Updated 2025-03-28 11:11:15
FERMILAB-LOI-2015-01 | Rubbia, C. | A Proposal for a Three Detector Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Program in the Fermilab Booster |
FERMILAB-LOI-2010-03 | Abe, Toshinori | The International Large Detector: Letter of Intent |
FERMILAB-LOI-2009-02 | Stancu, I. | A Letter of Intent to Build a MiniBooNE Near Detector: BooNE |
FERMILAB-LOI-2009-01 | Aihara, H. | SiD Letter of Intent |
FERMILAB-LOI-2008-01 | Baibussinov, B. | Letter of Intent: DOUBLE-LAr: Liquid Argon Imaging Chambers at FNAL |
FERMILAB-LOI-2006-01 | Aguilar-Arevalo, A.A. | Addendum to the MiniBooNE Run Plab: MinneBooNE Physics in 2006. |
FERMILAB-LOI-1998-02 | Arisaka, Katsuchi | Letter of Intent: Beam Test of High-Performance Hadron Calorimeter for Future Linear Colliders |
FERMILAB-LOI-1998-01 | Unknown, A. | Letter of Intent for Drell-Yan Measurements of Nucleon and Nuclear Structure with the FNAL Main Inje |
FERMILAB-LOI-1997-06 | Unknown, A. | E781 Letter of Intent for 1999 Operation |
FERMILAB-LOI-1997-05 | Unknown, A. | Letter of Intent for Future Fixed Target Running of the E781 Beam Physics Program |
FERMILAB-LOI-1997-04 | Chunin, B.A. | Letter of Intent: Particle Mass Measurements and Strong Interaction Studies with Exotic Atoms using |
FERMILAB-LOI-1997-03 | Church, E. | A Letter of Intent for an Experiment to Measure $\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_e$ Oscillations and $\nu_{\mu}$ D |
FERMILAB-LOI-1997-02 | Pordes, Stephen | Letter of Intent to Extend the E835 Experiment to the Proposed 1999 Fixed Target Run |
FERMILAB-LOI-1997-01 | Cheu, E. | A Letter of Intent to Continue the Study of Direct CP Violation and Rare Processes in Neutral Kaon D |
FERMILAB-LOI-1996-01 | Thomson, G.B. | An Experiment Studying $K_L-K_S$ Interference to Test CPT Conservation at the Planck Scale |
FERMILAB-LOI-1995-01 | Lee, Siu Au | Letter of Intent: A Direct Measurement of QED Light by Light Scattering and a Search for Light Scala |
FERMILAB-LOI-1993-01 | Schlein, P. | Letter of Intent for COBEX Experiment at the Tevatron Collider |
FERMILAB-LOI-1990-02 | Allison, W.W.M. | Letter of Intent for a Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment Using Soudan 2 |
FERMILAB-LOI-1989-02 | Lipton, R.J. | Letter of Intent for an Experiment to Improve Limits for $\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_{\tau}$ Neutrino Oscilla |
FERMILAB-LOI-1989-01 | Becker-Szendy, R. | Letter of Intent for a Long Baseline Oscillation Experiment using the High Intensity Neutrino Beam f |
FERMILAB-LOI-1988-02 | Castro, H. | Letter of Intent for the BCD a Bottom Collider Detector for the Fermilab Tevatron |
FERMILAB-LOI-1988-01 | Brandenburg, George | A Letter of Intent for a Proposal to Upgrade the CDF Muon Detection System |
FERMILAB-LOI-1987-01 | Kitagaki, Toshio | Letter of Intent: A Muon Exposure in the Tohoku High Resolution Bubble Chamber |
FERMILAB-LOI-1986-01 | Abolins, Maris A. | Continuation of Tevatron Neutrino Experiment E733 |
FERMILAB-LOI-1982-03 | LoSecco, John | Letter of Intent for a Complete Calorimetric Detector for the D$_0$ Area |
FERMILAB-LOI-1982-02 | Rosen, J. | Letter of Intent: A Possible CP Violation Experiment |
FERMILAB-LOI-1982-01 | Melissinos, Adrian C. | Test of a Gravitational Detector in the FNAL Collider: Letter of Intent for the Submission of a Prop |
FERMILAB-LOI-1981-02 | Bellini, G. | Letter of Intent to Search for Charm and Beauty Particles in Proton - Proton Collisions in a FMPS Ex |
FERMILAB-LOI-1981-01 | Asratyan, A.E. | Letter of Intent for an Experiment at Tevatron with Narrow Band Neutrino Beam in 15-Foot Bubble Cham |
FERMILAB-LOI-1978-01 | Baltay, C. | Request for Continuation of E53a: Study of Neutrino Interactions in Heavy Neon in the Fermilab 15-Ft |
FERMILAB-LOI-1977-01 | Arefiev, A.V. | Letter of Intent: A Study of The Nuclear Scaling Phenomenon at High Energies |
FERMILAB-LOI-1973-01 | Cline, D. | The Implementation of Phases II and III of E1A |
FERMILAB-LOI-1970-01 | Lander, R.L. | A Proposal to Search for Very Heavy Strange Particles Using a Small Hydrogen Bubble Changer |
FERMILAB-LOI-1063 | Anghel, I. | Letter of Intent: The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) |
FERMILAB-LOI-1039 | Klein, A. | Letter of Intent for a Drell-Yan Experiment with a Polarized Proton Target. |
FERMILAB-LOI-1033 | Dharmapalan, R. | Letter of Intent: A New Investigation of $\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_e$ Oscillations with Improved Sensit |
FERMILAB-LOI-1028 | Kyberd, P. | $\nu$STORM - Neutrinos from STORed Muons: Letter of Intent |
FERMILAB-LOI-0986 | Asner, David M. | P-986 Letter of Intent: Medium-Energy Antiproton Physics at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-LOI-0973 | Carey, R.M. | Letter of Intent A Muon to Electron Conversion Experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-LOI-0920 | Albrow, Michael G. | A Search for the Higgs Boson using Very Forward Tracking Detectors with CDF |
FERMILAB-LOI-0872 | Lundberg, B. | Letter of Intent: Measurement of $\tau$ Lepton Production from the Process $\nu_{\tau} + N \to \tau$ |
FERMILAB-LOI-0865-REV | Kaplan, Daniel M. | P-865: Revised Letter of Intent for a High Sensitivity Study of Charm and Beauty Decays. |
FERMILAB-LOI-0865 | Kaplan, Daniel M. | Letter of Intent for a High Sensitivity Study of Rare Low Multiplicity Beauty Decays |
FERMILAB-LOI-0857 | Demyanov, A.I. | Spin - Tensor: A Letter of Intent |
FERMILAB-LOI-0355 | Barish, Barry C. | Letter of Intent: Studies of the Characteristics of Neutrino Inclusive Neutral Current Interaction |
FERMILAB-LOI-0290 | Baker, W. | Letter of Intent to Measure Large Angle $\pi-p$ Elastic scattering |
FERMILAB-LOI-0247 | Bartenev, V. | Measurement of P-P and P-D Total Cross Sections from 8 to 500 GeV |
FERMILAB-LOI-0246 | Selove, W. | Search for Difference in Pion/Proton Internal Structure |