Fermilab Technical Publications: MICROBOONE Fermilab Technical Publications

Updated 2025-03-28 11:13:49
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1132-PUB Search for a Sterile Neutrino in a 3+1 Framework using Wire-Cell Inclusive Charged-Current nue Selec
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1131-PUB Search for anomalous neutral current coherent-like single-photon production in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1129-PUB Updates to the NuMI Flux Simulation at MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1127-PUB First search for an anomalous excess of charged-current $\nu_e$ interactions without visible pions u
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1126-PUB Progress Towards An Expanded Search For Neutral-Current Delta Radiative Decays In MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1125-PUB An Update on MicroBooNE’s Inclusive Single Photon Low Energy Excess Search
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1124-PUB Towards Constraining Dark Sector $e^+e^-$ Solutions to the Low Energy Excess at MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1123-PUB Reconstruction and Selection of Neutrino Interactions in MicroBooNE using Deep Convolutional Neural
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1122-PUB Measurement of Triple-Differential Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged-Current Cross Sections on Argon w
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1121-PUB Abratenko, P. First Measurement of Quasielastic Λ Bary
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1120-TECH Light Yield Calibration in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1119-PUB Measuring Light Yield with Isolated Protons in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1118-PUB Sensitivity of the MicroBooNE experiment to dark trident interactions
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1117-PUB First Extraction of Single Differential Cross-Sections on Argon for CC1$\mu$2p0$\pi$ Event Topologie
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1116-PUB Search for a Sterile Neutrino in a 3+1 Framework using the Wire-Cell Inclusive Charged-Current νe Se
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1115-PUB Demonstration of <2 ns timing resolution for neutrino interaction in the MicroBooNE detector
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1114-PUB The Impact of Reconstruction in Pandora on Sensitivity to the Low-Energy Excess Signal at MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1113-PUB A first search for argon-bound neutron-antineutron oscillation using the MicroBooNE LArTPC
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1112-PUB Sensitivity to Cabibbo-Suppressed $\Lambda$ Production in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1111-PUB Measurement of Neutral-Current $\pi^0$ Cross Section in MicroBooNE using Wire-Cell Reconstruction
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1110-PUB Methodology of the Extraction of Multi-Differential Cross Sections of Charged-Current $\nu_\mu$-Argo
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1109-PUB Abratenko, P. Differential Cross Section Measurement of Charged Current νe Interactions Without Pions in MicroBooN
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1108-PUB First Measurement of Differential Charged Current Quasielastic-like $\nu_\mu$–Argon Scattering Cross
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1107-PUB Progress Towards A Measurement of Neutrino Induced Charged Current Neutral Pion Production in the Mi
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1106-PUB $\nu_mu$ Disappearance in MicroBooNE using the Deep Learning 1$\mu$1$p$ Selection
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1105-PUB Search for a 3+1 Sterile Neutrino with the MicroBooNE Experiment using Deep-Learning-Based Reconstru
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1104-PUB Progress towards an investigation of the MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess using neutral-current Delta-lik
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1103-PUB Search for anomalous neutral current coherent-like single-photon production in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1102-PUB Status of the MicroBooNE inclusive single photon selection using Wire-Cell reconstruction
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1101-PUB Measurement of Differential Neutral Current Elastic νμ-Argon Scattering Cross Sections with MicroBoo
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1100-PUB Measurement of charged-current numu and nue interactions towards a search for low-energy nue excess
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1099-PUB Double-differential Measurements of Mesonless Charged-current Muon Neutrino Interactions on Argon wi
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1097-PUB Selection of $\Lambda^0$ Production Events in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1096-PUB Study of CC2p0$\pi$ Event Topologies in the MicroBooNE Detector
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1095-PUB Measurement of charged-current numu and nue interactions with wire-cell in MicroBooNE towards a sear
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1093-PUB Progress Toward the First Search for Bound Neutron Oscillation into Antineutron in a Liquid Argon TP
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1092-PUB Abratenko, P. Search for a Higgs Portal Scalar Decaying to Electron-Positron Pairs in the MicroBooNE Detector
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1091-PUB Abratenko, P. Semantic Segmentation with Sparse Convolutional Neural Network for Event Reconstruction in MicroBooN
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1090-PUB Study of $\pi^0$ Events in MicroBooNE and Applications to the Deep Learning LEE Search
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1087-PUB The MicroBooNE Single-Photon Low-Energy Excess Search
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1086-PUB Event Selection in the MicroBooNE Deep Learning Based Low Energy Excess Analysis Using Two-Body Scat
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1085-PUB Search for Electron Neutrinos in Multiple Topologies with the MicroBooNE Experiment
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1084-PUB Abratenko, P. Cosmic Ray Background Rejection with Wire-Cell LArTPC Event Reconstruction in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1083-PUB Abratenko, P. Neutrino Event Selection in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber using Wire-Cell 3-D
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1082-PUB Reconstructing 3D Charge Depositions in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber using Co
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1081-PUB Abratenko, P. Cosmic Muon Clustering for the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers Using sMask-RCNN
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1080-PUB Abratenko, P. A Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Particle Identification in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon T
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1077-PUB Chimera Events for Performance Studies of the MicroBooNE Deep Learning-based Low Energy Excess Searc
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1076-PUB MeV-scale Physics in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1075-PUB Novel Approach for Evaluating Detector Systematics in the MicroBooNE LArTPC
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1074-PUB Neutrino Interaction Model and Uncertainties for MicroBooNE Analyses
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1071-PUB Selection of charged-current neutrino-induced K$^+$ production interactions in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1069-PUB Single differential $\nu_\mu$ charged-current cross section with the MicroBooNE detector using the C
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1067-PUB Measurement of Low-Q$^2$ Protons from Neutral Current Events in Argon with MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1056-PUB Selection of numu charged–current induced interactions with $N \gt 0$ protons and performance of eve
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1055-PUB A Method to Determine the Electric Field of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers using a UV Laser S
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1054-PUB Automated Selection of Electron Neutrinos from the NuMI beam in the MicroBooNE Detector and Prospect
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1053-PUB Studying the Strange Axial Form Factor through Neutral-Current Elastic Scattering in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1051-PUB Selection of numu Events for the MicroBooNE Deep Learning Low Energy Excess Analysis
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1050-PUB Study of Reconstructed 39Ar Beta Decays at the MicroBooNE Detector
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1049-PUB Reconstruction Performance Studies with MicroBooNE Data in Support of Summer 2018 Analyses
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1048-PUB Detector calibration using through going and stopping muons in the MicroBooNE LArTPC
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1045-PUB First Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Differential Cross Section Measurement for MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1043-PUB MicroBooNE low-energy excess signal prediction from unfolding MiniBooNE Monte-Carlo and data
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1042-PUB First Deep Learning based Event Reconstruction for Low-Energy Excess Searches with MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1041-PUB The MicroBooNE Search for Single Photon Events
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1040-PUB Tomographic Event Reconstruction with MicroBooNE Data
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1039-PUB Progress on a High Sensitivity, High Purity, One-Electron-One-Proton Search for the MiniBooNE Low En
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1038-PUB Electron-neutrino selection and reconstruction in the MicroBooNE LArTPC using the Pandora multi-algo
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1032-PUB First Measurement of Muon Neutrino Charged Current Single Neutral Pion Production on Argon with the
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1031-PUB Booster Neutrino Flux Prediction at MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1030-PUB The Continuous Readout Stream of the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber for Detection o
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1028-PUB Establishing a Pure Sample of Side-Piercing Through-Going Cosmic-Ray Muons for LArTPC Calibration in
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1026-PUB A Measurement of the Attenuation of Drifting Electrons in the MicroBooNE LArTPC
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1025-PUB Proton Track Identication in MicroBooNE Simulation for Neutral Current Elastic Events
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1024-PUB Measurement of Reconstructed Charged Particle Multiplicities of Neutrino Interactions in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1019-PUB Acciarri, R. Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Neutrino Events in a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1018-PUB Study of Space Charge Effects in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1017-PUB A Method to Extract the Charge Distribution Arriving at the TPC Wire Planes in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1016-PUB Acciarri, R. Noise Characterization and Filtering in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon TPC
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1015-PUB The Pandora multi-algorithm approach to automated pattern recognition in LAr TPC detectors
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1014-PUB A Comparison of Monte-Carlo Simulations and Data from MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1013-PUB MicroBooNE Detector Stability
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1012-PUB Demonstration of 3D Shower Reconstruction on MicroBooNE Data
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1010-PUB Selection and kinematic properties of numu charged-current inclusive events in 5E19 POT of MicroBooN
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1008-PUB Acciarri, R. Michel Electron Reconstruction Using Cosmic-Ray Data from the MicroBooNE LArTPC
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1006-PUB Study Towards an Event Selection for Neutral Current Inclusive Single Pi0 Production in MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1005-PUB Cosmic Shielding Studies at MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1004-PUB MC performance study for an early numu charged-current inclusive analysis with MicroBooNE
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1003-PUB Measurement of the Electronegative Contaminants and Drift Electron Lifetime in the MicroBooNE Experi
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1002-PUB First neutrino interactions observed with the MicroBooNE Liquid-Argon TPC detector
FERMILAB-MICROBOONE-NOTE-1001-TECH Noise Dependence on Temperature and LAr Fill Level in the MicroBooNE Time Projection Chamber