Updated 2025-02-10 07:48:53
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2024-04 | Fricano, Gaetano | Palermo U. | Dark Photon Search at the Short-Baseline Near Detector | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2024-03 | Gamba, Sara | U. Pisa (main) | Commissioning of the Mu2e tracker DAQ, planning for the Vertical Slice Test and pre-pattern recognit | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2024-02 | Manuel Alves, Maria Gabriela | Campinas State U. | Electromagnetic shower separation in LArTPCs: study of the calorimetric method at LArIAT | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2024-01 | English, Chris | Northern Illinois U. | Warm Unit Stand Assembly and Testing for Proton Improvement Plan - II | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2023-04 | Choate, Sarah | Northern Illinois U. | Examining the Feasibility of Identifying Tau Neutrino Charged Current Events in the DUNE Far Detecto | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2023-03 | Aguado, Victor | Northern Illinois U. | Thermal Analysis of Thermal Shield for PIP-II SSR1 Cryomodule | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2023-02 | Mwaniki, Matilda W. | IIT, Chicago | Measurement and Control of Beam Energy at the Fermilab 400 MeV Transfer Line | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2023-01 | Srivastava, Asit | Minnesota U. | Energy Dependence Analysis of Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in Scintillator for MINERvA | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2022-04 | Pavlick, Michael | Northern Illinois U. | Warm Unit Stand Analysis for Proton Improvement Project II | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2022-03 | Lasky-Headrick, Sofia | Illinois U., Chicago | Performance Before and After Irradiation of Pixelated 3D Silicon Sensors for the HL-LHC CMS Tracker | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2022-02 | Skuza, Nicholas | U. Minnesota, Duluth | Modeling the Effect of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field on Cosmic Ray Muon Shadows | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2022-01 | Khan, Momin | Wichita State U. | Machine Learning In NOνA Near Detector Vertexing | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2021-07 | Galati, Maria Domenica | Pisa U. | Beam dynamics effects on the muon anomalous precession frequency in the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2021-06 | Li, Ashley | British Columbia U. | Cherenkov and Transition Radiation as Low-Energy Background Sources in SuperCDMS Detectors | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2021-05 | Mahbub, Ishmam | Minnesota U. | Energy Dependence in the Neutrino Scattering Data of MINERvA | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2021-03 | Kuharik, John C. | Indiana U. | Qualifying AL-800 Garnet For The Fermilab Booster Perpendicular Biased 2nd Harmonic RF Cavity | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2021-02 | Funk, Tyler | Northern Illinois U. | Thermal/structural Analysis of the Axion Quantum Metrology Cavity and its Components | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2021-02 | Funk, Tyler | Northern Illinois U. | Thermal/structural Analysis of the Axion Quantum Metrology Cavity and its Components | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2021-01 | Fetterman, Aaron Thomas | Northern Illinois U. | Photoinjector Generation of High-Charge Magnetized Beams for Electron-Cooling Applications | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-12 | Elkarghli, Zakaria A. | Wichita State U. | Improvement of the NOvA Near Detector Event Reconstruction and Primary Vertexing through the Applica | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-11 | Soares Bezerra, Lucas Valenca | British Columbia U. | SuperCDMS Event Reconstruction Using Convolutional Neural Networks | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-10 | Matheny, Mitchell Douglas | Colorado U. | The Effect Of Ionization Variance On Nuclear-recoil Dark Matter Searches | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-10 | Matheny, Mitchell Douglas | Colorado U. | The Effect Of Ionization Variance On Nuclear-recoil Dark Matter Searches | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-09 | Slotman, Michael | Minnesota U. | Studies on the Module Structure for the NOvA Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-08 | Ricardo Prais, Luiz | Goias U. | Sensitivities to neutrino non-standard interactions from the disappearance of muon (anti)neutrinos a | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-07 | O'Neil, Ryunosuke H. | Manchester U. | Data-driven Alignment of the Tracker for the Mu2e Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-06 | De Felice, Giovanni | Pisa U. | An updated estimate of the Mu2e experiment sensitivity | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-05 | Smith, Gerald Joseph | Northern Illinois U. | Thermal / structural analysis of the HB 650 thermal shield | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-04 | Vitali, Bastiano | Pisa U. | In situ monitoring of the stopped muon flux at Mu2e | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-03 | Bathe-Peters, Lars | Harvard U. | Studies of Single-Transverse Kinematic Variables for Neutrino Interactions on Argon | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-02 | Fuad, Nafis | Minnesota U., Duluth | Analysis of MINER$\nu$A tunings of GENIE based on Hadron Multiplicity using Machine Learning | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2020-01 | Elashri, Mohamed | Minnesota U., Duluth | Search for Slow Magnetic Monopoles with the NO$\nu$A Far Detector | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2019-05 | Altakarli, Sef | Wichita State U. | Selection Optimization Of Neutral Current $\pi^0$ Production From An Anti-neutrino Interaction In Th | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2019-04 | Reed, Tim | Wichita State U. | Understanding The Impact Of Improved Hadron Production Measurements On Accelerator Neutrino Particle | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2019-03 | Hernandez Morquecho, Miguel Angel | Guanajuato U. | Flux Implications from Horn B-Field Measurements on NuMI and LBNF | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2019-02 | Amato, Nick | Northern Illinois U. | Improved Momentum Spread for Precision Physics Experiments Using Wedges | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2019-01 | Chintalapati, Prudhvi Raj Varma | Northern Illinois U. | Resonant Extraction for Mu2e | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2018-05 | Cedeno, Alan Javier | Wichita State U. | Semi-inclusive Neutral Current Neutral Pion Production Selection at the NOvA (NuMI Off-axis Electron | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2018-04 | Borer, Samuel M. | Maine U. | Antineutrino-Induced Charge Current Quasi-Elastic Neutral Hyperon Cross-Section on Argon In Argoneut | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2018-03 | García-Peris, Miguel Angel | Valencia U. | ProtoDUNE T-Gradient development and calibration | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2018-02 | Brown, Garrett Ryan | Texas U., Arlington | Sensitivity Study for Low Mass Dark Matter Search at DUNE | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2018-01 | Narug, Colin S. | Northern Illinois U. | Thermal Analysis of Fermilab Mu2e Beamstop and Structural Analysis of Beamline Components | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2017-05 | Scanavini,Giacomo | Yale U. | First Measurement of One Pion Production in Charged Current Neutrino and Antineutrino Events on Argo | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2017-04 | Spagliardi, Fabio | Manchester U. | Developing Light Collection Enhancements and Wire Tensioning Methods for LArTPC Neutrino Detectors | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2017-03 | Fiedler, Andrew J. | Northern Illinois U. | A Study of Particle Beam Spin Dynamics for High Precision Experiments | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2017-02 | Elkins, Miranda J. | Minnesota U., Duluth | Using Nucleon Multiplicities to Analyze Anti-Neutrino Interactions with Nuclei | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2017-01 | Hejdukova, Jana B. | CTU, Prague | High-accuracy local positioning network for the alignment of the Mu2e experiment. | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-13 | Estrada-Tristan, Nora Patricia | San Luis Potosi U. | Estudios para la determinación del tiempo de vida del barión doblemente-encantado $\Xi_{cc}^+$ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-12 | Penalver Martinez, Marina | Durham U. | Neutron background estimation for direct WIMP searches at SuperCDMS Soudan | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-11 | Rossi, Eleonora | Rome III U. | The laser calibration system of the muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-10 | Caceres Vera, Gian Fredy | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Muon Acceptences for Neutrino Charged Current Ineractions at CAPTAIN-MINER$\nu$A for 2 < $E_{{\nu}_{ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-09 | Binder, Thomas B. | South Dakota U. | A Study of Charge Propagation and Quantification of Noise Within the SuperCDMS Detector | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-08 | Diociaiuti, Eleonara | Rome III U. | Design and Characterization of the UV-Extended Custom SiPM Arrays for the Mu2e Electromagnetic Calor | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-07 | Kurbanov, Serdar | Virginia U. | Data Driven Trigger Design and Analysis for the NOvA Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-06 | Tosciri, Cecilia | Pisa U. | Approaching the CDF Top Quark Mass Legacy Measurement in the Lepton+Jets channel with the Matrix Ele | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-05 | Scarpelli, Andrea | Ferrara U. | Development of a synchrotron radiation beam monitor for the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-04 | Bradascio, Federica | Pisa U. | Studies of the Impact of Magnetic Field Uncertainties on Physics Parameters of the Mu2e Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-03 | Green, A.T. | Northern Illinois U. | Devolopment of a Python Based Emittance Calculator at Fermilab Science \& Technology (FAST) Facility | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-02 | Martin, Luke Daniel | Northern Illinois U. | Thermal and Structural Analysis of Beamline Components in the Mu2e Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2016-01 | Mott, Casey Benjamin | Northern Illinois U. | Research and Development for the Mu2e extinction Monitor | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-13 | Nosek, Tomas | Charles U. | Study of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters at NOvA experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-12 | Rodkin, Dmitry Mikhaylovich | Moscow, INR | Estimation of the rate of $\nu_e$ signal and background events in NOvA experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-11 | Al Atassi, Omar | Pisa U. | Inductance studies for the Quench Protection system of the Mu2e TS solenoids | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-10 | Pasciuto, Daniele | Pisa U. | Design of the Cooling System of the Mu2e Electromagnetic Calorimeter at Fermi National Accelerator L | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-09 | Diaz Bautista, Gonzalo A. | Lima, Pont. U. Catolica | Determinacion del error sistematico del momentum de muones producidos por interacciones neutrino-nuc | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-08 | Juarez Lopez, David Pavel | Guanajuato U. | Beam Position Monitor and Energy Analysis at the Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology Facilit | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-07 | Karns, Patrick R. | Indiana U. | Commissioning and Operation of the FNAL Front end Injection Line and Ion Sources. | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-06 | Del Tutto, Marco | Rome U. | Neutrino Beam Simulations and Data Checks for the NOvA Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-05 | Demgen, John Gibney | Minnesota U., Duluth | Nuclear Effects in Quasi-Elastic and Delta Resonance Production at Low Momentum Transfer | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-04 | Okafor, Udenna | Northern Illinois U. | Design and Analysis of Muon Beam Stop Support Structures | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-03 | Nutini, Irene | Florence U. | Study of charged particles interaction processes on Ar in the 0.2 - 2.0 GeV energy range through com | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-02 | Miltenberger, Ethan Ryan | Minnesota U., Duluth | Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Interactions at Low Momentum Transfer | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2015-01 | Soleti, Stefano R. | Rome U., La Sapienza, Dip. di Matematica | Study of requirements and performances of the electromagnetic calorimeter for the Mu2e experiment at | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2014-03 | Principato, Cristiana | Rome U., Tor Vergata | Search for an Invisible Decaying Higgs Boson in Dilepton Events with the CDF detector at the Fermila | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2014-02 | Solmaz, Melih | Purdue U. | Search for New Physical Phenomena via Displaced Muon Signatures with the CMS Detector at the LHC | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2014-01 | Marchese, Luigi | Bologna U. | Measurement of low pT D+ meson production cross section at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2013-11 | Fiorentini Aguirre, Guillermo Arturo | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Measurement of Muon Neutrino Quasielastic Scattering on a Hydrocarbon Target at $E_{\nu}$ $\sim$3.5 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2013-10 | Meister, Daniel | Zurich, ETH | The lepton+jets Selection and Determination of the Lepton Fake Rate with the Full RunIIb Data Set | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2013-09 | Galloni, Camilla | Pisa U. | Measurement of the ratio $B(t \to W b)/B(t \to W q)$ in $t\bar{t}$ dilepton channel at CDF | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2013-08 | Psihas Olmedo, Silvia Fernanda | Minnesota U., Duluth | Muon Energy Reconstruction Through the Multiple Scattering Method in the NO$\mathrm{\nu}$A Detectors | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2013-05 | Bhatia, Sudeep Singh | Mississippi U. | Measurement of Angular Coefficients of Drell-Yan $e^+e^-$ pairs in $p \bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2013-04 | Page, Kedar Mohan | Queen's U., Kingston | A modified detector concept for SuperCDMS: The HiZIP and its charge performance | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2013-03 | Backfish, Michael | Electron Cloud in Steel Beam Pipe vs Titanium Nitride Coated and Amorphous Carbon Coated Beam Pipes | ||
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2013-02 | Moens, Vince | EPFL-ISIC, Lausanne | Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Proposed Application of Hollow Electron Beam Collimation f | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2013-01 | Zorzetti, Silvia | Pisa U. | Digital Signal Processing and Generation for a DC Current Transformer for Particle Accelerators | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2012-08 | Kutnink, Timothy | Iowa State U. | Detector response calibration for the NOvA quasi-elastic cross-section measurement | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2012-07 | Ronzani, Manfredi | Pisa U. | Improving the Acceptance in the Single Top Quark Analysis using 7.5 fb$^{-1}$ of CDF data | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2012-06 | Marino, Pietro | Pisa U. | Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions $B(Bs \rightarrow Ds K)B(Bs \rightarrow Ds \pi)$ at | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2012-05 | Bianchi, Ludovico | Rome U., Tor Vergata | Search for $W'\to t b $ in Events with Large Missing Transverse Energy and Jets with the CDF detecto | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2012-04 | Gramellini, Elena | Bologna U. | Study of Low $p_{T}$ $D^{0}$ Meson Production at CDF II in $p\bar{p}$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 900 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2012-03 | Alvarez, Matthew L. | IIT, Chicago | The Development of a Cryogenic Over-Pressure | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2012-01 | Giannelli, Pietro | Turin Polytechnic | Design of a signal conditioner for the Fermilab Magnet Test Facility | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2011-11 | Grillo, Lucia | Trieste U. | Measurement of $B/s$ lifetime, decay width difference and polarization amplitude of the $B/s\to J/\P | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2011-10 | Vernieri, Caterina | Pisa U. | A Novel Technique to Reconstruct the Mass of the Associated Z boson Decaying into Jets in W+Z and Z+ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2011-09 | Cremonesi, Matteo | Rome U., Tor Vergata | Development of a multivariate tool to reject background in a WZ diboson search for the CDF experimen | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2011-08 | Bertoli, Gabriele | Trieste U. | Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Channel $VH\to VWW$ with Leptons and Hadronic $\tau$ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2011-06 | Abu-Ajamieh, Fayez | Evaluation of an Integrated Read-Out Layer Prototype | ||
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2011-04 | Bentivegna, Marco | Rome U. | Search for new physics in the ttbar plus missing transverse energy channel using fully hadronic top | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2011-03 | Morris, Aaron Owen | Northern Illinois U. | Physics validation studies for muon collider detector background simulations | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2011-02 | Hussain, Nazim | McGill U. | A Simultaneous Measurement of the $b$-tagging Efficiency Scale Factor and the $t\bar{t}$ Production | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2011-01 | Seitz, Claudia | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Search for hadronic resonance in multijet final states with the CDF detector | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2010-07 | Martinez Caicedo,David | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Commisionamento e Analise do Feixe de Teste do experimento MINERvA | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2010-06 | Rubbo, Francesco | Turin U. | Search for a $Z(4430)^{\pm} \to \psi(2S)\pi^{\pm}$ resonance in hadron collisions at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2010-05 | Buchmann, Marco-Andrea | Zurich, ETH | Improving Higgs Sensitivity at CDF by Introducing New Muon Triggers | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2010-04 | Pani, Priscilla | Rome U. | Search for $p \bar{p} \rightarrow WZ \rightarrow l\nu_l b \bar{b}$ signal with the CDF experiment at | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2010-03 | Hanson, Steven CJ | Northwestern U. | Soil aggregate carbon storage in restored tallgrass prairies: a comparative analysis between a forme | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2010-02 | Prewitt, Michelle Victoria | Rice U. | Operation of the Run IIB D0 Luminosity System and Determination of the Run IIB Luminosity Constant | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2010-01 | Bartalesi, Antonio | Pisa U. | Design of High Field Solenoids made of High Temperature Superconductors | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-11 | Bucciantonio, Martina | Pisa U. | Improving Online Track Reconstruction at High-Luminosity Colliders: the Gigafitter Upgrade at CDF | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-10 | Duchini, Janusica | Siena U. | A multivariate approach for the extraction of WW/WZ $\rightarrow$ $l\nu$ + Jets events at CDF II. | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-09 | Leo, Sabato | Pisa U. | On the resolution in a measurement of dijet invariant mass when searching for associated WZ producti | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-08 | Bauce, Matteo | Padua U. | Z$^{0}$Z$^{0}$ production cross section measurement in the four lepton decay channel at CDF experime | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-07 | Fratangelo, Enrico | Pisa U. | Optimization of Helium Vessel Design for ILC Cavities. | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-06 | Palomino Gallo, Jose Luis | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Tests of the Hardware and Software for the Reconstruction of Trajectories in the Experiment {MINER$\ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-05 | Shekhar, Ravi | Duke U. | A Search for the Higgs Boson in the $ZH$ Dilepton Decay Channel at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-04 | Bartelsi, Antonio | Pisa U. | Design of high field solenoids made of high temperature superconductors | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-03 | Fraioli, Andrea | Cassino U. | Klystron switching power supplies for the Internation Linear Collider | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-02 | Dorigo, Mirco | Trieste U. | Measurement of the polarization amplitudes of the Bs -> PhiPhi decay at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2009-01 | Edstrom, Dean R. | Indiana U. | Measurement of Beam Tunes in the Tevatron Using the BBQ System | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-13 | Zhang, Long | Alberta U. | Observation of exclusive charmonium production and gamma gamma ---> mu+ mu- in p anti-p collisions a | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-12 | Horn, Dominik Emmanuel | Karlsruhe U. | Measurement of the Branching Fractions of $B \to D_s^{(*)+}D_s^{(*)-}$ Meson Decays at CDF II | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-11 | Cooke, Michael P. | Rice U. | Operation and efficiency of the D0 Central Track Trigger | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-10 | Trovato, Marco | INFN, Pisa | A New Top Mass Measurement in The Dilepton Channel | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-09 | Sforza, Federico | INFN, Pisa | Improving acceptance for Higgs events at CDF | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-08 | Willingham, Alison N. | Ohio State U. | Emerging factors associated with the decline of a gray fox population and multi-scale land cover ass | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-07 | Danuso, Marco | Pisa U. | Study of electromechanical effects in high field accelerator magnets | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-05 | Glatzer, Julian | Rutgers U., Piscataway | Probing mSUGRA with a Search for Chargino-Neutralino Production using Trileptons | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-04 | Pasero, Spencer Lee | Northern Illinois U. | A quantitative study of a physics-first pilot program | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-03 | Roy, Philippe | McGill U. | Relative transverse momentum distributions of bottom hadrons produced in 1.96 TeV proton-antiproton | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-02 | Lopez-Hinojosa, Guillermo | San Luis Potosi U. | Determinación de la razón de decaimiento de $\Lambda_c^+ \to p\pi^+\pi^-$ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2008-01 | Peiffer, Thomas | Karlsruhe U. | Search for the Higgs Boson in the WH Channel with the CDF II Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2007-04 | Chan, Kevin | Alberta U. | Triggering on single top events at the D0 experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2007-03 | Mackin, Dennis Stephen, Jr. | Rice U. | Multivariate search for the lightest Supersymmetric partner of the top quark | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2007-02 | Brown, Justin L. | Ohio State U. | The influence of coyotes on an urban Canada goose population in the Chicago metropolitan area | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2007-01 | Pozzobon, Nicola | Pisa U. | Experimental Study of $W Z$ Intermediate Bosons Associated Production with the CDF Experiment at the | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-11 | Indurthy, Dharmaraj | Texas U. | Secondary Beam Monitors for the NuMI Facility at FNAL | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-10 | Buzatu, Adrian | McGill U. | High-luminosity primary vertex selection in top-quark studies using the Collider Detector at Fermila | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-09 | Flores Castillo, Angel de Jesus | San Luis Potosi U. | Search for Baryon resonances in the experiment SELEX E781 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-08 | Dhaliwal, Daljit K. | Wayne State U. | Calculation of acceptance and efficiency for $D^0 \to e^+ e^-$ and rates of pions and kaons faking e | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-07 | Kulkarni, Nagesh P. | Wayne State U. | Simulation of neutral D mesons-neutral D-bar mesons mixing and preliminary analysis of CDF data | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-06 | Sanchez-Lopez, Jose Luis | San Luis Potosi U. | Polarization of lambda0 and antilambda0 produced in sigma- and proton - nucleon collisions | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-05 | Weinelt, Julia | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-antitop quark production with the CDF II experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-03 | Brandt, Oleg | Bonn U. | Measurement of the mass of the top quark in dilepton final states with the D0 detector | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-02 | Bühler, Matthias | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Search for Electroweak Single-Top Quark Production with the CDF II Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2006-01 | Lueck, Jan | Karlsruhe U., EKP | Kinematics of electroweak single top quark production | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2005-06 | Bagby, Linda F. | Northern Illinois U. | Higgs Physics and the Layer Zero Upgrade for D0 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2005-05 | Schilithz, Anderson Correa | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Amplitude Analysis of the Decay $D_s^+ \to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^+$ in the Experiment E831/FOCUS | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2005-04 | Seixas de Rezende, Fabio Antonio | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | A Dependence Study of $\Xi^{*0}$ and $\bar{\Xi}^{*0}$ in 250 GeV/c $\pi^-$. $K^-$ -nucleon Interacti | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2005-03 | Tuttle, Joshua P. | Duke U. | A Search for Long-Lived Doubly-Charged Higgs Boson Production in anti-p p Collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2005-02 | Rajendra, Anoop | Texas U., Arlington | Integration of the SAM-grid infrastructure to the D0 data reprocessing effort | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2005-01 | Quinones Gonzalez, Jose A. | Puerto Rico U., Mayaguez | Nuevos aspectos en el estudio de la particula D en el experimento FOCUS de Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2004-07 | Francis, Kurt | NIU, DeKalb | Evaluating Small Scintillating Cells for Digital Hadron Calorimeters | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2004-06 | Zois, Miltiadis G. | Athens U. | Neutrino oscillations: analysis of the response of the detector of the MINOS experiment to neutrino | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2004-05 | Meyer, Jorg Manfred | Bonn U. | Monte Carlo Study of the Measurement of the top - anti-top Production Cross-Section in the Muon + Je | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2004-04 | Kroeninger, Kevin Alexander | Bonn U. | A Measurement of the Top Quark Mass with the D0 Detector at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96-TeV using the Matrix E | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2004-03 | Park, Su-Jung | Bonn U. | Measuring the top anti-t Production Cross-Section in the Electron + Jets Channel in Proton - Anti-pr | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2004-02 | Olivo Gomez, Miguel Angel | San Luis Potosi U. | Inclusive Production of Lambda, Anti-Lambda and K(S) in Sigma-, pi+/- and p - Nucleon Collisions | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2004-01 | Mata Salazar, Julio Heriberto | San Luis Potosi U. | Reconstruction in VDC A and B and its application to the resolution in the RICH detector of SELEX | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2003-05 | Petrillo, Gianluca | Turin U. | Search for the State 1P1 of Charmonium in p anti-p to 3 Gamma Annihilations | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2003-04 | Blanco-Covarrubias, E.Alejandro | San Luis Potosi U. | Search for the Exotic State $U(3100)$ in SELEX | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2003-03 | Penagos, Mauricio | Puerto Rico U., Mayaguez | Fotoproduccion de meson J/psi en el experimento FOCUS | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2003-02 | Luiggi Lopez, Eduardo E. | Puerto Rico U., Mayaguez | Charm semileptonic decays in the FOCUS experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2003-01 | Martins de Souza, Alexandre | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Study of the polarization of Lambda0 and anti-Lambda0 in pi+-, K+-, and p -nucleon collisions at 250 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2002-02 | Rana, Abhishek S. | Texas U., Arlington | A Globally Distributed Grid Monitoring System to Facilitate High-Performance Computing at D0/SAM-Gri | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2002-01 | Medellin Zapata, Juan | San Luis Potosi U. | Investigation of the decay $\Lambda_c^+ \to p K^- \pi^+$ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2001-07 | Edera, Laura | INFN, Milan | Dalitz analysis of the doubly Cabibbo suppressed decay D0 ---> K+- pi+- (and) the singly suppressed | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2001-06 | Holcomb, Mark | Mississippi U. | Leak detection in the Pierre Auger Cherenkov detectors | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2001-05 | Andreotti, Mirco | Ferrara U. | Study of the Form Factor of the Proton in the Timelike Region for Large Momentum Transfers | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2001-04 | Askew, Andrew Warren | Rice U. | A comparison of multivariate data analysis techniques as applied to the identification of electrons | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2001-03 | Da Ronco, Saverio | Padua U. | Prospettive per lo studio del canale adronico Bs->Ds pi all'esperimento CDF | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2001-02 | Cortiana, Giorgio | Padua U. | Un trigger per la Ricerca del bosone di Higgs a CDF-II | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2001-01 | Hernandez Mora, Hugo Rafael | Puerto Rico U., Mayaguez | A search for the rare decay neutral D meson going to muon+ muon- | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2000-07 | Cibinetto, Gianluigi | Ferrara U. | Study of the final state J/Psi pi+- in charmonium decays | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2000-06 | Legger, Federica | Turin U. | Formation of the state $h_c$ of Charmonium in the reaction $p\bar{p} \to h_c \to \eta \gamma \to \ph | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2000-05 | Bellavance, Angela M. | Rice U. | KTeV E799II search for the lepton-flavor-number violating decay kaon(long) going to neutral pion cha | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2000-04 | Gutierrez Morales, Mario Ranferi | Guanajuato U., FIMEE | Omega-minus Polarization Measurement in p Cu Reactions at 800 GeV | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2000-03 | del Rosario Urrutia del Cid, Zaida | Guanajuato U., FIMEE | Xi-minus Polarization Measurement in p Cu Reactions at 800 GeV | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-2000-02 | Fritzler, Sven | Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. | Study of channeling radiation at high charge densities at the photoinjector of the Fermi National Ac | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1999-03 | Descrovi, Emiliano | Turin U. | Study of the reactions p anti-p -> etac -> 3 eta and p anti-p -> etac' -> 3 eta | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1999-02 | Dirkes, Guido | Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst. | Measurement of the pion electromagnetic form-factor in the SELEX experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1999-01 | Massafferri Rodrigues, Andre | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Relative Branching Ratio Measurement of the Decays $D^+ \to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^+$ and $D_s^+ \to \pi^+ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1998-06 | Pellicano, Paolo | Turin U. | Study of the characteristics of the charmonium 3P0 (chi0) state in the reaction p anti-p -> chi0 -> | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1998-05 | Gichaba, Justus Ogwoka | Mississippi U. | Measurements of TYVEK reflective properties for the Pierre Auger Project | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1998-04 | Zacarias, Galileo Dominguez | San Luis Potosi U. | Angular distribution of $K^0_s \to \pi^+ \pi^-$ in E781 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1998-03 | Bocci, Andrea | Pisa U. | A Study of Jet Energy Measurement at CDF | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1998-02 | Ozel, Erdogan | Iowa U. | Magnetic Field Values in SELEX (E781) Charm Baryon Production Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1997-09 | Obertino, Margherita | Turin U. | Study of the radiative decay of the charmonium chi1 and chi2 states in the 835 experiment at Fermila | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1997-08 | Bertini, Federico | Turin U. | Measurement of the Psi' -> Psi Pi+ Pi- branching ratio in the 835 experiment at Fermilab (Appendix: | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1997-07 | Cardarelli, Mara | Genoa U. | Measurement of the Psi' branching ratios in P anti-P annihilations | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1997-06 | Bassetti, Valerio | Genoa U. | Study of anti-p p -> J/psi ->e+e- angular distribution | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1997-05 | Berg, Timothy John | Minnesota U. | Structural design of a high energy particle detector using liquid scintillator | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1997-04 | Argiro, Stefano | Turin U. | Study of the charmonium $1^{1}S_0$ and $1^{3}P_2$ decays to $\gamma \gamma$ (FNAL E835) | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1997-03 | Kaya, Mithat | Iowa U. | Multiwire proportional chambers in M1 and M3 spectrometers of charmed baryon experiment (E781) at Fe | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1997-02 | Jie, Qiuming | Mississippi U. | Observation of the Charmed Meson Decay $D^0 \to K^{-} \pi^{+} \pi^0$ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1997-01 | Brubaker, John C. | IIT, Chicago | Modeling the Dynamic Response of Pressures in a Distributed Helium Refrigeration System | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-10 | Rylander, Jeffrey W. | De Paul U. | Muon Mean Lifetime Measurement in a High School Classroom | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-09 | Cuautle Flores, Eleazar | Puebla U., Mexico | Production of heavy baryons in Fermilab experiment E791 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-08 | Randa, Lynda A. | Northern Illinois U. | Prey Selectivity and Foraging Activity of Canis latrans and Vulpes vulpes in Response to Prey Fluctu | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-07 | Garzoglio, Gabriele | Genoa U. | High density hydrogen target for experiment 835 at Fermilab | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-06 | Rumerio, Paolo | Turin U. | Design, testing and operation of a system of proportional chambers for the E835 experiment at Fermil | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-05 | Singh, Prajakta P. | Northern Illinois U. | Search for fourth generation quark | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-04 | Durucan, Emrullah | Heidelberg U. | Double-sided silicon micro strip detectors for SELEX | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-03 | Simon, Jurgen | Heidelberg U. | Double-sided silicon micro strip detectors with zero-suppressed selection for the SELEX experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-02 | Krueger, Henning | Heidelberg U. | Multiplicity separation with the reciprocal effect counter in the SELEX experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1996-01 | Rajaram, Durga | Virginia U. | Design and Performance of a High-Rate Photomultiplier Base | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-10 | Pallavicini, Marco | Genoa U. | Misura de Massa e Larghezza degli Stati $x_1$ e $x_2$ del Charmonio Formati in Interazioni $p - \bar | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-09 | Sanchez-Hernandez, Alberto | Mexico, ESFM | La Resonancia J/$\psi$ y Sus Implicaciones Para La Masa Del W | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-08 | Dorigo, Tommaso | Padua U. | The Search for Top Quark in the All-Hadronic Decay with the CDF Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-07 | Bagnasco, Stefano | Turin U. | The Cherenkov counter of experiment 835 at Fermilab and measurement of the parameters of the charmon | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-06 | Baldini, Wander | Ferrara U. | Project and realization of a trigger for the selection of events $p\bar{p} \to \eta_c \to \phi\phi \ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-05 | Meier, Dirk | Heidelberg U. | Structure of the reciprocal effect counter for the trigger in the E781 / SELEX-Experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-04 | Medina Zepeda, Pablo | CINVESTAV, IPN | Transverse polarization of the Lambda(0) from pi- proton collisions | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-03 | Carvalho De Gouvea, Andre Luiz | Rio de Janeiro, Pont. U. Catol. | Estudo da Polarizacao dos Hiperons $\Xi^-$ E $\Omega^-$ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-02 | Garcia, Fernanda Gallinucci | Sao Paulo U. | Non-perturbative aspects of QCD in charm hadroproduction | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1995-01 | Martin-Castilla, Victoria | Northern Illinois U. | Scalar Analysis Performed for the Study of the Nuclear Dependence of $J/\psi$ Production at Feynman | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1994-03 | Funk, Marcus-Andreas | Heidelberg U. | Simulation of the measurement of the charge radii of negative hyperons | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1994-02 | Podury, Krishna Meher | Mississippi U. | A Study of the Production and Properties of Charmed Baryons | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1994-01 | Gobel Burlamaqui de Mello, Carla | Rio de Janeiro, Pont. U. Catol. | Search for flavor changing neutral currents from the analysis of the $D^+ \to \mu^- \mu^+ \pi^+$ dec | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1993-06 | Pagliarone, Carmine E. | Pisa U. | The New muon system for the CDF experiment | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1993-05 | Hanlet, Pierrick | Virginia U. | Observation and Measurement of the Cross Section* Branching Ratio for the 1P1 State of Charmonium in | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1993-04 | Trumer, Dror | Tel Aviv U. | A Search for the pentaquark | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1993-02 | Hernandez Montoya, Alejandra Raul | CINVESTAV, IPN | Correlacion de Bose-Einstein en el Experimento E791 de Blanco Fijo y un Estudio del Boson el la Func | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1993-01 | Aitala, Eric Matthew | Mississippi U. | A Study of Atomic Number Dependence of Charmed $D$ Meson Hadroproductiion | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1992-03 | Karagoz, Muge | Bogazici U. | Design and Construction of a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Unit and Medical Applications with G | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1992-02 | Meschi, Emilio | Pisa U. | A Study of QCD Radiation Jet Events at the Fermilab $p\bar{p}$ Collider | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1992-01 | Gandelman, Miriam Mendes | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Dependencia da Secao de Choque de Producao dos Barions Estranhos $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$ com o | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1991-01 | Rocha de Lima, Jose Guilherme | Rio de Janeiro, CBPF | Experimental Analysis of the Cabibbo Suppressed Decay Fraction $D^+ \to \phi K^+$ | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1990-02 | Kawamoto, H. | Tohoku U. | Bose Einstein Condensation Effect, E745 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1990-01 | Leone, S. | INFN, Pisa | Lepton charge asymmetry from $W^\pm \to$ lepton+- neutrino at the Tevatron collider | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1989-03 | Suzuki, H. | Tohoku U. | $\nu_{\mu} - \nu\tau$ Oscillation Limit, E745 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1989-02 | Dell'Agnello, Simone | INFN, Pisa | Two Jet Production at CDF | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1989-01 | Benson, Charles Robert | Rochester U. | Next Generation Digital Readout Electronics for the E706 Liquid Argon Calorimeter | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1988-03 | Incagli, Marco | Pisa U. | Dimuon production at CDF | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1988-02 | Nguyen, Chau T. | Rice U. | Calibration of a Leadglass Pb-Scintillator at Fermilab experiment E-704 | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1988-01 | Mohammadzadeh, Ahmad H. | Rice U. | Helium Gas Cherenkov Detector | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1986-04 | Menary, Scott R. | Toronto U. | A Study of the Transverse Momentum Distributions of Photoproduced Charged and Neutral D Mesons | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1986-03 | Gay, Colin | Toronto U. | A Proposal for an Online Filtering Algorithm (A Fermilab E769 trigger consideration) | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1986-02 | Stundzia, Audrius B. | Toronto U. | Early results on the photoproduction of two charm events | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1986-01 | Warkins, Thomas Eugene | Wisconsin U., Madison | The Introduction of Selected Prairie Forbs Into an Established Tallgrass Prairie | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1985-01 | Zimmermann, Sergio | IIT, Chicago | A Fastbus Logic State Analyzer | |
FERMILAB-MASTERS-1983-01 | Naudet, Charles Joseph | Rice U. | A Monte Carlo Study of High Transverse Energy Triggers in PP Collisions at $P_{lab}$ = 400 GeV/c | |