Fermilab Technical Publications: Bachelors Fermilab Technical Publications

Updated 2025-03-28 11:03:32
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2023-01 Taylor, Kelsie Caltech, Pasadena (main) A Deep Dive into the Connections Between the Renormalization Group and Deep Learning in the Ising Mo
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2022-01 Youssef, Rahaf St. Olaf Coll. Cavity Quantum Electro-optic Effect
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2019-01 Gabriel, Annika Case Western Reserve U. Investigation of beam echo generation with electrons in the IOTA ring
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2016-02 Angelo, Joseph Fermilab Particle Management Strategies for Ultra-high Vacuum Assemblies
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2016-01 Mantilla Suarez, Cristina Ana Quito, Escuela Politecnica Natl. Determinacion de la Masa Del Quark Top Usando Variables Leptonicas en el Experimento CMS del LHC
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2015-03 Donghia, Raffaella Rome III U. Performance studies for the electromagnetic calorimeter of the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2015-02 Moreno Granados, Guadalupe UNAM, Mexico Dispositivos CCD para la busqueda directa de materia oscura: el experimento DAMIC
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2015-01 Méndez Méndez, Diana Patricia UNAM, Mexico Búsqueda de Desaparición de Neutrinos del Muón en el Haz de Neutrinos del Booster de Fermilab
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2014-01 Cooley, Victoria Wisconsin U., Madison Study of Thermocurrents in ILC cavities via measurements of the Seebeck Effect in niobium, titanium,
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2013-02 Chiu, Christie Shinglei MIT Liquid Argon Scintillation Light Quenching due to Nitrogen Impurities: Measurements performed for t
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2013-01 De Icaza Astiz, Iker Loic UNAM, Mexico Búsquedas de oscilaciones de neutrinos en el experimento MiniBooNE: análisis de aparición de neutrin
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2009-01 Fabricant, Anne Brown U. Search for a W' boson in the top-quark decay channel
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2006-02 Damiani, Daniel William-Mary Coll. Momentum Analysis of Cosmogenic Muons in the MINOS Detectors
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2006-01 Estrada Tristan, Nora Patricia San Luis Potosi U. A Study of Multiplicities in Hadronic Interactions
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2005-03 Pozzobon, Nicola Pisa U. Methods for the Measurement of the Top Quark Mass
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2004-03 Hubacek, Zdenek Prague, Tech. U. Physics with High pT Jets at D0
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2004-02 Wilke, Lotte Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Measurement of Jet Production in Proton Antiproton Collisions with the D0 Detector
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2004-01 Choudalakis, Georgios Athens U. Neutrino oscillations in the MINOS experiment and electron identification in the calibration detecto
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2003-01 Tuggle, Joseph M. Tufts U. Measurement of the Xi(*0) (1530) mass and width
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2002-02 Bucciantonio, Martina Pisa U. Misura Preliminare della Massa del Quark Top nel Run II di CDF
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-2002-01 Tweedie, Brock Rochester U. A Study of Future Measurements of W Boson Helicity in t -> Wb at CDF
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-1998-01 Podolsky, Daniel Stanford U., Phys. Dept. Dalitz plot analysis of the decay $D^+ \to K^- \pi^+ \pi^+$
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-1993-01 Fox, Derek B. Princeton U. Charmed meson lifetimes and D0 -- anti-D0 mixing
FERMILAB-BACHELORS-1979-01 Lewis, David R. MIT, LNS A Voltage Monitoring Device