edited by
M. Barone (GDE/Fermilab), Y. Torun (Illinois Inst. of Technology), N. Varelas (U. of Illinois at Chicago)


Author and speaker index

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Paper index

List of conference papers submitted to arXiv

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
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  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. K
  12. L
  13. M
  14. N
  15. O
  16. P
  17. Q
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z


A digital ECAL based on MAPS     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Ballin, J A ; Dauncey, P D ; Magnan, A-M ; Noy, M ; Mikami, Y ; Miller, O ; Rajovic, V ; Watson, N K ; Wilson, J A ; Crooks, J P ; Stanitzki, M ; Stefanov, K D ; Turchetta, R ; Tyndel, M ; Villani, E G


A Large TPC Prototype with MPGD Readout: Status and Plans     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Behnke, Ties ; Dehmelt, Klaus ; Matsuda, Takeshi ; Schade, Peter


Alignment of Silicon tracking systems R&D on Semitransparent Microstrip Sensors     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Duarte, Jordi ; Fernandez, Marcos ; Gonzalez, Javier ; Jaramillo, Richard ; Lopez, Amparo ; Martinez, Celso ; Moya, David ; Ruiz, Alberto ; Vila, I ; Bassignana, D ; Cabruja, E ; Lozano, M ; Pellegrini, G


Analysis of the Decay $e^{+} e^{-} \to \text{invisible} + H(\to \mu \mu)$ at a Collision Energy of 500 GeV     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Strube, Jan ; Stanitzki, Marcel


Analysis of ZH recoil mass     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Ito, Kazutoshi


Analysis of ZHH in the 4-jet mode     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Takubo, Yosuke


A new 130nm F.E readout chip for microstrip detectors     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Savoy-Navarro, Aurore ; Genat, Jean F ; Pham, Th Hung ; Sefri, Rachid ; Comerma, Albert ; Dieguez, Angel


An extended Higgs sector for neutrino mass, dark matter and baryon asymmetry     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Aoki, Mayumi ; Kanemura, Shinya ; Seto, Osamu


Background Studies for the VTX Geometry Optimisation     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Luzniak, Pawel


Beam Polarization at the ILC: the Physics Impact and the Accelerator Solutions     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Aurand, B ; Bailey, I ; Bartels, C ; Brachmann, A ; Clarke, J ; Hartin, A ; Hauptman, J ; Helebrant, C ; Hesselbach, S ; Kafer, D ; List, J ; Lorenzon, W ; Marchesini, I ; Monig, K ; Moffeit, K C ; Moortgat-Pick, G ; Riemann, S ; Schalicke, A ; Schuler, P ; Starovoitov, P ; Ushakov, A ; Velte, U ; Wittschen, J ; Woods, M


Beam Size Measurement with Pair Monitor and BeamCal     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Ito, Kazutoshi ; Miyamoto, Akiya ; Nagamine, Tadashi ; Sato, Yutaro ; Takubo, Yosuke ; Tauchi, Toshiaki ; Yamamoto, Hitoshi


Calculating gluon one-loop amplitudes numerically     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Winter, Jan-Christopher ; Giele, Walter T


CALICE ScECAL Beam Test at Fermilab     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Uozumi, Satoru


CALICE Si/W electromagnetic Calorimeter     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Reinhard, Marcel


Compton Cherenkov Detector Development for ILC Polarimetry     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Bartels, Christoph ; Helebrant, Christian ; Käfer, Daniela ; List, Jenny


Dark Matter in the USSM     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Kalinowski, J ; King, S F ; Roberts, J P


Detector Optimization for SiD using PFA     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Stanitzki, Marcel


Development of MicroMegas for a Digital Hadronic Calorimeter     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Gregor, Ingrid-Maria


Development of Pair Monitor     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Takubo, Yosuke ; Ikeda, Hirokazu ; Ito, Kazutoshi ; Miyamoto, Akiya ; Nagamine, Tadashi ; Sasaki, Rei ; Tauchi, Toshiaki ; Sato, Yutaro ; Yamamoto, Hiroshi


Development of Readout ASIC for FPCCD Vertex Detector     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Takubo, Yosuke ; Ikeda, Hirokazu ; Itagaki, Kennosuke ; Miyamoto, Akiya ; Nagamine, Tadashi ; Sugimoto, Yasuhiro ; Yamamoto, Hitoshi


Development of Vertically Integrated Circuits for ILC Vertex Detectors     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Lipton, Ronald


Differential Reduction Algorithms for Hypergeometric Functions Applied to Feynman Diagram Calculation     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Bytev, V V ; Kalmykov, M ; Kniehl, B A ; Ward, B F L ; Yost, S A


Dominant NNLO Corrections to Four-Fermion Production at the WW Threshold      ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Actis, Stefano


Event Shape Variables at NLLA+NNLO     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Luisoni, G


Experience with the AHCAL Calibration System in the Test Beam     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Eigen, G ; Buanes, T


First Results from New High Magnetic Field Measurements with the MediTPC Prototype     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Diener, Ralf ; Linzmaier, Diana


FLASH Beam-Off RF Measurements and Analyses     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Pei, Shilun ; Adolphsen, Chris ; Carwardine, John


Flavour tag studies with the LCFIVertex package     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Walsh, Roberval


Frequency of Positron Helicity Reversal     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Riemann, Sabine ; Schaelicke, Andreas ; Ushakov, Andriy


Front-end Electronics for the CALICE/EUDET Calorimeters     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Cornat, Remi


GARLIC – GAmma Reconstruction for the LInear Collider     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Reinhard, Marcel ; Brient, Jean-Claude


GEM Studies for LCTPC     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Hallermann, Lea ; Beck, Jeannine


Hexagonal pixel detector with time encoded binary readout     ( preprint NIMA)
Hoedlmoser, Herbert


Higgs boson pair production at the Photon Linear Collider in the two Higgs doublet model     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Asakawa, Eri ; Harada, Daisuke ; Kanemura, Shinya ; Okada, Yasuhiro ; Tsumura, Koji


How accurately is the property of the Little Higgs Dark Matter determined at the ILC?     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Matsumoto, Shigeki ; Asakawa, Eri ; Asano, Masaki ; Fujii, Keisuke ; Kusano, Tomonori ; Sasaki, Rei ; Takubo, Yosuke ; Yamamoto, Hitoshi


ILC Main Linac Alignment Simulations using Conventional Techniques and the Rapid Tunnel Reference Survey Model (RTRSM)     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Dale, John ; Reichold, Armin


ILCWS08 Test Beam Summary     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Ramberg, Erik J


Implementation and application of kinematic vertex fitting in the software environment of ILD     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Moser, Fabian ; Waltenberger, Wolfgang ; Regler, Meinhard ; Mitaroff, Winfried


Implementation of Particle Flow Algorithm and Muon Identification     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Charles, M J ; Mallik, U ; Kim, T J


Improved Estimate of the Occupancy by Beamstrahlung Electrons in the ILD Vertex Detector     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
De Masi, Rita ; Winter, Marc


Improvements to the ILC Upstream Polarimeter     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
List, Jenny ; Kaefer, Daniela


Kinematic Fitting in the Presence of ISR at the ILC     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
List, Jenny ; Beckmann, Moritz ; List, Benno


Latest Beam Test Results of the FONT4 ILC Intra-train Feedback System Prototype     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Burrows, P N ; Apsimon, R ; Christian, G B ; Clarke, C ; Constance, B ; Khah, H Dabiri ; Hartin, T ; Kalinin, A ; Perry, C ; Lopez, J Resta ; Swinson, C


LiC Detector Toy - Tracking detector optimization with fast simulation and its application to the ILD design     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Valentan, Manfred ; Regler, Meinhard ; Mitaroff, Winfried ; Fruhwirth, Rudolf


Luminosity Performance Studies of Linear Colliders with Intra-train Feedback Systems     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Resta-Lopez, J ; Burrows, P N ; Latina, A ; Schulte, D


Measurements of the model parameter in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Asano, Masaki ; Asakawa, Eri ; Fujii, Keisuke ; Kusano, Tomonori ; Matsumoto, Shigeki ;
Sasaki, Rei ; Takubo, Yosuke ; Yamamoto, Hitoshi


M.i.p. detection performances of a 100 us read-out CMOS pixel sensor with digitised outputs     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Winter, Marc ; Baudot, Jerome ; Besson, Auguste ; Colledani, Claude ; Degerli, Yavuz ; De Masi, Rita ; Dorokhov, Andrei ; Doziere, Guy ; Dulinski, Wojciech ; Gelin, Marie ; Guilloux, Fabrice ; Himmi, Abdelkader ; Hu-Guo, Christine ; Morel, Frederic ; Orsini, Fabienne ; Valin, Isabelle ; Voutsinas, Georgios


Neutralino Relic Density in the CPVMSSM at the ILC     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Belanger, G ; Kittel, O ; Kraml, S ; Martyn, H U ; Pukhov, A


NLO Electroweak Corrections to Higgs Decay to Two Photons      ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Actis, Stefano


Overview of the SiLC R&D Activities     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Savoy-Navarro, Aurore


Particle Identification in 4th     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Di Benedetto, Vito ; Hauptman, John ; Mazzacane, Anna


PFA Performance for SiD     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Charles, M J


Pinning Down the Invisible Sneutrino at the ILC     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Kalinowski, J ; Kilian, W ; Reuter, J ; Robens, T ; Rolbiecki, K


Precision Measurements of SM Higgs Recoil Mass and Cross Section for Ecm of 230 GeV and 250 GeV at ILC     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Li, Hengne ; Richard, Francois ; Poeschl, Roman ; Zhang, Zhiqing


R&D for Very Forward Calorimeters at the ILC Detector     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Lohmann, W


R&D status of FPCCD VTX     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Sugimoto, Yasuhiro ; Ikeda, Hirokazu ; Miyamoto, Akiya ; Nagamine, Tadashi ; Takubo, Yousuke ; Yamamoto, Hitoshi


Realistic Simulation of the MAPS Response     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Maczewski, L ; Niezurawski, P ; Zarnecki, A F ; Adamus, M ; Ciborowski, J


Reduction Method for One-loop Tensor 5- and 6-point Integrals Revisited     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Diakonidis, Theodoros


Research Director's Report     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Yamada, Sakue


Resolution Studies on Silicon Strip Sensors with fine Pitch     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Haensel, S ; Bergauer, T ; Dolezal, Z ; Dragicevic, M ; Drasal, Z ; Friedl, M ; Hrubec, J ; Irmler, C ; Kiesenhofer, W ; Krammer, M ; Kvasnicka, P


Sensitivity to the Higgs Self-coupling Using the ZHH Channel     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Giannelli, Michele Faucci


Sensor/ROIC Integration using Oxide Bonding     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Ye, Zhenyu


Silicon Detectors for the Large Prototype TPC test setup at DESY     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Haensel, S ; Bergauer, T ; Dragicevic, M ; Hrubec, J ; Krammer, M ; Dierlamm, A ; Barvich, T ; Hartmann, F ; Müller, Th


Silicon Tracking DAQ     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Savoy-Navarro, Aurore ; Charpy, Alex ; Ciobanu, Catalin ; David, Jacques ; Dhellot, Marc ; Genat, Jean F ; Pham, Th Hung ; Sefri, Rachid ; Casanova, Raimon ; Comerma, Albert ; Dieguez, Angel ; Gascon, David


Simulating SiD Calorimetry: Software Calibration Procedures and Jet Energy Resolution     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Cassell, Ron


Simulation Study of gamma gamma -> hh in a Photon Collider     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Takahashi, T ; Maeda, N ; Ikematsu, K ; Fujii, K ; Harada, D ; Kanemura, S ; Kurihara, Y ; Okada, Y


Simulation study of ZHAH mode in Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Kusano, Tomonori ; Asakawa, Eri ; Asano, Masaki ; Fujii, Keisuke ; Matsumoto, Shigeki ; Sasaki, Rei ; Takubo, Yosuke ; Yamamoto, Hitoshi


Status of the CALICE DAQ system     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Bartsch, Valeria


Status of the Chronopixel Project     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Baltay, C ; Brau, J ; Emmet, W ; Rabinovich, D ; Sinev, N ; Strom, D


Status of the ILC Main Linac BPM R&D     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Wendt, M ; Lefevre, T ; Simon, C ; Vilalte, S


Study of Solid State Photon Detectors Read Out of Scintillator Tiles      ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Calcaterra, A ; de Sangro, R ; Finocchiaro, G ; Kuznetsova, E ; Patteri, P ; Piccolo, M


Summary of ILD performance at SPS1a'     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Berggren, Mikael ; d'Ascenzo, Nicola ; Schade, Peter ; Stempel, Olga


Summary of One Year Operation of the EUDET CMOS Pixel Telescope     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Gregor, Ingrid-Maria


SUSY-P5: Chargino / Neutralino Analysis in the Fully Hadronic Final State     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Käfer, Daniela ; List, Jenny ; Suehara, Taikan


SUSY Without Prejudice at Linear Colliders     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Rizzo, Thomas G


Tau-pair Performance in ILD detectors     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Suehara, Taikan ; Miyamoto, Akiya ; Fujii, Keisuke ; Okada, Nobuchika ; Ito, Hideo ; Ikematsu, Katsumasa ; Yonamine, Ryo


Test Beam Requirements for the ILC Tracking and Vertex Detectors     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Gregor, Ingrid-Maria


The ILC DEPFET Prototype: Report of the Test Beam at CERN 2008     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Marinas, C


The POWHEG method applied to top pair production and decays at the ILC     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Latunde-Dada, Oluseyi


Threshold corrections to the gamma t anti-t vertex at O(alpha alpha(s))     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Seidel, Dirk


Tile HCAL Test Beam Analysis: Positron and Hadron Studies     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Fabbri, Riccardo


Top Quark Physics at the ILC: Methods and Meanings     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Sullivan, Zack


Top Quark Physics at the Tevatron     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Gerber, Cecilia E


TPC Readout Electronics with Time-to-Digital Converters     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Kaukher, Alexander


Track Segments in Hadronic Showers: Calibration Possibilities for a Highly Granular HCAL     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Simon, Frank


Vertex Detector Cable Considerations     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Cooper, W E


WIMP Searches at the ILC using a model-independent Approach     ( preprint arXiv, ILCDoc )
Bartels, C ; List, J

Organized by: University of Illinois at Chicago | Fermilab | Illinois Institute of Technology | Argonne National Laboratory | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Northern Illinois University | Northwestern University | Fermi Research Alliance, LLC | University of Chicago