CD | Segura, Antonio Thomas | Improving FERRY: Visualization, Refactoring, and Testing |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0058-CMS | Wamorkar, Tanvi | Test Beam Characterization of Hamamatsu LGADs for the CMS Endcap Timing Layer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0057-ND | Mason, Katie | Using a Convolutional Neural Network to Reconstruct Dead Channels in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0056-TD | Furuta, F. | Fermilab-EP Facility Improvements |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0055-ND | Martinez-Casales, Maria | Cross section model tuning and multiplicity studies in NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0054-ND | Lackey, Teresa | The NOvA Test Beam Program |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0052-E | Haslund-Gourley, Alexandra | Improving the Tracker Seeded Reconstruction Algorithm |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0051-PPD | Bhalla-Ladd, India | Improving the Calorimeter-Seeded Track Trigger |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0050-PPD | Sherry, Derek | Tracker and Calorimeter Based Veto Development |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0049-TD | Berrutti, P. | Low RF Power Plasma Ignition and Detection for In-situ Cleaning of 1.3 GHZ 9-Cell Cavities |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0048-E | Apresyan, Artur | Studies of the FBK Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors for the CMS Endcap Timing Layer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0047 | Veillette, John | Unsupervised Deep Learning Can Identify Physical Parameters |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0046-AD-APC | Zhiltsev, Vladimir | 2019 UNESCO International Year of Periodic Table |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0043-AE-CD-LDRD | Caldeira, J. | DeepCMB: Lensing Reconstruction of the CMB with Deep Neural Networks |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0042-ND | Calvez, Steven | Status of the Muon-Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Pion Production Measurement with NOvA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0041-AE | Lin, Zhen | Classification of Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Galaxy Clusters using Deep Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0040-ND | Bhat, Avinay | MeV Scale Physics in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0039-CMS | Wamorkar, Tanvi | Test Beam Characterization of Hamamatsu LGADs for the CMS Endcap Timing Layer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0038-ND | Ponce, Iris | MicroBooNE's Continuous Readout for Supernova Neutrinos |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0037-PPD | Hossain, Forhad | Commissioning Trigger for the SpinQuest/E1039 Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0036-ND | Fine, Rob | Measurement of the Medium Energy Flux at MINER$\nu$A Using the High-$\nu$ Method |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0035-APC-TD | Mohsen, O. | Simulations for Field-Enhanced Conduction-Cooled Superconducting RF Electron Source |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0034-ND | Goodwin, Owen | Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons in the MicroBooNE LArTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0033-ND | Rivera, David Orlando | A Flexible Trigger for SBND |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0032-AD | Kuklev, N. | Experimental Demonstration of the Henon-Heiles Quasi-Integrable System at IOTA |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0031 | Hempstead, Jason | Preparing the Muon g-2 Calorimeters for Run 2 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0029-PPD | Laffan, Claire | Trigger Rate of High Energy Electrons in the Mu2e Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0028-ND | Phan, Dung duc | The NOvA Test Beam Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0027-PPD | Whalen, Michael | Calibration Trigger and Beam Monitoring for the Mu2e Experiment by Means of Decay-in-Orbit $\mu$ |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0026-ND-PPD | Judah, Matthew | Status of the Inclusive Electron Neutrino Charged-Current Cross-Section Measurement in the NOvA Near |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0025-PPD | Cao, Haichuan | Measuring the Denominator of the Muon-to-Electron Conversion Rate: A Study Using Compton Scattering |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0024-CMS | Poudyal, N. | Test Beam Analysis of Silicon Microstrip Module with Transverse Momentum Discrimination for CMS HL-L |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0023-ND | Brooks, Tom | Reconstruction and Selection Tools for Charged-Current Muon Neutrino Cross Sections in SBND |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0022-ND | Behera, Biswaranjan | Calorimetric Energy Measurement for Supernova Neutrinos using the DUNE Photon Detection System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0021-ND | Lepetic, Ivan | Search for Millicharged Particles Using ArgoNeuT |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0020-CD | Hawks, Benjamin | Real-Time Machine Learning Inferencing with Edge Computing Devices from Google and Intel |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0019-PPD | Wuerfel, Noah | E-1039 "SpinQuest" FPGA Trigger |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0018-PPD | Hernandez, Israel | On the Efficiency $\eta$ and the Homogeneity of TiN Kinetic Inductance Detectors Produced through At |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0017-ND | Sosa, Marvin Ascencio | $\nu_{\mu}$ -Low Recoil Analysis in Medium Energy Era at MINERvA Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0016-ND | Sword-Fehlberg, Samantha | Searching for Short-Range Correlations in $^{40}AR$ |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0015-ND | Sutton, Kathryn | MicroBooNE's Search for Photon-Like Low Energy Excess Under a Neutral Current $\Delta \to N_{\gamma} |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0014-ND | Mogan, Andrew | Constraining the Neutral Current $\pi^0$ Background for MicroBooNE's Single-Photon Search |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0013-AE-CD-LDRD | Alba Hernandez, A.F. | Sky Survey Scheduling Using Reinforcement Learning |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0012-AD | Wickremasinghe, Athula | Muon Monitor Data To Maintain The Quality Of The NuMI Neutrino Beam at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0011-E | Lukicov, Gleb | High Precision Track-Based Alignment of the Tracking Detector of the g-2 Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0010 | Huang, Shihua | Lanthanum Bromide Detector System for Mu2e Stopping Target Monitor |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0009-PPD | Diociaiuti, E. | Production and Quality Assurance of Mu2e Calorimeter CsI Crystals |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0007-AD | Eldred, Jeffrey | Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron for Multi-Megawatt Proton Facility at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0006-ND | Basque, Vincent | Scintillation Light Triggering Efficiency in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0005-E-PPD | Morgan, Andrew | Constraining the Neutral Current Pi0 Background for MicroBooNE's Single-Photon Search |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0004-E | Apresyan, Artur | Studies of the FBK Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors for the CMS Endcap Timing Layer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0003 | Lari, L. | FLUKA-MARS15 Simulations to Optimize Fermilab PIP-II Movable Beam Absorber |
FERMILAB-POSTER-19-0002-AD | Anderson, K. | LBNF Hadron Absorber: Updated Mechanical Design and Analysis for 2.4 MW Operation |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0042-E | Caiulo, Davide | Mu2e Calorimeter Readout System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0041-DI | Grdanovska, Slavica | Application of Novel Electron Beam Accelerator for Treatment of Military Contaminants |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0040-TD | Xu,Xingchen | Enhancing Specific Heat of Nb3Sn Superconductors to Improve Stability and Reduce Training |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0039-TD | Marinozzi, Vittorio | Analysis of the Short To-Ground Event in the LARP-AUP MQXFAP1 Magnet, and Its Implication on the Pro |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0038-DI | Grdanovsk, Slavica | Water Treatment via High Power Electron Beam Accelerator |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0037-ND | De Rijck, Simon | Searching for Large Extra Dimensions with MINOS and MINOS+ |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0036-CD | Terlyga, Olga | Kerberos at Fermilab: Upgrade Story |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0035-TD | Strauss, Thomas | Superconducting Magnet Performance for the LCLS-II Project |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0034-CD | Buchanan, Norman | Supporting HEP Data as the Exascale Era Approaches |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0033-AD | Connolly, Thomas | Axion Detection with Nonlinear Dielectric Materials |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0032-E | Kim, On | Reduction of the Coherent Betatron Oscillation Amplitude by the RF Electric Field for the Fermilab M |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0031-AE-CD | Smith, J. Allyn | Interesting Objects Found while Searching for Hot DAs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0030-CD | Austin, A. | Event Generator Tuning Using HPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0029-CD | Buchanan, N. | HPC and Data Management for HEP |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0028-DI | Grdanovska, Slavica | Increased Highway Life via Electron Beam Initiated Polymer Modification |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0027-PPD | Khaw, Kim Siang | Muon Anomalous Precession Frequency Measurement Using Lead Fluoride Calorimeters in the Muon g-2 Exp |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0026-CD | Altunay, Mine | FERRY Frontier Experiments RegistRY |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0025-AD | Lari, Luisella | Preliminary Modelling of Radiation Levels at the Fermilab PIP-II Linac |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0024 | Diaz, Alejandro | Updated MiniBooNE Neutrino Oscillation Results within the Context of Global Fits to Short-Baseline N |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0023-E-ND | Torbunov, Dmitrii | NOvA Neutrino Disappearance Results 2018 |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0022-ND | Kleykamp, Jeffrey | Measuring Transverse Momentum Imbalance in MINERvA's Nuclear Targets |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0021-CMS | Dutta, Irene | Precision Timing with Silicon Photomultipliers |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0020-ND | Meddage, Varuna | Detector Calibration Using Through Going and Stopping Muons in the MicroBooNE LArTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0019-ND | Yates, L. | Progress Toward a Deep-Learning-Based Search for Low-Energy Electron Neutrinos in MicroBooNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0018-ND | Mogan, Andrew | Towards Measuring Longitudinal Electron Diffusion in the MicroBooNE LArTPC |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0017-A | Georgiadou, Antigoni | Emulating Baryonic Effects in Weak Lensing Measurements |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0016-PPD | Halewood-Leagas, Tabitha | The Muon g-2 Straw Tracking Detectors |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0015-E | Osofsky, Rachel | Improving Magnetic Field Uniformity in the Muon g-2 Storage Ring |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0014-ND | Papadopoulou, Afroditi | Electrons for Neutrinos |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0013-ND | Warburton, Karl | Muon Neutrinos and Anti-Neutrinos in the NOvA Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0012-ND | Carroll, Thomas | Three Flavor Oscillation Results from MINOS and MINOS+ |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0011-CD | Flumerfelt, Eric | The Fermilab Test Beam Facility Data Acquisition System Using $otsdaq$ |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0010-ND | Moon, Jarrett | Hunting Muon Neutrinos in MicroBooNE With Deep Learning Techniques |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0009-ND | Fitzpatrick, Rory S. | First Measurement of Monoenergetic Muon Neutrino Charged Current Interactions |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0008-ND | Tiras, Emrah | ANNIE: Phase I Physics Results and Phase II Plans |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0007-E | Schreckenberger, A.P. | New Fast Kicker Results from the Muon g-2 E-989 Experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0006-PPD | Wu, W. | Using Time Evolution of the Bunch Structure to Extract the Muon Momentum Distribution in the Fermila |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0005-PPD | Wu, Wanwei | Beam Dynamics in g-2 Storage Ring |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0004-CD | Zhang, L. | Continuing Efforts on Efficiency and Performance Improvement of mdtmFTP |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0003-AD | Balcazar, Mario D. | Tunable Q-Factor RF Cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0002-AD | Kuharik, J. | Garnet Ring Measurements for the Fermilab Booster 2nd Harmonic Cavity |
FERMILAB-POSTER-18-0001-AD | Madrak, R.L. | Progress on the Construction of the Perpendicularly Biased 2nd Harmonic Cavity for the Fermilab Boos |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0029-V | Becerra, Jose Antonio | Neutrino Trident Production at the MINERvA Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0028-AD | Young, Samantha | Characterization of the IOTA Proton Source |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0027-APC | Gross, Axel | Beam Echoes in the Presence of Coupling |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0026-AD | Chase, Brian | Modular Low-Noise Piezoamplifier Driver for SRF Applications |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0025-AD | Chase, Brian | SoC Architectures in LLRF at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0024-TD | Strauss, T. | Quench Location in the LARP MQXFS1 Prototype |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0023-TD | Strauss, Thomas | The Mu2e Solenoid Cold Mass Position Monitor System |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0022-APC | Lopez Lemus, Ricardo Lemus | Calculating Residual Dose in Mu2e DS Hall |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0021-CD | Gong, Qian | Deep Packet/Flow Analysis using GPUs |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0020-TD | Kaplan, A. | Nanoscale Investigation of Nitrogen Treatment for SRF Cavities (Temperature Dependence and Other Nov |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0019-PPD | Keith, Celeste | A Microlensing Search for Primordial Black Holes in Dark Energy Survey Date |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0018-ND | Ewart, Kevin D. | Validating Nuclear Models for Neutrino Scattering Using Electron Data |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0017-AD-APC | Cammarota, Justin | REDTOP Beam Modeling for Raised Transition Energy and Third Integer Resonance Extraction |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0016-PPD | Cotter, Cory | Data Quality Software for the South Pole Telescope |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0015-AE | Trask, Makayla | Inner-Shell Electron Recoil Discrimination in Xenon |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0014-PPD | Marchan, Miguelangel | Analyzing Noise for the Muon Silicon Scanner |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0013-ND | Tilly, Elizabeth | Near-Infrared Scintillation of Liquid Argon |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0012-ND | Bowles, Reed | Progress Towards a Neutral Current $\pi^0$ Cross Section Analysis in the NOvA Near Detector |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0011-ND | Barron, Olivia | Dip-Coated Light Guide Production and Testing for DUNE |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0010-ND | Safford, Twymun K. | Neural Network Analysis on the NOvA Experiment |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0009-AD | Seleznev, Daniel | Extraction of the Muon Beam Frequency Distribution via the Fourier Analysis of the Fast Rotation Sig |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0008-CMS | Silverio, Diana Leon | Signal Study of the Pair Production of Z’ Bosons Decaying to Dark Matter and Boosted Jets at CMS |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0007-FESS | Tame Narvaez, Karla | Wire Chambers and Cherenkov Detectors at Fermilab Test Beam Facility |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0006-PPD | Aguilera, Daniel | Digitization of Analog Signals using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0005-ND | Orea, Adrian | NUISANCE-GENIE Validation and Sample Additions |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0004-AD | Ainsworth, R. | Transition Crossing in the Main Injector for PIP-II |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0003-TD | Chakravarty, Anindya | PIP-II Cryogenic System and the Evolution of Superfluid Helium Cryogenic Plant Specifications |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0002-CD | Lu, W. | BigData Express - Toward Schedulable, Predictable, and High-Performance Data Transfer |
FERMILAB-POSTER-17-0001-CD | Gong, Qian | Deep Packet/Flow Analysis using GPUs for High-Bandwidth Networks |
FERMILAB-POSTER-08-0759-PPD | Bross, Alan | The Low-Energy Neutrino Factory |