Updated 2025-03-28 11:14:17
FERMILAB-MISC-2019-01 | OUTDATED: Visitors Guide and Map | |
FERMILAB-MISC-2011-01 | Hill, Christopher | Fermilab: A Plan for Discovery |
FERMILAB-MISC-2008-01 | Report of the Fermilab ILC Citizens' Task Force | |
FERMILAB-MISC-2007-01 | Aguilar-Arevalo, A.A. | Addendum to the MiniBooNE Run Plan: Run Request for an Anti-Neutrino Oscillation Analysis |
FERMILAB-MISC-1999-03 | Raja, Rajendran | Systematic Errors in NUMI/MINOS Measurements of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters |
FERMILAB-MISC-1999-02 | Report: Tunneling Cost Reduction Study Prepared for Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1999-01 | Kolb, Adrienne W. | A Brief History of Fermilab |
FERMILAB-MISC-1995-04 | Amendolia, S.R. | Proposal for and Intermediate Scintillating Fiber Tracker (IFT) for Run II: IFT Hardware Version 2.2 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1995-03 | Lecompte, T. | Proposal for a Special Run at $\sqrt{s}=$ 630 GeV |
FERMILAB-MISC-1995-02 | Proposal to Measure Jet, Photon and b Quark Production at $\sqrt{s}$ = 630-GeV and $\sqrt{s}$ = 1200 | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1994-01 | Rameika, R. | Siting Options for Main Injector Era Fixed Target Experiments |
FERMILAB-MISC-1993-02 | Delchamps, Stephen West | High Voltage Ramp Study of Philips XP2012 and XP2008 PMT's |
FERMILAB-MISC-1993-01 | Delchamps, Stephen West | Stability of Philips XP2012 and XP2008 PMT's |
FERMILAB-MISC-1992-04 | Experiment E672: A Status Report | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1992-03 | Mussa, R. | Estimate of the Trigger Inefficiency Due to Extra Hits in H1 and H2, using Clean $\chi_2$ Events |
FERMILAB-MISC-1992-02 | Govi, G. | Determination of the $\pi^0 \gamma$ Cross Section |
FERMILAB-MISC-1992-01 | Duryea, J. | The Polarization and Magnetic Moment of the Cascade Minus Hyperon |
FERMILAB-MISC-1990-03 | Heinrich, J.G. | $B$-Physics Options at TEV I |
FERMILAB-MISC-1990-02 | Tevatron Low-Beta Quadrupoles: Requirements and Specifications | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1990-01 | Ritchie, D.J. | Information Management as an Aspect of and Experimental Facility and Its Support |
FERMILAB-MISC-1988-02 | Bonner, B.E. | Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Low Energy Pbars |
FERMILAB-MISC-1988-01 | Bodnarczuk, Mark W. | Reflections on the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-MISC-1987-04 | Wilson, Richard | Weak Interaction and Heavy Quark Physics with the Tevatron Muon Beam |
FERMILAB-MISC-1987-03 | Aubert, B. | Fast Hermetic Calorimetry Using Warm Liquids: Proposal for Generic Detector R&D for the SSC/LHC |
FERMILAB-MISC-1987-02 | Bartoszek, Larry | Summary of Discussions on Flammable Gas Safety for E760 in Genova, Torino, and Ferrara the week of M |
FERMILAB-MISC-1987-01 | Jovanovic, Drasko | Publications from Fermilab Experiments, November 1987 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1986-01 | Patterson, Dan | The FNAL 200-MeV Linac |
FERMILAB-MISC-1985-05 | Rosen, J. | On the Resonant Production of $c\bar{c}$ States in the $\bar{p}p$ Channel |
FERMILAB-MISC-1985-04 | Auchincloss, P. | Memo on Flux Monitoring - I |
FERMILAB-MISC-1985-03 | Fixed Target Physics at the Tevatron: Prepared by the Tevatron Association of Fixed Target Spokesper | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1985-02 | Direct Neutral Lepton Facility Project Validation Review, March 1985. | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1985-01 | The Tevatron 1 Project Management Plan: Revision III | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1984-01 | Adolphsen, C.E. | E-615 Status Report |
FERMILAB-MISC-1983-03 | Proposal for a Dedicated Collider at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory May, 1983 | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1983-02 | Proposal for a Dedicated Collider at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Preliminary) | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1983-01 | Malamud, E. | Early history of the Fermilab Main Ring |
FERMILAB-MISC-1982-03 | Melissinos, Adrian C. | Working Notes on "Gravitational Effects of Stored Beams of High Energy Particles" |
FERMILAB-MISC-1982-02 | Unknown, A. | Measurements of Leakage from Calorimeters for P-709 and Estimate of Resulting Background in Tracking |
FERMILAB-MISC-1982-01 | Baltay, C. | Progress Report on E-646: Search for the Tau Neutrino and Study of Electron Neutrino Interactions an |
FERMILAB-MISC-1980-02 | Jones, L.W. | Muon Studies in M2: June 1980 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1980-01 | Unknown, A. | Preliminary Progress Report on E-594 Neutrino Test Run in May 1980 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1979-02 | Peterson, Vincent Z. | Physics Arguments for 15 Foot Bubble Chamber Narrow-Band Neutrino (Antineutrino) Exposures During th |
FERMILAB-MISC-1979-01 | Fermilab Highlights 1979 | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1978-06 | Whitmore, J. | Preliminary Results of Tests on Components of the Proposed Multicelled Cerenkov Counter for the Ferm |
FERMILAB-MISC-1978-05 | Kistiakowsky, V. | Fermilab CRISIS |
FERMILAB-MISC-1978-04 | Barish, B. | Single Prompt Muons Observed in Hadron Collisions |
FERMILAB-MISC-1978-03 | Chu, Y.K. | Report to PAC on Status of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber |
FERMILAB-MISC-1978-02 | Ruggiero, Alessandro G. | Report of the Group Study on the Electron-Proton Colliding Beam Facility for Fermilab |
FERMILAB-MISC-1977-06 | Unknown, A. | Status Report for E-540 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1977-05 | Sandweiss, Jack H. | High Resolution Streamer Chamber (E-490) |
FERMILAB-MISC-1977-04 | Akopov, Norair | Enhancement in Electron Beam Purity and Intensity at Fermilab with Use of Crystaline Tungsten Target |
FERMILAB-MISC-1977-03 | Unknown, A. | The Status of E-0439 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1977-01 | Fermilab TeV Program, Superconducting Magnet Ring: Energy Doubler, Energy Saver, Colliding Beams | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-11 | Atac, Muzaffer | What Kind of Readout is Necessary for the E456 Drift Chamber System |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-10 | Unknown, A. | E-8 Data Analysis Status Report |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-09 | Unknown, A. | Status Report and Run Requests E-456: Measurement of the Kaon Form Factor |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-08 | Harris, F. | Status of the Internal Picket Fence for the Fermilab 15' Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-07 | E-321 Status Report | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-06 | Anderson, K.J. | Progress Report - Experiments 331/444: Mu-Pair Production by $\pi^+$, $\pi^-$ and Protons in the Chi |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-05 | Unknown, A. | Status Report on the FGD Project |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-04 | Lederman, Leon M. | "Super" 288 White Paper |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-03 | Frisch, David Henry | E256 - A Progress Report |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-02 | Frisch, D. | Very Preliminary Thoughts on 2nd Generation Neutrino Experiments at NAL |
FERMILAB-MISC-1976-01 | Biallas, G. | The Energy Doubler: A Progress Report for the Energy Doubler, Saver, Collider Project |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-15 | Unknown, A. | Progress Report on the Status of E-98 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-14 | Sandweiss, J. | Cerenkov Counters for E-97, P(E)-353, A Proposal |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-13 | Ankenbrandt, Chuck | A New Hyperon Beam Concept |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-12 | Garelick, D. | Progress Report and Request for Additional Accelerator Time |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-11 | Bartlett, David | A Measurement of the Polarization of Lambdas at Large Transverse Moments in the Reaction p, $\pi^-, |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-10 | Rubin, Howard A. | PHS Consortium Newsnote No. 40: $K^+$ Beam Enrichment Studies |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-09 | Unknown, A. | EMI-II A Phase-Two External Muon Identifier for the 15 Foot Bubble Chamber at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-08 | Peters, M.W. | A Proposed EMI Decision Algorithm with some Observations on the Punch-Through Problem |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-07 | Unknown, A. | Comparison of P456 (E216) and P446 (E69) |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-06 | Unknown, A. | Status Report P-456: Test of the Dubna Drift Chambers |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-05 | Hand, Louis N. | E-382 Progress Report |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-04 | Olsen, S. | Progress Report and Proposed Extension for E-363 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-03 | Anderson, K.J. | Progress Report and Plans for Autumn Data Taking Experiment 331: Dimuon Production with a Large Acce |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-02 | Frisch, David | P 256 Summary |
FERMILAB-MISC-1975-01 | Van Ginneken, A. | High-Energy Particle Interactions in Large Targets 1. Hadronic Cascades, Shielding, Energy Depositio |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-12 | Unknown, A. | Preformance of the Wide-Band Neutral Beam |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-11 | Jovanovic, D. | Revised Proposal to Search for Heavy Resonances |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-10 | Kruse, U.E. | Hadron Beam to the Chicago Cyclotron Magnet |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-09 | Ascoli, G. | Study of a Hadron Beam to the Chicago Cyclotron Magnet |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-08 | Unknown, A. | Hydrogen Jet Test Report from E-321 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-05 | Bleser, E. | Proposal for the Continuation of Experiment 305: Search for Massive Long-Lived Particles Produces by |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-04 | Pless, Irwin A. | Improved 30 Inch BC Hybrid System |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-03 | Gordon, H. | A Progress Report and Updated Request for Time to Complete E-268 and Experiment to Measure the Inclu |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-02 | Osborne, L.S. | Progress Report on E256 |
FERMILAB-MISC-1974-01 | Barish, Barry C. | Projected Lab-E Dichromatic Electronic Detector Facility |
FERMILAB-MISC-1973-02 | Unknown, A. | E21 Test Calorimeter Studies |
FERMILAB-MISC-1973-01 | Kalbach, Robert M. | Two-Body Kinematics 10-1000 GeV |
FERMILAB-MISC-1972-03 | Roe, B.P. | Some Results and Conclusions from a Monte Carlo Study of the Neutrino Beam at NAL |
FERMILAB-MISC-1972-02 | Lach, Joseph T. | Evidence for Two Components in High Energy pp Collisions |
FERMILAB-MISC-1972-01 | Akerlof, C. | Measurement of Magnetic Field in NAL 24x8x72 Magnet |
FERMILAB-MISC-1970-01 | Kirk, T. | Program decisions at NAL |
FERMILAB-MISC-1969-02 | Specification for Booster Chokes | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1969-01 | Performance Specification for Power Supplies for Booster Gradient Magnet | |
FERMILAB-MISC-1077-02 | Unknown, A. | Progress Report of E-253 |