- sdc-note-92-208 Hubbard, Bradley
Description of the silicon tracking simulation
- sdc-note-92-209 Hubbard, Bradley
Description of the TS track reconstruction package
- sdc-note-92-210 O'Shaughnessy, K.
Tracking simulation studies of Higgs boson decay to four leptons
- sdc-89-001 Gilchriese, G.
SDC Solenoidal Detector Notes : First Day Presentations Dallas Solenoidal Detector Meeting June 26-29, 1989
- sdc-89-002 Hanson, G.
SDC Solenoidal Detector Notes : Working Group Reports Dallas Solenoidal Detector Meeting June 26-29, 1989
- sdc-89-003 Hinchliffe, I.
Trigger Rates at SSC
- sdc-89-004 Bintinger, D.
Depth of Calorimetry for SSC Experiments
- sdc-89-005 Bintinger, D.
Summary of the Meeting on the Radiation Survivability of Scintillation Calorimetry
- sdc-89-006 Hauptman, J.
Beyond Eta = 3
- sdc-89-009 Yamamoto, Hiro
Electron ID Related Topics in Higgs ---> ZZ, Z ---> e+ e-
- sdc-89-010 Barnett, R.Michael
The Impact of Resolution, Cracks and Beam Holes on Detection of Processes with Missing Energy September, 1989
- sdc-89-011 Pan, M.Y.
Hermeticity Study Using the CCFR Data
- sdc-89-012 Greiman, W.
Meeting on SSC Detector Simulation
- sdc-89-013 Cahn, R.
Note on Muon Momentum Resolution
- sdc-89-014 Strovink, M.
Hermeticity in Three Cryogenic Calorimeter Geometries
- sdc-89-015 Wiss, Jim
Muon Detector Momentum Resolution
- sdc-89-016 Errede, Steve
SSC Muon Acceptance Studies
- sdc-89-017 Sakai, Yoshihide
Muon (Trigger) Rates Calculations for the SSC Detector
- sdc-89-018 Sakai, Yoshihide
Calorimeter First Level Trigger Rates at the SSC
- sdc-89-019 Hauptman, John
Lateral Segmentation
- sdc-89-020 Hauptman, John
Hadronic Shower Shapes in Depth from CCFR Data
- sdc-89-021 Huth, John
Jet Energy Measurement CDF Experience
- sdc-89-022 Kadel, R.W.
Positive Ion Distortions in Warm Liquid Calorimeters
- sdc-89-023 Ogawa, Kazuo
Effect of e/h Ratio on Jet Energy Resolution
- sdc-89-024 Mori, Shigeki
Conceptual Design Studies of Large Solenoids
- sdc-89-025 Kondo, T.
An Air Core Solenoidal Detector (ACS) for High P(t) Physics at the SSC
- sdc-89-026 Ohsugi, Takashi
Central Tracking Devices for the SSC
- sdc-89-027 Ohsugi, Takashi
Onchip Filtering of Low P(t) Track with Straw Tube Chamber
- sdc-89-028 Asai, Makoto
Hit Rates of the Straw Chamber Tracker
- sdc-90-029 Barnett, R.Michael
The Impact of Resolution, Cracks and Beam Holes on detection of Processes with Missing Energy: Higgs Decay to Lepton+ Lepton- Neutrino Anti-Neutrino
- sdc-90-030 Hollebeek, R.J.
Reconstruction of Top Quarks in an SSC Solenoidal Detector
- sdc-90-031 Hubbard, B.
Efficiency for b Jet Tagging in t Anti-t Events
- sdc-90-032 Mangano, Michelangelo L.
Production of Techniomega ---> gamma Z ---> gamma Lepton+ Lepton-
- sdc-90-033 Thun, R.
Impact of Various Magnet Options on Higgs Physics
- sdc-90-034 Bensinger, J.
Computation of Coil Parameters for RTK Baseline Muon Toroid
- sdc-90-035 Hinchliffe, I.
Resolution Parameterizations for the EOI
- sdc-90-036 Hinchliffe, I.
Z(eta) Production with SDC
- sdc-90-038 Barbaro-Galtieri, Angela
Study of Top Pair Production in Electron - Muon Events with SDC
- sdc-90-039 Bensinger, J.
Electron Identification and Implications in SSC Detector Design
- sdc-90-040 Hylen, J.
Silicon Tracker Conceptual Design Report
- sdc-90-041 Green, Dan
SDC at high luminosity
- sdc-90-042 Bintinger, D.
A Detector Design
- sdc-90-043 Oh, S.H.
Study of Sense Wire Stability and Support in Straw Tube Detector Elements
- sdc-90-044 Oh, S.H.
Progress Report on the Design of the Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber
- sdc-90-045 Pang, M.
Fake Missing E(T) Trigger Rates Due to Nonhermeticity, Finite Energy Resolution, and Finite Depth (using CCFR Data)
- sdc-90-046 Groom, Donald E.
Radiation Levels in Detectors at the SSC
- sdc-90-047 Groom, Donald E.
Ionizing Radiation Environment in SSC Detectors
- sdc-90-048 Pitzl, Daniel D.
Mass Resolution Requirements for the Higgs Boson
- sdc-90-049 Kadel, Richard W.
Muon Channel Count for EOI Type S Detector
- sdc-90-050 Kadel, Richard W.
Tile Calorimeter Module Cost Estimate
- sdc-90-051 Gilchriese, M.
Accumulated Luminosity Design Goal for the SDC Detector
- sdc-90-054 Neyman, C.
Gas Studies of 4 mm Diameter Straw Drift Chambers
- sdc-90-055 Ogren, H.
Wire Stability Tests on 4 mm Straw Chambers
- sdc-90-056 Foster, R.
A Wire Support Design for Straw Drift Chambers
- sdc-90-057 Ogren, Harold
Progress Report on 4 mm Straw Chambers
- sdc-90-059 Hanson, Gail G.
Integrated Tracking Configuration I: Silicon and Wire Chambers
- sdc-90-060 Neyman, C.
Attenuation Studies of 3.5 m Straw Tubes
- sdc-90-061 Fields, T.
Conceptual Design for a Superconducting Toroid
- sdc-90-062
A Superconducting Toroidal Magnet for the Argonne National Laboratory Superconducting Super Collider Detector
- sdc-90-063 Pope, W.L.
A Gas Cooled Signal Feedthru for SDC's LAC Conceptual Design
- sdc-90-064 Shuman, D.
CAD / CAE System Evaluation
- sdc-90-065 Gilchriese, M.
Two Scenarios for Reduction in Scope and Cost for the SDC Detector
- sdc-90-066 Matthews, John A.J.
Effects on Nonuniform Magnetic Fields on SDC Central Tracking
- sdc-90-067 Matthews, John A.J.
High P(t) Forward Rapidity Tracking Trigger using Silicon Planes
- sdc-90-068 Hoffmann, Ron
SSC Memo Regarding Route Reconnaissance
- sdc-90-069 Horvath, I.
Magnetic Transformers for the SDC
- sdc-90-070 Green, Dan
Dijet Spectroscopy at High Luminosity
- sdc-90-071 Wenzel, W.
Electronic Signal-to-Noise Ratio for LA, TMP, and TMS
- sdc-90-072 Miller, David Harry
Survey of Computing Resources of the SDC Collaboration
- sdc-90-073 Proudfoot, James
A First Simulation Study of the Barrel Endcap Transition Region in A Calorimeter of the Scintillator Tile Design
- sdc-90-074 Odaka, Shigeru
Momentum Resolution for Muons Using the Full Tracking System of SDC
- sdc-90-075 Green, Dan
Muon Rate for Triggers
- sdc-90-077 Thun, R.
Iron Scintillator Configurations for SDC Muon Triggers
- sdc-90-078 Groom, Donald E.
Jet Response of A Homogeneous Calorimeter
- sdc-90-079 Hearty, Christopher
Liquid Argon Calorimeter Position Resolution
- sdc-90-080 Etherton, D.
SDC Hall Excavation: Fax from Dave Etherton to Bill Edwards
- sdc-90-081 Eartly, David P.
SDC Muon Chamber Support System Proposal: Fax from Dave Eartly to Bill Edwards
- sdc-90-082 Shuman, D.
CAD / CAE Neutral File Definition, Preliminary
- sdc-90-083 Groom, Donald E.
Contributions of Albedo and Noncompensation to Calorimeter Resolution
- sdc-90-084
Reply by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Questions from the Program Advisory Committee
- sdc-90-085 Trilling, George H.
Expression of Interest by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Construct and Operate A Detector at the Superconducting Super Collider
- sdc-90-086 Abe, F., (ed.)
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Solenoidal Detectors for the SSC, Tsukuba, Japan, April 23-25, 1990
- sdc-90-087 Grimson, John
CDF Cryogenic Magnet Schedule
- sdc-90-088
SDC Collaboration Meeting, Superconducting Supercollider Laboratory, September 18-21, 1990
- sdc-90-089 Kirk, Tom
Scintillator Plate Calorimeter Cost Spreadsheet
- sdc-90-090 Foster, Bill
A Calculation of the Trigger Pipeline Length
- sdc-90-091 Nauenberg, Uriel
A Study of the Kinematical Properties of the Muons from Higgs Decay
- sdc-90-092 Nauenberg, Uriel
The Use of Gas Cherenkov Counters as A Part of A Trigger System for Muons in SSC Detectors
- sdc-90-093 Kral, J.Frederic
SLC Lepton Identification Software
- sdc-90-094 Kral, J.Frederic
Inclusive Lepton Analysis at the Z
- sdc-90-095
Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration Magnet Task Force
- sdc-90-096 Kadel, R.W.
Proposal for LOI Detectors
- sdc-90-097 Iwasaki, Hiroyuki
Momentum Resolution in A Nonuniform Magnetic Field
- sdc-90-098 Doi, T.
A Conceptual Design Study of A General Purpose Solenoidal Detector for the SSC
- sdc-90-100 Hinchliffe, Ian
Resolution Parameterization for the LOI
- sdc-90-101 Bensinger, Jim
Flux Jumping in the RTK Octagonal Muon Toroid
- sdc-90-102 Yamamoto, A.
Design Study of An Air Core Thin Solenoid for the SDC Detector
- sdc-90-103 Takaiwa, Y.
Short Solenoid Versus Long Solenoid: Effects on Tracking
- sdc-90-104 Iwasaki, Hiroyuki
Detection of Isolated Electrons in Heavy Higgs Search
- sdc-90-105 Sakai, Yoshihide
Pileup Issues on the Electron Identification
- sdc-90-106 Asai, Makoto
Hit Rate Studies of the Straw Chambers in the Hybrid Tracker
- sdc-90-107 Unno, Y.
Design of A Liquid Argon Calorimeter for SDC
- sdc-90-108 Hirayama, Hideo
"Effects of Dead Material to the Electromagnetic Calorimeter and Energy / Resolution Recovery with ""Massless Gap""
- sdc-90-109 Sakai, Yoshihide
Muon Trigger Rates and Momentum Resolution Calculations
- sdc-90-110 Kondo, T.
Ray Tracing Study for Magnet Style Selection
- sdc-90-111 Asano, Yuzo
Particle Rates and Punch Through Rates for the SDC Detector
- sdc-90-112 Arai, Y.
VHDL Simulation for the Straw Tube Readout
- sdc-90-113 Mangano, Michelangelo L.
Production of WH ---> W gamma gamma ---> e/mu gamma gamma
- sdc-90-114 Barasch, E.F.
The Microstrip Chamber: Ultraprecise Tracking for SSC Detectors
- sdc-90-115 Hinchliffe, Ian
Z-Prime Production with SDC
- sdc-90-116 Bensinger, J.
Proposal for the Testing of Prototype Detectors for the SDC at Fermilab
- sdc-90-117 Hollebeek, R.J.
Reconstructing 250-GeV Top Quarks Using the Multi - Jet Final States
- sdc-90-118 Hollebeek, R.J.
Uncertainties in Estimating the Top Quark Mass Using the Multi - Jet Final States
- sdc-90-119 Oh, S.H.
Construction and Test of A Prototype Straw Chamber Detector of Length 2.7 Meters
- sdc-90-120 Dunn, W.L.
Radiation Damage Studies of Straw Tube and Scintillating Fiber Elements
- sdc-90-121 Cherwinka, Jeff
Feasibility of Large Block Design for the SDC Muon Barrel
- sdc-90-122 Majewski, Stan
Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber Collaboration, Summary Report - Part I: Progress Report for FY90
- sdc-90-123 Majewski, Stan
Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber Collaboration, Summary Report - Part II: Proposal for FY91
- sdc-90-124 Goshaw, A.T.
A Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber for SSC Detectors
- sdc-90-125 Eppley, G.
Asymmetry Versus Mass for A 4-TeV Z-Prime
- sdc-90-126 Ciocio, A.
A Warm Liquid Calorimeter Concept for the Superconducting Super Collider
- sdc-90-127 Ford, William T.
Track Reconstruction in Straw Superlayers
- sdc-90-128 Erdos, Eric
Design of Electronic Readout Board for Straw Tube Arrays
- sdc-90-129 Fields, T.H.
Matching Forward Toroids to A Central Solenoid
- sdc-90-130
A Superconducting Toroidal Magnet for the Argonne National Laboratory Superconducting Super Collider 2.3m Detector
- sdc-90-131 Parker, S.
Development of An Integrated Pixel Detector
- sdc-90-132 Sivertz, M.
Conceptual Engineering Design for A Spacal Calorimeter for the SDC
- sdc-90-133 Barbaro-Galtieri, A.
Measurement of the Top Mass in the E Mu Channel
- sdc-90-134 Hanson, Gail G.
Design of A Tracking System for A Solenoidal Detector
- sdc-90-137 Green, Dan
Z Mass Resolution in the Process H ---> ZZ ---> eeee
- sdc-90-138 Ogren, H.
Recent Developments in Wire Chamber Tracking at SSC
- sdc-90-139 Proudfoot, J.
Radiation Damage to Scintillator and Wavelength Shifter and the Resulting Effects on Calorimeter Performance
- sdc-90-140 Barnett, R.M.
Determining the Mass of the Top Quark with the SDC Detector
- sdc-90-141 Barnett, R.Michael
Searching for Top Decays to Charged Higgs Bosons with the SDC Detector
- sdc-90-142 Sill, A.F.
Advanced Field Shaping Drift Chambers for SSC Muon Tracking
- sdc-90-143 Sill, A.F.
Advanced Field Shaping Drift Chambers for SSC Forward Tracking
- sdc-90-144 Kadyk, J.A.
Recent Work on Radiation Hard Gases and Straw Tubes
- sdc-90-145 Hearty, Christopher
Resolution and Hermeticity of the Liquid Argon Electromagnetic Calorimeter as A Function of Pseudorapidity
- sdc-90-146 Hanson, G.
SSC Detector Subsytem Summary Report and Proposal for FY 1991
- sdc-90-148 Bailey, J.M.
Forward Tracking with Enhanced Electron Identification
- sdc-90-149 Para, A.
Jet Energy Resolution of the SDC Detector
- sdc-90-150 Blair, R.E.
SDC Hadronic Resolutions in Z and Z-Prime Decays
- sdc-90-151 Trilling, George H.
Letter of Intent by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Construct and Operate A Detector at the Superconducting Super Collider
- sdc-90-152 Kim, B.J.
Comparison of Hadronic Shower Punchthrough and TeV dE/dx with Calculation
- sdc-90-153 Bonmay, P.
Preshower and Shower Maximum Detectors for SDC
- sdc-90-155 Nodulman, L.
SDC Calorimeter Review
- sdc-91-00016 Green, D.
Depth requirements in SSC calorimeters
- sdc-91-001 Groom, Donald E.
Why Not Raise the SSC Energy Instead?
- sdc-91-002 Groom, Donald E.
Why Waste All Those MIPS on Compensation Studies?
- sdc-91-003 Zhao, Tian-chi
Tracking Muons at SSC
- sdc-91-004 Hong, Seong J.
Cosmic Muon Trigger Rates in the SDC Central Muon Scintillator
- sdc-91-005 Hong, Seong J.
Effects on the Magnetic Induction Due to the Gaps Within the SDC Muon Toroid
- sdc-91-006 Srovink, Mark
Simplified Central Si Tracker for SDC
- sdc-91-008 Amako, Katsuya
A Conservative Approach to Offline Computing: Computing Software for SDC
- sdc-91-009 Eppley, G.
Leptonic Asymmetries Associated with A Z-Prime
- sdc-91-010 Trost, Hans-Jochen
Fast Shower Simulation Based on Gauss's Law
- sdc-91-011 Bonamy, P.
Radiation Damage in Scintillating Plates and Fibers
- sdc-91-012 Pope, W.
Conceptual Design of Signal Cable Feedthroughs for an SSC Proposed Liquid Argon Calorimeter
- sdc-91-013 Job, P.K.
Estimation of Hadronic and EM Resolution for Scintillator Plate Calorimeter Configurations
- sdc-91-014 Nodulman, L.
On Implications of e/h Does Not Equal 1
- sdc-91-015 Edwards, W.R.
SDC Muon Barrel Toroid Conceptual Design Review: Final Report of the Review Committee
- sdc-91-018 Kirk, Thomas B.W.
Central Calorimeter Configuration: A Study Report to the SDC Technical Board
- sdc-91-019 Hoff, M.
A Warm Liquid Forward Calorimeter for the SSC: A New Technology with New Challenges
- sdc-91-020 Simon, Alexander
SDC Muon Trigger
- sdc-91-021 Seiden, A.
Systematic Errors and Alignment for Barrel Detectors
- sdc-91-022 Zhao, Tian-chi
Muon Chamber Gas and Related Issues
- sdc-91-023 Davission, R.J.
Drift Tube Systematics
- sdc-91-024 Zhao, Tian-chi
An Approach of Triggering Using Drift Chambers
- sdc-91-025 Green, Dan
Effect of Inert Material on ZZ Mass Resolution for H ---> ZZ ---> eeee
- sdc-91-026 Ryan, T.L.
Central Tracker RRR and Interface Control Document
- sdc-91-027 Strovink, M.
Suggested Modifications to Si Layout Proposed 4/15/91 by H. Ziock
- sdc-91-028 Strovink, M.
Elementary View of B Physics in SDC
- sdc-91-029 Bacchetta, N.
Development of AC Coupled Semiconductor Detectors for High Luminosity Operations: Strategy and Description
- sdc-91-030 Kulik, A.
Rates in the SDC Muon Chambers and Optimal Design
- sdc-91-031
Response to Questions from the SDC Cost Review Panel
- sdc-91-032 Contreras, M.
Radiation Damage to SCSN23, SCSN81 and SCSN81+Y7
- sdc-91-034 Downing, R.
SSC detector muon subsystem beam tests
- sdc-91-035 Rasson, Joseph E.
Mechanical Utilities Integration for the SDC
- sdc-91-036
1992 Budget Request for the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration
- sdc-91-037 Groom, Donald E.
Four Component Approximation to Calorimeter Resolution
- sdc-91-038 Trost, Hans-Jochen
Light Yield from A Scintillator Tile with Embedded Readout Fibers
- sdc-91-041 Lobkowicz, F.
Boiling Near Preamplifiers in LAr Calorimeters
- sdc-91-042 Lobkowicz, F.
Transformers in the SDC Coil
- sdc-91-044 Ogren, Harold
Straw and Module Placement
- sdc-91-046
Report of the SDC ACT Task Force
- sdc-91-047 Odaka, S.
A Jet Cell Design for the SDC Muon Chamber
- sdc-91-048 Handler, Thomas
Design Considerations for A Scintillating Plate Calorimeter for SDC
- sdc-91-049 Collaboration, SDC
Front-End Electronics Meeting at LBL June 6-8, 1990
- sdc-91-052 Underwood, David G.
Fiber Tile Optical Studies at Argonne
- sdc-91-053
Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration
- sdc-91-054
Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration
- sdc-91-055 Amendolia, R.
Report of the Task Force on R & D Directions for Tracking
- sdc-91-056 Foster, R.
Self Centering Measurement for 8 Layer Trapezoid
- sdc-91-057 Gunion, J.F.
Comments on Higgs Detection in the WH ---> Lepton Upsilon Gamma Gamma Final State
- sdc-91-058 Wenzel, W.A.
Signal Distortion by Ionization
- sdc-91-059 Wicklund, A.B.
Conversion Electrons in the SDC
- sdc-91-060 Fry, C.A.
A New Approach to Physics Code
- sdc-91-062
Straw tube superlayer design concepts
- sdc-91-063 Arai, Y.
Conceptual design of straw tube readout with TMC
- sdc-91-064
Proceedings of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration Meeting at LBL, August 5-10, 1991
- sdc-91-065 Abbot, B.
Scintillating fiber detectors: Fiber Tracking Group (FTG)
- sdc-91-066 Atac, M.
Scintillating fiber tracking using visible light photon counters
- sdc-91-067 Mountain, Raymond J.
Monte Carlo simulations of scintillating fiber optic waveguides
- sdc-91-068 Piekarz, J.
Measurements of fluorescence efficiency of scintillators before and after irradiation
- sdc-91-069 Chaney, Roy C.
Cryogenic preamplifiers for SSPM/VLPC devices for scintillating fiber tracking
- sdc-91-070 Goldberg, H.
Cryogenic issues for solid state photomultiplier operation
- sdc-91-071 Koltick, D.S.
Engineering challenges for scintillating fiber tracking at the SSC
- sdc-91-072 Abbott, B.
Simulation studies for a scintillating fiber tracker
- sdc-91-073 Anway, Carol E.
GEANT simulations with shell and module geometry code and scintillating fiber central tracking
- sdc-91-074 Adams, D.
Simulation of a scintillating fiber tracker for the SSC
- sdc-91-075 Goldberg, H.
Transmission of infrared radiation through polystyrene and consequences for VLPC cryogenics
- sdc-91-076 Margulies, S.
Neutron interactions in scintillating fiber central trackers for SDC and D0
- sdc-91-077 Margulies, S.
Interactions of albedo neutrons with scintillating fibers
- sdc-91-078 Margulies, S.
Pulse height distributions from scintillators of various cross-sectional shapes
- sdc-91-079 Margulies, S.
The Shape of the VLPC photoelectron spectrum from a scintillating fiber of circular cross-section
- sdc-91-080 Hinchliffe, Ian
On The Observability of heavy particles decaying to jet - jet and e+ e- with SDC
- sdc-91-081 Wicklund, A.B.
Z0 ---> hadrons in SDC
- sdc-91-082 Kanematsu, N.
Effect of magnetic shields in a calorimeter on hadron energy resolution
- sdc-91-083 Wicklund, A.B.
Effects of shower spreading on Z0 ---> J J mass resolution
- sdc-91-084 Hearty, Christopher
Effect of electromagnetic calorimeter thickness on resolution
- sdc-91-085 Funaki, S.
Beam test on radiation hardness of a scintillating tile / fiber calorimeter
- sdc-91-086 Panescu, D.
An SSC photomultiplier tube preamplifier circuit
- sdc-91-087 Smith, W.H.
Isolated electron pattern logic design and performance at the SSC
- sdc-91-088 Smith, W.H.
Level 1 trigger decision design for the SDC
- sdc-91-089 Smith, W.H.
SDC trigger preliminary conceptual design
- sdc-91-090 Smith, W.H.
SDC global level 1 processor: Clock and control
- sdc-91-091 Smith, W.H.
SDC trigger cost
- sdc-91-093 Kadyk, J.
Effects of cathode and wall materials and water vapor on straw tube aging
- sdc-91-094 Wise, J.
Chemical modeling of aging processes in CF(4) / isobutane gases
- sdc-91-095 Einsweiler, Kevin
Associated Higgs production in the intermediate mass region
- sdc-91-096 Krefta, M.P.
Two-dimensional magnetic analysis of the SDC muon toroid
- sdc-91-097 Bratzler, U.
Properties of a 9.2 meter long drift tube
- sdc-91-098 Lankford, A.
Conceptual design of the SDC trigger from the SDC trigger group
- sdc-91-099 Sullivan, Greg
Calorimetry trigger rates at the SDC
- sdc-91-100 Contreras, M.
Proposal for the SDC Level 1 Trigger Design or is a Simple L1 Adequate for the SDC?
- sdc-91-101
Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration
- sdc-91-104
Central and Forward Tracking Collaboration: Progress Report for FY 1991
- sdc-91-105 Cherwinka, Jeff
SDC Muon Barrel Toroid Conceptual Design Report using Long and Short Bolted Blocks
- sdc-91-106 Lankford, Andy
SDC Front End Electronics Review Report
- sdc-91-107 Kirk, Thomas B.W.
Luminosity Evolution at the SSC
- sdc-91-108 Kirk, Thomas B.W.
Shower Counter Resolution Scaling
- sdc-91-109 Hubbard, B.
Effect of Material on Electron Tracking
- sdc-91-110 Hubbard, B.
Physics Goals for the SDC Tracking System
- sdc-91-111
SDC Presentation to the PAC
- sdc-91-112 Daly, C.H.
Finite Element Modeling of Muon Detector Module: University of Washington / SSC design
- sdc-91-113
Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration
- sdc-91-114 Proudfoot, Jimmy
Calorimeter Review and Technical Board Meeting, September 12-14, 1991
- sdc-91-117 Dittert, Les
SDC Scintillator Calorimeter Detector (Preliminary Construction Planning)
- sdc-91-119 Hu, L.
Radiation Damage of Tile / Fiber Scintillator Modules for the SDC Calorimeter
- sdc-91-120 Adams, D.
Report of the Task Force on Impact of Material in Tracking Volume
- sdc-91-121
Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration
- sdc-91-122 Groom, Donald E.
Extension of SSC-SR-1033 Approach to Radioactivation in LHC and SSC Detectors
- sdc-91-123 Visser, A.
60 Hz Line Side Feeder Options for the 2 MW Solenoid DC Power Supply
- sdc-91-124
Proceedings of the SDC Meeting Held at Oak Ridge Associated Universities September 26-28, 1991, OakRidge, TN
- sdc-91-125
Conceptual Design Report for the Modular Straw Outer Tracking System
- sdc-91-126 Bonamy, P.
Radiation Damage in Tile Fiber Calorimeter Modules
- sdc-91-127 Western, Jeffrey L.
SDC Toroid Support Preliminary Calculations
- sdc-91-128 Goshaw, A.T.
Conceptual Design Report for the Straw Fiber Tracking System for SDC
- sdc-91-129
Requirements for the SDC Tracking System
- sdc-91-130 Adams, D.L.
Momentum Smearing and False Trigger Rates in A Scintillating Fiber Tracking Trigger
- sdc-91-131 Adams, D.L.
Pattern Recognition in A Silicon and Scintillating Fiber SDC Tracking System
- sdc-91-132 Wu, Zhongxin
Electron Tracking and the Track to Shower Match in SDC
- sdc-91-133 Weinstein, A.J.
Silicon Tracking Conceptual Design Report
- sdc-91-134 Unno, Y.
Geometries, Number of Hit Layers and Material Thicknesses of the New SI Designs
- sdc-91-135 Bramble, K.
SDC Muon Detector Design Barrel and Intermediate Chambers Round Tube Option
- sdc-91-136-rev Unno, Y.
The Effect of Material in the Tracking Volume: E / Rho and Position Matching
- sdc-91-137 Ford, W.T., (ed.)
Requirements for the SDC Tracking System
- sdc-91-138 Trost, Hans-Jochen
Some Physics Requirements for Triggering in the Intermediate Tracking System of SDC
- sdc-91-141 Gorski, T.
Correlated Level 1 Muon Trigger Design for the SDC
- sdc-91-142 Bisello, D.
Measurement of Radiation Damage during Irradiation
- sdc-91-143 Thur, William
A Simplified SDC Endcap EM Calorimeter Design Concept
- sdc-91-144 Wiss, Jim
Barrel Muon Detector Design Considerations
- sdc-91-145 Wiss, Jim
Angle Dependence of Forward Muon Momentum Resolution
- sdc-91-146 Errede, Steve
Comparison of Muon Momentum Resolution for the Solenoidal Detector Versus Muon Momentum Resolution for External Only Muon Systems
- sdc-91-147 Errede, Steve
Acceptance and Mass Resolution Studies for SDC Muon EOI Subsystem Design
- sdc-91-148 Errede, Steve
Acceptance and Online Mass Resolution Studies for SDC LOI Muon Subsystem Design
- sdc-91-149 Errede, Steve
Acceptance and Offline Mass Resolution Studies for SDC Muon LOI subsystem Design
- sdc-91-150 Errede, Steve
SDC Muon Physics Acceptance Impact if Delete the Forward Muon System
- sdc-91-151 Wiss, Jim
Effects of Descoping Options for the Muon System
- sdc-91-152 Wiss, Jim
Octagonal Geometry Effects
- sdc-91-153 Wiss, Jim
Alignment Resolution Studies of the Muon System
- sdc-91-154 Wiss, Jim
Muon System Alignment Studies
- sdc-91-155 Wiss, Jim
BW3 - BW2 Radial Separation Studies
- sdc-91-156 Errede, Steve
Muon Matching Studies
- sdc-91-157 Wiss, Jim
Chamber Resolution Studies
- sdc-91-158
Hybrid Central Tracking Chamber Collaboration Progress Report for FY1991
- sdc-91-161 Carlsmith, D.
SDC Muon Detector: Octagonal Tube Option
- sdc-91-164 Adams, T.
Two-Dimensional Magnetic Analysis of the Solenoidal Detector for the Superconducting Super Collider
- sdc-91-165
Proceedings of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboratioin Meeting at the SSC Lab
- sdc-91-166
Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration
- sdc-91-167
Monthly Report of the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration
- sdc-91-168 Barbaro, P.de
R & D Results on Scintillating Tile / Fiber Calorimetry for the CDF and SDC Detectors
- sdc-91-170
Conceptual Design Report: Wine Rack Design of the SDC Barrel and Intermediate Muon Chambers
- sdc-91-50 Kirk, Thomas B.W.
The Effect of Passive Material on the Detection of Hadrons in Calorimeter Configurations for the SDC Detector
- sdc-91-51 Wicklund, A.B.
b-Jet Tagging Using Electrons at SDC
- sdc-92-169 Arai, Y.
Conceptual Design Report for the SDC Barrel and Intermediate Muon Detectors Based on a Jet Type Drift Chamber
- sdc-92-169 Arai, Y.
Conceptual Design Report for the SDC Barrel and Intermediate Muon Detectors Based on a Jet-Type Drift Chamber
- sdc-92-171 Foster, B.
Intermediate Angle Track Detector: Conceptual Design Report
- sdc-92-172 Fazeley, A.R.
Radiation Damage Studies for the SDC Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- sdc-92-173 Ohsugi, T.
Radiation Hardness of Double Sided Microstrip Silicon Detector
- sdc-92-175 Broomer, B.R.
Cherenkov System Cost
- sdc-92-176 Kadel, Richard W.
Radiation Dose Profiles and Activation of the SDC Endcap Calorimeter
- sdc-92-178 Zhao, T.
L1 Muon Trigger Electronics
- sdc-92-179 Davisson, Richard
The Position of An Anode Wire Relative to the Beam
- sdc-92-180 Roe, Byron P.
Status of the SDC Beam Vacuum Pipe Design
- sdc-92-181
Proceedings of the SDC Collaboration Meeting at Pisa, January 8-11, Tirrenia (Pisa), Italy
- sdc-92-182 Demortier, L.
Radiation Damage Studies on High Pressure Gasses
- sdc-92-183 Demortier, L.
Test Beam Results of A Prototype Parallel Plate Electromagnetic High Pressure Gas Calorimeter
- sdc-92-201 Trilling, George H.
Technical Design of a Detector (Solenoidal Detector) April 1, 1992 to be Operated at the Superconducting Super Collider
- sdc-92-204 Collaboration, SDC
SDC Solenoidal Detector Notes: Joint Executive/Technical Board Meeting
- sdc-92-355 Field, R.D.
SDC Solenoidal Detector Notes : Forward Jets and Missing E(T)
- sdc-93-404 Green, Dan
Magnetic fields and SDC endcap scintillator performance
- sdc-93-407 de Barbaro, P.
Recent R & D results on tile / fiber calorimetry
- sdc-93-511 Fry, A.
Integrating PAW, a graphical analysis interface to Sybase
- sdc-93-514 Abbott, B.
Beam Test of a 12 Layer Scintillating Fiber Charged Particle Tracking System