Updated 2025-02-07 11:02:42
FERMILAB-EOI-2018-01 | Abusalma, F. | Expression of Interest for Evolution of the Mu2e Experiment |
FERMILAB-EOI-2012-02 | Semertzidis, Yannis | An Expression of Interest for a Proton Electric Dipole Moment Experiment at Fermilab with 10-29 e.cm |
FERMILAB-EOI-2012-01 | Ganezer, K. | Expression of Interest Search for Neutron-Antineutron Transformation at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-EOI-2008-01 | Friedland, A. | An Expression of Interest to Perform a Search for New Particles Beyond the Standard Model: NewBooNE |
FERMILAB-EOI-2007-02 | Adams, T. | Expression of Interest for Neutrinos Scattering on Glass: NuSOnG |
FERMILAB-EOI-2007-01 | Prebys, E.J. | Expression of Interest: A Muon to Electron Conversion Experiment at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-EOI-2003-01 | Aguilar-Arevalo, A.A. | An expression of interest: MiniBooNE, phase II |
FERMILAB-EOI-1999-02 | Ayres, D. | Expression of interest for R&D towards a neutrino factory based on a storage ring and a muon collide |
FERMILAB-EOI-1999-01 | Santoro, A. | BTeV: An Expression of Interest for a Heavy Quark Program at C0 (updated version) |
FERMILAB-EOI-1997-02 | Cheu, E. | An Expression of Interest to Detect and Measure the Direct CP Violating Decay $K_L \to \pi^0 \nu\bar |
FERMILAB-EOI-1997-01 | Santoro, A. | BTeV: An Expression of Interest for a Heavy Quark Program at C0 |
FERMILAB-EOI-1990-02 | Frabetti, P. | Expression of Intention to Continue the Study of States Containing Heavy Quarks using the Wideband P |
FERMILAB-EOI-1990-01 | Heller, Kenneth J. | An Expression of interest to continue Hyperon measurements at Fermilab |
FERMILAB-EOI-0861 | Geer, Steve | Searching for an Anti-Proton Decay: Letter of Intent |