Fermilab Industrial Affiliates Roundtable on Industrial Participation in Large Science Projects

24-25 May, 1984, Fermilab, Batavia, IL

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Leon M. Lederman Introduction p.iii

Richard Lundy The Challenges of a Super Accelerator p.1

Claus Rode Large Cryogenic Systems p.21

Paul Gilbert Conventional facility requirements for the Superconducting Super Collider p.43

Dixon Bogert Computer Controls at the Super Accelerator p.61

Mel Shochet Detectors at the Super Accelerator p.73

Richard Lundy / Ray Beuligman / C.H. Dustmann / John Hulm / Dick Rodenizer / Carl Rosner / Ryusei Saito / Ed Temple Round Table on Industrial Participation in Large-Scale Science Projects p.87

Fermilab Industrial Affiliates p.127